Powers and surds





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Powers and Surds

What is the value of 2³

What is the value of 170

What is the value of 1762831



What is 7-1

A 6

B 1/7

C 7

What is 16½

What is 9-½

A -3

B -1/3

C 1/3

What is 16¾

What is 27-2/3

A 1/9

B -9

C 9

What is (16/9)1/2

A 8/4.5

B 4/3

C 16/3

What is (625/256)¾

A 5/4

B 125/64

C 125/4

D 5/64

What is (8/27)-2/3

A 16/81

B 81/16

C 2/3

D 3/2

E 9/4

What is √3 x √3

What is √12 x √3

Simplify √24

A 2 √2

B 4 √6

C 2 √6

Simplify 5 √10 x 3 √3

A 15 √30

B 8 √13

C 450

What is 3 √8 x 2 √2

Rationalise the denominator of 1/ √7

A √7

B √7/7

C 7√7

D 7

Rationalise 9/√3

A 3√3

B √3

C 3

Expand the brackets(2+ √3)(2- √3)

Expand the brackets(8 + 2√5)(4 - √5)
