Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam,


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Project Rehabilitation Report

of Upper Mullamari Dam, Karnataka Water Resources Department

Doc. No.: CDSO_DSR_PRR_ KA06MH0153_KaWRD_v1.0

April 2019

Central Water Commission

Ministry of Water Resources,

River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation

Government of India

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam


Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

Quality Control:

Version Date Writers/Contributors Checked by

1 25/04/2019 Dr. Hadush S Hagos (HSH) Pankaj Kumar Awasthi (PKA Anil Kumar Verma (AKV)

Rajiv Kumar Sawarn

Issued/Copied to:

I/C Date Name Organisation

Issued 25/04/2019 Shri. Pramod Narayan Central Water Commission

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam


DRIP Dam Rehabilitation & Improvement Project

CWC Central Water Commission

CPMU Central Project Management Unit

CSV Construction Site Visit

SPMU State Project Management Unit

IA Implementation Agency

PIC Project Identification Code

DSRP Dam Safety Review Panel

PST Project Screening Template

DFR Design Flood Review

MSL Mean Sea Level

FRL Full Reservoir Level

MWL Maximum Water Level

TBL Top Bund Level (Top Level of Dam)

MDDL Maximum Draw Down Level

LSL Lowest Sill Level

DSL Dead Storage Level

U/S Upstream

D/S Downstream

El. Elevation

L/B Left Bank

R/B Right Bank

PMF Probable Maximum Flood

SPF Standard Project Flood

CD Works Cross Drainage Works

VRB Village Road Bridge

WBM Water Bound Macadam

NDT Non Destructive Testing

DHARMA Dam Health And Rehabilitation Monitoring Application

O & M Operation and Maintenance

EAP Emergency Action Plan

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework

E & S specialists Environmental and Social Specialists

HM Works Hydro-Mechanical Works

EM Works Electro-Mechanical Works

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System

DG Set Diesel Generator Set

MW Mega Watt

MU Million units

Ha Hectare

MCM Million Cubic Metre

Deg. Degree

Min. Minute

Sec. Second

CM Construction management

QC Quality control

m meter

m3 Cubic meter

m3/sec Cubic meter per second

Km2 Square kilometre

Mcm Million cubic meter

TNWRD Tamil Nadu Water Resource Department

TANGEDCO Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation

KWRD Kerala Water Resource Department

KSEB Kerala State Electricity Board

MPWRD Madhya Pradesh Water Resource Department

UJVNL Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited

DVC Damodar Valley Corporation

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam


Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

DRIP Component Wise Project Cost

KaWRD Initial/Revised Projects & Cost


In April 2012, the Central Water Commission

(CWC) with assistance from the World Bank,

embarked upon a six year Dam

Rehabilitation and Improvement Project

(DRIP) at a preliminarily estimated initial cost

of Rs.2100 Crore targeting rehabilitation and

improvement of about 250 dams initially of

six, later of nine implementing agencies -




In June 2018, the project was extended by

two years, until June 2020. The current

revised cost for DRIP is Rs.3466 Crore out of which Rs. 2920.5 Crore is allocated for

Component 1 (Rehabilitation and Improvement of Dams and Associated Appurtenances),

Rs.232.5 Crore for Component 2 (Dam Safety Institutional Strengthening), and Rs.313 Crore

for Component 3 (Project Management). Appropriate assistance is also provided under

DRIP to develop O & M Manuals and Emergency Action Plans (EAP) for these dams. The

project also promotes new technologies and improves institutional capacities for dam safety

evaluation and implementation at the Central and State levels as well as in some identified

premier academic and research institutes in the country. The actual total number of dams

under DRIP stands at 223.

The Implementing Agencies for DRIP are the Water Resources Departments and State

Electricity Boards in the participating States and Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) with

Central Water Commission at Central Level. State Implementing Agencies are responsible

for implementation of works of dams under their charge. Co-ordination and management of

such works within a State rests with the

concerned State Project Management

Unit (SPMU). Overall project oversight

and coordination is carried out by Central

Project Management Unit (CPMU) headed

by the Project Director with assistance of

an Engineering and Management


Karnataka Water Resource Department

(KaWRD) joined DRIP in August 2014

with initial number of dams totalling 31.

Later, KaWRD dropped 9 dams and

continuing in DRIP with 22 dams.

