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Here are your tasks for today. Doing these daily tasks will help the children to keep focused and keep their brains sharp.Mornings tend to be the most productive learning time of the day for children so, setting up a routine from the beginning will hopefully reduce any resistance. If the daily routines and some maths and english tasks are completed in the mornings too, then the lighter topic work could be completed after lunch also freeing up afternoon time for exercise and fun.The daily maths, english and topic activities will be posted on Kingfishers web page.Much of the work uploaded online will be in worksheet format. You will not need to print out worksheets unless you want to. The children can work directly from screen into their books.On returning to school, the teachers will review the work the children have completed and plan for their next steps in learning.



Uptown Funk 5 minutes

PE Joe Wicks will be hosting a free fun workout aimed at kids LIVE on his YouTube channel. At 9am every morning click on the link below for fantastic active start to each day. There is no equipment needed just tune in and enjoy!

Joe Wicks Daily 9am Workout

30 minutes

READING Use bug club to read a book at your level. Answer the bug club questions and talk to parents about the book you are reading.

20 minutes

SPELLINGS You have your own spelling lists (Common Exception Words) glued into your SCHOOL CLOSURE LEARNING BOOK.Try to practice one word a day. Start with the ones you didn’t quite get right and then revise the other ones.Remember that there are many fun ways to practice spellings including speed writing, rainbow writing etc.Also try to write the spellings in sentences to help you build up your sentences structure and understanding of each word.

10 minutes

PHONICS This week we will look at the ‘l’ sound that is spelt with an ‘el’ at the end of a word.

These are words like enamel, squirrel, channel, tunnel, travel, towel, vowel etc.

To help you learn and spell these words there are some fun games to play here. Try to play a different one each day.

'EL' Spelling Games

MATHS LengthLearning Intent - To measure length in cm.

Length is the measure of distance or how long, wide or tall something it.The units of length that we will be focusing on is centimetres (cm) & metres (m).We measure smaller objects & distances in cm & larger ones in m.

Do you know any more units of length?

Today you will be learning to measure accurately using a ruler.Look at How to use a ruler to see how you line objects up correctly.

Now you know how it’s time to practice. Using the balloons & kites worksheet measure each one to the nearest cm. If its slightly before or after say 9cm, you would class that as 9cm.

If you haven’t got a ruler use the ruler resource.

Challenge – these are optional.

ENGLISH ReportLearning Intent - To learn how to write captions.

Last week we started looking into non-chronological reports. This week we will be building up to write your very own report. The main topic area will be the same be the same but you will have a choice on what you write your report on.

Today you are going to be writing captions. Can you remember what a caption is?Yes it is the sentence that describes the picture/diagram that is shown. You normally find pictures and captions in newspapers but our non-chronological report will include captions as it is a good skill to be able to do.

A caption always answers one of the following:

Who/What is that?What is going on?When did it happen?Why did it happen?How did it happen?

Eg:Danny the dog dressed up ready for his fancy dress party.


Danny the dog isn’t happy with the lobster costume he ordered!

Here are some pictures. Can you write a caption for each of them?

Remember – try to answer 1 of the questions highlighted and then your caption should be great.

Challenge – these are optional.Can you find any photos with captions in magazines or newspapers?If you haven’t got any of these try logging on to a national newspaper online and see if you can find any there.

