PRODUCT OF LEARNING Amy Elizabeth Jarrett Moss Appalachian State University



PRODUCT OF LEARNING Amy Elizabeth Jarrett Moss Appalachian State University. Professional Information A. Curriculum Vitae B. Grant “FUNdamental Centers” C. North Carolina Teaching License. Learner A. Cooperative Groups Lesson Plan “Creative Creature” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amy Elizabeth Jarrett Moss

Appalachian State University

I. Professional Information

A. Curriculum Vitae

B. Grant “FUNdamental Centers”

C. North Carolina Teaching License

II. Learner

A. Cooperative Groups Lesson Plan “Creative Creature” CI 5592 – Elementary Education Teaching Strategies

B. Table of Contents for Mathematics Notebook MAT 5980 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

C. Religious Diversity Presentation CI 5045 – Advanced Topics in Diversity

D. Video Presentation CI 5630 – Instructional Technology

A. Cooperative Groups Lesson Plan “Creative Creature”

I chose to include this artifact in my product of learning because it truly helped me to see the benefits of cooperative learning. This lesson enabled me to see my students flourish through social interaction with each other. The implementation of cooperative groups in a classroom setting increases student motivation.

B. Table of Contents for Math Notebook & Sample Lesson

• Expanded my knowledge of incorporating math and literature

• Organized by math strands so that notebook is a vital innovative teaching resource

• Enabled me to see that a hands-on approach to mathematics can really make a difference in the grasping of a concept

C. Religious Diversity Presentation

• Broadened my knowledge of teaching strategies and the effect they have on children in the elementary classroom

• Developed a stronger understanding of and respect for differences in students

• Caused me to seek new and evaluate existing pedagogical practices for subjects taught in my classroom

• Enhanced my understanding of differences between learning behaviors and outcomes expected in diverse communities

D. Video Presentation

• Encouraged me to examine my teaching strategies

• Enlightened me of an innovative method in which technology can be implemented to improve student learning

• Use of video presentation with literature could lead to better student understanding of plot, characters, etc.

III. Curriculum

A. Blueprint of “Gateway to the World Elementary School”

CI 5591- Advanced Curriculum Design in Elementary Education

B. Evaluation – Article Review on Inclusion

CI 5591 – Advanced Curriculum Design in Elementary Education

C. Advocacy Presentation – “Strong Arts, Strong Schools”

CI 5591 – Advanced Curriculum Design in Elementary Education

D. Concept-Based/Integrated Unit

CI 5130 – Recent Trends and Issues in Eduction

A. Blueprint of “Gateway to the World Elementary School”

• Project clarified that it is necessary to “think outside the box” when structuring school curriculum

• Ideal curriculum would encompass: concepts (rather than isolated subjects), strong focus on multiculturalism, and community involvement

• Made me more aware that changes need to be made in schools today in order to better serve students

B. Evaluation – Article Review on

Inclusion • Demonstrates my understanding of the

importance of organizing curriculum within the classroom setting so that it positively affects and promotes student learning

• Positive effects of inclusion: improved student attitudes (toward faculty as well as peers), student academic growth, and teachers gain new insight in which to use in the planning for future students

C. Advocacy Presentation Strong Arts, Strong Schools

• Encouraged me to examine my teaching strategies

• Made me more aware of the importance of the arts in elementary school

• I found that research suggests that students in schools with strong arts programs excel on standardized tests and have greater interest in school

D. Concept-Based/Integrated Unit

I have included this unit in my product of learning because it provides evidence that students can be taught using a conceptual approach versus isolated subjects/lessons. North Carolina, and now the new federal law ‘No Child Left Behind’, greatly affects the curriculum focused on more heavily by teachers. The teaching of concepts helps to make learning relevant to students.

I have brought in the entire unit in a separate notebook.

This artifact is in the curriculum component of my notebook.

IV. Content Knowledge

A. Mathematics Lesson Plan

MAT 5980 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

B. Science Lesson Plan

MAT 5980 – Math and Science for Elementary Teachers

C. Concept-Based/Integrated Unit

CI 5130 – Recent Trends and Issues in Education

D. Article Critique

MAT 5980 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

A. Mathematics Lesson Plan

I have included this lesson plan as an artifact

because it reinforced the importance of making

learning fun. Students must be actively engaged in a

lesson in order for learning to take place. This lesson

made mathematical concepts such as probability,

graphing, and fractions relevant to the students by

enabling them to learn math through the use of a

snack they love. A large number of students learn

best when taught through a hands-on approach.

B. Science Lesson

• The lesson enlightened me by teaching me that students formulate their own knowledge based on prior knowledge when completing experiments where the teacher serves as a facilitator

• This method of instruction promotes life-long learning

• Students are natural scientists

C. Concept-Based/Integrated Unit

• Many content areas can be integrated through a common concept thread

• Students need to make connections between content areas in order for higher level thinking skills to be acquired

• It is the teacher’s responsibility to help students seek relationships between subjects

This artifact is in the curriculum component of my notebook.

