PROGRAMME 4: TECHNICAL INDICATOR DESCRIPTIONS …performance information letter to the DST. These...


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Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name PhD students awarded bursaries annually through NRF and relevant entities.

Date 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Contribute to human capital development

Objective Statement To contribute to the development of representative, high-level human capital able to pursue locally relevant,globally competitive research and innovation activities.

Indicator title Total number of PhD students awarded bursaries annually as reflected in the reports from the NRF and relevant entities by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator To measure the total number of PhD students awarded bursaries.

Type of indicator

Input indicator

Measure / Indicator Definition

Total number of PhD students awarded bursaries annually as reflected in the reports from NRF and relevant entities PhD students receiving bursary support from the NRF, CSIR, SANSA and ARC

Measure / Indicator Formula

Total number of PhD students awarded bursaries annually through NRF, ARC, SANSA and ARC funded programmes.

New Indicator Continues with some changes to the indicator to meet SMART principle

Desired performance

High – a number of students awarded bursaries

Measure / Indicator Owner Director: High End Skills Worked example Number of students awarded bursaries, e.g. (100 PhD)

Target set for current year Annual: Not less than 3 100 PhD students awarded an annual bursary as reflected in the reports from the NRF and relevant entities by 31 March 2019 Quarterly: Q1 – Not less than 1 500 PhD students awarded an annual bursary

Target achieved Actual target achieved. Q1 – Q2 – Q3 – Q4 – YTD - :


Q2 – Not less than 2 300 PhD students awarded an annual bursary Q3 – Not less than 2 800 PhD students awarded an annual bursary Q4 – No less than 3 100 PhD students awarded an annual bursary as reflected in the reports from the NRF and relevant entities by 31 March 2019

Data limitations

The NRF quarterly reports that do not contain the final quarterly data on students due to the late finalisation and auditing of data from their side, thus resulting in the DST first reporting on preliminary data contained in an e-mail from the NRF. The preliminary data is then updated when the agency sends a formal performance information letter to the DST.

These are bursaries awarded from Programme 4 funds through the NRF and relevant entities, including the CSIR, SANSA and the Agricultural Research Council.

. Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

To be completed as milestone reached

2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Contracts entered into with the NRF and relevant entities (CSIR, SANSA, ARC) BAS Forms on Funds Transferred relating to the bursaries.Progress reports on individual programmes and letter confirming the reported quarterly outputs Database of PhD students with ID numbers, student numbers, course details etc from Q3 and in all quarters going forward.

Collection Frequency of Source data Quarterly

Archiving of Source Data Quarterly

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Number of PhD students funded through NRF and relevant entities

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data Alfresco

Source Data Capturing Frequency Quarterly

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’ Programmes

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’ Programmes

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director: Research Development and Chief Director: HCSP


Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

Director: Research Development and Chief Director: HCSP

3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used Number of PhD students

Calculations required on extracted information Number of PhD students

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information Alfresco

Return Format Word document in Alfresco

Reporting Frequency Quarterly.

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: Research Development and Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: Research Development and Chief Director: HCSP


Performance Indicator 2

Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name Pipeline postgraduate students awarded bursaries and fellowships through NRF and DST

Date 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Contribute to human capital development

Objective Statement To contribute to the development of representative, high-level human capital able to pursue locally relevantglobally competitive research and innovation activities.

Indicator title Total number of pipeline postgraduate students awarded bursaries annually as reflected in the reports from the NRF and relevant entities by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator To measure the total number of pipeline1 postgraduate students awarded bursaries by level of study (B. Tech, Master’s).

