PESS Directory - 2012 - 4vco Investran 26 ... Reporting Services Mediasterling 98 Spreadsheet...


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PESS Directory - 2012

End to End Software

3i Infotech – Framework 2

AltaReturn 4

AnalytX 6

App-X 8


eFront 12

eVenture Systems Limited 14

Investors Economic Assurance 16

Koger PENTAS 18

Relevant Equity Systems 20

Shareholder InSite 22

SS&C Software 24

SunGard Investran 26

Vantage Software 28

Vitech Systems Group, Inc. 30

Fund Administrators

AltResources LLC 32

Augentius 34

FLSV Fund Administration Services 36

Ipes 38

SS&C Fund Services 40

State Street 42

Asset Monitoring Software

Baxon PE 44

ClearMomentum 46

iLevel Solutions 48


4vco Limited 50

Chatham Financial 52

Pcubed 54

SteelBridge Consulting Ventures 56

CRM/Deal Flow Software

Customer Effective 58

DealCloud, Inc. 60

DealMarket 62

EquityTouch 64

LexisNexis InterAction 66

Netage Solutions, Inc. 68

Touchstone CRM 70

IT Support/Services

Advanced 365 72

Capital Support 74 76

Eze Castle Integration 78

ERP Solutions M4 Systems 80

m-hance 82

Investor RelationsIntraLinks 84

PEARonline 86

Back Office Q-Biz Solutions 88

Expense Management TripsWare 90

General Ledger PS Financials 92

Limited Partner Services The Burgiss Group 94

Private Equity Research Pitchbook 96

Reporting Services Mediasterling 98

Spreadsheet Management ClusterSeven 100


Welcome to the 2012 edition of the PESS (Private Equity Software and Services)Directory.

4vco has been providing independent advice to private equity clients for over 10years and has witnessed the growth and maturing of a dynamic software andservice industry in the sector.

The 2012 edition of the PESS Directory contains profiles of 50 suppliers, eachwith a proven commitment to servicing private equity clients. The profiles includedetails of company backgrounds, key facts, product descriptions, clients andsupplier contact details.

The PESS Directory is updated annually and is available free where individual profiles can be viewed online and a pdfof all profiles can be downloaded.

Latest supplier news is also available online at and in themonthly PESS Newsletter. Visit to register for the freenewsletter. To keep in touch with supplier news as it happens you can alsofollow the PESSNews Twitter feed at

Finally, look out for details of our PESS Showcase events in New York (May22nd) and London (June 21st) during 2012 – see for details.Free to attend, the Showcases provide a great opportunity to meet and assessthe leading software and service providers and to network with your peers in arelaxed but thought-provoking environment.

Thank you for your interest in the PESS Directory. All feedback is welcome


The PESS Team


Please note that all information in the Directory is provided by the suppliers.4vco exercises no editorial control over the content of the profiles and offers noguarantee of the accuracy of the information contained therein.


About us


3i Infotech – Framework Ltd provides a complete,end-to-end private equity software solution for alltypes of organisation across the entire market.

The company was formed in 2000 and is amarket leader in private equity software. In 2008Framework became part of 3i Infotech, one ofIndia’s leading IT solutions and servicescompanies.

Last year, 3i Infotech had revenues of $517million and has clients in over 50 countriesacross five continents.



Our Framework software is used by clientorganisations in Europe, North America and theMiddle East which collectively manage in excessof $200 billion of private equity assets.

Clients include limited partners, general partners,administrators, funds of funds, private equitygroups, real estate investors and developmentfunds.

To see a sample of our customers, please

Our software


For all types of private equity organisation,Framework helps manage risk, enabletransparency and increase operational efficiency.

Rich, easy-to-use functionality enables theinvestor relations team to manage relationships,handle documents and meet investor reportingrequirements. The investment team can trackcontacts and source deals efficiently with dealflow processes configured to match their specificneeds.

Investment performance can be scrutinised withcomprehensive investment monitoring, capitalstructure and valuation capability.

Framework supports the back office withpowerful portfolio management, fundadministration, general ledger, reporting and adhoc enquiry functionality.

Key benefits:

Efficient deal making is enabled by acentral repository for all contact and deal-related information with Outlook and Excelintegration.

Users are quick to adopt the highlyadaptable, easy-to-use and moderngraphical user interface.

Dashboards displaying key performanceindicators and other managementinformation promote access to powerfulinvestment performance monitoring.

Framework provides solutions for


General Partners

Limited Partners

Funds of Funds

Fund Administrators



Mezzanine Funds

Real Estate Investors

Infrastructure Investors

3i Infotech - Framework

Leader in private equity software


Our software cont…


Configurable business processes ensureoperational consistency and the ability tochange practices in an evolving market.

Outstanding service levels can be achievedusing the dynamic reporting and ad hocenquiry tools to provide quick answers toinvestor queries.

Business growth and increased complexityis supported by Framework’scomprehensive, scalable and flexiblesoftware solution.

Our approach


We are an ambitious, growing company andunderstand the important role that our customersplay in our future success.

Our aim, therefore, is for all of our customers tobe “happy and referencable”. To this end, we aimto set realistic expectations from the beginningand do everything we can to ensure that all ofyour objectives are met.

To ensure that we are up to date with industrytrends and market needs we regularlycommunicate with our customers, especially viaour active, independent user group.

This market information feeds into our extensivemaintenance service which provides regularupdates to help maintain the value of yourinvestment in our software.



Framework is a Microsoft ClickOnce applicationwritten in .NET which offers significantadvantages over web-only products.

The benefits of this technology include:

Convenience. Simple deployment to endusers’ machines via a URL providing thebenefits of a web-based application withoutthe disadvantages inherent in browser-based applications.

Reliability. The isolation of applicationsbuilt in .NET plus automatic version controlhelps prevent versioning conflicts.

Performance. Customers who havemoved to .NET have seen significantincreases in speed in the order of 300-500% improvement.

Security. .NET provides systemsadministrators with powerful, granularsecurity control over .NET connectedapplications.

Ease of Use. Framework takes advantageof .NET to provide a cutting-edge, rich userinterface fully integrated with MicrosoftOffice applications.

Hosting options

Framework can be deployed at the client site orhosted by a third party company, allowing ourclients to focus on their core business andminimise the cost of IT ownership.



Sanjay Tolani

Head of Framework Sales

t: +44 20 7071 3143

m: +44 7738 285185




About AltaReturn


Our organization was founded in May 2008 bytwo executives who have over 20 years ofexperience providing top quality software to thealternative investment community.

AltaReturn offers a full suite of software productstailored explicitly for the Alternatives industry.

A next-generation technology, AltaReturnoutperforms other systems, providing acomprehensive high-performance solution thatdrives virtually every area of your enterprise.Created on Microsoft platforms and leveragingproprietary Vertice Technology, it issophisticated, yet easy to use – giving you thetools you need to build a better bottom line andthe power to take your business to a new level.

All key employees have an average of 18-20years of experience with financial systems,primarily focused on the alternative assetsindustry. The Vertice team powering AltaReturncollectively has over 100 years of experience indeveloping leading-edge solutions for theinvestment management industry, with more than1,000 successful implementations to its credit.

AltaReturn is headquartered in Miami, FL andhas additional resources in New York, Chicago,Boston, London and Brazil.

Product offerings


Available as an integrated end-to-end suite, or asindependently licensed applications which will fitwithin your existing infrastructure and technologyframework, we offer the following solutions viathe cloud (SaaS – Software as a Service) orinstalled at the client:

Accounting – Fund and Corporate, with theability to track complex fund and investmentstructures including multi-tiered ownership andAIVs.

CRM – Contact Management, Investor Relations,Fund Raising, Portfolio Monitoring and DealTracking

Business Intelligence – Custom Dashboards,Dynamic Calculations of Key Measures (e.g.,IRR, TWRR, Multiples), Presentation QualityReporting from an End-User Tool

Automations – Waterfalls (standalone, orincorporated in our Fund Accounting solution),Valuations, Interest Accruals and other complexcalculation models.

Web Portal (hosted only) – Investor Site,Portfolio Company Data Collection, Virtual DataRooms

All products are built on Microsoft platforms,using .NET technology. IRRs, waterfalls, andother complex calculations are performed usingour patent pending calculation engine.

The AltaReturn differentiator


A unique blend of

technical expertise,

industry experience, and

deployment proficiency.

Key advantages


Known, easily navigable Microsoft platform

Integrated data warehouse to simplify reporting

Process-oriented applications with workflows thatreplace manually intensive processes

Option to deploy on the cloud, reducing yourinfrastructure spending


Alternative investments software utilizing the powerfulMicrosoft Dynamics platform


About our clients


Our current client list includes, Private Equity,Venture Capital, Fund of Funds , Family Offices,Limited Partners, Hedge Fund of Funds, RealEstate, Energy and Power, Emerging Markets,Infrastructure, Management Buy-outs, andGrowth Capital firms. Assets under managementof our clients range from $100 million to $35billion.

Some of our clients have implemented the fullend-to-end suite of our offerings, while othershave selected specific modules from ourofferings to close gaps in their existing productinfrastructure.

Our team is well versed and experienced inproviding technology solutions to the alternativeassets industry. This is reflected by our rapidexpansion in market share. Revenue and clientgrowth has continued to increase at an industryleading pace. Our leading edge technology andexperienced team has resulted in winningbusiness in competitive situations againstsolutions with much larger client bases.

Software as a Service (SaaS)


With current advances in cloud computingtechnology, getting world class softwareshouldn’t mean investing in expensive ITinfrastructure. We agree. As an option, we nowoffer AltaReturn on a subscription basis, hostedwithin our world class datacenter. Our facility is aTier 4 datacenter, with multiple active power andcooling distribution paths, redundant hardwarecomponents, and fault tolerant infrastructure. Asan extra safeguard, we backup your data offsite,so even in the worst of times, your data is safe.

