Protecting against computerized corporate espionage...Watering Hole: Attacks Over Business Contacts...


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How to harden your corporate practices

Jarno Niemelä twitter:@jarnomn

Protecting against computerized corporate espionage

What Is Computerized Espionage

Spying on a target by using a computer as a tool for it

Targets are chosen because the have something of value

Attacks are impersonal and very personal at the same time

• Victim and attacker can be on different sides of the globe

• But at the same time attacker has tailored the attack to person

Typical Computerized Espionage Case

Victim gets an email or a message over some social network

• The content looks like a regular business mail or a link

• However it contains exploit code with a trojan payload

Victim reads a document or clicks link and the payload is executed

• Payload connects back to attackers C&C network

Spy will mine computer for anything interesting

What’s The Catch? This Sounds Like Any Other Malware

Nowadays, users are careful, they don’t open just anything

Thus the catch is in getting users trust

To do this the spies study victim

Thus Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc are spies favorite tools

What Are The Spies After For?

Corporate secrets of course

But if those are not available, then anything that helps them*

• Travel tickets, hotel invoices and other time/location info

• Banking info and scans of documents, f.ex passport

• Job applications, legal documents

• Email, sms messages, address books and other communication

• Login credentials, especially admin credentials

If current victim is not interesting, maybe someone he knows is

And thus current victim can be impersonated online[1]

Attack Vectors

Attack over email attachment

Attack externally visible server and continue to internal network

Attack from supplier web page

Using stolen user credentials

Attacks over business related files

Attacks Over Email

Employee at Digital Bond received credible looking mail from his boss*

Digitalbond is a SCADA security vendor, and thus has very interesting clients from spy point of view

The attachment actually was a ZIP file which contained an EXE

The EXE was a backdoor which was notdetected by any AV vendor


Watering Hole: Attacks Over Business Contacts

Many interesting targets are well protected

Thus attackers may focus sites visited by a target

CSR is a political think tank with very interesting members*

The site was injected with 0-Day exploit for Internet Explorer

CSR is just one example

• Aerospace parts suppliers

• Industrial process optimization

• Chinese language news sites that are hosted in US

• Tibetan activist sites

Attacks Over Business Related Files

Non-PDF business related files are trusted to a high degree

ESET discovered Autocad Worm that was used to steal 10000s of docs*

Medre.A had infected a template in Peru that local businesses had to use

After infection Medre.A collected Autocad files mailed them to china

Medre.A also tries to steal Outlook PST files


After successful attack the attacker needs to be able to talk to the payload

Which means that he needs some way to communicate

• HTTP(s) C&C (simple domain, fast flux, compromised site)

• Skype, IRC, Messenger, ICQ, etc chat connections

• Twitter, facebook, social networks

• FTP, Dropbox, file-leave, file sharing sites


• Anything else that looks like regular user activity

• For example embedding commands in JPEG or PNG is popular

Lateral Movement

In order to find interesting stuff attackers need to move

This means they need to be able to take over other hosts

Typical way for this is to crack user or admin password hash

After attacker has the password he can use psexec or “at” commandto execute files on a remote systems

Also remote login products commonly used by IT are frequenly used

Point of entryAdmin password hash

Another workstationBackdoor executed


Data Exfiltration

After attacker has C&C he needs some way to get data out

Most common approach is to use C&C channel and HTTP

But sometimes attackers get creative*

• Print “error pages” that contain encoded information and dumpster dive

• Leak information in DNS queries, payload 240 bytes per query

• Leak info in ping ICMP packages

• Open VOIP connection and emulate analog modem

• Embed data in PNG or other image files and upload


Protection: Get your basics right

Attackers are using malware, so basic defense takes you a long way*

Harden workstations and servers

Harden your network especially outgoing data

Make sure external servers contain only what is needed

Make sure systems are up to date and well configured

Use security software

Use gateway filtering

Don’t have common admin account across systems

Hardening Network

Prevent lateral movement within your network

• Isolate everything in network, no inbound to clients no outbound from server

• Block remote execution and RDP from other than admin network segment

• Allow user to login only to his workstations

Isolate email to approved business use only

• Allow email only over company mail server

• Don’t allow mail sending without user authentication

Control web traffic

• Don’t allow any other outbound traffic except HTTP(s)