Type of indicator

Input indicator

Measure / Indicator Definition

Total number of pipeline postgraduate students (BTech and honours and Master’s) students awarded bursaries annually as reflected in the reports from the NRF and relevant entities. Postgraduates research students receiving bursary support from the NRF and relevant entities

Measure / Indicator Formula

Number of students awarded bursaries through NRF and relevant entities’-funded programmes (B. Tech and Honours+ Master’s)

New Indicator Continues with some changes to the indicator to meet SMART principle

Desired performance

High – a number of students awarded bursaries

Measure / Indicator Owner Director: Research Development

Worked example Number of students awarded bursaries, e.g. (100 B. Tech and Honours+ 150 Master’s)

Target set for current year Annual: Not less than 10 800 pipeline postgraduate students awarded an annual bursary as reflected in the reports from the NRF and relevant entities by 31 March 2019

Target achieved

Actual target achieved. Q1 – Q2 – Q3 – Q4 – YTD - :

                                                            1 Pipeline includes final year undergraduates, honours and masters leading to a PhD. 


Quarterly:Q1 – Not less than 5 400 pipeline postgraduate students (BTech and honours, and master's students) awarded an annual bursary Q2 – Not less than 8 100 pipeline postgraduate students (BTech and honours, and master's students) awarded an annual bursary Q3 – Not less than 9 500 pipeline postgraduate students (BTech and honours, and master's students) awarded an annual bursary Q4 - Not less than 10 800 pipeline postgraduate students (BTech and honours, and master's students) awarded an annual bursary

Data limitations

The NRF quarterly reports that do not contain final quarterly data on students due to the late finalisation and auditing of data from their side, thus resulting in the DST first reporting on preliminary data contained in an e-mail from the NRF. The preliminary data is then updated when the agency sends a formal performance information letter to the DST.

These are bursaries awarded from Programme 4 funds through the NRF and relevant entities, including the CSIR, SANSA and the Agricultural Research Council

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

To be completed as milestone reached

2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Contracts entered into with the NRF. BAS Forms on Funds Transferred relating to the bursaries. Progress reports on individual programmes from NRF, SANSA, CSIR and ARC(per quarter) - Letter confirming the reported quarterly outputsConsolidated Database of postgraduate students with ID numbers, student numbers, course details etc. from Q3 and in all quarters going forward.

Collection Frequency of Source data Quarterly

Archiving of Source Data Quarterly

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Number of postgraduate students awarded bursaries through NRF and relevant entities by level of study (B. Tech, Master’s).


IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data


Source Data Capturing Frequency Quarterly

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’ Programmes

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’ Programmes

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director : Research Development (RD) and Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

Director: RD and Chief Director: HCSP

3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used

Number of pipeline postgraduate students (honours and Master’s) awarded bursaries.

Calculations required on extracted information

Number of pipeline post graduate students funded at each level (honours, Masters, PhD, and Postdoc )

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information


Return Format Word document in Alfresco

Reporting Frequency Quarterly.

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: RD Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Deputy Director: New Generation Researchers’

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: RD


Performance Indicator 3

Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name Graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in science, engineering and technology institutions (SETI)

Date 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Contribute to human capital development

Objective Statement To contribute to the development of representative, high-level human capital able to pursue locally relevant, globally competitive research and innovation activities.

Indicator title Total number of graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in SETI institutions by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator To measure the number of graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in order to gain the necessary work experience

Type of indicator

Input indicator

Measure / Indicator Definition

Total number of graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes (through internship programme , PDP, National Youth Service and experiential learning) in science, engineering, technology and innovation (SETI) institutions

Measure / Indicator Formula

Total number of graduates and students placed through DST/NRF Internship Programme and National Youth Service

New Indicator Continuing indicator but also made smarted and inclusive of a number of workplace preparation programmes

Desired performance

High – a number of graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes

Measure / Indicator Owner Director: Research Support and Director: Science Promotion

Worked example Total number of graduate/students placed = No. of internships supported students (140) + No. of PDP fellows supported (80) + No. of National Youth Service Students (40) + No. of Experiential learning programme students (0) = 180 total number of graduates/students

Target set for current year Annual: Not less than 790 graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in

Target achieved Actual target achieved. Q1 – 708 (622+86) Q2 – 747 (622+125) Q3 – Q4 – YTD - :


SETI institutions by 31 March 2019 Quarterly: Q1 - 350 graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in SETI institutions Q2 – 520 graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in SETI institutions Q3 – 630 graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in SETI institutions Q4 – 790 graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in SETI institutions

Data limitations

Data focuses on students and graduates that have been placed in the programme in a given year. The success rate of employment can be determined after the internship year. The database for the total number of graduates and interns to be available at the end of the financial year

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

No variance foreseen

2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Consolidated HCD contract entered into with the NRF on funding of interns.

