Plan of ideas




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Plan of Idea’s

In order for me to make a successful trailer I need to have a few external ideas that I can use to make my trailer eye-catching and interesting to the target audience.

One idea that I am planning to use is, as the intensity of my trailer heats up and things start to get confusing I plan to go back and forth in showing images from the trailer to a boiling pot of water. This is a good way of showing the viewers that things are going to get heated in the trailer; it is also a good technique to use to get the attention of viewers. Another contrivance I want to implicate within my trailer which also links to the fast paced/confusing nature of my trailer is; I want to apply the sound of heartbeats which in some scenes get quicker and some scenes reduce to normal pace. In scenes where the pressure is on or the heat intensifies the heartbeat will quicken and in scenes of calmness and serenity the heartbeat will be heard beating at a normal pace. This technique will be a very effective technique as it will thrill, stimulate and incite the target audience; they will be more encouraged to watch the full movie. The last idea I may implicate is the quickening of the shots, I will speed up the time of the shots to set the pace of the film, again this will get the target audience excited and thrilled.

Out of the three ideas I have chosen to use my first idea of the boiling pot of water. I have chosen this idea as I feel it is most effective, appropriate and suitable to intensify and set the pace of the trailer. It is also the most easiest idea to convert.