Preliminarily estimated initial DRIP project

cost for KaWRD was Rs.276.1 Crore and

the revised actual current project cost is

Rs.581.2 Crore.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam


Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

Table of Contents

Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 4

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................. 1

2. PROJECT DETAILS ......................................................................................... 2

2.1 Project Description .......................................................................................................... 2

2.2 Project Location ............................................................................................................... 2

2.3 Project Benefits ................................................................................................................ 2

2.4 Dam and Reservoir Features (Before rehabilitation under DRIP) ............................... 3

2.5 Any Emergency Spillway, Fuse Plug etc. ...................................................................... 4

2.6 Details of previous dam incidents, if any ...................................................................... 4

2.7 PST Details ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.8 DSRP, CPMU and World Bank Recommendations and Compliance ......................... 5

2.9 Scope of Rehabilitation Works as per PST ................................................................... 5

2.10 Drawings ......................................................................................................................... 20

3. DAM VISITS (PST STAGE) ............................................................................ 27

3.1 Dam Inspections ............................................................................................................ 27

3.2 Summary of observations made by CPMU ................................................................. 27

4. DESIGN FLOOD REVIEW (DFR) ................................................................... 27

4.1 DFR Outcome ................................................................................................................. 27

4.2 Brief Summary of Review.............................................................................................. 27

4.3 Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 27

5. REHABILITATION WORKS CARRIED OUT ................................................. 28

5.1 Summary of Investigations ........................................................................................... 28

5.2 Main Dam Works ............................................................................................................ 28

5.3 Basic facilities ................................................................................................................ 28

6. INSTRUMENTATION ..................................................................................... 28

6.1 List of existing instruments installed in dam and their condition ............................ 28

6.2 Details of new instruments installed ........................................................................... 28

6.3 CPMU Recommendations ............................................................................................. 28

7. PROCUREMENT OF WORKS ....................................................................... 29

7.1 Package wise details ..................................................................................................... 29

7.2 Details of Bidding process............................................................................................ 30

7.3 Reason for Variation, if any .......................................................................................... 30

7.4 Litigation / Arbitration, If Any ....................................................................................... 30


Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

8.1. Summary of Visits undertaken .................................................................... 30

8.2. Summary of Third Party Material Testing ................................................... 30

8.3. Summary of Major Recommendations ........................................................ 30

8.4. Summary of Compliance by SPMU ............................................................. 33

8.5. Summary of any Special Visits made by CWC/World Bank/Expert

Committee ..................................................................................................... 33

8.6. Summary of Technical Assistance provided by CPMU ............................. 33


9.1 Basic Details ................................................................................................................... 33

9.2 Summary of Observations ............................................................................................ 33

9.3 Details of ESMF/EIA study (if any) ............................................................................... 33

10. OTHER NON-STRUCTURAL INTERVENTIONS ........................................... 37

10.1 Basic Details ................................................................................................................... 37

10.2 Summary of Observations ............................................................................................ 37

11. PENDING REHABILITATION WORKS .......................................................... 37

11.1 Details of pending works .............................................................................................. 37

11.2 Further course of action................................................................................................ 37

12. REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 37

Annex A: PST Approval Letter .............................................................................. 39

Annex B: Drawings issued for Rehabilitation measures .................................... 43

Annex C: Completion Certificate .......................................................................... 49

Annex D: Third Party QC Tests ............................................................................. 55

Annex E: ESMF OK Card ....................................................................................... 59

Annex F: Photographs Before and After Rehabilitation Works ......................... 63

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

1 | P a g e


This Project Rehabilitation Report (PRR) is for Upper Mullamari Dam, which is one of

the 22 dams under DRIP in Karnataka. The Dam Safety Review Panel (DSRP)

inspected the dam in July 2015 and recommended both structural & non-structural

measures to be taken up by the dam authorities.

DSRP main recommendations included provision of horizontal collector drain on dam

crest and chute drains on dam d/s slope; repair of disturbed riprap; provisions of

manholes at 100 m c/c at rock toe; installation of V-notch weir; provision of protective

grass on dam downstream slope; repair of rain cuts and gullies on dam downstream

slope; repair of templates on dam upstream slope riprap; dismantle cross wall

constructed upstream of spillway; and repair hoisting system and rubber seals of

irrigation sluice gates. Non-structural measures review of design flood, preparation of

EAP and O&M manual.