BAS Forms on Funds Transferred relating to the workplacepreparation programmes.

NRF progress reports on workplace preparation programmes

DST-NRF internship database interns; and DST-National Youth Service database of students from

Q3 and in all quarters going forward. List of the participating SETI

Collection Frequency of Source data Quarterly

Archiving of Source Data Alfresco

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Number of graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes in science, engineering, technology and innovation (SETI) institutions.


IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data Alfresco

Source Data Capturing Frequency Quarterly.

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Deputy Director: Work Preparation Programmes and Deputy Director: Science Promotion

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Deputy Director: Work Preparation Programmes and Deputy Director: Science Promotion

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

Deputy Director: Work Preparation Programmes

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director: RS and Director: Science Promotion Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

Deputy Director: Work Preparation Programmes and Deputy Director: Science Promotion

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

Director RS and Director Science Promotion Chief Director: HCSP

3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco/ funded students and graduates in work preparation programmes statistics.

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used Number of graduates and students placed in DST-funded work preparation programmes Number of graduates and students funded at each level (bachelors, honours and masters)

Calculations required on extracted information Number of graduates and students placed by levels (bachelors, honors and masters).

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information Alfresco

Return Format Spreadsheet

Reporting Frequency Quarterly

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Deputy Director: Work Preparation Programmes and Deputy Director: Science Promotion

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: RS and Director: Science Promotion. Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Deputy Director: Work Preparation Programmes and Deputy Director: Science Promotion

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: RS and Director: Science Promotion. Chief Director: HCSP


Performance Indicator 4:

Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name: Research infrastructure grants

Date: 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Provision of research and innovation infrastructure

Objective Statement To ensure availability of and access to internationally comparable research and innovation infrastructure in order to generate new knowledge and train new researchers.

Indicator title Number of research infrastructure grants awarded annually as per award letters by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator

To ensure the availability of appropriate infrastructure for enhancement of RDI competitiveness

Type of indicator

Input indicator

Measure / Indicator Definition

Number of research infrastructure grants awarded as per award letters across all the 5 research infrastructure categories and to the research community across the entire NSI. Research infrastructure refers to the equipment and physical infrastructure (such as pilot plants and technology demonstrations) that will be used to train the researchers

Measure / Indicator Formula

Number of research infrastructure grants awarded as per award letters per annum We use the ratio 1:5, one equipment will provide access to 5 researchers and 1:10 for researcher to students training opportunities That is, if 70 research grants are awarded then 350 researchers will have access to it and 3 500 students having training access

New Indicator Target continues from the previous year

Desired performance

High performance is desired

Measure / Indicator Owner

Charles Mokonoto, Director: Infrastructure

Worked example To award 30 research infrastructure across the system

Target set for current year

Annual target: 30 annual research infrastructure grants awarded as per award letters by 31 March 2019 Q1- No target Q2-. Call for proposals on awarding of research infrastructure grants issued by 30 September 2018 Q3- No target Q4- 30 annual research infrastructure grants awarded as per award letters

Target achieved Q1 -. Q2 – Q3 - .

Data limitations

The collection of data is partially (for the awards made through the National Equipment Programme of the NRF) done by the implementing agency and the process is not in the control of


the DST. The data for the awarding of high-end infrastructure is collated by the department internally.

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

There is no variance at this stage

Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Contracts with implementing agency (NRF) and other DST entities such as the CSIR Quarterly and annual report from implementing agency (NRF) and other DST entities such as the CSIR BAS payment form to transfer funds to implementing agencies Award letters

Collection Frequency of Source data Biannually

Archiving of Source Data Data is stored on Alfresco

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Data on the human capital developed and a result of the equipment placement and bibliometric data such as publications, citations and patents (Human capital development is an important indicator as one of the key outputs over and above publications and citations– how many students have been trained using the equipment, and how many have graduated as a result of the new equipment).

