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Describe the extent to which your organisation meets the objectives of its different stakeholders.

A stakeholder represents a party which has interest from a companies or a project.

Stakeholders can be grouped in 3 categories:

1. Intern stakeholders: employees and managers

2. Connected: shareholders, customers, suppliers

3. External: community, trade unions and special interest groups, government

1. Internal stakeholders

Employees need and expectation are:

• job security

• good pay

• clean work environment

• good leadership

Now the new expectation of employees is also looking for pension and

benefits after retirement. They expect the company to increase their pay

according to their responsibility.

Employees are taking beneficial packages, monetary rewards and have

other healthcare options. Primark is proving employees access to voucher

for childcare, bonuses, health insurance and contribute them to pension.

Primark is providing a reward and sound of its work environment for its

employees and associates, its workers are enjoying a flexible schedule,

access to a long career within training and development programs,

competitive wages and so on.


  The main expectations that managers have from Primark are to provide

them job security, good payment, if they increased profits, the company

increase their bonuses, provide them the right status. Primark also claim to

have training support for its employees in order to enhance their skill and

to be able to develop new ones.


Primark has been engaged in a long-term program for improving the work

conditions and wages in China. The aim of this project is to ensure that all

employees are having a living wage and this is enough to meet all their

basic needs as an adult and support their family but also to provide income

on top.

Community expectations are for Primark to engage in some wider

community initiatives. In India, Primark works with NGO in order to

provide people education on a wide range of topics such as working safety,

law on labour the women’s right.

Trade unions and civil society groups


Trade union needs from Primark are: to improve the paying system of their members, the work conditions and practices, to give training and professional development to members and to improve their interest.

These organisations are having a common objective such as protect the employee’s rights. Primark is using different methods to engage with these unions and groups and engage to listen the perspective of the people involved, learn about their issues and how to overcome and taking part of the decision process making.


The government’s needs and expectation which Primark meets are to provide people with jobs which Primark is having supplier in many countries and provide jobs to many people while contributing to reduce the unemployment, pay its taxes from their profits and provide a hygienic environment for their employees to work.


• SHAIKHS, S 2010, Business Enviornment,2nd Ed, India: Pearson Education

• Organizational Response,[online]. Available from:

