Pictures, pictures in a book. How much for this picture...dear reader, good art doesn’t come...


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simplifying IT

Pictures, pictures in a book. How much for this picture

book? Thirty two dollars? Damn, that’s steep! Remember,

dear reader, good art doesn’t come cheap.

Hey you…

I beg your pardon for this lack luster introduction to such an exquisite collection. I have literally been try-

ing to write this for about 2 months now and I am stumped. Nothing sounds right, except this obviously.

There really isn't much to say about this book. It is a picture’s pretty self explanatory. I took all of

these pictures myself and I altered them myself. I named my technique “photo manipulations”.’s

a working title. I will probably come up with something better some time in the future.

If you haven’t noticed, there are two sides to this book. One represents the masculine side of my art, and

the other represents the feminine side. If you are holding the book in your hands and wondering “How the

hell do I access the other side of this thing”. All you have to do is flip the bottom of the book towards the

top, vertically, and whoop there it is.

The only other thing that I can think to mention is that some of the pictures

are probably incomprehensible to you. This I know for sure, and Yes, I did this

on purpose. Why, you ask? Because at some point in your life you will have an

experience that will lend you the frame of reference to be able to understand

exactly what you are looking at. I’ll give you an example. The pictured paint-

ing to the right is a minimalist painting done by me some time ago. It is my

favorite piece of my own work. It’s my favorite because the reactions of peo-

ple viewing it for the first time, reveals something about the viewer. Take this

opportunity to look at it in depth for yourself. What do you see?


The name of the piece is “From Behind”. The title is a dead giveaway. Some

people know exactly what it is the moment they first lay eyes on it. Others, even with the title, just don’t

get it. Some of the pictures in this book have the same effect. But, trust me, one day you will get it.

One more thing before I go. Lot’s of people in my life, past and present, have told me that I am too talent-

ed to not be doing more. I partially agree. Please excuse me while I hoist myself onto my soapbox. Yes, I

could advertise more, be more consistent, yada yada yada. At the end of the day, all of that takes time and

money; and I am very short on both. Yet, I still produce art at my own comfortable pace. What I think

people, especially non– artist, fail to realize is that good art takes time. You have to feel it. I’m not going

to produce some bullshit just be consistent. In addition, I also think that people fail to realize how incredi-

bly easy it is to support an artist in this day and age. All it takes is a “like”, a comment, a share, or clicking

subscribe. That’s it. If you have an artist in your life that you think makes dope art, support them. It’s free,

mostly. Tell another friend about their work. Share something of theirs on your social media timeline.

Click like when they post something you like. That’s what that button is for. I promise you it would mean

the world to them, and it would help them get the notoriety that you believe they should have. Personal-

ly, I look within when it comes to my art. If I haven’t produced anything that drives people to share it,

then my art is just not “there” yet. And I will continue to work at it until it does.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this book, and appreciate your support.


Dan Freeman or Stephen R. Freshley (Whichever you prefer)

Thank you, dear reader, for supporting my work. Thank you to the Order of

the Illuminati for inducting me so long ago and making me who I am today.

Fac quid vis sit summa Legis Amor est lex amoris in voluntate

Thank you to those who are captured in this book.

Special thanks to the people who have ALWAYS supported my art and con-

tinue to encourage me, however strange or foreign to them the art form is:

Dae Bynum

Janice Floyd (Gra Gra)

Jamaal Lewis

Darnell Walker

Ransford Hyman

Eric Gulley

Special thanks to my partners:

Niesha Varns


Shout out to all the people that refused to let me take pictures of them. Hey,

maybe next time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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