D. Article Critique – Mathematics

I have included this article critique in order to demonstrate a lesson that incorporates relevant topics with mathematics in order to foster student growth. This lesson seems simplistic on the surface; however, the lesson is actually quite complex and well integrated. The American flag is used to teach topics from numerous math strands while also enabling teachers to integrate social studies/history. This reiterates the importance of making lessons meaningful and fun for students.

V. Instruction

A. Webquest – “Discover North Carolina”

CI 5630 – Instructional Technology

B. Dilemmas

CI 5980 – Advanced Concepts in Law

C. Mock Trial

CI 5980 – Advanced Concepts in Law

D. “Bulletin” Lesson

CI 5130 – Recent Trends and Issues in Elementary Education

A. Webquest – “Discover North Carolina”

• The creation of this webquest enabled me to instruct in a more innovative and authentic manner

• Created an urgency within me to generate more original lessons and activities designed to meet the specific needs of my students

• Fosters collegiality

B. Dilemmas

• The creation and utilization of these dilemmas enlightened me on the importance of teacher-created lessons related to law and consumerism

• Forces students to use higher order thinking skills to defend their stance on a dilemma

• Encourages self-discipline• Creates an awareness of fairness among

students• Promotes character education

C. Mock Trial

I have included the mock trial because I have seen the benefits of this first hand. I quickly became aware of the complexity involved in preparing for an activity such as this. This artifact demonstrates my understanding of the value of mock trials as an instrument for instruction. Mock trials require participants to research, use logic, sharpen reasoning skills, and enhance the skill of inferring information. These are four tasks elementary students, as well as adults, struggle in attaining.

D. “Bulletin” Lesson

• Cooperative learning lessons require students to become active and responsible for their own learning

• Helps students to learn to negotiate, compromise, and motivate as they participate in cooperative group work

• Research suggests using cooperative group lessons/activities enable students to attain goals such as: higher achievement, improved motivation, better social skills, and improved relations between students from diverse backgrounds

VI. Schooling

A. Blueprint for “Gateway to the World Elementary School”

CI 5591 – Advanced Curriculum Design in Elementary Education

B. Retention Presentation

CI 5040 – Teacher as Researcher

C. Comparative Education Project: U.S./Chile

CI 5130 – Recent Trends and Issues in Education

D. Clinical Study – Class Size

CI 5055 – Connecting Learners and Subject Matter

A. Blueprint for “Gateway to the World Elementary School”

• The organization of this school reflects my philosophy of education

• Hands-on approach to learning• Addresses the needs of both academically

gifted students as well as exceptional students

• Centered around a multicultural theme – each grade level represents a different country and culture

• This artifact is found in the “Curriculum” component of my notebook

B. Retention Presentation

• This presentation increased my knowledge on the effects of retention

• Retained students are five times more likely to drop out of school

• Retention usually only benefits ESL students

• Personal experience – contemplating retention of a student

C. Comparative Education Project: U.S./Chile

• This project helped me to gain a global perspective on education

• Educators and countries need to collaborate on educational findings

• Chile implemented a voucher program which failed

• Formed the belief that politics must be put aside and children must be made a priority

D. Clinical Study – Class Size

• Project studied the impact class size has on student performance

• Findings contradicted my initial beliefs• Research supported class size affects

student performance most in the primary grades (K-2)

• Study may have brought about change in my school

VII. Leadership

A. School Improvement Team – Secretary and CPR Course

B. School Improvement Plan

C. Grade Level Chairperson for 4th Grade After School Remediation


D. Teacher of the Year

A. School Improvement Team – Secretary and CPR Course

• Served a secretary three years • Responsibilities include: keeping minutes of

SIT meetings, following up on suggestions made by members, and informing faculty and staff of changes/suggestions made during meetings via a typed letter

• CPR course is an example of a suggestion I made certain our principal made available to anyone interested in certification

B. School Improvement Plan

• I sought to become more knowledgeable concerning our School Improvement Plan

• Created plan by working alongside my principal

• Presented and explained plan to faculty and staff

• This made me more aware of the complexity of the School Improvement Plan

C. Grade Level Chairperson for 4th Grade After School Remediation

Program• Represent fourth grade in decisions regarding

materials used in remediation• Before making decisions I always meet with

my colleagues to hear suggestions and concerns

• Recruit lower grade teachers to assist fourth grade teachers in after school remediation

• Enjoy this because it gives me an opportunity to interact with teachers on other grade levels

D. Teacher of the Year

I have selected this artifact because it reflects the leadership qualities my colleagues see in me. Teachers making anonymous nominations aid in the selection process for Teacher of the Year at my school, then all teachers vote on those nominated teachers by secret ballot. I think every teacher at my school is an excellent teacher so to have them select me “Teacher of the Year” is a real honor.