Our support staff has decades of hostingexperience, which ensures that your systemsoperate round the clock, supporting your globaloperations. Couple this infrastructure with ourcost-effective AltaReturn products offered as aservice, and you can start right away - no lengthyinfrastructure build-out or time consumingsoftware installation. Once you are in production,we take care of monitoring your servers andbacking up your data, allowing you to focus onrunning your business, not your support systems.



Mark Lacana

Director of Sales

t: +1 617 939 1039



Rey Acosta


t: +1 305 720 2690





AnalytX defines itself, collectively, as both anAmerican and European company with nearlyequal head-count across the Atlantic. We arealso structured with a front and back-officeapproach to serving clients that results inmaximum efficiency and service delivery. Forinstance, in Europe we operate with a front officelocated in London, with software developmentand DBA support out of Central Europe. Webelieve that this approach maximizes economicbenefit combined with optimal quality in productsand services.

AnalytX began creating software solutions for thealternative asset community in 1993. TheAnalytX team has collective experience of over100 years in alternative assets. With a strongand proven client base across the US andEurope, and over 15 years in operation, ourproduct offerings reflect an accumulation ofhands on experience in alternative assets.



PEO PrivateEquityOffice

Built specifically for private equity and venturecapital fund managers with direct investment orfund-of-fund portfolios. "Dimensionalizes" yourprivate equity operation with life cyclemanagement, from opportunities through investordistributions. Includes powerful asset monitoring,IRR/Slice Dice, and robust tools for investorrelations. Unlike traditional accounting andPortfolio Management Software – PEO isdesigned to be adaptive to a multitude ofbusiness models and structures. This includesthe ability to be adaptive to future businesschanges adding reassurances of future proofingits usage within any organization.

Prospective and active portfolio companies aremonitored and serviced with dashboards. Theasset side includes transaction processing, built-in GL, capitalization structures, key performanceindicators, financial statement analysis andspectacular slice/dice IRRs. Prospectivefundraising opportunities can be evaluatedinstantly. PEO utilizes powerful tools for investorrelations including activity tracking, mailmerges,and batch reporting. Full capital reconciliation isincluded, with on-demand granularity forallocations for any investor. Automaticmanagement fees and/or waterfall rules can alsobe cleanly modeled.

Key facts


300+ installations

15 years in operation

Global presence

Superior ROI









Innovation leader in providing mission critical softwaresolutions to the global alternative asset community


Products cont…


WebLP - Managed Transparency

Raise the bar with WebLP dashboards for bothprospective and active investors. During aWebLP implementation, we (your provider)become invisible, whilst the application isbranded to match your corporate colors and logo.WebLP is about the speed and accuracy in whichyou can provide meaningful information to yourinvestors. Stay in control by previewing resultsbefore they are available for consumption, usePEO one-touch processing to easily publishcapital call letters, distribution notices, and otherinvestor reports.

IOCapture – Transparency at the Source

IOCapture is an Internet portal application thatsolves the inherent issue of timeliness andaccuracy of acquiring asset information forprivate investments. IOCapture streamlines theeffort required by fund managers to capturecritical information from assets includingcompany and fund of fund information. PowerfulAdmin Module synchronizes with PEO ondemand.


ObjectiveFront Pack

ObjectiveFront combines the front, middle, andback-office on a single platform. The front-office(the deal professionals and the investor relations'teams) require a web-based graphical userinterface, with a visual rendering of the way theysee the alternative assets world. ObjectiveFrontfeatures a stunning user interface where everyscreen is a dashboard with user-selectablewidgets that can be sized or placed by the user.

ObjectiveOutlook (OO) provides full two-waysynchronization between PEO and Microsoft(MS) Outlook-and provides integrated emailmarshaling to the shared enterprise database,directly from Outlook. The OO listener serviceautomatically marshals any email received,enabling you to handle emails on the road fromyour mobile device (Blackberry, IPhone, etc).



Harjeet Thiara

EMEA Client and Marketing Representative

t: +44 207 659 5959

f: +44 207 659 5951



Melisa Sweet

Marketing Associate

t: +1 212 731 2377

f: +1 800 816 0763





The App-X team knows alternative assets. We’reindustry veterans who understand our clients’need to control information, gain clarity from it,and leverage it for stronger returns and largerimpacts.

We use the power of cloud computing for fasterspeed-to-value: less expensive, more secure,automatic upgrades, easier configuration, betterfit.

Our core product, AIM, centralizes institutionalknowledge related to fundraising, investment duediligence and portfolio management. It is themost focused application of its kind andtransforms into an investmentmanagement powerhouse.

Our new initiative, PULSE, standardizes metricsfor triple bottom line activities and creates acommon language for social impact investors.

AIM: Your insights realized


AIM is a highly specialized application deployedand supported by industry experts. Our teamhas extensive experience in both alternativeinvestments and collaboration technology.

With the power of cloud computing, our clientsnever have to worry about maintaining hardwareor software and can immediately take advantageof upgrades and new functionality.



App-X’s clients and partners include top firmsand institutions throughout the alternative assetmanagement and impact investing ecosystems.

We help our clients move from ad-hoc,organically-developed systems into reliable,productive, automated workflows with bettertransparency, more consistency, and assuredcompliance.

Acumen Fund W.K.Kellogg Foundation

Carleton College Maranon Capital

Indiana University Northern Lights Ventures

Macalaster College RCP Advisors

Updata Partners NEA


Gray Ghost Ventures RCP Advisors

Grassroots Business Aether Investment

Fund Partners

University of California Institute of

Minnesota Technology

Investment Advisors Russell Investments


Development Bank



AIM: centralizes institutional knowledge related tofundraising, investment due diligence andportfolio management.

PULSE: standardizes metrics for social impactinvesting and triple bottom line activities.

Clients include:


Fund Managers

Institutional Investors

Endowments & Foundations

Wealth managers/family offices

Impact investors


Cloud-based solutions for fundraising, LP management,investment pipeline tracking, portfolio management and triplebottom line reporting


AIM features


Fundraising and LP management

Clear visibility into interactions with potentialLimited Partners

Proactive relationship management

Real-time access to fundraising progress

Centralized access to Limited Partner contactsand communication preferences

Investment pipeline management

Best-in-class due diligence interactions

Coherent audit trail retention and reporting

Real-time investment pipeline reporting spanningmultiple asset classes

Portfolio management

Simplified portfolio monitoring and analysis

API integration with backend data systems

Best in class on-demand reporting

For more information


AIM: Kevin Kelly PULSE: Charlie Kuhn

t: +1 303 565 5923 t: +1 303 240 9168

e: e:

PULSE: the heart of social impact


In June of 2009, New York-based Acumen Fundintroduced PULSE, a metrics tool developed byengineers from Google and in partnership withRockefeller Foundation, Skoll Foundation, B-Lab,PricewaterhouseCoopers, Salesforce.comFoundation, Deloitte, Kellogg Foundation,Lodestar Foundation, and others.

PULSE won a Fast Company Magazine SocialCapitalist award. It represents the next stage insocial impact: the holistic and standardizedmeasurement of social impact activities. PULSEleverages the Impact and Reporting InvestmentStandards (IRIS) Taxonomy of metrics creating acommon language for social and environmentalimpact.

In the first quarter of 2010, Acumen Fundselected App-X as PULSE Manager because ofour demonstrated ability to make customerssuccessful using on-demand software and ourintimate knowledge and experience in alternativeinvestment management and managing diverseportfolio data.

App-X continues to develop, market and deployPULSE for organizations (impact investors, non-profits, foundations) that want to track metrics forfinancial, operational and social excellence.PULSE is free to qualifying non-profits.



Kevin Kelly

CEO/Co Founder

t: +1 303 565 5923






DAVIGOLD was founded in 2007 with the solemission of providing fully integrated softwaresolutions to the private equity and investmentbanking (M&A, private placements, corporatefinance) communities.

Our strategy is to stay focused on very specificindustries - Private Equity and InvestmentBanking. Within those industries our end-to-end,comprehensive solutions cover the full lifecycle ofprivate equity operations: Back, Middle and Frontoffice.

Through this “industry focused” approach,DAVIGOLD aims to become the leading expert insoftware solutions for Private Equity firms.

DAVIGOLD is 100% privately owned by itsmanagement team. This independence givesDAVIGOLD a real advantage by allowing it makefaster decisions and to stay the leader ininnovation of private equity solutions.



Our client list includes financial institutions acrossthe globe:

Small, medium and large private equityhouses

Investment companies and family offices

Investment banks.

Client references are available upon request.




DAVIGOLD offers software installation at theclient’s site or in a cloud environment.

For every project, we appoint consultants fullydedicated to that project, until the client acceptsthe customized software.

DAVIGOLD has built its reputation based on theunparalleled user friendliness of its software onone hand, and on its very straight-forwardimplementation process which consists of 3steps:

a) Agreement signed with the client;

b) Gap Analysis report prepared and sent byour Private Equity Consultant (after spending2 working days analyzing the detailed needsof the client), to be approved by the client.

We analyze which issues you are currentlyfacing (in terms of reports, workflows,accessing data…) then we set to workstraightaway to design the complete workflowto solve those issues efficiently in oursystem;

c) Installation of the customized solution;

The period between Gap Analysis approvaland delivery of the customized solution isbetween one week and four weeks,depending on the client’s requirements.

Key facts and figures


June 2012: Microsoft Silver Partnership

September 2012: Tremendous growth with 125%increase in revenues as compared to 2011

R&D expenditure represents 25% of revenues

80% of our clients come from other clients’recommendations

Core services








The fully-integrated private equity softwarecreated by private equity industry insiders


Services cont…



DAVIGOLD solutions are fully flexible and 100%customizable; one of DAVIGOLD commitments isthat any client specific request is customizable,thanks to a strong and scalable software platformon which our software has been built.


Most clients have chosen DAVIGOLD thanks tothe unparalleled user-friendliness of oursolutions. Users only require two sessions of twohours of training.

We are proud of the statement of one of ourcustomers “Even a monkey can use it”.


DAVIGOLD maintenance includes fixes to errorsand software upgrades.

Our maintenance service does not include anynew functionality released.


We regularly assist our clients, before and afterproject acceptance, by sharing the best practicerecommendations from other clients we haveworked with.

We have our own dedicated Research teamwhich constantly analyzes the industry for bestpractices, for example the new report templates


proposed by ILPA, and the new EVCA reportingguidelines.

We ensure that we are always up-to-date withindustry trends and we share this knowledge withour clients.

Other initiatives


Global citizenship

We believe that every successful companyshould allocate 10% of its profits to socialcitizenship; therefore, DAVIGOLD has started aglobal citizenship program called DAVICARES,focused on four main areas: Health & Children,Education & Sports, Environment, Art & Culture.



Palo Alto

New York






David Mrejen

Managing Director - Private Equity Group EMEA

t: +33 1 53 43 64 49

m: +33 1 53 43 63 00



Jeff Sterling

Sales Associate – Private Equity Group Americas

t: + 1 650 646 3326

m: + 1 650 646 3330





eFront is a software provider that specialises inthe alternative asset management industry.

Within the competitive landscape, eFront’sproduct strategy is differentiated by large R&Dinvestments and a constant effort to turn thelatest technologies into unmatched functionalreach, flexibility and user ergonomics.Founded in 1999, eFront employs over 210 staffand has offices in London, New York, Montreal,Paris, Dubai, Hong Kong, Bonn, Jersey, Beijing,Singapore and Dallas.


_______________________________________eFront solutions serve over 260 customersworldwide, including venture capital and buyoutfirms, secondary funds, mezzanine funds, fund offunds, institutional investors (banks, insurancecompanies, pension funds, sovereign wealthfunds) and fund administrators.




FrontInvest unifies your teams and processesaround a common information system,rendering data reliable and manageable.

The functionalities include:

Portfolio monitoring (GPs, LPs, and fundadministrators)


Investor and fund management Accounting Deal flow management Contact and document management Internal control and compliance Investor/Investee web portal Custom report designer.


FrontAnalytics allows you to demonstrateyour expertise in selecting the best sourcesof performance using leading-edgetechniques and analytics. FrontAnalyticsprovides: Cash-flow forecasting Interactive dashboards for in-depth

performance and risk analysis for all assetclasses


Pevara is a web-based performancemonitoring and benchmark analysis solutiondesigned exclusively for private equityinvestors.

More robust benchmarks with a greatergeographical diversification across Asia andEurope

Real-time slice and dice reporting. Pevara isthe only solution to offer this

Pre-defined reports with industry-standardmetrics, out of the box.

Key facts


260+ clients in 34 countries

210+ employees

Offices in 11 countries

2010 revenue growth: +34%

R&D: 18% of 2010 revenues

Corporate values


Keeping R&D and innovation at the centre of ourdevelopment strategy

Maintaining high satisfaction level among ourclients

Adding business value through a partnershiprelation with our clients


Innovative alternative investment software solutions





The implementation project allows thedeployment of our solutions through perfectintegration with existing IT environment,organisation and processes, including validationand management procedures. In addition,eFront solutions easily adapt to your company'sspecific vocabulary and ergonomic preferences.The eFront university provides first classtrainings to future users and administrators on allavailable functionality.

Support and post-implementation

As our solutions are constantly upgraded to takeadvantage of the latest technologies andAlternative Investment "market practices", eFrontclients benefit from regular, non-disruptivesolution updates.

Support teams are available for a variety ofrequests, including “how to” questions, additionalcustom report design, new module installationand associated training.

Key benefits


An integrated multi asset class software

FrontInvest offers a complete front to back officeplatform from fund raising to fund accounting forall different asset classes including: privateequity, real estate, infrastructure, fund of hedgefunds and fund of funds.

Information is centralised on one single datarepository and made accessible to all the teams.

Analytics and risk management

Our solutions manage operational risk throughprofessional tools and reports and business riskthrough cash flow forecasting, exposure analysisand business workflows.

Sophisticated and flexible reporting

Our solutions provide sophisticated analysis andreporting meeting investor needs through ILPAand EVCA compliant reports and detailed adhocanalysis.

Business operation processing

eFront provides business process drivensolutions, enabling the management of theinvestment process and investor relations.



London +44 20 7420 0640

New York +1 212 220 0660

Montreal +1 514 360 3477

Paris +33 1 49 96 40 60

Dallas +1 214 716 3059



Dubai +971 4 437 0740

Hong Kong +852 2297 2856

Bonn +49 228 323 04.0

Jersey +44 153 461 0969

Singapore +65 6808 6472

Beijing +86 (10) 65 35 0242




eVenture Systems is a European provider ofprivate equity software. We started work inprivate equity in the early 1990s and producedour first package product in 1999. To date, wehave sold in excess of 600 concurrent licenses(correct as at December 2009) to clients across14 countries.

Our software works on a Microsoft platform andintegrates with all versions of Microsoft Office. Anupdate is produced each year which is releasedto all clients. The current release is version 11.

Our software


We offer 2 systems for private equity:

Kinetic – aimed at clients who do not needback office functionality or fund reporting.Kinetic is sold in a modular way with pricesstarting from £3,000 for a concurrent 2 usersystem.

eVenture – a comprehensive private equitysystem. eVenture includes a CRM module,deal flow, investor relations, portfoliomonitoring, as well as fund structuring andreporting to EVCA standard.

Both products are easy to use and highlyconfigurable. They allow custom reports and datatransfer to Outlook, Excel and Word.


Our software has been externally tested by atesting organisation with ISO 9001 accreditation.


_______________________________________Our clients represent a wide range of investing

entities including not only the traditional venture

capital, buy-outs and fund of funds, but also

industrial companies, family offices and

specialists funds (including government

agencies). Outside of the UK, we have a large

presence in Germany, Ireland and Spain.

Some key facts:

Our largest client uses our product in 7offices spread throughout the world.

Our smallest clients have only 2 concurrentlicenses.

We provide support in 3 languages (English,German and Spanish). Our manuals are alsoavailable in all of these languages.

A multi-lingual dedicated client advisor isallocated to help each customer get the mostfrom their software. All client advisors haveMicrosoft Certification as well as otherqualifications.

90% of our new business comes to us throughclient recommendations.

Key facts


Over 15 years in private equity systems

European focussed with multi lingual support

Packaged solution with regular updates, now inversion 11

Core services


System supply and delivery



Tailored solutions

eVenture Systems Limited




For new customers, we generally provide helpwith setting up, data migration, training andtailoring of both Kinetic and eVenture. Thesoftware is highly configurable and much can bedone without the need for additionalprogramming and extra cost. There are standardtools to help with data migration and datacleaning which further help with the process ofsetting up. Typically a small project can take aslittle as one to two weeks to implement, but largerand more complex projects will take longer.

Whether projects are large or small, they will beworked on by a team of specialists lead by aDirector. He or she is responsible forunderstanding the customer’s requirements,making sure that the software has been correctlydelivered and is within budget.

We understand the importance of client budgetsand where possible we will quote a fixed fee forimplementation against project milestones.

Ongoing support


Our software is updated annually, and under theterms of our maintenance agreement, all clientsare entitled to a free upgrade, paying only for thecost of installation. Software releases improve onthe ease of use of the software, its functionalityand keeps our product up to date.

The latest release of Kinetic for example,introduces the concept of Applets, extends ourdata cleaning support for international telephonenumbers, is Microsoft Windows 7 compliant, andis also significantly faster in operation than thepreceding version.

We are very proud of our quality focus with boththe design of software and testing being at theforefront of what we do. As a client of eVenture,you will have access to a nominated clientadvisor who knows the history of your system.He or she will have immediate access to the rightpeople to help with any issues that may arise.Over the years, we have proved that we listen toour customers. Many of our new features startfrom ideas work worked through with clients.

Clients are visited regularly at least yearly and asa client you will be offered an opportunity to joinour user group. A user group for eVenture hasbeen in existence since 2006. Regular meetingsare held in London, Munich and Madrid andprovides a forum for meeting other customers.



Surapongs Chaudakshetrin


t: +44 (0) 20 8686 8300

m: +44 (0) 7803 295 973







is a GAAP-based, fully integratedplatform which can assist fund managers andGeneral Partners in providing superior investorcapital management and reporting. CapAssure®

delivers timely, accurate and auditableallocations of investment distributions(“Waterfalls“), allocations of the Profits & Lossesof investment companies and clawback accruals.CapAssure

®supports the most complex of

allocation requirements and integrates withinvestment accounting platforms to provide atimely flow of information. Built-in allocationcontrols, tightly integrated with partnership-specific algorithms provides an automated,production strength solution for partnershipallocations to ensure the accuracy of results.


utilizes industry-standard .NETarchitecture and relational database technologiesto provide automated, robust processing. IEA’sproprietary accounting model is supported byCapAssure’s

®optimized data model to support

detailed, secure and controlled allocations whilesupporting unparalleled investor leveltransparency.

IEA differentiates itself by the breadth, depth andintegration of its multi-disciplined experience. Ourtechnical experience spans applicationdevelopment, systems integration and delivery offull lifecycle system implementations.



IEA’s capital allocation process is fast andefficient, with no manual intensive steps,resulting in a lower cost of capital administration.

IEA offers a variety of solutions to the alternativeinvestment community:


services provide afully out-sourced solution, allowing client’s tosupplement their staff with IEA’s experience,technology and operations.


software as a service (“SaaS”)model allows clients to enhance their existingstaff with proven and controlled technologyplatform, while minimizing infrastructureoverhead.

We provide complete hosting and systemadministration capabilities in support of eithermodel in a secure, controlled, world-classSSAE 16 SOC 1 Type 2 certified datacenter.

CapAssure® Highlights


Distribution Waterfalls

Partnership agreements call for definedallocations of cash distributions to individualinvestors (“Waterfalls”). IEA’s CapAssure


provides customizable, automated, auditable andfully transparent investor-level allocationwaterfalls in a controlled enterprise classplatform.

Core functionality


Automated Allocation Waterfalls

Preferred Return Accruals

Hypothetical Liquidations

General Partner Clawback

Capital Forecasting

Investor transparency with analytics and reporting

Key facts


Solutions for General Partners, FundAdministrators, Fund Managers, Auditors

Founded in 2000


services offered 2007


SaaS model released 2012

SSAE 16 SOC 1 Type 2 certified data center

Product selection and implementation

Investors Economic Assurance, LLC

Providing proven, high quality capital administrationsolutions for General Partners, Fund Administrators, FundManagers and Auditors


CapAssure® Highlights cont…


Hypothetical Liquidation Waterfalls

Whether for allocating unrealized portfolioeconomics, projecting GP/LP allocations ordetermining General Partner Clawback exposure,CapAssure’s® automated hypothetical liquidationwaterfalls provide customizable, automated,auditable and fully transparent investor-levelallocation waterfalls in a controlled production-strength platform.

Clawback Accruals

Leveraging realized and unrealized waterfallallocations while supporting customizableclawback requirements, CapAssure® producesLP-level gross and net General Partner clawbackaccruals, supporting truly accurate andtransparent investor capital balances.

Profit & Loss Allocations

Investor capital balances require accurate anddetailed allocations of partnership Profits andLosses, reflecting GAAP and partnershipeconomics, realized and unrealized waterfalldynamics and clawback capital rebalancing.CapAssure

®aggregates these dynamics within

individual LP capital accounts to provideaccurate, auditable and transparent changes toinvestor’s capital.


Capital Forecasting

Whether defining specific investment scenariosor macro-based assumptions, CapAssure


provides real-time forecasting of GP Carry,Clawback and investor capital balances.

Reporting and Analytics

Leveraging a dual-ledger accounting model anda flexible and user-friendly reportingenvironment, CapAssure® provides industryleading reporting, analytics and transparency.



Investors Economic Assurance, LLC (“IEA”)provides proven, high quality capitaladministration solutions to the investmentcommunity. IEA differentiates itself by thebreadth, depth and integration of its multi-disciplined experience. Our principals bring over50 years of collective experience to our clients,spanning accounting, technology and operations,gained through direct industry participation inpublic accounting, investment management, fundformation, custody and treasury services, fundaccounting, financial data mining and tax andregulatory compliance. Our technical experiencespans application development, systemsintegration and delivery of full lifecycle systemimplementations.



Investors Economic Assurance

Contact IEA

t: +1 212 242 5520

t: +1 212 840 5526



Brendan O’Connor

Vice President, Business Development

t: +1 212 840 5521

m: +1 917 539 2247





Established in 1994, Koger is a leading providerof technology solutions to the fund administrationand asset management industries. Kogerproducts are used by some of the largest andmost respected financial institutions in the world.

At Koger, we have 17 years of providingsolutions to the alternative asset industry, wehave expanded into the private equity industryand have leveraged off our world leadingsoftware to bring you PENTAS. With offices inUnited States, Ireland, Slovakia and Australia,Koger provides comprehensive technical support24 hours a day during business days.

Koger’s products include:

PENTAS – Koger’s Private Equity application

ETAS, a three-tier web applicationconnecting authorized third-parties withPENTAS

GRID, a middleware application thatfacilitates the STP of data in and out ofPENTAS

IKAS, a fund accounting platform that is fullyintegrated with PENTAS.




PENTAS allows for the administration of allPrivate Equity fund structures in a logical anduser friendly structure.

It has been specifically designed by the user, forthe user, in order to streamline and automate theadministration requirements of a Private Equityfund, using robust functionality. It offers flexibilityand greater control to the user in the processingof transactions while automating specificprocesses to ensure the accuracy and efficiencyin the administration of these types of funds.


Private Equity specific fund set-up options

Versatile set-up of limited partners

Commitments at each stage of the fundlaunch.

Flexible drawdown and distributiontransaction processing; allowing the user todefine participants for allocation of suchtransactions.

Cash flow reconciliation on drawdownreceipts for Investment Managers.

Key facts


Founded in 1994

24-5 client support

Global client base

Significant R&D investments

Client comes first

Core services


Dynamic and flexible application

Fully automated calculations

Significant client input into product development

Consulting and professional services



A leading provider of software solutions foralternative investement managers


Products cont…


Automated carried interest calculation,allocation and processing.

Automated calculation and allocation ofmanagement fees with built in, industrystandard fee types.

User defined dashboard for quickaccessibility and effective task completion.

Comprehensive suite of reports fulfillingstandard investor requirements and meetingindustry specific requirements as outlined byBVCA, EVCA and PEIGG.

Key benefits


Dynamic Private Equity module designed tocater for structures from the basic PrivateEquity fund to more complex fund of funds ormaster feeder structures.

Ability to define tiered management fees atthe set-up stage for the system toautomatically calculate per specifications.

Automation of carried interest calculation andallocation providing information accuratelyand efficiently for both reconciliation andreporting purposes.

Ability to re-allocate limited partnersinvestments into the fund over the periodbetween the first and final close. Alsoproviding the option to calculate anyassociated re-allocation premiums.


Automated journal entries for all transactionsprocessed as part of the administration of thefund.

Administration processes simplified for userefficiency and accuracy.

Variety of reporting options for both fundperformance and Investors’ capital reporting.

Designed for full integration with all otherKoger products.

Strategy and ethos


Koger is focused on providing the most effectivesystem to the market whilst offering continuedsupport to its clients in line with their businessneeds. Our aim is continuous improvement in theproduct and service we provide. Our strategy isto provide a logical, user friendly system toincrease user efficiency and robustness of dataoutput.



Chris DeNigris

Global Marketing and Sales Manager

t: +1 201 291 7747 x121






Relevant Equity Systems delivers fast, elegantlydesigned apps to help your Private Equityprofessionals accomplish more during their workday. Our apps help you increase efficiency,generate stylish fund correspondence andquarterly reports, and gain unprecedented clarityinto your portfolio’s performance.

Always a “thought leader,” we pride ourselves onbeing the first to market with innovativetechnology that helps you systematically raisemoney, administer your funds, uncoveropportunities, and build value in yourinvestments.

Make sure to check out our new Apple iPad app and the upcoming Relevant EquityWorks v7.These dynamic apps take productivity to a wholenew level.



Since launching Relevant EquityWorks in 1998,we’ve delivered systems to more than 250 clientsin 21 countries. Our clients cover a broad rangeof business models including: private equity,growth equity, venture capital, real estate,energy, timber, fund of funds, and family offices.

Relevant EquityWorks


Our flagship product, Relevant EquityWorks, iscomprised of six core modules. They automatecore business processes, such as private equityfund administration and partnership accounting,along with various work tasks.

Core Modules

Fund Raising & Investor Relations

Fund Administration

Deal Management

Portfolio Management

Contact Management/CRM

Quarterly Reporting

Our add-in components and optional softwareproducts extend “out of the box” functionality,enabling you to tailor Relevant EquityWorks tothe unique requirements of your firm.

Add-in Components

Advanced Debt


Fund of Funds

Partner Attribution

Waterfall Obligations

Optional Products

Accounting System Interface

Data Warehouse

Web-based Reporting Portal

Relevant Equity Systems

Apps for Private Equity Professionals


User Experience & Speed


Relevant EquityWorks takes the user experienceand intra-team workflow to a new level ofsophistication, convenience, and clarity.Common tasks are just a click away, navigationis smooth and intuitive, easy-to-use wizardsguide you through procedures, and drag-and-drop reporting is easy and efficient.

See more. Do more.

EquityWorks helps your back- and front-officework smart. Visual timesaving tools like the TaskPanel, Nav Bar, and Breadcrumbs guide youthrough every module, screen, and task. Yourdata is accessible, well organized, and easy tomanipulate.

Accelerate your workflow.

EquityWorks’ rich client architecture ensures splitsecond record access and report generation. Ouradvanced development techniques makecommunication between end users and yourserver extremely efficient, eliminating the needfor a slower, browser-based solution.

Empower your teams.

EquityWorks gives your staff all the tools tosucceed. Team-specific screens with all-inclusivedashboards, tutorial-like wizards, and team-favorite tasks and reports help your professionalsdo more in less time.

Tools & Reporting

_______________________________________Relevant EquityWorks’ comprehensive, intuitivereporting both enhances your operation andprovides your LPs with insightful, visually-appealing reports. The Reporting module comeswith a library of over 120 reports, providing youwith instant clarity into all operational areas andaspects of your fund performance and portfolioholdings.

You can easily create your own reports usingeither EquityWorks’ “drag-and-drop” reportgenerator or “page layout” report writer. Our HelpDesk has also helped clients customize hundredsof reports to address every nuance of theirbusinesses.

Our Web-based Reporting portal provides yourLPs with secure 24/7 access to fundcorrespondence. In addition, EquityWorksenables you to electronically assemble anddistribute your quarterly reports (in PDF format),which you can send via email or post to eachLP’s web folder. You can use any combination ofletters, Microsoft Word/Excel documents, and reports.

IFRS and EVCA Valuation & Quarterly Reportingguidelines and formats are fully supported.

Finally, you can apply a “reporting style sheet” tostandardize the look and feel of all reports acrossyour organization.



System Implementation

Data Conversion

End-user & System Administrator Training

Help Desk/Technical Support

Customized Software Development & Reporting

Professional Services/Consulting



Ray Haarstick

CEO & Founder

t: +1 781 250 4000





Shareholder InSite provides powerful software asa service (SaaS) solutions to help Private Equityinvestors better track, manage, and analyzeshareholder and financial investment data.

Through its team of financial and softwareprofessionals, based in Nashville, Tennesseewith offices in Boulder, Colorado and SanFrancisco California, Shareholder InSite offersthe premier shareholder administration andtransaction analysis software to leading:

PE Firms such as Parthenon capitalPartners, Bluff Point Associates, andFriedman Fleischer & Lowe

VC firms including August Capital,Benchmark Capital, Third Rock Ventures,Menlo Ventures

And a broad range of portfolio companiesacross a wide spectrum of industries

“Qval has built a serious tool to address capitalstructure and reporting needs for both funds andportfolio companies. I have been searching for

this type of solution for the past 15 years.”

Steve Simonian, CFO of August Capital,a $1.4 billion Menlo Park VC firm

Introducing Qval


Greater Visibility, Faster Response, MoreAccurate Data...

The Cure for Excel-Based Anaysis andAdministration

There’s a better way to manage portfoliocompany data...

Qval is an affordable software platform thatmanages portfolio company data and preparesprivate equity organizations for exist events andnew fund raising.

Fund Level and Individual investment DataManagement and Analysis

Save time and effort collecting andorganizing portfolio company data usingLinkein style communication features andsecure data upload capability

Automatically generate reporting on keyprojections and financial metrics

Automate decision support with propreitarywaterfall distributions, term sheet analysisand scenario modeling

Provide partners and LP’s with secureaccess to permission-based data views

Client Base


60 VC/PE clients

More than 1,000 portfolio companies acrossNorth America ranging from start-up throughgrowth stage to mature

Core Features


Portfolio Data Management

Co-Investor Tracking

Suite of Deal Analysis Tools

Distribution Waterfall

Aggregate Projected Fund Returns

Shareholder InSite

Qval - The Leading Platform Supporting the Fund-LevelCollection, Analysis and Reporting of Portfolio CompanyData and Documentation.


Administration & Analysis


Portfolio Data Administration

Qval automates the portfolio data collectionprocess, and centralizes critical information in asecure data repository tracking sourcedocuments for every reported data element. Qvalenables PE firms to review all terms andconditions for 9 security types including:


Preferred Series

Restricted Stock

Option Plan


Non-Convertible Debt

Convertible Debt

Management Carve-Outs

Stock Appreciation Rights

Qval tracks co-investors for each portfoliocompany ensuring that PE firms know wherethey stand and how investors will reach to exit orfinancing opportunities

Financing or Exit Event Analysis

Complex deal analytics driven by properitaryalgorithm support the rapid analysis of termsheets, outcome scenarios and waterfalldistributions.



Support for Portfolio Companies

Shareholder InSite offers CapControls to portfoliocompanies to correct Cap Table issues andkeeping shareholder data organized andaccessible.

Built from the sames secure and scalableplatform, CapControls removes the burden ofmanaging an expanding shareholder base andreporting to key stakeholders and investors.

By connecting each data element to sourcedocuments, CFO’s are assured of the accuracyof their shareholder information during stress duedilgence efforts.

“CapControls simplifies complicated capitalstructures and keeps track of documentation, and

changes, providing comfort in a high-stressclosing in regard to what will happen to investors

based on their agreements.”

Julia Polk, CFO Change Healthcare

Cap Table Rescue

CapControls offers a cap table rescue solution toaddress error resolution for tight time-frames.Cap Tabel Rescue is a service offered toattorney’s or shareholder respresenativeorganizations to address client cap table issuesprior to an event.



Brett Suchor


t: +1 615 555 2345

m: +1 303 868-9833



Amanda Cecconi

Director of Marketing

t: +1 615 555 2345

m: +1 615 473-7536





SS&C is the leading provider of fundadministration services and software solutions forthe alternative investment community.

SS&C’s private equity fund administrationservices include client implementation, fund andpartnership accounting, capital call/distributionmanagement, investor tracking and investorrelations support, tax support, management andfinancial reporting and waterfall administration.

SS&C’s TNR Solution™ provides the privateequity industry with core general ledger andaccounting tools as well as advanced CRM, dealtracking and portfolio management capabilities.



SS&C clients include:


Venture and corporate VCs

Fund of funds

Hedge funds

Institutional investors (LPs)

Family offices

Real estate

Mezzanine funds

Placement agents

Advisors and service providers.



SS&C’s TNR Solution™ is an integrated platformfor both back office accounting as well as frontoffice contact and pipeline management.Modules include:

Fund and Portfolio Accounting

General Ledger

Investor Relations

CRM/Document Management

Deal Pipeline Management


Xtranet LP Web Reporting

Portfolio Web Portal.

TNR Solution is designed around Private Equity.The software supports complex master feeder,offshore, capital structures and holding companystructures, as well as multi-currency calculationsacross all funds, investors and portfoliocompanies.

The TNR General Ledger module allows forautomation of all allocations, journal entries,check writing, bank reconciliation and full audit-trail of all entries and changes in the system.

TNR Solution™ also provides full integration withMS Outlook, Word and Excel for synchronizationof emails, contacts and calendar as well as mailmerge correspondence and import/exportcapabilities.

Key facts


1,500+ employees

5,000+ clients

27 Offices around the world



Extensive list of standard reports

Ad-hoc reporting tools

Ability to export preformatted data

Dynamic reporting tools such as IRR Analysistool

Data dashboards with in-built charting

SS&C Technologies

Leading provider of fund administration services andadvanced software solutions for the private equityindustry




SS&C is dedicated to keeping your project onschedule and within budget, while providing ahigh level of customer support. Our ProfessionalServices group offers a structured approach tosoftware implementation and provides thefollowing services:

Workflow Analysis

Data Conversion/Reconciliation

Software Installation


Hardware and Network Analysis

Report Creation and Customization

Client Specific Software Modifications.

Our Professional Services team also managesongoing Customer Support. Following theimplementation phase, we provide continuedsupport to our customers through:

Technical/Customer Support

New Software Releases

Advanced Training.

Client testimonial


“TNR Solution has greatly enhanced theefficiency of our finance team in the areasof Investor Relations, Fund and PortfolioAccounting and LP Web-based reporting.

Support is prompt and accessible.”

Susan Soenderop, Onex Partners



System architecture

SS&C’s TNR Solution™ is a multi-tier softwarebuilt around Microsoft’s .Net framework with SQLServer as the backend database.

The system is easily configured, and providesend-users with countless tools to customizedashboards, screens, views, reports and otheroptions. The software fully integrates with MSOutlook, Word and Excel.

SS&C provides full support, both on-site andremote, during all client implementations forsystem setup, configuration and on-goingmaintenance. The software is designed torequire as little technical administration fromclients as possible, and does not need constantmonitoring or on-going support.

Web services

SS&C’s TNR’s Xtranet LP Portal providesInvestors with dynamic online access to reports,correspondence, financials and other accountinformation. The two-way portal also allowsInvestors to submit change-requests online forcontact and other information. TNR’s PortfolioPortal provides a secure online link for portfoliocompanies to upload their financials and otherinformation directly to TNR. Clients can alsoaccess information on Blackberries or iPhoneswith TNR’s Mobile Reporting utility.



Fred Jacobs

Managing Director, Global Sales

t: +1 646 213 7104



Tom Cozens

Sales Manager, Europe/Asia Sales

t: +44 20 3036 6844





SunGard Investran is an integrated applicationsuite that automates front-, middle- and back-office processes for private equity and alternativeinvestment firms. Investran helps improvebusiness efficiencies to facilitate collaboration,support deal flow and automate accounting.Firms rely on Investran’s integrated capabilitiesto help meet their needs in the entire investmentlife-cycle, including relationship management,reporting, monitoring, accounting, fund raisingand deal pipeline management.



Investran serves over 360 customers across 24countries. Investran clients include:

Private equity investors

Venture capitalists

Fund of funds

Family offices

Mezzanine lenders

Real estate investors

Fund administrators


Limited Partners, including pensions,endowments, insurance companies, banksand charitable organisations.

Business solutions


Investran provides investment professionals andback office staff the tools they need to managetheir fundraising, deal sourcing, portfoliomanagement, partnership accounting andreporting and analysis for private equity andalternative asset investment organisations. TheInvestran suite is natively integrated, providingfront-, middle- and back-office users with end-to-end integrated solution for alternative assets. Byleveraging the strengths of our products andhighly customisable features, Investran clientsimplement powerful and highly scalable solutionsfor their distinct needs, thus providing a uniqueexperience and service offering to their owninternal and external customers.



The Investran solution combines a web-basedrelationship manager, tailored specifically for thealternative assets industry, with centralisedportfolio and investor accounting and reporting toprovide all of a firm's users with actionableinformation in real-time.

Key components:

Front-office portfolio and investor relationshipmanagement.

Centralised portfolio and partnershipacounting and reporting system.

Key facts


150+ global staff

360 Customers in 24 Countries

8 of the top 10 PEI 300 use Investran

45% of Committed Capital on the PEI 300 issupported on Investran

Over 1 Trillion USD are managed on Investran

Core services


Systems strategy

Vendor selection

Project management

Continuous improvement

User groups

SunGard Investran

A leading provider of front- and back-office solutionsfor private equity


Services cont…


Investran Data Exchange is a web-basedinvestor relations and portfolio monitoring tool.

The combination of: (1.) Investran’scomprehensive functionality supporting the entireinvestment lifecycle (2.) proven track record anddeep domain experise, with a team of globallycertified professionals who understand privateequity and (3.) stability of a leading globalsolutions organisation, provides firms a scalable,reliable solution, both now and into the future.

