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Prepared for The University of Houston-Downtown

December 4, 2011


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ECOMovement 1200 Washington Avenue Houston, TX, 77002 713-501-1201

December 4, 2011 University of Houston-Downtown Office of the President One Main Street, Suite 990-S Houston, TX 77002 Dear Mr. Flores:


We have recently completed our three-month study on The University of Houston-Downtown’s (UHD) Johnny Goyen Park. This report was authorized by the UHD Facilities Maintenance and Services. This study is in response to request made by University of Houston-System and the City of Houston Department of Planning and Development. The report outlines issues covering UHD’s retention rates to the lack of student gathering space. Next is the solution which includes transforming Johnny Goyen Park into an outdoor amphitheater. Also outlines the use remaining property as green space and/or park space. A cost benefit analysis will compare similar projects with this proposal and give an accurate estimate for the project. The report also shows research covering a small sample of UHD student body and their opinions on the matter. We at ECOMovement hope this analysis will prompt a change of plan for the unused property that is Johnny Goyen Park. We will gladly answer any questions or concerns about this proposal. Sincerely,

D. Guillory D’shaun Guillory CEO of ECOMovement

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………………………………….. (4) INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Project Description…………………………………………………………………………………………..


(5) (5) (5)

PROBLEM SOLUTION…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Retention Rates ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lack of Gathering Centers……………………………………………………………………………….. FEATURES AND BENEFITS……………………………………………………………………………………………

Proposed Amphitheater…………………………………………………………………………………..

(6) (6) (6) (7) (7)

Johnny Goyen Park Restoration…………..…………………………………………………………… (8)

COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS…………………………………………………………………………………………….. (9) RESULTS AND DATA……..……………………………………………………………………………………………. (10)

Student Data……………………………………………………………………………………………………


(10-12) (13)

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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This proposal outlines the project of building an amphitheater in Johnny Goyen Park and a green park space in the area surrounded by UHD main building, the pump station, the railroad, and the Main Street Bridge. Currently, UHD lacks an entertainment venue and green park space for its students. To improve the college environment and strengthen student enrollment numbers, an amphitheater and a green park space on campus would be a benefit. An amphitheater and a green space on campus require a seemingly high cost but will bring a lot of benefit to UHD. It will:

Make UHD become an attractive place in Downtown Houston

Increase annual enrollment and reduce retention rates

Improve the college environment so students will have a place to study and spend time on campus

Improve interaction between students and faculty This proposal states clearly the current problem of UHD, our proposed solution, the benefit you will have, the cost of the project, and the opinion of UHD students about this project.

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ECOMovement has conducted a proposal for The University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) on the need for an amphitheater and green park space on the property of Johnny Goyen Park. UHD is faced with poor retention rates and a lack of student activity space. This proposal outlines the problems facing UHD along with a solution and cost benefit analysis. Also, a sampling of UHD students was questioned on their opinion of the proposal which will be outlined soon. Background ECOMovement is a 10-year old organization composed of urban planners and architects. Based out of Houston, TX, our organization has been involved in various projects ranging from the remodeling of The Miller Outdoor Theater to the designing of Discovery Green Park. We are also involved with The Buffalo Bayou Partnership which seeks to transform the current Buffalo Bayou and its surroundings into livable, dense developments. UHD We chose UHD to conduct our study for these projects because there is room for growth and potential. The University is perfectly located on the corner of Downtown Houston with easy access to transportation and amenities. Students should want to stay and perspective students should want to come to UHD. An addtion of school amenities such as an amphitheater and park could be a start to a quick turnaround.

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Student Activities, Green and Park Space

UHD has 13,000 students in 5 major colleges.

Classroom, study areas, library, computer labs are

provided enough but student activities are too

little. The student activity room on the second floor

of the One Main building is as small as a classroom.