VIII. Working Successfully with Family and Community Members

A. Starbase

B. Navy Officer Pen Pal Program

C. School-to-Work Academy

D. Service Learning Project

A. Starbase

• Exhibits my involvement with the community and families

• Army Air National Guard (out of Charlotte) works in schools for one week period on math, science, and drug prevention

• Teachers and students work cooperatively• Parents are invited to come and take an

active part in the program

B. Navy Officer Pen Pal

• This is the single best thing I have done thus far in my career

• Helped children cope with the happenings of September 11, 2001

• Students Corresponded via e-mail with U.S. Navy officer

• Integrated perfectly with Time For Kids edition which featured the USS Theodore Roosevelt

• Students made invitations for their parents, lunch buddies, other faculty and staff, inviting them to come to school the day of Mr. Burton’s visit

• Student reflections

C. School-to-Work Academy

I have included this artifact to reflect my commitment to the community. I feel as though participating in the School-to-Work Academy helped me to better understand the parents of my students as well as strengthen my understanding of what skills students need in order to be job-ready. The most valuable information I gained from this week long experience was the “walk” I took in the parents’ shoes.

D. Service Learning Project

• This project made me more aware of and appreciate the caring community in which I work

• Students collected the donated items each morning

• Created a bar graph to integrate math into our community aid

• Students loaded items in truck

• Class discussion

IX. Research

A. Action Research Project – Improving Collegiality

CI 5585 – Teacher Leadership and School Improvement

B. Action Research Project – Improving Homework

CI 5040 – Teacher as Researcher

C. Clinical Study – Class Size

CI 5055 – Connecting Learners and Subject Matter

D. Comparative Education Project – U.S./Chile

CI 5130 – Recent Trends and Issues in Education

A. Action Research Project – Improving Collegiality

I have included this research project because it exemplifies my willingness to research ways to improve the school in which I work. This project also reflects the power of teamwork. I haven’t ever felt as empowered as a teacher as I did after completing this project. We truly made a difference in our school. Faculty and staff members became more collegial. I believe we helped to make our school a better place for all: faculty, staff, and students.

B. Action Research – Improving Homework

• Demonstrates my desire to seek out solutions to problems that arise in my classroom

• Steps to action research: Select a problem Design a study Implement the study Observe the outcomes Reflect on process Apply to/change professional practices Share the results

C. Clinical Study – Class Size

I have included this clinical study because the research findings display the importance of teachers being active in educational research. In this study I found that class size seems to have a greater effect on students in primary grades seems to have a greater effect on students in primary grades (K-2) versus students in intermediate grades (3-5). I am passionate about this study because my findings may have initiated a change in our school. This proved to me that teachers could make a difference if research is completed and findings are shared.

This artifact is found in the “Schooling” component of my product of learning.

D. Comparative Education Project: U.S./Chile

This artifact represents my global perspective on education. After completing this project I strengthened my belief in learning from others, in this sense other nations. This project enabled me to understand that educators throughout the world, not just North Carolina or the United States, struggle with some of the same perplexing issues as we educators in the United States. I strongly feel that my view on education was altered after completing this project.

This artifact is found in the “Schooling” component of my product of learning.

X. Assessment

A. “Creative Creature” Rubric

CI 5592 – Elementary Teaching Strategies

B. Webquest Rubric

CI 5630 – Instructional Technology

C. Concept-Based Unit Assessment

CI 5130 – Recent Trends and Issues in Education

D. Math Assessment

MAT 5980 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

A. “Creative Creature” Rubric

• Represents my knowledge of assessment

• Varying the type of assessments used is imperative

• Authentic assessment

• Students need to be able to self-assess

B. Webquest Rubric

• I believe in the constructivist theory in which children build new learning experiences

• Rubric informs students of expectations

• Standardized tests = good test takers

• If a child is assessed authentically each time an evaluation is needed then one can anticipate he/she will build upon past experiences and knowledge while making connections and truly become empowered to life-long learning

C. Concept-Based/Integrated Unit Assessment

• Presented to demonstrate yet another form of authentic assessment

• Student-designed rubric

• Students gain a sense of ownership and pride when they “have a hand” in the creation of the evaluation tool for their work

• Empowered students have dedication to their work

A. Math Test

I have included a math assessment of my own during

my graduate work at ASU because it strengthened

my belief that tests arouse fear and cause

intimidation in students. I truly believe a student may

know the information he/she is being tested on, but

their stress level becomes so high they can’t retrieve

the needed information. Test anxiety is real and can

be a problem for students.

XI. Reflection

Through this program I have developed many bonds and friendships. This has been the single-best growing experience for me.

I have become:

• a leader in my school

• a more reflective teacher/individual

• a constant researcher with hopes of improving my teaching skills

• a teacher with a global perspective on education

• a stronger advocate for children
