Proclaim January February 2013



Best issue of the year so far!

Citation preview

A message that addresses the challenges and realities

of daily life. different than Sunday.

MuSic hoNoRiNG God With ALL ouR chuRch

tRAditioNS, both ModeRN & tiMeLeSS.Led bY SARA ReNNeR ANd biLL chouiNARd.

Wednesday Night Worship

New Worship Service!

Beginning Feb. 20, 2013

We know you’re busy. Now featuring 5 worship times a week

traditional WorshipSunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary

contemporary WorshipSaturday 5 p.m. Great hall

Sunday 9:30 a.m. Great hall

Wednesday Night WorshipWednesday 6:15 p.m. Sanctuary

900 Stillwater RoadMahtomedi MN 55115

(651) 426-3261


SchooL ANd


ALL SeRviceS. 900 Stillwater Road

Mahtomedi MN 55115(651) 426-3261

6:15-7 p.m. Sanctuary All Year Long

ProclaimJanuary February 2013

ProclaimNewsletter of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Mahtomedi, Minnesota


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World

900 Stillwater RoadMahtomedi MN 55115

(651) 426-3261

S T . A N D R E W ’ S WO R S H I P T I M E S

Sunday Worship9 & 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary

Contemporary WorshipSaturday 5 p.m. Great hall



beginning Wednesday evening Feb. 20, we will add a fifth service to our worship opportunities. Weare calling the service, “Wednesday Night Worship.” the service will be from 6:15 to 7 p.m. in theSanctuary. the service will be a transformational experience with music led by Sara Renner and billchouinard. child care and Sunday School will be provided. the sermons will be different from Sun-day morning and will be topical messages that address the challenges and realities of day-to-day lifefrom a scriptural perspective.

Why are we adding a new service? the answers are many. We know that the world has changed!twenty years ago people were appalled to learn that teams were having hockey or soccer practices ona Sunday morning – now we accept it as the norm. Also, we know that you are busy! Not only arepeople often gone on weekends, life is just busier. having a mid-week service is one way we can helpyou grow in faith and experience peace during a hectic week. Finally, it is clear that we have manypeople who are already on our campus on Wednesday nights but are not always able to join us onSunday morning – having a service on a Wednesday night simply makes sense.

our first series is titled, “things Jesus hates.” Join us for Wednesday nightworship beginning Feb. 20!

John hogenson

John hogenson, Lead Pastor




New Worship Service!


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World

Ash Wednesday WorshipFeb. 13, 2013

Please join us every Wednesday in Lent12 noon ... Great hall

Wednesday Lenten WorshipPlease join us every Wednesday in Lent

12 noon ... Great hallholy communion celebrated.

Soup and sandwich luncheon follows service.

NEW Wednesday Night Worship– All Year Long –

begins Feb. 20, 20136:15-7 p.m. ... Sanctuary

Sunday School and childcare Available.

Good Friday Intergenerational Worship ServicesMarch 29: 10 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. – Actors and volunteers Neededour Good Friday Family Service has quickly become the talk of the town. this year we’ve added a fourth service at noon. You canbe a part of this meaningful worship. if you love to get into a costume or do behind the scenes work, we would love to have youshare your gifts with us. if you would like to act, we are looking for eyewitnesses, narrators, disciples, miscellaneous townspeo-ple, guards and lead roles of Pilate, Judas, caiaphas, Mary, and more. We are also looking for volunteer musicians, sound tech-nicians, media techs, costumers, stage designers, food preparers, set up/take down, and many more miscellaneous volunteerneeds. if you can help we can use you! Please contact Pastor brian Norsman at or 651-762-9176or visit our website at if you would like to volunteer.

Thursday, January 20, 2011 • 5:30-7:00 p.m.

900 Stillwater Road Mahtomedi, MN 55115(651) 762-9121


Open House




and more!

Give your child a great start by enrolling in our Christian

Preschool! The goal of the Preschools is to provide a

nurturing environment structured to enable children to

become confident, inquisitive and independent learners. Our

faith-based curriculum fosters spiritual growth for the entire

family. We offer a wonderful intergenerational component as

part of the senior living community of St. Andrew’s Village.

Half Day Preschool for 3-5 year olds


16 mos. to Pre-K



Lunch Bunch




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Saturday/Sunday January 6 team 1

Saturday/Sunday January 13 team 2

Saturday/Sunday January 20 team 3

Saturday/Sunday January 27 team 4

Saturday/Sunday February 3 team 1

Saturday/Sunday February 10 team 2

Saturday/Sunday February 17 team 3

Saturday/Sunday February 24 team 4



Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World

Bible Studies Open To You1. ReAd old testamentMondays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. oRtuesdays, 7-8 p.m.taught by Pastor John StraitonGreat hall. open to all.

2. Men’s tuesday Morning bible Studytuesdays, 6:30-7:30 a.m.taught by Pastor John StraitonGreat hall. open to all men.

3. Women’s bible Study connectiontaught by carrin Mahmoodopen to all women.Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Great hall oRevery other tuesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Room 201 oRevery other Saturday, 9-10:30 a.m. off campus

4. Gospel Lesson StudyMondays, 9-10 a.m. Great hallStudy Gospel from upcoming week’s worship.taught by St. Andrew’s Pastorsopen to all.

5. the Gospel of Johntuesdays, 7-8:15 p.m.taught by Rev. Jack FortinSanctuary Room 204open to all.

New Member ClassSunday, Jan. 13, 11:30 a.m.interested in becoming more formally connected with St. An-drew’s? there is a New Member class on Sunday, Jan. 13, at11:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. call Ronda at 651-762-9139 ore-mail at to register for the class.Lunch provided and childcare available.

Wedding Music Workshopthursday, Jan. 3, 2013, 7-8:30 p.m.Led by organist bill chouinard in the Sanctuary, this informalpresentation provides organ and piano settings of a variety ofprocessionals, recessionals, preludes, postludes and hymnsto aid in the planning of a christian service of marriage.other music-related issues will be discussed with ample timefor questions. Sign up with dianne Nash at 651-762-9141 orat the church offices in the Sanctuary or Great hall.

AARP Driver Safety ClassNext Session: Monday, Jan. 14AARP driver Safety Program classes refine existing skills andcover defensive driving techniques for those over age 55.the driver then qualifies for a 10% reduction in auto insur-ance. the four-hour refresher course is held on Monday from5:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Sanctuary Room 204. Pre-registrationand payment is required. cost is $18, prepayment required.Register on-line, through an in-house registration form, atten-tion Lisa Grundtner, or call 651-762-9117.

Loaves & Fishes dorothy day center Meal Meals are served every other month on the 4th tuesday topeople that are homeless or struggling with poverty. the nextmeal serving date is tuesday, Jan. 22, 2:30 - 6 p.m. Let usknow if you would like to help! Rice Krispie bars are alsoneeded. if you can supply these, please deliver them to thechurch kitchen by 11 a.m. thank you! contact Mike/Gaylehuseth at 651-426-4166 or


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World

Roland Hedinchristian love and sympathy are extended to the fam-ily of Roland hedin. Roland died at the age of 93 onAug. 12. Roland was a member of St. Andrew’s andhis memorial service was held on Aug. 17. Maychrist’s resurrection bring hope and comfort to hisfamily and to his many relatives and friends.

