Pre-Design and Planning in Revit...


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Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture

Sean D. Burke, Assoc. AIA – Autodesk, Inc. AB400-2L

Are you using Revit Architecture only as a production and documentation tool? Don’t overlook the very powerful design and conceptual tools built right in. Validate ideas, make use of flexible content, and create pre-design concepts that can support the iterative design process. Know that your concepts will deliver by leveraging Scheduling and Analysis tools before committing to a detailed model.

Key topics covered:

• Create templates to support the pre-design process

• Leverage generic content and avoid too much detail

• Identify modularity in design, and represent it in Revit

• Leverage Scheduling and Analysis tools to inform and validate the building program

• Present concepts in graphically rich ways without trying to go “photo-real”

About the Speaker: Sean works for Autodesk Consulting, and is responsible for implementing Autodesk’s architectural design solutions. He has provided customized training for many firms using both Revit and AutoCAD Architecture throughout North America. Sean is an experienced presenter, delivering on-site training, acting as a technology advisor, and establishing best practices. His 10+ years of experience in architecture blends together technical expertise with a solid understanding of design and construction. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Roger Williams University, in Rhode Island.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture



BENEFITSOFPARAMETRICTOOLSINDESIGNThe act of creating early design studies are often non-systematic and labor intensive. This process usually lives in the world of analogue tools such as pencils, markers, chipboard and glue. These tools lend themselves well to an iterative process where starting over is often the way of refining existing ideas. However, analogue tools have traditionally not been very good at capturing knowledge of the problem, nor allowing complex qualitative analysis or quantification of the pieces and parts that make up the design solution.

There is a certain level of fluidity in working this way, but then when asked whether the proposed solution actually fits the design problem, we find ourselves pressed for the answers and the time to get those answers. Even digital equivalents, whose promise of replicating the analogue tools in the form of 2D sketching tools and CAD haven’t tackled the problem very well. Stand-alone 3D conceptual modeling, like the physical model of cardboard or clay often holds limited uses beyond the original effort. This unidirectional transfer of knowledge from the conceptual to the concrete, in order to produce a set of construction documents, prevents design form changes from occurring beyond the handoff at the conclusion of the design stage. This is where parametric design tools such as those found in Autodesk Revit bridge the gap between the two to meet one of the fundamental goals of design; bringing the relationships of form and function into sharper focus, while being sure that the design can be built under the current set of constraints on the project.

Revit allows qualitative and quantitative analysis of design ideas to not only occur, but react to design changes at a level not possible with traditional means. Ideas and preliminary studies can be modeled in various ways. A 3D model, such as created in 3ds Max, tells part of the story but is mostly eye candy. A data model, such as a simple spreadsheet, allows analysis without the benefit of visual form. These two tools could be used in parallel, but one would always be out of sync with the other, and certainly does not support rapid decision making.

Revit ≠ 3D Revit ≠ Data Revit ≠ 3D + Data

Revit = Computable Building Information Since Revit is more than the sum of these parts, providing consistent, computable information as the design progresses, change is not only possible, but can be carried out with confidence.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


GettingStartedRevit enables changing the process of working to take control of design intent and communicate ideas in very rich ways. To prepare for this change however, several things should be in place within the design firm: focused designer training, templates to support the conceptual design process, captured best practices for using the tools effectively, and attending this class will go a long way toward your success.

TEMPLATESThe workflow involved for using Revit as a preliminary design tool will most likely require much looser and more adaptable templates than during the production of construction documents. The advantage to having templates set and ready will enable the designer be more agile to create, analyze, present ideas in ways that are most suited to the task at hand. The project, once reaching a certain level of resolution, could then be dropped into a “production” template and take on the properties of that environment.

Items to consider when creating a template for design work may include:

• Generic content • Materials • Color Schemes • Sheet borders • Analytical schedules • Patterns • Family Components • System Components • Massing Studies

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


TRAININGFORDESIGNERSA training agenda for designers will look somewhat different than one for the folks involved in production. A good introduction to the basics of Revit Architecture would be necessary for those requiring one, then more role-based training to follow such as:


Day1­UserInterfaceandViewElementBasics• Conceptual Review and User Interface • Plans / Reflected Ceiling Plans / Elevations / Sections • Space Planning and Schedules • Levels and Grids – Understanding Project Datum

Day2–CreatingwithCoreGenericContent• Massing • Walls/ Floors • Roofs / Ceilings • Capturing Design Intent

Day3–CreatingwithCustomContent• Introduction to the Family Editor • Hosted Family Relationships • Custom content as in-place families • Groups • Articulating Designs with Railings / Stairs / Components

Day4–PresentationsandCollaboratinginConceptDesign• Project Linking vs. Design Options • Conceptual Overview of Worksets • Sheets / Printing • Still Image Rendering • View Composition

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture



CONTENTCREATIONConsider using generic content as a first pass for elements such as doors, windows, walls, etc. With these types available in the project template, the process of capturing design intent with simple form is predictable, flexible and can be iterated quickly. By assigning a “Generic” material to a “Generic” class of family elements, the designer is indicating those components in the project which are less than fully resolved. The generic material is assigned to these schematic elements, shown below as translucent pale forms. This visual communication sends a clear message regarding the current resolution of design effort to the entire team. In the series of images below, you can see the process of design evolve as more information is known.

Figure 1 - Avoid Unnecessary Specificity

COLORSCHEMESThe available legends in the default template are really there to give you a running start to the types of data that might be important to indicate on a floor plan view. To place a color scheme, click on the

button on the Room and Area design bar.

The two options presented when you first place a legend (Name, and

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


Department) are simply the schemes in that template. If you add new schemes ahead of time using predetermined room names, finishes, or any user-created parameters added to the room category, you can have pre-defined schemes ready to use in your projects. Place one, and select the legend in the view, selecting Edit Color Scheme from the Options bar.

In Revit Architecture 2008, you can utilize a predefined list, and the legend when placed will only show the rooms in use within that view, displaying your predefined colors and fill patterns. Additional fields, unique to the project will be automatically added to the legend as they are created.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture






A tool available to all customers on subscription, the Revit 2008 Globe Link, allows publishing data from and to Google Earth. This allows exploring the site, finely positioning the design prior to receiving detailed survey information, and is a very useful presentation tool.

When Globe Link is installed, you’ll find it under the Tools menu.

Thetoolallows:• Importing in the site as an image (Acquire from), and creates

unique column grids to identify the origin for the resulting export. Google earth must be running, and you must specify a placemark by placing a pushpin near the desired area. Sketch with massing tools or model the design right over top of the image.

• Exporting the building information model from Revit (Publish to), to see the model in context. Again, with both applications running. This will allow real-time visualization of the design for presentation purposes. You can export high-res images and place back in the Revit project for printing.

• Import location data from a Google Earth File (usually a kml file) to establish a known coordinate system.

• Export the model to a kmz file for sending to the client, and allowing them to open it in Google Earth, spin it around and walk around the site.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture




Part 1 - Open the file “1 – Massing Study.rvt”

1. Open the 3D View Named {3D} from the Project browser (double-click). 2. Notice the linework visible in the view. We want to duplicate this view to

create one version for viewing the Mass, and another to View the resulting building geometry.

3. Right-click on the {3D} name in the Project Browser and choose Duplicate View > Duplicate.

4. Rename this view 3D (Massing Only) by right-clicking on the copy. 5. Go to View menu, and choose Visibility/Graphics, or type VG. 6. On the Visibility Graphics Overrides window

• Select ALL; uncheck the Visibility box to the left of the category names.

• Select Mass, and Check the Visibility box. • Click OK.

7. Repeat steps 3 and 4, and name the new view 3D (No Mass) 8. The Mass category is off by default in all views, so no change to

visibility is necessary for the other views. 9. On the Massing tab of the Design Bar, click - Create Mass. 10. Click OK to dismiss

the Show Mass notice.

11. Type “Stair 1”. 12. Choose:

13. We will use the lines as a guide to draw our stair tower shape.

14. Change to the Pick Lines tool on the Options bar.

15. Hover over the green linework and press the TAB key to highlight and

chain select the four lines. Press the left mouse button to select the highlighted lines.

16. Change the Depth to 50 feet. 17. Click on the Extrusion Properties button (found on

the Sketch design bar – image to the right). 18. Change the Material value to Mass – Color 3. 19. Click Finish Sketch to complete the stair volume. 20. Repeat Steps 9-19 for the remaining linework, naming

it Stair 2. Part 2 – Continue with the same file

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


1. Switch to the Level 1 floor plan view. 2. Change this view to Shaded with Edges, from the View Control bar, or

type SD. 3. Notice that the stairs and the main building are overlapping, we

certainly don’t want to count the area twice. 4. Use the Join Geometry tool to capture this idea in the model:

by selecting the tool shown here, and click on a Stair mass, then the Main building mass.

5. Repeat for the other stair. 6. Switch to the 3D (Masses Only) view.

7. Select all the masses, and click on 8. Choose all the levels, and click OK. 9. Switch to the 3D (No Mass) view. 10. On the Massing tab, add building geometry. 11. Use the Floor by Face tool – windows select everything on screen, and

press the button on the Options bar. 12. Add walls to the rectangular volumes, using the Wall by Face tool. 13. Add a roof to the top of each mass, using the Roof by Face tool, once

for each mass, hover over the surface, click until it turns red, then clicking Create Roof on the Options bar.

14. Finally, add a Curtain System by Face on the external edges of our lobby mass, selecting the edges, then pressing the Create System button.

15. Toggle off the Show Mass button from the toolbar.

16. We now have a building form that we can use to develop our

documents, but can also change the overall form very quickly. 17. Try modifying the mass in the 3D (Masses Only) view. 18. Select the main building or the lobby and click EDIT on the Options Bar. 19. Make some slight changes, and click finish. 20. Select all the geometry of the building envelope and floors - tip use the

Filter from the Options bar and be sure to ONLY have the items checked as shown to the left.

21. Now Press the REMAKE button on the Options bar. 22. Check out the Sheet view A101 in the project, and notice that the floor

areas, the volume of the building and all materials are quantified for an early design analysis.

This example shows the power of having underlying geometry drive the design

of complex systems like the skin, roof and floors of the building. The linear progression from schematic design to construction documents is no longer a limiting factor to making very significant changes to the design at any time. You can see there are some things that would need to be done to complete this model, such as offsetting the floors inward, and extending the walls above the roof to form a parapet where necessary, and doing so will not affect the associativity to the mass.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture



Bonus Exercise:



Open the file “2 – Tower Form.rfa”

1. Each mass has been placed atop one another, and the level it is on has been added as a parameter value. As we will see in this exercise, changing the base values will affect all levels as the tower rises.

2. Select the tower in the Massing 3D view and click Edit on the Options bar.

3. Select ALL geometry in the view and click on the Element Properties button.

4. In the Instance Parameters area, under Identity Data, note the dimensional changes that we can change on these mass forms.

5. Change each value to match the following:

a. Height: 10’ b. Minor Axis: 110’ c. Major Axis: 80’ d. Linear change per level: 1’-8” e. Angular change per level: 5

6. Click OK. 7. Switch to the South Elevation view. 8. Change the view to Shaded with

Edges. 9. Click Finish Mass on the Sketch bar. 10. Click the Show Mass button on the

View toolbar, or from the View menu to be sure the mass is visible.


SelectasinglefloorrectangularvolumeofthemassandclickEditFamilyontheOptionsbar,thenpressYes. ClickFamilyTypes…ontheMassdesignbar,andlookattheformulasmakingupourexample.

11. To use this form as the basis of design, we may now add walls, floors and a roof as in the previous example.

12. Activate the Massing design bar, and choose Floors by face. 13. Select the entire model with a window selection and click the Create

Floors button on the Options bar. 14. Switch to the A101 sheet view and look over the schedules.

Hint: The secret to allowing the volumes to reset their insertion point and rotation is that the blend top and bottom shapes were associated with the working plane of the surfaces of reference lines. Change the same values we did in the project in this family types window to see the form change.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


USINGMODELPATTERNSTOSIMPLIFYA lightweight curtainwall is easily represented by a wall that is very thin, with a model pattern assigned to its surface. The benefit is it becomes on object to manipulate, instead of nested panels, grids and mullions. When the design is more solidified, the wall can be swapped with a curtainwall. From a distance, there is little noticeable difference.

ARTICULATELATER,CAPTUREIDEASFIRSTAn idea is lost, if not captured quickly in some fashion. Usually a sketch is enough to remind us of the depth associated with that idea when we later wish to add detail. Modeling is really the same process. It is so easy to be captivated by details, and lose sight of the big picture. A suggestion is to create a good first pass, disseminate the idea, and articulate later. Since it is so easy to swap out items at any time without the need to redraw.

For example, this building truss, if sully articulated, without truly knowing the implications on cost, strength of materials and the final form of the roof would be no better than starting over with each new iteration. When more information is known about the project constraints, then the detailed truss can be modeled and swapped into place be loading a family with the same name into the project.

DESIGNSTUDIESRevit has the ability to handle multiple options of portions of the same design without the need to manage multiple files. Although it may be tempting to use design options at the early schematic level, a good rule of thumb for their use is when discrete portions of the project need to be explored, such as an open office layout, an entry canopy, the configuration of a few rooms. If the design is so much in flux, that broad-brush strokes are being applied and reiterated across the entire project, it may be best broken up with multiple Revit linked files.

Linked files in Revit Architecture 2008 are very useful in that you can

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


load and reload in different design ideas, perhaps being developed by different teams. Take a skyscraper for example: one team may study different options for a top, podium, or yet another team is testing various options for the skin. If these were linked together, variations could be visualized, reloaded, discarded and brought back together for the final design effort.

You can now Bind linked files to the current project, much like CAD software can bind an external reference file, which will then act as a Revit group. Likewise, any project file can be loaded into the current project as a group. This flexibility allows parallel efforts to come together to form a cohesive whole when the design reaches resolution.

ANALYZINGSPATIALINFORMATIONThere are two issues that need to be addressed in the area of room, or spatial, information relating to a building design. It is often important to compare the design against the client program and reiterating the design to reach a target. The second is to collect and track what the project requires, before even placing a room in Revit. We can accomplish both of these tasks using Schedule Keys for rooms.


Schedule Keys allow managing repetitive information in an intelligent way. Take the example of a large, complex building such as a hospital. Instead of managing the data on each room or each instance of a door in the project, we can identify patterns and capture that knowledge to be applied at any point in the design to the objects.

Instead of managing thousands of individual rooms in the project independently, we have the opportunity to identify room types. The number of room types in a project of this size and scope will not be thousands, but perhaps only a few dozen.

Schedule Keys can be used in many circumstances and you may have as many for each category of object as is necessary to manage “styles” of data to attach to the objects in your design. Data such as room finishes, furniture and equipment packages, door hardware can be applied with broad brush strokes to the project and populate schedules in a consistent, efficient, and flexible manner.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture



Figure 2 - The design bar collects all of the tools by task.





Open the file “3 - Room Styles.rvt”

1. To create the Room Schedule we’ll switch to the View tab of the

Design Bar. Click

2. Choose Rooms from the Category list, and be sure to Select the Schedule keys radio button.

3. Next, Add the Name field [A + B]

4. Click Add Parameter [C]

5. This New Parameter will be named Desired Area, and its type will be Area [D]. Click OK [E] twice to close both Properties windows.

