Product data description - DELWP · Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy...


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Product data descriptionVicmap™ Topographic Mapping - Hardcopy

AS/NZS ISO 19131:2008 compliant

Version 4.0 February 2017

© The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2017

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) logo. To view a copy of this licence, visit

ISBN (Print) ISBN (PDF/online)

Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication.

Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please telephone the DELWP Customer Service Centre on 136186, email or via the National Relay Service on 133 677 This document is also available on the internet at

Document history

Version  Date  Author  Note 

1.0 Nov 2002 J Green First published version

2.0 Aug 2013 G Mifsud New template

2.1 July 2014 G Mifsud New template

3.0 June 2016 G Mifsud

J LeLievre

New template

4.0 February 2017 G Mifsud

J LeLievre

New template

Minor edits

This document has been formatted and structured in compliance with AS/NZS ISO 19131:2008 Geographic Information – Data product


Publication Approval

Before this is approved - compliant metadata must be completed in MetaShare.



Vicmap Data Services Manager  Title:  Foundation Data Portfolio Manager 




Date:   Date:  



Team Leader Vicmap Foundation Mapping  





An approved printed copy must be maintained in an appropriate DELWP TRIM file.

Table of Contents

Document history ......................................................................................................................................... 1 

Publication Approval .................................................................................................................................... 1 

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 2 

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 

Vicmap™ ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 

Data product specification title .................................................................................................................... 3 

Responsible party ......................................................................................................................................... 3 

Terms and definitions................................................................................................................................... 4 

Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 

Informal description of the data product .................................................................................................... 5 

Specification scope ...................................................................................................................................... 5 

Level .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 

Extent & coverage ........................................................................................................................................ 5 

Data product identification .......................................................................................................................... 6 

Title ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 

Alternative title .............................................................................................................................................. 6 

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 

Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 

Topic category .............................................................................................................................................. 6 

Data content and structure .......................................................................................................................... 7 

Data content .................................................................................................................................................. 7 

Data dictionary .............................................................................................................................................. 8 

Data structure ............................................................................................................................................... 8 

Reference systems ....................................................................................................................................... 9 

Data quality ................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Accuracy ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Data capture .................................................................................................................................................. 9 

Data maintenance ....................................................................................................................................... 10 

Vicmap Topographic Mapping  maintenance .................................................................................................... 10 

Data product delivery ................................................................................................................................. 10 

Metadata ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 

Appendix A: Hardcopy map listing ........................................................................................................... 12 

Appendix B: Product content .................................................................................................................... 15 

Appendix C: Product content & generalisation ........................................................................................ 21 

Appendix D: Mapping index & revision map ............................................................................................ 22 

Appendix E: Map name & numbering convention .................................................................................... 26 

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning



Vicmap™ is the foundation that underlies most spatial information in Victoria. This portfolio of spatial related authoritative data products, made up from individual datasets, is developed and managed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning. The information provides the foundation to Victoria’s primary mapping and spatial information systems, and is used for building business information and systems. Vicmap is a registered trademark of the Victorian Government and is synonymous with authoritative statewide mapping since 1975. The Vicmap portfolio includes:

Vicmap Address Vicmap Admin Vicmap Crown Land Tenure Vicmap Elevation Vicmap Features of Interest Vicmap Hydro Vicmap Imagery

Vicmap Lite Vicmap Planning Vicmap Position Vicmap Property Vicmap Topographic Mapping Vicmap Transport Vicmap Vegetation

Vicmap data is supported by a collection of Reference Tables, Vicmap Reference Tables. A reference table may list the full name, description and other attributes associated with a feature code or identifier. Further information can be found at

Data product specification title

Vicmap™ Topographic Mapping - Hardcopy

Responsible party

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

PO Box 527, Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia

Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. Term Definition Attribute A characteristic of a feature that may occur as a type or an instance. Data type Specification of a value domain with operations allowed on values in this domain

Refer to AS/NZS ISO 19103 Dataset Identifiable collection of data. Maybe as small as a single feature or feature attribute

contained within a larger dataset. A hardcopy map maybe considered a dataset. Refer to AS/NZS ISO 19115

Dataset series Collection of datasets sharing the same product specification. Domain A well-defined set both necessary and sufficient, as everything that satisfies the

definition in the set and everything that does not satisfy the definition is necessarily outside the set. Refer to ISO/TS 19103

Entity A unit of data that can be classified and have stated relationship with other entities. Feature instance

An abstraction of real-world phenomena. A feature may occur as a type or an instance. Feature type or instance shall be used when only one is meant.

