PRT Review Report on Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Report


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2021 edition

PRT Review Report

on Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Report

of Master of Business Administration Faculty of Industrial Management

Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia


FOR TOMORROW, a 21st century organization Tokyo, Japan


Contents I. Basic Policies for the School’s Quality Improvement 1. Globalizing the School’s Research and Education------------------------------------------- 2. Humanizing the School’s Research and Education------------------------------------------ 3. Collaborating with Industries in the School’s Research and Education------------------- II. Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Analysis 1. Chapter One: “Internal Quality Assurance” ------------------------------------------------- 2. Chapter Two: “Mission Statement” ---------------------------------------------------------- 3. Chapter Three: “Educational Programs” ---------------------------------------------------- 4. Chapter Four: “Students” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Chapter Five: “Faculty” ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Chapter Six: “Educational Infrastructure” --------------------------------------------------- III. The School’s Quality Improvement 1. The School’s Improvement Issues ----------------------------------------------------------- 2. The School’s Improvement Initiatives ------------------------------------------------------- 3. The School’s Action Plans for three years --------------------------------------------------- IV. PRT Comprehensive Comments


I. Basic Policies for the School’s Quality Improvement 1. Globalizing the School's Research and Education PRT Comments: Globalization activities have been carried out well by both school and faculty in the form

of faculty and staff exchanges, international research projects, international conferences, external examiners for viva voce, and global class room program. The school also has a reputable international partner. However, schools can make more efforts to increase the number of foreign students with more targeted marketing efforts. In addition, globalization efforts should be linked to the school's vision and mission, for example in finding partners who really match the expected direction of development.

Globalization activities are conducted through collaboration with the international institutions. Please explain what guide the School in choosing its international partners.

The School had six (6) international students for the past 5 years. And it claims, “The faculty has successfully attracted the international students.” It seems the School does not face the inconvenient facts. The Self-Check/Self Evaluation Report (SCR) says, “There are initiatives conducted by our Marketing and Intake Division to hire international agents to market the programs. We also offer students incentive for our existing international students.” However, if these initiatives are not producing sufficient results, other measures need to be planned and implemented.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: 2. Humanizing the School's Research and Education PRT Comments: The school is doing good practices in humanizing efforts. During the online peer review visit (PRV), the School highlighted the assistance provided

to the students who are weak or having any problem regarding online learning to ensure no student left behind. However, it was not stated in the SCR.

The School provides education on business ethics. It is not explained in this section of the SCR, though.

The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses: 3. Collaborating with Industries in the School's Research and Education PRT Comments: The school has done quite well in collaboration with industry. However, related to the 4

specializations of the UMP MBA, namely: technology management, engineering management, business engineering, and bioeconomy, a deeper relationship is needed with the related industries at the local and national levels.

Overall, the School demonstrates good collaboration with industries in research and education. The list of MOU was labeled as Appendix I-6 in the SCR (p.11). But it was not labeled accordingly in the Evidence/Supporting Document.

It is very good that the School is working closely with the industry and agencies through consultation and joint research.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:


II. Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Analysis Chapter One: Internal Quality Assurance Standard 1: Administration and Governance Criterion 1-1: “The School must have an administrative system for its operations.” Criterion 1-2: “The School must ensure coordination between the committees which deal with the administrative matters and the faculty meeting to examine those matters.” Criterion 1-3: “The School must disclose the results of administrative matters examined.” Criterion 1-4: “The School must have an administrative body appropriate for its type, size and function as an educational and research organization.” Criterion 1-5: “The School must have a governance system for its administrative operations which ensures fairness and transparency.” Criterion 1-6: “The School must have the audit function of oversight (external evaluation system) of its educational and research activities.” Criterion 1-7: “The School must review its administrative operations systematically and periodically.” Criterion 1-8: “The School must conduct staff development for enhancement of administrative operations.” PRT Comments: As the SCR mentioned: “This new governance structure seems good, but the

implementation needs to be expedited for the outcome to be seen”. One tool that many organizations suggest helping the implementation of better governance system is PDCA cycle. Perhaps, the school may map all the activities and responsibilities in respect to PDCA cycle and iterates the full cycle.

i. Thank you for providing the lists of the External Assessor (EA), Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP) and Study Committee (SC). ii. However, no list of Expert Panel (EP) and Stakeholder Panel (SP) are provided either in the SCR or the Evidence Doc. Please clarify. iii. Appendix I-6? SCR (p. 17). Not found in Evidence Doc. iv. Is there any training provided to the School support staff in assisting the faculty members in conducting and dealing with any issues regarding online classes? During the online PRV, it was noticed that the support available is more in a form of peer-to-peer/voluntary basis (faculty member/management –faculty member).

The School has self-evaluated: The implementation and appointments of three existing panels is rather solid, however, the appointment of personnel under new governance has not been completed. This new governance structure seems good but the implementation needs to be expedited for the outcome to be seen. It would be better to utilize KPIs to measure the effectiveness of implementation efforts.

