
Citation preview

Game Ton·ight

Series V Vol. II Stevens Point, Wis., February 12, 1941

Omeg Card Party


No. 15


- Me-rrzet-A-nrrcrunc:es ·CL1NIC-ON-S-ATURDxY-1s- 1 our Group Selected ,Prom . Committees PRONOUNCED A SUCCESS From Entire Chorus

Tiu• ('t_•ntral 8t:1te :\ IC'n ·s Gl <f'-C hib 111uln th r cl irl'l't iou of ~orm:rn E . Knut zrn, prC' ~w ntNl :1 c·o nl·cr t in th ~ C'o 11111111nih· Jl all a t .\ mh erst Tucstl:ly en•ning. F e hn1:1 ry 11. Th e group ('O nsist ­t·cl of nlJout 30 ,·oie<'s e hosen from th e c lult 111 r mh<' rship whi c· l1 this yc:i r ntnn -

J larold ' ) l l' nze l, j1111iol' c lass 1,rcs ident , )ms :11111011ntccl tha t Hob Bc<·ker h:1.s ht'C ll <"hOSl' n gc nc rnl ch:1in11an pf tin• P rom to b l' he ld on :\lay3. C.: hairn1:rn of t hr deeorn tion co mmitt ee is Bob Ba lJl' n · roth with ,J:rnet Pug:gr111illcr1 Len \ · ig, ~1 :1r{;arrt ~lurris h, CharlOttl· Re iche l ,JoycC' Larson, a ss is tant s. Roh Os tr:ind· l' r is 1·h:i ir 111an of till' o rt hes tr:, co111 -111 ittcc with Bob Daua, and Gt• ne li ar· ri ng-to u. Don .T:in·is is th·kt•t l' ltairm :rn . t'h:1ir111a11 of· j)l'O j?rallls is Kl1Hnl'th P:1rr, with f' har) ('S l>od g t• a ssisting him. Li <rllfing i)'! in d1:irgt• of C l:11·l' J1 ('(' Sol· ht•~g: Hoh 8d1r:111k :tnd Oi t•k S:inhorn :ire on th e> JightiHJ! t·omulittl'f' . Chapt'· ru ne t·<1111111ittec inl'iudt•:o. ~l :1rg:1rc t . lohn so n ch:1ir11 1:111 , ;111tl ) 1:,dc lin C' La Brot. R;1t h S t ~lter is chn irman o f re· t'rrs h11wnt s w it l1 Hi t:1 :'\"o,· it ski , assist · iug.- Til t• P.uhli t·i t ~· ('Olll1 ~1it~ (>11 : • F'loyd :'\"i xo n, 1· ha1r111:1n: .ltll' " a l111a , (,onl1111

· L C' wison, :111d ~l :ll'l· C: ll c 2\ l a r tini.


Th e sen inth :1111111:d b:1 nd t:lini e he ld :it C.8.T.G. o n S:1turday lHo,·cd to br the biggest t• \"l' r held hne. S ponsor C'~l I"· th e 111u~ic departme nt, under tl, e di · rl•etiou o f .Pett• r :r. :\l it:11 els£> 11, in <:u n­jndiou wi t h th <' \\'ist·ons in School B:111<1 Assoc·intion, w;is :1ttl•ndcd b~· sn bantl 111as t C'rs. C iti l'S within a 125 111il c r;i d ius of Btl',·(•iis Point wl'rr re prrsl' u h•cl . Tht·rC' ,\·He tll·h'gat<'s fro m )I i110<111a . Ri nck lli \'l' I' F:dls, P:1rk Fall s. P ortage, and 111:rny oth ers too 1111,\(crous to mt·n · lio n. Bixt,· to Sl'n:o n ty :-.t ud C' nt!-1 :1ec.:om­p:111i ecl t h.l.' li:111dmasters.

Th <' (·oll rgt~ 1J:rnd p l:1yed ~i Sf' lt'c"!t'tl numlw rs w!Jit·h wi ll be used b~· th r high St· hool hand s :1t th e ir S pring fostind s. Til e purpo:,;(• o f the <· linie w:1 s to clc>mon ­s tr:1h• th .. • i11tl•rpn•tation :111<1 t o sl' t t h r !'iJH'Nl of 11111 :,; i<· .

:\ h:lll'llH' f, :tih'1idt' d hy l:!G JJ('Op lf•. w:1 ~ l11 •ld ;1t thl' Brl111ont hot e l fo llow ing tli l' t l ini l'.

At th r m('r ting of t ht• :\l11111n i of thr C: .S.T.('. mu s iC' dcpartmC'nt , it wa s ,·ot ­t• cl t o kl•r p t lost>r ('O nt:i e t with t he music cl C'pn rtmcn t. Pl:rns \,·C're made f or n J:1rgr lmnd for ll o meco111ing nex t fa ll.

lwrs on•r -~0. · A ,·:lried program si milnr to thnt of

last ,· C':1r's :111 1111 :tl honH' co1u·ert w:1s st• lel· t·1· d h~· :\Ir. K 1111tz C' 11.

Many N ew Men Ht'.(':lu~r of t h<' loss of n r:i rly half o f

In st vp:1r·s tour J:!l'Oup through gr:icl ua­t ion '111st .Jnnt•. )fr. l'\nutun hns p ine.rd .!ol(' \·(' r:tl IH' W g\ ('(• (•luh mrmbcrs in thi s n :-;ir's gro up. · Soloists F eatured

Bett,· ,Johnson w:1 s fr atnr<'d 11s :1 flnt<' s'oloist . :\furi r l \\"aid , :1 eeompnnist fo r thr r lub. ,,·:1s nlso feu tnrecl in a pi :rno solo. .

Du:rnr P hnm' uf , h:H 1t o11 r 1 nn cl Grr­nld T orke l!'lo n, h:l!<IS , are soloist s with th e group thi s y e:n. Both h,in· r hccn Yrr:v :t<'t i,·r in gl£>c r lub work at CC' ntral St a tr :rncl li:n·,, 111:ul e sr ,·eral nppcnranc­rs 0 11 r:idio progr:11ns in Yarious parts of th e sta t e.

v. T~c~~!~!~!b}~H!~~~! Omeg Formal February 22; ,•xplorer, will Jll' CSl' lll colon•d mot ion rr d G ' 0 h t B ked pidlll'C'~ , c.:os tnmcs, :11ul hand icraft_ of J e ay s re es ra 00 the people a long t lt t• In te r ·:\ mc ri ea!1 ll ighwa y in )lcxieo and Centrnl Ame rt· l'rt, on T hursday, F r hrnary 1::\, in .th r eollt·gc :rnditori um. As a fc:it nre ,n1 1e r fo r a motor m:1g:\zin r he has tr:i ve~cd ex tcnsin"ly through Cl'n t ral A~11 n.1e:t :111d 11 e xiro, :ind rx plo recl th e pro,1 ee t111g p:1rts of th e P:tn :\nn•rirn n h igh way t.o !ht> P:rnam:t ('a u:1\. )1ine ~-rra s a s a tc."achrr and four se:1so 11 of lce turc work ha,·c> J?in•n ) I r. Schric hrr t'X<'l' I· lt•n! tr:1i11ing with se hool nndienc.:cs. lli s 1t1otio11 pi d ures in eo lo r co ns tit_ut (•s th r f ilm story of this dramati c pro.1ec t.


NY A State Health Projects Announced

State-w ide hea lth projects for NY A workers will be in o pera tio n in a ll 48 sta tes, as we ll as New York City, the D istr ict of Columbia, Al aska, Puerto Rico, and the Vi rgi n Js l~nds before J an­u:try I as part o f the a ta o na l Youth Ad· ministration's $2,500,000 health program, NY A Admin istrator Aubrey Wi lliams today reported to P:iu l V. M cNutt, Fed­eral Security Ad ministrato r and coordi. nato r of a ll health 3:A,.d we lfare ac tiv ities affectins na ti onal defen se.

The National Y o uth Administrati on h:is alre;tdy approved state-w ide health projects in 20 s ta tes which are schedu led 10 begin o peration immediately. By Fe-

F ebrua1y 12, tbnt February 17, 1941 brua ry , the NY A wi ll have accumu lated WEDNESDAY: F ebmary 12, 1941 mass data on the hea lth of t00 ,000 young

· 3:00 - 7:00 P. 1 1. peop le, W illiams ~epo rtc<l .. . . \V. A. A . P:i r t~· " One of the ma1 o r contributions wh ich X:110 P. ~I. the National Yo uth Administrat ion may B:1 sketh:ill .i;::11Hl' with \Vhit e w:1trr make in the present emergency is to p ro· 8tat e 'J'(•adi er~ :i t P. ,J. .Jncob :-. mote the hig hes t s tandards o f health and Gym . . (Contiuued 011 p:1ge ;J, col. 3 ) Tli'e rc will not lie Wome n 's L c:ig:uc ----------- ----­·uowlil1 g this We(•k .

THURSDAY : February 13, 1941 10:00 A. ) !. Th eodore Schriehcr, lecture r arul C'X · plo re r, pre~c nt r;i ::t lecture illustrntetl \,•ith~·eolor motion pil'turcs on ''To-111orrow's Rond to Jt:1 11 :1m n. '' 7::10 P. 11!. Newma n Club Skating P:uty.

. 7.::lO P. 111. . Y. W. C. A. Valentine Par ty, N el-

11011 Ha ll Rec reati on Roop,. ~: I:, P. 1\I.

.Juformal danci ng. 9: 15P.M ... 1fep 4 :i t"(?.aguc Bowling

F1tlDAY: . February 14, 1941 8: 00' P. 1II. Omega )fu Chi Ca_rcl Party. •rrain · in~ ikhoot Gym. :?5c per pe rson.

SATURDAY; February 15, 1941 10:00 :A. 111. Bak e sa le at Boston's Furniture Store sponsored by Omega Mu Chi.


11'J'hc Co llC'ge Nrwspape r· 1 was th r suhj<'c t of :rn informal t :dk gi,·en by ~u r editor Earle S icbrr t , at a bnnqu(' I gn·­C'n bv 'the Ro!-lhol t High School Quill :rnd St.: rol l e htb :\londay , .F'el, ruary 3. :\ l iss Elsie H oh·cdt, ed i to r of t he,h igh sehool puhli eation, The Trumpet in t roduced :\1 r. S ie be r t :is guest spcakc•r.

111 g i,·in~ his ,· ic ws on editorial poli ­cies fOr co ll C'ge newspapers, h e> st:1t cd : "lt hc<•omes mon• appare nt d11y hy day th a t Wl' ncl• cl in th e cditori:11 pages of our college n<' wsp:ipe rs more of this th ing we call "public aff:iirs." T h.c youth of Ame ri ca mus t bl'g in to co m­prehend th e ~eri ousness _of th e cur~e n t probkms fne111g the nati on tod:1~·· ~h e press is th e sures t mc thotl of bringmg t hi!t n•ali za tion t o a r limnx."

Th e Omeg:i 1fu Chi sorority i s spon· soring ih w int er formal Saturday, F e· hruar~· 22, at H otel \ Vhiting. T e el Gay :ind h is orl'l1cstra will furn ish mus ic for t ht' tfa ner lo,·ers from n t o 1.

T h £> foJl ow ing committees have been t·ho sC' n by PrC's id r nt ,Joyce Lnrson: Gen· rrnl c·lwirman, Dorothy Larsen;T'o.1 st­mi st rcss, Bott.~· S mi t h; R ese rva t ions, Knthrrine P iehl , nnd the t icket commit· t re cons isting o f L{'o nc Kulrt s, Rita ~oYit~ki. Barbara Gerd es, Ruth Rnthk e, Co ra Anclnson, nnd Ru t h Stelte r.

Th e rcse r\'n t ion eom mi ttre reports thnt mnn,· alumns 11:n·r mnd C' r('sen·n· tion :t lrC' :;dy nnd :l good turnout is ex ­pedc>cl.

. Co mr, g irl s, j!rab your man and come to the Omeg for mnl. Th e t;niff is o nly .~].i;Q, .

Survey Finds Educated Favor Free Discussion

WAS HI NGTON, D . C. Feb. 12.-Thc import:ince o f education to the ma in te· nance o f free speech and free discuss ion , v irn l concepts o f democracy, is shown in a recent po ll co nducted by the A me rican Y o uth Comm ission and published by the National Education Associa tio n. The poll w as undertaken with the coopera tio n o f the Amcric:in Jnsti tu1e o f Public Opin­ion o f which G eo rge Gallup is d irector .

Questioned as to thei r be liefs o n w he­the r yout h ,';roups sho uld discuss con• trovers ia l issues, those citizens who had advanced in education through hig h s(houl or beyo nd were fou nd to be far more appreciative o f this ri~ht of demo­cracy than those who had no t had a h igh school education . Asked the ques tio n, Do you think tha c young people in church g ro ups, social g roups, and other youth o rgan izations sho uld discuss such ques tions ( labor unions, war, and gov~ ernment policv) am o ng themselves? Co l­lege g raduates o f all ages were fou nd to be emrhatically in favo r o f free discus­sion o issues, and 85 percen t o f the h igh schoo l graduates in terviewed favor the issue. As compa red to th is, however, o nly 62 percent o f those who had no t

(Contin ued on page 3, . 4 )

Krider, Arndt Take ,i'ive Out Of Six; .

·omen "1iiJT.~r_e_e ____ _ Crntral , 'tatc 'l'e:1ehcrs c.o llcgt• dl'lm tc

t en ms 111 :l(l c good show ings in the Red 'RiH•r Valle,· dclrnt c tournamrnt lu•ld Frid:iy an<l k1turday :1t Concordi :1 Col ­lr ge, :\loorl'li ead, :\ I inn., with more t han 100 eo llcgc :111d unin·rs ity tca m8 p:ll' t i ­cipa ting .

Point T eams Th e mt•11 's ten111 of Ct! ritr:tl 8tate,

cons isti ui;! of Don Kride r, Antigo, :1 nd Hoy .Arndt , Phillips, won f'h·e out of iol ix dt•hat es and the girl 's t e:1 111 , eon­s isting o f Eve lyn ::\fnrg:1troyd, \Vi :-.eon · s in Rnpids, and )fargarc t Bce ht•r, Wau· s:111 1 wo n th rt•e out of si.x.

M id-West Oponen ts Opponents of tl1 e Point 111 c u ·s tc:1m

were :\la~·v ille, S. D., Di cke nson, X. 0. D:tkot:1 \\' (•S l<'yn n, ) 1inot, N . D. , 2\1.onta­na Stnte all(l Abncl rr n, S . D., co lletbs, The girls' t e:1111 debat ed nga inst St . C:1thc rin c ( t. P :rn l 11.i nn. ), St. Olaf ( Xorthfic ld_, '2\fi11 11 . i, J::uu esto \,:n , ·. 1)., Cuther (Decora h, In.), )ln cn lesti.:r (St, Paul) :111cl S t .. Cloud, )£inn., collegps.

Acco111p:111yi ng tlu• C. S. 'I'. C.:. clr· b:1ters we re L e i.incl Burroughs, dcl,ntC coa ch, and '2\Irs: Burroughs.

Contest H ere Soon Ccntrnl Stat e •rC'a clwr s c-ollege will

be host here F ebruary 201 21 nnd ~2 a t a. de bate tournament in wh ich 20 schools a lready hn,·c s ignifi ed int e n­t ions of pnrti cipa.ting.

Gallup Finds Public Overlooks School.Aims

WASHI NGTON, 0 . C. Feb. 12.- T hc tra ining of youth for democratic living and the addition of co urses in high schools which prepare young peo ple for an occupation, object ives rece iving ma. jo r emphasis in schools today, are re· cognized by re latively few citizens o ut· side the teach ing profess ion, according to the resu lts of a recent poll conducted by the American Youth Co mmissio n and pub lished by the Nationa l Educat io n As­sociation. The poll was· undertaken with the co-operation o f the American ~nsti· tute o f Pub lic Opi nion of which ·Geo rge G a llup is directo r.

Scventy-duee percent o f a sa mplii,g of the Un ited States' population, when ask. ed if they believe too much impo rtance is being p laced o n ed ucat io n these days, indicated that they do no t think · educa• tio n is o ver-emphasized . Althoug h a number o f reasons w ere ~iven for this faith in education, only six pe rcen t mentio ned the necessity o f education to the country's advance as a democracy, and o n ly 22 percent ment io ned the value o f ed uca tio n in the a tta inment o f success in meeting tOday's complex civ ilization.

Answ ers indicated that a l itt le less than three-fou rths of the citizens re· cog n ize the col leJ:;e preparatory fu nc· tio ns o f the high school, while a little less than a half o f the po pu lat ion re­cognize that high school programs of education a re p lanned to include the needs o f those who will no t go be}•ond high school graduation.

A po ll indicated that the majority o f cit izens, 8) percent, wo uld answer, " Yes-better," to the ques tion , Do you think you ng people today a re ge tting a better educatio n in school than the ir parents got ? Littl e mo re than o ne per­son in 20 thi nks education is .. abo ut the same··; and a s ligh tly higher proportion think educa tion today is poorer. Two percen t have no o pinion.

Fro m the reasons given, it becomes appa ren t that six in ten adults think that more schoo ls, better equipment, bette·r p repared teachers, and a broader curri. culum res u lt in a higher type o f ed.uca· t ion.

2 · THE .pQJN'FER- Feuruary 12, 1941


Published Weekly except holidays and examination periods, at Stevens Point by by students of the Central Wisconsin State Teachers College. Subscription Price $2.00 per year.

Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1927, at the post off ice at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, under the Act of M arch 3, 1879. · · ..

lllt&,.lllta9U,1 T&O ,011 NATIONAL ADV .. nl.lNCII •T

National Advertising Service, Inc. Coll•&• PubUshws R,t,r~sentllliv•




Sherman Sword

1-h ·:ircl a facult,· mend er this 111o ruing gi\'C' !-I Ollll' imprOmptu an d :-orta ('~ 11 -

,· i11('i11 g argument:- aga in :-t pro:-1pc tin:' te:1d1cr:-; b'{)ing out ·Oil l,(' IHINS, 1 WOii · de r if :1 fl'llow renllv realizes how ho look :,. fi nd act s when· ht• ' :,1 got t•nnugh nlk,· in him to te~t for :1hou t fL' ll he. lo\\-·! \\" 0111 (' 11 look ;111<1 :t C't lots wo r:- l' on lot:- le:-:,; .


:.\ly eyes a re cros~cd My tee t h arc lost l\lv fe et as f lu,t ns can be BUt I I m not sore }

1or in cusc of war 'l'h~y don't wn nt guys like me. ·

* * * 1 lik e C Xtllll ~

l t hink t hey 're fun l 11 e \·cr fluuk a


Editor-in-chief ..... ....... .. .. .. ........ Earle R. Siebert, 1206 Sints Ave. , Phone 1711 Just in:.agine ! This earth of ours ~!::1g~~

1: •;~•achcr.

----~News Editor ... .. ... .. ... ............ .. ... .. ............. ............... ................................ Marcelle Martini weighs Just 5,886,516,000,000,000,000,· - The Collegian. eanrres ... ... : ...... .. Gfendy- Ghap-inr Gerald..Iotl.els.on~ JimJl.a~rman Sword 000 tons. Doesn't make us morta.ls seem * * *

Sports .................... .. : ..................... James Kulid.as, Florence Theisen, Jack Rasmussen very im.porta.nr,-a·o-e:s-rt?-WOnder-why-i·t ,1 ----~,----'---'-'---------Art Editor .................................. .......... .. .... .... .. .. .. ....... .... .... ..... .... .... .. .......... Elizabeth Cress is tha.t so many of us th.ink we're so Girls arc l ike newspa pers: 'l.'hcy are Copy Edito r ..... .... ... ...... ... ..... .......... ... ! ..... ...... ....... . ... .... ..... ..... ......... ... .. ...... ....... . John Kelley much more than the mere statistic we'll healthie r a nd stonger ; have ~_any type Reporters .... ....... . f:J.}' Wendo rf, Wilma Anderson, Patricia Maguire, Rober t Malecki be after we're dead? fn c: cs ; fire ,,·orth · looking over; nren 't

Proof Readers Vernon Smith, Robert Schrank, Gunvor Nelson :\ fur -t· O:ll ril hath -tuh Stoppl' ri 1, 0 111 . a f raid to speak th e ir mind; can make

....... ........... .. Evelyn Murgatroyd, Jane Shier, Alva Thompson pl l' tl' .with vhnin and nea t l_v wrnppc•d in or brea k .l mnn ; hn,·o much in f luence ; Margaret Murrish, Alice W agner, Betty Hein, Vio la Gericke cellophitne g oe~ 10 he who t lln eor rcctly carry n e w:,; wh erc,·e r t hey goj back Typi sts ...

Press Release Editor ....... ........ ... .... ....... ..... ... ..... . .... .. .. Li ll ian Boe write t.he figJirc:- for th e numbe r eleven number:; nrcn't in demand ; and if they t housand, elevr n h11 11 d n,t1 <'l e,·en th e know anything they t e ll i t . Every gur fir:a.t t inu: ... f.~~~!:h!

11~~~·.c one :rnd lca,·e his neigh-

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager ................... .. ................. ... .................. Keith Nelson. 428 :Madison St. Assistant Busmess Manager .. . . . . . . ... .. .. . . \ . . ... ........... .. .. .. ... Janet Poggemiller Ctrculauon Manager . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . .. ............................. Mary Rinehart. C1rculauon Staff .. ... ··············;· ····· Aloha W alters, Dorothy Wickus, Lucille Weiher

L 2. 3.

ifarjorie Reiten

Pointer Office Phone 1584 College Office Informacion, Phone 224


Complete and impartial news coverage. Stimulate student interest in public affairs. Promote cooperation among foe- various- groups-and tions on the campus.

H, R. 1776


Saturday afternoon the House of Representa­t ives passed the loi1g debated Lend-Lease Bi ll by a vote of 260-165. Significan t is the fact that the oppos ition came from Republ ican and Progres­siY e quarters. Of Wisconsin's delegates in the liouse, fiYe Republicans a·nd three Progressives voted aga inst the bill, while one Democrat voted in favor of the measur e. Though we like to think of t he Lend-Lease Bi ll as being decided upon by ind ividual consideration , it is quite apparent that party lines have ueen d rawn quite closely-24 Republicans ont of ]59 voted for the bill while 236 Democrats out of 261 approved the measure.

Frorn the text of H . R. 1776 it can be plain ly seen that Pre. ident . Roosevelt would ue given broad powers. Senator Clark of Miss iss ippi said it. was ' 'simply a bill to authorize the }'resident to declare wa r ." Ot hers called it a " !.,lank check" giving the President tb e powers of a di ctator. Former Governor Phil LaFollette of W isconsi n, in his testimon~' against the bill before the senate fore ign relations commit­tee, said that the British would "go the limit " when offered Americai1 a id. as Dalacjier had told him in 1939 (hat France expected the United States to aid " with money, materials, and men." This argument has receind an indirect blast from Prime Min ister Churchill who promises no " AEf'" is necessa ry to defeat Hitler. Jn a radio speech February 10, Churchi ll stated: " W e do not need the gallant armies which are fo1·111ing throughout the .American union . W e do not need them thi s year. nor next year. nor any year that I can fo rsee." He furth er add­NJ : " Bnt ,re do need most urgently an immense and cont inuous sup· ply of wa1· materials. and we need them here ... W e sha ll need a g-reat mass of sh ipping in 1942, fa r more than we can build ourselves, if we are to maintain and augment our war effort in th e west and in thr east. "

Church ill 's address was timed perfectl y. lt came at a .time wh en it could do the most good , fo r the Senate is expected to take action on the bill in a fe w weeks.

Wh ethcl' 1111·. Churchill 's promises a1·e to he °sll'allowed ·hook. li !1 e, and sink el' or rej ected entirely, we cannot afford to let the matter go unheeded. Th ere has been talk from certa in qua<"tel's that informa­ti on ha s been secured which ll'OUlcl lead us to believe that our lead el'S a re contemplating sending an expeditional'~· fol'ce to Enl'ope. l~urth el'. if Chul'chill is so sure England will defeat H itler 1ilinus an expedi­tion a l'y force from the United States, it would seem useless for us to con t inue our arn1y expansion program. Jf, howevel', England is snc­cessfull y invaded. it would be wise indeed to ha ve an R!'m y 11 ncl a na"y large enough to protect our shores.

H. R. J 776 is bound to become a la "· when th e Senate votes on the h-\11 so metime before llfarch l. Th e best th e opposit ion can do now is ~o watch t he e,·ents cal'efull-y from now on, and guard a ,.,ainst mea­snl'es 11·hi ch would p lunge us into a war we don't ,rant. We may 1., e suckers enough to pl'esent England with material s of all sort: .' bu t Jet 's stop at that . The da~· of sheddinJ! Ame1·i ca n blood for Elll'opt•an " r f)e cl om " is o,·er.

Would you know a moron f rom his - Pa.rk Beacon. picture? . . . In a. Wellesley College * * * psych class recently, girl students were A kin to th~ ~ailor who takes a bont shown on a screen, front a-nd profile ride 0 11 [ t holiday and to tho u.1:1.ilmnu views of four m.ascu1ine faces, one of wh o take:- a wnlk 011 his vacation is the . whom was a n:or on, another a crimina l. 1·oll egc :s tudent who spends hi s vacation another a. college professor, a.nd the lo:ifiug. Fourth a. policeman. They were asked - N .Y.U. Medley. to identify each as such. Nearly all • • picked the policeman correctly, but a A fine of S730 on an overdue book, majority of the class dubbed the college "A ucassi n and Nicolette," was waived b,• professor a moron! · the University of Texas library, floe i'1

Apropos .. . A rete"r1t :-un·ey of fo ur was ,:: lad to gee back the fifty.cent cop)' l:1rge-U......S.-LLu..L.\:.cr:;_iliJ.~:- r •,·eal:- thi!.!:. ..Q.!.!.:.. of thls book aftec focty yeacs of waiting.

~~ .. 0~111 %beof tt~!l~r '~i~!~. :,;; ~1d~1.:~r~t fcl~!u-!~ .-oecem~i·n- ~he-- eolle·ge.

:-er\'ecll .,· i 11 :111y w:lr t hat Co ngress Jakc-.. Didn't she let you kiss her ? .. mig ht declare . . Jack-"Oh, heavens, no! She·s not that

Wonder why the Student Sparring kind ." column isn't used more often by our. Jakc- .. She was to me." student body? Only seven letters print- The Carroll Echo ed during the whole first semester. * * * That section was instituted for those who wished an outlet for their com­pl&ints, idea.s, or approva.ls. The recent Student Senate movement should have stirred up some conm:.ent from someone, but no one spoke and the movement dled its annual death ...

'fhis one wa ~ he:ird in quit i.: ;1 t\ •w homes last week, I'll bet;

Fath e r: " 'Ve11, Soil , yon f lunkNl that C'Our~e agniu.11

1S0n: "Well, whnt did r ou exped ~ They gave 111e th e s11mc l:xa 111. ' '

One mo re :111d we'll wrap it up fo r thi !i week;

After being ba.dly outplayed during the first half of a football game, mem­bers of the tea.m of Texas A. and M., sa.t dejectedly a.round the locker room waiting for a. tonguelashing from Coach Da.na X. Bible. He entered on the signal far the second half, looked slowly a­row,d a.t each player, and turned to the door. Then he pa.used, turned around a.nd s.ud, " Well ,girls, shall we go?" They won the game . ..

In a recent checkup, University of Minnesota women students rated 1.383 scholastically, as compared with 1.272 for the men.

See you next week.


Alpha Kappa R ho, honorar v 11iu sic frat ernit y,. w:is orga ni r.ed in .1 6:n with ~h e pri.m~try ru:posc of s timu latin g- a11 interest rn 111us1c and developing lead · c rs :imong ~tu dents of t he mm1ir> r1c­pa r~m en t. Sophomores, Juni o rs nn il Se111ors, only arc eligibl e. 'fh cy n1ust ha ve th~ fo llowing pre requisites : high s~hol ast •<" :1vc rage, t wo years of direc· t i_ng ,. me111be r!-!hip in t wo musica l or~:i­ni1.at1o ns, one of whi ch is instrumental.

)fr. P ete r .r. )Iichelsen diredo r of· h:uHJ, Girls ' Glee .Cluh, a:1d orchc~t.rn , is the fa c· ul t ~· ad viso r. Firs t prcside11t was )ia rga ret :Mill er. Other P- l1ar te r member~ were Geo rge Cartmil l, Frrrl Parfrcy, Doro th v R ichards l{cnn eth ~to ran dt. P rese ;1 t office rs ; re : Pres- I :dent , .~co.ta ~ rnnd t; Vice-prc8iil c11t, fot n , ~\ 1shlin iik1; Seer • y , Leone J\11 -la:- : I r~· .l',11r1..• r, Doro 1y Xe l~o11.

··1 don' t like dancing to swing. 'It's just hugging set to music. "

"Whac do you object to ' " "The music. ··

Los Angeles Collegian • •

:\ e1·ordi ng 111 t he TOWER, student pulilica t io n - of t he Cn~hol ic Uni vt•rsity of Ameri ca, at , vnshington, D. C., Dutch date~ :i re out, :it least as fa r as the ho,·~ of Cntholi c U. :md t he la sses·of 11 l' f1rby Ttiuity Collego nre conccrn C! ~. In II rnc nt dc bat<•, fo ur Catholic I . me n :irgu crl the pros a nd cons ot d =i tes a In Dutch, and t hree Trinit~, missrs . nftc r hc11ring both s ides of the q~es· tion, ru lecl-~·ou gucsst•cl it- th:1t girls flliou ld not ~hare expenses! If you don't feel Just right If you can't sleep a t night I f you moan. a.nd sigh If your thoat feels dry I f you don't care to smoke If your food makes you choke If your hea.rt doesn't bea.t If you're getting cold feet If your head's in a. whirl

· Marry the girl! Saint Mary's Collegian

:-;nirl t he toc to t he sock '

1 LC't Ill (' t hrough, le t me t h rouj!il ." 8:1id t.he sock to th e toe " f'll be <l:irn ed if I do! 11

Febniar~- 12. l!l-!1 THE POINTEJl


COLLABORATION CORNER Th l' !o:ty ing, " Th l' man who watl•h l'S the t' lock will a l w:1ys lw one of the

lt:111d s:· ad11 1on isht•:o. us eoll a lforntorC's ·11:u·acloxica l ly t hat w e Shoul d w:llc h t h(' ~·lm:k more clo::wl.v to. beat t h(' deadl ine. Confident ially, ra tt ling off t he dope is r:1th l· r ncrvc-wr:1ekrng. H owt•ver, n.•gard lcss or rcgrctt:'lbh-- situ:1tion:s, uuforSCl' ll t•,·t·nt :"'· t·h.: ., ell- ., l'tc ., a nd with all t he info wh ich Wl' hopC' you l1ave 11 't hc:ird, n-t.• trip :ill over oun;ch·C's to dash to JH't•ss! · •

\' iol:I f: rn cnk(', t hnt c ull> little sophomorC' from :\uhurndak, was all aflutter l:1s1 Frhby w hen ht>r ::.tend~· dropped iu an cl surprised li er 0 11 h is w:w b,iek to th(• rui,:ersity. li t' ii:; ~?~•ger Co.rhc ill c from Wausau ... Aftrr the f lun'king-out f lur­ry ot :1 WL·Ck pnst, 1t s :1m:tz111g how some 1woplt• li:t\"C :-;<.•ttlcd down.

Tht• wv rd '' h ello' is .spok('n .17:J ti111cs :1 d :1y 01~ the (·ollegc campus by th<'

{~~·t ;.~1,r; ~~1~t~.'o:tJ?i!:cl 111g to :rn Alfn•d L :-;u r n•y ... 1-I E.\DL l l\E OV TIIE

I On Th~ir -Way to Test Their Ability to [ _ 1 Wear "Wings" as Airplane Pilots .

----11--rrnh--:'\,1ur,-ftrrm cre:-S:'"l'.t::rtlltctrrifct-ni:~cn f,:ils~f or1 11cr st ucl- -­l·n t, :1m1 o unce.cl thrir nrnrri:1gc :it :1 \' :dent ine Party la st Saturd:iy E\·cning. The ceremony was performed September 24, 1939 at the Presbyterian Church in Dubuque, Iowa. ....

:\li:-:s Davidoff h:ts :tppcalt•d to us to gi\'C! out with :1 li tt le pep t:ilk ahout ~<·lwol Spiri t - ~·011 lrnow-8ch ool Spirit, that certa in sonll'thing we d on 't see m to )1a\'1•. :1rc1u11il h L·l't·. ~l'hi:s _rl<•part 111 c 11t would li ke to s uggc~t_just in pass i!1g, tlwt 11 1111ght h e :1 gootl aka tf we li ad a Jll'P asse mbly on e<.• 111 awhile to st ir u s up ;111d J!t·l us iu the mood. Wii:1t d o thr rl'st of vou think?!?? ·

R<.•:ul the following sc 11t C' nn• rapidly .inst o'i1tl', . <:ounting the .F's as you read. T ln•n :-kip clown to the: sta rr c<I par:1gr:1ph to S('C' tlw key to t h r se n tence.

Finished files are the result of yeai-s of scientific study combined with the experience of years.

. .-\ tJl~t la:r P h i ::iig ha :,,1 gi\'l'll hi ~ frnt in to safe-kee ping. Haro ld 1..:::1 ltl c r hun g Iii:,; on his little f n· huwn , Do nn :, BL18t11l. whom wp h:H·C' nu: ntioncd bcfor('. T lrnt 111:tkl•:-: quitL· a li st of Phi Sigs w ho h:t n • '':,,1ett lC'd down' ' so to spc:ik: La-Brnt ­L:ir:;011, Bccke r-Bowt• r sotk, I\Jein -ll m•y. \\' c tlon"l know abou t Dode's Jitth·

l tri:111g-lt•. I t h :1s11't 1Jce11 in C'\·idt.·n c·c for so me t ime . • Ju l "'tllO whC'n .\hr:th:1111 Li11 (·til11 <':llllt.' to ~l'\\" York c i ty tu SJJl'ak o n slan.•ry

:II l'ot. •111 ·r i11stit11tl' nut• liig town 11 1·wsp:q1P r n•ft•rn•cl to him as "that bahoon from l l! i11ois." :\ Ian· lwll :1 litth• bmh

I t !'-tl.ood upon a s helf And C\·r ry ti111t· i t \\':1g~t·d its t:1i l It sp:111kPd it r,; littk st•lf.

0th· of :\lis!-< Clr11no11's fu r rnn st1Hk111:-. 11_yw :1II C' 11di11g t lw _l.: .. sen t lli!.L th.is_ --hl':tdi~'~hr Dail\' l':1rlli11:1I. Wt• l'Hll hard\\' tOIIIHH~nt the Cardinal fo r it s

11 1i r:uh•·· if t hi s is : 1 s:i111ph•: "Gi rl s ~'rum Six Sor~ ritics E nt ('r H orse-Show.'' .\ 11 i:-: not wt• II with \\"i:,;h li n:--ki and \Vcihn. You ' n• probably bee n h earing

:tll :1hnnt ii tOC.I. ~· l ' \:1 :\l :1e Knutson w:is h:H·k for t h(' wcC'kcnd a n d was squired :,rn11 1ul 1,.\' :1 11 olcl fri(•nd of li(•r!-, 1)1111 .\11c·11tt ... ., T IH· rc arc s ix .F 's in t he scn­lL·llt·t' . :\ person of :1n.•n1g1• in tPlligt•nc<' f inds t l1n·~ of th e m. I f ~-ou s potted four you :ire ahu\'C :l\'l'r:tgl'. If ! 'OH l'Ullllll'd fi\'t' you t·:i n turn up your HOS<' at almos t :111.\'l,od~·. Tf you <·aught :di ~ix you an• :1 gt.•nins :ind a lot too good to be wasti ng \'1111r 1 i1r1r on th'il-1. · K.R.:'\. G r i ll. dir<'dc1r of \\':iu s:111 ::;c-hool hands :111cl ord1estr:1s, ,· is i t.c cl C.-.' .T. r·:s mns.il' drjJ:trt111e11t 'l'hu rstl:ty . 8(1 \'l'r:d of hi:-. fornt<.'r studt•nts are n ow stu dy­

. !11g 11111l1•r .\Ir. :\li c hr lst> u. ~L·g:1rd :incl l'rt1111u1C'!' han• di.' (· id t> d t o go stcu dy :1ftn lwr ,,·cekC'ncl at A lm :1 C'e nt<'r. 'l'h t•\· 'n• had 11 11:i.t<-s iu s ix d:ivs ...

1.;: in.,· l\l•lly, :1 fn·sh111a11 at lhi.' dori·u. li:t s hl'r 111oth c•r rooming ~dth her t hi s S<' lllt'~ll'r . :\I-rs. Bl•:1tri ('(• 1-.:: f'll~· has lwt' n tl'arhiug- in Tomahawk , but is taking a lc•:1n• nf :1h:,;t•llt'l' tn wo rk 011 ht•r tlt•J!rt.•t·. \\"r <·:111't think of :1 nicrr arr:i ngl.' lll e nt , t ·: 111 \'OIi !

·1 11 Lo~ :\ng-t•ll':-1 tla•n· :ll'l' dol'lnrs 11:i.11 1t•1l r':1!1•, ~ l:1 11 ghtt~r, C'offin and Gr:1\·cs - 1111 ki,J.·lin. Sl'i1·11tist!'! :1rc ,,·orki n i:r 011 a sc•r11 111 wit lt w h ich to fight flu .

~· rom th<' Pres:,i Hr l1 ·asl' h1•:1,lci11:1rt (' 1·s c1f :\lou n t :\l :1r~· eolkgc we rcc·ci\·cd t l1 c ' following p:irngrnph:

•1:\ 11w11~ th<· gm•sts :it th <' .ruuior l'rom at :\lount :\C:ir~' Collt.•gc, ·:\lilwauk l'C, \\'('l't' l ·:1rl B:1u <.h•lin :inrl Kay 8c· hn :d wl, IJil·k 11 :tnson a nd :\l:1r~· Jane Baldwi n , 1:1• 1u• R,rdt·n :111 tl Lu i.·ilh• ) l ill1•r. :111d Tt•rn· Knrt;,.,n•il :1 11 d ,.f'lorcn1·e D11 C hatt~:rn ."

"Jlcw·· l\ u li cl11~, aspiring :111d 1wrsp irii1g sports t•ditor of thC' illus tr ious Poiut -1'1'. 11;1~ lt:HI 111·e\·iu 11 s l'Xpcrieuer in sporti. n•port in g. During hi s high sehQo l days :1t tlu• H lo(1111 lliglt ~d1ool, C hic :ign Hei ght s. Dot· rPporl <'tl s ports t•\"C' Hts with t h ree Mllll':tgu t.·~ •. Jim C'oont•y. Sanford \\'ith'r. and Ray \\'itl Ol'k. Solely througl1 ;ibili ­ly :ind nut t·Oi1u: i<ll'lll'l', :di four frl\ow:; :1r(' sport~ NJitors of ('o \kgc pnpen:1,: .Jim l'oon t•y :11 llrnk<', Rnuford \\"itt1•r :1t C':1no\ l Colh'~1· 1 H:ty \\"i tloek at Gt•orgl'town , :ind 1~1,, · ;tt ('.8.T.C'. lntcn•:-it ing, hnh ?

1T i .... :ci<l tl1:11 :ii tl11• G:1m111:1 IJelt:i \ ":11l-11tin<' part~· h r ld n'Cl'nt J~.- therr wl'rr t·ii.rlit t>ell pt.•rso us ' prt •sc•11 t-:srn•11t f'('U girls ;111d Ed \\' :t{· holz. Opportu n ity renll,v :,,how,1 with:\ gol1k11 lig ht t hat night! :\ n• WC' righ t. E<I .'

Bi ll ~ikul ni 11111 st h;1 \'C' 11101·<· 1·1mfid<·11<·<· in si ln• r th:111 iu p:tpt.• r :1 s :1 111Nli11m of 1•:..:1·h:i11g1·-h t· p:1itl his tW<'lll.\' · t.•ig h t l11tt·k tuition in !'liln•r dol l:irs.

.\Ii~~ ,J:11w 1-.::it•l. :\lilw:rnkr<·. :1 11it·t·1 of .\Ir:,;. Fine h, if-l :i gul'~I :1t :'\t•lson 1-1:ill. H, ·rn ,1rin hn s fort u:dl y pull('d ·n p :-.t:1k1·!'1 :it th r c•1Hl nf tl1<1 fir s t f.lC' mestc r. I t

~1·1·111:-: i 11 • 1·11u ld n ' t fii11l :111ythi 11 g- in tlw (·at;doJ.! h i' h:1dn't :tlrt'a cly tak<· n. TIIOl"t. 11'1' .F'OR Tl! 1-: \\'E l·:!..::: ' 10f :di th (• tlii11g-!'l you w('.ir . y1111 r rx pn·~sion

i" llti· 11,0 ... 1 import:111t."

SCRIBNER'S DAIRY The bottle with the celophane


Park Ridge Phone 1934 ~CONVENIENT TERMS .



0,.. . • 2.98 SIZES 14 to 8 in AA and B








Final instructions have been g iven this group of Flying Cadets a t Randolph Field , Texas, and now they're off to put into practice the ground training they've rece ived at the Arm y Air Corps Primary ? ly ing School at Uncle Sam's "West Point of the Air:· ·

Note the parachutes, worn by each cadet and instructor. This· ~erial life raft is an integral part of ever y Flying Cadet's equipmen t, :or Army Regulations provide that every person on every flight in every airplane must be supplied with a parachute. Ever since the parachute came into use in the Army Air Corps in 1923, recortts show there hasn' t beeri a single fatality , in t_he multitude of emer­:::ency Jumps, that can be blamed on the failure of the pa rachute

__oJunction.- ----

These Flying Cadets in training at Randolph Field receive $75 per month together with uniforms, board and lodging, hospitaliza­tion when necessary, and other services.


S T.UDE NT PARRING (Co 11ti 11ul•d from page 1, co l. :{)

themse lves graduated from high schoo l !.---------------..1. were fou nd to favo r thi s freedom of dis­Dear .Editor: cussion on the part of youth groups .

.lt is n sign of spring 1 Anyway, sec- The remainder of the no n-high school ing that the coeds fi re at it again, 1 graduates lean toward su ppression o f think it t ime to repri nt t he o ld cl :i ss ic speech and discussion or- e lse have . no aga in f or t h e ir express bPncfit: op inion in the mittter.

.".-\ gum-ch e wing girl :rncl a cud-ch ew- Averaging ·answers of pe0

rsons with a ll iug cow,

Rt~scmblc enc h othc r,-yct :.lrl' differ - degrees of education, 72 percent of the e nt so m e how. general sam pling o f the pub lic inte rview-

\\"hat-is- it ? Oh, yes, l sr(' i t all now : ed were found to be lieve in unhampered There's an inte lligent look 0 11 t h e f: 1cc d iscuss ion for youth gro ups as part of

of t hf' cow. " rhe education process; 18 percent in-A POJN'l'ER HEADl-:R . dicated that they are opposed; and ten


(Con tinued fro m pngl' 1, col. ::!) phys ical f itness of persons emp loyed o n the NY A out-of-schoo l wo rk program th rough full u tili zat io n of avai lab le re­sou rces of the Federal Government and the local commu nit ies," Willia ms sa id.

" Effo rts toward accomp lishing thi s purpose a re be ing d irected a lo ng three channel s: I . A physica l appraisal by means of a technic'a ll y competent hea lth exam in ation of every- you th assigned to the NY A out-of-schoo l wo rk program; 2. Correction o f health defects through maximum utilization of commu nity re­sources. thro ugh the use of supplemen­ta ry medica l a nd dental serv ices provided where poss ib le br the NY A, and through developing in the you th an interes1 in

(Cont inu rcl on p:lg<' 5. co l. :3)

I .

per cent have no opinion in the matte r. Two persons in three think teachers

sho uld discuss in hi,c:h schoo l c l~srooms such questions as la bor unio ns, war, a nd ,government policy: 23 percen t oppose it: and 10 percent have no opin io n. Near!}' oae-ha lf o f the public be lieves that teachers are fair to a ll s ides in such Jiscuss ions; o nlr one in four is skept i­ca l.

BOWL F"t>R HEALTH on 16 ABC certified LANES

Unde r Air Conditioned .Environment.

6 Alleys at 1 Sc per Line

Bregger Bowling Arcade South Side Phone 1830




Tw o Blocks East 0 1 College, Phone 1629

( •

4 THE POINTER l<~ebruary 12, 19-U


Gym Antics Xuw i!'I the t ime when we i::-irl!'I !'ICl'III

lo l"01Jl·c11tr11tt• lcM!'I on s tud y :111d more 011 ~ports-our plan~ for


th c co111ing


/imHuf ~uldaJ. a Jack R~n

· wt•t:k!'I t:ik c i11 plenty or lt•rritory 111111 Ha ve you hea rd of the new baskrtball lhL'Y tl t•fr:itl'd the kague Hock Gard ens hl"rl· tlicv :trc. · · t e rm " r.ollides''? Well. t he Point cag- by Olll' pin Inst Thursday nigh t . . . The

W (• aft• in the ini tl:st of our scconJ t•rs :-iuffc rrd a bad cmse of this. In st Fri - Phi Sigs also \\"Ou one game by ouc pin rou111I 111 our ., , . lrethnlt-to1tr-ne-,,.-th&-Wla.y ,, ;tyht when they engaged ){ilwa u- from till' lndepr11d<•nh1 . ... ,'limmy lfa­Sloogc!'I, i111·itlc11rnlly., arc ye t thC tops, k t•c State, .irnd. _vr. ~.otn t eonH1:1,t>t-T<r-rrrig;-formt'--t'-WFi:t~r. -ll , i .: •. ·:1. ,..,11 h~s n('ver l111vi11g- h :hl tho:-ic old laurels 111cdy th e s1tun.ti011. 'I1 mo after hmc thr left ~e hou l lo .101n th r .\fn r111es .. . "Ee draggt·d in the th1!'lt-t hc P . .P. M. 's nre I.Ja il would roJl, uround the h oop nnd do Boli:1n 1 Inst year footh:111 tn pt ai u, left 1·!0:-c ,1 11 their heel:- with only 011 c de- evrry thing but go in . Tho C. S. T. C .. ,·t•stt~rclny for Prnsacoln to join t he rt•:it r lwlk ed up for t ho111 . Lt cc rh1inly root ers suffe red n bad case of ncn ·ou:-i- :'\:n·y Air Corp. He rc is w!shiug t he looks likt• a II photo phinnish". ncss watching the gnme ... The G ree n fo rmrr f'.S:r.C. ~ta rs tht• ,·t·ry best of

Hl'rl''s to ,·ou 111111hll"rs- ,·ou w ho Gulls 011 t h t:' other hand were "t1ot". luek. w:111t to h·:1rn· to !'l t :tnd 011 vO ur heml Tht.~ir shots :111 went in. \Ve don' t want tnrn :-10111er~aul ts, a11 d othrn~·i:-c Jim be ; to «l~tr:let 11nyth ing fro m their fi ne your frn111e. It. wi ll he 011 'fuestlay:; pcrforn111 11ec but re:t lly t hey sunk :rny :11111 'l'hurr-1cl:1y:- at -':00 until the basket- unc:rnny tot11 l of shoots. The bC'st per ­hall !'ll'11son is O\"l' r whl'II it will he for111anee w:1s put 0 11 by R:1y K noskn !'lwi1e· hc1I t u )Londay and Wcd 11 e:-1d:1 ~·. when he ~:rnk three• successi ve long

• • •

Seek Fourth Conference Win Seeking t heir fourth confen•nec vic­

tory and fourteenth season triumph, the. Centrnl , tatc cagers will play host to the \Vhitewntcr 'rcaehcrs quintet to­night :1t t h r P. J. ,Jncobs Gymnasium. 'l'he ti lt i• s lntetl for 8 P. 1L

The Poin ters :1r,l' f1tvorih' s tonigh t because of their prc ,·ious 63 o 41 ,·ic­to ry o,·c r the Agnew men. L:ljt season t he 1.:: otalmrn defc:iu•d t he Quakers t-\.\:.i • b..µcores of :!:l-23 and 4'7 -3 't

L eadi ng the southern unit tonight wi ll IJIJ Al Farinn, diminuti,·l· forwal'(l who has scored 30 points in fuur 1~~1gue tilts. Bruce Schattuck nnd Dick Trapp :ire ma ivstays of t la• tea m. ,('1):H:h Ag­new has not deeidcd on a cll'finit1.• s tnrt­ing lineup.

T he Purple and Gold li neup will re­main ·intact with Bagne ll nud 1\•rzyn ­sk i, forwards ; \Varren, center. nnd Vnn Dyke and Tcrzyn~ki guards.

Th e lnclepentents nnd the ' :,.;. Y. A. quintets who nrc the curre nt undefC'at<'d lende rs of the intramur:1l lea~uc. wi ll piny a preliminary game s tnrting at. i: O'clock. 'fhis game prom ise:,; t,, ht:' n.. thri ller from stnrt to finish.

Our 11ad111i11t o11 sinJ.! le~ :ind doubles shots without touehing the h oop . . . lourn:1111c11t!'I :ire nuw Sl·h cdu led. L ook Kenny BuC'h lcr ga,·e n very f ine exhibi-11 11 th e 1111lll'li 11 t o ~('c• wh o your oppu· t ion of shooting nC'nr t he .basket ... Ar t 11c11t will hl' nucl play ih l' 111:ttt.·h any- .\lansficld, '.\tndison refc rre who hns 1i111t·- tlw !'I0011cr th e bl• t tl'r. Inc it.le nt · charge of our home bnsketbnll games, :illy, thr mixed hn(lmintun st•t•ms to be thinks thnt -:\filwnukee·s mighty Green very J}Opul11 r-tomc· out :Ill ~·ou fa ns Gu lls c·omp:ne fnYorihly wi th the st rong -n•mt•111liu it 1!'1 fru 111 ; : l."i to I0:00 on Wi sconsi n quintet whi ch nt the present )1.unday uil,!ht~. limt• is 0 11 top in t he Big T en.. ,.., ve

Th en• i:-1 ;.:u ing to lit• :1 ,nixe li h :111- :th-10 :tgrt't' wit h him ... Furt hermore minto.11 dc111011~trntiu11 011 Pt~ IHuar~· :?O, W\' th in k th:tt Superior Teachers also ht~twl'en h:1h-c~ of tht• g:1111e wirh 0:;h- r:1 tc high!~·. HC're nrc t.hc latest stn­ko!:ih. Don 't mi:--:- ii. tati cs on the lendini:r scorers in thr

·You Mhoul<i S('c the l' l:lssy bowlin g shi rts t hr Faculty tcnms possess. They arc I"urpl c and Gold . .. 'J'hc s lee,·('s nre purple nnd the· res t is gold. Enc h in­tli\" idnnl 's name is cngra,·cd abo,·c t he pock e t nncl thC' name Faculty is engrav­l'd on the> hack. 'fhe Profs inaugurnt­r d th <' m last Thursda ~- night and good luek wa~ the result . Tea m No. I took two gnmrs ont of three from the United Ciga rs and Tenm No. II won th eir th ird gnme of the season when t hey ddented the league le:1<ling Roek Gnrden 's one game. C.S.T.C. will be rcprrsrntcd SCHLICE'S TOP (O"LEGE bv six boxers when tho se mi-fina ls and ~

off next Wednesday night nt \Vi seonsin Rnpids.. The boy.s n,c Joe Kalina,

AnotlH'r keen W. :\ . :\ . !-'arty i:- here Teaehl·rs CollC'gc tonferencc :

fina ls of t he Gold en Glon•s will be run LEAG~ IN BOWLING Ren B ren ne r, Len Ropella, Cla rence The Schlicc's-= oclc Gu rUe1i bowling Tohm, nnd Dnn Young . . H ere is hop- aggregation mnint nined t he ir hold on ing the boys cnptu re t he team trophy firs t pince by clef c11ting the Facul ty nn<l that n. couple of t hem qualify for 'l'cam No. JI two gnmes out of three t.he tournament of champions which will Ins t Thursday night a t the South Side be held in Ch icago ... J erry L:i Fleur, Alleys. In the other games bowled the Garth Lake, Lyle Gr im and Chet John· Independents took two out of three son traveled to Milwaukee Inst Friday from the Phi Sigs a nd the Faculty Teanl and/ll:av_c _!_l:e team some loyal support. No. I drubbed the United Cigus twice.

- Wcdnesd:1y, .l-'ch ru:1r~· J:!, :"i :30 is the Ru c>hl t• r, )Iilw ... . . 5 50 19 time :111cl t hl' C' nt C'r t:iir1111 (' 11t-Oh, Boy!! \Vnrrr ll, Str,·. Pt ... 5 '>8 16 011 ly a. d ime fc>t' is req ui red. Krzoskn, ~filw . .. . . 5 - 1~

th!·l c;:u:~n:1.~;~~ fi~r l~~,'~a1://;f p~,~~er~~ P. Tcr zynski, . hope you 'II wi n your j?Hmes as ~0011 us Ste,·. Pt .. . ... 5 21 20 62

11 119 10 72 ] 3 69

po~ib~~t"c to- \~ \-.-A. 111embers nud R. T;f:~_ns;:~ · · · · ·5 16 20 9 52

ot her girls interestc<l- We nre discus- Th e Fneulty No. ~ bowling t eam won s ing Play Dny and we would like to the ir thi rd victory of the year when

Nl'ce ~ rng fellows . .. Thcreshould be - Gerhardt H ohn vas- t h-e h·i·gJrmairfo,r----more hkc you.. . t he evening. The " Independents" stnr·

hn,·e n good repref-entntion from our gi rl s. Anyone of you who would like to tnkc pn r t be sure to ~eC' ).liss Davi­doff or Pat Carver right nway.



VETTER MFG. CO. Lumber & Millwork

L~!!~r/ Men'• Furnishings


ZENG'S GROGERY Complete Lin e of

Groceries, Ice Cream, School Supplies

Abo The Famou.s




Carbons Ribbons

F. M. PHELAN 112 Spme St Phone 1445


Hopes For Title Smashed By Second Milwaukee Victory

Warren Outpoints Buehler 19 To 18

Thr Grern Gulls of ).!ilwaukee dc­ft>at('d th (' Pointers: of Central Stnt e Friday night by the :;core of 61 to 42. The game w:1s: p layed in the Baker fiel d­house. ft w:H the Green Gulls fift h straight IC'ngu<' drtory. For the Point­e rs it wn:; their SC'tond set back. both tlt•frrt t$ w('re aclmini!Stered :it the ·hands of the Gull:-:. the first being a thrilling :)1 to 4 n•rdiet.

work off the board, but the Gulls marksn111nshi'p oversha dowed these ef­fort~. \V nrren \\"-0. S high point mnn for the e,·l'ning, gathering s ix fie]<l goals nnd ~e,·C'n fr ee th rows for n. totnl of 19 poin t ~. A s in p re l'ious games, Bueh­ler and Krzoskn. led Milwaukee, both garner ing eight fi eld gonls nnd two f ree throws fo r n tota l of e ightee n points.

The C'cntrnl State eagers e ,·encd up the ir '.\[ilwnukce trip with an easy 46 to 2J ,·ietor:v over Concordia. Both reanis had had tough encoun ters the night before. LaVcrn Van Dvkc and

With Bu('h!er and .O.."rzo:;ka setting the Uny Tcrzynski we re inju red in ~the :Mil ­l)ll<'t' the Gulls worked into a earlv l <'nd wankec ~n111c and th is handicapped the nnd led at half time :~S to Ji~ fn the Pointer~. :-eeoncl h:1lf, R:1y \V-arren poured in Concord ia hnd a brief Jcad at the con:-:rnnt hn:-ket~ hut ,the lend was too :-:tart of the g-amc on two quick ba skets muc..·h. 10 o,·ertome. £h e Green Gu11s by L ast. Ray Warren then put t.he :-1ho~H1ng ,~·a:- n·ry good but at ti111cs Pointers into a tic with t wo buckets tht>ir- pn5,:-:111g- Ani.l defen~o In.eked pol.!.. ,cli.e.iLa_.C_rc..Q_1J1row put them jntQ the i~h. '!'he l'ointers WL're definctly off lead wh ich they never rclinquishec.1. !111 lht•ir _~ hot.~ :111<1 h:!d they _been shoot - Th e ~rorc nt t he half wa s Point :_!;~ IIIJ! l'On:-:1:--tently :1:-: rn preno,!s games, Concordia 14. The 'ferzynski boys led 1h~ out t Ollll' t·ouhl h:1\"c hccn different. the :-;_eoring with Pete get.ting JO points

Th r Pointer:- outplnycd thei r riva ls :1111! Ray !J. Ln~t, Conco rd ia forwn rti iri ~0111<' tlrp:trtme111~, notcnbly th eir lc•d hi s tenm wit h ~ix poi n fs. '

The CONTINENT AL Students Clothing


Phone 688

- ~TEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. Th e Bes t of All Beverages-Point Pure Water Used


posted games of 211-178-176 for a 565 total score. He was closely followed by Robert Becker who had n 563 series with scores of 188-182-193 a nd J ack Turccck who rolled 169-192-190 for a 551 score. Jim Bngnell's 221 w:1s the highest of the evening.


Rock Gardens ... .. . .. ... . 18 6 838 P hi Sigs ... ..... . ....... 16 8 781 UJJited Cignrs ......• .. . .. 13 11 i50 Independents ......... . .. 11 13 i l8 Pnculty No. I . . . . ... . .... 10 H Gii Facu lty No. 11 . ....... . . 3 ~l 060

Games Tomorrow Night Alley• l, nnd 2 Fnculty No. II , ..

P hi Si~,.i..14~ A Beys ~ nn d 4 }'acuity No. I n.

Rock Gnrdens.J..11~ Alleys 5 nnd (j Tnd ep endcnts vs .

U nited Cigfl.r!-1 + ~~ HIGH TEN

Games 'l'urecek . . .... . ...... 19 T(oehn . ...... .. . . . ..... 24 Knlkofcn .... . .... . .... 24 Posluszny .. ..• . . . .. ... 24 R eeker .......•......... 24

;:s~~r~.:::::: ~:: : ~: : : : : : -i~ \Vishlinski . . ... • . • . ..... 13 Olson ...... . ...... .. .... 24 Vnn Dyke . . ... 24

Average w~ 19~ 1 il Iii~ ]1)4

lli~ --16,'~" -------

1.;n 15 [.,;




Valentine Day

COLLEG_E_ EAT SHOP 1209 Main St.

-- -----L..C----r--=----===-=:::---

' l•'eb rual'y 12, 19,! I THE POINTER

I ORGAN I z AT Io N s 'ElkFs Csondhulct Cho~t~=t d ......__--;N:;-:e=wma.=-=n:-:C;:';'lu-;b:---~---:-Al~p~ha.---K-a.p_p_a._Rh_o _ __J _ or C O ars lp :n.-war -

:\ ;,::ruup of N ew111anit cs took part in Tl f :rn inft.!rC':-ting di :-cu:-:- iou on "Coufes- 1

~ rnternity he ld th eir bi-month ly NYA HEALTH PROJECT ';i,~t ·::.•;;~;:::. "~,;;,:;~· 2,~i~:,:';·e~lc;:;r~~ ~·~~,'.~:\fei;• ,~~~~:'iii i'.':!'/:'~~a~~·t -~;.ti; ANNOUNCED thl' final ,rnthori t ,·. The conuujttce in a re1>ort on the i I Pnthetiquc Sympho- (Continu ed f:rom p::ige 3, co1. 3) t· h:nge will choo:•ir a ~uh,j ~et for the ny " hy P. I. 'rehaikowsky. R ecords improv ing their health by their own per-11c•xt ~tudy cl uh, F eb ru n ry :!i. wcrl' pla~·cd oft.he four mo,·emcnts and sonal efforts; 3. Improved technical ad·

Bob Aulik i nvited t he K owma n Club :~ l'!tudy wa s mndc of t he composer's vice and assistance with res·pect to all to a skating party at .Park Ridge th e h fr :rnd of hi s ~tyle of writing. NYA efforts having a direct and imme• t·n~ning o~ Thursday, F'ebruary 1:t. Re- :Primary Council diate bearing on the health of young l' rt.'s l1111ent:- will be sc n ·cd. At the Primar.v Coun cil mee ting , workers such as nutrition, sanitation,

Grammar Round Table .\ fondny, }""ebrunry 10. ).liss Van Arsdale physical development, and recreation," )li~s H nn:-:on pre:-:c ntecl au interesting pre:-entcd her hobby, colored photo- Willi:ims explained .

:11~clul•n tion a l rad io demonstration at gra hs of , vest Vir inia Florida ,_k"-""'+-- "-'-T'-'h'-=is~,E.!.Q.8ram is bein carried out in 1c ,ra111111nr ou1H a >le meeting, loca ~<·.enc:. fro111 Stc ,·cns Point, class- cooperation w it 1 the Unite States Pu-

)[onday en•uin g. She e mphasized t he roo m r 1c ture~ of the Training School blic Hea lth Service, State He:ilth Depart· , ·1duc of u~in g th e rad io in the teach- :l nd al so pictures of t he college. ' ments, and private physicians throughout ing of :-:u lijee t mn ttc r i11 t he schools .. .:\ Rural Life the country. Our efforts have been en· r~cord dea ling with the corning of t he dorsed by the Conference of State and ghH·ic r to Wiscousi11 wa s played and Xc w offiec rs for t he !-econd ~c mester T e rritorial Health Officers held in Wash· cli:-cu~sr<l. WC'rC C" lec tcd )loudnr e ,·ening, F ebruary ington recently td consider the health

T he rC' wa~ :1 ~ho rt hu~in ei:.s meeting :~ . :it th e meeti ng of th e Rura l Life needs in the national defense program. durin g- whi c· h it wn~~ d"e ide,l to huv a Cluh : W e have a lso received a pledge o f co-n •re ipt book in :u·c·ord:rncc with Pr.t•si- Presirl cnt · .... · ·. · · · Norman Fronek operation from the Defense Committee dl•nt Jl :1 n:1C'11's nch'it·e fur th e more eff i- Yi l·r Pre:-: itlcu t )l:l r ie Eisenhnmmer of the American Medica l Associa tion in l'ient ha ud lin g o.f moncy Uy :111 o rgani - Secretary · · · . ·, , . Ru th Tra de r ca rrying out this hea lth progr:im.

t" Trc:tsu.re r ......... N orma n P cin eking z:i 1011 ~- rrl':-: iclent H a n:-cn gave -a. talk 011 the " In e:i.ch s tate in wliich ou r health pro-

.l ri~ 1•i1·turc~ wrre taken nftc r the .-\n~crican w:1y of life :t nU its su pport- gram operates a .phys ician of outstanding 111 t·C' I J11g. l'rs; our dcmoerntic form of go,·ern- profession:i.l competence and reputation is

College Theater rncnl. our natural· resource~, and our being appointed as State Henlth Consul-Xcw membe r~ of f'ollcgc Th eate r, public :-:ehoo l s,·s t cm. tant. These State He:ilth Consultants will

i11iti:ll ed on Thu rg, l:i y, .Jamrn r~· 30, arC' : )Jis~ L eo ta ·Brand t l(•ad t he group be paid on a per diem basis for time El:lin<• Catl in of Lo,·al, Carl )li tte l- si ngiug, :inompnnicd h,· 'l\li~s )luriel wo rked. ;-.ten~t uf \Vi~eon~i u' Rnpid~, Luc ille W11 icl. · "The major purposes of our. hea lth X eu nrn n of WittcnhcrJ!, a nd l shl )fo e )ris:- Wnitl pl;tyed three piano solo~, examinations will be to facilitate the as• " " o o cl of Stevens Point .. E :tr le " ~l l' lodydec Coue r, " " Deep Purple/' signment of you th to proper types of S iebe rt, p r('s itlen t of the orga nization, :rncl 11 )[:lybe." work ; to assist in g uidance of individual j!:t\'e a shor t talk on the his tory of )lnri (• Colli,!}: gave :1 rending, " 'rh e youth in physica l develo_!!~nt activities~ C'ollegf Then tcr ; h<' introduced -the offi - .. t range C11 ~c of Dr. Beldoon.,, discover health conditions that need a t-1·t>r :-= nrnl bo:1rd o f dircdo rs. Don I<r i- Ruth Tr:id c r a nd :Margaret Sorett::on tention ; and serve as a tool in hea lth ed­dt~r rxplainC'cl how Collogc The::i,t e r gi,·ei:. ~:rng t\\'O duc t ~, "Tho B olls of Saint ucation work," \Villiams said. trn iniug to s tudents int e rested in :rn y )fnrr " ancl "Carry Mc Back to Old State-wide health projects have already ph:1 :-c uf drnmati(' production s. Virg inny . ' ' been approved for Alabama, Arizona,

Compliments Of,


Phillip 66. Gas


Arkansas, Connecticu t, Idaho, }S:entucky, Louisian a, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, North Carol ina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Ten· nessce, Texas, and W~st Vi.1ginia.

A. L. SHAFTON ~. CO. Dis trlbu tors

Finest Canned Foods and Fresh Produce

College Undergraduates Eligible To Participate

Wisconsin high :schoOI ~tudcnts a ad collego un,le rg rud:,t will be gi,·cu an op· portunity to J)lll'ticipatc in a $2,000 schola rship nwa n l contest to be con­ducted b? th e E lk s N nti on;il F ounda ­t ion, it was a nnounced by Bert A. Th ompson, Green Bny, president oJ the ,visconsin E lks state association.

The awanls will he distributed a s a l'ea-lcu-re-<>Hl,e-E-lks·-G-rnncl-L--utlm,----c-cnr-----­vention to IJc heh) at Philadelphia , Pa., July 1:i-11. Any high school ~cuior or gradtrntiug st uden t of n high o r prc-p::a.rutory ~c hool or undergraduate of n recognized college wh o is rc~id ent with -in the j ur i:-tdi c tion of :111 Elks lodge, is eligible. Appl ic·a tions ca n be 111acle with t he Ex:tltcd Rul er of any \Viscon-sin Elks lodge or with Va l W. Dit.tmau, chairmnn, GtS. 5tith trec t, K enosha, Wisconsin , b~· P cbru or.v 1:3.

Wisco n~in ha ~ t he prh·elcge of ~end ­in g two ('0 11 tcs t:rnt ~ into this "most valuahle student u eou tC'st in whi r h e11-trants will be judgt•cl on ~chol urship, chn.rn ctc r, c itizenship, per~c\'Ora ncc, re· ;-.ourcefulncs:-, pntrioti~m, ci,·ic st•n·ice, cxceptio1rnl courage, a nd nn.v notable acti on o r clist iu gu ishin,r :u:co mplish · 111ent.

'' Stncl~nts of out s ta11 <1i 11~ m~t who show n high ap pret· intio n of t he va lue of au edneation a nd " ·ho are willin g to s truggle fo nchie,·e s11 <·ce:-1~ h::i°;\re :111 op· portunity to win th l':-=e :1 wnril ~, " :,ifo ca 'fhornpson:

Now, then and all the t1me­Saf ety.

FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital & Surplu1 $268,500.00 Largest 1n Portage County


Fruits, Vegetables and Groceries

451 Mcdn SL Phou 51







Special rates lo tea chers and students on rentals.

Special discounts to teachers on parlables.

When your typewriter or addin9 machine q\Tea trOuble, get

an estimate for repairs

P. D. SNOW SO 1\12 Third Street


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Delivery anywhere-any time.



Serves Four

Aud Another Surprise-It's in au Oven-Ware Glass Plate

Try a Fairmont Ice Cream Pie Today-Filled With A'Luscious PopularFruit Center.-



6 " THE POINTER Feb m a ry 12. J 94 l

RADIO Finds Today's Young People To Impatient

Channing Pollock quoted in the maga-A nothcr series of brondcasts .cntith:id zinc You th Today:

"~eeing th e Americas'', s imila r to th ose If I cou ld pass o n o nly one precept to producc1..I ln:-:t ~e rn cs tcr, will be s pon sor- American }'Outh , it w o uld be J osh Bi l­cd e ,·e ry Thursday from 2:30 to 2:45 lings· advice: O\'C I' WLBL, following th e schedule giv- "Consider the postage stamp, my son ; en below. 'fh cse tnt\·clogs arc suitable its usefulness consists of the fact that · it f'or grades ~even and e ight , nud sho uld sticks tb o ne thing unti l it gets there." he of special inte rest to trai ning school Or, perhaps, the sw ry of the Englishman teachers. who was asked how he got so beautifu l a .Jan. :~o E\"crgreen Playgrontl-Orcion, lawn, and replied, "Oh, quite simply . We c• •h. . Wa ... hington, Br.itish Colum ia. merely watered and fertilized it fo r 300 I' h Gol den State 111 the Golden years:· You don' t have to wait 300 years, fch.

1., ,'\' st- C:tlifornia. .. _ or 30 but suppose .you keep yo ur shirt

~~c _Im 1an .ou~1 ry- ~ _o n, an tliesleeves rolled up, for these

f c l. :?0 ~~~~ ~~n a;c;2;l~~:b1a~!di~~ ,.fi_rs_,_2_0_!-------------, Colorado, Utoh, Black Hills.

F eb. :? I \Vcstc rn National Park-Yel­lowsto11e.

.\l:lr . ti F o rerno~t City of t he 1Ii:-siss ip-pi Va lley-St. Loui s.

:.\l:·11·. 1:-: ' 11'.,athcr ot' \Vate rs''-:\1issisip­pi River. )t:, n li Gr:1:--~cw Orl ean :-. '

1Buckcye S tatc"-Ohi o. )l :n. :?O Apr. Ap r. Apr.

10 Ea ste r \'rt c:1 tio11 . :?4 Valley of the 1Iohawk-North·

c m )I . Y . State. )l11~1 I 11rhe River of Dcstiny"-Rucl·



8 The Empire City-~ew Yor1c. 15 X ew Englancl-B~i,.ton, Port·

l:rnd, &tlem . .,., Thumb of Wiseon~in-,Vash·

ington T~la nd.

Krembs Hardware Phone 21


On Clothing For Students and Faculty


NORMINGTON'S Dry Cleaning and Laundry

Phone 380


and They Are Swell Fellows

Sport Shop Building



J'EWELRY - MUSIC - RADIO Expert Watch Repairing

111 Water St. ' Phone 182


Generally Better Always the Best

Phone 1526

Free Delivery

GENIUS ... . is perfection in technique plus something else.

GOOD PRINTING . . . . is the product that fine craftsmen produce in a well equipped plant.

Our experience in printing and helping you plan your school annuals and other publications is

at your service.


WHITMAN'S CANDY Valentine Specials

Prices ve ry reasonable


1-'ifty dollars per photogr:1ph i:-s at lc•ns t , f in· f i111 cs :1s mud.1 as American pid nre magnz iu es usu:1lly pay for th e ir · 111:i teria l. hut t ha t's th e price th :11 LOOK .:\ l ag:1zine i ~ offeriug to p:y; the \\'i111u...,. of its $1.000 pie turc·s tory con· t rst. Fo r th(' first pri ze in tl1is co nt es t is $.;oo, :ind :1 pictur<·-~to ry t old in ten p ho togr:q >~s c,rn win it. ·

Any du ly regist (' rt.'d s tudent of :1 :in · ni o r tollt•ge, eoll rgr or uoin,rsi ty in the t ·n it Nl ~tntes :rnd it s po!o!scss ions, or in (':1narl:1 , is el igihl ,•, prodding hr is not :1 LOOI\ r mplo;·ee ur r r lntr<l to II LOOK em ployee.

All typ<'s of- suhj l•ct m:itt<'r <·au 111ak e­pie turc·s tories. ·port s or studies. r<'· s(•;neh o r recre:1 ti o11-:tll h:1,·e pid111·P potC'11ti:1litiC's, as :t gl:111t C' :1t :111y issm• of LOOK will pro\'e.

Entrants should submit ,wt J,•ss than ten photographsi 11 0 morl' thnn .)0. :i c­,·ompn.n iN I h;· :111 cxpl:111:ttor:· sto r:· 2,-000 words o r less in le n~th .

The (·ontes t e losC'S April J.I, Hl-11. Pul det;tils wil l hl' sC' n t to :1n;·c)11(' rN!ll l'S f ­

ing them.


Special rates to students and student organizations.

H. E. JERSEY 1203 Jefferson Phone 2042



<JHd. <Jolo,uaJ R­OPEN 24 HOURS

e Sluling Steab - Our Specialty

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e Attention g i••n to ReH"alions for . Group Dinnen

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121 N. Sec. St. Phone 228

FISHER'S · DAIRY Valentine Special

Ice Cream , Rolla with

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HANNON-BACH PHARM·ACY Bonlcd uodet authority of The Coca-Cola Company by


- : __ _!,,=====~'.:::::::::::===============~- :_4]2~~=::o=:n:ro=e=S=:t:. == Stevens Point, Wis. I
