Presentation Forex and Binary Options


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Online payment solutions via credit cards

for Forex and Binary Options

3 of the 10 Top Forex Broker have chosen RegularPay as a main payment gateway for credit cards

RegularPay provides regulated as well as no regulated companies with merchant accounts

With our technical solution our merchants are able to accept payments from all countries

About Us

RegularPay is European payment services provider which works with clients worldwide and supplies them with the merchant accounts

Discount rate is from 2,4% per a transaction

Merchants are able to make payouts on their client’s credit card exceed the deposit amount

There is no setup fee

There is no monthly or annually fee

Rolling reserve is 10%. In case of increasing amount of processing it could be decreased

Our merchant are able to make payouts every 3-4 business days

The currency of merchant account: The currency of merchant account: USD, EUR, RUB


Our Rates and Conditions

Short list of documents is required by

a bank

Verification of documents usually takes up to 2

business days

According to our experience, technical integration takes

up to 5 days

Full support on every step of integration and convenient

cabinet with analystics


Easy and Fast integration

Th e w h ole p roce s s from ve rification of docum e nts to te ch nical inte gration w ill be conve -nie nt for you, th ank s to our e xp e rie nce in th is bus ine s s

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Safety features

The m is s ion of ou r frau d m onitoring s ys tem is to prevent frau du lent activity before it happens . This s ys tem m onitors m erchant accou nts for u nu s u al or s u s piciou s s pending actions , and in cas e there is s om ething irreg u lar, the cu s tom er

receives a phone call from one of ou r operators to be s u re that trans action is veritable.

Reg u larPay com pany im plem ented 3 -D s ecu re s ervice, w hich com pletely dim inis hes charg eback s du e to “ u nau thorized trans action”. M erchant accou nts w ith activated 3 -D s ecu re s ervice are entirely protected from frau d and any pretens ions of

illeg al u s ag e.As s oon as cu s tom er credit card pas s es 3 -D s ecu re verifi cation, the m erchant’s bu s ines s becom es totally protected from

any u napproved trans actions or claim s abou t u nau thorized acces s !

Ou r paym ent g atew ay conform s to the hig hes t s afety s tandard of Vis a and M as terCard - PCI DSS Level 1

+(371) 678-810-36 | |

More than 500 clientschose us

97 % of our merchants are satisfied with our services

More than 800 million USD were paid to our clients

99,999 % is the reliability of our gateway

Start accepting credit cards right now!