President’s Message audit...


Citation preview

Tickets have been selling briskly. Our goal was to sell 200 of them, and we are going to be close to reaching that num-ber, which repre-sents the largest profit we could make for our Lodge on this event. The first drawing for weekly prizes will be on Fri-day, May 9, and the Italian Buffet dinner is going to be on Friday, July 11. Re-member that we are giving away $1,000 in cash prizes!



Wednesday August 13th

7:00 P.M.


Wednesday August 27th

7:00 P.M.



Geneva Lodge 2397 OSIA

31 Prospect Ave. Geneva, N.Y. 14456

315-781-2242 email


August 2014 agosto Editor: Tony DiCostanzo

Our condolences to the

family of brother

Paul Williams

on his passing.

May he rest in peace.


President’s Message

Want to get your

issue of La-

Gazzetta faster?

Sign up to get it by

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and postage

Lodge News

210 Club

Wrap Up

210 Club -- Over

125 folks came out

for the dinner to

celebrate the end of

the 210 Club, which

was super to see.

We sold 200 tickets,

(12 the night of the

dinner,) so we met

our 200 tickets

goal! So thank you

to all our sellers and

congratulations to

all our winners.

Here is the com-

plete list: $200

Grand Prize, Vinnie

Severino; $100,

Nancy Long; $50,

Jim DeVaney, John

Gregoria and Jillian

Blauvelt; $25, Tony

Anastasi, Tom

Myers, Sharon

Cummings, Jim

Modera, Mike Mo-

rabito, Alan Brig-

nall, Jan Cutillo,

Cindy Woodhams,

Dan Long, Debby

Reed, Steve Venuti,

Mike Osborne,

Duane Lynn, Joe

Ostroski, Vinne

Carnovale, Yolanda

Nicoletti, Mary

Chelenza, Tom

Marsh, Chuck

Perrin, Chip Guer-

erri, Darlene Page,

Steve Hurlburt. A

50/50 also raised

$320, so the winner

-- Judy Ralston --

claimed $160.

This is really a strange message to

write, because I am writing it

BEFORE our Italian Festival, and

you will be reading it AFTER the

Festival. So, what can I say, other

than I HOPE IT WENT GREAT! Seriously,

though, an awful lot of members put in an awful

lot of work. We had great cooperation from the

GAIL Lodge as well, and I really expect that it

WILL BE/WAS one fantastic celebration. And

remember, if you volunteered in any capacity dur-

ing the festival, please join us in our Festival

Workers Appreciation Dinner on Friday, Aug. 8 as

our guest.

With one major production behind us in the festi-

val, we can start looking forward to another one

ahead and that is the celebration of Italian Culture

and Heritage Month in October. Your Lodge will

be at the forefront of celebrating our incredible

heritage with a number of events throughout the

month, including Italian language lessons by Pro-

fessor Sebastiano Lucci, our Columbus Day Din-

ner Dance on Oct 11, Italian Night at the Smith

Opera House on Oct 18 and other events. Be on

the lookout for them and plan on celebrating along

with us.

August will see the conclusion of our outdoor

Summer Bocce League season and the organiza-

tional Captain‘s Meeting for our indoor Winter

Bocce League (already?!?!) In September, look for

startup of various football-related activities and the

return of our Italian Open Golf Tournament.

Again, your Council continues to work feverishly

for the good of our Lodge and the Order. Please

support our events and let us know how you think

we are doing and what events you’d like to see us


Con affetto e gratitudine,

Mike Cutillo

Thank you to all of our

members who volunteered

their time and effort to make

our Italian Festival a success .

Thank you to all of the

advertisers - T-shirts,

Newspaper, Stage Sponsors,

and all others for supporting


Thank you to our members,

your families, and all of the

Geneva and local community

for coming out in large

numbers to help us celebrate

our Italian Heritage

218 Hamilton Street

Geneva, NY 14456

La Gazzetta page 2

State and National



National OSIA $100 Raffle

National Fund Raising Chairperson

and National 5th Vice President,

Nancy DiFiore Quinn has announced

that National OSIA will be holding a

$100 raffle which will be drawn on

Saturday, August 23, 2014 at an Ex-

ecutive Session at the Sheraton Hotel

& Towers, Chicago.

Grand Prize - $25,000

2nd Prize - $2,500

3rd Prize (five) - $1000 each

Anyone interested in purchasing a

ticket should contact District VIII

State Trustee Tony DiCostanzo at

315-789-9346 -ASAP.

Meeting Days Have Been

Switched To Wednesdays

At our June Council meeting, the

council voted to recommend moving

our two monthly meetings to

Wednesday evenings instead of our

traditional Thursday dates. This is

being tried to see if the change in

days can increase attendance at meet-


In August our assembly meeting

will be held on Wed. Aug. 13th and

the council be meet on Wed. Aug.

27th. Please mark your calendars


I can’t tell you how incredibly

proud I am for everyone step-

ping up to make the Musselman

Pasta Dinner the overwhelming

success that it was. The positive

vibes from that one event will go

a long way toward putting your

Lodge in very good standing in

the community. Thank you.

Membership Committee Chair-

man Paul D’Amico and Council

member Steve Venuti continue

to work very hard on bolstering

the rolls of our Lodge’s mem-

bership. I am hopeful that we

picked up some potential new

members at the Festival. Thanks

again, guys.

Geneva Lodge member Avis

“Fuzzy” Marino has been ap-

pointed as Deputy to GAIL

Lodge 2397A. Steve Muzzi has

agreed to act as District VIII

Liaison to the CSJ (Commission

of Social Justice). Congratula-

tions to both of these members

for stepping up to fill these im-

portant state appointed positions.

Lodge Trustees -- Tom Quar-

taro, Dick Goldstone, Frank

Guererri, Shawn Corcoran and

Bill Long -- along with Financial

Secretary Paul D’Amico and

Treasurer Fuzzy Marino held an

internal audit on July 19 that

went very well. Office Manager

Tony Cannuli was on hand to

explain procedures while open-

ing the books to the Lodge’s

various accounts for all to see

and ask questions about. It was a

very productive meeting and

gave a number of Council mem-

bers a better idea of how our

finances operate and are con-


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Festival Workers Appreciation Dinner

If you volunteered for the Festival in any capacity,

you are invited to join us in an Italian Buffet dinner at

the Lodge on Friday August 8th to celebrate the suc-

cess of the Festival. We also are going to invite a

number of our sponsors for the dinner, so please plan

on coming and letting us say thank you to all volun-

teers. Family members are invited, too, for a small

cost of $5 per dinner. We will have some prizes to

draw for and some raffles and will just have a lot of


Bingo Workers Dinner

Arranged by Bingo Chairman Sully Ciancaglini, eve-

ryone who has worked Bingo for us was invited to this

dinner, along with family members. It was an enjoy-

able evening with about 60 people on hand who were

served either a steak or chicken dinner. Thanks again

to Brother Tony DiCostanzo and his kitchen staff,

headed by Richard Evangelista for a terrific meal.

Remember how important Bingo is to our lodge. If

you would be able to volunteer for just one Sunday a

month -- a few hours per Sunday -- please get in touch

with President Cutillo or Chairman Ciancaglini.

Winter Bocce League

Bocce Chairman Jamie Kaim has scheduled a

Captain’s Meeting for the Winter Indoor Men’s Bocce

League on Tuesday, Aug. 26 at 7 p.m. If you are a

captain, please plan on attending. Other league players

or anyone interested in learning more about the league

is invited to attend, also. The league will begin play

on the night of

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La Gazzetta page 3

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La Gazzetta page 4

Musselman Ziti Dinner

Wrap up

As you know, your Lodge pro-

vided the main pasta dinner for

the Musselman participants on the

evening of Saturday, July 12. We

served over 300 that evening, and

the reviews were staggeringly

good. So many participants --

who were mostly from out of state

-- thanked us profusely for pro-

viding such a tasty meal and hos-

pitality. Smiles abounded, which

was nice to see, and organizer Jeff

Henderson has already notified us

that the Musselman would like to

use our services again in 2015, a

real plum for your Lodge. We had

plenty of help that day with over

20 volunteers on hand. Brother

DiCostanzo organized the kitchen

staff, we had a great parking crew

outdoors making sure things were

organized, we had greeters at the

door and smiling faces dishing out

the food. It really was a well-run

and fun event. Thanks to all who


Photos from the 2014 Festival

Culture and Heritage


The Culture and Heritage Com-

mittee would like to compile a

family history of our members.

We are looking for a family tree,

a brief family history, and pic-

tures. More information about this

project will be sent to the mem-

bers in September. We would like

to display them during Culture

and Heritage Month in October.

Photos from the Musselman Dinner

La Gazzetta page 5

Bar 50/50 Drawing The weekly 50/50 drawing has topped $150 and is climbing. Stop in once a week to enter, have a cocktail, and say hello. It cost $1.00 per wk. to play and prizes have reached as high as $250.