The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses: Standard 2: Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Criterion 2-1: “The School must analyze the self-check/self-evaluation systematically and periodically.” Criterion 2-2: “The School must share the analysis of the self-check/self-evaluation systematically.” Criterion 2-3: “The School must use the analysis of self-check/self-evaluation for the improvement of its educational quality.” Criterion 2-4: “The School must disclose the analysis of self-check/self-evaluation to its stakeholders.” PRT Comments: The school has carried out periodic and consistent self-checks and has also disclosed it

openly to key stakeholders. However, the targeted stakeholders only focus on students. It is time for school quality to be assessed by graduate user companies who will more accurately assess quality based on graduate competencies.

The self-evaluation on students’ performances and areas of improvements are conducted systematically and periodically. What about the self-evaluation of other areas such as the School’s mission, governance, human resources and infrastructure?

The SCR repeats for Criteria 2-1 through 2-3: The School has conformed with the criterion, without any further action needed. If the number of students is not sufficient for some years, for example, it seems necessary to review the self-check/self-evaluation system and to improve its analysis.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 3: Improvement of Education and Research Environment Criterion 3-1: “The School must operate the PDCA cycle to make improvements based on the analysis of self-check/self-evaluation.”


Criterion 3-2: “The School must clarify systematically the issues for improvement found during the analysis of self-check/self-evaluation.” Criterion 3-3: “The School must develop a plan to solve the issues for improvement based on the analysis of self-check/self-evaluation.” Criterion 3-4: “The School must check the progress of its action plan to solve the issues.” PRT Comments: Perhaps the statement that school absences in implementing PDCA is inaccurate. A

more accurate statement is that PDCA has not become a guideline in implementing school’s activities and programs. I believe that the school has carried out all the activities in the PDCA corridor but did not make it work as a whole and holistically.

The PDCA cycle requires well coordination among relevant School’s departments. The School has self-evaluated:

The School has not successfully operated the PDCA cycle to make improvements based on the analyses of self-check / self-evaluation. The Faculty has appointed the Internal Quality Coordinator which be responsible to observe the PDCA. And the SCR says for Issues to be improved: Criterion 3-1: There is an absence of PDCA cycle to make improvements based on the analysis of self-check/self-evaluation. Together with improving the quality of analysis, the School’s initiatives and strategic actions could be cascading to individual performance management to ensure executions.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Chapter Two: Mission Statement Standard 4: Mission Statement Criterion 4-1: “The School must define its mission statement.” Criterion 4-2: “The School must develop its mission statement with the aim of nurturing highly skilled professionals in management who are able to meet the needs of globalization.” Criterion 4-3: “The School’s mission statement must be a statement that reflects the views of its stakeholders.” Criterion 4-4: (Only for Professional Graduate Schools of Business Administration in Japan) “The School must establish its mission statement in line with the provisions of the second Clause of Article 99 of the School Education Act by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and


Technology of Japan, which stipulates that Professional Graduate Schools of Business Administration should aim to cultivate scholarship and superior capabilities as required for highly specialized professions.” Criterion 4-5: “The School must publish its mission statement in brochures, such as the School code, student admission materials, syllabi, and program outlines, and post its mission and goals on the School’s website.” Criterion 4-6: “The School must collect information systematically to review its mission statement regularly.” PRT Comments: The Schools must find ways to measure on how the mission statement has been

successfully achieved so that the school has confidence that the direction taken is in accordance with what is expected.

i. The School’s mission statement is well stated. ii. As the School is also accepting students without working experience (although they are not the target profile), explain how the School help to nurture them to become highly skilled professionals in management, particularly in acquiring technological knowledge and technical competencies.

The School Mission is: The School nurtures holistic graduates who are skilled to excel in the competitive and globalized marketplace based upon the business and technological knowledge. And the SCR says: this School focuses on developing competent and responsive managers based on technical competencies. It is not consistent with the statement “the School has to produce graduates with strong managerial competencies capable of leading any organizations and is able to offer relevant solutions to societal problems.” It would be nice to include non-technical competencies in the mission statement.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 5: Mission Imperatives Criterion 5-1: “The School’s mission statement must meet the social demands of the age of economic, social, and cultural globalization.” Criterion 5-2: “The School’s mission statement must support the mission of the parent university.”


Criterion 5-3: “The School’s mission statement must be a statement which includes developing expert knowledge, fundamental knowledge and sophisticated expertise in the realm of management.” Criterion 5-4: “The School’s mission statement must be a statement that indicates the support of the students’ career development.” Criterion 5-5: “The School’s mission statement must be a statement that indicates contribution to the development of the educational and research activities of its faculty members.” PRT Comments: The School has conformed with the criterion. The School’s mission well aligned and supported the University’s mission. The SCR says, “The School has complied with the standard, and no improvement is

needed.” However, considering the rapid changes in the markets and rapid advancement of technologies such as AI, it is doubtful there is no need for improvement.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 6: Financial Strategies Criterion 6-1: “The School must have a financial basis necessary for realizing its mission statement.” Criterion 6-2: “The School must develop financial strategies for securing the funds necessary for realizing its mission statement.” Criterion 6-3: “The School must take appropriate actions to secure adequate budgets necessary for realizing its mission statement.” PRT Comments: The School has conformed with the criterion. No issue. Although the source of funding from the University's allocation as a public university is

guaranteed, the School should fulfill the enrollment capacity of students. Then it will be possible to secure and increase the University’s allocation.

