Presentation by Support Services, Faculty of Medicine


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Presentation by Support Services, Faculty of Medicine


Timesheet submission is required as an official record: for audit purposes in cases of disagreement – both employee and supervisor/manager are

required to sign off


PAY DATESPayment is by direct deposit to your bank (based on information you have

provided). If there is a change in your banking information, please complete a new bank deposit information form.

Salaried employees are paid on the 15th and last day of each month.

Hourly employees are paid on the 10th and 25th of each month.

Should one of the above dates fall on a weekend/holiday, payment will be on preceding banking day.



INFORMATION REQUIRED:Your name, contact phone # and/or e-mailYour employee IDYour employee record #Your department and locationYour job codeYour hourly rate (if an hourly paid employee)The account from which you are paid (if an hourly paid employee)Period for which the timesheet is submitted (e.g., Jun 1-15 or Jun 16-30)Your signatureYour supervisor’s signature (please print name below signature line),

contact phone # and/or e-mail.

If you are unsure of this information (e.g., your employee record or your job code) please follow up with your supervisor and/or Support Services. Please keep in your records for future timesheet submissions!


Record # of hours worked each day. Note that if you work >5 hours/day, you are entitled to an unpaid meal period of not less than ½ hour. (Your lunch break is not considered working hours.) A rest period of 15 minutes (“coffee break”) during each ½ day worked (of not less than 3½ hours duration) is considered working (paid) time.

Codes to record hours is dependent on type of employment. (e.g., CA = casual augmentation; CR = casual replacement; RPT = recurring part time; ST – student job). If you are not aware of your type of employment, please follow up with your manager and/or Support Services.


SRP: sick leave recurring part time. Recurring part time staff are eligible for sick leave after completing 455 hours.

Casual & student employees shall be granted bereavement leave without pay.


Commonly used codes

If questions on other codes (e.g., shift differential, union business, etc.) please contact Support Services

APT: appointment under 2.5 hours

Appointments include: those due to illness, or a medical, dental, optical, physiotherapy appointment, or an appointment with a psychologist when required by a physician.

this is for appointments for you as an employee only. Should you be accompanying a member of your immediate family to an appointment, this would be booked to FAM.

Absences in excess of 2.5 hours may be charged against the your sick leave.

APT: appointment under 2.5 hours(continued)

You should make every effort to schedule appointments outside of your regular working hours. When this is not possible, you shall schedule appointments at times which will least interfere with your work, and shall obtain prior approval for the absence (see AUPE Collective Agreement 30.01(b).

Because prior approval is required, notification to your supervisor/manager should provide lead time for your supervisor to review and discuss with you.

FAM: Family IllnessRefers to illness within the immediate family.

Immediate family is defined as your spouse, child, child of spouse or parent and anyone over whom an employee has legal guardianship.

You have available one week to a maximum number of hours equivalent to an your normal hours of work. This is prorated by your standard hours and FTE. For example:

full time: 7 hours X 5 days X 1.0 FTE = 35 hours 4 days/week: 7 hours X 5 days @ .8 = 28 hours

FAM: Family Illness (continued)Note: In the first year of employment, family illness will be prorated based

on the length of employment leading up to January 1.

Bank is ‘replenished every January 1st.

TRA: illness travel

Travel time for illness within your immediate family shall mean for travel where long distances are involved.

Immediate family defined as above (your spouse, child, child of spouse or parent and anyone over whom an employee has legal guardianship)

Normally 2 days available – note that this will be prorated based on your standard hours and FTE

BEREAVEMENTRefers to leaves of absence if a death occurs in your family, provided you

attend the funeral.

Family is defined as your spouse, child, child of spouse, parent, step parent, parent-in-law, guardian, ward, grandparent, grandparent-in-law, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt or uncle.

Note that special leave may be granted more than once in respect of bereavement .

BEREAVEMENT (continued)

BRV – bereavement leaveNormally 3 days, prorated based on your standard hours and FTE

BRT – bereavement travelNormally 2 days, prorated based on your standard hours and FTETravel time is for travel where long distances are involved.

FNL: funeral attendance

½ day to attend a funeral service for persons other than those defined as family. (again, prorated by standard hours and FTE)

GRD: graduation ceremony

½ day to attend either your graduation ceremony, or the UofC convocation ceremony for your spouse, child, or child of spouse (again, prorated by standard hours and FTE)

Two week’s notice may be required for graduation ceremony attendance.

PLD: personal use day

2 working days available for your discretionary use for situations that may not be covered elsewhere in the CA. (again, prorated by standard hours and FTE)

Two week’s notice may be required for personal use days.

VAC: vacationYou are entitled to vacation leave, which is earned as you work.

Note that the Faculty of Medicine will not permit you to go into the ‘negative’ on your vacation banks – i.e., you must have earned your vacation time prior to using it.

Your vacation banks are noted on your pay stub. Reporting runs in arrears by ½ month, so you will need to adjust the vacation time available with any vacation time taken during the pay period.For example, if your May 31st pay stub shows 80 hours of vacation

available and you took 3 days/ 21 hours during the pay period May 16-31, your actual entitlement as of June 1 will be 59 hours.

