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Slogan: Time's fun when you have your logistics done ITLC: Impress Through Learning LET's ITLC ;)


ITLC which stands for international transportation & logistics designed upon a concept which assures that the best decisions are those taken understanding the whole picture...& that's what we are here for...providing u with resources & information that will brighten up your future while having fun & enjoying an amazingly warm & friendly atmosphere.


Strength: 1-communication


3-designing and drawing


Weakness: 1- time management

2-lacking experience in the available departments

Threats: 1-financial threats

Opportunities: 1- new era after the revolution


We are aiming to be a positive force in AAST, always seeking the best ways to benefit students in the fields of academics, social life and practical applications in fun, warm, and creative environment.

Mission statement:

we exist to share knowledge with student, help each delegate achieve their plans and start their actual road maps, encourage others to grow personally, professionally, emotionally, and spiritually by adding concepts.

And also, To narrow the gap between the theoretical world of college education and improving the majority skills of students. Working in group and enjoying teamwork, improve personal skills. An aim to make all students know what logistics and supply chain is.


Determine the type of knowledge being supplied with the available resources and skills in the club.. and also by discovering the internal talents, spotting the talent out of the students , and giving real case study to them. Willing to give sessions and summer training, flyers each week with a new information or a question to be answered by the students, not only concerning the logistics field. Providing students with academic trips, and providing sessions about logistics and supply chain.


Improving internally to achieve external goals. Quizes and questionnaire to determine the personal interests, giving a real case study either from real companies or through the internet. Contact with the company and make strategic plans. Collect people, have copy from their identity card, and have the academy’s permission. The media department will organize the type of information being supplied.

Criteria of ITLC members:



3-hard worker



6-able to work in a team

7-responsible and keen on work


9- Good listener

10-work under pressure

11- Not short tempered

Criteria of the delegates:

1-willing to learn

2-creative and smart

3-willing to make a change

4-share ideas with others



1-HR (Hr+tracking): preparing for the interviews and recruiting for students evaluate the organizers themselves. Taking notes in meeting and sessions, then making reports (documentary work)

2-media (marketing + IT): making flyers and banners put them in classes, booths, anything dealing with computers, Photoshop.

3-PR: communicating with other clubs to organize session’s times, dealing with the companies and dealing with students.

4-finance: finding methods of fund raising, paying fees of flyers, banners and business cards. Anything related to money.