The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses: Chapter Three: Educational Programs Standard 7: Learning Goals Criterion 7-1: “The School must define its learning goals for the educational programs, apart from the goals outlined in the course syllabus.” Criterion 7-2: “The School must set the learning goals according to a certain process in the organization.” Criterion 7-3: “The School must take into consideration the stakeholders’ opinions when setting the learning goals.” Criterion 7-4: “The School must clearly stipulate its learning goals in brochures such as its syllabi and publicize them to its students.” Criterion 7-5: “The School must review the learning goals regularly according to a specified process in the organization.” Criterion 7-6: “The School must provide academic assistance to students in choosing the courses in line with their learning objectives in accordance with the guidelines for student assistance.” Criterion 7-7: “The School must build a system to enhance communication among students, faculty, and staff, and provide academic assistance to students to help them achieve their goals.” PRT Comments: The best parties to review learning objectives are those who use graduates. They will

more objectively assess whether the process of learning and the learning outcomes in the UMP MBA have produced graduates who meet their requirements. Therefore, strong relationships with alumni and companies that employ alumni are very important

It is noted that the School refers the Program Learning Goals as the Program Learning Outcomes (Criterion 7-2, statements 1 to 9 on page 32-33).

The 9 program learning outcomes (PLO) include non-technical competencies. The mission statement should be revised to be consistent with the learning goals.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:


Standard 8: Curriculum Policy Criterion 8-1: “The School must define its curriculum policy.” Criterion 8-2: “The School must set the curriculum policy according to a specified process.” Criterion 8-3: “The School must set the curriculum policy taking into consideration the opinions of the stakeholders.” Criterion 8-4: “The School must review the curriculum policy on a regular basis.” PRT Comments: The School has conformed with the criterion. No issue. The curriculum policy is well defined and set. The SCR has pointed out as issues to be improved:

- The management of the school should keep track on current trends that should be implemented in the program.

- To include topics that are relevant according to recent trends in the area of data analytics, cyber security, data science and etc.

It may be worth considering creating 1 or 2 credits courses to solve those issues. Currently all subjects are 3 credits, though.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 9: Management of Curriculum Criterion 9-1: “The School must design its curriculum according to its curriculum policy.” Criterion 9-2: “In designing its curriculum, the School must pay attention to combining theory and practice effectively in line with its mission statement and following the current trends in management education and research.” Criterion 9-3: “In designing its curriculum, the School must aim at helping students acquire expertise, advanced professional skills, advanced levels of scholarship, high ethical standards, and a broad international perspective which are necessary for management professionals.” Criterion 9-4: “In designing its curriculum, the School must include core courses to provide a foundation necessary for management education and research.” Criterion 9-5: “The School must set a process to review its curriculum systematically and update


its curriculum periodically.” Criterion 9-6: “The School must design a system which enables its students to take related courses in other departments at the same university and at other universities, a credit transfer system with other schools, and a system to allow students to receive academic credit by completing an internship program.” Criterion 9-7: “The School must utilize appropriate educational methods, including case studies, site surveys, debates, discussions, and question and answer sessions between faculty members and students and / or among students.” Criterion 9-8: “When the School provides distance education, it must aim to maximize its educational effect by utilizing various media.” Criterion 9-9: “In designing the curriculum, the School must take into consideration the opinions of the stakeholders on the learning outcomes.” Criterion 9-10: “The School must review its curriculum regularly and systematically, based on facts including student’s course registration, completion, credits earned, academic performance, and career options.” PRT Comments: So far, the school has managed its curriculum well. However, it is important to have a

unique curriculum based on your specialization and your strength points. The regular curriculum review is undertaken between 3 to 5 years. However, the School

does receive feedback from the Board of Studies (BOS), Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) on the curriculum on a yearly basis. Please explain, is there any changes made to the curriculum, other than during the regular curriculum review time frame (3 to 5 years)?

The School has evaluated for all criteria as follows: The School has conformed with the criterion, without any further action needed. It would be possible to improve the individual needs of students by using and incorporating MOOC as suggested in the SCR.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 10: Improvement of Educational Quality Criterion 10-1: “The School must provide an environment and a guidance system that is conducive to learning and teaching in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-2: “The School must secure adequate classroom hours necessary for completing one credit of each course in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-3: “The School must design adequate time schedules and set a limit to the number


