Pre-Feasibility Report (PFR) Synthetic Chemical...


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Pre-Feasibility Report (PFR)Synthetic Chemical Industry

(5 (f) B Category)Proposed expansion in production capacity

at plot No. N-95 + 96 + 96/1, MIDC Industrial area,Tarapur, Boisar Taluka & District Palghar, Maharashtra

Proposed By

Nirbhay Rasayan Pvt. Ltd.

Prepared by Mahabal Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd.

Environmental Consultant (NABET Approved), at plot no. F-7, Road 21, MIDC Wagle Estate, Thane West-400604 Phone: 25823154/ 3139



1. Executive summary.................................................................................62. Introduction of the Project.....................................................................102.1 Identification of Project & Project Proponent.......................................102.2 Details of the Project Proponent..........................................................102.3 Description of nature of project...........................................................122.5 Demand Supply Gap............................................................................152.5 Export Possibility & Domestic Export market......................................162.6 Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project.......173 Project description..................................................................................183.1 Area Statement...................................................................................183.2 Details of Alternate Sites Considered..................................................213.3 Size or Magnitude of Operation...........................................................213.4 Storage details of the finished products..............................................234 Utilities...................................................................................................304.1 Power Requirement.............................................................................304.2 Water Requirement..............................................................................314.3 Boilers Used.........................................................................................315 Pollution Load on Environment due to Project........................................325.1 Air Emissions & Control.......................................................................325.2 Waste Water Generation and Treatment Details..................................345.3 Solid/Hazardous Waste........................................................................366. Site Analysis..........................................................................................366.1 Connectivity........................................................................................366.2 Land Form, Land use and Land Ownership..........................................376.3 Google Image of the Project Site.........................................................376.4 Existing Land use Pattern, Nearby Water Bodies, Forest, Ecosensitive zones, CRZ, etc..........................................................................................386.5 Soil Classification.................................................................................386.6 Climate Data from Secondary sources................................................396.7 Existing Infrastructure.........................................................................397 Planning Brief.........................................................................................407.1 Planning Concept.................................................................................407.2 Amenity Facilities.................................................................................428 Safety.....................................................................................................429 Benefits..................................................................................................43


List of tables

Sr. Particulars of table Page no.

1 Area statement 5

2 List of Raw materials used in production, products manufactured and By-products obtained during the process


3 Pollution control measures provided for proposed project 7

4 Project site details and site connectivity 8

5 Details of thr project proponent 9

6 Co-ordinates of project site 18

7 Production details of products 20

8 Production details of by-products 20

9 Storage details for finished products 21

10 Details of Raw materials used in manufacturing process 28

11 Details of type of fuel 29

12 Details of water consumption for the project 29

13 Details of fuel consumption for the project 30

14 Details of stack 30

15 Details of effluent generation 32

16 Details of water consumption, effluent generation and discharge of treated effluent


17 Summary of hazardous waste 34

18 Details of project site and site connectivity 34

19 Climatic conditions prevailing in Tarapur 37

20 Proposed expansion in product capacity 39

21 Existing and proposed Project cost 40

List of figures

Sr. Particulars of table Page no.

1 Master layout 18

2 Google image of project site 19

3 Manufacturing flow sheet for Alumunium Chloride 25

4 Manufacturing flow sheet for Cuprous Chloride 26

5 Manufacturing flow sheet for Cupric Chloride 27


6 Flowsheet for flow of trade effluent in ETP 33


1. Executive summaryNirbhay Rasayan Pvt. Ltd. intends to expand product capacity ofexisting Chemical Industry at plot no. N-95 +96+96/1, MIDC Industrialarea, Tarapur (Boisar), Taluka & District Palghar, Maharashtra 401506

Nirbhay Rasayan Private Limited (NRPL) is a private limited company,desirous to expand and diversify the existing synthetic chemicalsindustrial unit for producing phthalocyanine pigments.

As per the EIA notification dated 14th September, 2006, as amended tilldate, the proposed project falls under the 5(f) B Category. As theproject site is located in MIDC area, the project comes under Category'B'.

Area detailsTable 1: Area Statement

Details Existing ProposedExpansion Total Unit

Total plot area 3,900 2,000 5,900 m2

Deduction 0 0 0 m2

Net plot area 3,900 2,000 5,900 m2

FSI area 1,778 3,214 4,992 m2

Total construction area 1,778 3,214 4,992 m2

Landscape area 500 1,450 1,950 m2

Parking area 100 610 710 m2

The unit has total 5,900 m2. of land area. Unit will commit todevelop green belt @ 33% 1,950 m2.

Project siteIt is located on 19°47’16.45" N & latitude and 72°43'14.48" Elongitude. The proposed site is located at about 5 km from Boisar railwaystation.

The project site is located at more than 10 km from reserved forests andsanctuaries, archeological sites and historical sites to ensure that there isno impact of industrial activities.


Site Connectivity

The existing Land is already a part of industrial estate (MaharashtraIndustrial Development Corporation)

Table 2: Project site details and site connectivity

Sr. No. Particulars Details Distance

1. Town Tarapur -

2. Taluka Boisar 3 km

3. District Palghar -

4. Latitude 19°47’16.45" N -

5. Longitude 72°43'14.48" E -

6. Nearby water body Arabian seaNavapur beach

3.8 km

Water Connectivity JNPT port, NhavaSheva 180 km

7. Road Connectivity

Navapur road 400 m

MIDC road 500 m

Boisar Palghar road 5.4 km

NH 8 15 km

8. Rail Connectivity Boiser railway station(WR)

5 km

9. Air Connectivity

Chhatrapati ShivajiTerminus International

Airport, Mumbai108 km

Daman Airport,Daman & Diu 104 km

Production details

The present installed annual manufacturing capacity of NRPL is 2,000MT. The present products range is: Copper Phthalocyanine Blue Crude,Activated CPC Blue Crude, Pigment Blue 15.0, Pigment Blue 15.1, PigmentBlue 15.3, Pigment Blue 15.4, Pigment Green 7. NRPL pigment productsare used in paints, plastics, printing inks, detergents, rubber, textiles;amongst several other applications.