The original design flood was 1,053 cumec and the revised design flood (SPF) is

1,340 cumec. Flood routing study for the revised design flood is currently on-going

and the revised MWL will only be known after the flood routing study is completed.

The MWL for the original design flood was at EL 588.60 m and the TBL is at 591.60

m. The freeboard above the original MWL is 3 m. However, the final freeboard needs

to be re-calculated using the MWL for the revised design flood and should fulfil the

minimum recommended 1.50 m for embankment dams as per IS 10635.

Following DSRP recommendations, rehabilitation works carried out under DRIP


Construction of lead off drain on dam crest,

Construction of chute and longitudinal drains on d/s slope of dam,

Construction of riprap template wall,

Repair of existing manhole at toe of dam,

Upstream side revetment correction,

Turfing on d/s slope of dam,

Pit filling below d/s of toe,

Improvements to V-notch weir and d/s side channel clearance,

Construction of approach road.

The rehabilitation works were executed under 1 package at a total completion cost of

Rs. 241.30 Lakhs.

Dam break analysis, inundation maps, EAP and O&M manual are currently being

undertaken by SPMU as per guideline published by CWC under DRIP.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

2 | P a g e


The Upper Mullamari dam is located across Mullamari River near Kherda (B) Village

of Basavakalyan Taluk of Bidar district, Karnataka state at Latitude of 77º22’00” N

and Longitude of 17º42’00” E. It was completed in the year 1983. The project

consists of an earthen dam 810 m long and 4.0 m dam crest width. It has 62 m long

ungated spillway having discharge capacity of 1,053 cumec.

The TBL, FRL, original MWL and Spillway Crest level are at EL 591.60 m, 584.60 m,

588.60 m and 584.60 m, respectively. The gross storage at FRL is 21.22 MCM.

2.1 Project Description

Sl. No.

Item Details

a. Project Identification Code (PIC) KA06MH0153

b. Project Name Upper Mullamari Dam

c. River Basin Krishna

d. Sub River Basin Bhima

e. River/Stream Mullamari

f. Catchment area (km2) 207

g. Year of commencement of project 1978

h. Year of completion of project 1983

2.2 Project Location

Sl. No.

Item Details

a. State Karnataka

b. District Bidar

c. Earthquake Zone II

d. Survey of India Map Ref No’s 56G/2

e. Nearest City Humnabad

f. Nearest Airport Hyderabad

g. Nearest Railhead Kalburgi

h. Name of Immediate U/S Project Nil

i. Name of Immediate D/S Project Lower Mullamari

j. Latitude in Deg., Min, Sec. (North) 77º22’00”

k. Longitude in Deg., Min, Sec. (East) 17º42’00”

2.3 Project Benefits

Sl. No. Item Details

a. Type of Project Irrigation

b. Gross Command Area (Ha) 5465

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Sl. No. Item Details

c. Culturable Command Area (Ha) 3279

d. Annual Irrigation Potential (Ha) 3279

e. Hydropower –

Installed Capacity (MW) Nil

f. Hydropower –

Firm Power (MW) Nil

g. Hydropower –

Average Annual Generation (MU) Nil

h. Domestic/Municipal/Industrial Water –

Annual Quantum (MCM) Nil

i. Domestic/Municipal/Industrial Water –

Area and Population Benefitted Nil

j. Flood Protection –

Flood Protected Area (Ha) Nil

k. Flood Protection –

Details of Area Benefitted Nil

l. Details of Tourism/Recreational Facilities Nil

2.4 Dam and Reservoir Features (Before rehabilitation under DRIP)

Sl. No.

Item Details

a. Full Reservoir Level (m) 584.60

b. Original Maximum Water Level (m) 588.60

c. Gross Reservoir Storage Capacity at FRL (Mm

3 )


d. Live Storage Capacity (Mm3 ) 18.33

e. Revised Live Storage Capacity, if any

(Mm3 )


f. Date of bathymetric survey, if any -

g. Dam Type Zoned Earthfill Dam


Length of Dam at Top (m)

i) Total length of the main dam

ii) Length of embankment dam

iii) Length of masonry/concrete dam



62 (only side ogee spillway section)

i. Number and length of dykes (No. & m) Nil

j. Top of dam (El. in m.) 591.60

k. Top Level of Upstream Parapet Wall of main dam (El. in m.)


l. Height of Dam (m)

i) Embankment dam – above river bed level (up to dam top without


Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Sl. No.

