Products & Services...for the healthcare sector. When NRE is active, all prescription data are...


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Products & Services

GREAT Campus: Science and Technology Park – Erzelli

Via Melen 77, 16152 Genoa, Italy

Public Administration &

Tourism Healthcare

Services & Consultancies

Ø Easy Holiday

Ø Digital School

Ø Click & Work

Ø Online Grants Request


Ø Electronic Health Record (EHR)

Ø Paperless Prescription

Ø Multifunctional Territorial Desk


Ø Privacy Consultancy Services


Ø ICT Infrastructure

Ø Websites Creation &Mamagement

Ø Value Added Services


Easy Holiday

The Business Intelligence System gathers and

memorizes users information to make the

user experience personalized offering

targeted contents, in line with each user’s

geolocation, tastes, preferences, researches

and behavior on the platform.

Easy Holiday suggests events, points of

interest (POI) and tourist accommodations

filtering data from institutional databases and

tourism agencies.

Easy Holiday is a complete and integrated solution to promote local initiatives and independent tourism.

Main components are:

• Website

• App

• CMS-Content Management System

• Business Intelligence


Easy Holiday is an online multi-channel

platform made up of an App and a


The Easy Holiday Website and App enable

tourists and citizens to plan their holiday,

select destinations they wish to visit and

organize daily activities.

In addition, they can create a personal

H o l i d a y ’ s D i a r y a n d s h a r e t h e i r

experiences on social network.






Digital School

A sound governance involving the key actors

able to drive the wheel of the innovation:

• Schools: a project with schools not for


• Local administrators & fields stakeholders

• Ministry of education: national and local

• Local university departments and research


Updated information on school needs to

design targeted actions

Start a regular process of communication

and collaboration among Schools and real

world key actors

Develop quality standards for companies

that develop products and services for




Digital School is one of the key project of

t h e p r o g r a m “ S p r e a d i n g t h e

Digitalization” in the regional public


A project to support schools in improving:

• their didactics: thanks to the innovation

of the school system we are expecting

a future workforce ready for the new

digi ta l wor ld wi th a l l the r ight


• their capacity to collaborate with local

economical and social systems on

digital projects

A new Governance Model to make the

School the wheel of innovation through

digital innovation.






Click & Work

Individuals can actively seek job or

educational opportunities with a simple and

effective tool, that enables them to directly

interact with companies.

The platform is characterized by a tagging

mechanism, capable of making the research

easier and always updated.

Additionally, the platform provides a list of

training and educational opportunities.

Companies and working professionals can

request specific educational courses that

are taken into account for the future



Click & Work is an online platform that

facilitates individuals to join the business

w o r l d a n d a c c e s s e d u c a t i o n a l


The platform cross-checks companies’

requests for resources and the availability

of required professional profiles and

selects the best qualified candidates.

• Individuals can register on the website,

upload their CVs and profiles by


• C o m p a n i e s u p l o a d t h e i r j o b


• M e d i a t o r s ( P r i v a t e a n d P u b l i c

Employment Agencies and Operators)

may connect the two subjects above.






Online Grants Request


• Obtain information from the owner – no

risk of duplications;

• Check information only where and when


• Certified information.

Real time information and focused process:

• Timely inform on what’s requested;

• Share information in full transparency.

Efficient service for granting entities:

• Authorize instances;

• Distribute granted funds.


“On-line Grant Request” is an online

platform dedicated to companies and

entrepreneurs looking for public funding.

This platform enables users to: gather

i n f o r m a t i o n o n o p e n f u n d i n g

opportunities, fill in and submit formal

requests for funding, interact with the

granting entities for additional inquiries,

check the status of submitted projects in

full transparency and, in case accepted,

fill in the actual request to obtain the


In addition, the platform collects and

keeps tracks of a set of information

needed for monitoring and reporting to

the relevant supervisory bodies.







Advantages for Public Administration Entities:

• payment balance in a standard format;

• clear traceability and automatization in

collecting payments;

• cost reduction and internal processes


• services Simplification and digitalization.

Advantages for individuals and companies:

• easy and secure payments, using a unique

ID code without need for a credit card;

• flexible choice of payment methods;

• transparent handling fee;

• personal area that lists payments status

towards PA.


PayP.A. is an online platform that enables

individuals and companies to make

payments (such as taxes) towards Public

Administration Entities in a digital and

paperless way.

PayP.A. is a complete solution that can

interact with different payment systems,

such as PayPal or Credit Cards.

It manages payments with and without

notice (those made on citizens or

enterprises’ initiative).

The platform is made up of a central hub,

a back office and a front end system,

called “Payment Portal”.






Electronic Health Record (EHR) • complete clinical history fully digitalized,

protected against unauthorized access,

easily accessible from anywhere at

anytime, by both patient and designated

Healthcare Professionals;

• compliance with National Law (L.


• a single platform able to collect different

kind of data;

• EHR includes Personal Health Record

(PHR) functionalities, such as clinical

documents uploads, access restriction

and others;

• efficient handling of Personal Health

Information (PHI);

• possibility to update the PHR in full

autonomy by uploading documentation

issued also by not accredited entities.


EHR is the set of electronic health and

social-health data and documents which

have been generated by clinical events

related to one person.

EHR is accessed by everybody who needs

to feed or consult Health documents (e.i.

doctors, hospitals, patients, etc…..).

People can use the EHR anywhere (they

only need a secure internet access) in

respect of National Privacy law.

The Electronic Health Record provides

every relevant medical report, including

electronic prescriptions and diagnostics,

in order to improve Healthcare System’s

efficiency and quality.

Individuals and authorized healthcare

professionals are able to access, examine

and update relevant clinical history and

medical records, from any location, at

anytime and in compliance with National

Privacy Regulation.

Medical records can be easily, timely

managed and updated.






Paperless Prescription

The operating flow is:

• The doctor writes any prescription on his

PC but he doesn’t print anything;

• All prescription data are sent to SAR by a

secure protocol; SAR makes a first set of

controls; if everything is OK, SAR sends

data to the Central System which makes

other controls; if they are OK, the Central

System gives the unique number for that

prescription (named NRE); the number is

sent to SAR and to the doctor. If controls

give a KO response, a KO signal is sent to

SAR and to the doctor with an explaining


When the doctor receives the NRE, he/she

has the possibility to print it as a «memo» for

the patient. If an error occurred, the doctor

will print the normal Electronic Prescription.


The “Paperless Prescriptions” has the goal

to completely eliminate paper during the

prescription lifecycle .

The main innovation is to guarantee a

single number (NRE) for each prescription

without any pre-printed paper.

A central view to control the healthcare


A unique regional repository (SAR) in

which all prescriptions are stored.

It’s the first step for statistics and analysis

for the healthcare sector.

When NRE is active, all prescription data

are available for every Italian Pharmacy

( i f w e h a v e a p h a r m a c e u t i c a l

prescription) or for every analysis or

d iagnost ic center ( i f we have a

diagnostic prescription).






Multifunctional Territorial Desk The system consists of a series of functionalities,

some of which are usually shared among the

local healthcare structures services (elderly,

disabled, consultancy, pharmaceutical) and

others healthcare departments.

• Elderly

• Prosthetic

• Consultancy assistance

• Pharmaceutical assistance

• Territorial assistance

• Frailty Assistance

• Home care

The MTD’s Know How

• Use of col lected data to re-designassistance policies

• Customize assistance paths

• J o i n t e m p o w e r m e n t ( c i t i z e n s a n dprofessionals)

• A wide information system (more than1.200.000 proceedings in a single ASL)


The Multifunctional Territorial Desk (MTD) is

a complete su i te fo r socia l and

healthcare assistance to frail persons.

MTD is the healthcare path:

• Supports and manages all requests

(providing citizens with a 'receipt' of

taking charge of the problem) for

community services;

• Controls the path by its work phases

and responsibilities by connecting

several recording services;

• Provides information on the individual

cases (Health Register, Residency,

Home Care, Prosthetic Medicine,

Pharmaceuticals, Civi l Inval idity,

Hospitals, etc.), useful for establishing

r i g h t s a n d a s s i s t a n c e n e e d s ,

cooperation among services ( in

compliance with authorization criteria).








