Powerpoint 2010 level 1



ITQ Level 1 presentation software

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Level 1 - Presentations Office 2010 31/03/2011

PowerPoint – Level 1

PowerPoint Level 1 March 2011 2 Highbury College

Table of Contents

What Is PowerPoint? ....................................................................................... 5

Logging onto the College system ................................................................ 7

Opening Microsoft PowerPoint .................................................................. 10

The Microsoft PowerPoint window ................................................................ 12

Closing a Presentation .................................................................................. 18

Creating a new blank presentation ................................................................ 19

Slide Layouts 23

Closing PowerPoint ....................................................................................... 25

Save and Save As ......................................................................................... 26

Compatibility Mode .................................................................................... 31

Opening Previously Saved Presentations ..................................................... 34

Opening a Recent Presentation .................................................................... 36

Viewing a Presentation .................................................................................. 36

Normal View .............................................................................................. 37

Slide Sorter View ....................................................................................... 39

Reading View ............................................................................................ 40

Slideshow View.......................................................................................... 40

Formatting Text in a Slide ............................................................................. 41

Changing the Font of the Text ................................................................... 44

Changing the Font Size ............................................................................. 47

Changing the Alignment of Text ................................................................ 48

Applying Bold, Italic and Underline ............................................................ 50

Change Case and Shadow Effect .............................................................. 52

Applying a Font Colour .............................................................................. 53

Practice Exercise One ................................................................................... 58

Answers to Practice Exercise One ................................................................ 59

Editing Text – Directly onto a Slide and using the Outline Pane ................... 62

Changing Paragraph and Line Spacing ..................................................... 62

Inserting Text – using the Outline Pane ..................................................... 67

Using the Cut, Copy and Paste commands ............................................... 70

Deleting Text ............................................................................................. 77

Using the Find and Replace commands ........................................................ 81

Spell Checking your Presentation ................................................................. 85

PowerPoint Options – Reviewing Options ................................................. 89

Creating Text Boxes Manually ...................................................................... 90

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Moving a Manually Drawn Text Box ........................................................... 93

Formatting Placeholders and Manually drawn Text Boxes ........................ 94

Text Boxes with WordArt ........................................................................... 96

Deleting Placeholders and Text Boxes from a slide ................................... 97

Changing Slide Layout ................................................................................ 100

Practice exercise two ................................................................................... 102

Answers to Practice Exercise Two ........................................................... 104

Background Styles ....................................................................................... 107

Changing background colour – solid fill ................................................... 107

Changing background colour – gradient fill .............................................. 112

Changing background colour – picture fill ................................................ 114

Slide Orientation .......................................................................................... 117

Bullets and Numbering ................................................................................ 118

Inserting images .......................................................................................... 123

Copyright Law .......................................................................................... 123

Inserting a Clip Art Image into a Slide ...................................................... 124

Moving a Clip Art Image ........................................................................... 127

Resizing a Clip Art Image......................................................................... 128

Inserting Clip Art using Slide Layout ........................................................ 130

Inserting an Image from a File ................................................................. 135

Viewing the Presentation ......................................................................... 139

Inserting sound clips .................................................................................... 141

Insert Objects into PowerPoint .................................................................... 144

Deleting an Object on a Slide................................................................... 149

Filling an Object with Colour .................................................................... 150

Inserting tables into a Presentation .......................................................... 157

Practice Exercise Three .............................................................................. 159

Printing the presentation .............................................................................. 164

Printing Specific Slides in a Presentation ................................................. 169

Changing the order of slides ........................................................................ 170

Deleting a Slide ........................................................................................ 172

Running a Presentation ............................................................................... 174

Manually Running a Slide Show .............................................................. 174

Automatically Running a Slide Show ....................................................... 174

Consolidation Exercise One ........................................................................ 177

Answers to Consolidation Exercise One .................................................. 180

Consolidation Exercise Two ........................................................................ 183

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Answers to Consolidation Exercise Two .................................................. 185

Consolidation Exercise Three ..................................................................... 188

Answers to Consolidation Exercise Three ............................................... 191

What Next? 195

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What Is PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation that can be used to make oral presentations more interesting and in turn keep your audience focused. PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphs and presentation management tools - all designed to be easy to use and learn. PowerPoint is an application that can be used to produce a wide range of resources and you can insert pictures, movies and sounds as well as text. As you create your presentation consideration must be given to the content and it is important that you acknowledge all your sources: it is therefore very important to consider plagiarism (deliberately taking and using another person's music, idea, photograph or writing and claiming that it was produced by you) as well as Copyright law.

The following list gives you a quick overview of what you can do in PowerPoint:

When you create a presentation using PowerPoint, the presentation is made up of a series of slides.

In addition to slides, you can print audience handouts and speaker's notes

You can format all the slides in a presentation using the powerful Slide Master, although it is beyond the scope of this book

You can keep your entire presentation – slides, speaker's notes and audience handouts – in a single file

You can import what you have created in other Microsoft products, such as Word and Excel, into any of your slides


Further information regarding plagiarism can be found on the Moodle – visit the Internet and enter vle.highbury.ac.uk

There is a link to the Student Policies and Procedures section - http://vle.highbury.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=63

If you need any assistance in finding this please ask a member of staff for help.

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A PowerPoint presentation's main purpose is to:

Show the focus of a speaker's message in key points

Enhance the meaning of a presentation with multimedia, i.e. text, graphics, animations and sound

When used properly PowerPoint can:

Increase understanding of a subject

Increase audience involvement

Reinforce key points

Make dull statistics come alive

Freshen an old message; and give the presenter a feeling of confidence and control

This is an example of a PowerPoint slide.

Topics in this book will include:

The PowerPoint screen

Terminology used when working with PowerPoint

Adding slides, changing slide layout and design

Inserting text, formatting fonts and paragraphs

Creating Text Boxes and inserting ClipArt

Ensure that you are able to run a presentation that will suit the needs of your audience.

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Logging onto the College system

To log on to the college system you will need to use the following keys on the keyboard: Ctrl, Alt, Delete, Tab and Enter. These are labelled on the picture below. Tab

Ctrl Alt Enter Delete Once the computer and monitor have been switched on you will see a screen similar to the example below; with the instruction: Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to begin.

Holding down the Control and Alt keys with your left hand, press Delete with your right hand.

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The next screen to appear will be similar to the example below. Enter your User Name and Password into the relevant boxes.

Now click onto the Arrow button. Your tutor will be able to provide you with your User Name and Password if you have forgotten this information.

You can move from the User Name field to the Password field by pressing the Tab key on your keyboard.

When you enter your password the box will display bullets: ………. on

the screen. Now press the Enter key on the keyboard. Please be patient while the computer goes through the rest of its start-up procedure. The next screen to appear will be similar to the example on the next page.

A message is also displayed stating that you will “Log on to” ADHIGH

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You have now successfully started the computer and logged on to your user area. The screen which you are now looking at is called the Desktop.


Your password must include a capital letter and at least one number

Type your password exactly as you first typed it.

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Opening Microsoft PowerPoint

Make sure you are at your desktop as shown below.

Click on the Start button.

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Click on the All Programs link. Click on Microsoft Office

Click on PowerPoint

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The PowerPoint application is now opened and your screen will look similar to the example below.

The Microsoft PowerPoint window

When you open PowerPoint 2010 you will find that it is laid out in a similar way to the other Office 2010 programmes. If you have used PowerPoint 2007 the layout will look familiar although some changes have been made. The majority of commands that were available to you in previous versions can be found in the 2010 version; the screen is just laid out a little differently. Listed below are some terms that you will come across whilst studying this module:

Quick Access Toolbar – customize the Quick Access Toolbar to include commonly used commands

Ribbon – the ribbon is the panel at the top portion of the screen. It has seven tabs. Click onto each tab and you will see a different ribbon is displayed.

Groups – each ribbon is split into groups; the groups contain the commands that you will need to create and format your presentation.

Dialog Box Launcher – within some groups you will see a small right-facing arrow, this will open up the dialog boxes that you may be familiar with if you have used previous versions of PowerPoint.

Commands – these are the buttons that you will be using, for example Cut/Copy/Paste, etc.

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Spend a short time studying the diagram below to familiarise yourself with these parts of the screen.

The Quick Access Toolbar can be customised to contain the commands you use most. It usually has Save, Undo and Redo but it useful to add Open, New and Print Preview and Print to these. To add these commands now, click on the down arrow at the right of the Quick Access Toolbar.

Click in the boxes next to New Open and Print Preview and Print To add a tick to the box. (New refers to a new presentation)

The Quick Access Toolbar will now look like this.

Navigation Pane

Quick Access Toolbar

Ribbon Tabs

Blank Slide

Title Bar

The Ribbon


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The Placeholders are where you place the objects that will make up the slide. This can be text, pictures, clip-art, tables and charts. The Navigation Pane has two tabs – Slides and Outline.

The Slides tab shows you a thumbnail of each of the slides in the presentation.

The Outline tab shows only the text on each slide

At the bottom of the scree there is an area that says Click to add notes. Here you can type notes which will guide you as you give a presentation.

You could use the notes whilst your presentation is being displayed on a screen. The notes can be printed out to include a picture of the slide they relate to – this is very useful as it helps you to ensure that all the points are covered whilst you are talking to the audience.


In PowerPoint there are two kind of area where you can add text.

1. Placeholders which are the areas automatically inserted by PowerPoint in various slide layouts.

2. Manual Text Boxes which are drawn by you.

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When PowerPoint opens it automatically produces a new blank Title Slide for you to use.

Click in the Placeholder that says, Click to add title. Now type the words: Learning how to use PowerPoint. Your slide should look similar to the example below. Notice that another tab (Drawing Tools) has been displayed – you will look at this later.

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Now click in the Placeholder titled Click to add subtitle. Type your full name into the Placeholder you have just selected. Your slide should now look like the example below.

You have entered some text into the first slide of your presentation. Now create another slide in this presentation. Click on the New Slide command, this is situated on the Home tab in the Slides group.

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When you click on the New Slide command a new slide is automatically created for you as in the example below. Notice that the layout of this slide is slightly different to the first title slide. This particular layout is called the Title and Content layout.

Click into the Click to add title Placeholder and enter: Hot weather advice

Click into the Content Placeholder and type: Drink lots of fluids. Press Enter on the keyboard and type: Avoid alcohol – too much can dehydrate your body

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Your slide will now look like this:

Closing a Presentation

To close down the presentation select the File tab and then click on the Close option.

The following message will appear.

Click on Don’t Save and the presentation will be discarded.

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Your screen should look like the example below. The presentation has closed but PowerPoint is still open.

There is no slide displayed to work on, so you are now going to create a new one

Creating a new blank presentation

If your screen does not look like the example above, please ask a tutor for assistance. To open a new presentation:

Select the File tab and click on the New option

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The following window is displayed. Here are shown the templates that are built into PowerPoint. Click on Blank Presentation

And then click on Create. If you want a new blank presentation you can also use the New command on the Quick Access Toolbar which you added earlier.

Your screen should now look like the example below .

You now have another blank presentation ready to start working with.

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You will now add some text to this new presentation and save it. Click into the Click to add title Placeholder and enter the following text: Keeping Healthy Click into the Click to add subtitle Placeholder and enter the following text: A Level 1 Presentation Your slide should resemble the following example:

Now add a second slide to the presentation. Select the Home tab and click on the New Slide command in the Slides group.

Your screen will now resemble the example below.

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Click into the Click to add title Placeholder and enter the following text: Keeping Fit Click into the Content Placeholder and enter: Taking regular exercise is great for keeping the body healthy and fit. Press Enter on the keyboard and on the next line enter the following text: 30 minutes of exercise each day will help to make you feel good and improve your mental well being Your screen should now resemble the following example:

Now save this work into your Documents folder. Click onto the Save command on the Quick Access toolbar.

If Documents is not in this box, click on Documents in the left panel.

The Save As box is displayed and the filename contains the heading of your presentation.

Click onto the Save button.

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Slide Layouts

You have already practised adding a new slide and have accepted the default Title and Content layout. However a PowerPoint presentation is made up of many slides – the number of slides you use will depend on the content of the presentation and the type of audience you are showing the presentation to. Ensure that you have your Keeping Fit presentation open and click onto the down arrow beneath the New Slide icon.

A menu of slide options will be displayed.

Click onto the Picture with Caption option.

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You have now added another slide to the presentation and your screen should now resemble the example below:

Notice that your slides are building up in the Slides pane. Now add a Title Only slide to the presentation. Your presentation now contains four slides as shown below:

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Close the presentation Keeping Healthy.

Select the File tab and click on the Close option.

When you see this warning message, click on the Don’t Save button, as you are not going to save the changes you have made.

Closing PowerPoint

You have now closed the presentation but PowerPoint is still open on the screen.

To close PowerPoint

select the File tab

and click on Exit.

You will now be returned to the desktop.

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Save and Save As

The Save and Save As functions in PowerPoint are slightly different to the same functions in other Microsoft office applications. First open PowerPoint – Start button – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. In the Click to add title Placeholder type the word Saving as below.


A presentation is made up of slides

Use the New Slide command – situated on the Home tab within the Slides group to add new slides to your presentation.

Select the File tab and Close to close a presentation. The PowerPoint application will still be running.

Select the File tab and Exit to close PowerPoint completely

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To save the presentation for the first time, select the File tab and click on the Save or Save As command

When you create a new presentation and you used one of the three methods above you will be presented with the Save As dialog box because PowerPoint wants to know three things:

Where do you want to save it?

What do you want to name it?

What file type do you want it to be?


When you want to save a presentation for the first time, the Save As dialogue box can be accessed in three ways.

Using the File tab and clicking on Save.

Using the File tab and clicking on Save As

Clicking on the Save command on the Quick Access Toolbar.

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You will save all your work in your Documents area

If Documents does not appear in the dialogue box, click on the Documents link in the left hand pane of the box. In the File Name field the presentation will have been given the name that is written in the Title Placeholder in the first slide.

The Save as type is PowerPoint Presentation which is what you want. Now click on the Save button. You have now saved the presentation with the Filename Saving.

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In the Click to add subtitle Placeholder type your name so you slide will look like the example on the next page.

If you now click on the Save icon or Select the File tab and click on Save or Save As you will again be presented with the Save As dialogue box.

As you want to save the changes and overwrite the original presentation with this new version you simply need to click on Save.

Each time you add more to the presentation and click on Save you will be presented with the Save As dialogue box. If you just want to overwrite the original version, click on Save.

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However there will be times that you will want:

To copy the file in a new location (a memory stick for example)

Create a new copy with a new name

Change the file type (save it in Compatibility Mode for example)

In these cases when you select any of the save options and the Save As dialogue box opens you are able to make the changes you need. In the example below the file Saving is going to be saved on a memory stick called Using ICT (F:). The filename and type are unchanged.

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In the example below a duplicate of Saving has been saved in My Documents but the filename has been changed to Saved. The file type is unchanged.

You now have two identical versions of the file saved. You could make alterations to one of them, but still keep the original for comparison. Compatibility Mode

Both of the presentations have been saved as PowerPoint Presentations. This format is fine all the time you are working at the College. However, you may want to send a presentation to a friend but they have an earlier version of Office on their PC (eg PowerPoint 2003, PowerPoint 2002, PowerPoint 2000). If you send them copies of your presentation they will be unable to open it but you have the option to Save As – PowerPoint 97 – 2003 Presentation. If you click on the down arrow at the right end of the Save as type box a list of available types will show.

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Click on this option PowerPoint 97 – 2003 Presentation, to save the presentation in a format that will be able to be opened by people with earlier versions of PowerPoint

This is called Compatibility Mode.

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Windows will not allow you to have two files with the exact same name in the same folder

If you do not want to overwrite the existing file, but want to create a copy with a different name, put this file in a different location, or change the file type, you must make these changes in the Save As option.

When you use the Save command on the Quick Access Toolbar, use File – Save or File – Save As, the Save as dialogue box will open.

Whenever the Save As dialogue box is open you have the option to just click Save or change the file location, name or type.

If you click Save the original version will be overwritten with the new version and no longer available.

Deleted from hard drive Saved to hard drive

If you change the Filename, file Destination or File Type the original presentation will still be available.

Still on hard drive Saved with new filename, destination or file type.

Original Presentation

Changed Presentation

Original Presentation

Changed Presentation

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Opening Previously Saved Presentations

So far you have opened PowerPoint and created slides for the presentation.

To open a previously saved presentation select the File tab and click on Open.

The Open dialogue box will open.

Click on the folder called PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles. and click on Open

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Click on the presentation called PowerPoint Views and then click on Open

The following will open on your screen.

Now close this presentation. File tab – Close

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Opening a Recent Presentation

To open a presentation that you have been working on recently, select the File tab and click on the Recent option.

In the central pane is shown a list of files that you have worked on recently. Click on PowerPoint Views and it will open on your screen.

Viewing a Presentation

PowerPoint has four views to help you create, organise and display your presentations. These are Normal View – giving the options of Slide and Outline, Slide Sorter, Reading View and Slide Show. Normal view is the default view in which PowerPoint opens. The quickest ways of accessing the other views available to you is by using the Navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Notice there is also a Zoom option At present you are viewing the presentation in Normal view as the Normal View icon is selected.

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Normal View

There are two tabs in the Navigation Pane in Normal view– Slides and Outline.

Slides Outline

With the Slides tab selected, thumbnails of the slides show on the left and the selected slide in the main pane. The slides can be amended in the main pane. . Also with the Slides tab selected, the order of the slides can be altered by clicking on the slide to be moved, holding the left mouse button down and dragging up or down to the new position. With the Outline tab selected the text can be altered in either the main pane or in the Navigation Pane. This would allow you move whole sections of text from one slide to another if needed. Also with the Outline tab selected in Normal view the order of the slides can be changed by pointing at the small icon to the left of the slide text

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When the mouse pointer changes to a four headed arrow you can click and drag the slide to its new position while holding the left mouse button down.

Both views have an area at the bottom for notes for the presenter. In Normal view, Slides tab you can view any slide by clicking on its thumbnail in the Navigation Pane. This is the current slide area.

You can use the thumbnails displayed on the left hand side to navigate to other slides in the presentation.

This is the notes pane, which is used for the speaker to enter notes that they need to remember when using the presentation. This area may not be visible when you first view the presentation.

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Slide Sorter View

The next view is Slide Sorter view. This view is useful if you have a long presentation with many slides. You can see a larger number of slides on the screen than you can ion Normal view and you can change the order of the slides by dragging and dropping. Click on the Slide Sorter icon to see PowerPoint Views.

Note that the last slide you were working on is displayed with an orange border around the outside. A slide can be removed by clicking on it to select it and then using the Cut command in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. A slide can be copied using the Copy command in the same group . To select a slide in the Slide Sorter View all you have to do is to click on it and it will be surrounded with an orange border.

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Reading View

The next view is Reading View. The slides are shown full size on the screen and there are controls at the bottom right for moving from slide to slide in either direction.

You can also move from slide to slide in a forward direction with a click of the left mouse button. Slideshow View

This view displays the presentation in full-screen mode starting with the current slide (ensure you have Slide 1 selected if you want to see the entire presentation). Click on the Slide Show icon now to view the presentation. To move through the slides click your left mouse button every time you wish to move to the next slide. Press the Escape key on your keyboard if you wish to exit the Slide Show before it ends. Do this now to end the slide show.

Select the File tab and click on the Close command to close the presentation. Select the File tab and click on Exit to close PowerPoint. You will now be looking at your desktop.

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Formatting Text in a Slide

First open PowerPoint. Click on the Start button, then on All Programs, Microsoft Office and PowerPoint 2010. Click on the All Programs link. Click on Microsoft Office

Click on PowerPoint

Select the File tab and click on New.

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Double click on Blank Presentation.

PowerPoint is very similar to Microsoft Word in that it allows you to edit text, change the appearance of fonts and add a variety of effects. Most of the commands you need in this section are found on the Home tab The first slide in the presentation is a Title slide. In the Title Placeholder type My First Slideshow and in the Subtitle Placeholder type your name. The slide will look like this

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Click on the New Slide icon this is situated on the Home tab in the Slides group.

A new default slide type is automatically chosen for you – Title and Content. In the Title Placeholder type: Balance of Good Health. Click outside of the Placeholder to accept the text. Your slide should now look like the example below.

Note: When you click into a Placeholder a new tab will appear on the ribbon – the Drawing Tools Format tab.

You will use commands from this tab later on.

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Changing the Font of the Text

A Font face is a particular way of displaying the text you have entered. PowerPoint has a lot of different font faces already built into the application for you to use. Click in the Placeholder to select it. Notice the dashed outline appears.

You need to highlight (select) the text before you can format it. There are several ways of selecting but you will start with the basic click and drag option. With the cursor flashing inside the Placeholder, position the mouse pointer at the beginning of the text. Click the left mouse button to position the cursor at the beginning of the text.

Hold the mouse pointer over the flashing cursor and press and hold the left mouse button down and drag across the text. Keep dragging until all the text has been highlighted, as shown below.

Now release the left mouse button.

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Select the Home tab.– in the Font group you will find the Font box - click on the arrow next to the Font box.

This will produce a list of available Fonts, as shown below.

As you move your mouse over the options (do not click) you will see a preview of how each font would look if selected. Move your mouse over the Arial Rounded MT Bold option and now click your left mouse button.


To apply formatting to text is must be selected.

Selected text is highlighted.

To highlight text click at the beginning of the text and drag to the end whilst holding the left mouse button down or

Click in the Text Box to select it and press Ctrl and A on the keyboard or

Make sure the text frame is selected - in the Editing group, click onto the Select command and choose Select All.

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The text has changed to reflect the different font and has been changed from Calibri (Headings) to Arial Rounded MT Bold.

Now highlight the text Balance of Good Health again and change its font style to Tahoma. You will probably not be able to see the Tahoma option as it is further down the alphabetical list of font styles. There are two ways of finding it.

Click onto the arrow on the font style box and, using your keyboard, type the letter T – the Tahoma font style will be highlighted.

Alternatively you can use the vertical scroll bar to move through the options.

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Changing the Font Size

Highlight the text Balance of Good Health and click on the arrow next to the Font size box in the Font group on the Home tab.

From the drop down menu that appears move your mouse pointer over the sizes available – in the example below you are looking to see how the font size 80 would look. This is obviously far too big.

Move your mouse pointer back up to font size 54. The preview is showing that this is far more suitable. Now click on the font size number 54 to select it.

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The text has now been increased from a size of 44 to a size of 54. Click outside of the Placeholder. Highlight the text Balance of Good Health again and change its font size from a font size of 54 to a font size of 48. Now click outside of the Placeholder to accept the changes. Changing the Alignment of Text

As well as changing the font style and size of text you can also change its alignment. Generally text can either be aligned to the left, centre or right.

The commands for aligning text can be found on the Home tab in the Paragraph group. Ensure that your cursor is placed somewhere within the text Balance of Good Health and click on the Align Text Left command.

The text has now been aligned to the left hand side of the Placeholder.

Note: As long as the cursor is placed somewhere within a paragraph it is possible to change the alignment, however it works just as well if the text is highlighted first.

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Now click on the Align Right command.

The text has now been aligned to the right hand side of the Placeholder.

Notice that the Align Right command is now highlighted. Each time you select a command, it will be highlighted in orange. With the cursor still inside the Placeholder, click on the Center command.

The text has now been aligned to the centre of the Placeholder. Now save the presentation to the My Documents area with the filename My First Slide Show.

Add a third slide to your presentation by clicking on the New Slide command.

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Click into the Click to add title Placeholder Type in the following text: Foods on your Eat Well Plate Your slide now looks like this

Now highlight the text Foods on your Eat Well Plate and change the font to be Arial, with a font size of 40 pt. In the Font group on the Home tab there are other commands which allow you to alter the text in a slide.

On the right of the Text Size box there are three commands:

which decreases font size by one step with each click, and

which increases font size by one step with each click.

This command clears all formatting from selected text. Applying Bold, Italic and Underline

Make sure the text Foods on your Eat Well Plate is still highlighted and click on the Bold command.

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Now click outside of the Placeholder to un-highlight the text. A bold effect has now been applied to the text. Now highlight the text again and click on the Bold command again to remove the bold effect – notice that the orange highlight is removed from the command. You will now apply an Italic effect to the text. With the text still highlighted click on the Italic command.

Now click outside of the Placeholder to un-highlight the text. An italic effect has now been applied to the text. Now highlight the text again and click on the Italic command again to remove the italic effect. You will now apply an Underline effect to the text. With the text still highlighted click on the Underline command.

Now click outside of the Placeholder to un-highlight the text. An underline effect has now been applied to the text. Now highlight the text again and remove the underline effect from the text.

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Change Case and Shadow Effect

Make sure that all the text is highlighted and click onto the arrow next to the Change Case command and select UPPERCASE.

Making sure that the text is still highlighted, click onto the Shadow command.

Your screen should resemble the example below:

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Applying a Font Colour

It is also possible to apply another colour to text instead of the default black. Ensure that all the text is highlighted in the Placeholder – Foods on Your Eat Well Plate.

Now click on the arrow next to the Font Color command. A menu is displayed with a wide range of colours to choose from. Run your mouse pointer over the colours to see the preview of how your text would look if you chose one of the colours.

Click onto the More Colors link. This will produce the Colors dialog box as shown below.

Now click on this blue hexagon to select the colour (third hexagon from the right on the top row). The colour you have chosen is shown here. The original colour is shown here.

Now click on the OK button top right, to apply this blue colour to the highlighted text.

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Click outside of the Placeholder to un-highlight the text and the text is now coloured blue. Now highlight the text Foods on your Eat Well Plate and repeat the above instructions but this time apply a red font colour to the highlighted text. Remember to un-highlight the text to see the font colour. Now click into the Placeholder that displays “Click to add text”.

Change the font to be Comic Sans with a font size of 28 pt. Type in the following text Fruit and vegetables Press Enter to move down to the next line. Type in the following text Bread, rice, potatoes and pasta Press Enter to move down to the next line. Type in the following text Milk and dairy foods Press Enter to move down to the next line. Type in the following text Meat, fish, eggs and beans Press Enter to move down to the next line. Type in the following text Foods/drinks high in fat and sugar (limited)

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Your slide should now resemble the example below:

Now create another slide keeping the default layout. Enter the following text in the Title Placeholder: Tips for Eating Well Apply a font style of Arial and a font size of 40 to the title text. Now click in the Content Placeholder below the title, to insert the cursor in this Placeholder. Type in the following text Base meals on starchy foods Press Enter to move down to the next line. Type in the following text Eat more fish Press Enter to move down to the next line. Type in the following text Do not skip breakfast Press Enter to move down to the next line. Type in the following text Drink plenty of water Now highlight all the text in the Content Placeholder (you will not be able to highlight the bullets on the slide) and change the font style to Verdana size 28 Remember to press the V key on the keyboard to display all the fonts beginning with the letter V. Now click outside of the Placeholder to un-highlight the text. Your slide should look similar to the example below.

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Now highlight the words: starchy foods and apply a font colour of red to these words only. Highlight the words more fish and apply an Underline effect to these highlighted words only. Highlight the word water and apply a Bold effect to this highlighted word only. Highlight the title text Tips for Eating Well and apply a Left alignment. Your screen should now resemble the example below:

Save the presentation, keeping the same file name (My First Slideshow).

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Note: On the right of the Text Size box there are three other commands which you might find useful:

which increases font size by one step with each click, and

which decreases font size by one step with each click.

This command clears all formatting from selected text. Select the File tab and click on Exit to close the presentation and Exit PowerPoint. You will now be returned to the desktop.


When text is highlighted many of the changes can be previewed without having to un-highlight the text.

Run your mouse pointer over the different selections.

This can be done with Font, Font size, Theme colors and Standard colors and Shadows.

You can also click on Bold, Italic and Underline to see the effect without having to un-highlight the text each time.

To save the changes without changing the filename, use the Save icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.

It is a good idea to save your work by clicking on this icon at regular intervals. If the computer crashes you

could otherwise lose your work.

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Practice Exercise One

Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.

For the first slide keep the default layout (Title Slide).

In the Title Placeholder enter the following text: Green Fingers Nursery.

Format the text to be in UPPERCASE with a green coloured font and a Shadow effect.

In the Subtitle Placeholder enter the following text: Now open to the public.

Insert another slide – accept the default layout (Title and Content).

In the Title Placeholder enter the following text: Summer Collection.

In the Content Placeholder enter the following text: Large range of roses in stock.

Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Now enter the following text: Climbing roses a speciality.

Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Now enter the following text: New range of water plants on special offer.

Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Now enter the following text: We now stock garden furniture.

Insert another slide and change the layout to Picture with Caption layout.

In the Title Placeholder (which is near the bottom of the slide) enter the following text: Our Sales Team

In the Content Placeholder enter the following text: Our friendly staff are here to help you.

Insert another slide and choose a Two Content layout.

In the Title Placeholder enter the following text: Our Mission Statement.

In the left hand Placeholder enter the following text: Good customer service.

Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Now enter the following text: First class service.

In the right hand bulleted Placeholder enter the following text: Free gardening advice.

Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Now enter the following text: Helpful staff.

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Now save the presentation with the file name Green Fingers Presentation and check your answers on the following pages.

Answers to Practice Exercise One

Slide 1 in the presentation (the Title should have a green font, with a shadow effect and be displayed in UPPERCASE)

Slide 2 in the presentation.

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Slide 3 in the presentation.

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Slide 4 in the presentation.

The presentation should have been saved in your My Documents folder with the filename Green Fingers Presentation. Now Close the presentation but leave PowerPoint open ready to progress onto the next section of this book.

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Editing Text – Directly onto a Slide and using the Outline Pane

When creating slides it is important to remember your slideshow is going to be viewed by an audience; therefore it is important to ensure that the content of each slide is clear to everyone. If your audience cannot read your presentation, then you have wasted both their time and yours. Always take care to check that your slides are visible from the back of the room. In this section of the book you are going to consider editing text directly onto a slide and by using the Outline Pane. Changing Paragraph and Line Spacing

Open PowerPoint and open the presentation called Long Weekends situated in the PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles folder. To make the contents of your slide clearer, it is sometimes useful to change the line spacing between bullet points. Open Once the presentation is open please ensure that the Outline Pane is displayed. You can select this by clicking onto the Outline tab.

Now click onto Slide 3 to view this slide.

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Once slide 3 has been selected the bullet points are highlighted in the Outline Pane.

Please note that the text in your slide will not be highlighted. Making sure that the Home tab is selected, click onto the Line Spacing command – this is found in the Paragraph group.

The following menu is displayed. Click onto the 1.5 option

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The spacing on your main slide has now changed to 1.5 line spacing as in the example below.

Using the same method, change the line spacing to 2.5 The spacing on your slide will change again but this time to 2.5 line spacing as in the following example.

It looks as if the text fits into the Placeholder using this line spacing but when you click outside of the Placeholder you will notice that the bulleted list spills over the edge as shown on the next page.

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Notice the Smart tag at the bottom left hand side. Click onto the Smart tag and you will be offered a number of options. Click onto the AutoFit Text to Placeholder option.

Your text will be adjusted automatically to fit into the Placeholder. The smart tag has given you the option to adjust the 2.5 line spacing so that the text fits on the slide.

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Your slide should now look similar to the example below.

If you do not see smart tags the Auto Fit option can be accessed by clicking on the down arrow next to the Align command in the Paragraphs group and then on More Options.

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This opens the Format Text Effect dialogue box

Click on Shrink text on overflow and the text will be adjusted to fit in the Placeholder.

Inserting Text – using the Outline Pane

Click on slide 2 in the Outline pane view to select it.

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Position your cursor in front of the word breaks.

Now type in the word short and then press the Spacebar key on the keyboard to leave a space between the words short and breaks. Your slide should now look similar to the example below. The word short has been added to the text in the Outline Pane and also on the main slide.

Now insert the word Summer in between the words Cottage and holidays which is situated on the next line. Remember to press the Spacebar to leave a space between the words

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The word Summer has been added to the text in the main slide and also to the text in the Outline Pane.

Now insert the word adventure in between the words Activity and holidays on the final line in this slide.

Save the presentation with a new filename. Select the Home tab and choose the Save As option. Save it to your My Documents folder and give the presentation the new filename of Summer Promotion. Leave the presentation open for the next section of the book.

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Using the Cut, Copy and Paste commands

When amending the text using these commands you can either edit the slide directly or use the Outline Pane. In this section you are going to work directly with the slide. Before you continue make sure the presentation Summer Promotion is open from the last section of the book and click onto the Slide tab to select the Slide Pane.

Let's begin by using the Cut feature to move text to a new position within a slide. Click on slide 3 in the Slide Pane to view this slide. Click the cursor in the Title Placeholder and highlight all the text (remember you can use the Control key + A)


You can add or delete text in the main slide or in the outline

view. Either way the alterations will show in both places.

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You are now going to use the Cut command this is situated on the Home tab within the Clipboard Group.

Ensure that the Cut command is highlighted in orange, click your left mouse button once. The highlighted text in the title has now been Cut (removed and stored in the computer’s memory).

Now insert a new slide and accept the default layout (Title and Content). This will become slide 4. Click in the Title Placeholder to insert the cursor in this Placeholder.

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Now click on the Paste command.

The text that was cut (moved) from the Title Placeholder in slide 3 has now been pasted into the Title Placeholder of slide 4.

Now return to slide 3 and highlight all the text in the bulleted Placeholder.

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Left click onto the Cut command.

Now return to slide 4 and click in the bulleted Placeholder to insert the cursor in this Placeholder. Now click on the Paste command.

The text from slide 3 has now been pasted into to slide 4. Notice that the text will not fit into the Placeholder. If you have the option of using the AutoFit Smart tag, click onto this and select AutoFit to Placeholder.

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Look at the Slide Pane, you will notice that Slide 3 is now empty, all the text has been moved (Cut) from slide 3 to slide 4.

Remember the Cut and Paste feature will move text from one location to another. Return to slide 4 and click in the Title Placeholder to insert the cursor into this frame. Highlight all the text in the Title frame. Did you remember to use the Control key + A? You are now going to use the Copy command this is situated on the Home tab within the Clipboard Group.

Ensure that the Copy command is highlighted in orange, click your left mouse Now return to slide 3 and click on the Title frame to insert the cursor in this frame.

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Now click on the Paste command.

The highlighted text from slide 4 has now been copied into the Title frame of slide 3.

Now return to slide 4 and highlight all the text in the bulleted Placeholder.

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Left click onto the Copy command.

Now return to slide 3 and click in the bulleted Placeholder to insert the cursor in this frame. Now click on the Paste command.

The highlighted text from slide 4 has now been copied to slide 3 as follows.

Now return to slide 4 and you will see that the text you copied is still displayed on slide 4.

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Deleting Text

Make sure you have the presentation Summer Promotion open. Using the Slides pane, navigate to slide 1. Position the cursor in front of the word short and click the left mouse button to insert the cursor in front of this word.

Let’s now delete the word short from this slide. You can hold down the Ctrl key and press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete the word short all at once rather than letter by letter.


The Copy and Paste feature will copy text from one location to another and leave the text in its original location as well.

The Cut and Paste feature will move text from one location to another.

You can select all the text in a Placeholder by pressing the Control key + A on your keyboard.

Make sure you know the difference between the Cut and Copy feature in PowerPoint

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This is usually the location of the Delete key on the keyboard.

This is the location of the Ctrl key on the keyboard. The word short has now been deleted from the Placeholder. Your slide should now look similar to the example below.

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Now navigate to slide 2 and delete the word Summer from the words Cottage Summer holidays.

Your slide should now look similar to the example below.

If you need to delete multiple words in a sentence then it is easier to highlight the words and then press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Navigate to slide 4 and highlight the words in Paris.

Now press the Delete key on the keyboard. The highlighted text will be deleted.

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Using this method highlight the text in Dublin and delete this highlighted text.

As you can see this method is easier to use if you have multiple words to delete rather than deleting each word individually. It is also possible to delete just one word using this method.

Highlight the word Scotland and press the Delete key on the keyboard.

The word Scotland has been deleted. Make sure you are confident is deleting text in a slide and using the Copy, Cut and Paste features in PowerPoint before you continue onto the next section in this book. Now close the presentation. When the following message box appears click on the Don’t Save button.

Leave PowerPoint open for the next section.

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Using the Find and Replace commands

If there are a couple of words in your presentation that you wish to replace, then it is quite easy to just delete them and retype the new words. However if you have words that are repeated several times and you wish to delete and replace them, then it is advisable to use the Find and Replace feature in PowerPoint. In this way you can be confident that all the changes have been made. Let’s practice using the Find and Replace feature to find some words and replace them with other words. Open the presentation QUICK FIX GARAGE. This presentation is situated in your My Documents area in the folder called PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles. You wish to replace the word tea with the word morning in this presentation. The word tea appears three times in this presentation. Instead of deleting these three words individually and then typing in the words morning three times, you will use the Find and Replace feature instead. Navigate to slide 2 in the presentation. The word tea appears in the first bullet point.

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Now navigate to slide 4 in the presentation.

The word tea appears twice in this slide. Let’s now replace them with the word morning. Ensure that you have the Home tab selected and look for the Editing Group. This group contains the Find, Replace and Select commands.

You are going to use the Replace command in order the replace the word tea with the word morning. If you merely wanted to find a word, you would use the Find command. Click onto the Replace command and the Replace dialog box is displayed.

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In the Find what box type in the word tea. This is the word you wish to replace.

In the Replace with box enter the word morning. This is the word you wish to use instead of the word tea. Now click in the Match case box to put a tick in this box.

The Match case feature makes sure that the word in the Replace with box will be entered into the slide exactly as you have typed it (lowercase or uppercase).

Now click on the Replace All button. All the instances of the word tea will now be deleted and replaced with the word morning. This message window is showing how many replacements were made in the presentation.

Click on the OK button to close this window.

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Now click on the Close button to close the Replace window.

Now view slides 4 and 2 and you will see that the word tea has been replaced with the word morning. Let’s now replace the word department with the word manager. View slides 2 and 3 to see the word department (twice in slide 2 and once in slide 3). Now use the Find and Replace feature in PowerPoint to replace the word department with the word manager. Remember to make sure the Match case box is ticked. The Find and Replace feature should have made three replacements. Now check slides 2 and 3 to make sure the words department have been replaced with the words manager. As you can see using the Find and Replace feature is easier than replacing the words manually one at a time. Make sure you are confident in using the Find and Replace feature before you continue onto the next section in this book. Now close the presentation without saving the changes.

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Spell Checking your Presentation

Once you have created a presentation you should always spell check it as every mistake is glaringly obvious when it is magnified on an overhead projector or a 35mm slide. The Spell Check feature can help you to correct the majority of the spelling errors in your presentation automatically. Open the presentation SMALL DRIP PLUMBING. This presentation is situated in your student area in the folder called PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles. This presentation has a few spelling errors for you to practice using the Spell Checker to correct them. Navigate to slide 2 to view the spelling errors, underlined in red.

The Spell Checker can be found on the Review tab in the Proofing group.

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Click onto the Spelling command to check the spellings in your presentation. The following Spelling dialog box is displayed. The first spelling error is displayed here in the


The spell checker is displaying the word that it thinks you meant to type in the Change to box. Any other words that the spell checker thinks you may have meant to type will also displayed in the Suggestions box. In this example there are no other options.

As the word in the Change to box is spelt correctly, click the Change button to accept this spelling.

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The next spelling error that was found in the presentation is now shown in the Not in Dictionary box.

The word in the Change to box is the correctly spelt word so click on the Change button. The next spelling error is now shown in the Not in Dictionary box.

The word in the Change to box is the correctly spelt word so click on the Change button. When the Spell Checker has finished finding all the spelling errors in the presentation you will see the following message window.

Click on the OK button to close this message window.

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Now if you look at slide 2 you will see that the spelling errors have been corrected and the red underlining has been removed. Now close the presentation SMALL DRIP PLUMBING without saving the changes. Open the presentation SUNSHINE HOTEL. This presentation is situated in your student area in the folder called PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles. There are three spelling errors in this presentation. Use the spell-checking feature to correct these errors. Check the slides in the presentation to make sure that all the spelling errors have been corrected (you should not see any red underlining on any words on the slides). Close the presentation without saving the changes.


Although the Spell Checker is very useful you should not rely wholly on this tool.

The Spell Checker will not pick up words that are spelt correctly but which were used in the wrong context e.g. stalk (stork), be (bee) to (two, too).

If the word in the Change to box is the word you meant to type in then you can just click on the Change button. However if the word you meant to type in is displayed in the Suggestions box then select it by clicking on it and then clicking on the Change button.

If the spell check is showing you a word that it thinks is incorrectly spelt but you feel that the word is correctly spelt (for example someone’s name) then click on the Ignore button.

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PowerPoint Options – Reviewing Options

Sometimes you may notice that the Spell Check has not picked up words that have been misspelt if they have been written in CAPITALS.

To ensure that the Spell Check will check all the words in your presentation you need to check your PowerPoint Options. Select the File tab and click on Options.

The following screen will be displayed – select the Proofing link.

Make sure that the tick has been removed from the option – Ignore words in UPPERCASE. Then click onto the OK button.

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Creating Text Boxes Manually

So far you have used the default Placeholders on the slides in PowerPoint. However it is possible to create your own Manual Text Boxes and to delete any default Placeholders on the slide. Create a new presentation.

Select the File tab, click on New and double click on Blank Presentation.

From the Layout command (Slides group) select the Title Only option.

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Enter the following text into the Title Placeholder: Creating Text Boxes. Click anywhere outside of the Placeholder – your slide should now look like this.

In order to create your own Manual Text Boxes on this slide select the Insert tab.

Click once onto the Text Box command in the Text group.

The mouse pointer changes shape to an inverted cross:

Position your cursor in the middle of the slide - click and hold down the left mouse button. As soon as you click the pointer changes to a cross. Keeping the left mouse button held down, move the mouse over to the right hand side of the slide, and down to the bottom of the slide. Now release the left mouse button.

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Your slide should now have a manually drawn Text Box similar to the example below.

With the cursor flashing in the Text Box, type in the following text: A Manually Drawn Text Box. Now click outside of the Manual Text Box - anywhere on a white part of the slide. Your slide should now look similar to the example below.

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Moving a Manually Drawn Text Box

It is not really important exactly where you draw the Text Box on the slide as you can move it to any position. Click on the text to select the Text Box – you will see a dashed blue line with re-sizing handles around your text as shown below.

Point your cursor onto the edge of the Text Box and the cursor will change shape to a four-headed arrow with a white arrow. This is called the moving cursor.

Keeping your moving cursor near the edge of the Text Box - click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the Text Box to the left hand side of the slide. It will look as though the Text Box is now moving – however, the original box just stays where it is until your reach your destination and release the mouse button. Whilst you are moving your Text Box your slide will resemble the example below.

When your Text Box is towards the left hand side of the slide, release your left mouse button. Your slide should now resemble the example below:

You can also move default Placeholders that have been automatically put on the slide. Move the Title Placeholder to the bottom of the slide, in exactly the same way you moved the Text Box you created yourself.

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The Title Placeholder is now positioned at the bottom of the slide.

Formatting Placeholders and Manually drawn Text Boxes

When you are working in a Placeholder or manual Text Box another tab is displayed on the Ribbon. This is the Drawing Tools Format tab

This tab becomes available as soon as you select a Placeholder or draw a Text Box. Create another Manual Text Box anywhere on your slide and, with the cursor flashing in the Text Box, type in the following text: A Formatted Text Box Your screen should resemble the example below. Click on the Drawing Tools Format tab to see the Ribbon commands

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Move your mouse pointer over options in the Shape Styles group and you will see a preview of how the Text Box would look if you clicked onto one of the options.

If you click onto the down arrow next to the style options, more options become available.

Spend a few minutes previewing the options that are available. When you find one that you like – click onto it once with your left mouse button. Your slide may resemble the example below. Notice how PowerPoint automatically changes the font colour to white on a dark background.

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Text Boxes with WordArt

In PowerPoint 2010 you can also change the text within your Text Box to be formatted as WordArt. Create another Text Box anywhere on your slide and, with the cursor flashing in the Text Box, type in the following text: A Text Box Containing WordArt

Now either highlight all the text within the Text Box or ensure that the box is selected and has a solid blue line around it. Your Text Box should resemble one of the examples.

With the Drawing Tools Format tab selected, run your mouse pointer over the options to see the effect.

Click on the down arrow next to the WordArt Styles to see all the styles you can use.

Look at the effect of all the options and apply one to the text by clicking on it.

The text in your slide may resemble the slide below.

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The areas at the right of the Shape Styles and WordArt Styles groups allow for more options you can add your own fill colours and outlines.

You can also add further Text Boxes from here too.

Experiment with new Text Boxes and text changing the Shape Styles and WordArt Styles. Deleting Placeholders and Text Boxes from a slide

You can also delete text frames on a slide, whether they are Placeholders or Manual Text Boxes. Click into the Placeholder – the one that you moved to the bottom containing the text Creating Text Boxes. A dashed, blue line will appear around the outside.

If you press Delete now, the only thing that will be deleted is the text – you need to change the dashed blue line to a single solid line in order to delete the Text Box. Point your mouse pointer on the outside edge of the Text Box and click your left mouse button once. Notice that the line around the outside has changed to a single continuous line – this means that you will now be able to delete the Text Box.

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You can now either press the Delete or Backspace key on the keyboard. The Text Box has been deleted from the bottom of the slide but note that the Click to add title Placeholder has appeared back at the top of the slide.

Click onto the edge of the Placeholder again and press Delete or Backspace – the Placeholder is now permanently deleted from this slide. Your slide should now resemble the example below:

Move the three Text Boxes around the slide so that it resembles the example below. The text in the top box has been centred in the Text Box.

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Now select each Text Box in turn and Delete them until you are left with a blank slide. Make sure you are confident in creating, formatting, moving and deleting Text Boxes on a slide before you continue with the next section. Now close the presentation without saving the changes.


You can draw Text Boxes using the Insert tab.

Using the Drawing Tools Format tab you can change the style of the Text Box – add border colour, fill colour, shadow etc.

You can format the text in a Text Box using the WordArt Styles commands on the Drawing Tools Format tab – add border colour, fill colour, shadow etc.

Text frames can be deleted. Make sure there is a continuous line around the box first.

Using click and drag text frames can be moved to any

position within a slide.

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Changing Slide Layout

In PowerPoint it is possible to change the layout of a slide at any time, even after you have entered text. Create a new presentation and choose the Title Only layout. Type your name in the Placeholder titled Click to add title. Create a new slide and choose the Title Only layout. Type your name in the Placeholder titled Click to add title. You should now have two slides exactly the same. You are now going to change the layout of Slide 2 to the Title and Content layout. Ensuring that you have Slide 2 selected, click on the Layout command

Click once with your left mouse button onto the Title and Content option. Your slide has now changed to the Title and Content layout. Insert another slide and choose a Title and Content layout. Now change the layout of this slide to a Title only slide type. Make sure you are confident in changing the layout of a slide you have already created before you continue with the next session. Now close the presentation without saving the changes.

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You can change the layout of a slide even if you have typed into a Text Box.

If you have content in more than one Text Box, changing the layout might give unexpected results. If that happens, use the Undo icon or change the layout back.

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Practice exercise two

Before you start this practice exercise make sure the application PowerPoint is open.

Create a new slide and choose the Title Only layout.

Type in the following text in the Title Placeholder: GLITZ NIGHTCLUB.

Draw a manual Text Box onto the slide and enter your name and the date into the drawn Text Box.

Position the drawn Text Box at the bottom left of the slide.

Create a new slide and choose the Title and Content layout.

Type in the following text in the Title Placeholder: GLITZ NEW FEATURES.

Enter the following text in the Content Placeholder. Remember to press the Enter key after each line.

Six new dance floors

New coffee lounge

Four new chat rooms

Top London DJs on Friday nights

Half price drinks up to 7pm

Create a new slide and choose the Title Only layout.

Type the following text in the Title Placeholder: GLITZ Glamour Night.

Draw a manual Text Box onto the slide and enter the following text: Every Tuesday night.

Position the drawn Text Box in the centre of the slide.

Create a new slide and choose the Title and Content layout.

Type in the following text in the Title Placeholder: The GLITZ Club.

Enter the following text (exactly as it is shown below) in the Content Placeholder. Remember to press the Enter key after each line.

The Club is open to everyne

Membership is only fourtty pounds for one year

All members will receive a glossy brochure each month

Navigate to slide 1 and change the font style of the Title text to Verdana.

Navigate to slide 2 and underline the text Half price in the Content Placeholder.

Spell check the presentation and correct any spelling errors.

Navigate to slide 4 and apply a bold effect to the word everyone in the Content Placeholder.

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Navigate to slide 3 and apply a font colour of red to the text Every Tuesday night.

Navigate to slide 1 and alter the font size of the Title text to a font size of 48.

Alter the text alignment to be right aligned.

Navigate to slide 2 and delete the word new in the Content Placeholder (this appears three times on this slide). Please ensure that all paragraphs begin with a capital letter.

Insert the word Internet between the words four and chat in the Content Placeholder.

Make sure that there is a space between the words four, Internet and chat.

Navigate to slide 4 and change the line spacing of the bulleted text to 1.5.

Create a new slide and choose the Title and Content layout.

Navigate to slide 1 and copy the text in the Title Placeholder.

Navigate to slide 5 and paste the text into the Title Placeholder.

Delete the main Placeholder below the Title Placeholder, in slide 5.

Save the presentation in your My Documents folder with the filename: GLITZ Promo.

Now check your presentation with the answers on the following pages.

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Answers to Practice Exercise Two

Slide One

Slide Two

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Slide Three

Slide Four

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Slide Five

Now close the presentation, save any changes and exit the PowerPoint application.

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Background Styles

Changing background colour – solid fill

PowerPoint offers you a variety of options for backgrounds for presentations. You can simply change the colour, or you can add shading, patterns, textures or pictures. The default background colour for a presentation in PowerPoint is white and this works well with virtually any text colour however, consideration should be given to the audience when producing your presentations. People with cognitive or sight problems may have difficulty reading and distinguishing text from a background colour. This is generally caused by poor choice of colour and contrast in the design of the slide. Creative use of colour and contrast can dramatically enhance the accessibility of a presentation. It can be as important for people with sight problems as it is to people who have dyslexia or whose first language is not English. Everyone benefits from text which is both easy on the eye and that is easy to follow. For example, people with dyslexia benefit from good contrast as this can help make the structure of words and sentences easier to understand. When you are deciding on the background colour for your presentation, careful consideration should be given to the choice of colour as any text or images you wish to include may become illegible. Always check each slide after applying a background colour to make sure all the content is visible. Consideration should also be given to printing – although the presentation may look impressive when being shown to your audience on a screen you may have problems if you wish to print the slides. For the purposes of this workbook you are going to add a background colour to each slide individually, however if your presentation is quite large this method will take you some time. A more sensible way is to apply the background colour to the master slide. Master slides are outside the scope of this workbook but they are covered in the Level 2 workbook. Let’s practice changing the background colour of the slides in a presentation that you saved earlier. Open the presentation GREEN FINGERS PRESENTATION. This is a presentation you created earlier in the workbook and it should be saved in your My Documents folder.

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Ensure that you have slide 1 selected and click onto the Design tab – your screen should resemble the example below:

Before you proceed, spend a short time studying the Design tab. It contains three groups:

Page Setup Group – change the orientation of slides from Portrait to Landscape.

Themes Group – Design themes have replaced the Design Templates that were available in earlier versions of PowerPoint, You can hover your mouse over a theme and a preview of how the theme would change your presentation is displayed. There is no need to click onto the theme unless you choose to use it.

You can amend the colours and fonts of a scheme in this group.

Background Group – insert background styles, pictures and colour using the commands in this group.

Spend a short time moving your mouse over the options to see how the themes would change the appearance of your presentation.

When you hover your mouse over a theme, the change is reflected immediately on the slide. You no longer need to apply the design first to see the effect. Please do not click onto a theme at this stage. (Use the Undo icon on the Quick access Toolbar if you accidentally apply a Theme.)

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As you will have seen, you can choose from a wide range of pre-defined themes but you are going to produce your own coloured background. In the Background group select the Background Styles command. The following options are displayed – you could use one of the pre-defined styles but you are going to choose your own colour.

Click onto the Format Background link – the Format Background dialog box is displayed. Ensure that the Fill option is highlighted and the Solid fill radio button is

selected. Click onto the drop down arrow in the Color box. Theme Colors and Standard Colors are displayed.

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Click onto the More Colors link. This will produce the Colors dialog box as shown below.

Click on this yellow option – a preview of the colour is displayed. Click OK.

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You are returned to the Format Background dialog box.

Adjust the Transparency slider until it reads approximately 50%.

Click onto the Close button. Your screen should now resemble the example below:

Save the presentation, keeping the filename Green Fingers Presentation and keep it open for the next exercise.

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Changing background colour – gradient fill

You are now going to add a gradient effect to the background of Slide 2. Select Slide 2. Click onto the Background Styles command – Design tab.

Click onto the Format Background link. The Format Background dialog box is displayed. Click in the Gradient fill option then click onto the Preset colors: button.

Click onto the Fire option.

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Change the Type to Radial.

Click onto the Direction button and choose From Center. Click onto Close. Your presentation should now resemble the example on the next page.

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Save the presentation, keeping the filename Green Fingers Presentation. Changing background colour – picture fill

You are now going to add a picture as the background to slide 4. Select Slide 4 and click onto the Background Styles command.

Click onto the Format Background link.

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The Format Background dialog box is displayed. Click onto the Picture or texture fill radio button. Now click onto the Clip Art button

The Select Picture dialog box is displayed.

In the Search Text Box enter the word daisy and click onto the Go button You will have far more images to choose from if the Include content from Office Online box is selected Select the image of your choice and click onto OK.

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The picture should now be applied to the slide but the Format Background dialog box is still displayed.

Move the Transparency slider across to approximately 55% - doing this will fade the image into the background and enable you to read the text on the slide. When you are happy with the level of transparency, click onto the Close button. You should now be returned to your presentation which should resemble the following example.

Save the presentation, Green Fingers Presentation, and keep it open.

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Slide Orientation

The commands for changing the orientation of your slides is also available on the Design tab, so before you close your presentation let's spend a short time looking at how to use this command. The default orientation for a slide in PowerPoint is landscape. However it is possible to change the orientation of the slides in your presentation to portrait.

Select the Design, click onto the Slide Orientation command in the Page Setup group and select Portrait.

All slides in your presentation should now be changed to a Portrait orientation as in the example on the next page.

Remember You can alter the background of any slide to a solid

colour, a gradient, a texture or a picture.

The choice of background can affect the way text shows up.

Make sure the background doesn’t make text difficult for people with sight problems eg red on green or green on red can be impossible for colour blind people to read

The background can also make letters less clear for

people with dyslexia to read.

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Now close the presentation but do not save the changes you have just made to the orientation. Exit PowerPoint, you should now be returned to your Desktop. Do not move onto the next chapter in this book until you can confidently change the background of your slides.

Bullets and Numbering

Up to this point you have been using the layouts that are available in the Slides Group on the Home tab.

Any lists you have produced have all been in a bulleted format, however there may be times when you would like to number the list on your slide. This is very easy to change. Open the presentation SMALL DRIP PLUMBING which is situated in the PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles folder.

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Select Slide 2; notice that the information is contained in a bulleted list:

To change the format from bullets to numbers first highlight (select) all the content in the Placeholder – either click the left mouse button and drag across and down or use Ctrl and A on the keyboard. Once highlighted your slide should resemble the example below:

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With the Home tab selected; you are going to use the commands that are situated in the Paragraph Group.

The Bullets command is currently highlighted – this confirms that you are currently using bullets points with your text. To change your list to numbers, all you have to do is click onto the Numbering command and make sure that this is now highlighted.

Now that the Numbering command has been selected, your slide will have changed to a numbered list. The text is still highlighted so before you click outside of the Placeholder change the list back to a bulleted list by clicking onto the Bullets command.

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Next to each of the commands is a small black arrow.

This means that there are further options available within this command. Ensure that your text is still highlighted and click onto the small black arrow next to the Numbering command. The following options are revealed.

The current format is highlighted. Point your mouse at each of the options without clicking to see a preview of how each format will affect the text on the slide.

Now click onto the small black arrow next to the Bullets command, the following options are revealed.

Notice that none of the formats are highlighted – this is because you currently have a numbered format. Point your mouse at each of these options (remember do not click your left mouse button) to see a preview of how each format will effect the text on the slide.

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Spend a short time changing the formats of the list on this slide until you feel confident that you are able to highlight text and change a list from bullets to numbered lists. Close the presentation but do not save the changes. Exit PowerPoint, you should now be returned to your Desktop. Do not move onto the next chapter in this book until you can confidently change the background of your slides.

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Inserting images

A very useful feature of PowerPoint is its ability to insert a wide range of different file types that will enhance your presentation and make it more interesting for the audience. These file types could include photographs, movies, music and images from the Clip Art library The addition of digital media files can help to make your presentation interesting and help the audience to understand the important points in your slides. However, it is important to only use resources that are relevant to the topic of the presentation – it is very easy to get carried away, so think carefully about the content of the presentation. It is also very important to give consideration to Copyright Law when finding images and sounds to add to your presentation. Copyright Law

Copyright is an enormously complicated business especially as all the rules have been different throughout the world. But in 1998 the UK revised its copyright laws in an attempt to fall in line with the rest of Europe but these changes are still based on laws that started as early as 1862. Copyright protects the creators of virtually every kind of work (written, printed, electronic, etc) from having their creations exploited by others. Copying of a copyright work (including storing or reproducing it electronically) is in principle, a copyright infringement. You need to obtain the permission of the creator to use their work and this can prove to be quite difficult. In order to overcome any issues regarding Copyright Law, it is suggested that you use the following resources:

Images or sounds from the Clip Art library

Photographs or videos that you have saved on your computer.

Use a Google search – for example visit www.google.com and enter copyright free images into the Search box. You will be presented with a wide range of links.

Useful websites include - www.freedigitalphotos.net or www.freeimages.co.uk

If you do use materials from another source, always acknowledge that source.

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Inserting a Clip Art Image into a Slide

A Clip Art image is a ready-made piece of computerised graphic art that can be used to decorate a document or presentation. PowerPoint has a library that is full of Clip Art images that you can use in your presentation. It is possible to download more Clip Art images from the Internet to increase your collection in the Clip Art library. You are going to consider two ways of inserting images into the slides. The first way is to use the commands available on the Insert tab. Open the presentation SHUTTERBUG PHOTOGRAPH. This presentation is situated in your My Documents folder called PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles. Ensure that you have the Insert tab and Slide 1 selected (this has a Title Only layout)

Now click on the Clip Art command which is situated in the Images Group.

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This will produce the Clip Art task pane as shown below.

The Clip Art gallery has a search facility, which allows you to search the gallery for Clip Art images that match particular search criteria

Click in the Search for box. Type in the word photography. Now click on the Go button to start the search.

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The Clip Art images that match the search criteria Photography are displayed.

Click once onto a suitable image.

The image will be inserted into your slide as in the following example.

Remember, if you do not have the same set of images click onto anything that is suitable for the presentation.

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Moving a Clip Art Image

Move the cursor over the image and it will change shape to the moving pointer. Ensuring that your mouse pointer has changed shaped, click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the image towards the bottom of the slide.

As you drag your mouse it will look as though you have two images, the top image is showing you the original position and the bottom image is showing you the destination

When your image is in this position let go of the mouse button – your image should now be positioned at the bottom of the slide. Click outside of the picture to de-select it.

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Resizing a Clip Art Image

As well as moving a Clip Art image you can also resize it, to be either smaller or larger than its original size. When you insert a Clip Art image you will see resizing handles around the image, as shown below. In order to see the resizing handles you will need to click into the image to select it.

Resizing handles

To resize the Clip Art image you drag one of the handles inwards to make the image smaller and outwards to increase the images size. Always use the corner handles around the image when resizing, as these will keep the image in proportion. Using the centre handles will squash or stretch the image.

Move your cursor over the top right corner handle. Your cursor will change to a diagonal double-headed arrow.

When your cursor changes to a diagonal double-headed arrow hold down the left mouse button and drag the resizing handle up to the top right hand side of the slide.

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Your image will look a little strange while you are performing this task as it is showing you the original size as well as a preview of finished size.

When you are happy that you have increased the size sufficiently, release the left mouse button. If necessary, move the image so that it is in the middle of the slide. The slide will look similar to the one below.

To reduce the size of the image select it to display the resizing handles, click onto the bottom right corner handle and drag inwards towards the middle of the Clip Art image.

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The image has been resized smaller as shown below.

Adjust the size of the image until you are happy with it and then move it into the centre of the slide. You will end up with something like this:

Inserting Clip Art using Slide Layout

PowerPoint has 11 different slide layouts that you can use for your presentations. The layout for Slide 1 was Title Only but you can use these different layouts to insert Clip Art. Navigate to Slide 2 in the presentation. The layout for this particular slide is Tile, Text and Clip Art.

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As you can see from the example below, the text has been entered already into this slide but the Clip Art image has not. However there are instructions explaining how to add the Clip Art.

Click once on the icon in the slide and the Clip Art task pane will be displayed again. Click in the Search Text Box and replace any text with the word: Cameras.

Then click onto Go.

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Click once onto a suitable image and it will be added to the slide.

If the image you have chosen is too large, as in the example below, resize and move the image into the required position in the Placeholder.

If the image has been resized and moved correctly it should resemble this example.

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Navigate to Slide 3 – this has a Title and Content layout. When using this slide layout you will need to click onto the Clip Art icon in the Placeholder.

The Clip Art task pane is displayed. This time enter the text lens into the Search Text Box – select a suitable image and click your left mouse button once.

Resize and move the image if necessary; your slide should now resemble the example below.

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Now add a Clip Art image to Slide 4. Click into the relevant Placeholder and use the text shop to search for a suitable image to add to this slide. Insert any suitable Clip Art from the search results. Resize the image to fit as much of the slide as you can without obscuring any text.

Your slide should look similar to this example. Do not worry if the instructions are displayed, they will not show when you run the slideshow

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Inserting an Image from a File

As well as using the built in Clip Art images within PowerPoint, you can also use any pictures you may have saved on the computer’s hard drive. These may be pictures you have scanned, taken with a digital camera or downloaded from the Internet. Navigate to Slide 5 – this is a Picture with Caption layout. Click once onto the icon to add a picture.

The Insert Picture dialog box is displayed – it has defaulted to the My Pictures folder on your computer. This would normally be the place to store your photographs but as you are working in the college you have to navigate to a folder in your Documents folder. Click onto the link to the Documents folder.

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You will insert an image from Level 1 workfiles folder. Double click your left mouse button onto the folder – PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles.

The workfiles folder is now open but it is only showing you files with in picture format

Double click onto the file called Changing the Guard. Alternatively you can select the picture by clicking once and then using Insert

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Your slide should now resemble the example below:

Click once into the Content Placeholder and insert the text: Tower of London February 2008. Your slide should now resemble the following example:

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Click onto Slide 6 (this is another Picture with Caption layout). Insert another image from the workfiles folder and add a suitable caption. Your slide should resemble the example below.

You have done a lot of work to this presentation so it is now time to save your work. It is important that you use the Save As command and give the presentation another file name; by doing this it means you will still have the original file to practice with if you wish to try this chapter again. Select the File tab and the Save As command.

Make sure you save it in Documents. Give the presentation the filename SHUTTERBUG Update Save as type – 97 – 2003 Presentation format. In this way you can run this on a computer with an earlier version of PowerPoint. Leave the presentation open ready for the next part of this section.

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Viewing the Presentation

Before you close the presentation, you will run it as a slideshow to check that everything looks as it should. Your screen should now resemble the example below. In order to view the presentation as a slideshow you need to select the Slide Show tab.

Here is a close up of the Slide Show tab, it has three groups – Start Slide Show, Set Up and Monitors.

For now just click onto the From Beginning command. The presentation is now running as a slide show - click the left mouse button to move through the slides. When you reach the end of your presentation you will be returned back to the PowerPoint screen. Now close the presentation.

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Always check to see if an image or sound clip is covered by Copyright.

Some people will allow their work to be used as long as you acknowledge the source.

There are plenty of places which supply non-Copyrighted material.

Clip Art, Clip Art Audio and Clip Art Video are Royalty free.

When an image is selected it can be moved or resized.

An image is selected when you can see the resizing handles.

When you resize an image always use the corner resizing handles to keep the image in proportion.

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Inserting sound clips

So far you have inserted still images from Clip Art and also from your own library of photographs. However, you can make things far more exciting by adding sound. Open the presentation QUICK FIX GARAGE. This presentation is situated in your Documents folder called PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles. Select Slide 1 and click onto the Insert tab. You are now going to use the commands situated in the Media Clips group.

Click on the Audio command and select the Clip Art Audio option.

The Clip Art task pane will open to the right of the screen. In the search for box type Tyre.

Click on the Go button. Scroll through the sound clips to find the one called Tire Spin (notice the American spelling). Double click on the icon to insert the sound clip.

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A sound icon appears in the slide along with a control bar for playing the clip

The Audio Tools Format and Playback toolbars are now available. Select the Playback tab.

To preview the sound, click on Play or click on the arrow in the control bar

Click on the down arrow in the Start box in the Audio Options group. Click on the Automatically option which means the clip will play whenever the slide is selected

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You can click to the icon and drag it to a location where it will not interfere with the appearance of your slide. If you are unable to hear the sound, make sure that the volume on your PC is set correctly. If you have a problem with this, please speak to a member of staff. Now click onto Slide 4 and add the sound of a kettle to this slide. Run your slideshow From the Beginning to listen to the sounds you have added. Continue to add sounds to the presentation until you are confident that you are able to do this. Close the presentation but do not save the changes. Exit PowerPoint.


Be aware that there are others in the Centre who do not necessarily wish to listen to the sounds you have added – ask a member of staff for a headset.

If you are unable to hear the sound – check the Volume Settings (this can usually be found on the Task Bar)

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Insert Objects into PowerPoint

As well as inserting pictures into a slide you can also draw objects onto a slide in PowerPoint. Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation using a Title only slide layout. In the Click to add title Placeholder enter the text: Drawing Objects. Select the Insert tab and click on the down arrow on the Shapes command in the Illustrations group.

A very long menu is displayed offering:

Recently Used Shapes



Basic Shapes

Block Arrows

Equation Shapes

Flowchart Shapes

Stars and Banners


Action Buttons

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The Shapes menu Position your cursor over the first Line option. You have now selected the Line icon. Release the left mouse button. Move the cursor onto the slide and position it at the top left corner of the slide, underneath the title Placeholder. The mouse pointer changes to a hairline cross.

Now hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor across the page from left to right.

When you reach this position, release the left mouse button. You have now drawn a line as shown below.

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Now click on the Arrow icon in the Shapes menu to select it.

Move the cursor onto the slide and position it underneath the Line you have just drawn. Now hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor across the page from left to right. Release the left mouse button, when you reach the end of the line you have previously drawn. You have now drawn an arrow on the slide as shown below.

You may find that the line and arrow are not quite the colour or thickness you would like. Click into the line, you will see the sizing handles appear at either end.

The Drawing Tools Format tab is now displayed.

Click onto the Shape Outline command.

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From these options, click onto the Weight link, then move your mouse across and click once on the 4½ pt option.

Your line will now appear much thicker. Change the weight of the arrow you have also drawn. Your slide should resemble the following example:

Now click on the Rectangle icon to select it.

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Move the cursor onto the slide and position it underneath the Arrow you have just drawn. Hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor across the page from left to right and slightly down the slide. Release the left mouse button, when you reach the end of the Arrow you have previously drawn. You have now drawn a Rectangle on the slide as shown below.

Now click on the Oval icon in the Shapes menu to select it.

Move the cursor onto the slide and position it underneath the Rectangle you have just drawn. Now hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor across the page from left to right and slightly down the slide. Release the left mouse button, when you reach the end of the Rectangle you have previously drawn.

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You have now drawn an Oval on the slide as shown below.

Deleting an Object on a Slide

To delete an object on a slide you must select the object first. As the Oval is selected (you should see the resizing handles) press the Delete key on the keyboard. The Oval shape is now deleted from the slide. Click on the Rectangle shape to select it. You will see the resizing handles appear around the shape.

This shows you that the shape has been selected. Now press the Delete key on the keyboard. The rectangle shape has now been deleted.

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Now click on the Arrow and delete this from the slide. Now click on the Line and delete this from the slide. All the objects have now been deleted from the slide. Filling an Object with Colour

You may have noticed that when you produced your basic shapes they were automatically given a fill and outline colour. However it is possible to alter these to a colour of your choice. To do this you must make sure the object whose colours you wish to change is selected by clicking on it. ..

Click on the Right Block Arrow icon in the Shapes menu to select it

Position the cursor in the middle of the slide. Hold the left mouse button down and drag to the right hand side of the slide and slightly down. Release the left mouse button. You have now drawn an Arrow, as shown below.

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Now click on the Smiley Face icon in the Shapes menu to select it.

Move the cursor onto the slide and position it underneath the arrow and to the left hand side of the slide. Now hold the left mouse button down and drag to the right hand side of the slide and slightly down. Now release the left mouse button. You have now drawn a Smiley Face, as shown below.

Now draw a Heart on the bottom right hand side of the slide by choosing the following shape.

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Your slide should now resemble the following example:

Now delete the Smiley Face and the Block Arrow so that you are only left with the Heart. You will change the fill to another colour. Before you begin, resize the Heart shape and move it into the middle of the slide. You do this in exactly the same way as you did with the Clip Art earlier on this book. If you have amended your slide correctly it should now resemble the following example. Notice the resizing handles are displayed, indicating that the shape is selected.

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As the shape is already selected you should have the Drawing Tools Format tab displayed.

You are going to use the Shape Fill command in the Shape Styles group. Click onto the Shape Fill command and the following options are displayed.

Move your mouse across the colours – a preview of the colour will now be displayed in your heart shape. Now point and click once on the Yellow option. Your heart shape should now be coloured yellow. If you do not like the colour available, trying clicking onto the More Fill Colors link.

This will produce the Colors window. This window allows you to choose a new colour from a wide range of colours.

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When the Colors window appears on the screen make sure that the Standard tab is selected.

Click on this light blue hexagon.

You are shown a preview of the New colour as well as the Current colour. Now click on the OK button.

The Heart shape has now been filled with the colour you have chosen.

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With the shape still selected, if you click on the down arrow next to the Shape Outline command, you will be able to alter the colour of the shape outline in the same way as you did with the shape fill. Click on the dark red colour to apply this to your heart shape.

Now repeat the above instructions, but this time fill the shape with a dark red colour and change the outline to a light green. Now with the shape selected press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete the shape. See how much you have remembered.

Draw a rectangle on the slide and position it at the top left of the slide, underneath the title Placeholder.

Draw a line across the slide (the same length as the rectangle) and position it underneath the rectangle.

Draw a right facing block arrow and position it at the top right of the slide below the title Placeholder.

Select the rectangle and fill it with a dark red colour.

Select the arrow and fill it with a dark blue colour.

Change the outline of the arrow to red.

Draw an oval on the slide and position it in the middle of the slide.

Fill the oval shape with a light green colour.

Change the outline of the oval to purple.

Select the line and move it underneath the oval shape and increase its weight to 3 pt.

Delete the rectangle shape.

Your slide should look similar to the example on the next page.

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The arrow should be coloured dark blue with a red outline. The oval should be coloured light green with a purple outline. Save the presentation with the filename Objects Practice One. Now Close the presentation but keep PowerPoint open for the next exercise.


You can change the fill colour or outline colour of a shape after you have drawn it.

Before you change the colour the shape must be selected.

A shape is selected when you click on it and the resizing handles are visible.

Once selected a shape can be deleted by using the Delete key on the keyboard.

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Inserting tables into a Presentation

Tables are useful as they allow you to lay out information clearly. Create a new presentation using a Title and Content slide layout. In the Click to add title Placeholder enter the text: Tables. Your screen should resemble the example below.

Click once onto the Table icon. The Insert Table dialog box is displayed.

Set the number of columns to 2 and the number of rows to 5. You can use the up and down arrows or type directly into the box.

Click onto OK to accept the settings.

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Your slide will now be like the example below, and your cursor should be flashing in the first cell ready for you to enter some text.

Enter the following text into the first cell: Things I must do this week

Click into the next cell and enter the text: Things I would like to do this week. Click into each of the cells underneath the headings and enter the text as shown in the following example:

As you can see tables are easy to create and can be very effective. Close the presentation without saving the changes and Exit PowerPoint, you should be returned to your Desktop.

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Practice Exercise Three

Open PowerPoint. Choose the Title Slide layout and enter the following text:

In the Title Placeholder enter – Secure Animal Rescue

In the Sub Title Placeholder enter – A Safe Haven for Pets

Format the background to be pale yellow (Apply to All slides). Save the presentation using the filename Secure Animal Rescue. Insert a new slide (Slide 2) and use the Title Only Layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

Secure Animal Rescue

Insert a Text Box into the bottom left hand corner of the slide and add your name. Insert a second Text Box at the bottom right hand corner and insert today’s date (eg 30/03/2011) Insert the image Hanging (situated in the folder PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles) below the title. Resize the image to fit below the title without touching or overlapping any text. Keep the image proportions. Insert slide 3, select the Title and Content layout and enter the following text:

In the Title Placeholder enter - Excellent Facilities

In the Content Placeholder enter the following list:

1st Class animal holding areas 1st Class first aid care 1st Class re-homing service 90% re-homing level

Change the bullets in the list to be a numbered list. Insert slide 4, select the Title and Content layout and enter the title

In the Title Placeholder enter – Charity Basis

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In the Content Placeholder enter the following list:

We are funded by charity donations Total charity amount £5000 Main sponsor - Galaxy Plastics Amount given - £1500 Food sponsor - Crispy Biscuits Amount given - £350

Use the spell check facility to check the accuracy of the text. Save the presentation keeping the same filename. Replace the words 1st Class with the word Top wherever it appears in the presentation. Make sure you use match case (there should be 3 replacements) Insert slide 5, select the Title Only layout and enter the title Secure Animal Rescue Insert a Heart shape underneath the title. Make sure that the Heart does not touch or overlap any text. Fill the Heart with a dark colour. Insert slide 6, select the Two Content layout and enter the following text:

In the Title Placeholder enter – Secure Animal Rescue

In the left hand Placeholder insert a Clip Art image using the search criteria – animals.

In the right hand Placeholder insert Picture from File using the image Sleeping (situated in the folder PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles).

Resize the images to fill the main Placeholders but keep the proportions of the images. Make sure the images does not obscure or overlap any text or image. On Slide 4 delete the text Basis in the title. Save the presentation as Secure Amended. Use the answers on the next few pages to check your presentation for accuracy.

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Slide 1 of the presentation.

Slide 2 of the presentation.

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Slide 3 of the presentation.

Slide 4 of the presentation.

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Slide 5 of the presentation.

Slide 6 of the presentation.

Now close the presentation ensuring that you have saved any changes. .

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Printing the presentation

When it comes to printing a presentation you have several printing options available. You can print one slide per page, three slides to a page or one slide and the notes per page. PLEASE NOTE: you will not be printing anything as this is unnecessary and would be a waste of paper. Open the presentation JETTY HOT TUBS to look at the printing options available. Select the File tab and click on the Print option.

On the left of the bottom of the screen you can see which slide you are looking at and how many there are in the presentation

On the right is a slider to enable you to zoom into and out of each slide.

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The left side of the main pane contains all the printing options available.

If you clicked on the Print command at the top the publication would be sent direct to the printer with no adjustments made. Please DO NOT click on this command as you will not be printing slides in college. Next to the Print command is the Copies command where you can use the up and down arrows to specify how many copies you want to print. The Printer box tells you which printer the presentation will be sent to. You will have a different printer specified in this box.

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In Settings there are 4 different areas each with a down arrow on the right. The first is where you can specify which slides you want to print

The second allows you to specify how you want the slides to print. You can choose to have them printed full size, a slide with the presenter’s notes or just the outline.. You can print hand-outs with from 1 to 9 slider per page Click on the 3 Slides option to see how the hand-out would look

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This hand-out style is useful because it allows space for notes to be written by each slide

If you click on the Outline option you will print the outline view of all the slides in the presentation

The third option is used when you are printing out more than one copy of more than one slide.

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The final option allows you to choose between printing in colour, greyscale or black and white.

Remember You will NOT need to print out slides while studying at

Highbury. It is not necessary and wastes paper and ink.

You are able to print a specified number of copies.

You can choose to print all the slides, selected slides only or a specified range of slides.

You can print a single slide on a page, a slide with the presenter’s notes or the slide outline.

You can print hand-outs with from 1 – 9 slides per page.

The three slides per page option has space for notes to be written

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Printing Specific Slides in a Presentation

It is possible to choose which slides in your presentation you wish to print. Use the JETTY HOT TUBS presentation. Make sure this presentation is open before you continue with this section. Select the File tab and the Print option.

Click on the down arrow next to Print All Slides and click on Custom Range. Enter the slides you want to print in this box.

To print individual slides enter the slide numbers in the box separated by a comma. For example: 1,3,5,9 To print a range of slides enter the first of the range followed by a hyphen and the last of the range. For example: 2-7 You can combine these two methods. For example: 1,3,5-12 REMEMBER – you will NOT be printing any slides at Highbury. Close the JETTY HOT TUBS presentation but keep PowerPoint open.

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Changing the order of slides

Open the presentation SMARTY PANTS CLOTHES (situated in the PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles folder). After you have created a presentation, you may find that you wish to change the order of the slides. In PowerPoint it is possible to change the order of the slides at any point in your presentation; however it is advisable to wait until you have finished creating the presentation before changing the order. The easiest way to change the order of your presentation is to view the presentation in Slide Sorter View. Select the View tab and click on Slide Sorter in the Presentation Views group.

The slide numbers are shown underneath the slides. You are now going to move slide 3 to a new position, between slides 4 and 5. To do this you must click on slide 3 to select it. You will see an orange border appear around the slide to show you that this slide is selected.

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Position the cursor in the inside the border. Click and hold down the left mouse button and keeping it down drag slide 3 to the new position between slides 4 and 5.

Release the left mouse button when you see a thin line between slides 4 and 5. Slide 3 has now been moved to a new position between slides 4 and 5, as shown below.

When you move a slide PowerPoint will automatically re-number the slides. Now using the above instructions move slide 2 so that it appears between slides 3 and 4.

Your slide order should now look like the example below. Slide 2 has now been moved to this new position.

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Deleting a Slide

In the Slide Sorter view you can also delete slides from your presentation. Click on slide four to select it. You will see an orange border around the slide to show it has been selected.

Press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete the slide. Now delete slide six from the presentation. You should be left with the following slides in your presentation.

Now click on slide 1 to select it. Change the view of your presentation from Slide Sorter view to Normal View. Click on the View tab to see the available commands.

Click onto the Normal command. You will now be viewing your presentation one slide at a time and the slide you are viewing depends upon which slide you had selected before clicking onto the Normal icon.

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Now close the presentation without saving the changes and Exit PowerPoint, you should be returned to your Desktop.

Remember Use Slide Sorter view to move slides around in our


Slide can also be deleted easily in Slide Sorter view.

It is advisable to finish a presentation before rearranging or deleting slides.

Remember to use the Undo command on the Quick Access Toolbar if you make a mistake.

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Running a Presentation

PowerPoint presentations or Slide Shows may be run manually or automatically. When a PowerPoint presentation is used as a visual aid during a lecture or other type of stand-up presentation, it is usually run manually. This gives the speaker complete control over the slides that are being viewed. You looked briefly at this option earlier in the workbook. If a presentation needs to be viewed as part of an event, such as on an unattended computer, then the presentation should be set up to run automatically Manually Running a Slide Show

On the Slide Show tab, click the From Beginning button. The first slide in your slide show appears on your computer screen.

Left-click the mouse OR press the Enter key to advance to the next slide.

Press the Esc key to exit the presentation at any time.

Automatically Running a Slide Show

Slide shows can be run automatically by applying timings to each slide and then applying the Advance Slide Automatically command. Open the presentation JETTY HOT TUBS (situated in the PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles folder). Click onto the Slide Show tab.

Click onto the Rehearse Timings command situated in the Set Up group. The presentation opens and the Rehearsal timer is displayed as per the example below.

The amount of time you wish to display each slide is recorded. You can save these timings to run the presentation automatically at a later date.

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You will set the timings for your presentation so that each slide is displayed for 10 seconds. Watch the timer and when it reaches 0:00:10 seconds

click onto the Next button You will be moved onto the next slide – watch the timer and set it for another 0:00:10 seconds. Continue in the same way for each slide – when you have reached the end the following message is displayed. Click onto Yes.

You are then taken to the Slide Sorter view which displays the amount of time you have set each slide to be displayed.

Notice that one of the slides has run over the 10 seconds. This can be amended quite easily without the need to run the rehearsal again.

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If you should decide to alter the timings of a slide, you will need to select the Transitions tab.

Then adjust the timings in the After command using the up and down arrows.

Close the presentation and Exit PowerPoint – do not save the changes.


If you want to speak while a slideshow is running set it to advance on mouse click.

If you want a slideshow to run automatically you can set the timing from the Slideshow tab and adjust them from the Transitions tab.

To stop an automatic show at a particular slide, press the S key on the keyboard. To restart the slideshow, press S again.

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Consolidation Exercise One

Open PowerPoint and on the first slide enter the following text:

In the Title Placeholder enter – Sweet Tooth Cakes

In the Sub Title Placeholder enter – Cup Cake Specialists

Format the background to have the Parchment gradient fill colour, (Apply to All slides). Insert a Manual Text Box into the bottom left hand corner of the slide and add your name. Insert a second Text Box at the bottom right hand corner and insert today’s date (eg 28/03/11) Insert the image cupcake (situated in the folder PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles) below the title. Resize the image to fit below the sub title without touching or overlapping any text. Keep the image proportions. Save the presentation using the filename Cupcake Heaven. Insert a new slide (Slide 2) and use the Title Only Layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

Cupcakes for all occasions

Insert slide 3, select the Title and Content layout and enter the following text:

In the Title Placeholder enter – Our Cake Range

In the Content Placeholder enter the following list:

Birthdays – 21st, 40th, etc Weddings and christenings Retirement parties Christmas celebrations

Change the bullets in the list to be a numbered list. Insert slide 4, select the Title and Content layout and enter the title

In the Title Placeholder enter – Special Dietary Requirements?

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In the Content Placeholder enter the following list:

Wheat/Gluten free flour offered Organic fruit used in all cakes Dairy free options offered Vegan cakes offered

Insert a Clip Art image - in the Search for box use the word: apple. Position the image at the bottom right hand side of the slide. Use the spell check facility to check the accuracy of the text. Save the presentation keeping the same filename. Replace the words offered with the word available wherever it appears in the presentation. Make sure you use match case (there should be 3 replacements) Insert slide 5, select the Title Only layout and enter the title Our New Logo Insert a Heart shape underneath the title. Make sure that the Heart does not touch or overlap any text. Fill the Heart with a pink colour – whilst creating this have a look at Shape Effects and Shape Outline options, see what you can create. Insert slide 6, select the Picture with a caption layout insert the image wedding cake (situated in the folder PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles).

In the Title Placeholder enter – The Elegance Range

In the Click To Add Text Placeholder enter – Cupcake Wedding Cake

Save the presentation keeping the filename Cupcake Heaven. You are now going to make some changes to the presentation. Change the view of the presentation to Slide Sorter view.

Delete Slide 2.

Move slide 3 so that it become slide 2

Return to Normal view

Change the font colour of the heading and sub heading on Slide 1 to be red.

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Save the presentation with the filename Cupcake Heaven Amended. Use the answers on the next few pages to check your presentation for accuracy. You should also have the following presentations saved in your My Documents folder:

Cupcake Heaven

Cupcake Heaven Amended

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Answers to Consolidation Exercise One

Slide 1 of the Cupcake Heaven Amended presentation.

Slide 2 of the Cupcake Heaven Amended presentation.

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Slide 3 of the Cupcake Heaven Amended presentation.

Slide 4 of the Cupcake Heaven Amended presentation. Yours may have different effects in the logo

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Slide 5 of the Cupcake Heaven Amended presentation.

Cupcake Heaven Amended in Slide Sorter View

Now close the presentation ensuring that you have saved any changes. .

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Consolidation Exercise Two

Open PowerPoint and on the first slide enter the following text:

In the Title Placeholder enter – Homemade Pizza

In the Sub Title Placeholder enter – your name

Format the background to have the pale yellow fill colour, (Apply to All slides). Insert a Text Box at the bottom right hand corner and insert today’s date (eg 28/03/11) Save the presentation using the filename Pizza Exercise. Insert a new slide (Slide 2) and use the Two Content Layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

Step 1 – The Base

In the left hand Placeholder add a Clip Art image in the Search for box using the word: pizza Resize and move the image if necessary so that it fits neatly into the frame. In the right hand Placeholder add the following text:

Drive to the supermarket

Buy ready-made pizza base (in the Italian food section)

Tell everyone you made it yourself

It's a secret family recipe

Insert slide 3, select the Title and Content layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

Step 2 – The Toppings

In the Content Placeholder add the following text:

While at the supermarket…….

Buy your favourite pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and a range of toppings

Layer onto the pizza base

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Bake in a hot oven for about 15 minutes until the cheese has melted

Insert slide 4, select the Two Content layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

Step 3 – Serve

In the left hand Placeholder add the following text:

Slice pizza

Throw flour over face and clothes

Tousle your hair

Serve pizza with nice bottle of red wine

Enjoy the compliments!

In the right hand Placeholder add a Clip Art image in the Search for box using the word: eating Continue working on slide 4. Please also insert a sound clip in the right hand Placeholder. Insert the sound in the same way as you would a Clip Art image –and in the Search for box enter the word: party Change the bullet points in the left hand Placeholder to be a numbered list. Insert slide 5, select the Picture with a caption layout. Insert the image cheers (situated in the folder PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles).

In the Title Placeholder enter – Your secret is safe with me!

In the Click To Add Text Placeholder enter – Have a lovely evening

Save the presentation keeping the filename Pizza Exercise. Rehearse the timings of your presentation and set each slide to be viewed for approximately 10 seconds each. Remember you will find this option on the Slide Show tab. View your slideshow From the Beginning. Use the answers on the next few pages to check your presentation for accuracy. You should also have the following presentation saved in your My Documents folder: Pizza Exercise

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Answers to Consolidation Exercise Two

Slide 1 of the Pizza Exercise presentation.

Slide 2 of the Pizza Exercise presentation.

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Slide 3 of the Pizza Exercise presentation.

Slide 4 of the Pizza Exercise presentation.

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Slide 5 of the Pizza Exercise presentation.

Pizza Exercise in Slide Sorter View

– check your timings are set

Now close the presentation ensuring that you have saved any changes.

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Consolidation Exercise Three

Open PowerPoint and on the first slide enter the following text:

In the Title Placeholder enter – Speedy Car Services (use a dark red font colour)

In the Sub Title Placeholder enter – First Class Car Repairs (use a dark blue font colour)

Format the background to have a pale background colour (Apply to All slides). Insert a Text Box in the bottom left hand corner containing your name. Insert a Text Box at the bottom right hand corner and insert today’s date (eg 28/03/11) Save the presentation using the filename Speedy Car Services Insert a new slide (Slide 2) and use the Two Content Layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

About Speedy Car Services

In the right hand Placeholder insert the image spanner (situated in the folder PowerPoint Level 1 workfiles). Resize and move the image if necessary so that it fits neatly into the frame. In the left hand Placeholder add the following text:

A friendly reliable company

Established 1994

Always provide good service

Customer care award winners

State of the art equipment

Insert slide 3, select the Title and Content layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

Our Customer Charter

In the Content Placeholder add the following text:

The best customer service

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The fastest service times (currently under 2 hours)

You only use genuine parts for most makes of car

Total customer satisfaction

Insert slide 4, select the Two Content layout. Insert the following text into the Title Placeholder:

Our Services

In the left hand Placeholder add the following text:

Full service and MOT facility

No booking required

Tyres and exhausts fitted

Air conditioning recharged

Vehicle examination check

50% discount for Senior Citizens

In the right hand Placeholder add a Clip Art image in the Search for box using the word: car repairs Resize and move the image if necessary so that it fits neatly into the frame. Save the presentation keeping the filename Speedy Car Services Insert slide 5, select the Title Only layout

In the Title Placeholder enter – Our New Logo

Insert a Smiley Face shape and a Sun shape underneath the title. Make sure that the shapes do not touch each other or any text, leave room underneath the shapes to add a Text Box. Fill the Face with a pink colour and the Sun with a yellow – whilst creating this have a look at Shape Effects and Shape Outline options, see what you can create. Insert a Text Box underneath the shapes – enter the text: We promise to fill your day with sunshine – Centre the text, increase the size of the font and make it bold. Insert slide 6, select the Picture with caption layout

In the Title Placeholder enter – Our Boss. Centre the text.

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In the Click To Add Text Placeholder enter – The boss is here to help at any time. Centre the text.

Add clip art in the picture frame using the search word boss.

Add a sound clip to this slide – use the Clip Organiser and in the Search for box use the word cars.

Save the presentation keeping the filename Speedy Car Services. Rehearse the timings of your presentation and set each slide to be viewed for approximately 10 seconds each. Remember you will find this option on the Slide Show tab. View your slideshow From the Beginning. Use the answers on the next few pages to check your presentation for accuracy. You should also have the following presentation saved in your My Documents folder:

Speedy Car Services

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Answers to Consolidation Exercise Three

Slide 1 of the Speedy Car Services presentation.

Slide 2 of the Speedy Car Services presentation.

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Slide 3 of the Speedy Car Services presentation.

Slide 4 of the Speedy Car Services presentation.

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Slide 5 of the Speedy Car Services presentation.

Slide 6 of the Speedy Car Services presentation.

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Speedy Car Services in Slide Sorter View – check your timings are set

Now close the presentation ensuring that you have saved any changes.

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What Next?

You have now worked through the book and completed all the exercises and you should therefore now feel confident in the following:

Opening PowerPoint and recognizing parts of the screen

Inserting new slides

Changing the slide layout

Formatting text

Using Cut, Copy and Paste

Changing the background colour of slides

Using the Spell Checking function

Using the Search and Replace function

Formatting Bullets and Numbering

Inserting images and sounds using the Clip Art Gallery

Inserting images saved on your computer

Inserting objects into a slide

Changing the order of slides

Running and slideshow and rehearsing timings

It is now time for you to consider the tasks that you will produce. They will need to include everything that you have learned in this book. Think about any hobbies that you have, perhaps you could produce a presentation that could be used at work or maybe you could produce an instructional presentation showing people how to perform certain tasks. If you cannot think of a theme or have any idea of what you could produce please speak to a tutor who may be able to provide you with a scenario or other ideas.
