Pre-processing in fMRI: Realigning and unwarping Methods for Dummies Sebastian Bobadilla Charlie...


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  • Pre-processing in fMRI: Realigning and unwarping Methods for Dummies Sebastian Bobadilla Charlie Harrison
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  • Contents Pre-processing in fMRI Motion in fMRI Motion prevention Motion correction Realignment Registration Transformation Unwarping SPM Sebastian Charlie
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  • Spatial Normalisation (including co-registration) fMRI time-series Smoothing Anatomical reference Statistical Parametric Map Parameter Estimates General Linear Model Design matrix Motion Correction (and unwarping) Pre-processing |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Overview
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  • Pre-processing in fMRI What? Computational procedures applied to fMRI data before statistical analysis Regardless of experimental design you must pre-process data Why? Remove uninteresting variability from the data E.g. variability not associated with the experimental task Improve the functional signal to-noise ratio Prepare the data for statistical analysis The first stage in pre-processing is often motion correction
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  • Motion in fMRI: Types of movement Translatio n Rotation Jbw_Ow Two types of movement random and periodic Head can move along 6 possible axes Translation: x, y and z directions Rotation: pitch, yaw and roll
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  • Motion in fMRI: Why is it bad? If a participants moves, the fMRI image corresponding to Voxel A may not be in the same location throughout the entire time series. The aim of pre-processing for motion is to insure that when we compare voxel activation corresponding to different times (and presumably different cognitive processes), we are comparing activations from the same area of the brain. Very important because the movement-induced variance is often much larger than the experimental-induced variance. Voxel A: Inactive Voxel A: Active Subject moves
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  • Motion in fMRI: Why is it bad? Movement during an MRI scan can cause motion artefacts What can we do about it? We can either try to prevent motion from occurring Or correct motion after its occurred common-intermittent-epi-artifacts.html
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  • Motion in fMRI: Prevention 1.Constrain the volunteers head 2.Give explicit instructions: Lie as still as possible Try not to talk between sessions Swallow as little as possible 3.Make sure your subject is as comfortable as possible before you start 4.Try not to scan for too long Mock scanner training for participants who are likely to move (e.g. children or clinical groups) Ways to constrain: Padding: Soft padding Expandable foam Vacuum bags Other: Hammock Bite bar Contour masks The more you can prevent movement, the better!
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  • Contour maskBite bar Motion in fMRI: Prevention Soft padding
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  • Motion in fMRI: Correction You cannot prevent all motion in the scanner subjects will always move! Therefore motion correction of the data is needed Adjusts for an individuals head movements and creates a spatially stabilized image Realignment assumes that all movements are those of a rigid body (i.e. the shape of the brain does not change) Two steps: Registration: Optimising six parameters that describe a rigid body transformation between the source and a reference image Transformation: Re-sampling according to the determined transformation
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  • Realigning: Registration A reference image is chosen, to which all subsequent scans are realigned normally the first image. These operations (translation and rotation) are performed by matrices and these matrices can then be multiplied together Translations Pitch about X axis Roll about Y axis Yaw about Z axis Rigid body transformations parameterised by:
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  • Realigning: Transformation The intensity of each voxel in the transformed image must be determined from the intensities in the original image. In order to realign images with subvoxel accuracy, the spatial transformations will involve fractions of a voxel. Requires an interpolation scheme to estimate the intensity of a voxel, based on the intensity of its neighbours.
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  • Realigning: Interpolation Interpolation is a way of constructing new data points from a set of known data points (i.e. voxels). Simple interpolation Nearest neighbour: Takes the value of the closest voxel Tri-linear: Weighted average of the neighbouring voxels B-spline interpolation Improves accuracy, has higher spatial frequency SPM uses this as standard
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  • Motion in fMRI: Correction cost function Motion correction uses variance to check if images are a good match. Smaller variance = better match (least squares) The realigning process is iterative: Image is moved a bit at a time until match is worse. Image 1 Image 2DifferenceVariance (Diff)
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  • Residual Errors Even after realignment, there may be residual errors in the data need unwarping Realignment removes rigid transformations (i.e. purely linear transformations) Unwarping corrects for deformations in the image that are non-rigid in nature
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  • Undoing image deformations: unwarping
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  • Inhomogeneities in magnetic fields Field homogeneity indicated by the more- or-less uniform colouring inside the map of the magnetic field (aside from the dark patches at the borders) Phantom (right) has a homogenous magnetic field; Brain (right) does not due to differences between air & tissue
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  • Different visualizations of deformations of magnetic fields
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  • Air is responsible for the main deformations when its susceptibility is contrasted with the rest of the elements present in the brain.
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  • Can result in False activations Unwarped EPIOriginal EPI Orbitofrontal cortex, especially near the sinuses, is a problematic area due to differences in air to tissue ratio.
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  • Using movement parameters as covariates can reduce statistical power (sensitivity) This can happen when movements are correlated with the task, thus reducing variance caused by warping and the task.
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  • Estimating derivative fields from distortion fields
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  • LIMITATIONS In addition to Susceptibility-distortion-by-movement interaction, it should also be noted that there are several reasons for residual movement related variance: Spin-history effects: The signal will depend on how much of longitudinal magnetisation has recovered (through T 1 relaxation) since it was last excited (short T R low signal). Assume we have 42 slices, a T R of 4.2seconds and that there is a subject z-translation in the direction of increasing slice # between one excitation and the next. This means that for that one scan there will be an effective T R of 4.3seconds, which means that intensity will increase.
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  • LIMITATIONS Slice-to-volume effects: The rigid-body model that is used by most motion- correction (e.g. SPM) methods assume that the subject remains perfectly still for the duration of one scan (a few seconds) and that any movement will occurr in the few s/ms while the scanner is preparing for next volume. Needless to say that is not true, and will lead to further apparent shape changes.
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  • References and Useful Links PractiCal fMRI: intermittent-epi-artifacts.html Andys Brain Blog: The past MfD slides on realignment and unwarping Huettel, S. A., Song, A. W., & McCarthy, G. (2004). Functional magnetic resonance imaging. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates. SPM Homepage: