PowerPoint Presentation 2019 Newsletter.pdf1 st–Rhys Howard 83 / 100 2nd –Ken Green 83 / 100 3...


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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

Howdy Shooters,

Welcome back to another year of Shooters of Today, at first I didn’t think I would have too much to

talk about in this edition, however the more I sit back and think about it, the more information I am

reminded of to pass on to you guys! So please bare with me, this may be a lengthy newsletter.

A couple of things being covered in this edition:

• Change in state prizes at state events

• Interview with the winner of the 1st State Qualifier & State Compak Championships – Nick Melanko

• WAFGA leaderboard as it stands after the first State Qualifier

• Interview with International World Champion – Gebben Miles

• Club updates – including write up of the first “official” shoot at Moora.

• Photo’s of around the traps

• SCA rule changes


The year has already kicked off with massive numbers at the first state qualifier at Harvey, a total of

86 shooters which is an absolutely fantastic turn out!! Lets hope the numbers continue throughout the


We catch up with the Moora club as they hosted their first “official” state shoot and rumour has it, that

our very own State Target Director and Brucey were rocking out to a bit of broom stick guitar rock and

roll up there… ☺

Our crowd favourite Clayton Dennis has caught up with International World Champion – Gebben

Miles for an exclusive interview and has asked him the hard hitting questions, read on to find out if

Gebben prefers his pizza WITH or WITHOUT pineapple! You heard it here first folks!

While I’m at it, I would also like to take this opportunity to give a quick shout out to Clayton Dennis –

he has helped me immensely in rallying and following up clubs to include information in this

newsletter, also the inclusion of the Gebben Miles interview was a great addition to the newsletter.

Your help is greatly appreciated Clayton, thank you so much. I’ll shout you a pineapple pizza

sometime soon as a thank you. ☺

On another note The peak body for shooting Associations in W.A (WASA) requires a secretary,

please contact Howard Barks if interested hbsm7@bigpond.com.

Happy shooting folks!!

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APRIL 2019

Saturday 6th April

Wanneroo – Practice 1pm to 4pm

Echidna Park - Club Practice & Social evening 1pm

Sunday 7th April

Echidna Park – Club Competition

Saturday 13th April

Three Springs – John Page Memorial Shoot

Sunday 14th April

Three Springs – 2nd State Qualifier 8:30am

Sunday 28th April

Wanneroo – 100 Targets Time TBC

MAY 2019

4 – 5 May

Laang – English Sporting Nationals

Sunday 5th May

Pegasus – 3rd State Qualifier 8:30am

Saturday 11th May

Wanneroo – Practice day 1pm to 4pm

Sunday 26th May

Harvey – Club Shoot 100 Targets

Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen2019 CALENDAR

JUNE 2019

Saturday 1st June

Echidna Park – 2 Day Shoot

Delron Cleaning 100

Sunday 2nd June

Echidna Park – 2 Day Shoot

4th State Qualifier 8:30am

15th & 16th June

Geelong – SCA Compak Nationals

Saturday 15th June

Wanneroo – Practice day 1pm to 4pm

Sunday 23rd June

Harvey – Club Shoot 75 targets

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenASSOCIATION UPDATES


As most of you would know by now there has been an increase in State Team Selection Shoot

nominations for 2019 as well as a reduction in the prizes paid out at each shoot.

Increasing cost to shooters is not something the board do lightly and this decision was made

after some considerable deliberation by delegates from all of the clubs. The $5 increase in

nominations is to be paid back to the host club for all State Qualifiers. This is to support them in

providing better facilities and equipment for you.

State has not increased its portion of state shoot fees for the Qualifiers and the last increase in

noms was back in 2015. As for the reduction in the prizes paid for state shoots this was done to

make the shoots viable financially. The cash that we once paid out was most often significantly

more than what state actually collected after a provision was made for the aggregate champions

determined at the end of the year. The only alternative to this and to maintain current pricing level

was to increase nominations significantly to cover the costs of the prize money.

State has many other financial responsibilities such as insurance and government compliance to

which it must respond. It is not just a matter of balancing direct shoot costs with expenditure.

That said, attendance for the first 2 state shoots this has been fantastic and for that support I

thank you. Should that support continue it will most certainly alleviate upward pressure on fees.

Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to contact me if you would like any further


Vern Godfrey


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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenSHOOT RESULTS


Overall Winner

Nick Melanko 85 / 100

AA Grade

1st – Rhys Howard 83 / 100

2nd – Ken Green 83 / 100

3rd – Paul Bowles 83 / 100

A Grade

1st – Michael McDonald 83 / 100

2nd – Luke Turner 83 / 100

3rd – Josef Gurak 80 / 100

B Grade

1st – Paul Pitaro 79 / 100

2nd – Brian Backhouse 75 / 100

3rd – Glen Doran 70 / 100

C Grade

1st – Graeme Gemmell 75 / 100

2nd – Jay Waterhouse 67 / 100

3rd - John Walton 64 / 100


1st – Tony Trainor 82 / 100

2nd - Mike Daden 76 / 100

3rd - Peter Grayer 75 / 100


1st – Maria Dunnett 81 / 100

2nd – Laura Coles 72/ 100

3rd – Tracey Grayer 71 / 100


1st – Angus Grant 79 / 100

2nd – Cory Backhouse 64 / 100

3rd – Oscar Evans 62 / 100

Sub Juniors

1st – Tristan Noble 65 / 100

2nd – Kate Cooper 33 / 100


Overall Winner

Nick Melanko 95 / 100

AA Grade

1st – Clayton Dennis 92 / 100

2nd – Ben Sgro 92 / 100

3rd – Ken Green 88 / 100

A Grade

1st – Michael McDonald 91 / 100

2nd – Ryan McPherson 87 / 100

3rd – Mick Thomas 85 / 100

B Grade

1st – Paul Pitaro 87 / 100

2nd – Merv Holben 83 / 100

3rd – Dave Hamilton 81 / 100

C Grade

1st – Graeme Gemmell 82 / 100

2nd – Brendan Van Beek 78 / 100

3rd – Paul Camerer 75 / 100


1st – Tom Papadopoulos 90 / 100

2nd – Peter Grayer 86 / 100

3rd – David Knight 85 / 100


1st – Tracey Grayer 81 / 100

2nd – Maria Dunnett 71 / 100

3rd – Kylie Dennis 64 / 100


1st – Angus Grant 82 / 100

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen


How long have you been shooting sporting clays?

I have been shooting sporting clays since 2014, I joined the

association at a state qualifier at Wanneroo

How did you get into shooting?

I had shot rifles since I was 16, I got my license at 18 and embarked

on professional pest control and competition rifle shooting

Where is the best ground you have ever shot at?

WA would have to be Echidna Park, Interstate Brisbane Sporting

Clays and International Piancardato Italy (never seen terrain like it)

What do you enjoy about sporting clays?

The challenge of the targets is always something that keeps me

coming back, also the social aspect of the night before and the

friendships that have formed

What is your favourite target to shoot in sporting clays?

Honestly I love them all, but my favourite is actually something I

miss because if I have seen it and its not something stupid like a

edgey 70m bird I will go back and keep shooting it, gives me

something to build on

Do you have a routine you carry out before taking your shot? Most definitely

What is one piece of advice you can give to new shooters?

When an experienced shooter tells you to do mount practise in your living room, do it, if you get that mount

right the rest happens

Is there something in particular that you would contribute your shooting success to?

Improved methods of training, I used to shoot a lot of practise (200 + targets a week), I have since changed my

routine I will practise sporting maybe once a week, but I will also shoot a round or 2 of domestic skeet, DTL

and ISSF skeet. They all have a part of shooting that helps you as a shooter round out. A lot of the shooting

changes I have made to practise because I figured out that I am a low maintenance shooter. I always make

sure I practise like I want to compete

What do you do when you’re not shooting?

When I’m not shooting I’m instructing people how to shoot at Hot Shots Shooting (#shamelessplug), Laura will

tell you that I have an unhealthy obsession with my lawn and restoring old scott bonnar lawn mowers

Name one thing you would like the State Association to achieve in 2019.

A name change would be great, i feel that if you have that we are a sporting clays organisation that more

people will join as sporting clays is the fastest growing discipline in the world and we should probably take

advantage of that

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenWAFGA LEADERBOARD AFTER 1st STATE QUALIFIER

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenWAFGA LEADERBOARD AFTER 1st STATE QUALIFIER

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenWAFGA LEADERBOARD AFTER 1st STATE QUALIFIER

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen


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What Gun and Ammo Combo do you use?

Kreigoff Pro Sporter & BP F2 Ammo.

What is your favourite event and shooting ground

you have shot?

There is two answers to that question but my favourite

event was Dubai in 2014, I won so I may be a little bias

but everything about the event from the facilities, the

equipment, to the hospitality was amazing.

My favourite ground would have to be my fathers ground,

Coyote Springs Sporting Clays at Tucson Trap and

Skeet in Tucson, Arizona.

What is your ideal preparation for a big event? And

does this change during really hot weather or longer


The ideal preparation is a month out start shooting 5 days

a week shooting a lot of shells. I’ll then start to taper down

to 4 days a week and fewer shells. Two weeks to a week

out ill shoot once or twice a week and less shells and

target the training. My aim is to Build stamina and then


The questions I asked Gebben came from various WA sporting shooters. Gebben is currently residing is

Sydney completing a leadership course through Hillsong church. He came to WA last year to the Pegasus

club after Tom P organised some coaching and hopes to return to WA later in 2019.

With regards to my diet I eat healthy anyway. If it’s hot I drink electrolytes and stay hydrated. Don’t drink just

water, its super important for your eyes. More and more pro shooters in USA getting diet right. Take care of

your body anyway not just for shooting.

Does your diet leading into an event change from your standard day to day routines?

No, I generally eat healthy.

How do you go about resetting or refocusing after a brain fade that frustrates you?

Prepare well and know that you won’t hit them all. Accept it and hit the mental reset button and start over. I

have trained myself to not have emotions attached to if you hit or miss a target. It’s something you need to

build over time.

Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

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What is your Favourite type of target to shoot?

My favourite is Long Crossers that take a lot of lead; I really enjoy a Long crossing belly bird.

What and how bigger part has your faith related to your shooting career?

Before I got into my faith, I really had a lot of identify wrapped up in my performance. I saw my performance as

who I was. I was worried about what other people thought. For me my faith has changed and made me

understand my identity is my relationship with god. The more I understand that, the more comfortable I am with

who I am and my purpose. I know that God loves me and I am more than just shooting. Faith helps to deal with

my insecurities. I’ve also Become a more well rounded person and with a more healthy mindset.

Some people out there compete out of fear and compete at a high level but it’s not sustainable. Healthy

lifestyles and faith makes people well rounded and able to handle what life throws at them and grow in wisdom

and character.

Are your training sessions based on a little but often or lots of targets less often?

I diversify my training often. Work on everything. The majority of training is where the current struggles are.

And that struggle changes often.

As an example I may Bulk train some weeks or set task oriented training goals. Such as shoot 2 different

singles and aim for a min 23/25. Once I’ve completed that ill put the singles together into a pair and aim to

shoot a minimum of 20/24. It could take a couple of hundred shells, and I’ll repeat if I don’t hit the goal.

Sometimes ill Set rules ie. I’ll shoot a course and say I have to shoot the whole course either to a score or

clean and if I don’t hit that goal then I’ll either re shoot the whole ground or repeat the stand until I clean the


When I was training for Dubai. I’d set Parcor and aim extreme to shoot 25 or repeat it.

What bible verse most relates to you and effectively relates to your shooting and why?

Roman 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living

sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.

I did an exegetical study on it. To me it spoke deeply, anything I do physically I have to offer my body

completely. I can use shooting as an opportunity to connect with and worship god.

The most important question of all…Pineapple on Pizza Yes or No?

No Way!



Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

COACHING CORNER Written by Stacey Bell, Coaching Director

I hope you are all well and enjoying the 2019 season so far. As you are probably

aware I am the current State Coaching Director for WA Field & Game Association in

2019, I look forward to working with everybody in the coming season.

If you have any requests or ideas for coaching please feel free to discuss these with

me. Currently in coaching we are planning a weekend course for people interested in

becoming a Club Level Coach. This is planned for May so if you are interested in

achieving this level of certification or have any ideas you would like to put forward or

discuss please contact me at staceykbell@gmail.com or speak to me when you see

me at the upcoming shoots.

One of the pressing issues that WAFGA is currently dealing with in terms of coaching

is the Department of Sport & Recreation (DSR) requirement for coaches to hold

current Working With Children (WWC) checks as we have people under the age of

18 being coached as well as competing. As such, we now need all coaches to hold

this card. If you already have one please forward a copy to the State Secretary (Sue

Green) to be added to our register. This information will be kept in the strictest of

confidence. If you would like more information on this please contact myself or the

State Secretary.

There is also some FREE coaching scheduled at the Wanneroo Practice day this

Saturday 6 April. Tracey Grayer, Peter Grayer and Arthur Page are all going to be

coaching there from 11am – 2pm.

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

CLUB NEWS – MOORAWritten by Julian Gardiner, President

Twas the eve before COMPAK,

and all through the night

many punters were groovin,

to tunes by DJ MIKE!

Moora back with Bang!

After a near on 20 year hiatus, the big bad banksia scrub at Moora was filled with the percussion of

boomsticks as the Moora Clay Target Club hosted the 2019 WAFGA COMPAK championships, sponsored

by Target Solutions, WAFGA, Echidna Park and Dennis Agri Services.

56 shooters contested the Sunday shoot over two grounds and 100 targets with Nick Melanko taking the

chocolates, being crowned the 2019 WA COMPAK Champion with a score of 95/100.

Nick shot 49 straight in the second half of the day, backing up his morning lead to earn another 25 break


Paul Pitaro shot an incredible 50 straight to earn his first (- and second! -) 25 break badge.

Saturday afternoon saw many competitors and spectators arrive, all excited at the chance to shoot the

Moora grounds again. Saturday night saw around 40 campers socialising, serenading and 'mentally

preparing' around the campfire at the club rooms. Tunes and general ambience were provided by DJ Mike


Thanks to the organising of Clayton Dennis and Co, a 'Smoke Off' was held and the mountain of meat that

it produced fed the masses Saturday night.....and Sunday.....and Monday.....and Tuesday.....

Ken Green was the winner of the raffle, taking home a giant YETI cooler to keep the drinks cold. The

winners of the secondary prizes were spread across nearly all clubs, reflecting the strong support everyone

gave to the raffle. Sponsors of the raffle included Target Solutions, Western Trap and Field, Roy

Alexanders, Landmark Moora, Afgri Moora John Deere, Mark Robbins and Ozzie Reviews.

The Çonga Line / Walkthrough method of shooting COMPAK was trialled for the first time in WA and

proved to be a faster way of moving shooters through the format.

Murphies law did its best to disrupt proceedings with 3 traps having issues on ground 2 at the start of the

day, but all shooters showed remarkable patience and kept a smile on their faces as the issues were

rectified which took a huge amount of pressure off the volunteers who were working to remedy the


Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, all shooters finding refuge from the sun in the ample shade at the

Moora Grounds. The last shooters in squad 1 found themselves getting blown around late in the afternoon

as a weather system moved in from the West but they still had smiles on their faces as the bar was opened

and presentations held.

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

CLUB NEWS – MOORAWritten by Julian Gardiner, President

Moora would like to thank all those who travelled early to help setup, especially Clayton Dennis and

Bruce who arrived Friday night to see what sort of animal was available for consumption at the Moora


Special thanks to Pegasus, Perth Metro and Clayton Dennis for the loan of traps.

Many members from other clubs contributed on the day and it was great to see the camaraderie around

the grounds as WAFGA came together to make Moora's first shoot a success, there will definitely be

more to come at Moora!

Well it’s been a good start to the year, we have continued to run practice/coaching days which

seem to be popular with shooters from all clubs. These days are not in the calendar as we fit

them in when we have time. If anyone wishes to participate please provide your email address to

the club and we will put you on the mail out list.

The first club event was a 100 compak held on March 10th, with 29 competitors and clear skies

those that attended enjoyed some varied and challenging targets. That you to Ryan McPherson

who as target director placed most of the traps with receivers and batteries out in the field. Ryan

was not able to stay and compete due to other commitments, so Arthur Page completed the set

up with the help of Mark Mansfield. After the event nearly everyone chipped in to help pack up

and clean up.

I would like to make special mention of these people as they make being part of this association

pleasurable – Note many of the helpers are not Pegasus Members – so thank you to – Mark

Mansfield who assisted in the kitchen which allowed me to compete. Tracey Grayer for having

the kitchen cleaned up and put away. Peter Grayer for unloading and packing away traps. Arthur,

Dan, Ben, Bill for packing away the traps etc and Azeem Shah for Cleaning the ablutions.

Results High Gun

Tommy Papadopoulos 88/100

A Grade

1st – Ken Green 86/100

2nd - Alastair Crookes 85/100

3rd - Ben Sgro 84/100

B Grade

1st - Arthur Page 75/100

C Grade

1st - Bill Truscott 75/100

2nd - Wally Kendrick 63/100

3rd - Julian Gardiner 62/100


1st - Tracy Grayer 76/100

Thank you to all that participated and congratulations to all the winners.

Our next official shoot will be the 3rd State Qualifier on May 5th, hope to see all of you there or

around the traps elsewhere soon.

Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

CLUB NEWS - PEGASUS Written by Tommy Papadopoulos, President

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

CLUB NEWS – WANNAMALWritten by Glenn Povey, President

Howdy All,

We have had a busy couple of months at Wannamal, with a busy bee held in early March, we had

a small group of helpers that were able to successfully remove walls and toilets within the

clubhouse and ablution block, getting ready to relocate and reinstall new facilities in Wandering.

Thank you to all the helpers that attended this busy bee. A huge thank you to Garry Stipinovich

who is working at the clubhouse after work during the week to cut in doorways and install walls, to

help finalise our floorplan ready for our disabled toilet and facilities to be installed once we

relocate to Wandering.

The Club has been granted verbal approval for our septic application, but are waiting on the

approval letter to arrive, we expect to receive it this week. Once we have the approval letter, work

on the septics / leech drains will begin ASAP.

The final touches have now been added to the license agreement with the land owner and the

document will be ready for signing by mid-month.

We also have outsourced the services of a draftsman and structural engineer, that will finalse the

drawings and provide the final certification required to apply for our building permits.

The club is currently waiting on quotes to come back to dismantle and reinstall a shed – thank you

to Vern Godfrey who got us in touch with the shed owner. This 10m x 12m shed has been gifted

to the club for free which is a massive win for the club.

Regrettably, we have decided to cancel all shoots from the 2019 calendar, this decision was not

made lightly, but we believe it will allow the club to focus solely on getting the relocation

completed in the 2nd half of 2019 without the distraction of running shoots.

Once we have the clubhouse relocated from Hazelmere to Wandering, there will be a 2-day busy

bee, which will be open to all members of WAFGA to assist in preparing our grounds ready for the

2020 season. Once we have a date confirmed, we will rally the troops.

Finally, thank you to all that continue to give up their time to help get the club moved, it is a

massive job and I appreciate those who continue to give up there weekends to help out.

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

CLUB NEWS – HARVEYWritten by Vern Godfrey, President

I would like to say a huge thank you to all the shooters that turned out at Harvey Sporting

Clays for the first state qualifier last month. The club had 85 shooters participating in the event

including the Echidna Park gang travelling down from Geraldton and shooters from Augusta

and throughout the South West

The shoot was not without its problems however we will continue to work on those and we will

get better.

A special thank you to all contributing Harvey members and others, both on the course and

running canteen and office and preparing Saturday nights meal. We had over 50 guests for

dinner on Saturday night and campers as far as you could see. A great night was enjoyed by


The club was caught with its pants down to some extent as we simply did not anticipate the

numbers that rolled in. Hopefully good results will continue for the whole of the state team

selection shoots at all of the clubs and we can start to see some real growth in numbers in our

sport throughout the year.

Congratulations to Nick Melanko who managed his first high gun at a state shoot and to all the

other winners on the day. Also Ken Green who shot the only 25 break on the day.

I hope to see you all at Three Springs for the second state qually on the 14th April.

Stay safe everyone

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

CLUB NEWS – ECHIDNA PARK Written by Clayton Dennis

The weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of March was a practice on Saturday afternoon and a 100

target event on Sunday sponsored by Bridgestone Tyres Geraldton. It was another warm day

attended by 17 shooters who shot two grounds. One set up on top of the Victorian Graveyard

shooting below our feet and in the bottom of the quarry. The overall honours went to Ross

Bryant on 83/100 who hasn’t picked up a gun in over 6 months.

A Grade: Clayton D

B Grade: Mitch M

C Grade: Glenn O

Ladies: Stacey and Kylie equal on 57/100

With Grunta away eating crayfish and getting blown away at the islands, the philosophy ‘many

hands make light work’ was put to the test and everyone pitched in to make the event a fun


The first state qualifier in Harvey was a great day. Echidna Park was well represented with 9

members taking part with Paul Pitaro taking B grade honours and a 25 straight as well, Tristan

Noble had a great day out and Angus Grant taking the choccys in Juniors.

Ian and crew have been very busy setting up the new traps and building new trap trailers to

suit. So the equipment will be in tip top shape for the coming state qualifying event and Echidna

Park Open.

Our next event is an afternoon / morning shoot this coming weekend 6th and 7th April. It will

comprise of practice of Saturday afternoon and 100 targets starting Sunday morning. A great

weekend as always with the usual Echidna Park welcome.

Happy Shooting

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

CLUB NEWS – THREE SPRINGSWritten by Gary Turley, President

The last Three Springs night shoot was the 23/02/2019 with 7 shooters it was nice night with

no wind


G.Turley 56 / 75

H.Turner 49 / 75

S.McKay 45 / 75

N.Hebiton 41 / 75

C.Turner 37 / 75

S.Johnston 30 / 75

R. Johnston 23 / 75

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen

WAFGA HUNTING & HABITATWritten by Howard Barks, H&H Director

Corella Control - At the request of the Shire of Dalwallinu we have carried out 4 control shoots this year. Two in

Kalannie and two in Dalwallinu for a total of 853 birds. Residents and Shire are very pleased although many

hundreds, possibly several thousand birds remain.

Subsequent to a request for assistance from the Shire of Toodyay, I made a visit to look at possible shoot sites. As

a result WAFGA members carried out two control shoots during March for a total of 173 birds.

Both Shires very happy with result and by the proficient and safe handling of firearms by our members, we will be

asked to revisit next Corella season.

These shoots provide an opportunity for our members to put their skills to a practical use and is was great to see

members from a number of Clubs getting involved. Thanks to James Vickers, Stuart Wynn, Lex Shipp and Andrew

Charleson who were team leaders for these shoots

Rainbow lorikeet control - Season tally so far 4319 including 538 shot in the Roleystone area as a result of a

phone call I received from DPIRD asking if we could assist fruit growers in the “hills”. This is our best result yet!

It looks like we will be struggling to reach our target of 5000 as almost no birds in fruit growing areas now that the

marri & other trees are in bloom.

Next season we will commence operations in the hills before Christmas which will achieve a better result.

One of the growers arranged a meeting with the Premier and Minister for Agriculture to discuss this growing

problem and I arranged for a member of the Grape Growers Association to also attend. To support them I wrote a

letter to the Premier detailing WAFGA’s involvement and suggested possible solutions. Nothing of substance so far

from the meeting.

Many thanks to Lex Shipp who was a great help in coordinating members during the lorikeet season.

Currently I am in discussions with the City of Stirling to see if we can carry out control shoots at rainbow lorikeet

roost sites in the City.

Foxes - On two occasions this year we provided some shooters to assist David Hamilton’s fox and pest control

programme with a good result.

Pastoral stations - One of our stations in the Upper Gascoyne is having a change of manager and I have arranged

to visit during April with H&H team leaders to farewell the retiring manager and meet the new one also to meet the

managers on adjoining stations in the hope we can expand our network and provide more opportunities for

members in the future.

The new Bio Security/ Conservation Act regulations came into force on 1st January. With some species control can

be carried out in many local govt areas without the need for a permit from D.B.C.A . However it is now more difficult

to control Wood duck & Mountain duck as a licence is required, cost $65 . If anyone would like a copy of the Bio

Security regulations let me know and I will email a copy.