Vacation (continued)Vacation time must be approved. Any changes must also be approved.

If you become hospitalized for 24 consecutive hours or more during a vacation period, you may cancel the remainder of the vacation and use sick leave. Proof of hospitalization is required (see AUPE C.A. 29.12).

If there is a death in the family and subject to what we have discussed

above, you may cancel the remainder of your vacation or portion of vacation.

VACATION calculations (AUPE) for staff who have completed less than 6 consecutive years of service, 0.057692

hours of vacation are earned for each hour an employee works, which over a period of one year amounts to 15 working days, or 3 weeks

for staff who have completed 6 consecutive years of service, 0.076923 hours of vacation are earned for each hour an employee works, which over a period of one year amounts to 20 working days, or 4 weeks

for staff who have completed 18 consecutive years of service, 0.096154 hours of

vacation are earned for each hour an employee works, which over a period of one year amounts to 25 working days, or 5 weeks

for staff who have completed 25 or more consecutive years of service, 0.115385

hours of vacation are earned for each hour an employee works, which over a period of one year amounts to 30 working days, or 6 weeks

VACATION calculations (MaPS)

4 weeks 0.076923 hr/hr21 days 0.080769 hr/hr 10 years service completed22 days 0.084615 hr/hr 11 years service completed23 days 0.088462 hr/hr 12 years service completed24 days 0.092308 hr/hr 13 years service completed25 days 0.096154 hr/hr 14 years service completed30 days 0.115385 hr/hr 24 years service completed

STA: Stampede ½ day

½ day is available to all full time employees (1.0 FTE)

No entitlement in respect to this holiday if you are on vacation, sick leave, workers compensation or any other leave during the period of stampede.

OVERTIMERefers to that time worked over the regular daily schedule. Depending on

your FTE and the additional hours worked, this may be earned (as compensating time off) or paid out, at your regular rate of pay, at 1.5X your regular rate of pay, or 2.0X your regular rate of pay (see CA 19).

The Faculty of Medicine has an overtime policy/guideline. (copies available)

All overtime from operating accounts must be PRE-APPROVED by the

manager of the cost centre. Employees who work unauthorized overtime will not be eligible to receive compensation for the additional time worked.

OVERTIME (continued)

Employee must submit their requests in writing, including the # of hours expected to complete the task and rationale for the overtime request. Ensure you provide sufficient time for your manager to review and

discuss with you your request.

Preference of the Faculty that compensation for full time employees be granted in the time of CTO (compensating time off) when possible.

For the 2009-10 fiscal year, the Faculty of Medicine is unable to approve any requests for overtime for the Central Admin group.

OVERTIME (continued)

Common time codes:

CTO: compensating time off earnedCTR: compensating time requested @ 1.0CTK: compensating time off takenOT: paid overtime

LSU: Leave Without PayLeaves of absence may be granted in case of serious illness or accident to

the employee’s immediate family (see definition above - spouse, child, child of spouse or parent and anyone over whom an employee has legal guardianship) or for any other valid reasons, and shall not be unreasonably denied (CA 33.01).

Applications for leaves of absence, or to extend a leave of absence, shall be submitted in writing to the manager/supervisor for approval and forwarded to Support Services. Support Services will provide a letter to you on the approved leave.

Leave shall be without pay.

LSU: Leave Without Pay (continued)

Note: an employee who is absent from work without approval shall, after 3 consecutive work days of unauthorized leave, be considered to have abandoned their position and will be considered to have resigned unless it is subsequently shown by the employee that special circumstances prevented the employee from reporting to work.

SIC: Sick Leave

Illness: means any illness, injury or quarantine restriction that causes an employee to be unable to work – but does not mean disabilities covered under workers compensation, or elective procedures which are not essential to the physical or psychological health of the employee.

The sick leave provision is 130 working days, which will include some days at 100% salary and the balance at 70%, depending on length of service. (For more detail see CA 30.02.)

SICK LEAVE (continued)

An employee who is unable to report for work because of illness is required to inform their supervisor within one hour of the reporting time for work.

Where it is necessary to replace an employee, the employee may be required to inform the appropriate supervisor as much as 1.5 hours in advance of the time the employee was to report to work, provided that the supervisor has made prior arrangements for such contact.

SICK LEAVE (continued)You may be required to provide medical fitness for work information to

support absences due to illness. This request will come through the Staff Wellness Centre / Occupational Health Consultants. If there are costs incurred (e.g., physician charging for a letter), the expenses will be paid by the University – though this may be through a reimbursement to you rather than direct payment by the University.

Normal practice is that following five consecutive days of illness, an Occupational Health Consultant will be in contact with you to follow up, offer assistance and help you manage a safe and effective return to work.

CONTACTSTimesheets available at:

AUPE Collective Agreement available at:


Support services:Nicole Wilson, 220-4404 / nwilso@ucalgary.caCharlene Wrona, 220-6633 / wrona@ucalgary.caRhonda Yacey, 220-5169 /
