Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


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  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


    Public awareness of personal health and fitness has grown tremendously over

    the last few decades. In generations past the idea of eating right and being

    physically fit was a luxury reserved for a privileged few. This concept has matured to

    embrace the idea that we all need to regularly engage in pursuit of our own

    wellbeing. It seems that every week there is a new diet or fitness craze that emerges

    promising to provide the missing element to help you trim down and shape up. With

    all the choices available, its no wonder that the majority of individuals that try to

    improve their condition, eventually drift back into old habits and fall short of their

    goals, feeling discouraged and even more confused about how to effectively begin

    living a healthy lifestyle.

    Defining the elements that constitute a healthy lifestyle is often as challenging

    as living the model. Training for the body and conditioning for the mind serves to

    address the duality of our complex nature. To neglect one in favor of the other, only

    serves to make your approach one dimensional and reduces its effectiveness. Most

    fitness professionals agree that there are several key factors that are necessary for a

    well rounded training routine. Each component adds greater depth to your overall

    approach to wellness. Here are several things to consider while developing your

    approach to healthy living.

    A comprehensive model of healthy living should address physical and mental

    training, nutrition, and how to balance these with quality rest and recovery.

    Resistance training enhances your capacity to perform activities requiring physical

  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


    Take the time to take care of yourself. The results of your investment will prove to be

    well worth the effort.

  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


    Im Vasumathy Balakrishnan from PTPJMU(PRA) semester 1. I had given an

    assignment by my English lecturer Miss Yeoh Hee Hee. In this assignment training

    teachers should identify and select related materials for English Language learnig

    such as reading texts and write introductions and conclusions for the chosen topics

    and make an oral presentation of the essay topics. I had selected healthy lifestyle as

    my assignment topic.

    I had try to gather information regarding my topic at internet, book, and

    newspaper. This assignment had tought me that there are many ways to solve a

    problem by cooperate each other and give and take when doing this assignment.

    Futhermore, this assignment also helps me to improve my writing skills in English


    In addition, i get a chance to dicuss regarding the topic that i choose with my

    friends and family. Its a great thing to me when i have a chance to being with them.

    Besides that, this assignment improve my knowledge on the topic that i

    chosen. This assignment also approached me to improve my grammer knowledge

    and alsoless spelling mistakes.

    Thank you.

  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


    Apart from the efforts of me, the success of any project depends largely on

    the encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express

    my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion

    of this project.

    I would like to show my greatest appreciation to Prof.Rosmah. I cant say

    thank you enough for his tremendous support and help. I feel motivated and

    encouraged every time I attend his meeting. Without his encouragement and

    guidance this project would not have materialized.

    The guidance and support received from all the members who contributed

    and who are contributing to this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am

    grateful for their constant support and help.

    Thank you.

  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


    Training for the

    body and

    conditioning forthe mind serves to

    address the duality

    of our complex


    Maintaining a

    balanced and

    varied diet is

    essential for the

    promotion of


    how to balance

    these with

    quality rest and







  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


    What is healthy lifestyle? According to the Oxford Advance Learners

    Dictionary International Student Edition healthy means having good health and not likely to

    become ill/sick and lifestyle means the way in which a person or a group of people lives and

    works: a comfortable/ healthy/ lavish. From the meaning given by this dictionary we can

    conclude that healthy lifestyle means having good health in the way in which a person or

    group of people lives. Living a healthy lifestyle is important in our life. There atrer many

    ways to live a healthy lifestyle.

  • 7/29/2019 Public Awareness of Personal Health and Fitness Has Grown Tremendously Over the Last Few Decades


    In conclusion, healthy lifestyle is very important to live a better life. we as

    training teachers should carry out a healthy lifestyle becouse the next generation are on our

    hands so we have to teach the next generation the correct way of the healthy lifestyle.