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenTHE WINNERS CIRCLE – 1st STATE QUALIFIER – HARVEY

Overall Winner

Nick Melanko

1st AA Grade

Rhys Howard

1st A Grade

Michael McDonald

Overall Winner

Nick Melanko

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenTHE WINNERS CIRCLE – COMPAK CHAMPIONSHIP - MOORA

Overall Winner

Nick Melanko

Ladies Winner

Tracey Grayer

Juniors Winner

Angus Grant

B Grade Winner

Paul Pitaro

AA Grade

1st – Clayton Dennis

3rd – Ken Green

3rd Ladies

Kylie Dennis


1st – Tom Papadopoulos

2nd – Peter Grayer

3rd – Dave Knight

Congratulations to Paul Pitaro on shooting 50 targets straight! You over-achiever you! ☺

Congratulations to the Nick Melanko and Ben Sgro on shooting 25 targets straight.

Congratulations on your break badges.

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen


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Alastair Crookes

Kylie Dennis Stacey Bell

Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie Paulsen


Mick Thomas drove back to Moora in

his 46 year old land rover.

Mick said it was 20 years ago when he

drove his land rover to Moora for a

State shoot and they would have 60

plus shooters. Now in 2019 Moora is

back with 56 shooters.

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Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenSCA RULE CHANGES & JOKES (Dad jokes courtesy of Clayton Dennis)


Exotic Targets marked on Menu’s

A few years ago the decision by FITASC was made to remove marking the menu boards with

exotic target notations. Good news is that this change in late 2018 by FITASC and it has

been Included in Australia as well when it was voted on by the Target Directors to make it a

part of our rules again as from 1st January 2019. The definition of an “Exotic” target is any

target that is not a Standard 110mm diameter. These “Exotic” targets will now have to have a

notation marked against the respective Exotic targets on the menu board. Use the Target

diameter (90mm – 70mm – 60mm) along with Battue, Rabbit or Rocket to define them.

Placement of Cartridges in Bins

Competitors have to place their empty shells in the bins provided at the shooting stands.

Should Competitors not place their empty shells in the bins before they leave the stand they

will be given a warning first & any further breach they will be penalised this penalty from the

next target they hit at the next stand they visit. This rule will only affect those who do not use

the bins provided at the shooting stands.

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What is the best season to jump on trampolines?

Spring Time!

Why did the cow cross the road?

It wanted to go to the Mooovies

Why do fish make lousy tennis players?

They’re afraid of coming close to the net

Son, did you know I was named after Nikola Tesla?

“But dad, your name is Michael!”

“True, but I was named AFTER him.”

President Vern Godfrey quietvine@bigpond.com

Vice President Ian Grant warrine@bigpond.com

Treasurer Carrie Paulsen cpaulsen@rtgmining.com

Secretary Sue Green sue@gde.com.au

Target Director Mike Hudspith enhancedland@iinet.net.au

Coaching Director Stacey Bell staceykbell@googlemail.com

Firearms Officer Ken Green ken@gde.com.au

Safety Officer Ken Green ken@gde.com.au

State & SCA & Hunting & Habitat


Howard Barks hbsm7@bigpond.com

WASA Delegate Howard Barks hbsm7@bigpond.com

If members wish to discuss an issue at a State meeting, you MUST go through your club delegate. Don’t forget – All members are welcome to attend a State meeting as an observer.


Harvey Wannamal Echidna Park Pegasus

Vern Godfrey


Grant Cooper


Ian Grant

warrine@bigpond.comTom Papadopolous


Brian Backhouse


Michael McDonald



Paul Camerer



Arthur Page



Neil Joslin

Neil.Joslin@alcoa.com.auAlan Featherstone



Clayton Dennis



Ryan McPherson



Moora Three Springs Perth Metro

Julian Gardiner



Gary Turley


Wayne Mascord


David Hamilton



Peter Grayer


Howard Barks


Josh White


Neil Hebiton


Mike Hudspith


Q1 2019 editionWritten by Carrie PaulsenSTATE COMMITTEE 2019

Page 25