• Allow HTTP(s) only over company proxy

• If local law allows alert on unusually high amount of uploads from workstation

Hardening Network

Prevent easy ways of contacting C&C

• Don’t allow external DNS servers, don’t allow ping to external hosts

• Set up DNS white listing and landing page for unknown domains

Do these configurations also to laptop software firewalls

• Common trick is to leak info when not in corporate network

DNS Is Botnets Achilles Heel

Bot is useless if it cannot connect to C&C

• Provided that you are not facing exotic attack such as Flame

Basically all bots do use domain names for C&C

Thus restricting DNS resolution will take you a long way

I am collecting a list of domains used by document exploits

8953 domains out of 9035 do not belong in Alexa top 1M list of domains

Which means that restricting DNS resolution is very effective

Filter Content With Known Exploits

There is no point in letting exploit content to reach it’s target

Thus use web content scanning to kill known exploits

• Flash, PDF, Java, Office documents

F-Secure CS and IS products also have very good exploit detection

Make Sure Your AV Client Is Configured Right

You probably have read blogs about “AV being useless”

Partly it is due for nothing being perfect 99% is not enough

But in corporates it’s mainly due to using AV wrong

• Real time protection network is switched off

• Behavioral heuristics are switched off

• Which means about 80% of protection is disabled

AV product needs to have a network connection

Harden Web Browsers And Other Client Software

Even better than filtering exploits is to disable unneeded content

Disable types of content that users don’t need

• Disable Java and ActiveX unless you need them for something

Block Flash, Javascript and videos from all unknown sites

• Install no-script, use click to play similar blocking

Harden office applications

• Install office file validation

• Block ActiveX and Flash components in office documents

Harden Client Application Memory Handling

Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit

Harden memory handling of any application that processes external data

• Acrord32 and other PDF readers

• Winzip,7Zip, etc

• Excel, Powerpoint, Word, Outlook, Winword.exe

• Exlorer.exe, iexplore.exe, Firefox, Chrome

• Skype.exe

• Wmplayer.exe, VLC, and any other video player

It is possible to write exploits so that they bypass EMET

• But then attacker has to knowingly try to circumvent EMET

Sandbox Applications That Don’t Write Files

Clients that read external data should not write local files

Thus it makes sense to sandbox them with app sandbox

• Exploited application should not be able to break free

In reality sandboxes are not 100% reliable

Third party sandboxes


Prevent File Creation To Locations Preferred By Malware

Most malware authors use exploit only as a dropper

• Actual infection is done by traditional bot client

If exploit can be prevented from creating files the attack will fail

In Windows 7 effective hiding requires admin privileges

• Thus malware authors prefer use locations where user can write

Blocking creation of files to locations preferred by malware authors

• Will kill a lot of exploit code

Locations Where File Creation Should Prevented

Change ACL to prevent users from writing and executing files to

• C:\users\USER (%userprofile%)

• C:\users\USER\AppData\Roaming (%appdata%)

• C:\users\USER\AppData\LocalLow

• C:\ProgramData\

• C:\Program Files\

• C:\, D:\, E:\, F:\, etc root of any drivethis will stop autorun worms

• c:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Startup\

Remember to allow directories, but these roots should not have files

Prevent Execution From Where There Are no Exes

Use Applocker to prevent execution from

• %HOT%,%REMOVABLE% (USB and other removable)

• c:\Users\USER\Documents\

• c:\$Recycle.Bin\

• C:\recovery

• C:\ProgramData\

• C:\system volume information\

• %APPDATA%, make exceptions for Google, Eclipse, etc

Alternative approach is to allow only program files and windows dir.