The list of raw materials used in production, products manufactured andby-products obtained during the process is given in below table:

Table 3:List of Raw materials , Products & By-products

Sr. No. Raw material Name Product Name By-product Name

1. TG Urea Copper Phthalo Cyanine Poly Aluminnium chloride


Blue Crude (PAC) 10%

2. Phthalic Anhydride Copper Phthalo CyanineGreen (CPC- Green )

HCl 30% Solution

3. Sulfuric Acid (98% & 102%) Alpha / Beta BluePigment NaOCl 10% Solution

4. Caustic Soda Pigment Emulsions (Alpha+ Beta + CPC-Green)

Liquor Ammonia 10%Solution

5. Cuprous Chloride Aluminium Chloride Ammonium Sulphate(NH4)2SO4

6. Cupric ChlorideCuprous Chloride / Cupric


Copper/ CopperChloride / Copper

Sulphate / Salts of Cu

7. Xylene / Rosin Copper Phthalo CyanineBlue - Activated

25% Sulfuric Acid

8. Ortho Nitro Toluene - -

9. Gas Chlorine - -

10. Ammonium Chloride - -

11. Ammonium Molybadate - -

12. Mono-Chloro Benzene - --

13. Surfactants - -

14. Copper Ingots - -

15. Aluminum Ingots - -

Power Requirements

The electricity required for the existing plant is 800 kW and for theproposed expansion project will be 1,200 kW. The total electricityrequirment after expasion will be 2,000 kW.

Water Requirement

The existing water requirement is 180 m3/day and for the proposedexpasion will required 1,120 m3/day. The total water requirement afterexpansion will be 1,300 m3/day. Water requirement will be fullfilled byMIDC, Tarapur. We have received 180 m3/day of water pernmission fromMIDC, Tarapur.

Boilers UsedThe boilers used in the industry are tube type boilers. The existing planthas 1 no. 2.0 TPH boiler whereas, the proposed expansion plant willhave will have total 2 nos. Of 2.0 TPH boilers. Water requirement forboiler feed is 25 m3/day for existing and 75 m3/day for proposed will berequired . So, the total boiler feed water required is 100 m3/day


Pollution control measures provided to control pollution in

industrial premises

Table 4: Pollution control measures provided for proposed project

1 Gaseous Emissions Provision of Bag filter, wet scrubber and cycloneseperatorThe ambient air quality & stack emissions will bemaintained as per MPCB/CPCB norms

2 Waste watergeneration

We are providing Effluent treatment plant with 1,000 m3/day capacity for treating trade effluent generated.The treated effluent will be discharged into Tarapur CETP with capacity 25,000 m3/day.Present consented discharge into CETP is 93 m3/day. Booked additional discharge into CETP is 850 m3/day.

For treatment of sewage generated, septic tank and soak pit are provided.Only industrial solid waste will be generated which will be disposed properly.

3 Sewage generation(from urinals andlaterines provided foremployee working inindustry)

Sewage generated will be drained into the septic tankprovided in the industrial premises.The overflow from the septic tank will be discharged tosoak pit resulting to zero discharge.

4 Noise Pollution Provision of ear muffs, ear buds and such other noise prevention equipmentsProvision of Green Belt RG area 33% of plot area = 1,950 m2 (As trees act as barriers for preventing noise pollution)

5 Domestic soild wastegeneration

Minor waste As there is no provision of canteen in the industrialpremises, there will be no solid waste generation.

6 Solid/hazardous waste Sr.No.

Type Category Quantity Disposal

1. ETP sludge (wet) 26.1Schedule 1

100 kg/day Depositedwith MWMA

2. EmptyCarboys/Contain


33.1Schedule 1

10 No./Day Returned forRefilling

3. PolyethyleneLiners & tornbags, plasticdrums, etc.

33.1Schedule 1

1-3 kg/day Sold toauthorizedvendors forrecycling


2. Introduction of the Project

2.1 Identification of Project & Project Proponent

Nirbhay Rasayan Private Limited (NRPL) is a private limited company,desirous to expand and diversify the existing specialty chemicalsindustrial unit for producing phthalocyanine pigments at Plot No. N-95, 96and 96/1, MIDC-Tarapur, Boisar taluka in district Palghar, Maharashtra. Thecommercial production of the company started during the year 1993.Within two decades, NRPL is now an ISO 9001-2008 certified company,established with unparalleled standards of innovation and excellence forCopper Phthalocyanine Pigments.

2.2 Details of the Project Proponent

Table 5: Details of the project proponent

Name of Proponent Nirbhay Rasayan Pvt. Ltd.Mr. Manish Kothari/ Mr. Thadani

Designation (Owner/ Partner/CEO) Director / Project ManagerRegistered address Nirbhay Rasayan Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No. N-95 +96+96/1, MIDC, Industrial area,Tarapur (Boisar), Taluka & District Palghar,Maharashtra 401506


Telephone No. 022-28705054/55/56

The plant is equipped with sophisticated computerized process control,and is supported by very innovative R&D centre, Quality assurance andapplication labs, under one roof. A highly motivated team of well-qualifiedtechnical personnel are managing the dy operations of the plant.

The plant boasts of contemporary infrastructure facilities withadvanced machinery and automated processes

The roots of the company are backed by the strong technicalexpertise

Generous and ambitious management

Well-equipped plants with adoption of modern technology & runsunder close observation by trained technocrats

Expertise to enrich quality product by breakthrough innovationsWinning against competition with the weapons of quality,commitment & service


Optimum utilization of man, machine, materials and moneycstomer's satisfaction is our best reward

Devoted to keep safe environment & ecology

Quality Management

At NRPL, commitment towards quality management, corporate socialresponsibility and ethical business standards is been observed. The qualitymanagement systems are as per ISO 9001:2008 have been implemented.They are a technology-focussed company with a high investment in R&D,offering excellent technical service and customised products-a partnershipapproach, providing solutions that make sense.The company offer pigments that conform to most international directivesand regulations, and spend substantial resources annually for testing andmonitoring our products in order to meet the requisite regulations anddirectives.The company achieves an excellent product and process reliability andoffer the hard-to-make products for applications where product purity andspecification matters the most.

Environment Protection

NRPL management strictly observe the norms and needs for protection ofenvironment with high priorities to achieve and demonstrate soundenvironmental performance. The management believes in observing,implementing and monitoring of the legislative requirements with aneffective management system in their business activity, in anticipationand to meet the growing environmental performance expectations and toensure compliance with national and international regulatory standards.The management regards its environment; a facet of their overallmanagement structure that addresses the immediate and long-termimpact of the organization’s activities, product and services.NRPL management is increasingly concerned to achieve and demonstratesound environmental performance by controlling the impact of theiractivities, products and services on the environment, taking intoconsideration their environmental policy and objectives. “EnvironmentalManagement System” (EMS) has been framed to enforce the followingprincipal based philosophy :

Meet the regulatory and legislative requirements and environmentalaspects associated with the organization’s activities, products andservices


Improve the control over the environmental impact Implement, maintain and improve EMS

Management and employee commitment is developed towards theprotection of the environment with clear assignment of accountability andresponsibility

2.3 Description of nature of project

The present installed annual manufacturing capacity of NRPL is 2000 MT.The present products range is: Copper Phthalocyanine Blue Crude,Activated CPC Blue Crude, Pigment Blue 15.0, Pigment Blue 15.1, PigmentBlue 15.3, Pigment Blue 15.4, Pigment Green 7. NRPL pigment productsare used in paints, plastics, printing inks, detergents, rubber, textiles;amongst several other applications.

This is an expansion project for the production of pigments. As per the EIAnotification dated 14th September, 2006, as amended till date, theproposed project falls under the 5(f) B Category. As the project site islocated in MIDC area, the project comes under Category 'B'.

2.4 Need of the Project

Pigments address colouring needs of a wide range of end-use industries,ranging from paints and coatings to construction. Increasing globalisationand restructuring have been a key trend shaping the pigments industryover the past several years, with production base shifting to cost-effectiveAsian markets.

The market for pigments responds to the colouring needs of a wide rangeof end-use industries, ranging from coatings to construction. With robustdemand in key markets of coatings, plastics, paper and printing inks, thepigments market is forecast to register steady growth in the coming years.Aided by a choice for brighter aesthetics and higher pigmentconcentration, the pigments industry is expected to propel ahead at asteady rate. The industry is witnessing a fundamental shift in the form ofgreater preference for organic pigments and away from solvent-based rawmaterials.

After a brief decline in volume and values in 2008 and 2009, which was aresult of the global economic downturn, the future for global pigmentsmarket appears to be bright. Global market for pigments began to showsigns of recovery in 2009 and registered positive growth in 2010, albeit bya small margin. The market, however, is expected to post significantgrowth in terms of volume as well as value, in the coming years. Surge in


the coming years would be fuelled by growth in the inks, coatings andconstruction industries. Growing demand for high-quality value-addedpigments is one of the key factors expected to result in a spurt in growth.Further, the market, although mature, would also receive a boost ascompanies increasingly feel the need to evolve and design their productsin sync with changing requirements for new and emerging technologies.Higher rates of capacity utilization are expected to further drive pricesupwards.

Asia-Pacific represents the largest and the fastest-growing regional marketfor pigments worldwide, as stated by the new market research report. Akey trend witnessed in the recent past is the migration of manufacturingcapacity from the West to low-cost countries in the Asia Pacific region,driven mainly by stringent environmental compliance issues. China wouldcontinue to be the single-largest and fastest-growing market. Over theyears, China has emerged as the leading global manufacturer, trader, aswell as consumer of pigments. Gradually maturing production technologyand presence of strong downstream customer base within the countryhave been propelling demand for pigments in the country over the recentyears. India is expected to be the second-largest market in terms ofdemand for organic pigments. In addition, the industry witnessed exportopportunities, subsequent to the shutting-down of several facilities in theUnited States and Europe, following the enforcement of strict pollution-control regulations. Europe trails behind Asia-Pacific, while the UnitedStates constitutes the next-largest market.

Pigments Industry in India

World demand for organic pigments is expected to grow 5.0 percent peryear to $6.5 billion in 2019. Rising consumer spending will drive increaseddemand for organic colorants in textiles and plastics, while strong growthin global construction activity will boost demand in paints and coatings.Increase in value demand will reflect the growing importance ofexpensive, higher value pigments that meet increasingly stringentperformance standards and preferences for more environmentally friendlyproducts.

Expansion of the middle class, particularly in the Asia-Pacific, Africa andMiddle-East regions, will help drive an acceleration in global consumerspending that will benefit important organic pigment markets such as


textiles and plastic products. Rising textile production - the textile marketaccounted for over half of world organic pigment demand in 2014 - will bethe primary contributor to increased demand going forward, while growingPlastic output will expand demand for organic pigments. According toanalysts, “Dye and organic pigment consumption will remain concentratedin the Asia-Pacific region, where the majority of world textile andconsumer plastic product production occurs”.

While China will remain the dominant global consumer of dyes andorganic pigments, rapid growth will also be experienced in smaller Asianmarkets such as Bangladesh, India and Vietnam as textile and plasticproducers continue to move production to countries with the lowest labourcosts. Additionally, consumer preferences for new, unusual textile colours-that do not fade and yet are environmentally friendly-will boost growth invalue demand as textile producers increasingly turn to these newer,higher value products.

Trends in Dyes and Pigments Production (2008-13) (Units in ‘000 metric tonnes)

Source: Chemicals and Petrochemicals Statistics: 2014

The main end user of pigments in India are printing inks, plastics, rubber,paints and coatings. The worldwide pigments industry produces hundredsof colorant, extender and functional pigments for a wide spectrum ofindustrial and consumer markets.

