Photoshop Changes With Comments


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I changed the contrast, brightness and saturation, to make

so the picture is darker. I then use the dodge tool to make

the person hair, hands and scarf light so she would stand

out, and made the area around quite dark, to make her

stand out even more. I think this went well because it

makes it clearer to see what the subject is because its

where the light goes. It makes so its not just the lines in

the photo leading you to the person but also the light does.

I did this by first making the brightness quite low and

the contrast quite low. Then I change the saturation so

that it had a tinge of red and set the hue so it made it

more yellowy then lower the lightness a bit. Then I used

the burner tool to make the floor darker, and used the

dodge tool to make the stairs and banister lighter, doing

it on the banister brought more colours out of it. I think

this had worked well because it makes the photo look

more interesting because of the colours. Also I think it

makes the photo more balanced.

Used the charcoal/chalk filter then, then use the dodge

tool on the sun to make it lighter, then decreased the

brightness and increased the contrast. I think it makes

it look quite effective but I think I prefer the original

because I like the colours in it, but the new one looks

effective in black and white to.

On this I just used to burn tool to make all the photo a

bit darker and then made the leaves darker with the

burn tool. I think this has worked quite well because I

think the darker colours make the photo more effective

also I think that making the foreground darker and

keeping the background light increases the balance of

the photo.

With this I made the shadows darker and the highlights

darker to. Also I inverted the colours which brought

the blues into the photo. I also used the burn tool to

make the centre darker. I think this has worked well

because I think that the original is a bit dull and boring,

but after brought the colours out more its makes it look

a lot more interesting because there are many different

colours in there.
