Prayer letter 1st quarter march 12 2015



Prayer Letter From Port Kaituma, Guyana, South America

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The Runyons Guyana, South America

Independent Baptist Missionaries

Serving The Lord In The Northwest Jungle

Accountability & Support Through Our Home Church:

The BIBLE Baptist Church 872 Glenwood Road

DeLand, Florida 32720-2373

James W. Knox - Pastor (386) 736-9274

Contact Information In Guyana…

Lighthouse Baptist Church Port Kaituma P.O. N.W.D. Region # 1

Port Kaituma, Guyana South America

Guyana Cell Phone… + (011) Church: (592) 685-4115

Florida, U.S.A. Phone Numbers Dean’s Cell: (386) 747-6188 Patty’s Cell: (386) 747-6491

Skype Phone: (386) 490-4141 Skype: dean.patty.runyon

E-Mail Addresses: Dean@DailyScriptureSongs.Com


Full Contact Info At: www.DailyScriptureSongs.Com/


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Prayer Letter & Progress Report 1st Quarter - 2015 - Up-To-Date As Of March 13th…

Romans 15:13 “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,

that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Currently Waiting For Another Surgery - April 2nd... I left Guyana and have been in the States since February 26th… with a lot of pain, which I have had since the last surgery that was done in Guyana on September 11th. Infection had set in and then a large hernia developed right in the middle of the surgery site. Scar tissue has again become an issue… causing multiple problems with breathing and digestion.

I have been to the Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida 4 times and have only one more pre-opp appointment in a few days. I am on the books for another big surgery April 2nd... Thank you for praying for me through this long drawn out series of operations, (since Nov. 10, 2012). They will repair the hernia, remove scar tissue re-set the ostomy site again… The surgery team is very optimistic about this surgery, however they will not be able to sever all of the scar tissue without risk to my small intestine. I really do need a miracle! I saw a quote on Facebook today that said, “Every Miracle Began With A Problem”…

Patty will be flying out of the Jungle in Guyana, on the 25th and on to the States on the 26th.

The Lord Is Really Blessing The Lighthouse Baptist Church Of Port Kaituma... The Wednesday that I left the Lord allowed two men to come and encourage the work!

“It was a blessing to have Bro. Mukesh and Bro. Royzie from Chaity Baptist Church in Trinidad, where our good friend, James Hoffmeister is the Pastor. When Brother Mukesh preached at our Friday night youth night, 53 teens came forward, saying they sincerely received the Lord Jesus as their Savior! Praise the Lord for fruit from months of prayer and seed sown! Also, Sunday morning, at the invitation, 9 women and 7 men came forward making 100% sure they are saved. Thank the Lord for working

in hearts! Sunday morning, Travis was saved at the hospital!” From Patty

Prior to the blessings mentioned above… Our Friday night youth night for (our high school students) has been open to the community with NO strings attached. Games, snacks and Bible study! It has been kept simple and consistent, then WOW… the harvest. Praise the LORD... The folks at our church are really stepping up to take responsibility for the WORK. At this point we still feel like the foundation is almost finished for the great task of reaching out into the many smaller villages in Guyana. Right before I left one of our men said that he can’t wait until the Bible College Classes begin because he wants to be a Pastor! Just before I left one of our other men Baptized (for the first time) another man that just got saved. Men are standing up singing specials and giving testimonies and preaching! I am so glad that I was able to go back, even though it was less than 8 months. We did a series on restoration and another on the Prodigal Son… 36 folks memorized the whole story from Luke 15:11-24 and qualified for a special activity… We split our church in to 3 teams. Red, Green & Yellow, for 2 months of inviting people to “come back” and also saw many first time visitors. The RED team won a special meal for their efforts. The other teams got to eat too, just not as much! What a time...

Thank You In Advance For PRAYING... 1. Brother George was about the only one that was preaching and really helping, but he is no longer

in our church. Many others are now filling in the gaps and standing strong! Pray for these MEN... 2. We do not have peace about going to the Capitol City at this time. The mission work in Port

Kaituma is our heart beat… and the Lord is raising up men and women to get the job done! 3. Cheo & Charlene have gone to live with Ray & Kim Boltz… The first of many in their new

children’s home. Brother Ray will also be starting a church in the Parika area. 4. Please PRAY… for the many teenagers that were saved and others in the near future! 5. Help is on the way… “Joshua & Vashtee Rhoades” are coming to work with us! Please PRAY... (They made the announcement in their December Prayer letter) Now at 70% support. Please go to their web site for information: More info... at:

“I’m Workin’ For Jesus,”

Dean D. Runyon

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A special thanks to all that have prayed and given financially for the mission work. A total of __________ was given in 2014… My apologies for the delay with this statement.