Kurt Petersenchristian love and sympathy are extended to the fam-ily of Kurt Petersen. Kurt died at the age of 67 on Aug.4. Kurt was a friend of St. Andrew’s and his memorialservice was held on Aug. 14. May christ’s resurrec-tion bring hope and comfort to his family and to hisrelatives and friends.

Roger Sameschristian love and sympathy are extended to the fam-ily of Roger Sames. Roger died at the age of 52 onoct. 29. Roger was a friend of St. Andrew’s and hismemorial service was held on Nov. 20. May christ’sresurrection bring hope and comfort to his family andto his relatives and friends.

Alice Vlasakchristian love and sympathy are extended to the fam-ily of Alice vlasak. Alice died at the age of 89 on Nov.4. Alice was a friend of St. Andrew’s and her memo-rial service was held on Nov. 21. May christ’s resur-rection bring hope and comfort to her family and toher relatives and friends.

Alyce Erdalchristian love and sympathy are extended to the fam-ily of Alyce erdal. Alyce died at the age of 79 on Nov.17. Alyce was a member of St. Andrew’s and her me-morial service was held on Nov. 26. May christ’s res-urrection bring hope and comfort to her family and toher many relatives and friends.

CHRISTIAN SYMPATHYRe-Charge Children/Youth

Ministry Conference at St. Andrew's

Saturday, Jan. 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. volunteers NeededSt. Andrew's is once again host to over 800 people on campus forRecharge, a one day multi-denominational children, youth and familyevent that aims to inspire and equip church staff and volunteers intheir efforts to share faith to the next generation. We are looking forvolunteers to help us set up anytime on Friday, Jan. 11, from 9 4 p.m. as well as volunteers for various hospitality needs through-out the day on Saturday, Jan. 12. to volunteer, contact Pr. brian Nors-man at or 651.762.9176. For moreinformation on this event go to

Baptism of our Lord Weekend Celebration January 12-13, 2013

ever been baptized? have you ever wondered what baptism is all about?Are you ready to remember your baptism?

come and see!

during baptism ofour Lord Week-end, Jan. 12-13,2013, we will cel-ebrate at all wor-ship services theSacrament of holybaptism and remember our own baptisms. in preparation for this cel-ebration, please consider doing the following:• Wear white to worship, the baptismal color• bring your baptismal candle to Worship and Sunday School• be prepared to remember and affirm your own baptism


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World

Conversations About Homelessness: Exploring Solutions

JoiN the coNveRSAtioN oN SoLutioNS thAt ARe hAPPeNiNG iN ouR coMMuNitY SuRRouNdiNG hoMeLeSSNeSS.

community Resource center, St. Andrew’s Lutheran church900 Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi, MN

10:30-11:30 a.m. SundaysAll are welcome!

Jan. 13, 2013 – churches that Make A difference by buildingSpeaker – Jenny Mason – congregational Partnership organizer for PorticoJoin us to get an overview of what other churches in our area have done to build housing thathas helped to solve homelessness.

Feb. 10, 2013 – host homes & Mentoring Speaker: cheryl carrigan – Youth Advocate for Ramsey and Washington countiesJoin us to hear how people are making a difference in homeless teens’ lives by providing ahome.

March 3, 2013: tour of Local SolutionsJoin us as we bus you to various local solutions including

Guardian Angles Shelter, east Metro Place and hoffman Place

April 14, 2013 – Learn More About the St. Andrews Resource centerSpeaker: Kellie cardinal – director of St. Andrew’s Resource centerJoin us to get an overview of what is going on in St. Andrew’s at our own Resource center. .


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


i was recently meeting with a mom who was inour Shelter Program. She had been with us forabout two weeks, working diligently every dayfilling out job applications and going on job in-terviews, even going to a second interview withone company. on this particular day she wasgetting a bit discouraged that she hadn’t had ajob offer. We talked about how it was some-times difficult to be patient and to accept God’stiming. our discussion quickly changed fromjobs to faith. She shared that she really wasn’tbrought up in a church and that probably themost faith-filled person she knew up until nowwas her 10-year-old son. he would often askher to pray with him at night; even though itwas not something they did as a family. thismom said that she would sit with himbut she was not praying, she was re-ally just closing her eyes and sayingthe words with him to show shecared. “but everything has changedfor me since i have been in shelter.”She said that when she looks at thestaff here and all of the volunteers atGuardian Angels Shelter, she knowsthat there is a God. “there is just noother explanation as to why all of youwould be here every day working sohard for people you don’t even know.”

She went on to thank me for everything St. An-drew’s has done for her and her four childrenso far. She said that even though it is nothome, that she and her kids feel loved andcared for. “Surprisingly, one of the best parts forme has been the five of us sharing a bedroom.the kids have been amazing. At night, we playgames and share stories about our day until wefall asleep. that is something most familiesnever get to experience.”

by Liz Schreier, Resource team Staff

the congregation of St. Andrew’s needs to be applauded. during the past cou-ple of months at the community Resource center, i was fortunate to see all ofyour volunteer hours and many gifts go to our neighbors in need. here are just some of the things we all did:

• hosted a thanksgiving holiday Store, where dozens of volunteers spent theday assisting families with their thanksgiving meal shopping. We were able toserve 126 families from Mahtomedi, oakdale, Maplewood, and North St. Paul.those that came received a 15 lb turkey, stuffing, fresh produce, bread, coffee,pies and more. We distributed a total of 5,670 pounds of food.

• As a result of our drive to provide “thanksgiving Year ‘Round”, $18,886 wasraised for serving meals at our free community dinner, as well as to help stockthe food pantry.

• “Adopted” families from our very own shelter to provide them with theirchristmas wishes.

• Fulfilled hundreds of gift wishes for children from the Sal-vation Army by taking tags off the Giving trees in the Sanc-tuary and Great hall, and returning the unwrapped presentsto the tree for distribution.

• hosted a christmas holiday Store, where dozens of volun-teers spent two full days and evenings assisting parentswith their christmas shopping. by setting up a “store,” par-ents were able to choose the gifts that their children werereally hoping for. We especially focused on the children be-

tween the ages of 12-21 as that is where we have found there to be a “gap” inthe greater community, as most gift programs mainly provide toys for theyounger children. We were very pleased to be able to provide gifts to the mid-dle and high school kids. We served over 160 children.

thank you all for your generosity of time and resources. it is inspiring to bepart of a congregation whose mission is to serve others and who so willinglycontinue to “give ourselves away in love.”

Hours of operation (Starting in March 2011)

Monday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon

St. Community Resource Center 900 Stillwater Rd. Mahtomedi, MN 55115

Email: Phone: 651-762-9124 Fax: 651-426-1716 Online:


community RReessoouurrccee CCeenntteerr

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Items Needed for the Community Resource Center!You can now review and purchase needed items on our Gift Registry at (search for St. Andrew's commu-nity Resource center) and items will be delivered directly to the center! thank you for helping us provide basic items for needyfamilies in our community!


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


Listen to worship LIVE on the web and radio!every Sunday our 9 a.m. worship service is broadcast live on KLbb radio 1220 AM. For easy streaming listenerscan click on and the click on the "listen live" link. the broadcast is sponsored by the Foun-dation of St. Andrew’s.

Sponsor a Radio Broadcastindividuals are invited to sponsor a live radio broadcast of worship at St. Andrew’s. Your sponsorship will be announced on theair prior to the worship broadcast. cost is $150 and checks can be made payable to St. Andrew’s Foundation. Please drop at re-ception desk: Yes, i want to sponsor a weekly broadcast for $150.

date of sponsorship:

Sponsored by:

circle one and include details: • iN hoNoR oF... • iN MeMoRY oF... • to the GLoRY oF God

Foundation Grants 2012the Foundation of St. Andrew's was pleased to award grants in2012 to the following individuals and organizations:Seminary scholarships of $2,000, MahtomediFood Shelf $400, Resource center $2,000,treehouse Program $1,000, and Youth camper-ships scholarships $1,000. the new MustardSeed Fund made its first grant of $600 forSpark bibles. the focus of the Foundationgrants remains on basic needs and the chil-dren of St. Andrew's.

Family Stewardship SeminarsFrom everyone who has been given much, much will be asked,and from those who are entrusted with much, much more willbe asked (Luke 12:48). the blessing of wealth carries with itresponsibility. Most parents want to fund life opportunities fortheir children (including faith and service), not just a do you teach stewardship and charitable values to yourchildren? the Foundation will hold informational seminars toexplore avenues to engage the entire family in a shared charita-ble giving program. Look for announcements in the Januarybulletins for more information on how to participate.

Global Scholarship Awardone highlight of the past year was the cre-ation of the Global Scholarship Fund awardedto dominika Partikova. dominika grew up inSlovakia before coming to the u.S. at 17 in2010 to study. She was inspired by a singlemother who took care of three children whilegaining a master's degree in business. dominika speaks fourlanguages: Slovak, english, czech, and French. After graduationfrom Mahtomedi, she will pursue a degree in business at St.thomas. in addition to outstanding academic credentials andparticipation in many arts programs, dominika demonstratedher interest in helping the hungry through extensive service inLoaves and Fishes, Feed My Starving children and the Re-source center thursday night meal at St. Andrew's workingwith the kitchen crew.

Thank You Radio Sponsors!thank you to all who have sponsored live broadcasts of our

worship services! See details and sponsorship opportunities in boxbelow. thank you to the following sponsors in october, Novemberand december: • Nancy Wicka / Jill Katzung • Win & Pat curtiss •Gretchen & dan Smith • St. Andrew’s choir • bill and Kerry hooper• Ann buflin • Rich and Shirley Schoffelman • Gus and Mary blan-chard • Ann and Glenn buttermann • bill Putney • brian and JoanJohnson • Ralph olson • Gar and LeAnn Lenander


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


Saturday, Jan. 26, 7 p.m.Luther college Symphony orchestra concert

Sunday, Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m.Sheldon theater brass band concert

Friday & Saturday, March 1, 2, 7 p.m.Senior high dessert theater – Great hall

Sunday, March 3, 3 p.m.Wayzata Symphony orchestra concert

tuesday, March 19, 7 p.m.White bear Lake Area high School choir concert

thursday & Friday, April 11, 12, 7 p.m.Middle School Musical - Great hall

Friday, April 19, 7 p.m.benjamin britten “War Requiem”Magnum chorum, St. olaf college chapel choir and orchestra

thursday, April 25, 7 of Minnesota Symphonic Wind ensemble

Sunday. May 5, 4 p.m.Grand Symphonic Winds concert

Sunday, May 12, 3 p.m. Greater twin cities Youth Symphonies concert

Music Series 2012-2013 All events are held in the Sanctuary unless otherwise noted.

Thank you!thank you to all singers and instrumentalists for your faithfulcontributions of your musical talents throughout the past year.especially, we are grateful for the music of the christmas sea-son. From your music staff: Jan, bill, Kristin, Sue, twink, barb,Miriam, Meriah, and charles.

Host Homes Needed forLuther College OrchestraSaturday, Jan. 26We will need to provide host homes on Saturday night , January26, for the orchestra members. if you are interested in hostingtwo or more students for that night, please contact Jan Gilbert-son: 651-762-9123.

Attention Choir MembersSunday Music in the Sanctuary

Rehearsals resume on Wednesday, Jan. 2. Adult choirs sing every Sunday.Jan. 6

9:00 celebration Singers; choristers10:30 choristers and Middle School choir

Jan. 13 9:00 Sr. high choir; 10:30 King’s Messengers

Jan. 209:00 celebration Singers; 10:30 Middle School choir

Jan. 27 9:00 Sr. high choir; 10:30 King’s Messengers


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


3 for MeRegister Now! A Fun break for Parents and Kids! “three for Me” offers three hours offree time for busy moms and dadswhile their kids enjoy three hours ofbible exploration through play, songs,crafts and group activities - all in asafe, nurturing environment. Staff iscPR and first aid certified, Location: Great hall NurseryAges: 12 months to 5 yearsdays: tuesdays, Wednesdays and/or thursdaystimes: 9 a.m. – 12 noon; Lunch bunch 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (lunchesare brought from home) cost: $16/day or $21/day (lunch bunch added) dates: Session 2, dec. 11 – March 7 (call for space availability)Session 3, March 11 – May 30Session 4, June 4 – August 29Payments are collected for the entire session at the time of regis-tration. Reimbursement will not be given for missed days. inorder to insure proper staff coverage, drop- ins for the day will notbe possible. For more information please contact Kristy Moosbrugger at 651-762-9136 or

Save the Date! VBS 2013:St. Andrew’s vbS is coming to you June 24-28. Mark your calen-dars so you don’t miss out on all the fun! Morning and full-day op-tions will be available. Regular vbS Programming runs from 9 12 noon. Full day extension will be offered as well; end timetbd. costs for each will be released with registration and postedon the website. online registration opens Feb. 1, 2013! Questionsabout registration can be directed to Lisa heyer at or 651-762-9175.

New Worship Service = New Christian Education OpportunityStarting Feb. 20 at 6:15 p.m. there will be a new worship service.With that worship opportunity comes a chance for kids to digdeeper into the bible story during christian education time.classes will follow a rotation of activities each week. Ages will begrouped into Preschool, Kindergarten and First grade, and Secondand third grade. class runs the full worship time (about 45 min-utes). Fourth and Fifth Grade class continues from 6:15-7:15 p.m.;new students welcome at any time. Register online before Feb. 20to join in the fun and dig deeper into our bible stories. volunteers needed to lead classes: Please volunteer to be a part ofa co-op of teachers to help shepherd and lead your child’s class.We are looking for leaders for six week blocks. Leaders needed forbible theater, crafts, games, music, and more; as well as groupleaders to work with each age group and move with them fromstation to station.