Professional Services


Investran Professional Services offers a series ofsolutions to improve our customers’ businessprocesses, reporting functions and generalbusiness support. With proven and establishedmethodology Investran Professional Services canmanage and implement changes in clientrequirements and provide the needed expertiseto execute the growing needs of your business.

Professional Services include:

System assessment

Enhanced reporting

Process automation and system integration

User training

Upgrade support/services

Outsourcing services.

Other initiatives


Investran ILPA Reporting Tool

Investran has developed an ILPA reporting toolthat seamlessly integrates with Investran’sReporting Service Module to generate anddistribute capital call and distribution notices tohelp ensure full compliance with the ILPAstandards.



150+ global staff in key locations such asLondon, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong Sydney,New York, Miami and California.



Awarded Software Provider of the Year byPrivate Equity News for three consecutive years.



Gavin Style

Global Head of Sales

t: +44 20 8081 1868



Bryan O-Blanquet

Senior Marketing Manager

t: +1 646-445-8258

m: +1 646-241-3179





Vantage Software has leveraged a deepunderstanding of alternative investmentoperations to develop applications that supportthe way you do business. Designed to easilyintegrate with other solutions such as third partyproducts or external data feeds, our products canbe implemented on a standalone basis or as asuite. This highly flexible and cost-effectivesoftware model allows you to:

Enhance capital-raising and strengthen clientrelationships through world-class investorservice.

Better support for investment decision-making and analysis of performance.

Maintain a competitive edge through agileadaptation to changing markets.

Increase staff productivity by streamlining themost complex processes.



Operating in North America, Europe and Asia, weprovide General and Limited Partners withspecialized applications. Leading firms that haveembraced Vantage’s solutions manage in excessof $300 billion dollars in investment capital,ranging from start-up managers to Global Top 10alternative investment firms.

Products and solutions


Encompassing the alternative investment lifecycle from investor marketing and servicing toaccounting, reporting and deal management, oursolutions support the unique way you dobusiness. This unparalleled degree of flexibilitydelivers a distinct business advantage to:

Private equity funds


Venture capitalists

Real estate funds

Investment advisors

Institutional investors

Vantage Insight™

Vantage Insight provides the industry’s mostsophisticated data analytics and reporting tool foralternative investments by leveraging datawarehouse technology.

Insight consolidates data across the firm into asingle repository for intuitive analysis andreporting across investment classes, funds,companies, strategies, regions or any other

Investment dimension.

Insight includes dashboards, drill-down graphicalanalysis, ad-hoc reporting and an advancedperformance engine which produces returncalculations from any perspective.

Key facts


Founded in 1999

Solutions for General and Limited Partners

Customers manage in excess of $300 billion

Operations in North America, Europe and Asia

Front, middle and back office solutions

Leading data warehouse analysis and reportingtools100+ assignments for

Core products


Vantage Insight™ Data Analysis and Reporting

Vantage Deal Suite™

Vantage Investor Suite™

Vantage Fund Accounting™ and Reporting

Vantage Software

Leading data-warehouse, analysis and reporting softwarefor alternative investments


Products and solutions cont…


Vantage Deal Suite™

The Deal Suite provides unequaled support forinvestment lifecycle management. From duediligence to realization, the Deal Suite supportsyour firm’s unique fund and direct investmentmanagement capabilities with intuitive dealtracking, portfolio company operations analysis,investment team workflow, reporting anddocument management tools.

Vantage Investor Suite™

Vantage Investor provides tools to effortlesslymarket and service current and prospectiveinvestors. Designed to support complete investorlifecycle requirements or to integrate with andenhance outsourced administration resources,Investor allows you to gain and retain theconfidence of your clients throughuncompromised investor relationshipmanagement and enhanced reporting.

Vantage Fund Accounting™

The Vantage Fund Accounting and Reportingplatform delivers comprehensive portfolioaccounting, reporting and performance analysisfor managers and administrators. The platform’sstreamlined data capture, accounting and multi-currency reporting are designed specifically tosupport the unique requirements of high-volumeprivate investments environments.

Other initiatives


Performance Calculation Engine

The Vantage Performance Engine offers rapid,flexible and powerful performance analysis.Never again wait for gross and net performancereturns and multiples, sorted, grouped or filteredany way you wish with results in seconds. Whenpaired with Insight you can achieve presentation-ready results on the web or via printed reports.The patented Vantage Performance CalculationEngine works with any data source, accountingplatform, administrator data and even Excel foreasy results that will enhance your reportingcapabilities while saving time and money.

Alternative Data Services

Efficiently managing alternative investments,funds-of-funds and private advisory clientspresents unique operational challenges.Manually-intensive processes, from trackingperformance to processing investor transactionsrequire staff, expertise and technology to scaleeffectively.

Vantage Software offers an outsourcedresources platform for higher efficiency andunlimited scalability that leverages the industry’shighest-value outsourcing and technologysolutions. Your firm’s unique operationalrequirements are analyzed, and a tailoredsolution is created based on your needs.




t: +1 212 750 2256




t: +1 617 454 1400



About Vitech


Vitech Systems Group is a global provider ofworld-class business solutions to the privateequity, hedge and alternative asset communities.Vitech delivers solutions based on Equitrak, itsproven and widely installed enterprise-softwareapplication. Equitrak is an advanced-technologyapplication designed to meet the unique,complex and demanding requirements of best-practice alternative asset administration. Vitech'sclient base spans four continents and includesmany of the world's largest and most prominentinvestment organizations.

Vitech is a company of over 550 dedicatedprofessionals worldwide. Our professionalservices team helps organizations implementEquitrak to improve the efficiency and accuracyof their business operations.

Vitech’s services team possesses deep subjectmatter expertise, extensive technical skills, andunparalleled solutions delivery experience.Services provided include solutions consulting,project management, solutions design,technology installation, systems configuration,systems integration, training, and ongoingsupport.

Vitech is committed to the relentless pursuit ofexcellence in both the quality of its serviceofferings and the superiority of Equitrak. Vitechcontinually strives to ensure that Equitrakremains the most powerful, comprehensive, andflexible system available.

About Equitrak


Equitrak is a state-of-the-industry administrationsolution specifically designed to meet the uniquebusiness needs of investment and administrationorganizations including:

Fund sponsors

Fund administrators

Transfer agency

Institutional investors

Family offices.

Equitrak is a comprehensive, enterprise-classsolution that offers a complete suite ofcapabilities in a single solution including:

Fund administration

Financial accounting

Investor registration

KYI & AML compliance

Management reporting

Investor communications

Share allocations

NAV maintenance

Transfer agency processing

Performance analytics.

With Equitrak, your operations are built arounddefined, scalable, system-enabled best practices.Furthermore, Equitrak allows you to process andmaintain all of your transactional and non-transactional data across multiple fund types andclasses in a single solution.

Key facts


550+ dedicated staff worldwide

15+ years of experience

50+ clients

Critical subject matter and domain expertise

What can Equitrak deliver for you?


Best-practice operations

Improved service levels

Timely, high quality reporting

Straight through processing

Organizational scalability

An integrated, consolidated system

Vitech Systems Group, Inc.

Software for Fund and Investment Administration


Who uses Equitrak?


Equitrak’s extensive capabilities and Vitech’sglobal services team make Equitrak the choice ofthe world’s leading alternative assetorganizations. These organizations include:

Fund Sponsors

Equitrak provides private equity, hedge andalternative asset fund sponsors with a completefront, middle, and back office solution.


Equitrak addresses the unique and complexneeds of Fund-of-Funds organizations includingsupport for both primary and secondary interests.Advanced features for tracking underlyinginvestments allow for best-practice analytics.

Transfer Agencies

Equitrak provides a full featured transfer agencyplatform for investment organizations to use fortheir complete investor servicing activities.

Institutional Investors and Family Offices

Equitrak is the perfect choice for institutionalinvestors and family offices looking to track abroad array of investments through one or moreinvestment structures in a single system.

Third-party Administrators

Equitrak’s administration and robust accountingfeatures make it a leading choice of TPAs.Equitrak allows an administrator to confidentlymanage any number of partnerships for anynumber of clients in a single Equitrak installation.

Equitrak Technology



Equitrak uses Microsoft .NET technology and aMicrosoft SQL Server platform. It is a Windows/Internet-Explorer compatible solution.

The Equitrak data model is an “open solution”that easily supports integration with your existingor planned technology infrastructure.

Reports are produced through seamlessintegration with Crystal Reports. The EquitrakSynch module allows contact and activity data tobe synchronized with MS Outlook. The EquitrakDocs module integrates with MS Exchange,SMTP, and third-party fax servers.

The system can be run simultaneously in multiplelanguages, multiple date formats, and multiplenumeric formats. Each user is able to select theirlanguage and formats.


Equitrak employs a highly advanced securitymodel that allows screens and data to besecured at a very granular level. Security rightscan be administered by user or role. Equitraksecurity helps ensure that the right users seeonly the right data.

Equitrak’s Audit trail features track additions,changes, and deletions to system data by allusers. Audit reports provide extended securityand data confidence.



Hope Nawada

Director of Investment Solutions

t: +1 212 868 0900




Who We Are


Running an alternative investment fund requiresfocus and discipline. As fund managers pursuenew deals and manage existing portfolios,markets move rapidly - leaving little time ormanpower for recurrent tasks that require minuteprecision, systematic meticulousness, andattention to detail.

That’s where AltResources comes in.

With accuracy, speed, and up-to-datetechnology, we handle the administration of yourfund, including accounting, tax, administration,and compliance.

So leave your accounting, tax, and compliance totrusted partners who are passionate about ourjobs - just like you.

Why Outsource?


Outsourcing the administration of your fundenables you to concentrate on the big picture -investor returns and core business focus - whileentrusting details to a third-party administratorwith a proven track record.

We specialize in providing robust, relevant,granular data with minute precision, systematicmeticulousness, and a detailed outlook.