Look for weekly bar specials and see Sam Cosentino if you’d like to suggest a future bar event.


Website You can now read La Gazzetta every month on our lodge website. Just go to the Home Page on our website:

Lodge Rentals and Parties for 2014 It’s never too early to plan for that birthday, anniversary, or gradua-tion party that may be coming up in 2015. We are now booking events for 2015. If you need to book a party, pavilion rental, or other type of event, please contact Tony DiCostanzo at the lodge. Call 315-781-2242 or 315-789-9346

Follow Geneva Lodge and OSIA

on Facebook:

Geneva Lodge 2397


GAIL Lodge 2397A



Vincent Lombardi 2270



NYS Grand Lodge



SICILY 2015 -- President Cutillo,

in conjunction with Globe Travel, has announced his seventh group trip to the Old Country. It will be in September 2015 and will be com-pletely on the beautiful and his-toric island of Sicily. The two-week trip will include sightseeing in Palermo, Agrigento, Taormina, exploring Mount Etna, a typical Sicilian cooking class in the heart of Sicily, wine tastings, a trip to a salt mine and Sicilian bakery, beach visits, a boat trip to a nearby island and much, much more.

The cost of the trip is approxi-mately $4,200 per person, which includes airfare, hotel accommo-dations, all sightseeing, some meals and more. It will definitely sell out. The last time we did a trip to Sicily -- in 2007 -- which in-cluded Calabria, the trip was so popular that we brought 80 peo-ple. This one will be limited to 45. There will be an informational meeting in August, but deposits are already being accepted. If you are interested -- or have any questions -- please get in touch with President Cutillo as soon as possible.

Summer Bocce League

The outdoor Summer Bocce League will conclude on Tuesday August 5th with a dinner for all participants and the final week of league play. It’s been a great summer of bocce and a lot of fun. Thanks go out to Chairman Jamie Kaim, Jr. for running the league.

Remember— the Winter League will begin on Sept. 9th if you’re interested.

Monday Night Football & Wings Night

It’s not too early to start thinking about football sea-son. It’s coming up right around the corner.

Mon. Sept. 8th will be the first Monday Night Football game of the season, and with it comes the return of Wings Night at the lodge. Brothers Dan Chelenza and Ed Madia will be serving up wings be-ginning at 7 pm each Monday. Only $8 per dozen for jumbo wings.

Visit the bar on Sundays also to catch your favorite team. We have the NFL package.

La Gazzetta

Geneva Lodge 2397

Order Sons of Italy in America

31 Prospect Avenue

Geneva, New York 14456

Non Profit Org.




Geneva, New York

Geneva Lodge 2397 - Officers President - Michael Cutillo

Vice President - Sam Cosentino IPP - Jamie J. Kaim, Jr. Trustees

Orator - John E.Yannotti Tom Quartaro

Rec. Sec. - Steve Muzzi Dick Goldstone

Fin. Sec. - Paul D’Amico Frank Guererri, Sr.

Treasurer - Avis Marino Shawn Corcoran

Masters of Bill Long

Ceremony - Steve Venuti

- Vince Bonetti

Sentinel - Dan Pufnock

Deputy to Geneva Lodge 2397 - Jill Kaim

District VIII Deputy (Acting) - Anthony DiCostanzo

District VIII Trustee - Anthony DiCostanzo

Past Presidents of Geneva Lodge 2397

John “Moon” Iannapollo † John Gregoria

Al Liberio Tony DiCostanzo

John Greco Salvano “Sully” Ciancaglini

Joe Perry † Mike Cutillo

Jeff Melito † Dan Chelenza

Humbert “Ham” Riccione † Larry Cassell

Joseph “Jocko” Petrus † Jamie Kaim, Jr.

Louis Ciancaglini † Robert Taddario

Upcoming Lodge Events

BINGO - Every Sunday @ 7:00 pm

Every Friday - Happy Hour

Aug. 1 Festival 4:00 pm

Aug. 2 Festival 4:00 pm

Aug. 5 Bocce Dinner 7:00 pm

Aug. 8 Festival Dinner 7:00 pm

Aug. 10 Sicily Trip Mtg 1:00-3:00 pm

Aug. 13 Assembly Mtg. 7:00 pm

Aug. 26 Winter Bocce Mtg 7:00 pm

Aug. 27 Council Mtg. 7:00 pm

Address Service Requested

President of New York State Grand Lodge

Joseph Rondinelli



La Gazzetta page 6