of credits which students can take to assure students’ learning efficiency in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-4: “The School must establish clearly defined standards for calculating grades and for evaluating the academic performance of its students, state them in its School code, and inform the students of them in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-5: “The School must take measures that ensure that the completion of the program and the academic performance of students are evaluated fairly, and that grades are calculated in an objective and standardized way in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-6: “The School must set a quota on the number of students registered to a course in accordance with its educational methods, the availability and condition of its facilities, and other educational considerations in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-7: “The School must prepare syllabi which state its educational goals, course content, course plans, educational methods, class materials, faculty office hours, and standards for evaluating academic performance, and disclose the syllabi. Criterion 10-8: “The School must review the syllabi in a systematic manner in order to maintain and improve the quality level of education” Criterion 10-9: “The School must provide adequate registration guidance, learning guidance and academic and career guidance to respond to the needs of a diversified student body including foreign students, and also provide sufficient support for the students taking distance education programs in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-10: “The School’s faculty members should share information about students’ course records, attendance rates for each program, total credits earned and academic grades, and develop initiatives to improve students’ learning in order to maintain the quality level of educational content.” Criterion 10-11: “In case of providing shortened programs, the School must ensure that the educational methods and time schedules enable the students to achieve its learning goals in order to maintain the quality level of education.” PRT Comments: The School has conformed with the criterion. No issue. Acceptable. Again for this standard, the School says, “The School has complied with the standard,

and no further improvement is required.” Isn’t it possible, for example, to improve the system to share information about students taking online classes?

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:


Standard 11: Diploma Policy Criterion 11-1: “The School must set a diploma policy to achieve the learning outcomes.” Criterion 11-2: “The School must define the contents of its diploma policy.” Criterion 11-3: “The School must set a process to establish its diploma policy in a systematic manner.” Criterion 11-4: “The School must take into consideration the stakeholders’ opinions in setting its diploma policy.” Criterion 11-5: “The School must review its diploma policy periodically.” PRT Comments: The School has conformed with the criterion. No issue. The graduation policy is well defined and stated. If the School complies with the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) and has the

following five clusters of learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding, ii. Cognitive skills, iii. Functional work skills (a. Practical skill b. Interpersonal skills c. Communication skills d. Digital skills e. Numeracy skills), f. Leadership, autonomy and responsibility, iv. Personal and entrepreneurial skills and v. Ethics and professionalism. The School would better to revise the Mission statement to be consistent with the Diploma policy.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 12: Learning Outcomes’ Review Criterion 12-1: “The School must build a system to examine the learning outcomes.” Criterion 12-2: “The School must examine the learning outcomes systematically and periodically.” Criterion 12-3: “The School must set opportunities to hear the opinions of the stakeholders including alumni regularly.” Criterion 12-4: “The School must review the learning goals systematically based on the results of examination on the learning outcomes.” Criterion 12-5: “The School must review the educational program systematically based on the results of examination on the learning outcomes.”


PRT Comments: Mastery in KALAM is a must. So, put some effort to make your faculty, staff, and student

have enough understanding and skills to use KALAM, especially in this pandemic situation. The schools should increase engagement with alumni and with industry to get feedback in improving the quality of learning.

No issue on the learning outcomes. The school uses the following university systems: KALAM E-learning system,

E-Community - IMS Academic and IMS to examine the learning outcomes. However, it seems necessary to improve assessment of students’ competencies by observing demonstrated behaviours. It is not possible to assess competencies accurately by tests only.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 13: Globalization of Educational Programs Criterion 13-1: “The School must set its learning goals while taking economic, social, and cultural globalization into account.” Criterion 13-2: “The School must globalize its educational program such as conducting global classes using advanced information communication technology or inviting foreign researchers to give special classes.” Criterion 13-3: “The School must globalize its educational program by inviting foreign researchers through international exchange to give special classes.” Criterion 13-4: “The School must provide appropriate student support such as guidance on course registration, study and career development for various students including foreign students.” PRT Comments: The School has conformed to the criterion. The School is committed in globalizing their education programs through international

collaboration. The School pointed out the following issue:

Lower interaction between working students and fresh graduate in completing tasks and assignments in the class. In addition, low level of interaction between alumni and current students for guidance on their career development. It is important to show how to address this issue.


The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Chapter Four: Students Standard 14: Student Profile Criterion 14-1: “The School must make efforts to secure students with target profiles through its selection processes.” Criterion 14-2: “The School must provide opportunities for the candidates to take entrance examinations in a fair and unbiased way.” Criterion 14-3: “The School must update its target student profile to meet the requirements of the School’s admission policy on a continuous basis.” PRT Comments: As you mention, the school should give attention to marketing efforts to secure your

target market. Focus more on international student is suggested. The target profile of the students does not align with the program entry requirement. It is a good move to avoid marketing the MBA program to fresh graduates, as they do

not fit the School’s target student profile. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 15: Admission Policy Criterion 15-1: “The School must set an admission policy to accept its target students in line with its mission statement.” Criterion 15-2: “The School must define the qualification for applicants and details of entrance


examinations in its admission policy.” Criterion 15-3: “The School must clearly articulate its admission policy and selection criteria in brochures such as student admission materials and show them to all prospective candidates.” Criterion 15-4: “The School must review its admission policy systematically and periodically.” PRT Comments: As you mention, The School needs to understand the importance reviewing its admission

policy systematically and periodically to admit students who fit the target profile. The admission policy is aligned with the program entry requirement; however, it is not

aligned with the target profile of the students. The School’s admission policy is too general and broad to accept its target students.