The feature structure of the feature based data model can be summarised as: feature instance = [spatial object + attribute object]

Metadata Data about data. Refer to ISO 19115 Geographic information ― Metadata

Quality Totality of characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs. Refer to: ISO 19113 Geographic information ― Quality principles ISO 19114 Geographic information ― Quality evaluation procedures

Specials Maps that are strategically centred over an area of interest such as Wilson’s Promontory National Park.



For the purpose of this document, the following acronyms may apply.

Acronym Definition DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems

SDM Spatial Datamart

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Informal description of the data product

Vicmap Topographic Mapping - Hardcopy is Victoria’s authoritative hardcopy topographic mapping program. It is created using current data from the Vicmap suite of products and comprises 293 map sheets. These maps depict natural features (watercourses, contours, cliffs and tree cover), constructed features (drains, gates, roads, and built up areas) and administrative boundaries (park boundaries and local government area boundaries).

Hardcopy maps are provided at three different scales:


1:50,000, and


Vicmap Topographic Mapping - Hardcopy product is complimentary to the Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Digital and should be referenced to, to grasp the full scope of the State’s Vicmap Topographic Mapping Program.

Some of the many uses of the maps are emergency management, navigation, recreation, natural resource management, environmental management, infrastructure planning and route planning.

Maps are made available through third party providers and can be ordered online. Hardcopy maps are updated in a 4-7 year cycle.

Specification scope

Level Hardcopy maps.

Extent & coverage

Below Vicmap Topographic Mapping extent and coverage is given for both hardcopy and digital.

 Scale Hardcopy mapping Digital mapping Extent

1:25,000 Over selected areas Statewide & specials areas

14 x 22 km

1:30,000 N/A Statewide 12x8km for A3

6X8km for A4

1:50,000 Statewide & specials areas Statewide & specials areas

28 x 45 km

1:100,000 Over selected areas Statewide & specials areas

56 x 90 km

Table 1: Vicmap Topographic Mapping extent and coverage at various scales.

Refer to Vicmap Index – Hardcopy Mapping for specific coverage details.

Where map sheets extend over the border cross border data is available in an agreement between Victoria and New South Wales and South Australia.

For emergency and essential services any Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Digital product can be made available in hardcopy format. Similarly allowances for others are only printed on demand where special or exceptional circumstances apply, such as legal proceedings, and may incur an administration fee.

Data product identification

Title Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy.

Alternative title

Vicmap Topographic Mapping. Vicmap Hardcopy Mapping.  Vicmap Topographic ‐ Hardcopy Maps. 

Abstract Vicmap Topographic Mapping - Hardcopy displays natural and constructed features on the ground including contours, rivers, streams, waterfalls, lakes, vegetation, roads, cliffs, localities, park boundaries, shipwrecks, etc. Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Maps is a published statewide mapping series of 293 map sheets comprising of two different products (Standard and Special) and three different scales, refer to Table 1.


The purpose of Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Maps is to provide current and authoritative topographic content in hardcopy form for use by, but limited to:

Emergency services Whole of Government – Federal, State and Local Private industry Academia Community group or association, and General public.

Mainly for: Navigation and positioning Emergency management Natural resources management Site selection Tourism Asset/Infrastructure management Route planning Education resource, and Recreation.

All Australian and New Zealand national and state jurisdictions provide topographic mapping for emergency management, government and community use. The Emergency Management Manual Victoria, inacted by the Emergency Management Act 1986 and Emergency Management Act 2013, sets out the Departments responsibility for providing “topographical mapping both hardcopy and electronic.”

Topic category

Biota Boundaries Elevation Inland waters Location Oceans Structure Transportation Utilities/communication.