It has two ping pong tables, two soccer tables, two

pool tables, and an Xbox player. These amenities

are interesting only for freshmen. Juniors and

seniors prefer to enjoy live concerts or art

performances. There are a few concert

advertisements posted on the campus, but all of them are performed elsewhere and are not

convenient for students to attend. UHD is not a small campus, but the buildings are divided by

highways, a railroad track, and Buffalo Bayou. Students do not have any green space which is an

important aspect in any university. Students are tired of studying inside, they need quiet,

outdoor green space on campus that they can study and/or relax in an open, natural


Retention Rates

UHD’s poor retention rates not only affect current students but also perspective students as

well. Many current students just cannot find a reason to continue their education at the

university which then leads transferring. Though there are many ways to solve this issue, an

amphitheater and park could be a good start.

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ECOMovement believes UHD can attract and retain more students simply by offering a place for

gatherings and entertainment. For perspective students and visitors, it would be wise for UHD

to have more visual appeal. ECOMovement proposes building an outdoor amphitheater located

on the property of Johnny Goyen Park. The amphitheater can also be rented out by the public

for entertainment purposes. The remaining UHD property alongside the building connecting to

the Main Street Bridge will be used as a park and green park space. Aesthetically, the campus

would look far more appealing visually while crossing the Travis Street Bridge.

Features (Johnny Goyen Amphitheater)

The amphitheater stage will face the UHD

Academic Building away from Buffalo Bayou.

The stage will also be elevated to street level to

avoid flooding. The Stage will have permanent

sound and lighting mix surrounding the entire

theater. The seating sections will have a grassy-

median with lighting on the base walls. The

stands will face the stage towards Buffalo Bayou

away from the UHD Academic Building. The

seating capacity will be around 250 people. The

stands can be accessible from both from the

Academic Building upper-student deck on the

top level and from Travis Street on the lower

levels. There will be two retaining walls

separating the back of the stands and the

covered railroad tracks behind them. This is

done to minimize the loud noise that could

occur with a passing train. An entrance ramp will

be set up behind the stage connecting to Travis

Street for docking purposes. The wall facing

Buffalo Bayou will have a mural painted on the back of the stage retaining wall so it does not

remain bare to those viewing on the other side of the bayou.

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Features (Johnny Goyen Park)

The new park and green space will cover the

remaining property, from the amphitheater around

the Main Building to the south end of the Main

Street Bridge. The park grounds will offer access to

the new Buffalo Bayou Bridge. This bridge connects

UHD with the San Jacinto Street parking lot. The

Garden currently located at Johnny Goyen Park will

be moved to make room for the amphitheater. The

new garden will be constructed within the extended

green space and be run by the university.


The amphitheater and park will offer students the ability to gather and hold events using these

amenities. Like the Miller Outdoor Theater and Cynthia Woods Pavilion, the amphitheater

would hold concerts, symphonies, plays, and/or various other entertainment displays. The

university may also rent the amphitheater out to the general public which could bring in more

revenue. Aesthetically, the campus would look far more appealing visually while crossing the

Travis Street Bridge. Due to its close proximity to Travis Street entrance ramp, it may appear

dangerous for visitors who may use the Washington Ave parking. The project also calls for a

pedestrian traffic light which will only be in use when a person presses the cross-button to cross

the street. The City of Houston and TXDOT will have to be petitioned before this can take place.

This stop will also be used for access to the backstage docking port. Holistically, this proposal

ties into a larger project commissioned by The Buffalo Bayou Partnership. They propose a

complete renewal for Buffalo Bayou from Shepard Street through Downtown to the East Side.

The massive project will contain parks, high-to-midrise apartments, mix-use development,

entertainment venues, etc. The project is taking place in small portions with property around

UHD still remaining vacant and undeveloped.

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Similar Projects (Miller Outdoor Theater Houston, TX)

In 2008, a nearly $1.2 million improvement project was undertaken at Miller Outdoor Theatre

to enhance both public safety and the overall experience for the audiences. The project

increased accessibility for people with disabilities, enhanced the pedestrian flow of traffic and

added new lighting along the aisles, all of which increase public safety during performances.

Additional enhancements include two huge overhead fans, improved sightlines and increased

seating capacities.

During the off-season in late 2008/early 2009, an additional $1,000,000 in further

improvements was undertaken. The iconic hill was re-graded and raised. New irrigation was

installed, new sod laid and drainage improved. New lighting was installed along the pathway

around the backside of the hill. The seats under the canopy were replaced and the concrete

under the seats given a new texture and color surface. A permanent sound and lighting mix

position booth was constructed at the back of the seating area.