As pointed out in the self-evaluation, “The School needs to revise its admission policy to accept its target students in line with its mission statement. Once the admission policy has been revised, marketing efforts should focus primarily on working adults in multinational companies as these target students are in line with the School’s mission statement. Unemployed fresh graduates should not be admitted into the program.” It is required the effective implementation.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 16: Student Selection Criterion 16-1: “The School must define the student selection criteria and methods according to its admission policy.” Criterion 16-2: The School must take in the students who fit the target profile. Criterion 16-3: “The School must provide fair opportunities for applicants in the selection processes.” Criterion 16-4: “The School must evaluate the scholastic abilities and aptitudes of candidates in a consistent and objective fashion through its selection processes.” Criterion 16-5: “The School must make efforts to match the actual number of student enrollment with the required enrollment through its selection processes.” Criterion 16-6: “The School must review its student selection criteria and methods periodically.” PRT Comments: It is suggested that you arrange a comprehensive study of the dynamism of your target

market since the school cannot achieve the targeted 30 students per year in 2020. i. The student selection criteria are aligned with the program entry requirement;


however, it is not aligned with the target profile. ii. It is recommended for the School to review and re-set its admission policy and student selection criteria to meet the targeted profile (candidates with working experiences).

According to the SCR, only 67% of the students who were enrolled from 2018 to 2020 fit the target profile. The priority is to increase the number of applicants through better focused marketing strategies.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 17: Student Support Criterion 17-1: “The School must take various measures to provide financial support to students who need it.” Criterion 17-2: “The School must have administrative offices which collect and process relevant information and provide consultation for the students concerning academic guidance, career development and studying abroad.” Criterion 17-3: “The School must establish support systems to provide academic counseling and any other support that the students require.” Criterion 17-4: “The School must provide appropriate academic support and lifestyle support to international students and disabled students.” Criterion 17-5: “The School must review the student support system systematically and periodically.” PRT Comments: The school has properly supported students. No issue on student support. It is very nice to realize the following action described in the SCR.

The School can provide further financial support to students through collaborations (or special arrangements) with prospective employers on training and development needs for employees. These collaborations will result in students being sponsored by their employers.

The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses: Standard 18: Student Incentive Criterion 18-1: “The School must have a system that rewards students who achieve excellent academic results.” Criterion 18-2: “The School must have a system to acknowledge the social contribution of its students.” Criterion 18-3: “The School must have a system for providing academic support to the students who face difficulties with continuing their studies.” Criterion 18-4: “The School must hold orientation programs either at the time students enter the School or before the new academic year begins, to provide incentives for students to achieve high standards of academic work.” Criterion 18-5: “The School must review the reward system systematically and periodically.” PRT Comments: The reward system should be reviewed systematically and periodically. The School has good academic reward system, however, the reward system for

acknowledging the students’ social contribution requires improvement. Now, there is no awards given for the current students. Scholarship can be considered

for excellent academic results and/or social contributions. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 19: Student Diversity Criterion 19-1: “The School must promote student mobility in response to the globalization of economy, society and culture.” Criterion 19-2: “The School must take measures to attract a diverse student body through its selection process.”


Criterion 19-3: “The School must provide academic, financial and other support for foreign students where appropriate.” Criterion 19-4: “The School must have a system to send its students to foreign universities.” Criterion 19-5: “The School must have an administrative system to provide necessary information and counseling for students who wish to study at foreign universities.” Criterion 19-6: “The School must review its system for student exchange with foreign countries systematically and periodically.” PRT Comments: It is suggested to increase the number of international students. The School’s initiatives and support system for students’ mobility and diversity is good. The total number of students is limited to get sufficient diversity. For example, there are

only two international students. But the SCR says, “The School has fulfilled the standard, thus there is no improvement is required.” The part-time working MBA students are difficult to go on leave even for a short period to foreign universities, however, they can attend “Global classrooms.” It seems there are rooms for improvement.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Chapter Five: Faculty Standard 20: Faculty Structure Criterion 20-1: “The School must have a number of full-time faculty members that is adequate for its educational program.” Criterion 20-2: “The School must maintain a sufficient number of full-time Professors and/or Associate Professors necessary for realizing its mission statement.” Criterion 20-3: “The School must secure adequate number of practically qualified faculty members to realize its mission statement.” Criterion 20-4: “The School must ensure that the ratio of full-time and part-time faculty members in its faculty organization is appropriate for realizing its mission statement.” Criterion 20-5: “The School must maintain faculty diversity in terms of age, gender, and nationality in its faculty organization.” PRT Comments: Basically, the school has met the criterion. One issue regarding the succession plan of

your limited professor should be planned carefully.


Given the total number of students (capacity:60), the number of faculty members (19) is considered sufficient to serve the School’s educational program.

