Poetry An introduction to what you find in poems and types of poetry



Limericks Have 5 lines 1 st, 2 nd, and 5 th lines has eight syllables and all rhyme with each other 3 rd /4 th lines has five syllables and rhyme with each other Usually funny

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Poetry An introduction to what you find in poems and types of poetry. 2/15/ Types of Poems Limericks Acrostics Diamonte Haiku Couplets Cinquains Free Verse Limericks Have 5 lines 1 st, 2 nd, and 5 th lines has eight syllables and all rhyme with each other 3 rd /4 th lines has five syllables and rhyme with each other Usually funny Limerick Example There was an old man from Spain Who liked to fight bulls in the rain But one day he fell And no one could tell That he was in very bad pain. 2/15/2016 Acrostic Poems A poem that goes up and down Doesnt have to rhyme 2/15/2016 Tarantulas Terrifying Awesome Runs fast Always can't spin webs Never eats an elephant Tiny Unusual Lives for 1 life A tarantula has 8 eyes Scary Diamonte Poems Written in the shape of a diamond Follows these rules: Line 1: 1 noun/pronoun Line 2: 2 adjectives Line 3: 3 verbs/participles Line 4: 4 nouns Line 5: 3 verbs/participles Line 6: 2 adjectives Line 7: 1 noun/pronoun 2/15/2016 Diamonte Poem Examples Cat Clever, cuddly Crouching, pouncing, purring Meow, feline, canine, bark Sunning, sniffing, yelping Lovable, smart Dog 2/15/2016 Haiku From Japan Usually about nature Doesnt have to rhyme, BUT 1 st line must have 5 syllables 2 nd line must have 7 syllables 3 rd line must have 5 syllables What am I? Green and speckled legs, Hop on logs and lily pads Splash in cool water. In a pouch I grow, On a southern continent Strange creatures I know. 2/15/2016 Two lines that end with a rhyme Many poems have lines that rhyme Homework! Oh, Homework! I hate you! You stink! I wish I could wash you away in the sink, if only a bomb would explode you to bits. Homework! Oh, homework! You're giving me fits! I'd rather take baths with a man-eating shark, or wrestle a lion alone in the dark, eat spinach and liver, pet ten porcupines, than tackle the homework, my teacher assigns. Homework! Oh, homework! you're last on my list, I simple can't see why you even exist, if you just disappeared it would tickle me pink. Homework! Oh, homework! I hate you! You stink! 2/15/2016 Couplets Homework! Oh, Homework! By Jack Prelutsky Cinquains Poem with 5 lines. Can be a lot like diamonte poems Rules are: Line 1: One word with 2 syllables Line 2: 4 syllables (describes subject) Line 3: Six syllables (action) Line 4: 8 syllables (something felt or notice about subject) Line 5: 2 syllables (describes subject) 2/15/2016 Cinquain Example Triangles pointy edges revolving, rotating, angling Triangles are all different. 180 o 2/15/2016 Only one thing to knowthere are NO RULES! My Lucky Pencil by Brittany My lucky pencil's very tall, I write with it all day, by the end of the day its very tired, but it gives me an A on my math test. 2/15/2016 Free Verse Cool Things toFind in Poetry Symbolism Idiom Hyperbole Imagery Figurative Language like Metaphor Simile Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia Rhythm Rhyme Stanza 2/15/2016 Symbolism Using an object to represent something else. Examples: Red rose = love Horseshoes = good luck Winter = old age 2/15/2016 Idioms Commonly used expression that means something different than what it appears to mean. Example: Put your money where your mouth is. 2/15/2016 Hyperbole Big exaggeration used to make a point Usually funny Example: Piles of garbage that reached up to the sky. 2/15/2016 Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out. by Shel Silverstein Imagery The use of words to illustrate the poem vividly in the readers mind. Example: Crumbling towers Toppled buildings As the last seconds ticked down, the fans gripped their chilled drinks in anticipation. After the clock hit zero, the yellow and black suits stormed the green beaten field. They cried in excitement and exhaustion while they hugged teammates. From the sky red, blue, and white streamers danced down through the gentle smoke from the fireworks. The head coach was showered with freezing cold Gatorade that soaked every inch of his body and ran into his mouth and greeted him with sweetness. The look on his face was proud as he was clearly in disbelief that this happened to him- yes, he won the Superbowl. 