Photoshop process


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I created an A4 document which gave me a white background. This size is a typical magazine convention.

I then selected the colour for my background, I did this by using the colour fill tool and choosing the colour which I wanted for my background.

Next, I changed the hue and saturation of the background by adding an adjustment layer.

I was then able to insert my main cover image

I used the quick select tool to cut out the original background to the image and then went around the edges with the refine edge tool to get a smoother blend between the image and the coloured background.

I chose the font and style I wanted for my title of my magazine and then applied it to the front cover, tilting it sideways to get a more informal look.

I created a rectangle using the shape tool, and changed the opacity so the main cover image was still coming through.

This then became a banner which I inserted the name of the band “The Beatz” onto, and added a drop shadow to.

Using the shape tool, I created three rectangle boxes for my ‘puffs’ and tilted them sideways and then added slight drop shadows.

I added some cover lines to the white boxes to intrigue the readers to read more.

I also added a black rectangle box with the shape tool and then wrote in an offer of ‘winning a pair of tickets to see a band of your choice for free’.

A magazine needs a barcode so I then created this and put it in the bottom right hand corner.

After this, I created a star like shape with the shape tool.

In this star like shape, I added text using the text tool.

Finally, I added text again using the text tool just under the title of my magazine stating the month of the issue.

After I finished my front cover, I started to create my contents page. I opened an A4 document and inserted a title called contents.

I then created image boxes to import my images into that I was using for my magazine, using the create image box tool. I then placed them in different places and ways rather than leaving them plain.

I then created rectangles using the shape tool and selected the dark green colour and then added text which became my sub headings for my contents page.

To complete my contents page, I created text boxes and wrote the necessary text in them.

I created a new double page spread document on Quark, for the double page spread in my magazine.

After choosing the font I wanted I created text using the text tool and added in the main cover story title as well as page numbers.

I then created a text box and added my text for the article for this page, which is an interview with a band called “The Beatz”

I took one of the pictures from my photoshoot and individually cut around each person and added them in one after the other with a height difference.

This is the second person who I cut out from the photo to add into this page, increasing the length of the picture.

Again I cut around the third person and added him into this increasing the length of the picture.

As you can see, I increased the height of each picture to give it a ‘stair-effect’ kind of look signifying that they are growing as a band.This is my final product.