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data

The data is presented to the DST in the form of report which are then stored and saved on Alfresco

Source Data Capturing Frequency Biannually

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

D: Infrastructure Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

DD: Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

DD: Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

D: Infrastructure CD: BSI

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

DD: Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

D: Infrastructure CD: BSI



3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used

Type of an equipment, amount or grant awarded for the equipment, institution where the equipment has been placed, principal researcher, number of students.

Calculations required on extracted information Number of grants awarded

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information

Reports filed and saved on Alfresco

Return Format Word documents

Reporting Frequency Biannually ( Q2 and Q4)

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Director: Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: Infrastructure CD: BSI

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Director: Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: Infrastructure


Performance Indicator 5: Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name: A gigabit per second total available broadband capacity network providing transmission of data to all research and academic institutions

Date: 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Provision of research and innovation infrastructure

Objective Statement To ensure availability of and access to internationally-comparable research and innovation infrastructure in order to generate new knowledge and train new researchers

Indicator title Total available broadband capacity provided by SANReN per annum by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator To ensure sufficient broadband capacity is available for transmission of data to and from research and academic institutions connected to SANReN

Type of indicator

This is an input indicator, which also assesses performance such as efficiency.

Measure / Indicator Definition

Total available broadband capacity through SANReN at 31 March 2018 Increased availability of broadband connectivity for Research and Development, Education and Innovation Initiatives (e.g. SKA)

Measure / Indicator Formula

Total available broadband capacity = Available link bandwidths summed across all the active links of SANReN Assumptions: Links consist of the combination

of transmission equipment and the connecting circuit;

Active links considered in the calculation include those where SANReN has invested in the transmission equipment and/or the connecting circuit.

New Indicator Target continues from the previous year

Desired performance

Higher performance, as it measures also the available capacity provided to transport data to and from research and academic sites connected to SANReN.

Measure / Indicator Owner

Charles Mokonoto, Director: Infrastructure

Worked example Say there are 3 links active in SANReN with individual available capacities as follows: Link1 bandwidth = 100Gbps, Link2 bandwidth = 10Gbps, Link3, Link3 bandwidth = 1 Gbps Total available capacity = 100Gbps + 10Gbps + 1 Gbps = 111Gbps.

Target set for current year

Annual target: 3 400 Gbps total available broadband

Target achieved Q1 - Q2 – Q3 -.


capacity provided by SANReN by 31 March 2019 Q1 – No target Q2 - New links and upgrade plan finalised by 30 September 2018 Q3 – No target Q4 – 3 400 Gbps total available broadband capacity provided by SANReN

Data limitations

The collection of data is done by the CSIR and the process not in the control of the DST. However, the DST has the opportunity to interrogate the data presented to them in the form of presentations, as well as through visual inspection of the implemented circuits and transmission equipment feeding these circuits.

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

No recorded at this stage

2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Audited reports from the CSIR (NICIS annual report) Acceptance of Link Delivery certificates, signed by IT Departments of connected sites, will be produced from 31 March 2019 for new links The CSIR’s supply contracts with the suppliers of SANReN links, as well as transmission equipment. CSIR should send a signed letter with bandwidth calculation

Collection Frequency of Source data Biannually

Archiving of Source Data The CSIR audited reports are stored in Alfresco

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Total available capacity provided by SANReN at the end of the reporting period is extracted from the NICIS audited report.

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data

Reports are prepared in MS Word and stored on Alfresco

Source Data Capturing Frequency bi-annual

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

D: Infrastructure Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

DD: Cyber Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

D: Infrastructure Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

D: Infrastructure CD: BSI

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted

D: Infrastructure Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and

DD: Infrastructure CD: BSI


information onto the IT System

completeness of the captured information


3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used

Total available broadband capacity provided by SANReN at 31 March 2019

Calculations required on extracted information Total available broadband capacity provided by SANReN at 31 March 2019

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information

Reports filed and saved on Alfresco

Return Format Word documents

Reporting Frequency bi-annually ( Q2 and Q4)

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Director: Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: Infrastructure CD: BSI

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Director: Infrastructure

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: Infrastructure


Performance Indicator 6 Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name Researchers awarded research grants through NRF-managed programmes

Date 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Production of new knowledge

Objective Statement To support and promote research that develops basic sciences through production of new knowledge and relevant training opportunities

Indicator title Total number of researchers awarded research grants through NRF-managed programmes as reflected in the NRF project reports by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator To measure the total number of researchers who get research grants from NRF-managed research grant programmes

Type of indicator Input indicator

Measure / Indicator Definition Total number of researchers awarded research grants through NRF-managed programmes as reflected in the NRF project reports Researchers awarded research grants to conduct research and supervise postgraduate students (e.g. including Research Chairs, rated researchers, Centre of Excellence Researchers)

Measure / Indicator Formula

Summation of researchers that are awarded research grants

New Indicator Continues from previous financial year

Desired performance High – research grants awarded to researchers

Measure / Indicator Owner Director: Research Support

Worked example This indicator is the total number of researchers who receive research grant support from the NRF through its various programmes. This is the total number of research grant holders be they from emerging researchers programmes (i.e. Thuthuka) and established


researchers programmes (e.g. SARChIs, CoEs, rated researchers etc). Therefore, the indicator is the sum of all researchers receiving NRF grants.

Target set for current year Annual:Not less than 4 500 researchers awarded an annual research grant through NRF-managed programmes as reflected by the NRF project reports by 31 March 2019 Quarterly: Q1 – Not less than 2 000 researchers awarded an annual research grant through NRF-managed programmes Q2 – Not less than 3 500 researchers awarded an annual research grant through NRF-managed programmes Q3 – Not less than 4 000 researchers awarded an annual research grant through NRF-managed programmes Q4 – Not less than 4 500 researchers awarded an annual research grant through NRF-managed programmes

Target achieved Actual target achieved. Q1 – 2473 Q2 – 3863 Q3 – Q4 – YTD - :

Data limitations

The NRF quarterly reports that do not contain final quarterly data on researchers due to the late finalisation and auditing of data from their side, thus resulting in the DST first reporting on preliminary data contained in an e-mail from the NRF. The preliminary data is then updated when the agency sends a formal performance information letter to the DST.

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

Variance can be caused by the size (per capita values) of individual grants, which is dependent on the kind and type of research to be conducted.


2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Contracts entered into with the NRF in respect of programmes aimed at the funding of researchers. BAS Forms on Funds Transferred relating to funding of researchers. NRF progress report on researchers awarded research grants (with a list of participating programmes) Database of researchers (with names, ID, registration numbers etc.) from Q3 and in all quarters going forward.

Collection Frequency of Source data Quarterly

Archiving of Source Data Alfresco

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Number of researchers awarded research grants through NRF-managed programmes

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data Alfresco

Source Data Capturing Frequency Quarterly

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director: Research Support and Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

Director: Research Support and Chief Director: HCSP

3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco/funded researchers statistics.

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used

Number of researchers awarded research grants through NRF-managed

Calculations required on extracted information Number of researchers awarded research grants

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information

Word document in Alfresco

Return Format Word document

Reporting Frequency Quarterly

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: Research Support and Chief Director: HCSP


Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: Research Support and Chief Director: HCSP

Performance Indicator 7: Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name Internationally accredited research articles from researchers awarded research grants through NRF-managed programmes.

Date 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Production of new knowledge

Objective Statement To support and promote research that develops basic sciences through production of new knowledgand relevant training opportunities

Indicator title Number of research articles published by NRF-funded researchers and cited in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Citation Database as reflected in the NRF project reports by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator To measure the research outputs in the form of research articles published in internationally recognised, peer- reviewed (cited in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Citation Database)

Type of indicator


Measure / Indicator Definition

Number of accredited research articles published by NRF-funded researchers and cited in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Citation Database as reflected in the NRF project reports. The articles reported on are those published within the financial year (1 April to 31 March) and each article reported on is distinct.

Measure / Indicator Formula

Approximately 1.6 research output units per NRF funded researcher.

New Indicator Continues from the previous financial year

Desired performance

High – research articles published by NRF –funded researchers and cited in the


Thomson Reuters Web of Science Citation Database

Measure / Indicator Owner Director: Research Support (RS)

Worked example 4.500 NRF funded researchers producing 7 200 research articles and cited in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Citation Database

Target set for current year Annual: Not less than 7 000 research articles published by NRF-funded researchers and cited in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Citation Database as reflected in the NRF project reports by 31 March 2019 Quarterly: Q1 - No target Q2 - No target Q3 - No target Q4 - Not less than 7 000 research articles published by NRF-funded researchers

Target achieved This is an annual target. There are no quarterly targets.