We build relationships with our clients over thelong term: providing a trusted administrativepartner over the entire lifetime of a fund.

Leveraging Our Services


Leveraging our services allows you to:

Focus on your core expertise

Operate in unfamiliar jurisdictions

Gain timely data on investments and risk

Report and track performance with speedand accuracy

Administer different types and sizes of deals- without having to build systems fromscratch

Handle precision-oriented tasks such ascalls, distributions, and waterfall calculations

Expand and contract your human capital asnecessary for deal flow

Take advantage of our niche expertise -including product and investment-styleidiosyncrasies

Provide your CFO with flexible support - orcreate a virtual CFO if you don’t have one

Automate processes using the best availablesoftware

Fund Types


Private Equity Funds

Fund of Funds

Venture Capital Funds

Secondary or Mezzanine Funds

Limited Partner Investment Programs

Real Estate, Energy, or Infrastructure Funds

Our Core Services


1. Fund Startup & Events

2. Reporting & Adminstration

3. Accounting & Compliance

AltResources LLC

Pursue your passion, and leave the accounting, tax,and compliance to us.


Our Key People


Managing Director

John Wiencek (CPA; B.S. Accounting magnacum laude; J.D. with honors) was helping to helma fund administration firm when he realized howmuch leverage could be gained simply byintroducing better technology and more preciseand timely reporting. The visionary CPA andattorney (admitted in New York and Connecticut)went on to found AltResources.

Since his start with PWC, John has gained over20 years of experience in alternativeinvestments. He envisions a world in whichclosed capital funds outsource their accounting,tax, compliance, and other administration toseasoned specialists, who work to tighten,streamline, and leverage back and middle officeoperations.

Tax Director

Howard Kirschner (CPA; B.A. Accounting/Economics; M.B.A. Taxation) has a reputation foruncommon accuracy. He launched his careerauditing sales and use taxes for New York State,then moved to Wall Street, and worked for toptier firms such as L.F. Rothschild, Spear Leeds &Kellogg, Unterberg Towbin, Prudential BacheSecurities, Inc., and The Blackstone Group.


Accounting Director

Nicholas Schiavo (CPA; B.B.A. PublicAccounting, M.B.A. Finance/InternationalBusiness) knows it’s far from a matter of simplygetting your books done. Accounting needs topush a more performance-oriented end goal.After over 25 years with firms such as PineBridgeInvestments (formerly AIG AlternativeInvestments), Nicholas is passionate aboutimplementing clear and robust performancemetrics designed to ease tough decisions - andkeep limited partners informed. He is known forquarterly dashboards that provide impressiveforesight and clarity.



John Wiencek

Managing Director

t: +1 646 820 0015






Augentius is an award winning specialist PrivateEquity and Property Fund administrator.Currently administering funds on behalf of morethan 80 investment managers domiciled in UK,Channel Islands, Luxembourg, Singapore, HongKong, New York, Mauritius, Cayman and BVI.

Renowned for the delivery of a high quality, tailormade service (with a SAS 70, Type II opinion), allclients are serviced by fully qualified accountants,

Utilising Sungard Investran™ and with a highlevel of automation throughout all processes,clients are assured that their accounting teamdelivers a quality service at all times. Clients areprovided with remote access to their accountingdata.

With over 150 staff across its different officesAugentius is a truly global player – whilst at thesame time providing a service dedicated to yourindividual needs.

Industry Recognition_______________________________________

Private Equity Fund Administrator of the Year2008, 2009 and 2010 – Private Equity News

Top Rated Private Equity Fund Administratorin London 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 –Global Custodian

Top Rated Private Equity Fund Administratorin the Channel Islands 2010. Commended in2009 and 2011 – Global Custodian.



Working in close partnership with the PrivateEquity/Real Estate fund communities we are thepillar of their back-office support infrastructure –a key link in their value chain:

Product specialisation - We only servicePrivate Equity, Real Estate and Funds of Funds.

Accessibility - Operational centres in Londonand New York with offshore administration fromChannel Islands, Luxembourg and Mauritius.

Professional expertise - Clients are ONLYserviced by fully qualified accountants.

Tailored service - All reporting and proceduresare determined by individual client needs withremote access to data for both GPs and LPs.

Efficiency, security and best of breed - “Stateof the Art” technology (SunGard Investran™) andEuropean beta tester

No suprises - Fixed administration fees.

What we do

_______________________________________ Assistance on Fund establishment, including

liaison with legal counsel, regulators andplacement agents

Review of Limited Partnership Agreementfrom an operational point of view

Design and tailoring of call letters, accountsand investment reports to meet individualG.P. and L.P. requirements

Key facts


150+ people

80+ investement managers

4000 investors serviced

9 offices around the world

$50bn funds in administration

Core services


Buy Out Infrastrucure

Fund of Funds Mezzanine

Development Capital Venture Capital

Secondaries GP, LLP, Carry and SPVvehicles


Fund Administration Tailored to Your Needs


What we do cont…


Assistance with Investor Due Diligence onthe Fund’s Administration and Processes

Know-Your-Customer and Anti-Money-Laundering checks on L.P.s (where required)

Development of Service Level Agreement tofacilitate future Key Performance Indicator(KPI) reporting

Maintenance of all accounting/financialrecords

Generation and distribution of all call lettersand monitoring for receipt of cash

Payment of all expenses

Calculation and payment of all managementfees

Modeling and systemisation of carry

Calculation and payment of all distributions

Preparation of annual accounts

Calculation of IRRs (Fund, Investment andInvestor) and other performance metrics

Management of audit process and productionof annual financial statements

Collection of data, from portfolio companies,at regular intervals and reporting

Production and distribution of monthly,quarterly and annual reports to L.P.s asrequired

Issue Manager Reports and “mailshots”

Reporting to the G.P. as required

Dealing with Investor queries


Dissemination of data for tax reporting(including US tax reporting)

Secure web access for all GP and LPreporting

Augentius also administers all the relevantCarry, Founder Partner and Co-Investmentvehicles as required by the structure,providing a complete service.

Our Commitment to Partnership


A dedicated team – a named and dedicatedteam of professional administrators will beresponsible for all aspects of the administrationof your fund.Agreed service standards – we will agree abespoke working document with you that we flexwith the client’s needs over time.Key performance indicators – we monitor theperformance of all planned workloads againstagreed standards and report on performance.A close working relationship – our senior staffwill regularly want to discuss service standardswith you and will seek to optimise best workingpractices.Feedback – we seek client feedback, ourbusiness prospers and develops as a result ofbeing in concert with client’s needs.Technical assistance - we will always provideadvice on industry best practice and keep youadvised of changes.



Mr David Bailey

Managing Partner

t: ++44 20 7397 5453



Mr Otto Von-Domingo

Associate Director

t: 44 20 7397 5489





Since 1995, FLSV has been servicing privateequity, real estate, hedge funds and venturecapital firms and understands the complexitiesinherent in the asset class. FLSV servicesapproximately 45 such clients with over $25billion of committed capital across 256 fundentities.


FLSV Fund Administration Services (“FAS”) isled by Jeffrey Hahn, former CFO of MorganStanley’s private equity, venture capital andinfrastructure businesses. Jeff is joined byBrenda Grayson, COO of the business. Jeff andBrenda have worked together for over 18 yearswith a proven track record. FAS is furthersupported by Charles Vallone and Alan Frankelwho lead the business tax services, both formerlyfrom E&Y.

Our solution

FAS provides a cost-effective alternative to in-house administration for partnerships from pre-launch to investing through the liquidationphases. FLSV’s objective is to be a transparentextension of each client’s finance organizationbringing large-firm experience and sophisticationwith personalized service.

Service description


Start-up & Pre-launch

Triangulate with client /counsel - fundstructures, term sheets, and LPA’s

Support LP due diligence requests

Fund and Partner Accounting

Prepare fund financial statements

Partner capital balances, cash flows, IRR’s

Complex waterfall calculations

General partner and carry plan accounting

Tax Compliance and Advisory

Tax planning (Fund, GP, Management Co.)

Federal and State reporting

Portfolio Accounting

Portfolio transactions (purchases, sales)

Track fund manager activity for fund of funds

Investment structures (hold co’s, blockers)

Track portfolio company IRR's

Operations and Cash Management

Allocate capital calls and distributions

Facilitate cash movements and forecasting

Set up bank and brokerage accounts

Investor Services

Client branded portal for investor

Contacts, tax data, wire information, etc.



Large Financial Institutions

Private Equity Fund Managers

Distressed Debt Fund Managers

Financial Advisory Firms and Family Trusts

Fund Managers and Fund of Funds

Core services


Start-up & Pre-launch

Fund and Partner Accounting

Tax Compliance and Advisory

Portfolio Accounting

Operations and Cash Management

Investor Services

FLSV Fund Administration Services

Independent Fund Administration Firm led by JeffreyHahn, former-CFO of Morgan Stanley’s Private Equity andInfrastructure Funds


Management team


Jeffrey Hahn, MBA, CPA, Partner in charge

Prior to FLSV, Jeffrey was at Morgan Stanley for18 years supporting its private equity business.

From 2004 though mid 2009, Jeffrey was theChief Financial Officer of the MS Private Equity,Venture Capital and Infrastructure businesses.

As CFO, Jeffrey was responsible for fundservices from pre-launch and fund start upthrough its investing and liquidation phases.Prior to 2004, Jeffrey was Morgan Stanley’sprivate equity controller and spent 8 years as anauditor at Coopers & Lybrand.

Brenda Grayson, CPA, COO

Prior to FLSV, Brenda was at Morgan Stanley for17 years, supporting its private equity business.

Brenda was responsible for the fundadministration software platform, internalcontrols, and staffing spanning across 7 privateequity product lines, $12 billion in committedcapital, 100’s of partnership entities with 5,000investors and 7,000 contacts.

Prior to MS, Brenda spent 2 years as an auditorat Ernst & Young.

