Precautions for SARS. Room Placement / Entry Airborne isolation rooms or SARS unit (negative...


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Precautions for SARS

Room Placement / Entry

• Airborne isolation rooms or SARS unit (negative pressure, at least 6 air exchanges per hour)

• Only essential staff enter room/unit• Minimize time in room • Minimize time within six feet of patient

– HCW position to avoid droplets in front of patient’s face

• Minimize amount of direct contact with patient• Do not go into patient’s bathroom unless

essential for patient care

Reducing Droplets

• Medical management to reduce cough• Medical management to reduce nausea and

prevent vomiting• No nebulizer treatments• Supply oxygen dry; by nasal prongs if possible• Patient to wear surgical mask at all times when

HCW are in the room• Handle bed linens to avoid creating aerosols

Protective Barriers: N95 Mask

- Ensure mask fits on face- Comfortable enough so that does not need adjustment while garbed

Protective Barriers: Cap/Hair Cover

Protective Barriers: Face Shield

Protective Barriers: Gown

Protective Barriers: Gloves

• Ensure overlap between gloves and gown cuff• Double glove

– Wear first pair for direct contact with patient, then remove

– If top pair of gloves contaminated (eg. cleaning vomit), remove and replace

Protective Barriers

• Protect face– Consciously keep hands away from face/head/neck

while in room– Ensure hair is tied or clipped back so that hands do

not move to adjust• Don’t be afraid to ask for help with procedures

– Iv starts etc more difficult to perform garbed– Most experienced person should be performing

• Do not check pager, or answer phone while in room

• Do not wear rings or watch (to allow adequate disinfection of hands)

Removing Barriers

At door to room, remove gloves, then gown

Removing Barriers

At door to room, remove gloves, then gown

Removing Barriers

At door to room, remove gloves, then gown

Removing Barriers

Disinfect hands with alcohol handwash in the room

Removing Barriers

Leave the room

Removing Barriers

Leave the room

Removing Barriers

Disinfect hands

Removing Barriers

Disinfect hands

Removing Barriers

Hold the face shield by the edge of the face shield and lift it up over your head

Removing Barriers

Hold the face shield by the edge of the face shield and lift it up over your head

Removing Barriers

Remove N95 mask, by holding at the bottom and lifting it up over your head

Removing Barriers

Remove N95 mask, by holding at the bottom and lifting it up over your head

Removing Barriers

Remove hair cover

Removing Barriers

Disinfect hands

Removing Barriers

Disinfect hands

Protective Barriers

Put on a clean N95 mask, a clean gown, and hair cover

Protective Barriers

Put on a clean N95 mask, a clean gown, and hair cover

Protective Barriers

Put on a clean N95 mask, a clean gown, and hair cover

Protective Barriers

Put on a clean N95 mask, a clean gown, and hair cover

Protective Barriers

If you feel sick

• Early infection can present with low grade fever and chills only, or only aching and headache

• Check with occupational health if you are worried

• Report fever immediately; assessment will be arranged same day

• Self-isolate at home until assessment has been done, or until you feel better