Item Details


ii) Concrete/Masonry dam – above deepest foundation level (up to dam top)

2 (ogee control structure)

m Top width of main dam (m) 4.0

n. Spillway details

i) Location Ungated side saddle

ii) Type of spillway Ogee

iii) Length of spillway (m) 62

iv) Spillway crest level (m) 584.60

v) Type of Gate NA

vi) Number and size of gates (no. and

m. x m.) NA

vii) Number and thickness of piers (no.

and m. x m.) NA


Outlet/Sluice details

i) In Embankment dam


Size (Width (m). x Height (m).)


Invert level El. (m)

Discharging capacity (m3/s)

ii) In Concrete/Masonry dam


Size (m. x m.)


Invert level El. (m)

Discharging capacity (m3/s)

2 (LBC, RBC)

0.80 m x 1.80, 0.80 m x 1.80 m

CH 180 m, CH 558 m

576.06 m, 576.06 m

0.99, 1.62


Note: All elevations are above MSL

2.5 Any Emergency Spillway, Fuse Plug etc.


2.6 Details of previous dam incidents, if any


2.7 PST Details


No. Item Date/Cost Remarks

a. PST first received from SPMU 18.12.2015

b. Proposed PST Cost (INR in Lakhs) 335.00

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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c. First review by CPMU 08.01.2016

d. Final review by CPMU 08.01.2016

e. World Bank Approval 14.01.2016 E- mail dated 14/01/2016

f. Approved PST Cost (INR in Lakhs) 335.00

2.8 DSRP, CPMU and World Bank Recommendations and Compliance

2.8.1 DSRP Recommendations and Compliance

Compliance to DSRP recommendations as submitted by SPMU/dam authorities is

shown on pages 6 to 11 below.

2.8.2 CPMU/World Bank Recommendations and Compliance

Compliance letters on CPMU observations during PST stage as submitted by

SPMU/dam authorities is shown on pages 12 to 19 below.

2.9 Scope of Rehabilitation Works as per PST

(a) Remedial Measures (Structural)

i. Construction of lead off drain,

ii. Construction of template wall,

iii. Construction of Manholes,

iv. Upstream side revetment correction,

v. Construction of Turfing on d/s side

vi. Pit filling below d/s of toe of dam

vii. Improvements to V-notch and d/s channel clearance

(b) Basic Facilities

viii. Construction of Approach Road to Upper Mullamari Dam.

(c) Non-structural Measures

ix. Design flood studies, Flood routing study, Preparation of Emergency Action Plan, Dam break Analysis, Stability Analysis of Dam and Preparation of inundation maps

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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2.10 Drawings

Figure 2-1: Index Map of Upper Mullamari Dam.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Figure 2-2: Google Map of Upper Mullamari Dam.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Figure 2-3: Layout Map of Upper Mullamari Dam.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Figure 2-4: Longitudinal Section of Upper Mullamari Dam.

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Figure 2-5: Typical Cross Section of Upper Mullamari Earth Dam.

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Figure 2-6: Spillway Plan of Upper Mullamari Dam.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Figure 2-7: Spillway Cross Section of Upper Mullamari Dam.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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3.1 Dam Inspections

Sl. No.

Item Date of visit Remarks

a. Dam Safety Review Panel (DSRP) July 2015

b. Site Visit made by CPMU experts Oct 2015

3.2 Summary of observations made by CPMU

Revised design flood has been estimated as 1340 m3/sec against original value of

1053 m3/sec. Recommended that flood routing studies be carried out to obtain the

revised maximum water level and check adequacy of the freeboard available. Other

observations made by CPMU are as given under section 2.8.2.


4.1 DFR Outcome

Sl. No.

Item Original



Value Remarks

a. Inflow Design Flood (m3/s) 1053 1340 SPF

b. Spillway Capacity / Routed Outflow (m


- - Flood routing

study is on-going.

c. Maximum Water Level (m) 588.6 - TBL 591.6

FRL 584.6

4.2 Brief Summary of Review

The original design flood was 1,053 cumec and the revised design flood (SPF) is 1,340 cumec. Flood routing study for the revised design flood is currently on-going and the revised MWL will only be known after the flood routing study is completed. The MWL for the original design flood was at EL 588.60 m and the TBL is at 591.60 m. The freeboard above the original MWL is 3 m. However, the final freeboard needs to be re-calculated using the MWL for the revised design flood and should fulfil the minimum recommended 1.50 m for embankment dams as per IS 10635.