Miller Outdoor theatre opened the 2010 season with a new $1.5 million sound system, the

latest upgrade in a sweeping set of $3.9 million in improvements since 2008.

*Content provided by Miller Outdoor Theater at

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Proposed Johnny Goyen Amphitheater

The overall cost of upgrades and construction to The Miller Outdoor Theater is 3.9 million. The

proposed Johnny Goyen Amphitheater will cost half that due to it being smaller in scale and will

be constructed on a relatively small lot. Johnny Goyen Amphitheater will be built on property

about 1/5 the size of Miller Park and will be elevated due its close proximity to Buffalo Bayou.


The estimated cost could range from 1.5-1.8 million. These estimates are based on the validity

of the market and property value. These numbers could change as a result of inflation.

Financing (Public)

Public Funding is one way to pay for this project without seeking stimulus or private capital.

Tuition rates could be raised 0.05% per student. For the fall of 2011 there are 12,918 students

enrolled equaling about $140 per student added to tuition over all. It would bring in

approximately $1,808,850 from rate increases. This could be broken up into semesters as well

bringing the cost down. It would be considered a fee and would apply to all enrolled students.

Financing (Private)

Private-Funding would require developing a strategy to attract investors. This could also require

UHD to improve its performance before a plan is presented to any such investor.

PPP (Public-Private-Partnership)

UHD would set up an outside commission to deal with both public and private funds. The chairs

of the commission would be both UHD administrators and representatives from private

entities. In the end, a compromise would have to be struck balancing both public and private

funds. This plan will still require some tuition rate increases and private investments.

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On December 1st, 60 UHD students were asked to fill out a questionnaire chronicling a summarized version of the information mentioned previously. The student sample covers a diverse range of opinion. It is mentioned in that questionnaire that the overall content are hypothetical questions. They are as follows: (Question 1) The University of Houston-Downtown is proposing to build an amphitheater at Johnny Goyen Park between the One Main Building and Buffalo Bayou. Also, there are plans to use the remaining space around the One Main Building as park space. How do you feel about this proposal?

(Question 2) If you answered Disagree or Strongly Disagree, would you prefer an alternative use

of these spaces?









Figure 1

Strongly Agree


No Opinion


Srongly Disagree










Figure 2

Strongly Agree


No Opinion


Strongly Disagree

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(Question 3) If the amphitheater and park were available, how often would you use them?

(Question 4) If you answered Rarely or Never, do you believe this is an appropriate use of

school funds?

(Question 5) Would you support a tuition hike of 0.05% totaling $140.00 for fulltime student’s

to build these projects?








Figure 3



Not Sure











Figure 4



Not Sure

Maybe Not

Not at all








Figure 5



Not Sure

Maybe Not

Not at all

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When asked to specify alternatives on question 2, the students were evenly split on their answers. They answered adding parking space for students and the projects being a positive for the university. Those who were opposed to the proposal were more likely to ask for parking space. Those who were in agreement with proposal were more likely comment positive feedback about the overall project. For question 5, more students supported raising tuition rates to build the amphitheater and park. In contrast, there remained a large sum of students who did not agree with rate increases. Referring back to Cost and Benefits on page 10, private funding could be an alternative for financing of the project. This would only take place if the numbers for question 5 changed from positive to negative. Overall, most UHD students not only agree with the construction of Johnny Goyen Amphitheater and Park, but also would use them if they were available. Those who did not agree with thess project were more inclined to disagree with the use of funds and a hike in tuition rates.

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Conclusion As before mentioned before, ECOMovement sees potentially and growth in developing unused space into something UHD students will use. This proposal for building and amphitheater and restoring Johnny Goyen Park will increase the interaction between students, faculty and the public. This will greatly impact the university by increasing student enrollment, improving retention rates, and making it more recognized.

Also, it will become a great example to other universities for of how to use open space. The project could also be revenue neutral since property must be first rented out for usage. After handing out surveys, the study shows that most students agree, yet are somewhat divided on paying tuition rate increase. We would have to find another way of paying for the development of the project.