The SCR says, “Out of 45 full time faculty members, 18 of the members currently are serving for the School with two (2) of them holding management positions of the institution.” But 18 is not for present. The correct figure is 19. The number of Practically Qualified Faculty members is 5 in the Table 20-3, however, in the Table 21-4 every faculty member is classified as Academically Qualified.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 21: Faculty Qualifications Criterion 21-1: “The School must have qualified full-time faculty members for each of the majors it offers in accordance with the following criteria: 1) Faculty members recognized as possessing outstanding accomplishments in research or education 2) Faculty members recognized as possessing outstanding skills in their field of study 3) Faculty members recognized as possessing outstanding knowledge and experience in their field of study.” Criterion 21-2: “The School must set rules and standards for recruitment and promotion of faculty members.” Criterion 21-3: “The School must have a promotion system for faculty members and evaluate each faculty member fairly and objectively through this system.” Criterion 21-4: “The School must periodically assess its faculty members by reviewing their educational and research performance during the last five years.” Criterion 21-5: “The School must disclose information about the educational and research performance of full-time faculty members during the previous five years.” Criterion 21-6: “The School must evaluate academic performance of professional faculty members periodically, and assign the courses which they teach appropriately.” PRT Comments: The school has met the criterion. No issue regarding the faculty qualification. In the self-check the SCR says:

The School is in the midst of revamping our specialization as we know longer have faculty members specialized in Bioeconomy. We are considering having another new specialization called Business Analytics.


However, for the issue to be improved, it says: The School has conformed with the criterion, without any further action needed. The main purpose of SCR is to identify the issues to be improved. It is better to use the self-check and self-evaluation as opportunities for improvement, not self-affirmation.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 22: Maintenance of Education and Research Environment Criterion 22-1: “The School must limit the number of courses its faculty members teach so that faculty members can secure time to develop their educational and research activities.” Criterion 22-2: “The School must have a support system to secure the research funds necessary for promoting faculty members’ educational and research activities.” Criterion 22-3: “The School must have a support system including administrative and technical support staff necessary for promoting faculty members’ educational and research activities.” Criterion 22-4: “The School must take appropriate steps to vitalize its curricula so as to promote the educational and research activities of its faculty.” Criterion 22-5: “The School must set a special research period for its faculty.” Criterion 22-6: “The School must set a sabbatical system for its faculty.” Criterion 22-7: “The School must have a system to reward excellent academic research of its faculty.” Criterion 22-8: “The School must have a system to apply the excellent academic research results achieved by the faculty in the educational process.” PRT Comments: The school has met the criterion. One of the feedback we got from the faculty members during the online PRV is they will

consider a short attachment to other universities/institutions (1 or 2 weeks’ duration) due to current commitment, including administrative work (other than due Covid-19 pandemic). Thus, establishing more short mobility/exchange programs may benefit the School, its international partners and the faculty members.

It is a good practice to offer individual support for the faculty members who need assistance for online education.

The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses: Standard 23: Responsibilities of Faculty Members Criterion 23-1: “The School’s faculty members must continuously develop and improve their course content, materials used in their courses, and teaching methods based on the results of the self-check/self-evaluation and the student evaluation.” Criterion 23-2: “The School’s faculty members must strive to teach cutting-edge expertise and specialized knowledge in their respective fields of study in order to achieve the learning goals.” Criterion 23-3: “The School’s faculty members must strive to set office hours and actively communicate with the students through e-mail in order to help them to achieve their learning goals.” Criterion 23-4: “The School must conduct faculty development to enhance their teaching abilities systematically and periodically.” PRT Comments: The school has met the criterion. The School has no issue in meeting Standard 23. To improve and enhance their teaching abilities for online education, the School should

not only encourage faculty members to use the Teaching Studio to produce good videos but also to provide and coach good teaching methodologies and skills. It is also possible to have good teaching videos by collaborating with the other universities.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 24: Faculty Diversity Criterion 24-1: “The School must have a faculty whose members represent various backgrounds.”


Criterion 24-2: “The School must have an exchange program system for the faculty members.” Criterion 24-3: “The School must have a system to invite visiting teachers with excellent academic performance or special expertise.” Criterion 24-4: “The School must review its system for faculty members’ international exchange systematically and periodically.” PRT Comments: In the pandemic situation, the lack of cultural diversity exposure can be solved by

inviting foreign faculty to teach on-line. The School’s faculty diversity is considered good. The SCR describes, “The School are still lacking in terms of cultural diversity exposure to

the students.” The School should explore new means to overcome this issue using, for example, video conference system.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Chapter Six: Educational Infrastructure Standard 25: Educational Infrastructure Criterion 25-1: “The School must maintain an appropriate number and quality of its facilities, such as classrooms, seminar rooms, and study rooms, in order to enhance the efficiency of its educational programs.” Criterion 25-2: “The School must provide an individual office for each full-time faculty member.” Criterion 25-3: “The School must have a joint research room for the faculty.” Criterion 25-4: “The School must systematically maintain a collection of books, academic journals, and audiovisual materials necessary for the educational and research activities of both students and faculty.” Criterion 25-5: “The School must effectively utilize and maintain facilities and equipment appropriate for its educational and research activities and the delivery of its educational programs.” Criterion 25-6: “The School must provide study environment that enables students to engage in self-study, and encourage students to make use of this environment.” Criterion 25-7: “The School must review its facilities systematically and periodically.” PRT Comments: The school has met the criterion. There is no issue on the School educational infrastructure. Standard met.


