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We Filipino makes our life wonderful

that even GOOGLE cannot Answer


Just like a mangoes and rice can only thrive in its bio-region, a Filipino must know the soul of his land that he may use his inner will for it. Every race contributes to the bio-diversity of the human spirit. Our universal goal is to be ourselves! To know ourselves is to be free, for the universal spirit is free.









• You put your foot up on your chair and rest your elbows on your knees while you eat

• You smile for no reason

• Your perfectly comfortable in a squatting position with your elbows resting on your knees

• You put your arm on the other person's shoulder if he or she is a close friend of yours

You draw a rectangle in the air when asking for the bill

• You eat with your hand and have it down as a technique

• You play pusoy, tong hits or mahjong.

• You add an unwarranted 'H' to your name: Jhun, Bhoy, Rhon

• You put your hands together in front of you as if to make a path and say "Excuse, Excuse" when you pass in between people or in front of the TV

• You always offer food to your visitors

• You use laundry detergent to wash your dishes

• You use print rags from an imported fashion magazine as cover of your textbooks and notebooks

• You ask for 'Colgate' instead of toothpaste

• You say 'Ha?' instead of 'what?‘

• You say 'Hoy!' to get someone's attention

• You say 'Cutex' instead of nail polish

• You make acronyms for phrases: 'OA' = overacting

• You start with 'actually' when you're trying to explain

• Ano' and 'di ba' regularly slip out during conversations

• You try hard to speak English and when you don't know what to say next, you say 'you know

• You change your accent according to the person you're talking to

• You use 'walis tambo' and 'walis ting-ting' as opposed to a conventional broom

• You own a piano that no one ever plays

• You have a portrait of the Last Supper hanging on your dining room wall

• Your house is cluttered with 'burloloys'

• You have a Santo Nino shrine in your living room

• You have 'parol' displayed during the holidays

• You have a giant wooden spoon and fork hanging in your dining room

• There's Johnson's Baby Powder compacts lurking in your makeup drawer

• You have several pairs of 'tsinelas' at your doorstep

• You find dried-up morsels or rice stuck to your shirt

• You hang your clothes out to dry

• You use an umbrella for a shade on hot summer days

• You play basketball in you chinellas (slippers)

• Your car chirps like a bird or plays a tune in reverse

• You have a rosary on your car rear view mirror

• Your car horn can make three or more different sounds

• You have those air fresheners in a bottle

• You insist on fitting 8 people into a taxi

• You were raised believing every Filipino was an aunt and uncle

• Your parents call each other mommy and daddy

• You have a dog named whitie, blackie or bantay

• Your parents call each other 'Mahal' and they call you 'Anak' or by your wonderful Filipino nickname you've had all your life (Jang, Cici, Meng, Choy-Choy, etc) ....and you KNOW they're mad at each other or at you when they use actual names

• You order breakfast items like tapsilog, longsilog, or tocilog at restaurants

• You always grab a toothpick after each meal

• You dip bread in your morning coffee

• Your 'baon' is usually something over rice

• You wash and re-use plastic utensils and styrofoam cups

• You think half-hatched duck eggs (balut) are a delicacy

• You have an ice shaver for making 'halo-halo'

• You unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping (and especially those bows) next year.

• You save grocery bags, tin foil, and tin containers.

• You use grocery bags to hold garbage.

• You always leave your shoes at the door.

• You twirl your pen around your fingers.

You hate to waste food.

• Most Filipino women / young women own a LOT of shoes! They will also never wear more than half of them again

• Cokes are reserved for visitors to your house.

• Your mother / grandmother's most precious item is her sewing machine.

Globally Competitive

Shamsey Supsup

Charice Pempengco

Venus Raj

Manny Pacquaio, etc…



Cooperative, etc…

I have come to realize that defining the

Filipino is up to the Filipino himself.

Perhaps, it's time for us to start identifying those traits that make

us Filipino.

I am Filipino. I use a "kabo" or "tabo" when bathing because, if you really think about it, it saves more water. I dip my bread in juice because it tastes good. I cut up my spaghetti because it's easier to eat it that way. I use my mouth to point at something because I believe it is rude to point with one's finger. I am a Filipino because my hero is Jose Rizal. I am a Filipino because I respect my elders and will never feel comfortable calling them by their first names. I am a Filipino because the bravery of MelchoraAquino and Gabriela Silang runs trough my veins. I am a Filipino because Ninoy Aquino said I was worth dying for.

Traits, personality and behavior we have only show that we have a wonderful culture that make us unique and shows that we Filipino proved that through this tradition and traits we can make a big difference not only in our life but in the whole world as well.

I am a Filipino not because I was destined to be one but because I am

proud of being one!

-Antonette Rocel Delleva-



Antonette Rocel DellevaInquirer News Service