GIRLS! Create a Healthy Heart and a Happy Head!• Winter Season: Mondays, Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 11, 2013, 6-7:30 p.m.

• Spring Season: Mondays, April 1, April 8, April 15, 2013 from 6-7:30 all you girls - God loves you just as you are! do you love yourself the way God does? Are you takingcare of yourself the way God would? We invite girls (4th-6th grade) and their mothers or a trusted fe-male adult to learn to care for their bodies and souls. Your body is a temple so let’s learn through a va-riety of physical activities, nutrition and conversations to increase confidence, body image, and have astrong mind and soul. St. Andrew’s has partnered with a local organization, healthy hearts and happyheads, to help girls navigate through today’s challenges. Mother or mentor involvement is strongly en-couraged, so come and share time having fun together and developing healthier habits, healthierminds and healthier relationships with yourself, each other, and God. Register through the St. Andrew’swebsite or by calling Lisa heyer at 651-762-9175, and remember to wear sneakers and comfortableclothes! childcare is available. cost: $45 per series (register for each series separately).


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


Celebrating Baptismbaptism Preparation class: Sunday, Jan. 20, at 12 noon in theSanctuary Room 204, or thursday, Feb. 21, at 6:30 p.m. in theGreat hall Room 6. We ask that families attend one baptismclass to prepare for the baptism of your child. the class is freeof charge; please register at least one week prior. childcare isavailable. contact Lisa heyer at 651-762-9175 to register forthe class and set up a baptism.

3rd Grade Bible Workshop and PresentationAs children become independent readers, it is a natural time tofulfill the baptismal promise to place the scriptures into theirhands. during our two-part workshop, children and their fami-lies will learn some basics about the bible, as well as ways toincorporate the bible in daily readings and family devotions.Parents will present the bible to their child(ren) in worship. dates for workshops are as follows: Jan. 5/6, 2013 in SundaySchool classes, students only; Jan. 13, 2013 Family workshop,11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m.; and Jan. 26 or 27, 2013. in-worship pres-entation of bibles. Registration is required for the Family Work-shop, register online. if you have questions please contact JenLucero at or 651-762-9171.

First Communion WorkshopWelcome to the Lord's table (1st grade and up) during ourworkshop, participants will learn about the deep meaning of thesacrament. Parents or Godparents are asked to attend classwith their child. communion instruction will be offered Satur-day, March 23, 2013 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. in the Great hall. thecelebration of First communion will be on Maundy thursday inthe Sanctuary at 7pm. Please register your family online for theclass by thursday, March 21, 2013. if you have questions con-tact Jen Lucero at or 651-762-9171.

kipping tones

M i n i s t r y

F a i t h


have questions about children’s Ministry, but don’t know who tocontact? check out the listings below:Lisa heyer: Administrative Support for children’s Ministrycontact Lisa for questions regarding: registrations for all birththrough 5th grade events; including elementary sports and recre-ation, baptism, Sunday school, First communion, etc.Phone: 651-762-9175 or email:

erika hiland: children’s Minister of 4th and 5th grade educationand elementary communication Leadcontact erika for questions regarding: 4th and 5th grade educa-tion and communicationsPhone: 651-762-9126 or email:

Greta bahrke: children’s Minister of Preschool educationcontact Greta for questions regarding: Preschool Sunday Schooland preschool bible blessingPhone: 651-762-9128 or email:

Jen Lucero: children’s Minister of elementary educationcontact Jen for questions regarding: Kindergarten through 3rdgrade education and Skipping Stones including First communionand 3rd grade biblePhone: 651-762-9171 or email:

Kristy Moosbrugger: Nursery coordinatorcontact Kristy for questions regarding: three for Me, Parents’Night out, or other scheduled child care optionsPhone: 651-762-9136 or

Important Dates in January and FebruaryJanuary:2: Wednesday Night 4th and 5th Grade class Resumes5 & 6: Sunday School Resumes. third Grade bible Work-shop #1 in-class, students only13: third Grade bible Family Workshop (See details abovein Skipping Stones, registration required)20: baptism class in the Sanctuary Rm. 204 at 12noon.26 & 27: third Grade bible Presentation during all worshipservices.February:1: vbS online Registration opens today!20: Wednesday Night Worship begins with christian educa-tion (Pre-register online for children’s classes)21: baptism class in the Great hall Rm. 6 at 6:30 p.m.


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

Giving Ourselves Away In Love To the World


Re-Charge at St. Andrew’sFor parents, adults who work with kids, adults who want to learn more about kids.Saturday, Jan. 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.this amazing event of over 400 people who love children and youth comes to our campus. We will hear great messages aboutserving in the church, what youth and children are facing and how we can walk beside them. We will be led in worship andhave the opportunity to go to a variety of workshops. if you care about children or youth, if you have children or youth, or if youwant to know what children and youth ministry is all about we want you to attend. to register contact Mary Post: For more information or see the topics and speakers go to:

Re-Charge at St. Andrew’sSaturday, Jan. 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Sanctuarythis amazing event of over 400 people who love children andyouth come to our campus. We will hear great messages aboutserving in the church, what youth and children are facing, andhow we can walk beside them. We will be led in worship andhave the opportunity to go to a variety of workshops. if youcare about children or youth, if you have children or youth or ifyou want to know what children and youth ministry is all aboutwe want you to attend. to register contact Mary Post.

Dates to Remember• 6th, 7th & 8th GradeSmall Groups meet:Wednesday villages: Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 and Feb. 6 (Feb. 6 isLenten Mentoring orientation; note time change below)Sunday village: Jan. 13, & 27 and Feb. 3

Ash WednesdayFeb. 13, services at noon in the Great hall or 5:30 or 7 p.m. inthe Sanctuary.We ask that you attend service with your family. We will beginto experience the Lenten Journey starting on Ash Wednesday.this is a time of preparation and reflection as we journey withchrist to the cross. during this time we will not have formalconfirmation class.

• 6th Grade6th Grade confirmation Retreat Feb. 8-9, Friday, 5 p.m. to Saturday, 8 p.m. at camp courage,Maple Lake, MN

cost: included in confirmation fee if paid in of the highlights for 6th graders is their first overnight forconfirmation. they get to come away for a night with theirfriends and spend some time out in God’s creation. this interac-tive retreat engages youth in prayer. Youth will learn how tostretch and pray, walk a Labyrinth, and pray the Lord’s Prayerthrough art. Small group guides come with the youth and spendquality time taking their weekly relationships deeper in cabindevotions and free time. We have great meals with the campand enjoy worship through great music. Youth will not want tomiss this retreat!

• 6th, 7th & 8th GradeLenten Mentor trainingJan. 20 or Jan. 27, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in the Great hall,Room 6Ab (Attend only one) this meeting is required of all new Lenten Mentors (if you didthis program last year you do not need to attend the orientationbut are invited). discover what mentoring is all about. Find outhow to exceed expectations. Learn to create a relationship witha student you do not know. We’ll talk through the devotional andprepare you for this exciting faith journey!

Lenten Mentoring orientationWednesday, Feb. 6, 5 or 7:15 p.m. in the Sanctuarythis takes place instead of regular confirmation. We ask that aparent or guardian, your Lenten Mentor and youth attend. Wewill be going through the expectations, the theme, and gettingto know each other. the material is the same at both hours, soyou may come when it is convenient for your family and mentor.


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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Afton Alps Ski DayMonday, Jan. 21, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. cost: Lift ticket $27 per student (high School & under); $31adult. equipment rental $25 per personbeginner Lessons – free!Lift your spirit by taking the ski lift! Join us for a full day of ski-ing and snowboarding at Afton Alps and remember MartinLuther while we celebrate dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.bring a bag lunch or money to purchase food. See: for snow reports/trail maps. Note: chaperones anddrivers needed -- unless we get 50 participants so we can takea bus! (bus: additional $15 per person.)

30 Hour FamineFriday, Feb. 22, 3 p.m. to Saturday, Feb. 23, 11 a.m. Join yourfellow middle school students and go on a fast for 30 hours. Wewill have fun, learning, worship together as we join to raisemoney and awareness for world hunger! Must be at least 12years old; high school students are welcome to be leader-par-ticipants, but the focus is more so on being a leader. if you areinterested in participating or leading contact Justin Pinotti formore information. Register online. there will be an informa-tional meeting on Sunday, Jan. 27 at 11:30 a.m.

Mission Trip Information Faithventures, Wisconsin: $150 by Sunday, Jan. 27Faithventures is a unique experience where we will be able togrow as a youth community through activities and adventures,while growing in our faith through service, helping those inneed. if you are interested in getting outdoors, camping, hiking,canoeing, while getting your hands dirty and working for theLord, this is the mission trip for you!

Mission Mosaic, Nebraska: $100 by Sunday, Jan. 27Mission Mosaic is a wonderful opportunity that we are very ex-cited about. We will be spending five days serving developmen-tally disabled adults at bethpage village in Axtell, Nebraska.there are opportunities for anyone. if you want to work withcampers directly, there are opportunities for that. if you wouldlike to serve the campers in a less direct way, we can put you towork on the camps property and help with grounds keeping. itwill be a very awesome experience.

Mission trip Meetings: Non-JamaicaSunday, Jan. 13, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Pier 7: this one willbe a detailed informational meeting for anyone who wants moreinformation, is really interested in one trip or, is on the fence be-fore the first down payment is due.

Sunday, Feb. 17, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Pier 7: once we fig-ure out who is going on what trip, we will have a meeting to goover payment plans, trip options and fundraising opportunities.

Pancake Breakfast!Palm Sunday, March 24, 9:30 a.m. to noonit is time to start thinking about Pancake breakfast again for afundraiser! it is a wonderful ministry experience, and we arevery excited. Again we would appreciate if you would startthinking of possible items to lend us to help with the event, es-pecially crockpots and griddles! Additionally, if there are anyadults that are handy in the kitchen and would like to help su-pervise or coordinate that process you can contact JustinPinotti, thank you very much forconsidering this ministry, and we look forward to serving thecongregation again this year!

Thank-You-A-Thon!Feb. 11-15, 5 to 8 p.m. Normally this is the time of year that we do our annual Phone-a-thon; however, this year we are deciding to do something dif-ferent! the Phone-a-thon has been so successful that we wantto go out of our way to make sure we thank every single donor.the money raised from this Phone-a-thon has gone to purchas-ing bibles for confirmation kids, providing transportation fortrips, camps, and retreats, helping to cover chaperone and lead-ers costs so that more people can volunteer their time without afinancial burden, and grant scholarships to those who are inneed. We would like to take the time out of our day to makesure we let those that support us know our gratitude.

All youth and leaders who participate in the ministry are invitedto come and call our congregation Members the week of Feb13-17. talk to a Youth team Member to sign-up.

Wednesday Night Activities open on Jan. 2.2:45 to 6:45 p.m. in the Gym, Pier 7, community Room and theGreat hall. All activities free of charge. the Youth and Sportscenter will offer space for homework, gym time, organizedgames, outdoor games (when weather allows), and a movieroom as options for relaxing or burning off some energy afterthe school day. dinner (Papa Murphy Pizza and donatelli’sSalad) can be purchased in the community Room.



Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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High School Lock-In Saturday, Jan. 4-5, 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., Youth & Sports center. cost:$10 and a snack to share, Registration deadline: Jan. 2 dodge ball, Ninja tournament, train Wreck, Sardines, movies,food and hang out time. Sound good? that’s just some of thefun things we’ll do at the high School Lock-in. invite friends andmake new ones! Stay up most of the night and get to knoweach other while you get to know God deeper. Register online orwith an event envelope. Any questions contact Jenelle thorvil-son.

Peer Ministry TrainingFeb. 1-3, $125 at camp WAPoRegistration deadline: Jan. 27have you been hearing all the great things about Peer Ministryand want to be a part? do you want to be a confirmation Guideor camp counselor? Would you like to grow in your skills beinga leader or listener? if you are interested there are two regis-tration steps. Register online and then please fill out the purplePeer Ministry Application. For more details and questions con-tact erin Morris.

Summer Leader Trainingconfirmation camp is quickly approaching, so it is time to begintraining our leaders who will be counselors and Resource teamMembers working with our 7th and 8th grade campers. this isa great St. Andrew’s tradition and is open to all 9th graders andolder. We need adults and youth to be leaders. We will do atotal of four trainings this spring. if you have not been a leaderbefore you must attend all four sessions. Repeating leadersneed to attend the final two. there is no registration costs $125.00 for all leaders.Feb. 10, 2:30-4 p.m. - New onlyMarch 3, 2:30 to 4 p.m. - New onlyApril 7, 2:30 to 4 p.m. - All LeadersMay 19, 2:30- to 4 p.m. - All LeadersAugust 4-9, coNFiRMAtioN cAMPAugust 9-11, Leader Weekend

Youth GroupSundays, 12:30 to 2 p.m. in the Youth & Sports centercatch up with old friends, meet new ones, and discover God’sactivity in your everyday life during Youth Group. our time willbe spent playing games, sharing stories from the week, anddiscussing our faith and scripture together.

The Early Bird Breakfast Clubthursdays, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m.

Mahtomedi - coffee cottage - 88 Mahtomedi Ave. Stillwater – Starbucks, 5980 Neal Ave. N, oak Park heights

tuesdays, 6:45 to 7:45 a.m.White bear Lake - Mcdonald’s - county Road e

Meet with other high School youth to begin your day in theWoRd. come for coffee, breakfast, connections and good con-versations. All high school youth are welcome!

