Process 13 Heng Sun


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  • 7/26/2019 Process 13 Heng Sun





    Heng Sun1

    Hongmei Zhu2

    Zengcai Li1

    Feng Liu11Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology

    China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China

    2Architectural Engineering Institute

    North China Institute of Science and Technology, Beijing, 101601, China

    KEYWORDS: operation optimization, SMR, part-load, environmental temperature


    A small-scale LNG plant with SMR cycle would not work under the designed condition all the time. It isnecessary to adapt the mixture refrigerant composition and other process parameters to the changed working

    conditions. Thus, the operating optimization is significant for reduction of the actual energy consumption. The

    performance variations of the devices in SMR plant under changed conditions must be considered for a fixed

    SMR plant when the working condition is changed. An operation optimization model is established by

    combination of performance simulation of main devices with the process simulation using HYSYS software.

    The performance of centrifugal compressor is calculated using fitting method. The BOX method is used to

    solve the optimization problem. The effect of the variations of the feed gas and the environmental temperature

    variation are considered. The case of partial load for the plant is also studied. The results validate the

    significance of operating optimization for a small-scale LNG plant. The results also show how to adjust the

    refrigerant composition to fit the parameters variations of feed gas. The optimized operating schemes under

    different conditions are suggested.


    Small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants play important roles for utilizing the gas resources in remote

    gas fields, offshore gas resources and unconventional natural gas resources [1]

    . In recent years, the

    development of small-scale LNG plants is rather rapid in many countries, special in many developing

    countries [1-3]

    . Mixed refrigerant cycle (MRC) is the most popular process in LNG plants. Single mixed

    refrigerant cycle (SMR cycle) is expressly suitable for small-scale LNG plant due to high energy efficiency,

    simple process and less devices. The small-scale LNG plant cannot always work under the designed

    conditions for many reasons. This involves in the variations of feed gas pressure and composition, the

    environmental temperature and load of the plant. The environmental temperature will change not only forseasonal alternation but also for day-night changes. The loads may vary due to the season fluctuations of the

    gas supply or other commercial reasons. How to operate the SMR plant under changed conditions to avoid

    marked increase of energy consumption is an important problem need to be investigated. Process simulation

    and optimization are important ways to study and solve the problem.

    Many process simulations and optimizations of MRC cycle were reported, while most of the work only were

    concerned about the design problem[1-5]

    . For example, Aspelund etc. [5]

    developed a gradient free

    optimization-simulation method for processes modeled with the HYSYS software, which could be used to find

    the process parameters that minimize the energy requirement of a PRICO process. Xu etc.[6]

    programmed a

    genetic algorithm method coupling the process simulation software Aspen Plus and performed a linear

    regression on the MR composition to derive a set of functions. The work can be used to determine theperformance of the plant and be useful to acquire the optimal MR composition. Some literatures studied the

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    control problem of a MRC plant. Arjun and Ment[7]

    developed a simplified model which is applicable for

    control structure design without compromising. Wilco etc.[8]

    discussed the potential application of modern

    control technology in LNG production.

    Some nearest literatures[9-11]

    have involved the optimization of operations. Prue Hatcher etc.[12]


    the difference between the optimizations considering operation and design objects. The work focused on the

    heat exchanger area and showed that the optimization with different objects leads to obviously differentresults. Hasan etc.

    [13] presented a generalized model for the running of the compressors network in

    large-scale AP-XTM LNG process. During operation, the efficiency of the SMR plant depends on the

    performance of centrifugal MR compressors, which changes when inlet gas parameters are changed during

    operation. However, this has not been considered precisely. The goal of the work here is to establish an

    operation optimization model which includes this key factor and study the performance of a SMR plant under

    changed working conditions.


    The essential difference between the operation optimization and design optimization is the device

    performances of the LNG plant. The device is fixed for operation optimization while the device is selectableand their performances are free variables in design optimization. Therefore, the operation optimization model

    could be setup on the basis of the process simulation. Here, the simulation is also carried out by HYSYS

    software. The SRK EOS was used to calculate both the phase-equilibrium and the thermal properties. The

    key of operation optimization is to establish models of the devices in LNG refrigeration cycles. Since the

    variation of main cryogenic heat exchanger (MCHE) is minor, its performance is treated as constant.

    Therefore, the constraints of the MCHE could be described as equations (1) and (2).

    CT 2min (1)

    CTLMTD 4 (2)

    Here, min denotes the minimum approach of temperature inside the main cryogenic heat exchanger andLMTD means logarithmic mean temperature difference. The fixing of compressor's performance is important

    for the optimization results. The Q-P and Q- curves of the first and the second process stages of the

    compressor could be fitted using equations (3) and (4):










    VV QAQn








    = (3)

















    nQB VVV (4)

    Here, p0is suction pressure, p1is outlet pressure, is the pressure ratio, Qvis volume flow rate, n is rotationalspeed. Since n is equal to the rated speed n0, n/n0is equal to 1. A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3are the fitting coefficients.

    A typical compressor is selected and the fixed coefficients are listed in Tables 1~2, where the mean variances

    are in the last column. During actual operation, the working condition of the compressors changes obviously.

    Based on similarity theory, equation (3) could be used to predict the performance of the compressor under

    different working conditions[9]

    aa TRn


    = (5)

    Where R is gas constant and T is temperature.

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    Table 1. Fitted coefficients of Q-p curves of 1st and 2nd stages of compressor

    A1 A2 A3 R

    First-stage -23.862 3.0719 -0.076537 0.15059

    Second-stage 1.7931 1.1011 -0.25263 0.29789

    Tab.2 Fitted coefficients of Q- curves of 1st and 2nd stage of compressorB1 B2 B3 R

    First-stage 1.0012 0.42213 -0.013329 0.21897

    Second-stage 52.575 -11.91 0.7649 0.07986


    process which has been the mostly applied in small-scale LNG plant are selected to conduct the

    simulation study. The PFD of the PRICO@

    process is shown in Fig. 1.

    J-T valve Production valve

    Cryogenic heatexchanger

    LNG Tank

    Feed natural gasPurifying unit

    Suction vessel

    Refrigerant pumpRefrigerant pump



    Figure 1. PFD of the PRICO

    @liquefaction process of BV

    The standard working condition (design condition) is as follows: the flow rate of the feel natural gas is 1050

    kmol/h, the temperature is 45 and the pressure is 4.5 MPa. The composition of the natural gas is gas 1

    listed in Tab. 3. The rotary speed of compressor is 10850 rpm. The MR composition for design optimization is

    listed in Tab. 4. The suction volume flow rate of MR of compressor is 2.43104m

    3/h, the outlet pressure of the

    compressor is 3403 kPa (Absolute pressure). The total power which also includes the MR pump is 6363.2kW.

    Since the LNG produced is 984.05kmol/h, the unit energy consumption of LNG is 23.279kJ/mol.

    Table 3. Components of natural gas (Mole percentages)

    Component [%] Gas 1 Gas 2 Gas 3

    CH4 92.67 96.63 93.46

    C2H6 3.9 1.54 2.03

    C3H8 1.95 0.85 1.13

    C4H10 0.98 0.43 0.74

    N2 0.5 0.55 2.64

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    Table 4. Components of MR of design optimization (Mole percent)

    Component Molar percentage [%] Component Molar percentage [%]

    CH4 20.79 C2H4 36.21

    C3H8 12.62 C5H12 19.58

    N2 10.8

    The MR composition for design optimization is already known. However, it may not be available for changed

    conditions including different environmental temperature, changed feed gas conditions and partial load.

    Therefore, an operation optimization model is necessary to be established to obtain the best operating

    parameters under actual conditions. Here, the optimized variables are pthroatand coi ni 2,1= .

    Here, co means the molar fraction of i-component. The constraint involves that the pressure of suction gas of

    the compressor could not be too low. The constraint conditions could be expressed as:





    ico (6)

    130suctionp (7)

    The objective function is to minimize the energy consumption:

    2121 cccctotal WWWWW += (8)

    This optimization problem could be solved using BOX method.


    On a long view, the pressure of the gas will decrease slowly. Thus, it is needed to study how to operate a

    SMR plant under different feed gas pressure. The problem can be solved based on the above operation

    optimization model. The results are illustrated in Fig. 2. It can be drawn that it is almost impossible to reducethe unit power of the SMR plant when the pressure gas is increased from the design point. This is because

    the decrease of efficiency of the plant offsets the influence of high-pressure feed gas. When the pressure of

    feed gas is decreased from the design point, the operation optimization can get a little lower unit power

    consumption than without any adjustments, while the actual unit power is increased.

