Powerpoint on magazines




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The colours used in this front cover are binary opposites, (Black and white) whilst also using bits of red to attract your eye to specific points the editors want you to see.

The main picture on the front cover are wearing clothes of black and white colours to go with theme of the whole front cover. There is also a main focus on person within the band which makes the readers think he could be the leader/front man. One of the subheadings of the cover has the line ‘unfold the puzzle of life’ and then in the picture that goes with it you can see clearly that the front man has equations on his hand so the subtitle goes connects with the picture. There are three other smaller pictures at the bottom which all stick with the colour scheme of the magazine.

The writing on the cover is minimal and just gives the reader an idea of what they can get inside. The main title ‘Kerrang’ looks broken which could be a connotation with rock (the theme of the magazine) because rock is associated with disorder and violence which could be the reason for the main title being like this, but then the rest of the writing is clean cut and normal which goes against the main title of the magazine. The writing ‘Biffy Clyro’ is bigger than most other writing on the page making the reader automatically look at that and make them think this is going to be the main piece in the magazine.

The overall look of the cover sticks to only three colours throughout. It makes certain points stand out more than others because they will be the main focus within the magazine.

The text on the cover is in relative proportion to the amount of pictures. For every picture there is a little bit of text to exp-lain the reason for the picture.

The publisher of this magazine is called Bauer Media Group and has a lot to do with different types of music media. They have another magazine called Q and several TV stations some being Q TV, 4 music, magic, kiss TV and others.

The colours are mainly dark reds and blacks with white writing and in the very back there is grey fading to white . This is done to make certain things stand out and make them ‘pop out’ from the magazine.

The only picture on the cover is the lead singer of the band Foo Fighters. This picture is the main part of the whole cover making the reader automatically know what will be inside. The picture has flames coming out of his mouth which could be a connotation of rock ‘n’ roll, because fire is violent and wild like rock so this gives someone who has never heard of the magazine an inside of what the magazine holds inside without actually reading it.

The writing on this cover is sized to create an illusion of importance. For instance ‘Foo Fighters’ is the biggest piece of writing on the page and therefore is the most important and will have the most on it inside the magazine. The font is bold and contrasts the background to make it stand out.

The overall look of this cover is a traditional rock themed look. It looks chaotic and out of place which is a connation for people who listen to this style of music.

The text outweighs the pictures on this cover because they only have one picture but it is don’t to make it stand out and be the main feature of the magazine. The text is also minimal but there is more text than pictures because all the text is doing is giving the reader an idea of what to find inside this weeks issue of the magazine.

The fonts are all the same making it easy for the reader to read quickly. The only difference between certain bits of text due to font is the size of the font because they have made certain bits of text bigger to make them seem more important and better and then others smaller to make them blend in and seem less important.

The publisher of this magazine is called Bauer Media Group and has a lot to with different types of music media. They have another magazine called Kerrang and several TV stations some being Q TV, 4 music, magic, kiss TV and others.

The colour scheme is made to contrast because the background and all the writing are all light colours like blues and whites but the main picture on this cover is of dark reds and blacks. This is done to make the picture seem dark and stand out.

The main picture is the background and basically the whole cover because him and his band are the featured story within the magazine. The other three picture on the cover are much smaller because they are of less importance and have less writing within the magazine.

All the writing is the same blocked font so nothing really stands out due to that, but the size of the writing the writing changes along with the pictures because the biggest picture has the biggest sized writing. This is done to make that story stand out because it is the main story within the magazine.

The overall look of the magazine cover is dark and evil because the main thing on it is the picture of the lead singer of my chemical romance dressed in dark clothing and is giving a dark look this is done to be a connotation of there style of music and the overall style of the magazine.

There is a little more text than pictures because there is some text with every picture but then there is extra text to say things about what is in side. There is still very minimal text so that there isn't too much going on and making the cover confusing and complicated.

This magazine is produced by a big company called IPC media. They also have a music station on TV called nme music.

This contents page has very bland colours like greys and very light blues but then has all the writing in bright yellows and blacks to make it all stand out and easy to read.

There a lot more pictures than on the cover and this is done to make the text that is written about each band have more meaning and to help emphasize it all .

The writing style is very normal and block letters because this page is just to let the reader have better idea of what to find inside and to help find certain bits. All the writing just goes with the pictures.

The overall look of it is that it is picture orientated so that that if the reader does not want to actually read it they don’t have to because they can get enough of the story by looking at the picture and then just read about it on the actually page.

There is more text than pictures on the page but the pictures take up more of the actual page because the writing has been made much smaller to make the pictures the focus of the page.