Peer Ministry Meetingstuesdays, Jan. 29 & Feb. 5, & Sunday, Jan. 6 & Feb. 24, 6 to 8p.m. in the Great hall, Room 6Ab. this is the monthly check-inmeeting for those who have attended the training for Peer Min-istry training. We ask that youth make time to come to thesemeetings to check-in and talk about their experiences. PleaseRSvP 24-hours in advance! dinner is provided and needs to beprepared for you.

Jam Session!Friday, Jan. 18, from 3:30-5 p.m. have you ever wanted to learnhow to play, sing or lead camp songs? have you always wantedto find a place to just play music and try new things? come toPier 7, with an instrument, voice, or just ready to have some funand play some music! contact Justin if interested or have morequestions!



Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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St. Andrew’s KarateKarate class is held in the Youth & Sports center Gym. tuesdays – welcome to join anytime!beginners 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Advanced 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. $95/person; 2nd in family $55; 3rd $35. uniform required: $35 (purchase at class). toregister, please fill out a registration envelope available in each building. call dan at651-275-0892 for more information.

Yogadevotionupcoming classes for Yogadevotion at St. Andrew’s are as follows:Seven-week session; Jan. 7-Feb. 25 (no class Jan. 21); cost $50

Need 15 pre-registered for each class to be held. Register through an in-house registration form, attention dianne Nash, call651-762-9141, or register on-line.

Practicing in the Presence – Monday MorningsMulti-level; 9 to 10 a.m., this class is open to all ages. classes will be held in Sanctuary Room 204.

Seated in the Presence10:30 a.m. Monday Getting up and down off the floor can be difficult for many reasons; don’t let those reasons keep you from the benefits of a Yo-gadevotion class. this Yogadevotion class incorporates poses that increase range of motion, improve balance and bring at-tention to the breath, all using a chair as a yoga prop. Spend some time in God’s Presence. classes will be held in SanctuaryRoom 204 if the pre-registration requirement is met.

Practicing in the Presence – Monday evenings6:15 p.m. this multi-level class is open to all skill levels from beginner to advanced.classes are held in the Great hall.

breath Prayers by Yogadevotion7:30 p.m. Mondaysthis class will focus on breath work, spinal integrity and balance through a series ofposes that are more restorative in nature. the class will include some yin yoga posesthat are intended to work passively with the fascia rather than actively with the mus-cles. class will require props such as a block, strap, and blanket/pillow for the closingmeditation. You may bring your own props from home or purchase the first night of theclass.

classes will be held in the Great hall if the 10 participant sign up requirement is met prior to the first class. For more infor-mation about whether this new class is for you, contact Pastor cindy Senarighi at 651-762-9129.



Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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Men’s Prayer timeMondays, 7-8 p.m.

Sanctuary Atrium Lounge

Men’s bible Studytuesdays,

6:30-7:30 a.m. Great hall

Men’s breakfasts Saturdays, monthly.See schedule above

for details.

Men’s Ministry at St. Andrew’sMen helping men in discipleship with our Lord Jesus christ. All are invited.

Men’s Breakfasts 2013Saturdays in the Great hall

Free Will offering – All Men and Sons invited

• Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013, 8-9:30 a.m.Featuring guest speaker Sally Mixon of treehouse.

• Saturday, February 16, 2013, 8-9:30 a.m.

• Saturday, March 16, 2013, 8-9:30 a.m.

Great Food – Great Speakers – Great Music – Great Life

*** See courageous dads event – back page ***


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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Girlfriends’ GatheringFriday, Jan. 18, at 7 p.m.

A simple gathering of womenin homes for fellowship andrefreshment. A wonderful op-portunity to meet otherwomen from St. Andrews. hosted by Mary blanchardwith deb danielson andJeanne balfanzAppetizer, dessert or bever-age contributions welcome,but not required. directionsprovided when registering.For information or to register,contact or 651-329-4043.

Dogsled, Ski, Snowshoe Sampler! thursday, Jan. 24, 5 p.m.– Sunday, Jan. 27, 7 p.m.We have had women from 18-80 enjoythis trip. carrin Mahmood, director ofWomen’s Ministry at St. Andrew’s, willbe your host and fearless leader onthis year’s bucket-list trip. Ride up in acomfy coach bus and lodge at thecomfortable spaces of YMcA campMenogyn while enjoying the unsur-passed and breathtaking views of thenorth woods. try cross-country skiing,dog-sledding, snowshoeing, hiking,sledding, and even outdoor yoga. APRe-tRiP PLANNiNG MeetiNG is tues-day, Jan. 8, at 6:30 p.m. at St. An-drew’s in the Fireside Lounge. $275covers transportation, lodging, meals,and dog-sledding! (optional extras include approx. $15 fee if you choose to go to bearskin SkiLodge to enjoy their groomed trails or $40 for massage. $100 deposit due dec. 23, 2012. therest is due before thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. call carrin for information at 651-762-9119.

IntercessoryPrayer Group1st and 3rd tuesdays of the month1- 2:30 p.m. Sanctuary Librarythis group prays for the staff, ministry,and congregation of St. Andrew’s. All arewelcome - no registration is Mary blanchard at 651-653-1610with any questions.


how can i join the Prayer team?if you are new to prayer or are an experienced pray-er, the Prayer Ministry teamneeds you! if you feel God leading you into prayer ministry, we would like to talk toyou about joining this team. We have special training sessions and regular teammeetings. We also will work with you one on one as you get comfortable prayingfor others. We have opportunities for Prayer Link members (pray on your ownschedule for submitted prayer requests that you will receive via email) or PrayerPartner members (pray one-on-one during worship services). Prayer Partner mem-bers are on a five-week rotation.

Questions about Prayer Requests or about joining the Prayer team? contact Lisa Grundtner 651-762-9117 or Pastor cindy Senarighi 651-762-9129.


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GriefShare Apr. 4 - June 27, 20126:45 to 8:45 p.m. in Sanctuary buildingbeGiN ANYtiMe! GriefShare is a christ-centered grief recovery support group.the biblically-based program, focusingon grief topics associated with the deathof a loved one,is presented ina 13-weekvideo seriesfeaturing nationally respected grief ex-perts. in group discussion you will havean opportunity to share with people whounderstand how you feel and the pain ofyour loss and start the journey frommourning to joy.

call Joanne Zehnder at 651-730-9073 formore information. to register, contactLisa Grundtner at 651-762-9117. cost is$15 which covers all materials.

Need Connection?St. Andrew’s valet Ministry is a successand now we need help to expand to otherservices. it is really easy: must be 21 orolder, clean driving record, and serve oneSunday every five weeks. it is a chanceto meet some awesome people. thereare opportunities to serve at special serv-ices, and Pastor cindy will bring you hotchocolate or ice tea during the wildweathers we experience. Please considerProclaiming christ by serving with thisteam. call Pastor cindy @651-762-9129

TLC Ministryinterested in visiting people and sharingGod’s love through your presence? con-tact Pastor cindy 651-762-9129 or

Prayer Shawl MinistryA tangible evidence of prayer.We have a Prayer Shawl Ministry that of-fers tangible evidence of prayer; prayersthat are knit into the shawls and that therecipient is wrapped in with each shawl.

one member of the prayer shawl grouptold us that she had taken a shawl to asick friend with the prayers and a cardand was very surprised and moved byhow much the shawl meant to her friend.She told her daughter of this experienceand was surprised when her daughtertearfully asked her to make a shawl for

her. the woman asked her daughter whyshe wanted a prayer shawl and thedaughter told her she wanted the shawlso she could wrap herself in God’s loveand prayers for the rest of her life.

our prayer shawl group meets the Sec-oNd Saturday of every month in the Gar-den Room of St. Andrew’s village from9-11 a.m. come and pray and knit withus if you can, or pray and knit at homeand bring us your shawl for gifting.

contacts: Jackie o’Neill, 651-770-1155or Pastor cindy Senarighi, 651-762-9129

inner Peace Alanonevent date: thursdays; all yeartime: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Room 204b Registration: None required; just comeNursery/childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

12 Step AAevent date: Fridays, all yeartime: 5:30-7 p.m.Location: Sanctuary Room 204ARegistration: None required; just comeNursery/childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

12 x 12 Step AAevent date: Fridays, all yeartime: 7-8:30 p.m.Location: Sanctuary Room 204A Registration: None required, just comeNursery/childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

Alanon Works Familyevent date: Fridays, all year time: 7-8:30 p.m.Location: Sanctuary Room 201 Registration: None required; just comeNursery/childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

NA event date: Fridays, all year time: 7-9 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Room 204b Registration: None required; just comeNursery/childcare: Yes, call 651-762-9113contact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

Gratitude in Action AAevent date: Sundays, all year time: 5:30-7 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Rooms 201 &202Registration: None required; just come Nursery/childcare: Nocontact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117

happy and Joyous AAevent date: Sundays, all year time: 7-8:30 p.m. Location: Sanctuary Room 204A Registration: None required, just come. Nursery/childcare: Nocontact: Lisa Grundtner, 651-762-9117


Support Groups


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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CCAREARE CCONNECTIONONNECTION –– Connect for Care• Let us know if you are going to be hospitalized …contact Lisa at 651-762-9117 or• emergency, a pastor is on call 24 hours a day…contact 651-426-3261 and follow the prompts.• Post-hospital visit, contact Lisa at 651-762-9117 or • tLc [tender Lutheran care] team members available for ongoing visitation, Lisa at 651-762-9117 or


Please pre- register by the Friday prior to the on-campusevents by calling Lisa Gruntdner at 651-762-9117 or filling outan in house registration envelope.

Armchair Travelertuesday Jan. 8, 2013 cost $10Join Rev. dr. Paul berge as he takes us across the europeanlandscape to visit the center for christian education in MartinSlovakia. Paul will guide us on a tour that illustrates thetremendous progress that has been made in a predominantlynon-christian nation to bring the word of God to the people. Wewill also get to travel the countryside of the european theaterfrom the comfort of our Great hall seats.

Looney Lutheranstuesday, Feb. 12, 2013cost $20Who are: the LooNeY LutheRANS?the Looney Lutherans are a trio of wacky, professional actressgals on tour promot-ing their new cook-book: uSe YouRFood. A Guide toheALthY LiviNG iN-Side ANd out, FRoMouR KitcheN toYouRS, eAt LiKe ALutheRAN! usingmusic, comedy, and some help from the audience,these gals share some age-old wisdom for living a long ahealthy life, the Lutheran way.

Connect ON CampusAll on-campus events begin at 11 a.m. with a time for coffee and fellowship. blood pressure screening will be offered, as well aswellness information. the doors to the Great hall open at 11:30, we begin with a hymn or two, prayer, and then lunch. Following

lunch we will have a variety of presenters each month, wrapping up by 1 p.m.


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Perfect Wedding at old Log theater thursday, Jan. 17. cost $61 per person "Perfect Wedding" is a riotous comedy about a man who wakesup on the morning of his wedding with a dreadful hangover, abump on his head and an unknown woman in his bed. it's arace against time as he has to either get her out or make up aplausible story before his fiance and future mother-in-law ar-rive. this sets off a chain of comic disasters, lame excuses andfalse confessions, leaving everyone in the wedding party hope-lessly befuddled and the audience aching with laughter. A non-stop, delirious comedy and touching love story.  Prior to theperformance lunch at the old Log theater where your entréechoice is either chicken divan, Pork chop, Walleye, beefStroganoff, or vegetarian Lasagna. 10:15 a.m. motor coach de-parts from St. Andrew's Great hall parking lot. For details and toregister call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by Jan. 4.

‘Ring of Fire’the Music of Johnny cash Saturday, Feb. 23. cost $63 per personthe broadway show that captures the man and his music.From the opening moment of the show, you are immediatelydrawn into the spirit of Johnny cash’s homespun, gritty and in-spiring music. Although cash is never impersonated, Ring ofFire’s train ride takes us on a musical journey through the life,times, and tunes of the legend that is Johnny cash. Songs in-clude: i Walk the Line, if i Were a carpenter, Man in black,daddy Sang bass, Jackson Going to Memphis, A boy NamedSue, Folsom Prison blues, i’ve been everywhere, Sunday Morn-ing coming down, Ring of Fire, Why Me Lord? & hey Porter.Prior to the show we will enjoy lunch. 11:45 am motor coachdeparts from St. Andrew's Great hall parking lot. For details andto register call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by Jan. 25.

Fat Tuesday Progressive Lunchtuesday, Feb. 12. cost $60.50 per personWhat could be better to do on a February day than celebrateMardi Gras by enjoying great food at three different restaurants.We will have our salad at one restaurant and then travel to an-other restaurant to enjoy the main entrée. Finally we go to theLake elmo inn for dessert—can you think of a better place? Werequest that you wear your Mardi Gras colors—PuRPLe—GReeN—oR GoLd! don’t forget your beads. 10 a.m. motorcoach departs from St. Andrew's Great hall lot. For details andto register call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by Jan. 29.

A European River CruiseAug. 1—16, 2013As you cruise aboard a luxury Grand circle River Ship yourports-of-call include Amsterdam, Netherlands; cologne,Koblenz, Rudesheim, Frankfurt, heidelberg, Wertheim,Wurzburg, Schweinfurt, Nuremberg and Passau, Germany; andMelk and vienna, Austria. includes 11 land tours and a dinnerwith local residents. call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313.

The Celtic Tenorsand LuNch At SeARLeStuesday, March 12. cost: $68 per person.An early celebration of St. Patrick’s day with a day trip to theParamount theater in St. cloud for an afternoon concert of irishballads. the celtic tenors have appeared on every major stagein europe and canada. their enchanting classically trainedvoices and celtic charm will definitely set the mood for St.Patrick’s day. Lunch in St. cloud prior to concert. 9:15 a.m.motor coach departs from St. Andrew's Great hall parking lot.For details call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by Feb. 12.

Connect OFF CampushoW to ReGiSteR FoR A touR: call Julie Ahlman at 651-426-2313 by the registration deadline.

Fill out the registration form on the back and send in with your payment.hoW to PAY FoR A touR: Send a check payable to: Julie Ahlman, 176 Locust St., Mahtomedi, MN 55115.

Refund policy: No refunds can be given after the registration deadline.


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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it's been half a yearsince over 150members of St. An-drew's and otherfriends put theirfaith into action byhelping to build athree-bedroomhouse at 730 Jes-samine in St. Paul.the family, immi-grants from Myan-mar (burma), hasmoved in to theirnew home and look forward to finally having a stable place tolive.

With last summer's successful habitat for humanity project be-hind us, we look ahead to next summer. St. Andrew's will againhelp to build a new house in partnership with several otherchurches. As this article is being written we only know that theproject will be in St. Paul, and be a single family new home. inJanuary the location and construction dates will be known.

2013 will be the 22nd year St. Andrew's has helped a needyfamily achieve home ownership. You may know that habitat forhumanity is not a charity program. homeowners make theirdown payment with 300-500 hours of “sweat equity,” and thenpay a zero interest mortgage for the actual cost of the house.homeowners are carefully selected from needy applicants: onlyone in ten qualified applicants is offered one of the 60 homesbuilt each year by volunteers and habitat families here in thetwin cities.

Join your St. Andrew's friends and volunteer with habitat nextsummer!• be a construction volunteer (must be 16 years old)• be a site host• bring lunch or provide snacks, • Run in the cemstone Run For others on April 20 • donate to the habitat building fund• Put this mission on your prayer list

each year St. Andrew's members raise $24,000 to pay for thematerials used during the four weeks we build. the specialhabitat offering is April 13/14 this year, or you can designate agift to the habitat for humanity fund any time.

volunteer registration will begin in April. check out the habitatfor humanity page on the website.

Would you like to join our tuesday crew? A group of dedicatedretirees volunteer each tuesday year-around. contact daveengh 651-482-8642 for information.

A Family Moves In, Next Summer Awaits


Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!

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No, he was taking care of meby Pastor Sarah breckenridge

We continue to grow in spirit and in numbers. We have over400 missionaries for the adult season and 90 youth missionar-ies for next summer. in the past two years, the Mission Jamaicaprogram has grown by over 50%. God iS Good!

i’ll never forget on one of my trips how William, a boy with cere-bral palsy was my partner on a trip to the beach. it blew meaway how these children from Westhaven children’s home livedin Jamaica, yet had never been to the ocean. they had neverbeen able to build sand castles, wiggle their toes in the sandand splash in its waters. So they were excited! i, of course,was just trying to make sure none of them drown in their ex-citement, especially William. We survived, had a wonderfultime and as we were going to get on the bus, he refused to geton the bus. he couldn’t talk so, he basically grunted at me andkept pointing with his disfigured hand at a tree by the water. ikept telling him i knew he didn’t want to go, but we really hadto. i finally tried to drag him, but he was a strong kid and prettyinsistent. So again i tried to talk him onto the bus. “i know it’sa pretty tree isn’t it William? i wish we could stay and take anap right there, but we really have to go.” he finally starteddragging me towards the tree and that is when i realized mybackpack with all my important things was leaning up againstthe side of the tree. he was taking care of me! that is how itoften is in mission work; you think you’ll be the one offering thehelping hand, but instead you come back overwhelmed by howmuch you received, be it a helping hand, a smile, a lesson, aspiritual deepening. So many things are pointed out to you,things that you didn’t even know you were missing from yourlife.

We hope you will join us soon and very soon for this amazingmission opportunity! these trips provide you with the opportu-nity to deepen your faith, see the power of God’s Spirit at workin another country, use your God given gifts to bring joy to oth-ers and work hard, play hard and pray hard! the work sites, theworship, the times of fellowship all challenge you to grow innew and meaningful ways. there is something for everyone,from playing with children, to painting and cement mixing.therefore no more excuses! come Join us!

Please join us in blessing and commissioning this years mis-sionaries to Jamaica Saturday Jan. 5, 2013 at the 5 p.m. Gath-ering service or Sunday Jan 6, 2013, at the 9 a.m. Sanctuaryservice.


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You are invited to join a group of volunteers in teaching conversational english withadult students of the bible School, or pre-school and elementary children in vacationbible School this summer in Martin, Slovakia. Slovak interpreters work with us and area great help in teaching and assisting us in the class room.

conversational english will be held for two weeks of June 17-21 and 24-28, 2013. Aflexible curriculum in conversational english is designed to meet the students wherethey are in their development with the language and continue their growth and confi-dence in speaking in english.

vacation bible School will be held for one week, July 1-5, 2013. A curriculum is devel-oped with class time during the morning in the biblical stories, working on crafts re-lated to the stories, recreation time led by our Slovak helpers, and opening and closinggatherings of the students in the morning schedule when children see the bible storyfor the day dramatized, and learn songs they will present to their parents, grandpar-ents and friends at an outdoor celebration in the church square on Friday afternoon,which concludes the vbS program.

Preparation sessions for teaching in both programs are held in June before both groups depart for Slovakia. the conversationalenglish group leaves on June 14 and returns on July 2, and the vacation bible School group leaves on June 28 and returns on July10.

For further information call or email Jan Gilbertson at St. Andrew’s: 651-762-9123 or or Paul berge:651-762-9143 or

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We are/i am interested in learning about teaching conversational english ____ or vbS _____in Martin, Slovakia this summer:

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ______________________ email: _______________________________________________________________

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We are/i am unable to teach this summer but wish to provide a gift of support:

We are/i am enclosing a gift of $_____________ for student teaching materials.

You may give your gifts by check made out to St. Andrew’s Lutheran church, and sent to Paul berge, director of vision Slovakia, 900Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi, MN 55115.Please identify in the memo line of the check “vision Slovakia – Summer Programs”

You may also give your gift with viSA or Mastercard

viSA __ Mastercard __ Account # _____________________________ exp. date _________

Name on card: ____________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Opportunity this summer to Participate in and TeachConversational English and Vacation Bible School in Slovakia

Twink Starr in the foreground and Katie

McCormick in the background, both of St.

Sndrew's, instruct Vacational Bible School

students in a craft project.

900 Stillwater RoadMahtomedi, Minnesota 55115-2206



to all dads, Grandpas, uncles, Guardian dads,

and all dads of Faith:

Want to be a better dad, husband, and brother

in christ? We have an amazing opportunity to

grow your faith deeper on the mornings of Jan.

26 and Feb. 2, from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Join

us for a morning of food, fellowship, speakers,

and a viewing of the inspiring and action-

packed movie, "courageous." tickets will be

available, and FRee, yet needed for admission.

For more information contact Pastor brian

Norsman at or

visit our website at

COURAGEOUS DadsJan. 26 and Feb. 2, 2013