2/15/2016 Figurative Language - Metaphor Comparing two things by using one kind of object for the comparison. Does NOT use the words like or as I AM A SWORD By: Alex I am a sword, Sharper than a tongue Nobody can defeat me, Because I am a sword, I can not be hurt by what people say About me, I will not show my anger Against Someone else. 2/15/2016 Figurative Language - Similes Compares 2 things that are NOT alike. Uses like or as to compare. Examples: The sky was as blue as a millionaires swimming pool. As Sad As... I'm as sad as an odd sock with no one to wear it as sad as a birthday with no one to share it as sad as a teddy with no one to care for it as sad as a firework with no one to light it as sad as a strawberry with no one to bite it as sad as a grey day with no sun to lighten it as sad as a bonfire with no one to poke it as sad as a puppy with no one to stroke it as sad as a promise when somebody broke it. 2/15/2016 Figurative Language Personification Happens when you give something human qualities. Example: The stuffed bears smiled as the little girl hugged him close. The old house groaned in the storm. VELVET By: Rachael Velvet remembers how it wrapped around me. Keeping me warm on a snowy day. Velvet remembers how it laid softly on my bed. Velvet tells me not to forget it. 2/15/2016 Alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more words that are next to each other. Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles. Hattie Henderson hated happy healthy hippos. 2/15/2016 Onomatopoeia A word that makes the sound of the action it describes. Examples: Buzz Hiss Roar Woof The rusty spigot sputters, utters a splutter, spatters a smattering of drops, gashes wider; slash, splatters, scatters, spurts, finally stops sputtering and plash! gushes rushes splashes clear water dashes. by Eve Merriam 2/15/2016Free template from Rhythm The basic beat in a line of poetry. Think about songs.poetry is just like a song with the same rhythm, but without the music. 2/15/2016 Rhyme The repetition of sounds at the ends of words. Wed never seen the teachers in a state of such distress. The principal was yelling that the lunchroom was a mess. It started off so innocent when someone threw a bun, but all the other kids decided they should join the fun. It instantly turned into an enormous lunchroom feud, as students started hurling all their halfway-eaten food. A glob went whizzing through the air, impacting on the wall. Another chunk went sailing out the doorway to the hall. The food was splattered everywhere the ceilings, walls, and doors. A sloppy, gloppy mess was on the tables and the floors. And so our good custodian ran out to grab his mop. It took him half the afternoon to clean up all the slop. The teachers even used some words were not supposed to mention. And thats how all the kids and teachers wound up in detention. 2/15/2016 Food Fight By Kenn Nesbitt Stanza A group of lines of poetry Usually same length and pattern Also called a verse Homework, I love you. I think that youre great. Its wonderful fun when you keep me up late. I think youre the best when Im totally stressed, preparing and cramming all night for a test. Homework, I love you. What more can I say? I love to do hundreds of problems each day. You boggle my mind and you make me go blind, but still Im ecstatic that you were assigned. Homework, I love you. I tell you, its true. Theres nothing more fun or exciting to do. Youre never a chore, for its you I adore. I wish that our teacher would hand you out more. Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside. Im filled with emotions. Im fit to be tied. I cannot complain when you frazzle my brain. Of course, thats because Im completely insane. 2/15/2016 Homework, I Love You By Kenn Nesbitt Great Poets Shel Silverstein Jack Prelutsky Bruce Lansky Kenn Nesbitt Langston Hughes Nikki Grimes Robert Lewis Stevenson 2/15/2016 Keep a Poem in Your Pocket By: Beatrice Schenkde Regniers Keep a poem in your pocket and a picture in your head and you'll never feel lonely at night when you're in bed. The little poem will sing to you. The little picture it brings to you A dozen dreams to dance to you At night when your in bed. So--- Keep a picture in your pocket And a poem in your head And you'll never feel lonely At night when your in bed.