• Or even allow only signed files and make exceptions for others

• But this can be rather high maintenance as all programs are not signed and or run exes from stupid locations (I am looking at you Google

Ok So Basics Are Done, The fun part begins

You have to assume that attacker gets past your defenses

Prevent access to sensitive information and systems

• Buy time for detection systems to react

• Minimize damage even if attack is not detected

Detect the breach

• According to Trustwave there is average 156 days between initial breach and discovery

• This is way too long, we need to lay traps for attackers

Know What You Are Protecting

Intra web

• Customer Relations Info

• Any services that you have webified

Active directory

• User accounts

Web servers

• Especially if you are subcontractor, your customer might be the real target

Document files

• Business plans, price offers, pricing, patent applications, HR records

Source code

• Files on developer desktops, source code repositories

Email files

• Mergers, financial information before release, etc insider info

Protect Documents, Use Rights Management

Rights Management Services provides transparent document protection

With RMS all protected documents are stored in encrypted form

• To open a document Word/Excel/etc must request key from RMS server

• If user has rights the server returns a key

Thus if document is stolen it cannot be read

• Also documents can be restricted by a person or a group

• Third party vendors like GigaTrust can expand rights managementto non-Microsoft documents and iPhone/iPad devices

Protect Access To Source Code

Isolate development from desktop

• Run development in separate Virtual machine session

• Have a VPN that serves only that virtual machine

• Alternatively use some form of terminal service, VNC or RDP for example

Protect access to source code repository

• User accesses need to be tightly controlled, no universal read access

Use data leakage prevention software

• Configure all source code as non-transferable from the workstation

• Of course DLP can be circumvented, but it is additional protection

Protect Your Internal Web Applications

Make attackers life a bit more difficult. Lock access only to a one browser

• Use Kerberos authentication for all internal web pages

• Set client firewall to allow only correct browser to use HTTP/S to intra

• Configure the intra server only to accept company custom user agent

Thus the attacker needs to take over the browser or fake it 100%

Have log alerts for partially successful authentications

• It’s very unlikely that attacker would get everything right

Protect External Web From Inside Attacks

Being attack vector at your customer will be bad for business

Thus you have to protect your external servers

Isolate external facing servers from internal network

Don’t do direct changes, use content management

• Do all changes to CMS that has auditing and change logging

Do automated consistency checks between CMS and server

Protect Your Email

Most recorded email thefts happen by stealing the mail files

Issue email certificates for all users, and lock the certs with password

• Thus almost all critical email will have transparent encryption

• And to read them spy has to be able to steal the certificate

Block or set warnings on programmatic access to mail client

Also remember to control access to .PST, etc files


It would be nice to be without BYOD

If you have to allow user devices, do it safely

Laptops, Phones and PDAs should have own WIFI

Require that mail server can enforce policies

• Mandatory PIN or other lock code

• Allow only couple days of email

• Allow only one month of caldendar in the future

Use rights management on everything that supports it

Detect Breaches And Information Leaks

Even if you fail at prevention, game is not lost

Spy still has to be send the goods out of your network

Most companies focus on preventing intrusion

While what you should really focus is to prevent data from escaping

Set Data Exfiltration Honeypots

Create fake routes out of the company that give alarm if someone uses them

Fake mail server that accepts mail but does not forward

Capture all HTTP traffic that does not go through correct proxy

Capture all DNS traffic that does not go to your DNS server

Capture all ping ICMP traffic

How To Build Honeypots

All you need is Linux IPTables or a good router, python and a spare server

Route all unwanted traffic to honeypot server

Create fake services with python that answer ok, log and send alarm email

• HTTP example



Monitor Traffic That Is Allowed To Go Through

Due to privacy reasons I don’t advice reading content, but justtraffic inspection will reveal if there is need to start investigation

Monitor DNS queries for unusual patterns

• 10s of queries different subdomains in same domain

• Queries to domains not in .fi or in Alexa top 1M space

Monitor Ping requests (even if you are blocking it)

• Normal users do not try to send frequent ping traffic to odd destinations

HTTP requests that do not have company standard HTTP user agent

• Whitelist known self update destinations (apple, dell, google, etc)


You cannot trust that you can always prevent infections

Thus corporate security and defense in depth is a must

• Whenever possible make data difficult for malware to steal

• When that fails make data readable only in your environment

Invest in monitoring

• When you know patterns of your valid users

• Spy breaking the patterns will be detected