    To evaluate the adaptation capacity of the SMR plant under changed feed gas compositions, three presumed

    gas compositions which are listed in Tab. 1 are employed. The composition 1 is the one which is used in the

    design optimization. The operation optimization results are shown in Fig. 3. The results show the plant has

    good adaptation capacity when the fraction of ethane increases. However, the unit energy consumption is

    obviously increased for rich-nitrogen gas.


    To ensure the performance of a LNG plant, the plant must provide enough refrigerating capacity under relative

    high temperature in summer. In other seasons, the environmental temperature is lower than that in summer. It

    is possible to adjust the operation of the platn to reduce the energy consumption. The operation optimization

    results are shown in Fig. 4, which shows that operation optimization can get satisfactory effect when the

    environmental temperature is higher than -20.

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    3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5

    Feed Gas Pressure (MPa)




    Figure 2. Variations of unit energy consumption vs. the pressure of feed gas





    1 2 3

    Feed Gas Composition


    Figure 3. Unit energy consumption of the SMR plant under different gas compositions

    However, the reduction of energy consumption becomes inapparent when the environmental temperature

    decreases further. This could be explained by the working condition is far away from the design condition

    when temperature is lower than -20. The main process parameters and MR compositions of the operation

    optimization are listed in Tab. 5 and Tab. 6, respectively. An available adjustment strategy could be drawn

    from the process parameters achieved. The adjustment strategy is to ensure the high efficiency of the first

    stage compressor primarily since it is the key factor effecting the energy consumption. After that, the LMTD of

    MCHE increased rapidly when the temperature is lower than -20. This causes the efficiency of the total

    cycle decreased correspondingly.

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    Table 5 Process parameters and simulation results under different loads for throttle adjustment

    Temperature () 40 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40

    MR molar flow (kmol/h) 2615.9 2587.0 2338.8 2165.3 2157.3 2155.2 2152.1 2155.0

    Pressure after 1ststage

    (kPa)1549.8 1435.2 1535.8 1500.9 1426.6 1327.2 1256.9 1251.1

    Pressure after 2



    3411.7 3115.6 3693.6 3765.7 3542.2 3265.9 3102.6 3090.7

    LMTD () 4.44 6.00 5.32 4.76 5.61 5.56 7.74 7.81

    1stpolytropic efficiency (%) 82.474 82.867 84.332 82.454 82.452 82.467 82.454 82.505


    polytropic efficiency (%) 70.742 70.796 70.768 69.555 69.557 70.193 70.504 70.614

    Total power (kW) 6339.1 5948.6 5646.8 5330.3 5136.7 4909.7 4760.8 4756.9







    -40 -20 0 20 40 60

    Temperature ()



    Figure 4. Unit energy consumption of the SMR plant under different environmental temperature

    Table 6. Optimized composition of MR for plants with throttle facility

    under different loads (molar fraction)

    Temperature () 40 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 40

    Methane 0.229 0.252 0.333 0.345 0.373 0.420 0.425 0.425

    Ethylene 0.334 0.367 0.271 0.260 0.267 0.240 0.281 0.279

    Porpane 0.143 0.143 0.194 0.247 0.223 0.238 0.206 0.215

    i-Pentane 0.192 0.144 0.107 0.063 0.056 0.028 0.013 0.008

    Nitrogen 0.101 0.094 0.094 0.085 0.082 0.074 0.075 0.073

    Molecular weight 36.05 33.66 31.89 30.65 29.62 28.05 26.85 26.75


    The small-scale LNG plant can not always work under the designed NG flow rate for many reasons, such as

    the season fluctuations of the gas supply or other commercial reasons. Thus, the load adjustment ability of

    LNG plant is very important. However, small-scale SMR plants usually only have simply load adjustment

    facility of throttle method or have no such facilities. Operation optimization is specially significant for such

    small-scale LNG plant. The optimization is carried out and the results are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. Here, the

    load of the plant is proportional to the flowrate of feed gas. "Op" means the case that optimized variables

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    includes MR composition, throttle pressure and MR flowrate. "Th" means fixed MR composition case in which

    only MR flowrate and throttle pressure are optimized variables.





