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By researching slasher horrors we were able find out what takes place in these films.

The Killer will need to be mysterious and maybe unknown (wear a mask etc)

Victims are usually in groups and follow stereotypes

Follows an order in deaths (e.g. the Bimbo is usually first)

Killer will use weapons that kill at close ranges e.g. knives

Locations usually woods or an isolated place e.g. house. The location has to be able to trap the group in to allow the killer to kill them

Group will split up resulting in the killer killing them one by one

Casual jump scares

If owning a phone, the signal will be poor meaning the characters cannot contact help

Plot: The general plot for a slasher horror is that a mysterious (sometimes masked) psychopathic killer hunts down and murders numerous people with bladed weapons (knife, axe or chainsaw)


The Killer who is represented as a psychopath as he/she murders almost anyone violently.

The Bimbo, this character is not the brightest and is usually the first to be slaughtered

The macho man, this character is the strongest within the group and at the start of the killing believes they are able to take down the killer however shows fear as death approaches.

The popular girl who is similar to the bimbo as she is also not very smart

The nice guy who has mutual relations with everyone in the group, this character has the ability to ease tensions when situations worsen.

The nerdy kid is the character who has the highest chance to survive as he/she uses their brain and thinks of plans either to stop the killer or escape

In slasher horrors there is a large variety of settings available which can be every day settings from schools to summer camps, from creepy houses to the woods. Theses settings need to be isolated, quiet and only contain the killer and characters, this is because once a character dies there is little hope for the others to contact help and survive. For example Texas Chainsaw Massacre was set in a farm house

Slasher horrors will use multiple camera techniques, the most common techniques are close ups as they have the power the emphasise the weapons, fear, detail in the scenery as well as detail in the killing of the characters.

An establishing shot is used to show the killers prep room, this is to give a little insight in what the killer uses to kill his victims.

If the killer comes out at night to kill there will be time lapse of the sun going down and the moon coming up, this notifies the audience that its time for people to die

The most common sound in a slasher horror is the sound when people are getting stabbed and screaming, this is to show realism and also build up tension due as the other characters may hear the screams.

Slasher horrors use a variety of editing techniques including shot reverse shot, short shot durations, match on actions, time lapse and zooms (rarely)

Why would they use these techniques

Short shot durations- these are seen when the pace of shots pick up when a character encounters the killer as tension will build and the enigma what will happen to the character?

Match on action- in slasher horrors the most common shot reverse shots occur when a character encounters the killer or a weapon, finds a hint to escape or the corpse of a group member.

Time lapses are used to speed up time which has the same reasoning as montage editing.

Match on action- Match on actions mainly occur when key events happen e.g. a clue to escape, but at times these will be fake clues (a button which seem to lead to an exit but leads to death)

Our OTS will be non-linear as it does not follow a specific pattern, we will be using montage editing to speed up time and use flash backs the give an insight in how to killer is (how he likes to kill people)

Killer waking up at night (possible time lapse to show sun going down)

Establishes killers garage (where he lives) He has flashbacks of previous murders Multiple body bags Blood on walls Torches to lighten up room (Isolation) Killer equips his weapons (blunt knives and covered in blood) Puts on a semi-destroyed mask Once equipped he leaves and ready to kill Title of the film will appear on the exit door after the killer slams

the door shut once he has left (most likely in blood to match the setting of blood on the walls)

Who is the killer?

Who has he killed?

Why is he killing people?

Where is he?

Our USP will be mostly through the narrative enigmas and mystery, as our OTS creates narratives the audience will be hooked in and want to know who he is going to kill and maybe why.

The use of blood to back up conventionsThe way the light flickers

to show the audience the amount of blood to give a hint to mass murder

Blood stained on the weapons to show it is not the first time they are being used

The first picture at the top shows a sense of abandonment as well and this shows fear as well. The picture at the bottom shows torture and pain and this shows murder .

The multiple choice of weapons hints towards mass murder

The use of an old cut up mask hints that this isn't the first time the killer had murdered

We find these inspiring as we look to use these features for our OTS

Ashley Goodall, Calvin Chohan, Elliot Sears and HimmetBhara

Tend to have a sense of mystery

Simple plot/story

Not a lot of character within the OTS

Isolated setting (city, forest, wear house etc)

Wide range of sound (news reports, screams, eating flesh, suspense music)

Clearly shows the devastation and spread of the virus

Families are used e.g 28 weeks later, The Walking Dead and I am Legend

Protagonist shown to be strong, brave and heroic (normally male)

Survivors are ALWAYS out numbered to the zombies

Destroyed props (toys, rotten vehicles,)

Weapons (melee weapon and guns)

Kinetic camera for chase scenes

Abandoned settings (urban)

All ways focused on surviving, less on killing all the zombies

Contrast between fast and slow pace editing

Shot in the head to kill a zombie

Apocalyptic world

Stereotypical characters ( dumb blonde, weak women and young children)

Zombie stood in clear site

Camera getting closer to zombie (POV shot)

Meanwhile news reports audio are playing (non-diegetic)

Little pause when camera is really close to zombie (no audio)

A noise startles the zombie

Zombie turns around at a fast pace with guts/blood hanging from its mouth

Zombie groans loud towards the camera

Zombie then attacks the camera man

Cut to black screen, big bold title shown

During the OTS flash backs will occur showing natural around the world.

Zombie (character 1)

POV character (character 2)

New Reporter 1 (characters 3)

New Reporter 2 (character 4)

Not going to announce how the virus started and where. Making the audience think how did it all start?

Go in hide the person behind the camera, making the audience think: Who is this person? Why is he doing this? Does he know that zombie?

The reason why I chose this type of OTS is because we can emphasise disaster around the world which was caused by the virus. This will be done by the flash backs shown multiply of times within the OTS.

If we were not to add the flash backs, then the OTS wouldn't be as exciting or thrilling towards the audience.

This shot shows that zombie genres commonly have bold title (sans serif)

At this point news reports are playing, this is what we want to include in our OTS

Shows the spread/ devastation of the virus

Mainstream setting of a abandoned graveyard, connotes that if still mainstream it can still be effective

Our zombie will look like this with the use of eye contacts to show mutation to the body

Here again shows the use of bold title for zombie genre

This is what we are going to aim towards make up wise for our zombie character, with gore also shown.

This is the type of urban setting we want to have in our OTS

Our will USP will be the amount of suspense and mystery within our OTS.


Never see the characters face

Only see the zombie for little time (3-5 seconds)

How the disasters that shown happen?

How did the virus start and where from?

Why is this person confronting

We are aiming to have the audience on the edge of their seat when they have finished watching our OTS

Age 15-40. Contains gore/jump scare

Class - Middle/Lower. Characters will be represented to be middle/lower. through Mise en Scene

Gender - Aimed towards both, know that both genders watch zombie horror but more towards male

We will give the audience what they want in our zombie OTS eg:

Thrill and horror though jump scare

Blood, gore and guts

Sense of mystery

Unique OTS for zombie Horror

Graphical zombie with realistic make up

Questions that need answering

