Profession Engineer Presentation by U Win Khaing in MdyAGM.ppt



Presentation about PE (Myanmar) application

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Overview OfDevelopment of Professional Engineer

System and ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) System

U Win Khaing President

Myanmar Engineering Society 21-July-2012

Mandalay Hill Resort Hotel


Professional Engineer

• Public Safety• Mobility• Professional Development

The Technology Team

• Scientists• Engineers• Technologists• Technicians• Artisans/Craftsman

Note: The Technology Team should not be confused withthe project or design team. The latter is truly multidisciplinary,and includes management, sales, purchasing, etc.

The Engineering TeamEngineer

◦ Conceptual design◦ Research◦ Project planning◦ Product innovation◦ System development◦ Supervision of technologists,

technicians, and craftsmenTechnologist

◦ Routine product development◦ Construction supervision◦ Technical sales◦ Hardware design and development◦ Coordination of work force,

materials, and equipment◦ Supervision of technicians and


• Technician– Drafting– Estimating– Field inspections– Data collection– Surveying– Technical writing

• Craftsman– Uses hand and power tools to

service, maintain, and operate machines or products useful to the engineering team

Ref: Introduction to Engineering, 3rd Edition, Paul H. Wright,John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2002.

USA - Professional Engineer• Graduate from ABET (Accreditation Board for

Education and Technology) accredited engineering school.

• Four years of engineering experience accepted by Board of Examiners.

• 16 hours of written examination:– Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (EIT)– Principles and Practice Exam

• Code of Ethics • The majority of engineers are not professional


Pathways to become a PE in USA

Final Year Students of BS in Technology/Engineering




Professional Engineer (PE)

NCEES-National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying ,EIT- Engineer in Training

Pathways to become Professional Engineer in Singapore

Approved Qualifications, e.g. BEng from NUS/NTU

PEB – FE Exam


PEB – PE Exam

. Summary of Postgraduate Professional Experience

. Report on Postgraduate Engineering Experience

. Professional Interview (PI)

Professional Engineer (PE)

Pathways to become a PE in Malaysia

Working adults in Engineering with at least 2 STPM/GCE(A) passes in Mathematics and/or Science subjects

IEM/BEM – Graduate


Report on Training & Experience

BEM - PAE Professional Engineer (PE)

An Approved Qualification, e.g. BE from University of Malaya

BEM – Graduate Engineer

Professional Exams in Engineering in Malaysia – BEM Professional Assessment Examination

• Documents for Professional Assessment Examination (PAE)– Report : Training and Experience ; 1500 – 2000

words.– Drawings and Calculations (Civil) : Drainage,

Irrigation and Flood Mitigation; Hydrology and other areas in water resources; Geotechnical, Soil & Rock Mechanics; Public Health and Environmental; Permanent Way; Roads, Highways and Transportation; Town Planning.

Pathway to PE in Myanmar

Graduate Engineer

1-Registered GraduateEngineer

Two Year Working as Graduate Engineer ,Gaining Experiences

Registered Engineer Assessment Examination

2-Registered Engineer

Registered Engineer

5 Year Working as Registered Engineer

Professional Assessment Examination

3-Professional Engineer

Assessment Examinations

• Registered Engineer Assessment Examination will be lighter than Professional Assessment Examination , need to know basic things for doing engineering works in his discipline.

• Professional Engineer Assessment Examination will be heavy and need to know more detail and must have knowledge in design and practical field of his discipline.

Routes to Recognised PE

Quality Assurance of Graduate and Professional Engineer Recognition
















Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs Program Outcomes and Assessment

Engineering programs must demonstrate that their students attain: (a)an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability

(d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs Program Outcomes and Assessment (cont,)

(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

(g) an ability to communicate effectively

(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context

(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues

(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Basic Needs for Professional Engineer

• Graduate from Accredited / Recognized University

• Have Professional Experiences• Passed Fundamentals of Engineering

Examination• Passed Professional Engineer Assessment

Examination• Passed Professional Interview

Mobility of Professional Engineers in ASEAN Region

2005 – Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) was signed

• For ASEAN Free Trade Agreement , for movement of Professional

• Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA)are signed by ASEAN Countries

• For Engineering Services , MRA on Engineering Services was signed in 2005

• The WTO Code for this Engineering Service MRA is CPC (Central Product Classification) 8672

• This Code concerned to engineering services concerned to Consultants – Professional Engineers

Central Product Classification (CPC)

Central Product Classification (CPC)

Monitoring committee (MC)

Monitoring committee (MC) shall be established in and by participating

ASEAN members country to develop process and maintain an ASEAN

Charted Professional Engineer Register (ACPER) in the country of origin.

The specific responsibilities of the MC is seeking authorization to initiate a

Register for the purpose of the ASEAN Charted Professional Engineer

Register (ACPER) shall prepare a statement spelling out the criteria and

procedures for assessing compliance with the qualifications set out for

professional engineer applicants the statement shall be reviewed by

ASEAN Charted Professional Engineer Coordinating Committee (ACPECC).

ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer Coordinating committee (ACPECC)

The ASEAN chartered professional engineer coordinating committee

(ACPECC) shall be established and shall have the authority to confer and

withdraw the title of ASEAN Charted Professional Engineer (ACPE). This

authority may be delegated in writing from time to time by the ASEAN

Chartered Professional Engineer Coordinating Committee (ACPECC) to the

authorized Monitoring Committee (MC) in each participating ASEAN

member country.

Members of the ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer Coordinating

Committee (ACPECC) shall comprise of one appointed representative from

each Monitoring Committee (MC) of the participating ASEAN member


Myanmar Board of Engineers (MBE)

1.Myanmar Board of engineers is an authorized agency of Professional

Regulatory Authority (PRA) to register the National Engineers as

Registered Graduate Engineer (RGE), Registered Diploma Engineer

(RDE), Registered Technologist Engineer (RTE), Senior Registered

Engineer (SRE) ,Professional Engineer (PE).Now at initial stage

Registration of Professional Engineer (PE) is started.

2.To classify the grade of foreign and local companies, which related to

engineering construction works.

3.To review and check Technical related competency matters of

construction and consultation companies for registration.



ျ�ပည္ေ��ျထင္စုျျ�မန္မ င္စုျ���ျတအစို��ရ�ျဆက္လု� ပ��ျရ၀န္မ�က္လု�ဌန

အမ�န ���ၾက္လုင္စုျစိုအမ တ�(၁၄၂/၂၀၀၇)

၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁�ျန္မ!ပည္ေ��ျတ၊၁၃၆၉ခု�စို�နတ��ျတလျ�ပည္ေ)ျ��ျက္လု*၇ရက္လု�( ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၂၀၀၇၃၁ခု�စို�ဒီ�ဇင္စုျ.လျရက္လု� )

၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁အသက္လု��ျမြမ၀မ�က္လု*င္စုျ�ဆ��င္စုျ1စိုည္ေ�မ*ဥ္�ၾက္လုပ တ��ျရအဏပ��င္အင္စုျ5င္အ678�678�စိုည္ေ�ခုင္စုျ� ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁ျ�ပည္ေ��ျထင္စုျျ�မန္မ င္စုျ���ျတအစို��ရ၊ ေ�ျဆင္လုင္စုျ�;ပ��ျရ၀န္မ�က္လု�ဌနသည္ေ�၂၀၀၃ခု�စို�အဆ�

ယံ�ထ�ပ>�အစိုည္ေ��အဝ၏ဘလျ��သဘတBည္ေ�ခု*က္လု�(၂) ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ဆ�ျ�7တC*က္လု5 ရ ေျ� မန္မ င္စုျ��တြတင္စုျ�လျ��အပ>င္အည္ေ)ျ�အ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ သက္လု��ျမြမ၀မ�က္လု*င္စုျ�ဆ�ျ�င္စုျ1စိုည္ေ�မ*ဥ္�ၾက္လုပ တ��ျရအဏပ��င္အင္စုျ5င္အ678�678�စိုည္ေ�ရန �၂၀၀၇ခု�စို�

ျEျ��၀င္စုျ.လျ (၇) ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ရက္လု��ျန�တြတင္စုျ� က္လု*င္စုျ�ပ�ပFလျ�ပ��ျသ ေျ� ပည္ေ��ျထင္စုျ ေျ� မန္မ င္စုျ���ျတအစို��ရအစိုည္ေ��အ၀အမ တဥ္�(၃၇/၂၀၀၇) ၁ ၁ ၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၏�သဘတBည္ေ�ခု*က္လု5 ရအသက္လု��ျမြမ၀မ�က္လု*င္စုျ�ဆ��င္စုျ1စိုည္ေ�မ*

၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ဥ္�ၾက္လုပ တ��ျရအဏပ��င္အင္စုျ5င္အ678�အ ေ�ျအက္လု��ျ7ပပပ�ဂလျ *7င္စုျ)ျ�678�စိုည္ေ�လျ��က္လု> ည္ေ�။

ျ�ပည္ေ��ျထင္စုျ ေျ�မန္မ င္စုျ���ျတအစို��ရ�ျဆက္လု� ပ��ျရ၀န္မ�က္လု�ဌန


“ အမ�န ���ၾက္လု�င္စုျစိုအမ တ�(၁၅၈/၂၀၁၁)”

၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁�ျန္မ!ပည္ေ��ျတ၊၁၃၇၃ခု�စို�နယံ�န္လျန္မ�JKပည္ေ)ျ��ျက္လု*၁၄ရက္လု�( ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၂၀၁၁၃၀ခု�စို�မြဇန �ရက္လု� )

ဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲဖြဲၾကီ�ၾကီပ္မ� ေ��ကီမတီ�ဖြဲ� ႕စည္�ခင္� ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁ ၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၀ ေ ေ။ အင္စုျM*င္စုျN�ယံ န ��ျဆင္စုျ လျ�ပ�န �မ* ေ�ျခု*မြမ�မြစို�အက္လုင္အင္စုျ5ထည္ေ��ျ7 ေ�ျဆင္စုျ�က္လု�င္စုျ1င္လုန္မ5င္အတြတ

၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁ ၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ က္လု� ေျ�မန္မ င္စုျ��တြတင္စုျ�လျ��အပ>င္အည္ေ)ျ�အသက္လု��ျမြမ၀မ�က္လု*င္စုျ�ဆ��င္စုျ1စိုည္ေ�မ*ဥ္�ၾက္လုပ တ��ျရ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁အဏပ��င္အင္စုျ5င္အ678�က္လု��678�စိုည္ေ�ပခု8)ျ�ပ�7စို1၄င္စုျ�အ678��အက္တြက္လုP င္စုျ�ၾက္လု�ၾက္လုပ ေ�ျက္လုမတ�

၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁ 678�စိုည္ေ�ရန �၂၀၁၁ခု�စို�၊မြဇန္လျန္မ� (၁၆) ရက္လု��ျန�တြတင္စုျ� က္လု*င္စုျ�ပ�ပFလျ�ပ��ျသ ေျ�ပည္ေ��ျထင္စုျ� ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ စို� သမၼတ�မန္မ င္စုျ���ျတ၊ ေျ�ပည္ေ��ျထင္စုျအစို��ရအ678�အစိုည္ေ��အဝအမ တဥ္�(၁၀/၂၀၁၁) ၏

၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁�သဘတBည္ေ�ခု*က္လု5 ရၾက္လု�ၾက္လုပ ေ�ျက္လုမတ�အ ေ�ျအက္လု��ျ7ပပပ�ဂလျ *7င္စုျ)ျ�678�စိုည္ေ�လျ��က္လု> ည္ေ�။

ျ�ပည္ေ��ျထင္စုျသမၼတ�မန္မ င္စုျ���ျတအစို��ရ�ျဆက္လု� ပ��ျရ၀န္မ�က္လု�ဌန


“ အမ�န ���ၾက္လုင္စုျစိုအမ တ�(၁၈/၂၀၁၂)’”

၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁�ျန္မ!ပည္ေ��ျတ၊၁၃၇၃ခု�စို�၊တပ���တြဲတ8လျ�ပည္ေ)ျ�( ၁ ၁၁၁၂၀၁၂ ေ ၀၇ခု� စို� ေ�ျ�77ရ�လျရက္လု�)

��မန္မ�င္��အင္��င္��ယစ�စစ���ရဘု တီ! ဖြဲ� ႕Myanmar Board of Engineers (MBE)

ဖြဲ� ႕စည္�ခင္� ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁ ၀။ အသက္လု��ျမြမ မ�ၾက္လုင္စုျ�ဆ��င္စုျ1စိုည္ေ�မ*ဥ္�ၾက္လုပ တ��ျရအဏပ��င္အင္စုျ5င္အ678� (PRA) ၏ ေ�ျအက္လု�

တြတင္စုျ� Authorised Agency အ�7စို� ေျ�မန္မ င္စုျ��အင္စုျM*င္စုျN�ယံစို�စိုစို��ျရဘ�တ5 678�Myanmar Board

of Engineer (MBE) ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁ ၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ 678�စိုည္ေ�ရန � ေင္စုျ��ျ�ခုရမB၀�ဒီက္လုမတ�အစိုည္ေ��အဝအမ တဥ္�(၃/၂၀၁၂) ၏ မြခုင္စုျ)ျ�ျ�ပFခု*က္လု5 ရ ေျ�မန္မ င္စုျ��အင္စုျM*င္စုျN�ယံစို�စိုစို��ျရဘ�တ5 678�Myanmar Board of Engineering

(MBE) ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁က္လု�� ေ�ျအက္လု��ျ7ပပပ�ဂလျ *7င္စုျ)ျ�678�စိုည္ေ�လျ��က္လု> ည္ေ�။

Ministry of Construction(Focal Ministry)

Professional Regulatory Authority (PRA)(12) Members

Monitoring Committee (MC)(24 Members)

Myanmar Board of Engineers (MBE)

(16 Members)

For Registration of ACPE For Registration of PE

Criteria for ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineers (ACPE)

• 1- Completed an accredited or recognized engineering program

• 2- Been assessed within their own jurisdiction as eligible for independent practice

• 3- Gained a minimum of seven years practical experience since graduation

• 4- Spent at least two years in responsible charge of significant engineering work.

• 5- Complied with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy at a satisfactory level

• 6- Registered ACPE must agree to the following----1- Codes of Professional Conduct---2- Accountability

Requirements for ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) System

• Notification of Participation to MRA on Engineering Services

• Professional Regulatory Authority (or Its Authorized Agency)-For National Professional Engineer.

• Monitoring Committee –For ACPE• Assessment Statement-For National PE and ACPE• Licensing and Registration Rules for Engineering –

For National PE and need to submit to ACPE Coordinating Committee.

2005Attending ASEAN Coordination Committee on Services (CCS) meeting on this matters ,but no outcome ,because requirements of MRA are not executed

2007Ministry of Construction formed Professional Regulatory Authority with Public Works officials on 7th Nov 2007

Ministry of Construction formed Monitoring Committee as per MRA requirement on 16th June 2011 with officials from other Government Departments, City Development Committee ‘Technical Institutes and Myanmar Engineering Society

27th SepCCS 66 held in Singapore - ACPECC 13 held back to back with CCS66 Myanmar delegation headed by Chairman of Monitoring Committee MD U Kyaw Lin , U Than Myint ,U Khin Maung Sai and U Tin Maung Win attended.