According to pigment class, 50–55% of the world value share is azopigments; Phthalocyanine (blue and green) have a 20% share. High-performance and other pigments account for the remaining 25–30%. Theclassic azo and Phthalocyanine pigment groups are characterized by lowerprofit margins as a result of rising competition from lower-priced imports.


The migration of the pigments business to Asia, particularly China andIndia, continues. Since the mid-1990s, production in China and India hasrapidly increased; China is now the world's largest organic colour pigmentproducer, especially for commodity-type pigments. Additional medium-tierto higher-value organic pigments may also migrate to China and India-from North America, Europe and Japan. Production in Europe, the UnitedStates and Japan continues on a downward trend as the market hasbecome globalize and gross margins have been squeezed, leading to plantshutdowns and restructurings. The volume of unfinished pigmentsimported to North America, Western Europe and Japan for finishingcontinues to decrease as more finished pigment is imported from Chinaand India.

2.5 Demand Supply Gap

The following pie chart shows world consumption of organic colourpigments:

Globally, printing inks account for 55–60% of demand, coatings about20%, plastics about 15% and other industries such as textiles for theremainder. The printing market for publication of newsprint andperiodicals has fallen as a result of competition from the internet, butdemand for printing inks for packaging remains strong. The next-largestmarket is coatings for automotive production. After bottoming out in 2009,global vehicle production started to rise again in 2010 and increased at arate of about 4% annually during 2010–14. It is expected that globalconsumption for organic pigments will increase by 5% per year from 2014to 2019.


Overall growth in the United States and Europe is expected to be around1–2% per year on average between 2014 and 2019, as the long-termtrend in using inks for newspapers and publications continues downwardowing to competition from electronic media and devices. However,consumption of organic pigments for coloured inks is expected to growsomewhat as a result of greater production of advertising leaflets andcatalogue, and for packaging. Use in automotive and other coatings isexpected to show above-average growth. In Japan, growth is expected toremain flat, while growth in China and India will be about 5% per year dueto increasing demand for inks and coatings.

China is the principal global supplier of red and yellow azo-basedpigments and their intermediates. India is the principal global supplier ofblue and green Phthalocyanine-based pigments and their intermediates.

The ink industries in North America and Europe have become largelydependent on Asian supplies of raw materials and pigments. In recentyears, there have been supply disruptions of certain pigments leading tosharply rising prices for some pigments.

The proposed project is necessitated because of the followingreasons:

To make the facility more resource efficient. Reduce operational costs and increase productivity. Development of the infrastructure of the facility. Entry into new product segments. Its importance to the country can be accounted by Add to foreign exchange generated by Exports. Ensure continued employment to workforce without affecting work

conditions and hence supporting their families. Lead to generation of direct and indirect employment opportunities. Reduce dependence on Imports hence reducing Forex risks.

2.5 Export Possibility & Domestic Export market

Aromatic and aliphatic solvents, which are used as fuel in variousindustries, and also used in the pesticide, Paint, ink industries. As theseare wide spread industries, it has a lot of demand in the market.


2.6 Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the


The Project will create direct & indirect employment opportunities withinthe surrounding region. The Unit will use good faith efforts to employ localpeople from the nearby villages depending upon the availability of skilled& un-skilled man-power surrounding the project site. In operation phase,the proposed project would require significant workforce of non-technicaland technical persons. Migration of highly education and skilledexperience will result in increase of literacy in the surrounding villages. Total Employment: 200


3 Project description

The project is located at MIDC, Industrial area, Tarapur (Boisar), Taluka &District Palghar in Maharashtra. The area is already under use for theexisting plant process.

The Location map shows general & specific location of proposed project aswell as the project boundary. The co-ordinates of the project site are givenin below table:

The unit has total 5,900 m2. of land area. The unit will commit todevelop green belt @ 33% 1,950 m2.

The site is located within Tarapur industrial area hence there is noagricultural or forest land involved in the project site.

The estate is located at sufficient distance (more than 10km) fromreserved forests and sanctuaries, archeological sites and historicalsites to ensure that there is no impact of industrial activities.

3.1 Area Statement

The plant has total 5,900 m2 of land area. The unit will commit todevelop green belt @ 33% 1,950 m2.


Figure 1: Master Layout

Table 6: Co-ordinates of project site

Coordinates Latitude Longitude

1 19°47’17.26" N 72°43'12.21" E

2 19°47’15.37" N 72°43'12.10" E

3 19°47’15.45" N 72°43'15.79" E

4 19°47’17.73" N 72°43'15.69" E


Figure 2: Google image of project site.

3.2 Details of Alternate Sites Considered

Alternative sites are not identified since the existing facility possessessufficient land, infrastructure, utilities and road connectivity for expansionactivities.

3.3 Size or Magnitude of Operation

Plot area of the project consists of 5,900 m2. Details of all the proposedproducts are listed in table 7 & table 8


Table 7: Production Details of Products


Product Name ExistingProduct




Total (MT/month)

1 Copper Phthalo Cyanine Blue Crude 70 130 400

2 Copper Phthalo Cyanine Green (CPC- Green )

30 30 60

3 Alpha / Beta Blue Pigment 20 220 240

4 Pigment Emulsions (Alpha + Beta + CPC-Green)

10 140 150

5 Aluminium Chloride Nil 200 200

6 Cuprous Chloride / Cupric Chloride Nil 100 100

7 Copper Phthalo Cyanine Blue - Activated

Nil 77 77

Table 8: Production Details of by-products


Product Name Existing by-Product


Proposed by-Product


Total (MT/month)

1 Poly Aluminnium chloride (PAC) 10%

600 600 1200

2 HCl 30% Solution 48 48 96

3 NaOCl 10% Solution 120 120 240

4 Liquor Ammonia 10% Solution Nil 2000 2000

5 Ammonium Sulphate (NH4)2SO4 Nil 750 750

6 Copper/ Copper Chloride / Copper Sulphate / Salts of Cu

Nil 1.5 1.5

7 25% Sulfuric Acid Nil 2000 2000

Note:Liquor-Ammonia and 25% Sulfuric-Acid are generated as by-products fromthe processes.

It is proposed to neutralize sulphuric-acid with liquor-ammonia resultinginto 'Ammonium-Sulphate' as a ‘By-Product’ in solution form. This isconcentrated and converted into powder form using MEE and centrifugeand dryer.

In case we do not opt for 'Ammonium-Sulphate' production due to its non-viability we shall recover and sell '10% Ammonia-Liquor' and '25%Sulfuric-Acid' as ‘By-Products’.


3.4 Storage details of the finished products

The storage details for the finished products and by-products aretabulated in below table:

Table 9: Storage details of finished products

Sr. No. Product name Storage

1 Copper Phthalo Cyanine Blue Crude In polylined HDPE bags(High Density poly)

2 Copper Phthalo Cyanine Green (CPC- Green ) In polylined HDPE bags

3 Alpha / Beta Blue Pigment In polylined HDPE bags

4 Pigment Emulsions (Alpha + Beta + CPC-Green) In barrels

5 Aluminium Chloride In polylined HDPE bags

6 Cuprous Chloride / Cupric Chloride In polylined HDPE bags

7 Copper Phthalo Cyanine Blue - Activated In polylined HDPE bags

Sr. No. By-product name Storage

1 Poly Aluminnium chloride (PAC) 10% In barrels and tankers

2 HCl 30% Solution MS.RL tanks (Mild Steel Rubber Lines)

3 NaOCl 10% Solution MS.EL tanks(Mild Steel Epoxy Lines)

4 Liquor Ammonia 10% Solution MS (Mild Steel) storage tanks

5 Ammonium Sulphate (NH4)2SO4 In polylined HDPE bags

6 Copper/ Copper Chloride / Copper Sulphate / Salts of Cu

In polylined HDPE bags

7 25% Sulfuric Acid MS.RL tanks (Mild Steel Rubber Lines)

3.5 Process Description

Manufacturing Process

CPC - BLUE CRUDEGlass lined reactor of 10 KL capacity, with agitator facility and thermic-fluid heating arrangement, is used. Solvent ONT is taken into the reactor and heated upto 140 ºC. PhthalicAnhydride and Urea are charged into the reactor. Cuprous Chloride andCatalyst are added while heating the reactor contents gradually upto 180 ºC. The reaction completion takes about 20 hours. Following reactiontakes place.

4 C6H4 (CO)2O + 12 (NH2)2 CO + CuCl = CuC32 H16 N8 + 16 NH3 + 12 CO2 + ½ Cl2( 592 ) ( 720 ) ( 99 ) ( 575.5 ) ( 272 ) ( 528 ) ( 35.5 )


The ammonia, carbon-di-oxide and chlorine gases are liberated asreaction proceeds. These are scrubbed in a counter-current scrubber usingwater, forming NH4OH, and NH4Cl in solution form. The close re-circulationis done to form 10% solution. This solution is taken for the manufacture ofAmmonium Sulphate as a by-product. Carbon-Di-Oxide gas (CO2 ↑)liberates to atmosphere.After the reaction completion, entire reactor mass is discharged in aRotary-Vacuum-Dryer (RVD) to recover solvent (ONT) by distillation. Theproduct becomes dry and is CPC-Blue Crude with impurities. Therecovered ONT is stored for its recycle for next batch with top-up for loss.Contents of RVD are discharged in a Drowning-Reactor of MSRL. RL foracid treatment. 25% solution of Sulphuric-Acid is charged and contentsheated to 90 ºC. Acidification takes three hours. The slurry is pumped tofilter-press for washing.The CPC-Blue-Crude slurry from drowning tanks is pumped through filter-press for washing, first with recycled-water (from previous batch) and thenwith caustic-solution to neutralize the excess acid. The washing iscontinued with fresh-water till 7.5 / 8.0 pH. The end part of filter-presswash-water is collected for re-cycle to wash the next batch.

The filter-press cake contains 70% moisture. This is dried in Spin-Flash-Dryer (SFD). CPC-Blue-Crude powder is collected from SFD.Each batch yields 2500 kgs. of CPC-Blue-Crude, in powder form.


CPC-Blue-Crude is converted to Alpha-Blue. No chemical reaction takesplace in conversion. Only structural re-orientation of atoms takes placeimproving the surface properties of CPC-Blue. CPC-Blue-Crude is ball-milled for about 10-12 hours. In a 5.0 kL capacity Glass-Lined Reactor 98% sulphuric-acid is taken. Ball-milled CPC is added into it. The reactor contents are heated to 750C andheld for about 2-3 hours. The reactor content is converted to Alpha-Blue.In a MS-Brick-Lined Drowning-Tank (25KL capacity) 20KL of water is taken.The reactor contents are slowly discharged into it. The action isexothermic. Alpha-Blue slurry is formed (in about 25% strength sulphuricacid). The Alpha-Blue slurry is filtered in a filter-press. Sulphuric acidmother-liquor of about 25% strength is recovered and stored (for use inacidification of CPC-Blue-Crude and sale of excess quantity).


The Alpha-Blue filter-press cake is in acidic form. The acidic cake iswashed with water till pH of 4.0 is attained. The filter-press washwatergoes to ETP. The washed cake is further washed with caustic solution tillthe pH is 12.0. The washwater goes to ETP.The cake is continued to washfor sometime and washwater goes to ETP.Alpha-Blue wet cake removedfrom filter-press contains 70% moisture. It is taken to Spin-Flash-Dryer(SFD) for drying.The powdered Alpha-Blue from SFD is blended withsurfactants. The product Alpha-Blue is packed.

EMULSIONEmulsions of Pigments – Alpha – Blue, Beta - Blue and Green-7 are madein water. In a Kneader - 100 Kgs. of required pigment is kneaded with DEG(Di-Ethyl-Glycol) and other additives. A homogeneous paste is formed. Thepigment paste is mixed with 100 Litres of water in a High-Speed-Mixer.Thisgenerates a homogeneous pigment-emulsion. The Pigment-Emulsion ispacked in carboys and / or drums.


Glass lined reactor of 10KL capacity, with agitator facility and coolingarrangement, is used. Eutectic mixture of Aluminium-Chloride (AlCl3) and Sodium-Chloride (NaCl)(both anhydrous) are charged in the reactor. The mixture is heated tomelting stage at 1600C.The catalyst Cupric Chloride is added to the reactor while heating thereactor contents to 1600C. To activate the catalyst, a small amount ofChlorine is passed.CPC-Blue-Crude is gradually charged to the reactor. Now Chlorine gas isslowly purged to the reactor contents. The reaction is exothermic. Thereactor is taken to constant cooling to maintain the temperature at 150 -160 ºC. Following reaction takes place.

C32 H16 N8 Cu + 14 Cl2 = C32 N8 Cu H2 Cl14 + 14 HCl ( 575.5 ) ( 994 ) ( 1058.5 ) ( 511 )

[ CPC - Blue ] [ CPC - Green ](Reaction takes place in the presence of AlCl3 + NaCl + CuCl2 - as catalysts& reaction carriers)The reactor emits HCl and Cl2 gases. These gases are scrubbed first inwater for HCl gas scrubbing to form 28-30% HCl acid; and subsequently indilute caustic solution to form Hypo-Solution in 10% strength. HCl acid andHypo-Solution are both by-products.The chlorinated mass (CPC-Green) is drowned in water to form slurry. AlCl3

in Poly-Aluminium-Chloride (PAC) form is present as solution with NaCl +


CuCl2 present as impurities in it. The slurry is filtered through filter-pressand washed. (PAC) solution of 10% strength is collected, as a by-product.The cake is further washed till 6.0 pH.PAC solution is treated with Iron-Powder to precipitate Copper

{CuCl2 + Fe = Cu ↓ + FeCl2}. FeCl2 goes into PAC solution.

The wet cake is charged in a reactor where pigmentation is done in thepresence of emulsifiers using Mono-Chloro-Benzene (MCB) as solventfacilitator. Later. MCB is steam distilled. CPC-Green thus formed is washedwith water. Wet cake is dried in SFD.

Ammonium Sulphate

The Ammonia, Chlorine and Carbon-Di-Oxide gases produced in the CPC-Blue reactor are passed through an on-line three-stage spray towers inseries; where 20% solution of Sulphuric-Aid is being sprayed. Ammonium-Sulphate and Ammonium-Chloride are formed by following reactions :

2 NH3 + H2SO4 = (NH4)2SO4

(34) (98) (132)

4NH3 + 2Cl2 + 2H2O = 4NH4Cl + ↑O2

(68) (142) (36) (214) (32)

Carbon-Di-Oxide gas gets vented. Concentrated solution of Ammonium-Sulphate and Ammonium-Chloride is collected.

The concentrated solution of Ammonium-Sulphate and Ammonium-Chloride is sent to Multiple-Effect-Evaporator, Centrifuge-Crystallizer andRotary-Dryer to get crystallized product.


Figure 3: Manufacturing Flow Sheet For Aluminium Chloride


Figure 4: Manufacturing Flow Sheet for Cuprous Chloride


Figure 5: Manufacturing Flow-Sheet for Curpic Chloride


Raw Materials

Raw material shall be sourced from registered supplier within India andImported (if required) based on the need and availability. The rawmaterials will be transported from the manufacturer / suppliers facility toNRPL site by road transport, in lorries or tankers.

Table 10: Details of Raw materials used in manufacturing process

Sr. No. Name ExistingConsumption






1. TG Urea 100.00 475.00 575.00

2. Phthalic Anhydride 80.00 360.00 440.00

3. Sulfuric Acid (98% & 102%) 120.00 660.00 780.00

4. Caustic Soda 80.00 140.00 220.00

5. Cuprous Chloride 15.00 65.00 80.00

6. Cupric Chloride 1.80 1.80 3.60

7. Xylene / Rosin 0.30 0.70 1.00

8. Ortho Nitro Toluene 5.60 26.70 32.00

9. Gas Chlorine 55.00 55.00 110.00

10. Ammonium Chloride 53.00 53.00 106.00

11. Ammonium Molybadate 0.21 1.08 1.20

12. Mono-Chloro Benzene 0.96 0.96 1.92

13. Surfactants 1.00 2.00 3.00

14. Copper Ingots Nil. 65.00 65.00

15. Aluminum Ingots Nil. 150.00 150.00

4 Utilities

4.1 Power Requirement

Electricity Power shall be supplied by MSEDCLTotal Proposed requirement of Electricity for existing plant is 800 kW andfor the proposed expansion will be additional 1,200 kW will be requiredmaking it to 2,000 kW.


Table 11: Details of type of fuel

Sr. No. Type of Fuel Used in Quantity

Existing ProposedExpansion


1. HSD D.G.Set 800 LPD 1200 2,000 LPD

2. CoalBoiler/ thermopack

10 TPD 20 30 TPD

4.2 Water Requirement

Water requirement is fulfilled by MIDC water supply.

Table 12: Details of water consumption for the project

Sr.No. Description

Existing WaterConsumption



Consumptionfor Expansion


Total ProposedWater Consumtion

after Expansion(m3/day)

1 Boiler Feed 50 75 100

2 Cooling Tower 2 18 20


ProductConsumption(Emulsion) 0.4 4.6 5

4By-productsConsumption 0 75 75

5Process EvapoartionLoss 30 95 125

6Process ScrubberConsumption 6 104 110

7Product WashApplications 105.6 734 840

8 Total industrial 169 1,106 1 ,275

9 Domestic 10 10 20

10 Green 1 4 5

11 Total(8+9+10)

180 1,120 1,300

4.3 Boilers Used

Boilers UsedThe boilers used in the industry are tube type boilers. The existing planthas 1 no. 2.0 TPH boiler whereas, the proposed expansion will have 2 nos.Of 2.0 TPH boilers. Water requirement for boiler feed is 25 m3/day forexisting and 75 m3/day for proposed. So the total boiler feed waterrequired is 100 m3/day


5 Pollution Load on Environment due to ProjectEnvironmental issues associated with synthetic (chemicals) pigmentsmanufacturing, formulation and packaging include:

Air emissions;


Hazardous Materials;


5.1 Air Emissions & Control

The ambient air quality & stack emissions will be maintained as perMPCB/CPCB norms.

Air Pollution Control Equipments provided is as follows:Existing plant: 1 no. of cyclone seperator and Total after proposed expansion: 1/2 no. of Bag filters, 1/2 no. of Wet scrubbers and 1 no. of cyclone seperator

(Coal Source: Indian / Imported)

Table 13: Details of fuel consumption for the project

Fuel Type Coal Others (LDO & Diesel)

Consumption (TPD/m3/day)

30 1000 LPD of LDO

Calorific Value(kcal/kg)

3,500 10,000

Ash Content (%) 10 ___

Table 14: Details of Stack

Stack No. Boiler Thermopack Hot Air Generator D.G.Set

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Total afterexpansion

Attched to (no.) 1 2 Nil 2 Nil 1 1 2

Capacity (each) kg/hr

2000 2000 0 15 lakhs Nil 5 lakhs 400kVA 800 KVA

Fuel Type Coal Coal 0 Coal Nil LDO Nil Diesel

Fuel Quantity Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 100 Nil 1000LPD

Material of Construction

MS. Fab. MS. Fab. Nil MS. Fab. Nil MS. Fab Nil MS. Fab

Shape Round Round Nil Round Nil Round Nil Round


Height above ground level (mts.)

30 30 Nil 30 Nil 20 Nil 5

Diameter/size (mm)

1000 1000 Nil 1000 Nil 400 Nil 150

Gas Quantity (N Cu M / hr)

8000 8000 Nil 8000 Nil 1000 Nil Nil

Gas Temperature ( 0 C)

210 210 Nil 210 Nil 200 Nil Nil

Exit Gas Velocity (m/sec)

5 5 Nil 5 Nil 5 Nil Nil

Control Equipment preceding it

Wet scrubber, Bag Filters & 1 Multi cyclone Seperator

Nature of Pollutants

Suspended Particulate Matter, Sulphur oxides, Nitrogen Oxides and Cl2

Emission Control System provided

Wet scrubber, Bag Filters & 1 Multi cyclone Seperator

* D.G Set Capacity (kVA) for the existing plant is 400 kVA whereas forproposed expansion is 400 kVA. So, the total D.G. Set capacity is 800 kVA(2 nos of 400 kVA DG set)


5.2 Waste Water Generation and Treatment Details

The waste water will be generated from the process, utilities and domesticarea as shown in below table

Table 15: Details of effluent generation

Sr. No.

Effluent Generation Head

Present EffluentGeneration(Consented)

( m3/day )


Generation OnExpansion( m3/day )

Total EffluentGeneration After

Expansion ( m3/day )

1 Boiler Blow-Down 1 4 5

2Cooling Tower Blow-down 0.3 0.7 1

3Process Wash Applications 91 799 890

4 Total Industrial 89.3 806.7 896

5 Domestic 9 6 15

6Water Treatment Plant 1.7 2.3 4

Total Effluent Generation 103 812 915

The summary of; water consumption, effluent generation and discharge oftreated effluent from the proposed expansion has been given in table below.

Table 16: Details of water consumption, effluent generation anddischarge of treated effluent

Sr. No. Details for Proposed Project Quantity (m3/day)

1. Total Water Consumption 1,300

2. Sewage Generation 15

3. Treated Effluent Generation 900

4. Treated Effluent Recycled 100

5. Effluent Discharged to CETP 800


Figure 6: Flowsheet for flow of trade effluent in ETP


Treatment of Sewage generated in the industrial premises: For treatment Sewage generated from the urinals and laterines providedfor the industrial employee, there is provision of septic tank and soakpits

Sewage generated will be drained into the septic tank provided in theindustrial premises.

The overflow from the septic tank will be discharged to soak pit resultingto zero discharge.5.3 Process Emission

There is no process emission.

5.3 Solid/Hazardous Waste

Summary of Hazardous waste from the proposed unit is tabulated in belowtable.34

Table 17: Summary of Hazardous waste

Sr. No. Type Category Quantity Disposal

1. ETP sludge (wet) 26.1 Schedule 1 100 kg/day Deposited withMWMA

2. Empty Carboys/Containers

33.1 Schedule 1 10 No./Day Sold toauthorized


3. Polyethylene Liners & torn bags, plastic drums,etc.

33.1 Schedule 1 1-3 kg/day Sold toauthorized


6. Site Analysis

6.1 Connectivity

Table 18: Detailsof project site and site connectivity

Sr. No. Particulars Details Distance

1. Town Tarapur -

2. Taluka Boisar 3 km

3. District Palghar -

4. Latitude 19°47’16.45" N -

5. Longitude 72°43'14.48" E -

6. Nearby water body Arabian seaNavapur beach

3.8 km

Water Connectivity JNPT port, Nhava Sheva

180 km


7. Road Connectivity Navapur road 400 m

MIDC road 500 m

Boisar Palghar road 5.4 km

NH 8 15 km

8. Rail Connectivity Boiser railway station (WR)

5 km

9. Air Connectivity Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus InternationalAirport, Mumbai

108 km

Daman Airport, Daman & Diu

104 km

6.2 Land Form, Land use and Land Ownership

It is expansion of the existing project, carried out at the site itself andlocated in MIDC area.

6.3 Google Image of the Project Site


6.4 Existing Land use Pattern, Nearby Water Bodies, Forest,

Ecosensitive zones, CRZ, etc.

