Portfolium buyer persona


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Persona Name: EXAMPLE

BACKGROUND:• Basic details about persona’s role• Key information about the persona’s company• Relevant background info, like education or hobbies

DEMOGRAPHICS:• Gender• Age Range• HH Income • Urbanicity (Is your persona urban, suburban, or rural?)

IDENTIFIERS:• Buzz words• Mannerisms

Persona Name: EXAMPLE

GOALS:• Persona’s primary goal• Persona’s secondary goal

CHALLENGES:• Primary challenge to persona’s success• Secondary challenge to persona’s success

HOW WE HELP:• How you solve your persona’s challenges• How you help your persona achieve goals

Persona Name: EXAMPLE

REAL QUOTES:• Include a few real quotes – taken during your interviews – that represent your persona well. This will make it easier for employees to relate to and understand your persona.

COMMON OBJECTIONS:• Identify the most common objections your persona will raise during the sales process.

Persona Name: EXAMPLE

MARKETING MESSAGING:• How should you describe your solution to your persona?

ELEVATOR PITCH:• Make describing your solution simple and consistent across everyone in your company.

Jonny Job Seeker

BACKGROUND:• Basic details about persona’s role• Key information about the persona’s company• Relevant background info, like education or hobbies

DEMOGRAPHICS:• Gender• Age Range• HH Income • Urbanicity (Is your persona urban, suburban, or rural?)

IDENTIFIERS:• Buzz words• Mannerisms

Jonny Job Seeker

GOALS:• Persona’s primary goal• Persona’s secondary goal

CHALLENGES:• Primary challenge to persona’s success• Secondary challenge to persona’s success

HOW WE HELP:• How you solve your persona’s challenges• How you help your persona achieve goals

Jonny Job Seeker

REAL QUOTES:• Include a few real quotes – taken during your interviews – that represent your persona well. This will make it easier for employees to relate to and understand your persona.

COMMON OBJECTIONS:• Identify the most common objections your persona will raise during the sales process.

Jonny Job Seeker

MARKETING MESSAGING:• How should you describe your solution to your persona?

ELEVATOR PITCH:• Make describing your solution simple and consistent across everyone in your company.

Ivan the Involved Intern

BACKGROUND:• Involved in many clubs • • Relevant background info, like education or hobbies

DEMOGRAPHICS:• Gender• Age Range• HH Income • Urbanicity (Is your persona urban, suburban, or rural?)

IDENTIFIERS:• Buzz words• Mannerisms

Ivan the Involved Intern

GOALS:• Persona’s primary goal• Persona’s secondary goal

CHALLENGES:• Primary challenge to persona’s success• Secondary challenge to persona’s success

HOW WE HELP:• How you solve your persona’s challenges• How you help your persona achieve goals

Ivan the Involved Intern

REAL QUOTES:• Include a few real quotes – taken during your interviews – that represent your persona well. This will make it easier for employees to relate to and understand your persona.

COMMON OBJECTIONS:• Identify the most common objections your persona will raise during the sales process.

Ivan the Involved Intern

MARKETING MESSAGING:• How should you describe your solution to your persona?

ELEVATOR PITCH:• Make describing your solution simple and consistent across everyone in your company.

Peter Preparer

BACKGROUND:• In college to get a job when finished• Average student, works part time• Joined a Club or Fraternity to be social

DEMOGRAPHICS:• M/F• Income: Getting by with some student loans• • Urbanicity (Is your persona urban, suburban, or rural?)

IDENTIFIERS:• Buzz words• Mannerisms

Peter Preparer

GOALS:• Persona’s primary goal• Persona’s secondary goal

CHALLENGES:• Primary challenge to persona’s success• Secondary challenge to persona’s success

HOW WE HELP:• How you solve your persona’s challenges• How you help your persona achieve goals

Peter Preparer

REAL QUOTES:• Include a few real quotes – taken during your interviews – that represent your persona well. This will make it easier for employees to relate to and understand your persona.

COMMON OBJECTIONS:• Identify the most common objections your persona will raise during the sales process.

Peter Preparer

MARKETING MESSAGING:• How should you describe your solution to your persona?

ELEVATOR PITCH:• Make describing your solution simple and consistent across everyone in your company.