Prepare To Get A Job In Graphic Design by Julaluck Kitpowsong


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Prepare To Get A Job In Graphic Design

by Julaluck Kitpowsong


To develop creating a portfolio that presents professionalism.

To help students enter the field of graphic design

Why a portfolio is important?

For seeking employment as a designer or even any artistic field.

Needed for graduate school admission, obtaining freelance work or starting your own practice.

To show your creative solutions and evidence of originality.

Remember :

Every portfolio should have a unique look and feel

What goes in a portfolio?


Cover letter

Letter of recommendation

Business card

Artist statement

Significant Samples of your work


To show your background

To show the reasons why the employer should hire you

To highlight your accomplishments

To reflect your experience and credentials

Key to design a resume


Think about format, layout, color and theme.

How long should your resume be?

Maximum 2 pages.

If longer than 4 pages, it is important to highlight your key qualifications for the job.

Types of resume

Chronological resume

List your work experience as history-specifically, reverse date-form, followed by job titles and responsibilities.

Functional resume

Describe your skills and talents and organize your experience according to your area of specialization.

What information goes in a resume?

Contact information

The Objective or summary section

Employment history


Honors, awards, certifications

Professional affiliations

Additional information (hobbies and interests)

Continue : What information goes in a resume?

Technical expertise and computer skills

Military service

References or letter of recommendation

Letter of Recommendation

Choose references carefully.

Select people who know and can describe you as an employee, a student or on a personal level.

Avoid using personal friends or family members as references.

Do not put more than 2 or 3 letters.

Cover letter

To introduce yourself.

To show your background, education and work experience that can fit the employer need.

To highlight your accomplishments

To stress the employer the primary reasons to hire you.

Artist statement | Design philosophy

To describe about your philosophy

To discuss the meaning of processes or techniques involved in art making.

To discuss the influence of other artists or designers.

Business card

To convey a sense of who you are and what you do as a designer or artist.

To present your unique appearance.

To distinguish yourself from other applicants.

Types of business cards

Basic card

Continue : Business card


Continue : Business card

Tactile card

Continue : Business card


Continue : Business card


Select Art + Design Projects

Each piece should show your conceptual skills and problem solving abilities.

To demonstrate your strength and experience in design as well as highlight skill areas of your particular interest.

To give a message about yourself.

To show your talent and your potential to grow.

Select only your finest pieces.


Each item you place in your portfolio should reflect the company requirement of the job at hand.

How many art + design pieces?

About 10 – 20 pieces.

They should be recent and original.

Get your images printed

With a home printer or a commercial printer?

Using a home printer

Epson, Hewlett-Packard, Brother, Minolta, Lexmark,

Cannon and Olympus

Using a commercial printer

Any small print shop or some online services.

What types of papers?

Glossy paper

Deeper and more intense color.

Matte paper

Good for producing softer shades of color in your design.

Protect printed images

Use acid-free sleeves.

Laminate your images

Organize a portfolio

Chronological system

Arrange your projects with the most recent work at the front and continue in reverse order by date.

Categorical system

Good for have a variety of work.

It allows you to divide your portfolio into well-defined sections.

Present a portfolio

Get a case or a binder

Good size is about 11”x14”

Buy the best one that you can afford.

A three-ring notebook + sheet protectors to hold samples.

Avoid cheap plastic binders.

Use quality sheet protectors.


A record of your brainstorming process in action.

A proof of your creative and insightful talent.

To show the development of your ideas.

Bring and show it during the interview.

Design self-promotional package

Use a good tagline as the starting point.

Think crafty.

Make the recipient take action.

Some ideas:

A folder for containing resume, business card, digital portfolio CD and some small printed examples of your work.

How to begin

Start by asking some basic questions:

What is my favorite color?

What is my favorite song or type of music?

What is my favorite artist?

What is my favorite art movement?

What is my ideal vacation? ...

Prepare for a job interview

Research about the company

By visiting the library

By visiting the company’s website

By requesting a copy of the company annual report.

Types of interviews

Directive : To gather specific information about your ability to handle the job.

Non-directive : Open-ended questions, you do most of the talking.

Stress-style interaction : To determine how you react under pressure.

Group interview : To determine how you interact with a team.

Team interview: More than one interviewer questioning you.

What to wear for an interview?

For women

For men

How to take a successful interview?

Start with positive attitude.

Prepare effective communication

Believe in yourself and your abilities.

Make sure your portfolio is ready to go.

Plan your journey and should arrive 15 minutes before the interview.

Don’t smoke before the interview.


Take time to think before answering questions.

Avoid single word response.

Show enthusiasm and confidence.

Use professional language.

Don’t be nervous.

Say nothing negative about past jobs, employers or coworkers.

If you don’t understand the questions, say so.

Additional interview related-pointers

Remind your references that they may be getting a call from the company.

Continue job hunting.

Call the company a week or 10 days after the interview to ask about the decision.

Be patient.

If you print your portfolio on CD or DVD, you should bring your laptop and power cord with you.