Letter of Participation for MRA on Engineering Services was submitted to General Secretary of ASEAN from FERD –

This is the very first step to become an official member of ACPECC (ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer Coordinating Committee)

Fulfillment of ASEAN MRA Requirements

• After attending 4 consecutive ASEAN meetings and with collaboration and support of Ministry of Construction and FERD the requirements are fulfilled.

• Now we are implementing the Professional Engineer (PE) System and ASEAN Chartered Professional (ACPE) System .

Advantages of PE System and ACPE System

• First, Professional Engineer System is needed for safe guarding the Public

• Second, In this globalization age Mobility of Engineers is needed, for this need Professional Engineer System is must for mutual recognition

• Third , PE system will enhance the development of Engineering Profession as PE needs Qualification and need to comply Continuing Professional Development requirements.

• According to ASEAN MRA on Engineering Services , National PE must be registered at ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer Coordinating Committee (ACPECC).

• For working in other ASEAN countries, First National PE must be ACPE and then register at host country Professional Regulating Authority as Registered Foreign Professional Engineer and work in collaboration with Local PE.

• So, when PEs from ASEAN Countries come to Myanmar as ACPEs we must have our Local ACPEs to work with them. It is really important of our Country for the benefit of our Country and Development of our Engineering Profession and safeguarding of National Professionals during our National Development Stage and under ASEAN Free Trade Agreement.

• For those who want to work in other ASEAN Countries also have the right to work as Registered Foreign Professional Engineers.




Eligible to Apply to become ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE)

• After register as Professional Engineer at Myanmar Board of Engineers , Registered PE can apply to become ACPE to ACPE Monitoring Committee (MC)

• ALL applicants need to fulfill the requirements laid down by Monitoring Committee as per MRA requirements and its Review Panel.

Applications for Professional Engineers • Application Forms are available at – Myanmar Board of

Engineers – Myanmar Engineering Society Building at Kyat 1000/- per set.

• First Form –Application for a Professional Engineer – This form is to be submitted to MBE with initial Registration Fee & Assessment Fee of Kyat 25000/-. MBE will arrange orientation courses for Assessment for Applicants.

• Second Form-Application for Professional Assessment-This form is to be submitted after the Applicant has gained knowledge and experiences of the prescribed requirements on his own and ready to be assessed by MBE. After successful assessment and after the registration fee of Kyat 50000/- is paid, the Applicant will be registered as PE and certificate will be given.

Professional Engineer Categories• Civil – 1- Structural ,2- Geotechnical,3-Road, 3-Bridge,4-Water Resources , 5-

Building Construction• Construction Management• Environmental• Electronics• Electrical • Mechanical – 1. Airconditioning, Refrigeration and Mechanical Ventilation, 2.

Automobile, 3. Industrial, Manufacturing & Process,4. Machinery & Equipment Maintenance

• Chemical• Mining• Metallurgy• Petroleum • And others• We are discussing with Senior Engineers and other experienced engineers to

develop the requirements and essential needs of PE in various discipline and specific area.

Fundamentals of Engineering Subjects

Professional Engineer Assessment• Professional Engineer Exam• To submit Summary of Professional Experience• To submit Report on Engineering Experience• Professional Interview (PI)• Assessment will be done by Senior Experienced Engineers and

Members of Myanmar Board of Engineers• In this initial stage 20 years experienced engineers who are

involved in engineering practices in his or her life and have sound knowledge on engineering will get special treatment but need to fulfill requirements set out for them such as attending special courses and attending workshops and making presentations and need to write a sound report on his or her professional experiences. Professional Experiences is a must for PE.

MYANMAR ENGINEERING SOCIETY MES Building, Hlaing Universities’ CampusHlaing Tsp, 11052 Yangon, MyanmarEmail :