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Data content and structure

Data content

The Vicmap Topographic Mapping Program utilises the following products & datasets:

Theme Product Dataset





Vicmap Transport VMTRANS.TR_ROAD


Vicmap Transport VMTRANS.TR_RAIL


Administration Vicmap Property VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_APPROVED




Vicmap Index VMINDEX_MAPINDEX_25D _50D _100D



Vicmap Crown Land Tenure


Vicmap Crown Land Tenure



Features of Interest

Vicmap Features of Interest


Vicmap Features of Interest


Vicmap Features of Interest


Vicmap Features of Interest


Vicmap Features of Interest


Vicmap Features of Interest


Vicmap Features of Interest



Elevation Vicmap Elevation VMELEV.EL_MORPHOLOGY_POINT




Theme Product Dataset

Vicmap Elevation VMELEV.EL_CONTOUR


Vicmap Elevation DEM HILLSHADE










Biota Vicmap Vegetation VMVEG.TREE_DENSITY

Vicmap Vegetation VMVEG.PLANTATION

MANGROVES Table 3: Datasets used for Vicmap Topographic Mapping - Hardcopy.


 Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Mapping is a suite of 293 published maps. Table 2 details the type, scale and number of maps that are printed by the Department:


Table 2: List of published hardcopy maps and whether they are pressed or plotted.

For a detailed list of maps names refer to Appendix A.

Data dictionary Refer to the respective Vicmap product descriptions to identify the data dictionary used in creating Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy (

Data structure

Drawing order for priority of information AS standards used. 

Type Scale Number Press Plot

Standard Map  1:100,000  4  4  0 

Standard Map  1:50,000  232  60  172 

Standard Map  1:25,000  44  5  39 

Special  1:50,000  5  4  1 

1:25,000  7  4  3 

  1:100,000  1  1  0 

TOTAL    293  78  215 

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Reference systems

Vicmap Data is mapped to the Geocentric Datum of Australia. Data is held in geographic latitude and longitude computed in terms of the GDA at 01 January 1994 (GDA94). Vicmap Topographic Mapping is mapped at MGA Zone 54 and 55 on Universal Transverse Mercator The temporal reference system for Vicmap is the Gregorian calendar. Some maps are still sold in AGD66 until stock is cleared.

Data quality


Standard of accuracy conforms to specifications and classifications AA1 of the Survey Co‐Ordination (Surveys) regulations 1992. That is:  

Horizontal   Not less than 90% of well defined detail within +/‐ 12.5 metres of true position at map scale. 

Vertical    Not less than 90% of elevation within +/‐ half of contour interval. 

 Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy has been built on the existing Vicmap suite of products and therefore retains the respective products relative positional accuracy and completeness.

Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy relies on the QA of the source Vicmap Foundation Data for data integrity. 


The following procedures are undertaken as normal update/maintenance routines, to ensure conformity of the maps to specification: 

1. Any changes to Vicmap Foundation Data structure that may impact on mapping will be implemented in the mapping program, if releveant,  and reflected across all stewide products. 

2. Even though the generation of Vicmap Topographic  Mapping ‐ Digital Products is fully automated, a QA process is carried out where between 5% and 10% of the mapsheets are visually checked. Any issues discovered in this process will be reflected statewide in the digital products as well as the hardcopy products as they both utilize the same generation mapping system. 

3. Each mapsheet updated for the Hardcopy program is rigourously checked. Any issues discovered in this process will be reflected statewide in the hardcopy mapping products 




Data capture

For more information on the data please refer to the relevant product description for each of the framework layers

Data maintenance

Vicmap products can change under one of the following three terms:

Vicmap maintenance - The incorporation of new data to an existing dataset via an M1, spatial change requests or scheduled Custodial supply. No changes are made to the data or object model, therefore does not require change management processes. Additions can be seen in the weekly Vicmap update.

Vicmap Improvements – Changing existing data, example the moving of a feature or adding of attributes. Typically carried out as part of a project through the provision of new Custodial data requiring change management.

Vicmap upgrades – Significant changes to a dataset that may see existing data over a large area replaced and/or may require the data model changed. Change management processes are applied.

Approximately 5% of all maintenance advice notices processed are separately audited by DELWP to confirm accuracy, completeness and correctness in the capture process.

Vicmap Topographic Mapping  maintenance 

Vicmap Hardcopy Mapping is updated every four to seven years. Table 3 displays the currency of the maps sheets as per Jan 2016. 

High turnover maps titles (sales of over 100 per year) are printed using offset press. Map titles selling less than 100 per year are produced on demand using in house large format plotters.   