Data limitations

The collection of data is done by the implementing agency and the comprehensive information is only available after the close of the financial year (4th quarter). The articles reported on are those published within the financial year (1 April to 31 March) and each article reported on is distinct.

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

To be recorded during reporting, if applicable

2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Consolidated HCD contracts entered into with the NRF on funding of researchers. BAS Forms on Funds Transferred relating to the funds in the consolidated contract. NRF project reports on accredited research papers Database or list of peer-reviewed accredited research papers published The articles reported on are those published within the financial year (1 April to 31 March) and each article reported on is distinct.

Collection Frequency of Source data Annually

Archiving of Source Data Alfresco.

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Number of accredited research articles published by NRF-funded researchers.

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data


Source Data Capturing Frequency Annually


Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Deputy Directors in the RS unit

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director: RS unit CD: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

Director: RS unit CD: BSI

3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco/Funded researchers - research articles in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Database

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used

Published research articles

Calculations required on extracted information

Sum of research articles in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Database published by NRF-funded researchers

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information


Return Format Spreadsheet.

Reporting Frequency Annually

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: RS CD: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Deputy Director: High End Skills

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: RS


Performance Indicator 8

Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name

Enhance science modes capability of MeerKAT through additional receivers and correlator installation


31 March 2019

Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Development of priority science areas

Objective Statement To strategically develop priority science areas in which South Africa enjoys a competitive advantage, by promoting internationally competitive research and training activities and outputs.

Indicator title Number of science modes receivers installed on MeerKAT

Purpose of indicator - To enable scientific observations in the UHF(Ultra High Frequency) band

- To allow MeerKAT to cover its specified frequency range

Type of indicator Output

Measure / Indicator Definition

- UHF receivers installed on MeerKAT antennas

- UHF demonstration observations

(UHF. This is an additional frequency range covered by the telescope)

Measure / Indicator Formula

- The number of MeerKAT antennas with installed UHF receivers

- Quality of observations in the UHF band

New Indicator continues Desired performance -642 UHF receivers installed on

                                                            2 Nominal 64, but 5% of antennas may be in for maintenance at any time, and their receivers may be removed at that 




MeerKAT antennas

(Director’s report)

- Improved image in comparison with equivalent observations at other telescopes (SKA SA Users Committee confirmation letter)

Measure / Indicator Owner DDG: RDS Worked example

Target set for current year Annual:

64 Ultra High Frequency (UHF) science modes receivers installed on MeerKAT by 31 March 2019 Quarterly:

Q1 – No target

Q2 – SKA SA Project approved progress report on installation of UHF science modes receivers on MeerKAT provided by 30 September 2018 Q3 – No target

Q4 – 64 Ultra High Frequency Science Mode receivers fully installed on MeerKAT by 31 March 2019

Target achieved Actual target achieved.

Q1 – N/A

Q2 –

Q3 –

Q4 –

YTD - :

Data limitations

Project Managers on site will provide a consolidated report, which will be reported by the SKA project Director.

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

To be reported if relevant


2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Official SKA Report Letter from SKA SA Project Director (available 2nd, and

4th quarter)

Collection Frequency of Source data Biannually

Archiving of Source Data Alfresco

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Measure of Array Functionality for the Q4 goal.

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data


Source Data Capturing Frequency Biannually

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Deputy Director: Radio Astronomy Projects:

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Deputy Director: Radio Astronomy Projects:

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

Deputy Director: Radio Astronomy Projects

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director: Radio Astronomy Projects

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

Deputy Director: Radio Astronomy Projects:

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

Director: Radio Astronomy Projects


3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used

Progress towards achieving the Q4 (Annual) Goal with reference to baselined schedule provided.