The SCR has identified as an issue to be improved the following: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and Micro-credential initiatives will be strengthened and this new way of learning can become one of the teaching tools in the future. The concreate actions to strengthen these initiatives should be planned and implemented.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: Standard 26: Globalization of Educational Infrastructure Criterion 26-1: “The School must have the facilities that take the various needs of the students with different cultural backgrounds into account.” Criterion 26-2: “The School must prepare appropriate accommodation for students with different cultural backgrounds.” Criterion 26-3: “The School must prepare appropriate religious facility for students with different cultural backgrounds.” PRT Comments: The school has met the criterion. No issue. The School would better increase joint classes with foreign schools using online video

conference and other advanced methods to offer its students opportunities to experience different cultures.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:


III. The School’s Quality Improvement 1. The School’s Improvement Issues Chapter 1: Internal Quality Assurance Chapter 2: Mission Statement Chapter 3: Educational Programs Chapter 4: Students Chapter 5: Faculty Chapter 6: Educational Infrastructure PRT Comments: The biggest issue for MBA UMP is to involve all stakeholders (school management,

faculty member, staff, students, alumni, government bodies, industry, partner, etc.) based on their respective roles to improve the quality of learning in MBA UMP. Another issue is to put PDCA cycle as a culture in identifying and solving the problem. You just need to map all the activities in this cycle and be sure that all the stages is followed. One activity that the school should be intensified is marketing effort. Perhaps you may start with a comprehensive study regarding your target market dynamism.

The School should arrange the improvement issues by sorting out similar and related issues in each of five chapters. For instance, for Chapter 4 (Students), the School should verify what is the issue and whether the program entry requirement need to be changed or not. If the enrolment targets are those with working experience, the entry requirement should state it clearly.

The School needs to focus and prioritize the issues based on their importance and urgency through the chapters, and to describe the top five important improvement issues. Acquiring students who match the target profile seems to be a top priority. The SCR says, “The School needs to intensify marketing efforts to industries/organizations in the East Coast region.” But it is not clear which marketing efforts have higher priority.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: 2. The School’s Improvement Initiatives


PRT Comments: There is no issue regarding your improvement initiatives. The School’s improvement initiatives could be clearer if the issues are well stated. To secure students with target profiles, the SCR describes:

In order to intensify the promotion efforts, the School currently promoting the program through social media including Faculty Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Besides that, series of promotional program have been started by the School viz. initiating discussion with student agent for China market and conducting MBA preview with industry. The School also recognizes the characteristics of young managers who prefer flexibility to further their studies, which includes personalized learning and online learning. The School need to identify new concrete initiatives rather than to intensify existing efforts. It is important to quickly repeat hypothesis setting and testing in an agile way.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses: 3. The School’s Action Plans for three years 1) Action Plan I (from April 2022 to March 2023) 2) Action Plan II (from April 2023 to March 2024) 3) Action Plan III (from April 2025 to March 2026) PRT Comments: There is no issue regarding your 3-year action plan. The School’s action plans will be more clear if it is organized by issues addressed, the

initiatives and its urgency, rather than by the chapter and criterion. For instance: Issue identified - gap in the succession plan for full time Associate Professorsand Professors. Highlight what is the School’s action plan (how) to solve the issue and the target time frame. A specific action plan for that may help the School to fulfill more than one standard criterion.

The School has drawn up three-year action plans. It would be better to identify KPIs for the top five Improvement Initiatives and the School can use them to verify that the action plans have been successfully deployed.

The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses:


IV. The Comprehensive Review 1. “Globalizing the School's Research and Education”

PRT Comments: Globalization activities have been carried out well by both school and faculty members in the forms of faculty and staff exchanges, international research projects, international conferences, external examiners for viva voce, and global class-room program. The school also has reputable international partners. However, school can make more efforts in:

1. The school should have a clear criterion to guide in choosing the right international partners. One suggestion is considering the School’s mission and vision.

2. In the age of the Internet and high-speed communication, the globalization of research and education can be promoted in a non-traditional way.