• Privacy principles are fostered by OECD

• Privacy rights are poor on most developing


• EU GDPR is applicable to not EU data

controllers offering services in EU

• Art. 37 of EU GDPR foresees the DPO role and

states that this role can be outsourced

• GDPR mandates PA and large scale data

controllers/processors to appoint a DPO

• Other privacy frameworks require (Canada,

Singapore, Philippines, etc..) or strongly

recommend (Australia) DPO appointment

• The French DPA (CNIL) suggests that a

“temporary DPO” should be appointed to lead

the process to comply with GDPR

• The DPO should have both legal, technical and

organizational skills that are difficult to find in a

single individual.

• PA are often struggling finding the due skills

among their workforce



Art. 39 of EU GDPR identifies the Data

Protection Officer (DPO) and describes his


• Inform and advise about Privacy duties;

• Monitor the compliance of Privacy


• A d v i s e a b o u t P r i v a c y I m p a c t


• Cooperate with Data Protection


These tasks can be offered as a service.


• Consultancy & Training to stakeholders.

• Security assessment, Vulnerability


• Privacy Impact Assessment.

• Support to adapt to EU acquis.

• Records of processing activities SaaS.







Consultancy at different levels:

• Setting legal framework

• Setting national technical rules

• Specif ic PA st rategy about thei r ICT


• Bid Management (Requirements – Proposal


• Training at all levels (Decision maker ◊


Project Management

Turn key projects:

• Data Center

• Network Management


ICT infrastructures have the same value

for the data economy as railways had for


PA should enable their territories to be

part of digital economy:

• Broadband access available to most

enterprise and citizen;

• Tourist should be able to access

internet at low prices or free;

• Provide e-government services to

population and investors;

• PA data centers and networks.

ICT infrastructure is an interconnected

element of national critical infrastructure.


• Cloud Computing,

• Cybersecurity,

• Housing,

• Hosting,

• Outsourcing.


Technical Details





Liguria Digitale has all the necessary skills

and capabilities to handle the entire website

lifecycle, starting from the gathering of data

and CMS, to the creation of the front-end

user inter face, through an editor ial

elaboration including leading edge

multimedia contents (such as drones

images/videos shooting and augmented




Liguria Digitale started to design and

develop Websites back in the 90’s.

In 1997, Liguria Digitale started designing

and developing Websites for local public

administration entities.

In 2002, the healthcare sector became

part of the core business and Liguria

Digitale started to provide services such as

designing, developing and managing

Websites contents for healthcare regional

agencies and hospitals and several state-

of-art revamping activities.

During the years, in addition to institutional

and healthcare websites, Liguria Digitale

designed, developed and managed the

Web contents of several thematic websites

in different sectors (art and culture, school,

work training, local administration, tourism,

environment, logistics, etc.).

To complete the offer of the Websites,

L i g u r i a D i g i t a l e m a y a l s o t a k e

responsibility for the Content Management

and the handling of Social Networks and






• Extensive experiences on Restyling and

Revamping activities;

• Handling and Management of l ive


• Continuous Design and Develop of new


• Multilanguage Websites creation.

Value Added Services

• BI Analyst B • Data Scientist A •  Technology & Innovation Specialist B • Cybersecurity Specialist A

Processes & Solutions

• Digital Media & Social Media Manager B • Creative Designer B • Web Information Architect A • Multichannel Content Specialist C

Communication & Media

•  Technical Leader A •  ICT System Architect A •  ICT System Specialist B • System Analyst B-C• Application Specialist C


• Software Architect A • Software Designer & Coder B-C• DB Administrator B

SW Development

• Senior Buyer A • Procurement Specialist B • Junior Buyer C • Quality Assurance Specialist (ISO 9001) B • Privacy and H&S Specialist A

Domain Specialist

Seniority Level

L iguria Digitale , s t rong in the

experience gained in the most

innovative areas, offers to i ts

Customers its specific skills through a

number of professional figures.


Cybersecurity, Communication &

Media, ICT Specialist, Software

D e v e l o p e r s a n d s p e c i f i c

consultancies: from the new Privacy

regulation (GDPR UE 2016/679) to

Quality Assurance Certification (UNI

EN ISO 9001:2015).

Levels $/day LV. A 730,00 LV. B 470,00




*Average prices before taxes, travel expenses and assuming 1.1 $/€ Exchange Rate
