Presented by Jody Bertness & Stephanie Wurzer Making it a Lifestyle


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Presented by Jody Bertness & Stephanie Wurzer

Making it a Lifestyle

Keys to Success• Don’t have the attitude that this is a diet, its not a diet, this is a lifestyle.

• Be proud of your healthy choices and the changes you have made.

• Make it FUN!

• Learn some new types of exercise• Zumba, Yoga, Racquetball, Tennis, Swimming, Badminton, etc..• Get some fun workout outfits and shoes-you will be more excited to work


• Find recipes that you love to make or are easy to make• Find restaurants you know have healthy choices for when you are in a


• Buy new flattering clothes• If you are losing weight treat yourself to a new outfit. Wearing baggy

clothes that don’t fit keep us from seeing ourselves in our new bodies and keep us in the past.

Get Enough Sleep•

Tips for Getting Enough Sleep• Stick to a schedule – try to go to sleep and get up the same time each day even

on the weekends. We get our deepest sleep between the hours of 10pm and 2pm so try to get to bed by 10pm each night.

• Do your daily exercise no later than two hours before you plan to go to bed as it may make you to energetic to fall asleep.

• You should eat your last meal at least 4 hours before you go to bed to allow for proper digestion and restful sleep.

• Avoid caffeine at least 12 hours before you plan to go to sleep.

• Avoid naps after 3pm and make them 30 minutes or less.

• Settle into a relaxing nightly routine such as taking a bath, reading, or listening to soothing music before going to bed.

• Avoid nightlights, and falling asleep with the tv or computer on. The lights disrupt your sleep.

Manage Your Stress•

Tips for Stress Management• Deep Breathing – Take out 5 minutes and practice deep breathing


• Talk to a friend

• Essential oils can help relieve stress – top 5 for stress relief are lavender, frankincense, rose, chamomile, and vanilla.

• Get a massage

• Exercise

• Learn to say no, you don’t have to try to fit everything into your schedule.

• Schedule some you time into each day, whether its an hour long bath, or time to read a book, or doing a hobby.

• Have your spouse or child play with your hair, it feels heavenly!

• Hold a baby, make sure you ask first.

Tips for Anger Management• Think before you speak – you don’t want to say something you’ll later regret

so take a few moments and collect your thoughts before speaking.

• After you have calmed down communicate your frustrations in a non-confrontational way. Begin your sentence with “I feel”, rather than “You.” This should help alleviate defensive feelings on their part. Example “ I feel as though my ideas are not being heard” rather than “you don’t listen to me.”

• Exercise – this can help reduce stress that often builds up and causes us to lash out.

• Take a break – throughout your day take short breaks to de-stress. Read a few pages of your favorite book, have a cup of tea, take a 10 minute cat nap.

• Find a solution – if there is something that is constantly angering you, find a solution to fix it rather than continuing to be angry about it. “If you have road rage take a different route, carpool, or find a soothing CD to listen to.

Continued• Learn Forgiveness – holding a grudge only punishes yourself.

Look at the big picture, what kind of outcome will holding a grudge produce verses forgiving someone.

• Humor – is a useful tool in diffusing tension. Laughter also stimulates blood circulation and relaxes muscles aiding in stress relief.

• Relaxation – learn some relaxation techniques you can use when you feel yourself getting angry such as deep breathing, a calming phrase or verse, soothing music etc.

• Get help when necessary – if you find that you just can’t control your anger seek out professional help there may be an underlying reason for your anger.

Develop a Strong Social Network of Friends & Family• Strong social network was one of the factors of longevity in Dan

Buettners “The Blue Zones”.

• This is not referring to “social media”.

• According to a strong social network

• Increases your sense of belonging and purpose

• Boosts your happiness and reduces your stress

• Improves your self-confidence and self-worth

• Helps you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or death of a loved one.

• Encourages you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise.

Involve the Whole Family at Mealtime• Women typically cook the meals, buy the groceries and plan the menus.

Women have the power in their hands to change their family’s life for the better. Here’s how…

• Start out small – If your family is resistant to change make little changes here and there. Create a 6-month to 1- year plan.

• Have everyone help cook. Studies show that children and adults are more likely to eat something they help prepare.

• Try out meat substitutes to ease your family into a plant-based lifestyle. Meatless sausages and chicken nuggets taste very close to the real thing. (In my opinion Morningstar brand is the best!)

• For reluctant children- take them to a farm where they can visit and pet the animals and get to know them as our friends. They may never want to eat meat again!


• – This is an awesome website when you want to look up vegan/vegetarian restaurants in your area. Use it when you are traveling too!

• Plan ahead- most restaurants will have their menu on line. Look up the menu and decide what you are eating before you get there. It takes the stress off of trying to find something on the menu when you are starving.

• Call restaurants for options- ask if they are able to make a vegan option (ask what it is or give them a few suggestions) They are typically happy to do so.

• Ask for swaps – Often times you can ask something to be swapped for something else or simply left off.

• Limited options – If you are going somewhere that simply can’t accommodate you make sure you eat before hand and then just eat a salad or a side dish to fill you up.

Continued…• Try ethnic choices- often times they have more vegetarian/vegan options than a

standard American restaurant.

• Check out online reviews of restaurants. They are very helpful in finding out just how accommodating a restaurant can be. Don’t be afraid to leave comments yourself about more vegan options. Restaurants like to find out what people want.

• Ask if they have a vegetarian menus. Believe it or not some places have secret menus that are only mentioned if asked for.

• Order a fun non-alcoholic drink. It will give a more special vibe to your evening.

• Concentrate on the company you are with rather than focusing on the food. You may not have a great experience at every restaurant but enjoy your company!

Plant-based Restaurant Choices around Mankato


Vegetarian Menu:

• Falafel Sandwich

• Countryside Caprese Sandwich

• Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich

• Hummus & Roasted Veggies Sandwich

• Tabbouleh Salad

• Other Salads

• Fresh Fruit

• Pasta Salad

• Sautéed Vegetables

• Sliced Apples with Caramel

ChipotleVeggie Burrito/Bowl/Tacos – Guacamole is free.

Sofritas Burrito/Bowl/Tacos – Organic shredded tofu with chilies and spices.

Chipotle Salad

Chips/ Salsa

Noodles & CompanyVegetarian Menu:

• Bangkok Curry

• Pad Thai

• Indonesian Peanut Sauté

• Thai Curry Soup

• Or choose any entrée and switch meat out for tofu.

Pita PitVegetarian Menu:

• Spicy Black Bean Pita

• Hummus Pita

• Garden Pita

PaneraVegetarian Menu:

• Garden Vegetable Soup with Pesto

• Black Bean Soup

• Classic Salad

• Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich-request no cheese

Pepper Poppers• 1 bag mini colored sweet peppers

• 2 can black beans, drained and rinsed

• 2 cup frozen or fresh corn

• ¼ cup chopped red onion

• ¼ tsp garlic powder

• ¼ cup chopped cilantro

• Juice of 1 lime and 1 lemon

• 1 large avocado, cubed

• 1 pinch of salt

• In a medium bowl mix together the black beans, corn, onion, garlic powder, cilantro, and lime. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.

• Slice sweet peppers in half length-wise and clean out seeds and stem and set aside.

• Cube the avocado and gently stir it into the black bean mixture.

• Scoop into peppers and arrange neatly on a platter and serve.