4.3 Recommendations

Structural measures - Nil.

Non-structural measures - EAP.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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5.1 Summary of Investigations

Sl. No.

Item Details Remarks

a. Geo-Physical Investigations

NA b. Geo-Technical Investigations

c. Hydraulic Model Studies

d. Under-Water Scanning

5.2 Main Dam Works

Sl. No.

Item Details Remarks

a. Works from hydrological angle Design flood review & flood


Design flood Completed.

Flood routing on-going

b. Resetting of disturbed upstream pitching (rip-rap)

Upstream side revetment correction and construction of

template wall Completed

c. Repairs to d/s toe drains, provision of V-Notches for seepage measurements

Construction of lead off drain at dam top and chute drains

on dam d/s slope Completed

d. Provision for d/s turfing Turfing on d/s dam slope Completed

e. Other miscellaneous works d/s of embankment dam

Repair of existing manholes d/s of dam toe

Pit filling below d/s of toe of dam


5.3 Basic facilities

S/N Item Details Status

a. b. Roads Construction of approach road Completed

b. c. Others

Improvements to V-notch and d/s channel clearance



6.1 List of existing instruments installed in dam and their condition

V-notch weir newly installed.

6.2 Details of new instruments installed


6.3 CPMU Recommendations


Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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7.1 Package wise details

Work Package No.

Name of Works



(INR in Lakhs)



Invitation for bids / NIT Issue


Pre-Bid Meeting


Bid Opening


Contract Agreement


Contract Agreement


Contractor’s Name &



Duration (Months)

Scheduled Completio

n date

Contract /

Award Value

(INR in Lakhs)

Completion Cost (INR in Lakhs)

Actual Date of


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Works to Upper Mullamari Dam

Under World Bank aided DRIP


277.00 NCB 04/07/16 02/08/16 08/08/16 27/ 2016-17 02/12/16

Sri B.N.Police Patil,

KPWD Class-I Contractor,

Rf o Budhihal, Tq. Shorapur, Dist. Yadagir

12 01/12/17 289.65 241.30 15/11/18

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Longitudinal crack

7.2 Details of Bidding process

As per details in the above table.

7.3 Reason for Variation, if any

SPMU reported Rs. 48.66 lakhs savings due to omission of unnecessary items as

per site conditions. See completion certificate and savings report in Annexure C.

7.4 Litigation / Arbitration, If Any

No litigation.



8.1. Summary of Visits undertaken

Sl. No. Date of visit Transmittal details of CSV Report

a. 10-07-2017 5352/12-12-2017

b. 10-10-2017

c. 26-03-2018 5851/03-05-2018

d. 25-07-218 6392/28-09-2018

8.2. Summary of Third Party Material Testing

Third party quality control tests were performed on M20 concrete for dam top leadoff

drain, dam d/s slope chute and longitudinal drains using non-destructive Schmidt

hammer test (NDT). The tests gave satisfactory results. Detailed test report is

attached as Annexure D.

8.3. Summary of Major Recommendations

1st and 2nd Construction Site Visit Report

Observations & Recommendations:

During the visit on 11 July 2017, a longitudinal

crack was observed on dam d/s slope adjacent

to the curb between CH 0+390 and CH 0+420 m

(see photo on right side). The crack has since

been filled with soil and hand compacted. CPMU

notes that filling the crack with hand-compacted

soil is only a short-term solution to stop rain

water from percolating through the crack and

further weakening the slope. However, the long-

lasting solution will be to dig a trapezoidal trench

along the crack (up to the stable base of the

crack) and refill with suitable soil compacted by

hand held pneumatic tamper.

Project Rehabilitation Report of Upper Mullamari Dam

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Noted construction compliance issues:

Sl. No

Observation / Deficiency Status Remarks

Observations during site visit on 11.07.2017

1 Non-availability of labour for work

Open Project authorities should insist contractor to mobilise the manpower.

2 Templates are damaged at many location

Open, Insufficient provision in the

estimate to complete the work

Action needs to be taken by project authorities to complete the work by approving variations if budget permits.

3 Crack formation between Ch. 390 & 420 m

Closed Filled the gap with soil and hand compacted to make it monolithic.


Depression at D/s of dam with pool of water, which was likely to impair on stability of dam due to saturation of foundation


Filled with earth to avoid pooling of water. Repairs to RBC has to be carried out to arrest seepage to avoid flow of water in the vicinity of Toe of earthen dam..

5 Disturbance at U/s Revetment at Ch. 300 m to 330 m

Open To be rectified by resetting with filter below

6 Rain cuts/gullies formation at D/s face of earthen dam is observed

Open. No provision in the present

estimate to repair to designed slope

DSRT recommends for repair and providing protective cover of gross to avoid erosion damages.

Observations during site visit 10.10.2017

7 Shrubs in plenty have grown at the D/s slope of the earthen dam


Action to be taken to uproot the shrubs as and when appears to avoid disturbing the embankment due to growth in the diameter of root & stem.


At many locations there is settlement in U/s revetment and also appears due to this there is settlement in dam top also.


Recommended for survey and cross verification of actual sections with designed sections to find out whether there is any distortion and rectification if required.

3rd Construction Site Visit Report

Observations and Quality Control issues:

The critical issue at this is a longitudinal crack observed on dam d/s slope adjacent

to the kerb between CH 0+390 and CH 0+420 m. The same was reported in

previous construction site visit. This section has now been excavated for

construction of dam top lead off drain. Other cracks were also observed on d/s side

of the dam crest. Rough measurements taken during this site visit show that the

observed cracks are 30-cm to 60-cm deep. Based on the observations made

during the inspection, the SPMU is recommended:

To identify and effectively repair all longitudinal cracks along the whole

length of the dam using best engineering practices by digging a trapezoidal

trench along the crack (up to the stable base of the crack) and refill layer

by layer with suitable soil compacted by hand held pneumatic tamper.

To construct the lead off (longitudinal) drain at the dam top after effective

repair of the longitudinal cracks (wherever observed crack intercepts the

longitudinal). This will help to ensure stability of the embankment.

For the V-notch weir currently under construction at the d/s toe of the dam,

CPMU recommends installation of a measuring staff gauge on the side

wall upstream of the V-notch at a distance ≥ 4×h (where h is maximum

depth of flow over the V-notch weir).

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Noted construction compliance issues:

No. Deficiency / Observation Status Remarks


Observed longitudinal crack adjacent to the d/s kerb between CH 0+390 and CH 0+420 m and other minor cracks on d/s side of dam crest

Open SPMU to identify and effectively repair all visible cracks along the whole dam length.


Construction of the lead-off (longitudinal) drain at dam top (downstream side) before repair of cracks


To ensure long-term stability of the structure, SPMU to effectively repair cracks before construction of lead off drain.

3. V-notch weir chamber full of water Open

Chamber needs to be effectively dewatered and properly graded for positive drainage before installation of V-notch weir.

4. No staff gauge for V-notch weir measurement


To be provided upstream of the v-

notch at a distance ≥4×h (where h is maximum height of the V-notch weir).

5. Deep rain cuts on d/s slope of dam Open To be properly rectified.

6. Contract expired on 01/12/17 Open EOT to be approved.

4th Construction Site Visit Report Observations:

During this inspection, CPMU noted that the longitudinal crack was repaired by

excavating trapezoidal section as recommended in the previous visit. However,

compaction was not done using pneumatic equipment. Rather manual tampers

were used, which may not have attained the required degree of compaction. SPMU

is recommended to monitor any potential settlement of the lead-off drain

constructed over the repaired longitudinal crack.

Backfill behind the side walls of the dam top longitudinal drain needs to be

compacted well. At present, it is loose and can be eroded easily by rain water (see

photo 6). Also, excavated soil other than the part used for backfilling behind the

walls should not be disposed on the dam d/s slope. It should rather be disposed to

designated area.

Drying up of grasses (used for turfing) on d/s slope was reported as a Contractual

challenge at this site and other sites in KaWRD. SPMU was recommended to

consider the use of “Zoysia grass”, which is drought resistant.

Following this visit, CPMU carried out 3rd party NDT (Schmidt hammer rebound)

tests on M20 concrete for dam top leadoff drain, chute drain, and longitudinal drain

works. The tests gave satisfactory results but with some honeycombing present.

Noted construction compliance issues:

No. Deficiency / Observation Status Remarks


Observed longitudinal crack adjacent to the d/s kerb between CH 0+390 and CH 0+420 m and other minor cracks on d/s side of dam crest

Closed Cracks repaired


Construction of the lead-off (longitudinal) drain at dam top (downstream side) before repair of cracks


Longitudinal crack was repaired but compaction was done by manual tampers not hand-held pneumatic compactor. SPMU recommended monitoring of any potential settlement of the dam top lead-off drain.

3. Defects such as honeycombing observed in M20 concrete of lead off

Open To be rectified.

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4. Loose soil around of lead off drain Open To be properly compacted.

5. V-notch weir chamber full of water Open

Chamber needs to be effectively dewatered and properly graded for positive drainage before installation of V-notch weir.

6. No staff gauge for V-notch weir measurement


To be provided upstream of the v-notch

at a distance ≥4×h (where h is maximum height of the V-notch weir).

7. Deep rain cuts on d/s slope of dam Open To be properly rectified.

8. Contract expired on 01/12/17 Open EOT to be approved.

8.4. Summary of Compliance by SPMU

Compliance letter received from SPMU against the CPMU experts’ comments during

construction site visits is shown below on pages 34 to 36.

8.5. Summary of any Special Visits made by CWC/World Bank/Expert



8.6. Summary of Technical Assistance provided by CPMU

Review of PST. Review of design flood.

Provided technical guidance on maintaining quality of works as per design, contract agreement technical specification and best engineering practices.

Third party quality control tests.



9.1 Basic Details

Sl. No.

Item Yes / No Remarks

a. ESMF Issue Identified in PST Yes

b. Mitigation Measures Proposed Yes

c. Any Rehabilitation and Resettlement involved No

d. Site Visit Date of CPMU E&S Specialists -

e. Site Visit Report of CPMU E&S Specialists -

9.2 Summary of Observations

ESMF management during implementation was generally satisfactory but PPE was

hardly during construction. ESMF OK Card is attached in Annexure E.

9.3 Details of ESMF/EIA study (if any)


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10.1 Basic Details

Sl. No.

Item Yes / No Remarks


Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

(i) EAP Available at Site

(ii) EAP Prepared under DRIP

(iii) EAP Published

(iv) Stake holder consultations





DBA, inundation maps and EAP are currently being undertaken by SPMU

b. O&M Manual availability Yes It is to be revised as per guidelines issued by Central Water Commission (CWC) in January 2018

c. Inflow Forecasting No

d. DHARMA Implementation Yes In progress

e. Siren No Needs to be installed

10.2 Summary of Observations



11.1 Details of pending works

i. Complete flood routing study & determine MWL for the revised design flood.

Check adequacy of available freeboard.

ii. Carryout DBA and prepare inundation maps and EAP.

iii. Preparation of O&M Manual as per guideline published by DRIP.

iv. Completion of data entry in DHARMA.

11.2 Further course of action

All pending actions stated above should be completed before December 2019.


i. PST

ii. DSRP report

iii. Construction site visit report.

iv. Information received from SPMU from time to time

v. Completion Certificate.

vi. World Bank approval

vii. Third party testing.

viii. Compliance letters from SPMU.

ix. ESMF OK Card

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Annex A: PST Approval Letter

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Annex B: Drawings issued for

Rehabilitation measures

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Annex C: Completion Certificate

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Annex D: Third Party QC Tests

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Annex E: ESMF OK Card

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Annex F: Photographs Before and

After Rehabilitation Works

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Approach Road - Before

Approach Road – During Construction

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Approach Road – After

Embankment Dam Downstream Slope – Before

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Embankment Dam Top & D/s Slope Drains – During Construction

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Embankment Dam Top & D/s Slope Drains – After

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Upstream Slope Riprap – Before

Upstream Slope Riprap – During Construction

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Upstream Slope Riparap – After

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Dam Top Lead-off Drain – During Construction

Dam Top Lead-off Drain – After (Also showing 3rd Party NDT tesing by CPMU)

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V-notch Weir Chamber – During Construction

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V-notch Weir Chamber – After

V-notch Weir - After