3. To increase the number of foreign students with more targeted marketing efforts. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:

2. “Humanizing the School's Research and Education”

PRT Comments: The School has taken various efforts in humanizing its research and education. With regard to challenges in online learning, the School may explain how they promote inclusivity in ensuring weak students or students who have learning problems are well supported. Other significant issue in Malaysia today is corruption. Thus, higher education institutions should contribute to develop people with high virtues and awareness of social contribution. The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses:

3. “Collaborating with Industries in the School's Research and

Education” PRT Comments: The school has done quite well in collaboration with industry. However, related to the 4 specializations of the MBA-FIM-UMP, namely: technology management, engineering management, business engineering, and bioeconomy, a deeper relationship is needed with the related industries at the local and national levels. However, socioeconomics are shifting from traditional manufacturing and services, such as the production and distribution of goods, to digital. Most companies, including public organizations, need to adjust and transform to this shift. There is a lot of room for universities to support companies in this respect. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:


II. The School’s Compatibility satisfied with the following ABEST21 Standards 1) “Internal Quality Assurance”

PRT Comments: The School is committed in strengthening its internal quality assurance. One of it is by establishing and working with the industry panel. The school has carried out periodic and consistent self-checks and has also disclosed it openly to key stakeholders. The School has a framework and structure for quality assurance, but there are operational problems. Even if something goes wrong or fails, it is important to face it and foster a culture in which efforts to improve it are evaluated. One tool that many organizations may help to implement better governance system is PDCA cycle. The school may start by mapping all the activities and responsibilities in respect to PDCA cycle and iterates the full cycle. The other finding from PRT online visits that MBA-FIM-UMP should be considered is to embrace other external stakeholders other than students, for example: alumni and the companies or industries that employ graduates. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:

2) “Mission Statement”

PRT Comments: The mission statement of the School is well written and well aligned with the University’s mission. However, the School must find ways to measure on how the mission statement has been successfully achieved so that the school has confidence that the direction taken is in accordance with what is expected. The School’s Feedback:


PRT Responses:

3) “Educational Programs”

PRT Comments: The program’s learning goals, and its structure well support the School’s mission. One of the strengths of the program is, it focuses on management of technology, rather than general field of management. However, given the progress of the digital economy, as pointed out in the report, it is necessary to change the curriculum to suit it. It is important to have a unique curriculum based on your specialization and your strength points. The best partner to review program’s learning objectives are those who use graduates. They will more objectively assess whether the process of learning and the learning outcomes in the MBA-FIM-UMP have produced graduates who meet their requirements. Therefore, strong relationships with alumni and companies that employ alumni are very important Mastery in KALAM is a must. So, put some effort to make your faculty, staff, and student have enough understanding and skills to use KALAM, especially in this pandemic situation. The schools should increase engagement with alumni and with industry to get feedback in improving the quality of learning. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:

4) “Students”

PRT Comments: The students and the alumni involved in the online PRV indirectly projects the good quality of the program and its students’ and alumni’ diversities. However, there are several critical areas


that relate with students to improve as follows: 1. Decide the target profile and revisit its admission policy and selection criteria. The target

profile must align with the program entry requirement and well support the mission of the School.

2. The school should give attention to marketing efforts to secure your target market. Focus more on international student is suggested.

3. It is suggested that School arrange a comprehensive study of the dynamism of your target market since the school cannot achieve the targeted 30 students per year in 2020.

4. The reward system for students should be reviewed systematically and periodically. 5. It is suggested to increase the number of international students.

The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:

5) “Faculty”

PRT Comments: Yes, the qualification and diversity of faculty members are satisfied. One issue regarding the succession plan of your limited professor should be planned carefully. In the past, it was common to form the faculty who were subject matter experts (SME) according to the curriculum. From now on, it will be indispensable to train teachers who can compose and provide the lessons required in the new era with the cooperation of experts in various advanced fields. In the pandemic situation, the lack of cultural diversity exposure can be solved by inviting foreign faculties to teach on-line. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:


6) “Educational Infrastructure”

PRT Comments: Yes, satisfied. The School has good educational infrastructure to support the students’ learning experiences. During this pandemic, even if vaccination progresses, it is necessary to utilize online education for some time. It would be better to provide more support for teachers and students so that they can conduct/take lessons smoothly at home. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:


III. Good Practice in the Educational Programs 1. Title:

PRT Comments: ‘MBA with Management and Technology Focus’ As one of the business schools that teaches management of technology and management in the traditional economic framework. This combination creates School’s uniqueness of MBA-FIM program. As society's transformation into a digital economy accelerates, the School will be more competitive if they drive the Kaizen and transformation well.

2. Reasons:

PRT Comments: The learning goals and the structure of the program set the MBA-FIM-UMP apart from other institutional providers. The program offers integration of management and technology. In the report, there are some points where the analysis of current problems and countermeasures are not sufficient. However, the interviews have confirmed that the University and the School management have the will and willingness to promote change.

IV. Matters to be noted

PRT Comments: The biggest issue for MBA UMP is to involve all stakeholders (school management, faculty members, staffs, students, alumni, government bodies, industry, partner, etc.) based on their corresponding roles to improve the quality of learning in MBA UMP. It is necessary to instill a mindset that it is important to identify issues and take concrete actions for KAIZEN, rather than self-affirming that the current situation is satisfactory. One suggestion is to put PDCA cycle as a culture in identifying and solving the problem. One activity that the school should be intensified is marketing effort. Perhaps the School may start with a comprehensive study regarding your target market dynamism. The School’s Feedback: PRT Responses:

