POLTERABEND Polish wedding custom. Polterabend is one of the wedding customs which is commonly...


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Polish wedding custom

Polterabend is one of the wedding customs which is commonly celebrated in the western

and northern parts of Poland, especially in Silesia, Wielkopolska and Kaszuby.

The word Polterabend comes from a connection of two German words: verb “poltern” (to make a racket) and noun

“Abend” (evening).

Polterabend is mostly celebrated on the evening before the church wedding. It usually takes place in front of the bride’s house. The young

couple generally announces the occasion, but does not specifically send out individual invitations. Many couples treat this evening as an opportunity to reward people whom they are unable to invite to the


The guests should bring glass, porcelain, stoneware or ceramics with themselves. The

actual high point of the custom is throwing the objects they have brought onto the ground. It is

believed, that broken glass brings luck and happiness to the young couple and the noise

chases the bad ghosts away.

The couple must treat their guests with alcohol and something to eat.

They also have to clean up the pile of shards. This is supposed to make the couple aware that they will have to

face difficult conditions and situations in life together.
