pr dr.sulis



pr dr.sulis

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Kista epididimis adalah pembengkakan tidak berbahaya yang timbul dari epididimis, yaitu kumparan saluran yang melekat pada bagian belakang setiap testis. Kista epidilimis kecil, berukuran seperti kacang polong, sering dijumpai pada pria berusia di atas 40 tahun.Kista ini sering berjumlah banyak dan bisa menyerang kedua testis. Kista ini berisi cairan jernih, tidak berwarna, dan biasanya ditinggalkan daripada dibuang.- Spermatokel serupa dengan kista epididimis, tapi kista tersebut berisi semen dan sperma yang menyerupai susu. Jika Anda menyinarinya dengan senter, spermatokel tidak mengilat seperti hidrokel. Keduanya baru dapat dibedakan jika cairan dikeluarkan dan diperiksa.Spermatokel tidak berbahaya dan biasanya dibiarkan saja kecuali menimbulkan gangguan.Spermatocele

This patient had history of a painless nodule at the upper pole of the right testis since 2 years. Ultrasound images of the scrotum show a rounded cystic lesion with abundant echogenic particulate matter within it. The cyst is located in close relation to the head of right epididymis. These ultrasound findings suggest a diagnosis of spermatocele involving the head of right epididymis. Spermatoceles are formed by obstruction of the fine ducts within the epididymis or spermatic passages, resulting in outpouching or diverticuli formation with sperm containing fluid collecting within the cystic lesion. It is often the presence of debris within the cyst that distinguishes spermatoceles from simple cyst of the epididymis. Power or Color Doppler imaging sometimes shows movement of the debris within the cyst.Reference: epididymal cysts

This middle aged male patient presented with symptoms of nodular swelling of the scrotum. On sonography, there were multiple cystic lesions of 1 to 1.6 cms. in the region of the heads of epididymis bilaterally. Color and Power Doppler images show no flow within the cystic lesions. These ultrasound images are diagnostic of multiple cysts of the head of the epididymis. Epididymal cysts are usually asymptomatic unless large or multiple and may be seen following vasectomy. There are also solitary calcific lesions in the testes (which do not appear to be of clinical significance). These ultrasound images were taken using a Toshiba Nemio- XG ultrasound machine. Reference: Multiple epididymal cysts- 3D ultrasound images

Shown above are 2D B-mode and color Doppler ultrasound images of multiple right epididymal cysts in the head of the right epididymis. Surprisingly the septae show remarkable vascularity3D ultrasound images (longitudinal section) of the epididymal cysts

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Observe the fine internal details of the cysts and the nature of the walls of the epididymal cysts in these 3D ultrasound images of the lesions.