    0 20 40 60 80 100 120

    Load percentage (%)

    Totalpowerpercentage(%) Th


    Figure 5. Comparison between the relative power consumption

    with and without component optimization of MR






    0 20 40 60 80 100 120

    Load percentage(%)




    Figure 6. Comparison between the unit power with

    and without component optimization of MR

    As Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show, the total power could be decreased for throttle method under part-load condition

    while the unit energy consumption is increased. It can be drawn that throttle method could get a relative good

    adjustment effect in the load range of 60%~100%. When the load is less than 60%, the throttle method also

    works, but the effect is not so satisfactory. In any case, the lower energy consumption could be gotten under

    all loads. The efficiency with MR composition optimization is obviously higher than that without MR

    composition optimization is obtained only in the range of 40% to 60%. An energy save of about 5% could be

    gotten in this range.

    The main process parameters in case "Th" are listed in Tab. 7, also. The similar regulation of operation

    strategy can be drawn that the high efficiency of the first stage compressor should be primarily ensured. The

    low suction pressure means low vapor density, which can make the volumetric flowrate maintain the

    reasonable range when the molar flowrate is reduced marked.

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    Table 7. Main process parameters and simulation results

    under different loads for throttle adjustment

    Loads (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30

    NG molar flow (kmol/h) 1050 945 840 735 630 525 420 315

    MR molar flow (kmol/h) 2623.4 2365.6 2093.1 1828.6 1571.4 1494.6 1292.7 1013.7

    Pressure before throttle (kPaA) 280 251 228.5 206.9 189.9 166.9 147.1 1301

    stpolytropic efficiency (%) 82.33 82.95 83.8 84.39 84.02 84.09 83.60 83.47


    polytropic efficiency (%) 70.70 71.11 71.35 71.02 69.85 71.28 70.71 70.70

    Total power (kW) 6363.2 5905.1 5429.7 4939.9 4451.1 4074.3 3594.1 3080.9

    Some small-scale SMR plants which have not been designed for operations under part-loads have no load

    adjustment facilities such as throttle valves. Since such plants do may occasionally work under part-loads, it is

    also significant to study how to save the energy consumptions for such SMR plants. The adjustment of the

    composition of MR is a potential method. The simulation study of this method is also conducted. The methods

    are the same to the above except for the throttle pressure is set to be always zero. The energy consumption is

    obviously decreased by changing the composition of MR, which is illustrated in Fig. 7. A more than 10%

    energy save under 70% load and a more than 16% energy save could be obtained using this method. The

    results also indicate the possibility of extend the load adjustment range of throttle by using composition

    optimization exists.







    0 20 40 60 80 100 120

    Load percentage (%)



    Component Op


    No Adjust

    Figure 7. Comparison between the unit power with and without throttle facility


    A model of operation optimization is established based on the consideration of performance variations of the

    devices in SMR plant under changed conditions. The operation optimization model is established bycombination of performance simulation of main devices with the process simulation using HYSYS software.

    The performance of centrifugal compressor is calculated using fitting method. The model can be used to

    study the performance of SMR plant under different conditions, such as variations of feed gas parameters,

    environmental temperature and part-load conditions. The optimized operation strategy could also be achieved

    based on the model. The available adjustment strategy is that the high efficiency of the first stage compressor

    must be primarily ensured. Since the efficiency of compressor is a key factor for energy consumption, this is

    suitable for almost every changed working condition.

    The simulations and operation optimizations of the SMR plant working under changed gas parameters and

    environmental temperature was carried out. The results show that the operation optimization can provide a

    good adaptation capacity for SMR plant when the working condition slightly deviated from the design point. If

    the deviation is large, the efficiency of the plant will decrease. Besides, the satisfactory energy consumption

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    could be achieved when the fraction of ethane increases while the unit energy consumption is obviously

    increased for rich-nitrogen feed gas.

    The simulation of a LNG plant of PRICO process with throttle facility of load-adjustment was implemented.

    The results show that throttle method could get a relative good adjustment effect in the load range of

    60%~100%. The unit power for 30% load is about 60% more than that under design condition. The

    composition optimization of MR can slightly decrease the power further. The composition optimization canadjust the load effectively for the simply SMR plant without any load adjustment facility. A more than 10%

    energy save under 70% load and a more than 16% energy save could be obtained using this method.


    The authors are grateful for funding by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51004111:

    Research on the mechanism and regulation of the liquefaction process of nature gas in a supersonic swirling

    separator) and Special Foundation of Young Teacher of CUPB, China (Research on cryogenic power cycle to

    recovery LNG cold energy and waste heat and optimization study)


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