Promoting Cineliteracy



A presentation On Promoting Cineliteracy given by Kieran Donaghy at the TESOL-Spain convention in Madrid March 2011.

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Promoting Cineliteracy

Kieran Donaghy Productions

“Today, our society and our world are saturated with visual stimulation. The visual image has taken over, in a sense, for better or for worse.”

“So much in today's society is communicated visually and even subliminally. Young people have to know that this way of communicating is a very, very powerful tool.”

“ We live in a world of moving images. To participate fully in our society and its culture means to be as confident in the use and understanding of moving images as of the printed word. Both are essential aspects of literacy in the 21st century. ”

British Film Institute, Film Education

“The worst application of all is to use a feature film as an entertaining reward between the conclusion of a teaching unit and a holiday, a practice that is unethical as well as illegal.”

Michael Vetrie, 2004

“Cineliteracy is long overdue in American education. The average American watches seven hours of TV per day. Yet, for the most part, we watch them uncritically, passively, allowing them to wash over us, rarely analysing how they work on us, how they can shape our values.“

Louis Giannetti

The 4 S’sSymbolismSettingSoundStory

The 4 C’s


Colour & Light



“ You’ve ruined movies for me. I can’t just sit and watch any more. I’m noticing lighting, I’m noticing camera angles, I’m noticing sound. I don’t just sit and watch, I sit and study. I’m automatically analyzing.”

Kieran Donaghy
