Property Management Magazine



Issues concerning property management in the Valley of the Sun

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T he Valley of The Sun. The perfect name for an all en-compassing area of central Ari-zona that includes all of Mari-copa and Pinal counties. Those of us living here are blessed with beautiful sunshine and spectacu-lar weather...and then the sum-mer arrives. Yes, we have heat and yes, it is intense, especially for newcomers. But once you’ve acclimated you find yourself reciting “it’s a dry heat” to out-of-towners who look fear-fully into your face wondering how anyone can survive a single summer! I myself used to won-der what the difference was. I

thought that heat was heat…dry, wet and everything in between. I was wrong. Dry heat is much more ’bearable’ (in my opinion) than the suffocating humidity typical to the eastern and south-east United States where nearly every summer day is a “bad hair day”! Of course that’s not to say that to say that residents of the Val-ley of the Sun don’t look for summer getaway spots to bask in coolness...we certainly do! The summer is the perfect time to year to explore. It’s a perfect time to say ’go north young men (and women)’. Many parts of Northern Arizona remain much cooler during the dreaded Arizona summer. High-

er elevations are even cooler still. At about 7,000 elevation, Flag-staff is our cool escape pick. Lo-cated only about 2 1/2 hours north of Phoenix, it has become a vacation destination with plen-ty to see and lots of family fun activities. Placed like Walnut Canyon National Monument (see photo below) can be ex-plored . This amazing place was originally inhabited by ancestors of today’s Hopi and Zumi peo-ple. There are about 300 dwell-ings under rock rims where peo-ple actually lived and stored their food and water.

Drive about thirty miles east of Flagstaff and you’ll find the world’s best preserved meteor impact site (see pho-to above). Located near the town of Winslow this near-ly mile wide crater is also more than 550 feet deep. A spectacular site to behold! The site is in the middle of the flat, high desert and only distinguishable by the raised sides of the uplift from impact. Guests can view the crater from inside the visitors center or take the walkway down to the edge.

Scientists say that impact occurred around 50 thousand years ago and the meteor is estimated to have been about 150 feet in diameter! That’s a big rock!

Meteor crater and Walnut National Canyon are only two the many places that Arizonians and visitors alike can enjoy while the rest of us are braving the heat. But brave it we do and the summer months pass we quickly forget all about it and return to enjoying the simply spectacular weather that is synonymous to the great state of Arizona.

Summer, winter , spring or fall, there’s so much to see and do in our amazingly diverse state. We are blessed with an abundance of natural beauty and we are the

home of one of the seven natural wonders of the world….the Grand Canyon (see below).

So, for those who care to, say what you like about how ‘crazy’ we must be to live in such a hot climate. I wouldn’t trade all the natural beauty, great outdoors, incredible clear nights where

every star seems like you can just reach up and touch it. A few months of heat would never drive me away. After all, I know that there are loads of cool getaway spots if I am ever so inclined.

A sk The Broker:

It’s time for another question submitted by one of our readers. You can also submit your questions to our broker for a future issue. Email your question to Dear TJ, I signed up with my current property management company after comparing rates with others in the area where my rental home is located. They seemed affordable. They said they would charge a flat fee of $69.00 per month and a flat $499.00 leasing fee. No sign up fee, no set up fee. Everything seemed great and I just needed to know where to sign. Well, they are managing my rental home in Glendale AZ. The home was rent ready when I signed up with them and they did find a tenant so I gladly paid the leasing fee. The rent was set at $950.00 per month. Two months into our agree-ment and I have yet to get a single pro-ceeds check. They claim to be holding a “set limit” and they have charged us for landscaping and interior make ready items. After speaking with our assigned manager it is becoming abun-dantly clear that they have their own maintenance staff and the bills for the maintenance services are really high.

When I asked if I could send my own handyman who happens to live in the neighborhood of our Glendale house, they said that they could not use any outside vendors. My question to you is this: is that allowed? Shouldn’t I be able to use my own handyman or at least shouldn’t they get my permission be-fore charging me for items that I not only didn’t need but certainly would not have requested. My manager tells me that now I have to wait until my contract term is up (next year) before I can change management companies or I could be held liable for the full

amount of the contract. Sincerely, Rhonda Bondurant Cottage Grove, OR Dear Rhonda, First of all, let me say that all is not lost. There are always measures that can be taken to resolve an issue even when you have a contract. Firstly, let me ask you, did you read the contract thoroughly before signing? Were you aware that you were obliged to use the “in house”

maintenance staff? This tactic is one of the reasons I suggest to all prospective clients that they make sure they are comparing apples with apples when they are shop-ping for a management company. If a company has fees that seem too good to be true, they probably are! Some companies will say anything to get you to sign on the dotted line only to later tack on hidden fees or add charges for their own maintenance men to work on your property. With little or no control of the costs, you could be headed to-ward disaster. So, first, read your con-tract. Next, put them on notice. You should be allowed to use your own handyman and at least be informed BEFORE the work is done as to the scope and cost of the repair. But it’s very important to put your concerns in writing and to the attention of the des-ignated broker. If you still have not had your issue resolved then you should consid-er cancelling your contract. Send them a 30 day notice to cancel. Site the rea-sons for your decision and demand that all work cease immediately. Remember, it’s YOUR proper-ty and you get to make the final deci-sion. Don’t be bullied into thinking that just because they are the manager that they get to make the decisions. Make that fact abundantly clear to the company. I wish you the best of luck and hope I’ve given you some information that is helpful. For more information or to discuss your property please call me, TJ Loegering, Jr. at 623-977-6011. I’m here to help. Remember, whether you do it yourself or hire a professional; “good management doesn’t cost, it pays!”

Realtors: We can help you take control.   

We cooperate and never

compete. We provide the

following services so you

don’t have to: Advertising Periodic inspections Late notices Rental Comps Bookkeeping/accounting Financial statements to owner Tenant screening Evictions/Legal Maintenance calls Tenant communication Vendor screening Rental Tax (compliance with the law) Networking

Additional benefits: You keep your client plus, Renter becomes potential buyer! Additional income stream (we pay commission for each signed management contract).

Ask about how you can earn a monthly percentage on 10 or more units.

As  a  professional  realtor  you  understand    all  too  well  how  the     

current market is  impac ng your bo om line.  Trying to hold onto 

every lis ng is crucial in today’s economy.  As a result you probably 

end up managing property in an a empt to maintain the lis ng and 

eventually make    your  commission when  the property  sells.  Let’s 

face it, the management end of the business is  me consuming and 

is preven ng you  from genera ng more business.   So, what’s  the 

solu on?  How do you keep your lis ng and get out from under the 

day to day management of the property?   We’ll tell you how.   We 

are  a  full  service  property  management  company  devoted             

exclusively  to property management.   We don’t even  take  lis ngs 

or do sales.   We work with realtors and  their clients and take  the 

burden  and  liability  of  property management  out  of  your  hands.  

And, when the  me is right, your client is right there wai ng, and so 

is  your  commission.    So  call us  today….you’ll be  so  glad  that  you 


Real Estate Management Services, Inc. 

7440 W. Sunnyside Drive 

Peoria, AZ 85345 


623.977.6011 ph 

623.444.9889 fax