PowerPoint Presentation · Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana - “Saubhagya” has...


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  • Country's apex regulator of medical education 'National Medical

    Commission' comes into existence

    देश की चिचकत्सा चशक्षा का सर्वोच्च चियामक 'राष्ट्र ीय चिचकत्सा आयोग' अस्तित्व में आया- AIR

  • • The National Medical Commission (NMC), in

    place of the Medical Council of India (MCI), as

    the country's apex regulator of medical education

    and profession has come into existence.

    • With the NMC coming into being, the Board of

    Governors (BoG) which superseded the MCI on

    September 26th, 2018, to perform its functions,

    has been dissolved and the nearly 64-year-old

    Indian Medical Council Act abolished.

    • Dr Suresh Chandra Sharma, former head of the

    All India Institute of Medical Sciences ENT

    department, Delhi, has been appointed as

    chairman for a period of three years.

    • The NMC Act, which seeks to usher in mega

    reforms in the medical education sector, received

    the assent of the president on August 8th last


    • The NMC comprises a chairman, 10 ex-officio

    members and 22 part-time members.

    • मेचिकल काउंचसल ऑफ इंचिया (MCI) के स्थाि पर

    राष्ट्र ीय चिचकत्सा आयोग (NMC), देश में चिचकत्सा चशक्षा

    और पेशे के शीर्ष चियामक के रूप में अस्तित्व में आया


    • एिएमसी के अस्तित्व में आिे के बाद, बोिष ऑफ गर्विषसष

    (BoG) िे 26 चसतंबर, 2018 को अपिे कायों को करिे के

    चलए MCI को अपदस्थ कर चदया था, चिसे भंग कर चदया

    गया था और लगभग 64 र्वर्ष पुरािे भारतीय चिचकत्सा

    पररर्द अचिचियम को समाप्त कर चदया गया था।

    • अस्तिल भारतीय आयुचर्वषज्ञाि संस्थाि ईएिटी चर्वभाग,

    चदल्ली के पूर्वष प्रमुि िॉ। सुरेश िंद्र शमाष को तीि साल की

    अर्वचि के चलए इसके अध्यक्ष के रूप में चियुक्त चकया गया


    • एिएमसी अचिचियम, िो चिचकत्सा चशक्षा के्षत्र में मेगा

    सुिारों की शुरूआत करिे का प्रयास करता है, को चपछले

    साल 8 अगि को राष्ट्र पचत की स्वीकृचत प्राप्त हुई थी।

    • NMC में एक अध्यक्ष, 10 पदेि सदस्य और 22

    अंशकाचलक सदस्य शाचमल हैं।

  • 'Saubhagya' scheme completes three years since its inception

    'सौभाग्य’ योििा िे स्थापिा के तीि साल पूरे चकए

    - AIR

  • ● Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana -

    “Saubhagya” has completed three years since its


    ● Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched this

    scheme on the 25th of September, 2017 to ensure

    electrification of all willing households in the country

    in rural as well as urban areas.

    ● The scheme was launched with an aim to achieve

    universal household electrification by providing last

    mile connectivity and electricity connections to all

    households in rural areas and all poor households in

    urban areas across the country.

    ● The scheme was started with an outlay of 16,320

    crore rupees.

    ● As many as over 2 crore 62 lakh households have

    been provided electricity connection so far under the

    Saubhagya scheme.

    • प्रिािमंत्री सहि चबिली हर घर योििा - "सौभाग्य" िे

    अपिी स्थापिा के तीि साल पूरे कर चलए हैं।

    • प्रिािमंत्री िरेंद्र मोदी िे ग्रामीण, साथ ही शहरी के्षत्रों में

    देश के सभी इचु्छक घरों के चर्वद्युतीकरण को

    सुचिचित करिे के चलए 25 चसतंबर, 2017 को यह

    योििा शुरू की थी।

    • इस योििा को देश भर में शहरी के्षत्रों में सभी घरों में

    और सभी गरीब घरों में अंचतम मील किेस्तिचर्वटी और

    चबिली किेक्शि प्रदाि करके सार्वषभौचमक घरेलू

    चर्वद्युतीकरण प्राप्त करिे के उदे्दश्य से शुरू चकया

    गया था।

    • यह योििा 16,320 करोड़ रुपये के पररव्यय के साथ

    शुरू की गई थी।

    • सौभाग्य योििा के तहत अब तक 2 करोड़ 62 लाि

    से अचिक घरों में चबिली का किेक्शि प्रदाि चकया

    िा िुका है।

  • Saubhagya Scheme

    • Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana – ‘Saubhagya’ was launched in September, 2017.

    • Under Saubhagya free electricity connections to all households (both APL and poor families) in rural areas and poor families in urban areas will be provided.

    • Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) has been designated as nodal agency for the Saubhagya scheme.

    • The scheme aims to achieve universal household electrification in all parts of the country.

    • It is being funded to extent of 60% by central grants, 30% by bank loans and 10% by states.

    • The scheme envisages electricity connection for each household by drawing a service cable from the nearest electricity pole to the home, installing an energy meter, and wiring for a single light point with an LED bulb and a mobile charging point.

  • 670 Electric buses sanctioned in Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Chandigarh under

    Phase-2 of FAME India scheme

    FAME इंचिया योििा के िरण-2 के तहत महाराष्ट्र , गोर्वा, गुिरात, िंिीगढ़ में 670 इलेस्तिरक

    बसें स्वीकृत

    - AIR

  • • The government has sanctioned 670

    electric buses and 241 charging stations to

    boost the electric mobility in the country.

    • The buses have been sanctioned in the

    states of Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat and

    Chandigarh whereas charging stations in

    Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala,

    Gujarat and Port Blair under Phase-II of

    FAME India Scheme.

    • Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of

    Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India

    scheme was launched in 2015 to promote

    adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles in


    • The second phase of this scheme has been

    implemented from last year with a total

    budgetary support of 10 thousand crore


    • सरकार िे देश में इलेस्तिरक मोचबचलटी को बढ़ार्वा

    देिे के चलए 670 इलेस्तिरक बसों और 241 िाचििंग

    से्टशिों को मंिूरी दी है।

    • मध्य प्रदेश, तचमलिािु, केरल, गुिरात और पोटष

    बे्लयर में फेम इंचिया स्कीम के चितीय िरण के

    तहत िाचििंग से्टशि महाराष्ट्र , गोर्वा, गुिरात और

    िंिीगढ़ राज्ों में स्वीकृत चकए गए हैं।

    • भारत में र्वाहिों हाइचिि और इलेस्तिरक र्वाहिों को

    अपिािे को बढ़ार्वा देिे के चलए 2015 में भारत में

    फास्टर एिॉप्शि एंि मैनु्यफैक्चररंग ऑफ़

    इलेस्तिरक और हाइचिि व्हीकल को लॉन्च चकया

    गया था।

    • इस योििा का दूसरा िरण चपछले साल से 10

    हिार करोड़ रुपये के कुल बिटीय समथषि के

    साथ लागू चकया गया है।

  • Faster Adoption and Manufacture of (Hybrid and) Electric Vehicles: FAME

    • FAME India is a part of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. Main thrust of FAME is to encourage electric vehicles by providing subsidies.

    • The FAME India Scheme is aimed at incentivising all vehicle segments.• Two phases of the scheme:

    • Phase I: started in 2015 and was completed on 31st March, 2019• Phase II: started from April, 2019, will be completed by 31st March, 2022

    • The scheme covers Hybrid & Electric technologies like Mild Hybrid, Strong Hybrid, Plug in Hybrid & Battery Electric Vehicles.

    • Department of Heavy Industries, the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises.

  • Phase II:

    • It Emphasis on electrification of the public transportation that includes shared transport.

    • This phase aims to support, through subsidies, approximately 7000 e-Buses, 5 lakh e-3 Wheelers, 55000 e-4 Wheeler Passenger Cars and 10 lakh e-2 Wheelers.

    • In 3-Wheel (W) and 4-Wheel (W) segment incentives will be applicable mainly to vehicles used for public transport or registered for commercial purposes.

    • In the 2-Wheel (W) segment, the focus will be on the private vehicles.• To encourage advanced technologies, the benefits of incentives will be extended to

    only those vehicles which are fitted with advanced batteries like a Lithium Ion battery and other new technology batteries.

    • The scheme proposes for establishment of charging infrastructure, whereby about 2700 charging stations will be established in metros, other million plus cities, smart cities and cities of Hilly states across the country so that there will be availability of at least one charging station in a grid of 3 km x 3 km.

  • RBI suggests five-pillared approach to deal with cybersecurity issues in UCBs

    RBI िे UCBs में साइबर सुरक्षा के मुद्दों से चिपटिे के चलए पााँि-िंभ दृचष्ट्कोण का सुझार्व


    - AIR

  • • The Reserve Bank came out with a five-pillared

    strategic approach 'GUARD' to deal with cyber

    security threats being faced by Urban Cooperative

    Banks (UCBs).

    • The RBI said in its document 'Technology Vision

    for Cyber Security for Urban Cooperative Banks

    2020-2023' that the number, frequency and impact

    of cyber incidents and attacks have increased

    manifold in the recent past, more so in the case of

    the financial sector, including UCBs.

    • Therefore, it has become essential to enhance the

    security posture of UCBs to prevent, detect,

    respond to and recover from cyber-attacks.

    • The technology vision document, which was

    formalised after obtaining inputs from various

    stakeholders, is aimed at enhancing the

    cybersecurity posture of UCBs against evolving IT

    and cyber threat environments.

    • ररिर्वष बैंक शहरी सहकारी बैंकों (यूसीबी) के सामिे आिे

    र्वाले साइबर सुरक्षा ितरों से चिपटिे के चलए पांि-िंभ

    र्वाले रणिीचतक दृचष्ट्कोण 'गािष ' के साथ सामिे आया है।

    • आईबीआई िे शहरी सहकारी बैंकों के चलए साइबर सुरक्षा

    के चलए 2020-2023 के अपिे दिारे्वज़ 'टेक्नोलॉिी

    चर्विि' में कहा चक हाल के चदिों में साइबर घटिाओं और

    हमलों की संख्या, आरृ्वचि और प्रभार्व, यूसीबी सचहत

    चर्विीय के्षत्र के मामले में, कई गुिा बढ़ गया है।

    • इसचलए, साइबर हमलों से बिार्व, पता लगािे, प्रचतचयया

    देिे और पुिप्राषप्त करिे के चलए यूसीबी की सुरक्षा मुद्रा को

    बढ़ािा आर्वश्यक हो गया है।

    • प्रौद्योचगकी दृचष्ट् दिारे्वि, चिसे चर्वचभन्न चहतिारकों से

    इिपुट प्राप्त करिे के बाद औपिाररक रूप चदया गया था,

    इसका उदे्दश्य आईटी और साइबर ितरे के र्वातार्वरण को

    चर्वकचसत करिे के स्तिलाफ यूसीबी की साइबर सुरक्षा मुद्रा

    को बढ़ािा है।

  • Urban Co-operative Banks

    • Urban co-operative banks are confined to the municipal area of a town. • Urban co-operative banks usually meet the needs of specific types or groups of

    members pertaining to a certain trade, profession, community or even locality.• Urban Co-operative Banks are also called Primary Co-operative Banks (PCBs) by

    the Reserve Bank. • The Reserve Bank of India defines PCBs as ‘small-sized co-operatively organised

    banking units which operate in metropolitan, urban and semi-urban centres to cater mainly to the needs of small borrowers, viz., owners of small scale industrial units, retail traders, professionals and salaried classes’.

  • Difference between UCBs and Commercial Banks

    • Regulation: Unlike commercial banks, UCBs are only partly regulated by the RBI. • Their banking operations are regulated by the RBI, which lays down their capital

    adequacy, risk control and lending norms. • However, their management and resolution in the case of distress is regulated by

    the Registrar of Co-operative Societies either under the State or Central government.

    • In general for a commercial bank, there is a clear distinction between its shareholders and its borrowers whereas in a UCB, borrowers can even double up as shareholders.

  • EESL appoints Rajat Sud as its new Managing Director

    EESL िे रित सूद को अपिा िया प्रबंि चिदेशक चियुक्त चकया

    - ANI

  • • A Joint Venture(JV) of Public Sector

    Undertakings, under the Ministry of Power,

    Government of India, Energy Efficiency

    Services Ltd (EESL) has appointed Rajat

    Sud as its new Managing Director from

    immediate effect.

    • He takes charge from S Gopal, director

    (commercial), who was given the additional

    charge as interim MD.

    • Prior to joining EESL, he worked as an

    executive vice president at Sterlite Power

    Transmission Ltd.

    • भारत सरकार के ऊिाष मंत्रालय, ऊिाष दक्षता सेर्वा

    चलचमटेि (EESL) के तहत सार्वषिचिक के्षत्र के

    उपयमों के एक संयुक्त उद्यम (JV) िे तत्काल

    प्रभार्व से रित सूद को अपिा िया प्रबंि चिदेशक

    चियुक्त चकया है।

    • उन्ोिें एस गोपाल, चिदेशक (र्वाचणस्तज्क) से

    प्रभार चलया हैं, चिन्ें अंतररम एमिी के रूप में

    अचतररक्त प्रभार चदया गया था।

    • ईईएसएल में शाचमल होिे से पहले, उन्ोिें

    स्टरलाइट पार्वर टर ांसचमशि चलचमटेि में कायषकारी

    उपाध्यक्ष के रूप में काम चकया।

  • Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)

    • Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) is an energy service company (ESCO) of the Government of India and is the world's largest public ESCO.

    • It is 100% government-owned, a joint venture of state-owned NTPC Limited, Power Finance Corporation, REC Limited and POWERGRID.

    • EESL was formed under India's Ministry of Power to facilitate energy efficiency projects.

    • Innovative business and implementation models can significantly reduce consumption and costs.

    • EESL also acts as the resource center for capacity building of state electricity distribution companies, electricity regulatory commissions (ERCs), state-designated agencies (SDAs), upcoming ESCOs, financial institutions, etc.

  • Foundation Day of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)

    celebrated as “Kaushal Se Kal Badlenge”

    दीि दयाल उपाध्याय ग्रामीण कौशल योििा (िीिीयू-िीकेर्वाई) के स्थापिा चदर्वस को ‘कौशल से

    कल बदलेंगे’ के रूप में मिाया

    - PIB

  • • Ministry of Rural Development, Government

    of India, celebrated Foundation Day of

    Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen

    Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) on the

    occasion of Antyodaya Diwas.

    • Shri Narendra Singh Tomar congratulated

    all the stakeholders of DDU- GKY on the

    occasion of Antyodaya Diwas for setting a

    benchmark in implementation of the


    • Under DDU-GKY, 10.51 lakh rural youth

    have been trained and 6.65 lakh

    successfully placed so far. He highlighted

    the importance of skilling in making India a

    prosperous country.

    • भारत सरकार के ग्रामीण चर्वकास मंत्रालय िे

    अंत्योदय चदर्वस के अर्वसर पर दीि दयाल

    उपाध्याय ग्रामीण कौशल योििा (DDU-GKY)

    का स्थापिा चदर्वस मिाया।

    • श्री िरेंद्र चसंह तोमर िे कायषयम के कायाषन्वयि में

    एक बेंिमाकष स्थाचपत करिे के चलए अंत्योदय

    चदर्वस के अर्वसर पर िीिीयू-िीकेर्वाई के सभी

    चहतिारकों को बिाई दी।

    • िीिीयू-िीकेर्वाई के तहत, 10.51 लाि ग्रामीण

    युर्वाओं को प्रचशचक्षत चकया गया है और 6.65 लाि

    को अब तक सफलतापूर्वषक कायष चमला है।

    • उन्ोिें भारत को एक समृद्ध देश बिािे में कौशल

    के महत्व पर प्रकाश िाला।

  • • On this occasion, Shri Tomar inaugurated Agripreneurship Program and released the following during this program:

    • Guidelines regarding Captive Employment under DDU- GKY• Guidelines for Promotion of Integrated Farming Cluster (IFC)• Compendium of success stories of DDU- GKY placed candidates

  • Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana

    • Ministry of Rural Development announced it on Antyodaya Diwas in 2014.• It is a demand-driven placement linked skill training initiative working under the

    National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM).• It uses skill training and placement in wage employment as a tool to diversify

    income and enable sustained upward movement out of poverty.• DDU-GKY is uniquely focused on rural youth between the ages of 15 and 35 years

    from poor families.

  • Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya

    • Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya was well-known political personality and thoughtful philosopher.

    • He was coordinator and famous leader of Jan Sangh, which is considered precursor to BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party).

    • He strongly supported swadeshi and small scale industrialization.

    • He founded Rashtra Dharma Prakashan publishing house in Lucknow and launched Rashtra Dharma, a monthly magazine, to advocate principles he held sacred.

    • Later he launched weekly Panchjanya and daily Swadesh. He wrote drama Chandragupta Maurya in Hindi and later wrote a biography of Shankaracharya.

  • Antyodaya Diwas

    • Every year, 25th September is observed as Antyodaya Diwas to mark the birth anniversary of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, one of the great thinkers and philosophers of the nationalist movement of the country.

    • The Government of India announced it for the first time in 2014 along with the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana.

    • Antyodaya means "uplifting the poorest of the poor" and the day aims to reach the person in the last mile.

  • India, Japan naval exercise JIMEX-2020 begins in Arabian Sea

    भारत, िापाि िौसैचिक अभ्यास JIMEX-2020 अरब सागर में शुरू हुआ

    - TOI

  • • Indian Navy and Japanese Maritime

    Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) ships

    conducted operations in close formation

    at JIMEX-2020, the 4th edition of India-

    Japan Maritime bilateral exercise.

    • It is being held in the North Arabian Sea

    from September 26 to 28.

    • The 4th edition of India-Japan maritime

    bilateral exercise JIMEX, which is

    conducted biennially between the Indian

    Navy and Japanese Maritime Self-

    Defense Force (JMSDF) will be held in

    the North Arabian Sea from 26 to 28

    September 2020.

    • भारतीय िौसेिा और िापािी मैरीटाइम

    सेल्फ-चिफें स फोसष (JMSDF) के िहािों िे

    भारत-िापाि समुद्री चिपक्षीय अभ्यास के िौथे

    संस्करण, JIMEX-2020 का संिालि चकया।

    • यह उिरी अरब सागर में 26 से 28 चसतंबर

    तक आयोचित चकया िा रहा है।

    • भारत-िापाि समुद्री चिपक्षीय अभ्यास

    JIMEX का िौथा संस्करण, चिसे भारतीय

    िौसेिा और िापािी समुद्री आत्म-रक्षा बल

    (JMSDF) के बीि चिर्वाचर्षक रूप से

    आयोचित चकया िाता है, 26 से 28 चसतंबर

    2020 तक उिरी अरब सागर में आयोचित

    चकया िाएगा।

  • JIMEX Exercise

    • JIMEX series of exercises commenced in January 2012 with special focus on maritime security cooperation.

    • It is conducted biennially between the Indian Navy and Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).

    • The last edition of JIMEX was conducted in October 2018 off Visakhapatnam, India.

  • 2020 Edition

    • Indigenously built stealth destroyer Chennai, Teg Class stealth frigate Tarkash and Fleet Tanker Deepak will represent the Indian Navy.

    • P8I Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft will also participate in the exercise.

  • P8I Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft

    • The P-8I aircraft is a variant of the P-8A Poseidon aircraft that Boeing company developed as a replacement for the US Navy’s ageing P-3 fleet.

    • With a maximum speed of 907 kmph and an operating range of over 1,200 nautical miles, the P-8Is detect threats and neutralize them if required, far before they come anywhere near Indian shores.

    • Indian Navy became the first international customer for the P-8 aircraft with the conclusion of the nearly US $ 2.1 billion contract on 01 Jan 2009 for a total of eight aircraft. The P-8s Indian variant is referred to as P-8I.

    • The aircraft are based at INS Rajali.

  • Other Military Exercises between India and Japan:

    • Joint Air Force exercise 'Shinyuu Maitri'.• Annual joint land military exercise named 'Dharma

    Guardian'.• Trilateral Maritime Exercise Malabar with the USA.

  • Nagaland reports outbreak of Scrub Typhus

    िागालैंि में स्क्रब टाइफस के प्रकोप की ररपोटष

    - North East Times

  • • Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, the Noklak

    district administration in Nagaland has

    reported the outbreak of Scrub Typhus in the


    • Vector-borne diseases has shown 618

    positive scrub typhus cases since January

    this year in the district.

    • At least five persons have succumbed to the


    • The SDO requested the public to report any of

    the symptoms of the disease to the Health


    • COVID-19 महामारी के बीि, िागालैंि में

    िोकलाक चिला प्रशासि िे चिले में स्क्रब टाइफस

    के प्रकोप की सूििा दी है।

    • रे्विर िचित रोगों िे चिले में इस साल ििर्वरी से

    618 सकारात्मकस्क्रब टाइफस के मामले चदिाए


    • कम से कम पांि व्यस्तक्तयों िे संयमण के कारण दम

    तोड़ चदया।

    • एसिीओ िे ििता से अिुरोि चकया चक रे्व बीमारी के

    चकसी भी लक्षण की ररपोटष स्वास्थ्य अचिकाररयों को


  • Scrub Typhus

    • It is caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi bacteria

    • It spread through bites of Larval Mites of family trombiculid, also called Chiggers.

    • Its symptoms include fever, headache, body aches, and sometimes rash.

    • Occurrence: Rural areas of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, China, Japan, India, and northern Australia.

  • Important Questions

  • Country's apex regulator of medical education 'National Medical Commission' comes

    into existence. Who among the following has been elected as the chairman of NMC?

    देश का चिचकत्सा चशक्षा का सर्वोच्च चियामक 'राष्ट्र ीय चिचकत्सा आयोग' अस्तित्व में आया। चिम्नचलस्तित

    में से चकसे NMC के अध्यक्ष के रूप में िुिा गया है?

    A. Prabarth Ranjan

    B. Suresh Chandra Sharma

    C. Ashutosh Pandey

    D. Randeep Nair

  • Recently, The government has sanctioned ________ electric buses and 241

    charging stations to boost the electric mobility in the country under the FAME 2


    हाल ही में, सरकार िे FAME 2 योििा के तहत देश में इलेस्तिरक मोचबचलटी को बढ़ार्वा देिे के चलए

    ________ इलेस्तिरक बसों और 241 िाचििंग से्टशिों को मंिूरी दी है?

    A. 240

    B. 430

    C. 670

    D. 1060

  • The Reserve Bank came out with a five-pillared strategic approach named as _______ to deal

    with cyber security threats being faced by Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs).

    ररज़र्वष बैंक शहरी सहकारी बैंकों (यूसीबी) के सामिे आिे र्वाले साइबर सुरक्षा ितरों से चिपटिे के चलए _______

    िाम से पांि-िंभ र्वाले रणिीचतक दृचष्ट्कोण के साथ सामिे आया।


    B. GUARD


    D. SUGAM

  • A. Power Finance Corporation

    B. REC Limited


    D. All of these

    Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) is a joint venture between NTPC and


    एििी एचफचशएंसी सचर्वषसेि चलचमटेि (EESL) NTPC और ________ के बीि एक संयुक्त उद्यम है

  • Scrub Typhus disease is caused by ________.

    स्क्रब टायफस रोग ________ के कारण होता है।

    A. Virus

    B. Bacteria

    C. Worms

    D. Protozoa