6. Add New Rows from the Option Bar button above our schedule, and fill in the data as shown. The Desired Area values represent the design targets for our project.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


7. To assign room types to our design, Open the Room Schedule view from the project browser by double-clicking.

8. Right-click in the schedule view window, and choose View Properties...

9. Select from the Element Properties window, Edit… next to the Fields parameter.


10. Add the Room Style and Desired Area fields to the schedule. 11. Click OK.


12. Tile the display to see all three views. WT, or from the menu Window >Tile. Resize the windows similar to the image on right.

13. Select (none) on the schedule under the Room Style column for each room and note the room is selected in the plan.

14. Assign each room an ID from the drop down list

. Note the Name and Desired Areas are populated.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


Challenge Question: Nowthatyou’veexperiencedthecapabilitiesofScheduleKeys,whatothertypesofdatacouldbemanagedinthisway?

15. Your rooms should look like the image to the right.

16. Try changing the Room Name for the Key “Office 1” from Manager to Office. Note the rooms change on the schedule, and in the tags.

17. Save and close the file when done.

Figure 3 - Notice that the room tags also show the new room names.

The room names and other data are being managed by the Room Style created in this lesson. A change to the Room Style Schedule will be reflected in the project.

Now we have a visual comparison on the schedule of actual Area versus Desired Area. In the next lesson, we’ll take that comparison to another level by introducing calculated values.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture



In this exercise, as a continuation of the previous example, we will perform a check on the designed room areas versus the desired area. This file is similar to where we left off, with a few added bonus features.

Open the file “4 - Calculated Values.rvt”

1. Double-click on the Room Schedule in the Project Browser to open it.

2. Edit the Room Schedule properties, as illustrated.

3. We will next add two Calculated values, click the

button on the Schedule Properties window.

Figure 5 - Calculated value formula number 1

Figure 6 - Calculated value formula number 2

Figure 4 - The final schedule fields list

4. Add the two Difference values as shown above, pay close attention to when the data type is an Area versus a Number.

5. Be sure to spell the field names placed in the formulas exactly as they appear in the main window. Fields and all parameters in Revit are case-sensitive.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


6. Now look at the top of our Schedule Properties window, and switch to the Formatting tab.

7. Select Difference (+/-) and check the Calculate totals button.

8. Select Difference (%) and push the

button. 9. Remove the Use default settings

check. Change the values to Units: Percentage, Rounding: 1 decimal place, Unit suffix: %

10. Click OK to close all the windows. 11. Right-click on the Room Schedule name in the Project Browser, and

choose Duplicate View > Duplicate. 12. Rename “Copy of Room Schedule” to “Room Filter” 13. Open the properties for this new view. 14. Click Filter on the Schedule Properties window. Add a new filter as



15. Click OK, and OK to close. 16. Note that only some of the values for our rooms show on the Room

Filter schedule. These are the rooms out of compliance by +10% or more.

17. We can now Drag the Room Filter schedule onto our sheet A101 from inside the Project Browser list.

Figure 7 - Placing a schedule on the sheet, is a simple "drag and drop" action.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


18. Select the plan view on the sheet (hover over plan and click).

19. RMB (right mouse button), and choose Activate view

20. Select the wall between rooms 1 and 2, and use the UP arrow on your keyboard to ‘nudge’ the wall.

21. Watch the Filter Schedule to nudge the room below the 10%.

22. RMB and Deactivate View when done. 23. Zoom all to fit, Close Hidden Windows (from Window menu),

Save and Close the file.

SO,YOUWANTTOUSEEXCELFORROOMNAMES?In previous examples, we saw the power of schedules in Revit. Perhaps you’ve wondered if there was a fast way of reducing data entry when creating room names. How about when the client has produced a detailed ProForma with all room names, numbers and other data in tabular form? Spreadsheets are a very common tool for collecting and analyzing this information. We do have the ability “out of the box” to export schedules to a delimited text file, which could easily be brought into Excel or another type of database. Once doing this, the data is decoupled from the design, and no longer coordinated.

What if there was some way to impose a bi-directional link to an Excel file? There is! The example below is using a relatively simplistic approach to provide this functionality. Let’s get started.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture





In this exercise we will explore some possibilities afforded by the Revit API (application programming interface), by loading a sample external tool – RoomSchedule.

1. Run the file from the datasets location: ..\Apps\Setup.exe This will install the external tool necessary to complete the exercise.

2. Close and Restart Revit Architecture 2008 3. Open the file “5 - Room Layout.rvt” 4. This project, a partial layout of a conference center, has walls,

doors, furnishings, etc… but no rooms yet. 5. Click on the Tools menu, and Select - External Tools > Room

Schedule Connector 6. A Room Schedule window will appear, as shown below.

7. Click Import Excel… [A], and select the file “Room Program.xls” from the dataset location.

8. Set the Phase for New Construction [B] and ensure Level 1 is the active level [C].

9. Click Create Unplaced Rooms and click OK. 10. Check the box to Show All Rooms. 11. Close the window.

12. Open the Room Schedule from the Project Browser to view the sample

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


imported room data. 13. Switch back to the Floor Plan Level 1 view.

14. Click Room on the Basics tab of the Design Bar. 15. Note on the Options Bar, there is a dropdown list to choose from the

list of Unplaced Rooms. 16. Select “106 Main Hall” and place in the large central area of the

building layout.

Figure 8 - Rooms can be created in the Schedule using the New Row Option, which will appear as "unplaced rooms" from this dropdown list while placing rooms in the project.

Bonus Exercise: Tryaddingnewrooms: • TotheRevitmodel,


• InExcelandRuntheConnectortoolagain.


17. Place all remaining rooms as shown in the image to the right

18. Renumber or rename some rooms as desired.

19. Save the file and notice the message.

20. Rooms placed in the drawing will update the spreadsheet. Fabulous!

21. Open the “Room Program.xls” file from the dataset folder in Excel.

22. Close all files when done.

Figure 9 - Note the Area and Perimeter indicate these rooms have not been placed.

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


While the previous external tool was just a sample of what’s possible using the Revit API, what other tools might be useful to enhance the already powerful features found in Revit. Be sure to visit and vote on the Revit wish list, to make your voice heard to the Revit development team and the many third-party developers alike.


SCHEMATICRENDERINGSIn early schematic design, it is often the case that one must present ideas prior to having all of the details considered. Likewise, it would be too soon at this point to produce an output that appeared complete, when design is still underway. To communicate ideas effectively, and focusing decision-making, one could produce imagery without any or very few materials applied. Schematic renderings in this way use the underlying model geometry and model patterns to indicate material with no fuss.

Howtodoit:To produce an image as shown above:

1. Render a scene with all the materials overridden in the view, except the glass.

2. Save the rendering from the Design bar.

3. Press the button on the Render design tab. 4. On the File menu, choose Export > Image… 5. Set the image size to Fit To the size of the rendering. 6. Open your favorite image editor, and place both images on

different layers, and adjust the rendered image (top layer) with

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


some transparency.



Assigning materials for the purpose of a schematic rendering could be handled one of two ways:

1. Override the default materials in the project Object Styles (from the Settings menu). Remember to change any materials already assigned to content, like the furniture.

2. Look for the location where your rendering resources are, typically here: ”C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\RAC 2008\Rendering\AccuRenderRedist\Support”

• Rename the files corresponding to all material libraries in use, and make a copy of the default (

• In this new library, you should only have two materials, “Glass” and “Unnamed”.

• The “Unnamed” material will automatically replace any missing project assigned materials.

• Use a slight reflectivity on the material to

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


simulate a plastic • Experiment and continue to have fun with it!

Figure 10 - Image provided courtesy of Ged Trias, Larson and Darby Group

EXPORTINGTOAUTODESKIMPRESSIONCreate presentation-ready graphics straight from CAD drawings with Autodesk® Impression software, the fast and easy way to make an impact. Add everything from distinct linetypes, textured color fills, and entourage elements to rapidly generate individualized illustrations and renderings.


• Create illustrative presentation-ready graphics in far less time than it would take to do so by hand, or with a hodgepodge of generic graphics applications.

• Add common appearance styles, such as pencils, markers, and watercolors, right out of the box with prebuilt content.

• Easily customize appearance styles by editing strokes, effects, texture, patterns, and more.

• Utilize reusable custom appearance styles to achieve a “signature style” for a specific project or for use by everyone in your firm.

• Generate a complete set of identical drawings by importing styles saved from another Autodesk Impression drawing.

Howtodoit:• Begin with a composed sheet laying out 2D and/or 3D views of

your project • Be sure only the geometry you wish to export is visible in these

views • Export the project – File > Export > CAD Formats – choose

DWG 2007 • Open the resulting file in Impression

Stylize the drawing by applying styles to the DWG layers, individual filled regions that convert to blocks, and individual linework where required

Figure 11 - Use the block substitute tool to replace components like trees, and other entourage with more presentation quality graphics – the library that ships is a good start, or try downloading the stylized symbols available from iSymbol

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


CREATINGEXPLODEDVIEWSPresenting the model as an “exploded” view is a great attention grabbing device. Pulling apart the model would be challenging, so this method illustrates a simple way to achieve this effect.

Howtodoit:• In an Exterior Elevation view, Place a Section: Detail View callout

horizontally across the lowest level datum line • Select the Detail symbol and Change the Element Properties, Far

Clip Offset to a depth just shy of the next floor slab • Copy and repeat • Create multiple 3D, shaded views • Open one and go to View > Orient > To Other View… • Choose the Detail view create in the first steps • Orient again, this time to a preset such as SouthEast • Repeat, and place all 3D views on sheet starting on the bottom • Edit the View Title Mark properties, Duplicate, and Uncheck Show


CONCLUSIONThis class can only scratch the surface of the possibilities of what may be accomplished during the design phase within Revit. Sun and shadow studies, material takeoffs for LEED credits, calculating FAR (Floor Area Ratio) and Zoning Volumes, to name a few are all easily handled with Revit. Early energy analysis can even be accomplished within Revit MEP using the IES module that is built in. Moving beyond the early design phase, when more information is known about the configuration, materials, and fenestration of the design, there are a whole host of specialized analysis tools built by Autodesk partners that can leverage the Revit model for tasks such as energy and lighting analysis, evacuation planning, acoustics, right-to-light, and others. Some of these tools, including IES, ECOTECT and Green Building Studio are listed in the resources section to follow.

Thank you for attending the class, we look forward to your comments and suggestions to expand and offer more classes like these in future events. This class is a small subset of designer-focused training now being offered to firms throughout the world by Autodesk Consulting. To find out more about the services we offer, visit us online at

I’d like to know how this class has helped you in your daily work. Feel free to contact me or send samples of your work to:

Cheers and good luck,

- Sean D. Burke

Pre-Design and Planning in Revit® Architecture


RESOURCESAutodesk Consulting Identify your business needs and implement the optimal software solution with consulting and training services. Specific to Revit Architecture, visit us here: Revit Architecture 2008 -

Building Information Modeling Info Site -

Additional learning:

Revit Architecture Resource Center

Autodesk Impression Community –

Architecture and Design Visualization Webcast Series - Design visualization webcasts for Revit Architecture and AutoCAD Architecture Users

Revit 2008 Globe Link - Log in to the site, or ask your CAD Manager to access the site. You are required to have subscription services and an account for access. Visit the bottom of the page and look for the “Product Information & Downloads” area. Scroll down to the Building Solutions area and click on “Product Modules & Add-Ons” Google Earth – 3D Warehouse -

Content and Discussions Revit City - Autodesk User Group International -

Analysis Tools IES <Virtual Environment> - ECOTECT – Green Building Studio -
