PSO$Meeting$ March$9th,$2015$ …...Yes 28 54.9% No 21 41.2% Yes 38 74.5% No 11 21.6% 51 responses...


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Yes 28 54.9%No 21 41.2%

Yes 38 74.5%No 11 21.6%

51 responsesView all responses Publish analytics


Do you currently volunteer for the PSO?

Do you currently volunteer in the classroom?

If you aren't volunteering, what prevents you from doing so? (check all thatapply)

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Lack of time 7 13.7%Young siblings at home 13 25.5%Available opportunities are not of interest 0 0%Need evening options 8 15.7%Hard to commit 1 2%Times given by teachers aren't convenient 3 5.9%Work hours are not flexible 7 13.7%Other 5 9.8%

Very well 33 64.7%Somewhat understand 15 29.4%Not really clear 1 2%

How well do you feel you understand the role the PSO plays in providingfunding and volunteer support to Mary Woodward?

Do you sign up for volunteer opportunities on Back to School Night?

Yes 33 64.7%No 16 31.4%

Too much going on at Back to School 4 7.8%Too many options 2 3.9%Activities too far in the future 2 3.9%Didn't see the sign ups 8 15.7%Didn't attend Back to School 2 3.9%Other 7 13.7%

Yes 25 49%Somewhat aware 21 41.2%

If no, why not? (Check all that apply)

Do you know when PSO activities need volunteers?

Not aware 2 3.9%

Always 31 60.8%Sometimes 16 31.4%Never 2 3.9%

Always 41 80.4%Sometimes 7 13.7%Never 1 2%

Do you read the PSO Newsletter?

Do you read the Mary Woodward Newsletter?

Is the amount of information in these newsletters:

Not enough 3 5.9%Just Right 42 82.4%Too much 0 0%Other 3 5.9%

What information would be valuable that you aren't seeing now?

I feel like more information is needed closer to specific events vs just at back to schoolnight. ie -­ wasn't aware no one stepped up for auction until 2-­page letter came out. Askfor specific volunteer positions closer to events stating -­ this won't happen unlesssomeone does this.

Specific jobs needed and when

Not all teachers have the same way to let volunteers sign up. Online was a hassle. Theback to school sign up sheets are the best and it would be helpful for the teacher to thensend a first reminder with the time you signed up for the week after. Mrs Rice does anexcellent job. Now my children are in 2nd and 3rd. Since then sign up process has notbeen as effective. I volunteer MUCH less. I work a different schedule and the processand need has been different.

I prefer information in print form.

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Special things PSO needs help with

Quick bullets on event, date, time, what help is needed

Please update the PSO Meeting Minutes on the PSO Website.

I feel its complete

We could add a "Most Wanted" box asking for volunteers for upcoming and/or ongoingevents and a person to contact with questions. Perhaps list the estimated time required,which would give potential volunteers a realistic idea if they could commit.

Maybe more reminders when PSO meetings are.

What the job entails so I know how much time is required

Don't mind getting more eg reminders need help with this or that. Maybe results, like weraised xx amount. Honestly if this has improved greatly through the newsletter.

Teacher newsletter provide volunteer info/email

I read the newsletter but for example it never said there was no one to coordinate theauction. It just said come hear our fun plans. That says to me its under control. Have asection -­ our needs -­ that we can see quickly. This would have a list of important PSOvolunteer needs

Maybe a dynamic chart/list showing volunteer opportunities/needs. I can't speak foranyone else, but I need to plan way in advance if I'm going to take time off work tocome volunteer. I have already taken Field Day off to come volunteer, but I don't know

Yes 8 15.7%No 4 7.8%No difference 35 68.6%

Weekly 2 3.9%Monthly 30 58.8%Never 15 29.4%

how to sign up. The Field Day page on the website is showing "More information onField Day will be coming later this year." which is fine because it's still months away, butit would be nice to have an ETA on when we should check back and information on whoto contact and how to sign up to volunteer for that event. It seems unusually difficult tofind out how to volunteer from the website in general.

key highlights

Would you be more likely to read the newsletters if they were delivered in adifferent format like HTML (opens into your email) or as a text in the body ofthe email?

How often do you visit the PSO Website?

Do you "Like" the Mary Woodward Facebook page?(

Yes 31 60.8%No 12 23.5%

What information would you find useful to receive from the PSO Facebookpage?

I just realized that I am not getting updates on my Facebook Feed from the PSOFacebook page.

more user friendly

More posts about school events, funny pictures from the day at MW...

I don't do Facebook so whatever info you put up there I would never see. So I'd suggestnot relying on that form of communication to parents only.

mainly get info from newsletters, rarely look at facebook page

I don't see the point in the PSO having a facebook page if they are communicating withthe parents through school.

N/A I don't use facebook regularly

Event reminders, posts more often

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I honestly don't rely on this page for any information

Never been on the page and did not know there is one.

Any activities happening, volunteer opportunities that are a one-­time deal.

reminders of fundraisers and events

updates, needs for volunteers, events reminders

I forget about the PSO facebook page because there is rarely ever anything posted. Idon't refer to it at all.

Pictures from events Reminders of upcoming events

Updates about upcoming events, requests for volunteers for upcoming events

Activity announcements, 5th grade accomplishments, ambassador photos

I can't think of anything

Would be helpful to have all of the calendar stuff updated on this facebook page.

Reminders of the oncoming events

More info on upcoming events.

upcoming events

Ice Cream Social 31 60.8%Holiday Bazaar 8 15.7%Daughter/Son dances 27 52.9%Instructional Aides 26 51%Cultural Fair 20 39.2%Spring Carnival 33 64.7%Yearbook 29 56.9%Science Fair 26 51%Enrichment activities 28 54.9%Missoula Children's Theater 18 35.3%Art Literacy 41 80.4%Field Trips 39 76.5%Field Day 40 78.4%

I don't use Facebook

Which of the following PSO sponsored programs and activities are valuable toyour family's experience at Mary Woodward? (select all that apply)

What other PSO activities are valuable to your family?

All family related activities.


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Book Fair, Movie Night, Fundraisers

The connection between families and school staff

Movie nights

Book fair

The garden is a valuable asset for our students and I would like to see that used more inevents and activities.

The school garden, the ambassador program are also important and of value. I believeanything that can make our school more community minded is also important;; while theholiday bazaar is not a draw to me in particular, I realize that it has value to thecommunity.

What exactly is an instructional aid?

Book fair

Are there others?

My kids love family movie night

What activities would you like the PSO to pursue if we had the volunteer andbudget resources? (examples -­ new family matching program, parent resourcenights, school supply shopping program, replacing worn school equipment,etc.)

New parent matching!!

New Parent matching

More creative and fine arts for the children.

The focus should always be on education & school equipment FIRST. I have been aMW parent for many years and there is a lot of wasteful spending making it hard forparents to want to donate when they see their funds misused by the PSO.

Replace equipment

School supply shopping program was really cool a few years back. Just bought aspecific grade box & all the essentials were in it. No fuss no muss. Replacing worn orbroken play structure equipment & games rules & such painted on the recess walls orground (like 4 square)

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more teacher, classroom assistance, help to plan or prepare classroom activities

School supply shopping

Parent resource nights

School supply program

I would rather see funds be used for the students education & replacing worn schoolequipment than see it misused. For example-­ special volunteer t-­shirts for the springcarnival leaders (as was done last year). Stupid waste of money. Bet that money couldof been used to buy new books for the library. Kids don't really need son/daughterevents or family movie nights. They need an education not a social life.

Replace playground equipment.

Where did the money go from the school auction paddle raise for the playgroundequipment? This was from several years ago.

Parent resource night and new family matching programs would both be an asset and agreat way to get to know other like minded people as well as recruit volunteers. :) I alsosee the value in maintaining and replacing worn school equipment. If we can continue toand/or increase the fund for instructional aides for reading and math that would beincredible. I would also support polling our staff and offering what resources possible towhat they deem imperative.

Parent/Teacher activities

Replacing worn school equipment

Replacing worn school equipment, school supply shopping program, sponsoring familiesduring holiday season

At a prior school we had grade level parent "coffee" get togethers where the parentscould meet, visit, ask questions, etc. Might be helpful at Mary Woodward for newparents or just a way to network, build camaraderie, etc.

All the above sound great

Number of daily responses