The fonts are just block lettering to make it easy to read quickly so that the reader can get to the main story.

The colour scheme is made to match the artist that is obviously the main part of this page. The colours are cool calm because that is the style of music this artist does so the colour scheme is a connotation of the artists music.

There is only one picture on this page which makes people think that the main story is something to do with that artist. All the writing on the page is also aimed to fit around that picture making it look more important.

The writing is just there to say what's on every page and is very bland black lettering. The only writing that stands out is the writing at the top of the page because it looks like a title and is much bigger than the rest of the writing so that it will stand out and the reader instantly knows what to find on this page.

The overall look is mainly aimed at that one picture because as soon as you look at this page you look and notice this picture. this is because it is the main piece within the magazine.

There is a lot more text that there is pictures because it is a contents page and its aim is to let people know what page certain things are on. But more of the page is taken up by pictures because then the reader doesn’t see mass’ of writing and not want to read it.

The fonts are all the same to make it easier to read. But the size of the fonts are slightly different because the title is much bigger than the rest to make it stand out from the rest of the writing.

The colour scheme is done to make the writing stand out. This is done by making the background a lighter colour and then made all the writing black red and yellow.

There is one picture of a band playing at a concert. This is done to make the reader visualise being there because the picture relates to the story about the concert so the picture helps the reader relate the text to a picture.

The writing is all plain block letters to make it easy for the reader to read it. Putting the sub- heading ‘kasabian got romantic in a church’ is done to make the reader think what the hell and then want to read more.

The writing style on this page is done to attract you to certain parts of the page because it different sub headings like ‘LIVE!’ which will automatically attract your eyes to that bit and make people want to read on.

The overall look of this page is that the writing and pictures work together to make a full story and then the writing down the sides to inform the reader where to look to find other reviews and articles inside the magazine.

There is a lot more text than pictures because this magazine is more informative than the rest of them but still uses pictures to help relate to the audience. The fonts are very bland and blocked letters like

the rest of the magazines. This is done to make it easy to read and get across.

The main picture on the left hand side of the page is of one man live at his concert. The fact he is by himself shows the audience he is more than likely going to be the lead singer/front man. Everything else around the page is moved so that this picture has nothing over it showing it is an important person to the music that is being written about

The colours give the audience an impression of what sort of music this band produces before they have even started reading because the colours are mostly black, white and red showing the music is going to dark and most likely rock music.

The writing is larger in some places to attract the audience to that part of the page so it will make them want to read more. The text “the best MCR” is in much larger text than the rest of the page because that will attract the audience to this page and make them want to read more.

Even though this is an article on the double page spread of this magazine there is still a lot of pictures. There is about 50/50 between text and pictures. I think this is done because its talking about the upcoming MCR tour so the pictures are to show how much work is going into it.

The font chosen for parts of this double page spread I think is meant to represent the genre of the band because it is tattered and has holes in it making people think its automatically some sort of rock genre before even reading it.

The main quote from this page takes up ¾ of the left side page giving the reader an idea about what this article is going to be about. The writing is also got each letter in a box all varying in shape which could be a connotation of this artist showing that she is abit crazy and messy.

The font for the article is different to the rest of the page because it needs to be easy to read and follow so they have used a simpler font of block lettering and black text on a white background.

The layout is done so that the main bit of this page ios the picture on the right hand side. This is because the whole story is about that artist so the reader can just scan through the magazine and see that picture and realise whether or not they want to read it.

The colour scheme used for this double page spread is mostly black and white. The only other colour used is for her shirt and couple of words throughout the page. This is done to make them areas stand out because they are important to the article. Her wearing a shirt that contrasts the background makes her stand out even more which is done because she is the story on the page so it needs to be well known before the reader even starts reading the article.

The larger text on the left says ‘people think I'm an attention seeker but I'm just honest’ this is done because it gives the reader a good insight to what the article is about and whether or not they would want to a read an article about this topic or artist.

The main feature of this page is the picture of what I can only assume is the band. This is done because the reader can pick out quickly if they would want to read an article about this band or not. It does this by catching the readers eye when they are skimming through looking for something to read about.

The title of the article is the name of the band, ‘The Vaccines’ this is much lager than any other text on the page this is done because it just helps attract people to this article if they like the band.

There are blue lines and squares all over the page I think they arte connotations of the bands personality and music. The blue lines make the page look messy and unorganised which could be the connotation of the band which means the band are being represented as messy and unorganised.

There are bits of blue text throughout the page which I think is done to make those sections stand out against the whiter background.

The font of the title is block capitals showing the band could be a neat. This contrasts with the analysis above because the page looks untidy but the text is organised and neat on one side of the page with block text.