Calculations required on extracted information Verify whether identified milestones in baselined plan has been achieved

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information


Return Format Word document

Reporting Frequency Biannually (Q2 and Q4)

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Deputy Directors

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: Radio Astronomy Projects Act Chief Director: Astronomy

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Directors Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: Radio Astronomy Projects

Performance Indicator 9

Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output NameReports on the state of climate change science and technology in South Africa

Date 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Development of priority science areas

Objective Statement To strategically develop priority science areas in which South Africa enjoys a competitive advantage, by promoting internationally competitive research and training activities and outputs.

Indicator title Number of biennial reports on the state of climate change S&T in South Africa submitted to Cabinet by 31 March 2019

Purpose of indicator To report biennially to Cabinet on the state of climate

Type of indicator Output indicator


change science and technology in South Africa

Measure / Indicator Definition

The number of biennial reports on the state of climate change science and technology in South Africa

Measure / Indicator Formula

Biennial reports to Cabinet

New Indicator Continues from the previous financial year

Desired performance Producing two biennial reports on the state of climate change science and technology in South Africa by 2019

Measure / Indicator Owner Director: Earth Systems Sciences

Worked example Number of biennial reports produced

Target set for current year Annual: Second biennial report on the state of climate change S&T in South Africa submitted to Cabinet by 31 March 2019 Quarterly: Q1 – No target Q2 – No target Q3 – No target Q4 – Second biennial report on the state of climate change S&T in South Africa submitted to Cabinet by 31 March 2019

Target achieved Actual target achieved. Q1 – Q2 – Q3 – Q4 – YTD - :

Data limitations

Access to information on climate change research and technological innovations by entities that are not publicly funded may be difficult since such information or data may be viewed as of competitive advantage.

It may be difficult to lift out climate change research from general environmental related research or technological innovations thereby risking excluding some important work in these biennial reports.

Compiling comprehensive reports on such wide terrain may require more time than provided for.

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

No variance at this stage

2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Minutes of Workshops and meetings with stakeholders

EXCO Approved Plan Collection Frequency of Source data Data to be collected annually and reporting to Cabinet


Archiving of Source Data Various reports and publications generated by relevant role players

Dedicated DST directories and information management systems (Alfresco)


Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Quantitative data (statistics; nature of research being undertaken; technological innovations developed/created; entities and organisations involved in this kind of research and technology development)

Research findings and outputs Appropriate technologies and innovations being

developed - relevant to climate change response (for both mitigation and adaptation)

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data Alfresco

Source Data Capturing Frequency Annually

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Director: Earth Systems Sciences

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Director: Earth Systems Sciences

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

1.Mr Leluma Matooane, Director: Earth Systems Science, DST 2.Dr Henry Roman, Director: Environmental Services and Technologies, DST The two will be supported by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) which will be tasked with preparing reports on behalf of DST.

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director: Earth Systems Sciences Chief Director: Science Missions, DST Chief Director: Sector Innovation & Global Change, DST

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted information onto the IT System

1.Ms Kogilam Iyer, Deputy Director: Earth Systems Science, DST 2.Ms Magamase Mange, Deputy Director: Environmental Technologies, DST

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the captured information

Chief Director: Science Missions

3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Alfresco - (DST IT systems); Outcome 10 Performance Information spreadsheet

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used

Both quantitative and qualitative

Calculations required on extracted information N/A

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information Alfresco, PIMS and dedicated Outcome 10 MTSF directory

Return Format Reporting template provided, accompanied by official DST letter


Reporting Frequency annually

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Director: Earth Systems Sciences

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: Earth Systems Sciences Chief Director: Science Missions

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Director: Earth Systems Sciences

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Chief Director: Science Missions

Performance Indicator 10

Medium–term objectives, measure/indicator, outputs, and targets

Output Name Participants in science awareness and engagement programmes managed by the NRF and other service providers.

Date 31 March 2019

1. Overview of the objective, output, measure / indicator and target to be reported on

Programme # Programme 4

Programme’s Strategic Objectives (as per the Strategic Plan and the annual Performance Plans

Promote science engagement

Objective Statement To promote public engagement on science, technology and innovation.

Indicator title Number of participants in science awareness and engagement programmes as reflected in project reports of the NRF and other service providers.