Existing Land use is already alloted for industrial use (MIDCIndustrial Estate)

No eco sensitive zone

The project is not covered under CRZ

The estate is located at sufficient distance from reserved forests and

sanctuaries, archeological sites and historical sites to ensure thatthere is no impact of industrial activities

6.5 Soil Classification

There are four chief varieties of soil: alluvial or alluvia, powdered lateritetrap, clayey mould resting on trap, and soil containing marine depositswith much sand and other matter in concretion. Of these, the first which iscomposed of various disintegrated rocks of the overlying trap formationwith a varying proportion of calcareous substances, is the richest and themost widespread. It is red, yellow or black in colour, crumbly, and, fromthe drainage of hill streams, free from salt of the three colours. All areequally productive, but the black is most suited for growing-rice. Itsrichness is chiefly due to its lime nodules or kankar, and due to thevegetable matter in valleys and near river banks.

The second soil, powdered laterite, which covers the sides and slopes ofhills, is next in point of excellent. Though fitted for the growth of such hillcrops as nachni, vari, harik, udid and til.

The third soil, clayey mould resting on trap, is found near the banks ofriver and creeks. The soil is mixed with chalky tubes locally called ladh.Where the supply of fresh water is scanty, the yield is small; but where thesupply of fresh water is plentiful, the yield equals that of uthlapat or sweetrice land.

The third sort is mostly very dark brown, and, when dry, is extremely hard.In places where it is or was liable to be flooded from creeks andbackwaters, it is called kharepat or salt land. Below this soil is a stratum ofmud, in many places half liquid. The fourth soil, containing marinedeposits and sand, lies along the sea-coast and is favourable to gardencrops.


6.6 Climate Data from Secondary sources

Table 19: Climatic conditions prevailing in Tarapur

Sr.Month of the year

Temperatureduring day

(in 0C)

Temperatureduring night


1 January 31 17 Nil

2 February 34 18 Nil

3 March 38 22 Few chances of rainfall0.53 cm rainfall

4 April 40 25 1.19 cm rainfall

5 May 40 25 2.59 am rainfall

6 June 35 24 8.83 cm rainfall

7 July 32 23 8.94 cm rainfall

8 August 31 22 9.93 cm rainfall

9 September 32 22 11.56 cm rainfall

10 October 33 21 7.36 cm rainfall

11 November 32 18 1.04 cm rainfall

12 December 30 16 0.59 cm rainfall

6.7 Existing Infrastructure

Existing infrastructure includes laboratory, water facilities, WaterTreatment Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant, Septic tanks and soakpits forsewage generated by workers, Roads and Highway connectivity, etc. inthe project premises.


7 Planning Brief

7.1 Planning Concept

Tthe project site is centrally located in India at about 120 km fromMumbai, well connected by road and railway. The nearest airport isMumbai, and sea-port is JNPT, Nahva-Sheva, Uran, at a distance of 180km.Basic facilities of infrastructure like admin building, processing area,storage area, internal roads etc. are already developed on the project siteand will be expanded as per the requirement. Transportation of rawmaterial and finished goods will be carried out through approach road andfinally through existing National highway NH-8.

The proposed expansion in capacity of products and project cost forexisting and proposed expansion is as represented in below tables:


Table 20: Proposed expansion in product capacity

Sr. No. Product Name


(MPCB Consented)


(After expansion )


1. Copper Phthalo Cyanine Blue Crude 70 MT / Month 400 MT / Month

2.Copper Phthalo Cyanine Green ( CPC Green )

30 MT / Month 60 MT / Month

3. Alpha / Beta Blue Pigment 20 MT / Month 240 MT / Month

4.Pigment Emulsions ( Alpha + Beta + CPC-Green )

10 MT / Month 150 MT / Month

5. Aluminium Chloride Nil. 200 MT / Month

6. Cuprous Chloride / Cupric Chloride Nil. 100 MT / Month

7.Copper Phthalo Cyanine Blue - Activated

Nil. 77 MT / Month


1.Poly Aluminium Chloride ( PAC ) 10% Solution

600 MT / Month 1200 MT / Month

2. HCl 30% Solution 48 MT / Month 96 MT / Month

3. NaOCl 10% Solution 120 MT / Month 240 MT / Month

4. Liquor Ammonia 10% Solution Nil. 2000 MT / Month.

5. Ammonium Sulphate : (NH4)2SO4 Nil. 750 MT / Month.

6.Copper / Copper Chloride / Copper Sulphate / Salts of Cu

Nil. 1.5 MT / Month.

7. 25% Sulfuric Acid 2000 MT / Month.


Table 21: Existing and proposed Project cost (in Lakhs)

Sr. No

Head PresentCapital

Capital ForExpansion

Total Capital AfterExpansion

1. Land 43 54 97

2. Building 480 565 1,045

3. Plant & Machinery 850 1,250 2,100

4. Office Set-Up 20 30 50

5. Laboratory 10 20 30

TOTAL 1403 1919 3,322

7.2 Amenity Facilities

The basic Amenities like public transport, water supply,telecommunications, educational institutions, hospitals etc. are availablein Palghar Town.

8 SafetyThe safety and occupational health will be dealt carefully. A disciplinedapproach is natural to this industry. Safety policy will be in place. The unitis registered under Factory Act and is bound by State Factory Rules.

A complete exercise of risk assessment & characterization is scientificallydone. Mitigation plan is drawn as follows:

Sprinkling on excavation

Scrubbers on process vents

Bag filters for steam boilers

Stack height per MPCB


Barrier walls as shielding technology to suppress blast pressures,fragments, fire-balls Chemical storage area – ventilation, store-rooms, fuel dyked

First aid trained and Fire-fighting trained person will be available in everyshift. Safety Officer will be appointed, as also the competent person


retained. Where necessary, provisions of other Acts, where required likePetroleum act, Explosive Act, etc. will be obeyed. Fire fighting system iskept as per norms of Insurance Company.

DMP (Disaster Management Plan) and off-site emergency plan will be inplace. Accordingly, Personal protection equipment will be given and usewill be insisted.

The Company has maintained the trend of non-polluting nature. Water, air,hazardous, solid, noise pollution are within the statutory limits on accountof the existing pollution control measures.

9 BenefitsThe expanded capacity will meet the growing demand for Phthalocyaninepigments production locally and internationally. The Project will createdirect & indirect employment opportunities within the surrounding region.

