Political Thought From the Greek Polis to the Christian Commonwealth


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Political Thought

From the Greek Polis to the Christian Commonwealth

Brief History of Greece

• The first great civilization in Greece and Crete was the Minoan (2000 BCE – 1400 BCE).

• Around 1400 BCE, the Mycenaean civilization supplanted the Minoan, and dominated Greece until about 1100 BCE, when barbarians known as Dorians invaded.

Emergence of the Polis,or Greek City-State

• Starting around 800 BCE a new civilization, the Hellenic, became dominant in Greece.

• The Hellenic civilization was composed of two strands, the Dorian and the Ionian.

• This civilization gave rise to a new form of social/political organization: the polis.

The Polis

• The polis was an independent, self-governing city of between 50,000 and 300,000 people.

• Several dozen polises (Greek “poleis”) dotted the Greek countryside

• In each polis, politics, religion, and social life were closely intertwined.

Types of Government

• Two types of government were used in the Greek Polises.

• The Dorians generally had an oligarchic form of government.

• The Greek word oligarchy means rule by the few.

• The Ionians developed the first democratic form of government.

• Democracy means rule by the people.

Sparta and Athens

• Generally speaking, the Dorians depended upon agriculture, while the Ionians were seafarers and merchants.

• The two primary polises were Sparta and Athens.

• Sparta was Dorian, oligarchic, and had an agriculture-based economy.

• Athens was Ionian, democratic, and depended on seafaring and trade.

Foreign Wars

• The greatest challenge to Hellenic civilization came from Persia, to the east.

• Greece fought two Persian wars, in 490 BCE, and in 481 BCE.

• The Greek polises formed an alliance, led by Sparta and Athens.

• The Greeks won both wars, ensuring that the roots of western civilization would include Greek thought.

The Great War

• After the Persian Wars, Greece was divided into two power blocs.

• One, the Peloponnesian League, was led by Sparta.

• The other was the Delian League, led by Athens.

• These power blocs fought a great war, from 431-404 BCE.


• During the war, the soldiers of the Peloponnesian League besieged the cities of the Delian League by land.

• The Delian League used its navies to supply itself with food, and to harass the home cities of its enemies.

• The Spartans and their allies finally defeated Athens and its allies.

Socrates and The Rise ofPolitical Philosophy

• One of the greatest contributions of Hellenic Civilization was its origination of political philosophy.

• Just before and during the Great War, an Athenian citizen, Socrates, began raising questions such as, “What is justice?”

• Socrates asked these questions of his fellow citizens, in public places.

The Socratic Method

• Socrates’ mode of inquiry, asking questions and analyzing the answers, became known as the Socratic Method.

• Socrates was perceived by many Athenians as a threat to their settled way of life.

• He was finally put to death by Athens for impiety and corrupting the young.

Socrates (c. 469- 399 B.C.E.)

Death of SocratesJacques-Louis David (1748–1825)

Plato and Aristotlefrom School of Athens by Raphael


• Socrates’ most famous student was Plato, who wrote the first great works of political philosophy.

• Plato’s most famous work is The Republic, • Plato’s books are written as dialogues, or

conversations.• These conversations are usually between a

character named Socrates, and other Athenian citizens.

• In the Republic, Socrates is portrayed as talking to two young men, Adeimantus and Glaucon.


• Plato started a school, called The Academy.• His most famous student was Aristotle.• Aristotle wrote many works of philosophy, and

made the first systematic effort to collect and organize information on a wide variety of topics.

• Aristotle might be considered the first scientist.• His works are written as treatises, which are more

systematic, but much drier than dialogues.• One of these is the Politics, the first systematic

treatise on politics.

• Christianity first appeared as a sect (dissident religious group) among the Jews

• First message from the Christian church was a separation between political and spiritual matters

• “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s; render unto God that which is God’s.” (Luke 20:25)

Origin of Christianity in relation to politics

• Founding coincided with the Pax Romana era of the Roman Empire, which lasted through the rule of Marcus Aurelius in 180 A.D.

• Christian Church grew in number and strength at a time when Rome was threatened by diminishing resources, political divisions, and a growing barbarian threat from northern Europe

Christian history (cont.)


• Diocletian (284-305)– created an autocracy

• No Senate• Divided empire - setting

stage for Byzantine Empire

– Emperor as a god• claimed to be Jupiter in

human form

– Last great persecution of Christians, under influence of Galerius


• Constantine (305-337) Son of Constantius I, Caesar of the west under Diocletian– Legalization of Christianity and founding of

Constantinople at Byzantium (now Istanbul) among most significant actions of any European ruler

– Constantine, after observing that persecution and martyrdom only nourished the growth of the Christian Church, gave his support to the Christians

– issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which allowed for the complete freedom of worship throughout the territories under his control

– Constantine was a true Christian, but he certainly used the Church to political advantage

Christianity emancipated

Constantine (cont.)• 4th century A.D. sees the unity of the Church

confirmed and the move from legal toleration of the Church to official state religion

• 325: Council of Nicaea– convoked by Constantine in response to internal

Church debate over the nature of Jesus and his relationship to God

– declared the veracity of the Trinity, that the Son is one being with the Father and the Holy Spirit (Nicene Creed)

• 381: Council of Constantinople (convoked by Theodosius I) – affirmed the Nicaean decision


Augustine (354-430 CE)

• St. Augustine – considered as one of the fathers of

Western theology– his influence on Christianity (via his

writings) is thought by many to be second only to that of St. Paul

– Confessions (c. 400) – autobiography written in the apologetics style

– City of God (c. 413) – defense of Christianity against its pagan critics

Pope Gelasius I• Though he was Pope for only 4 years (492-496),

his influence was profound• He is, in many ways, responsible for our

separation of Church and State• A strong Pope, he was the first to be known as

the “Vicar of Christ”

Machiavelli (1469-1527)• Two major works, The Discourses and The

Prince– In The Discourses, he extols virtues of self-

government– In The Prince, he argues for absolute monarchy– Conflict pragmatic – Italy in a shambles at the

time he wrote The Prince

• Religion is an essential tool in the management of a State– Deception