Purpose of indicator Quantifies participants in science awareness and engagement programmes

Type of indicator

Output indicator

Measure / Indicator Definition

Number of participants in science awareness and engagement programmes (STEMI Olympiads and competitions, science festivals, National Science Week and science centres) as reflected in the NRF project reports and those of other service providers. Participants include visitors to sites hosting awareness and engagement activities. Participants can be

Measure / Indicator Formula

Number of participants = Estimates of various members of the public who took part in science awareness and engagement activities (through the National Science Week, science festivals, science centres, conferences and STEMI Olympiads, as well as social and mainstream media)


participate in more than one event or engagement.

New Indicator Continues from the previous financial year

Desired performance

Yearly increase

Measure / Indicator Owner Director: Science Promotion

Worked example

Due to a range of different activities involved, a variety of approaches are used to measure publics’ participation in science awareness and engagement. Approaches used are explained in the annual covering report and they include, but not limited to headcount. Headcount example: 10 000 learners participated in Eskom Expo for Young Scientists in 2016/17. The total number of participants comprises 4 000 male learners and 6 000 female learners who presented projects at regional finals of the Expo.

Target set for current year Annual: Not less than 2.1 million participants (learners and members of the public) in science awareness and engagement programmes as reflected in the project reports of the NRF and other service providers by 31 March 2019 Quarterly: Q1 – Grant funding awarded to organisations implementing the initiatives by 30 June 2018 Q2 – National Science Week held by 30 September 2018 Q3 – 3 science festivals and 6 science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation Olympiads and competitions held by 31 December 2018 Q4 – 4 science festivals conducted and not less than 2.1million

Target achieved

Actual target achieved. Q1 – Q2 – Q3 – Q4 – YTD - :


participants in science awareness and engagement programmes as reflected in project reports of the NRF and other service providers by 31 March 2019

Data limitations

Complete data on participation is only available after receipt of annual or final project reports from the NRF and other relevant service providers. The acceptable margin of error on reported data is up to 7%.

Participants can participate in more than one event or engagement.

Reasons for variances between the target set and actual achieved

No variance at this stage

2. Collection of source data to enable effective reporting on the adopted output measure / indicator

Source data Contracts entered into with the NRF and other service providers Quarterly projects reports submitted by the NRF and other relevant service providers. Annual or final project reports submitted by the NRF and other service providers Internally produced Annual Science Engagement Summation Report

Collection Frequency of Source data Quarterly

Archiving of Source Data Alfresco

Type of information to be extracted from the source data

Number of participants in science awareness and engagement programmes Demographic information of participants Analysis of stakeholders and role players

IT Systems/ Tools used to capture extracted data Alfresco/spreadsheet

Source Data Capturing Frequency Quarterly

Individual(s) responsible for collecting the source data

Livhuwani Masevhe (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Bersan Lesch (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Individual(s) responsible for filing/ archiving the collected source data

Livhuwani Masevhe (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Bersan Lesch (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Individual(s) responsible for extracting the required information from the source data

Livhuwani Masevhe (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Bersan Lesch (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted information

Director: Science Promotion Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for capturing the extracted

Deputy Director: Science and Youth

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and

Director: Science Promotion


information onto the IT System

(Out-of-School programme)

completeness of the captured information

Chief Director: HCSP


3. Quarterly and Annual Reporting of Collected/ Extracted Performance Information

Performance Information Source Quarterly and annual project reports from the NRF and relevant service providers

Type of performance information to be extracted/ used Number of participants in science awareness and engagement programmes Participation according to demographics Stakeholders’ and related organisations’ participation

Calculations required on extracted information Number of participants in science awareness and engagement programmes

Archiving of Extracted / Recalculated Information Alfresco

Return Format Microsoft word and/or spreadsheet

Reporting Frequency Quarterly

Individual(s) responsible for extracting, calculating and consolidating the reported performance information

Livhuwani Masevhe (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Bersan Lesch (Deputy Director: Science Promotion)

Individual(s) responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the extracted performance information

Director: Science Promotion Chief Director: HCSP

Individual(s) responsible for archiving the extracted/ recalculated performance information

Deputy Director: Science and Youth (Out-of-School programme)

Individual(s) responsible for sending the information in the required return format to the ------------

Director: Science Promotion