Table 3. Currency of published hardcopy maps as of Jan 31st, 2017

Data product delivery


Vicmap Topographic Mapping Hardcopy products are available through wholesalers and retailers, some of which are listed on the Departments website at

It is proposed that hardcopy maps will be able to be ordered through the Department’s website in the future.

Licensing and pricing

See webpage for information on pricing, licensing, restrictions, conditions, liability and constraints. 

 Prices for Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Maps are as follows, including GST can be found in table 4:  

Datum  Retail price  Wholesale price 

GDA 94  $12:00  $4.78 

AGD 66  $10:00  $3.98 

Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 TOTAL

Number 2 6 7 3 20 52 69 64 66 3 293

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Table 4: Vicmap Topographic Mapping - Hardcopy pricing.

Historical versions of Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy areavailable in the old AGD66 series and, if in stock, can be purchased. Older, or out of stock maps, can be viewed at the State Library of Victoria’s map collection..


The metadata, abstract, and preview for the datasets within Vicmap products can be viewed at DataSearch Victoria (DSV) located at by searching for the ANZLIC ID.

Appendix A: Hardcopy map listing

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning


Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Examples of the Vicmap Topographic maps

Diagram 1: Vicmap Topographic 1:25,000 Mirboo North South 8121-3-S, Ed 2015.

Diagram 2: Vicmap Topographic 1:50,000 Yinnar 8121-S, Ed 2015

Appendix B: Product content

Diagram 3: Vicmap Topographic 1:100,000 Moe-Traralgon 8121-8221, Ed 2014.

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Map layout and standard map surround

Diagram 4: Vicmap Topographic 1:50,000 showing map marginalia.


4 5 7 1 3 2


Diagram 5: Map marginalia – left side. 1. Sheet name 

Displays unique sheet name. 

2. Sheet number Displays unique 1:50 000 / 1:25 000 / 1:100 000 identifier number which can be linked to the existing 1:100 000, 1:50 000, 1:25 000, 1:30 000 A4 and 1:30 000 A3. First four digits refer to the 1:100 000 index number. The second character refers to the north (N) or south (S) half of the 1:100 000 index that the 1:50 000 map sheet falls on. (See Appendix J) 

3. Index to adjoining sheets Display geospatial position of map extent in relation to adjoining map sheets. Also contains major towns, major roads and major hydro features. 

4. Victorian locality map 

Displays geospatial position of map extent in relation to the state of Victoria 

5. Logo 

Displays DELWP logo. 

6. Copyright and disclaimer State of Victoria Copyright and standard government disclaimer 

7. Special map user notes Important notes for the user regarding roads, administrative boundaries, nomenclature, maritime navigation, cadastre, and waterbodies   

8. Vicmap product description Outlines various other Vicmap products available from Information Services Branch 

9. GDA information Displays information regarding GDA 94 datum including examples and conversion factors in both latitude and longitude and easting and northing 

10. Parks and conservation reserves abbreviations  Note Elements 1 to 5 constitute the front page when folded 




Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning



Diagram 6: Map marginalia right side

11. Automatic generation statement. Displays automatic generation statement. This only applies to maps to plot. 

12. North arrow Displays north arrow orientated towards grid north. Hence the map angle is grid north  

13. Magnetic angle information 

Displays unique mapsheet magnetic declination, grid convergence and grid magnetic angle 

14. Sheet number and name Displays unique 1:50 000 / 1:25 000 / 1:100 000 identifier number which can be linked to the existing 1:100 000, 1:50 000, 1:25 000, 1:30 000 A4 and 1:30 000 A3. First four digits refer to the 1:100 000 index number. The second character refers to the north (N) or south (S) half of the 1:100 000 index that the 1:50 000 map sheet falls on. (See Appendix j) Displays unique map sheet name. 

15. Edition and year of creation Display year of map publication.  

16. Grid Reference Displays unique map sheet grid reference sample. Metre Square Grid Reference numbers are depicted on the map for each 1:50,000/1:25 000/1:100 000 map sheet square.  Note that both MGA coordinates and latitude and longitude values are shown across the map 

17. Scale Bar 1:50 000 / 1:25 000 / 1:100 000  scale bar.  Note that the hardcopy maps have a scale statement 

18. Date of Map Creation 

Displays the date of map creation. Only applies to maps to plot.  

19. Technical details Displays technical details such as Projection, Datum, Grid, Elevation, and Accuracy 

20 Compilation Dates Displays compilations dates of themes. These are generic dates covering the whole state. For example map features coming under the banner of Vicmap Transport have a state wide currency range of 2009 to 2016. It is important to note that road and road names are continuously updated and hence are current as of 2016 or at the time of map creation. However other features under the Transport theme, such as ferry, rail, aeronautical, etc, may be updated less frequently. 

20. Generic Map Legend 


12 17

1513 14 16


20 21

Legend information for map features. This legend is used for all mapsheets. Features in the legend are grouped according to the following themes: Administration, Hydrography, Relief, Vegetation, Features and Transport 

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Appendix C: Product content & generalisation Hardcopy maps at a scale of 1:50,000 is derived directly from Vicmap Topographic Mapping 1:25,000. Only the cadastre has been removed.  All line networks, roads, contours, watercourses etc, have been retained with no line work generalisation. The most significant generalization has been in the display and position of labels.  Due to space issues some roads will not be labelled in order to retain a legible and  high end cartographic map output. This is most evident in the labels of roads in built up areas. (see diagram 7) 

1:25,000 1:50,000 Diagram 7. Comparison of 1:25k and 1:50K :Vicmap Topographic 1:25 000 8225-1-S and Vicmap Topographic 1:50 000 8225-N

Hardcopy maps at a scale of 1:100 000 have been derived directly from Vicmap Framework data In order to depict this information (captured nominally at 1:25 000) at 1:100 000 and still have a legible, high end cartographic product, several generalisation methods were implemented:

Elimination: Data that was deemed non vital and would cause congestion on the map if displayed was removed. e.g. spot heights, building points, monuments and silos.

Filtering: Data that was deemed vital but would cause congestion on the map if displayed in its entirety was filtered. This methodology required the data to be structured in order to apply the filtering. e.g. local roads are displayed but not labelled, water bodies less than a certain area are not displayed and only 50 metre contours are displayed.

Symbology: Data that was deemed vital but would cause congestion on the map if displayed in its entirety and was unable to be filtered was displayed with changes to the standard topographic symbology. e.g. All rivers and creeks were shown but with a lighter blue than standard.

Cartographic Representation: Essential spatial point data was cartographically displaced to avoid overlapping symbology. e.g. Emergency symbology was displaced.


Appendix D: Mapping index & revision map

Diagram 8. Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Mapping Index

DELWP produces a hardcopy and digital Index map displaying the statewide coverage of the Vicmap Hardcopy Mapping suite. This map shows the following information: 

Coverage of hardcopy 1:50 000 maps statewide including map sheet name and number 

Coverage of hardcopy 1:25 000, 1:100 00 and Specials over selected areas including map sheet name and number 

Coverage of AGD66 hardcopy maps including map sheet name and number 

Indication of whether the AGD66 maps are no longer available 

Indication of whether maps are plotted or offset press  

On the reverse side of this hardcopy map and also available as a separate digital map, is the Vicmap Hardcopy  Mapping Revision map which displays the currency  and edition number of the published maps. This map shows the following information. 

Coverage of hardcopy 1:50 000 maps statewide including map sheet name and number, currency and edition number 

Coverage of hardcopy 1:25 000, 1:100 00 and Specials over selected areas including map sheet name and number, currency and edition number. 

Coverage of digital 1:25 000 maps statewide including map sheet name and number  

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Diagram 9. Vicmap Index Map detail


Diagram 10. Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Mapping Index – legend

Diagram 11. Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Map Revision Map


Diagram 12. Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Map Revision Map – detail 

Product description – Vicmap Topographic Mapping – Hardcopy Version 4.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Diagram 13. Vicmap Topographic Hardcopy Map Revision Map - Legend


Appendix E: Map name & numbering convention


Diagram 14. Vicmap Topographic Mapping: Map name and numbering convention


Product description – Vicmap Planning Version 3.0 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning


Appendix B:

Table 14 – add_access_type

Code Description

L An address that is accessed from a road

W An address that is accessed from a water way

I An address that is located on an island that cannot be accessed from the mainland by road.