Senior Team (Selected)


FLSV offers a team approach to its servicemodel. Each team is assigned specific clientsresponsible for providing all services.

Lori Joseph, CPA, Executive Director

Lori has 12 years of accounting and fundadministration experience. Prior to joining FLSV,Lori worked at Morgan Stanley for 10 years ashead controller for its venture capital and fund offunds businesses. Lori’s prior relevantexperience includes working at Credit Suisse andArthur Andersen.

Christina Ding, CPA, Executive DirectorChristina has 14 years of accounting and fundadministration experience. Prior to joining FLSV,Christina worked at Morgan Stanley for 4 yearsas head controller responsible for private equityfunds. Prior to that, Christina worked at Geller,BISYS and AMEX Tax and Business Services.

Gulsey Torenli, Vice President

Gulsey has over 14 years of financial services,private equity and real estate experience. Prior tojoining FLSV FAS, Gulsey worked at SS&C FundServices /Geller, and has relevant tax experiencefrom D&T.



Jeffrey Hahn

Partner in charge

t: +1 212 607 5905



Brenda Grayson

Chief Operating Officer

t: +1 212 607 5915



About us


Delivering a fresh approach, Ipes is a multipleaward winning independent specialist provider ofprivate equity fund services.

Ipes is a people business and the relationshipsour teams build with our clients are at the heart ofour success to date. Every one of our peopleowns part of our business and our clients tell usthis makes a difference to the service theyreceive.

Our 130 professionals administers more than$50bn assets for over 90 clients from full serviceoffices in London, Luxembourg, Jersey andGuernsey. On average our senior client facingteam have 18 years experience.

Ipes in now ranked 6th globally based on AuMand 2nd in Guernsey by Lipper Fitzrovia. In 2012Ipes became ISAE 3402 and AAF 01/06accredited for the first time.

*ICFA Magazine Survey 2012



Industry awards include:

ACQ Awards – International Fund Administratorof the Year 2012

Funds Europe Awards – European SpecialistAdministrator 2011

Private Equity Awards - Specialist ProfessionalServices Firm 2010



Ipes offers a comprehensive range ofadministration and outsourcing services,including:

Fund Administration.



Investor reporting (EVCA, BVCA & ILPAcompliant).

Listed Funds (including CISX, AIM, LSE andSFM).

Carried Interest and Co-Investmentschemes.

We support a broad range of structures acrossthe closed-ended asset class, with servicesincluding:

Private equity funds structured as limitedpartnerships and companies.

Management and general partner entitiesand special purpose vehicles associated withprivate equity investments.

Investment holding companies formed in anyreputable jurisdiction (including Luxembourg,BVI, The Netherlands, Cayman Islands,Singapore, Gibraltar, and Delaware).

Calculation of economic allocations for including PFICs and K1s.

Investor reporting via an online portal.

Carried interest structures, trusts, co-investment schemes.

Key facts


130 people

90+ clients

300 funds

5,000 investors

$50bn+ assets under administration

Who we work with


Buyout funds

Fund of funds

Mezzanine funds

Secondaries funds

Real estate funds

Venture capital funds


Leading European provider of private equity fundadministration and outsourcing services


What sets us apart?


Industry-leading track record - Ipes pioneereda specialist approach to private equity fundservices. Our business began in Guernsey in1998, a full seven years ahead of the industryaverage for independent administrators. Wehave one of the longest track records in thebusiness.

Expert team - We have invested heavily in thedevelopment of our team and more than 86% ofour people are qualified or part-qualified.

Tried and tested approach – With over 14years industry we understand private equity fundadministration and have developed a bestpractice approach to client service. Our clientfacing activities are underpinned by over 200detailed process maps, which drive consistentlyhigh standards.

Real substance in each location - Ipes is amulti-jurisdictional team, with offices in fourEuropean locations. We are unique in that eachof our locations is run as a full service operation,staffed by Ipes people, working to Ipes processmaps and using Ipes technology.

Technology - We use the industry-leadingFramework platform and complement it with abespoke web-based portal, Capital Tracker. Thistool enables our clients to access key financialinformation including accounting records andbank data online and in real time. It also includesa direct SWIFT interface, which is unique toindependent administrators.


Further, as we built the platform, we can offer ourclients full flexibility in the design and delivery oftheir reports.

Our locations


London – Ipes UK commenced operation in2006. The office provides a full range ofadministrative and outsourcing services to privateequity funds.

Luxembourg – Ipes (Luxembourg) S.A., wasestablished in 2009. It provides centraladministration services to SIFs, SICARs andunregulated fund structures such as SOPARFIs.

Jersey – Ipes Jersey was established in 2008. Itprovides a full range of administrative andoutsourcing services for private equity funds.

Guernsey – Ipes was founded in Guernsey in1998. The Guernsey office continues to providea complete range of administrative andoutsourcing services for our diverse client base.



Ipes is regulated in each of the jurisdictions inwhich it operates. For more information, pleasesee our website,



Justin Partington

Commercial Director

t: +44 20 7798 0918






SS&C is the leading provider of fundadministration services and software solutions forthe alternative investment community.

SS&C’s private equity fund administrationservices include client implementation, fund andpartnership accounting, capital call/distributionmanagement, investor tracking and investorrelations support, tax support, management andfinancial reporting and waterfall administration.

SS&C’s TNR Solution™ provides the privateequity industry with core general ledger andaccounting tools as well as advanced CRM, dealtracking and portfolio management capabilities. Italso forms an industry unique, shared-databasesolution when combined with our fundadministration services.



SS&C clients include:


Venture and corporate VCs

Fund of funds

Institutional investors (LPs)

Family offices

Real estate

Mezzanine funds

Placement agents, Advisors and serviceproviders



SS&C’s Fund Administration services allowclients to choose the services they need and theirpreferred method of delivery. Service ismaximised by designating an experienced teamof professionals to each client to ensure all needsare met and exceeded. Our team approachguarantees clear communication among allSS&C resources, providing each client with thehighest level of customized technology andservice.

Accounting Services

Investment and general ledger transactions

Financial statements and capital accountstatements

Capital calls and distributions

Investor allocations, including waterfallcalculations

Investment valuations and underlying fundreports

Prepare performance calculations

Coordinate annual audit of the funds.

Administrative Services

Maintain investor databases and performannual mailing to update all information

Perform all follow-up required for defaultinginvestors

Scan all documentation for management anddisaster recovery purposes

• Process all investor mailings, capital

Key facts


3,600+ employees

5,000+ clients

43 offices around the world

$424+bn assets under administration

6,700+ funds

SS&C fund administration services


Client implementation services

Fund and partnership accounting

Capital call/distribution management

Investor tracking and investor relations support

Tax support services

Management and financial reporting

SS&C Fund Services

Leading provider of fund administration services andadvanced software solutions for the private equityindustry


Services cont…


Process all investor mailings, capital calls,distributions, tax estimates and K-1s

Setup and maintain online general andinvestor-specific reporting.

Treasury Services

Open and administer bank accounts

Prepare bank and stock reconciliations

Track distributions and proceeds

Process wire transfers and distributionchecks

Purchase foreign currency and performforeign currency transactions

Arrange for safeguarding of securities.

Tax Services

Prepare all necessary entity tax filings andK-1s

Provide quarterly and year-end tax estimates

Reconcile GAAP and tax reporting

Obtain and maintain W-8BEN, W-9 andW-8IMY forms, as appropriate.

Fund administration highlights


Top 10 global fund administrator ($AUA)

Highly experienced and knowledgeable staff

500+ fund accounting professionals

High staff retention

Ability to independently value all securitytypes including derivatives

SAS 70 Type II certified

Strong and scalable processing infrastructureand processing systems

Many notable clients (strong references) witha broad exposure to all security types,strategies and fund structures

Multiple processing centers with physicalexpansion capabilities and ability to recruitqualified staff

Multiple software and services options –SaaS, in-house or full outsourcing (BPO).

Client testimonial


“The client service we receive from your teamhas been outstanding. When our managinggeneral partner has a question, I know I canquickly get the correct answer from my SS&Cteam, they are very responsive and we are veryconfident that our administrative needs are beinghandled. It is going to be our pleasure tocontinue working with your team on our newfund.” Horizon Asset Management



Fred Jacobs

Managing Director, Global Sales

t: +1 646 213 7104



Punit Satsangi

Managing Director, EMEA Sales

t: +44 20 3036 6805





State Street ranks as the No. 1 servicer ofalternative assets globally, with more than $793billion in assets under administration and over3,000 employees exclusively focused onalternative asset servicing. We provide acomplete suite of fund accounting, fundadministration, corporate administration, risk andcredit services to more than 500 clients, includinginstitutional investors, hedge fund, private equityfund and real estate fund managers. OurAlternative Investment Solutions (AIS) team hasmore than 20 years’ experience working withleading alpha-generated funds, and combinesextensive product expertise with flexible andinnovative solutions specifically designed foralternative investments.

Dedicated to meeting the mostdemanding needs


State Street’s AIS clients are among the mostrespected names in the marketplace. Ourapproach is to collaborate with you so that wecan function as an extension of your internaloperations. In many cases, our executive andsenior management become actively engaged inthe client relationship, and participate in ongoingdialogue at all levels to ensure that wecontinually meet your most rigorous standards.In short, no one is better positioned – or moredriven to help you succeed – than State Street.

Private Equity Fund Services


Outsourcing the responsibility for private equityfund administration to our AIS professionals letsyou focus on managing investment returns andgenerating value for your investors. We possessthe capability, capacity and coverage to servicethe largest, most sophisticated clients and theflexibility to service small boutiques locatedthroughout Europe, North America, Asia and theGulf region.

Whether your fund or family of funds is startingup, active and expanding, or winding down andliquidating, our team can solve the challenges ofeach specific situation. We offer options forevery fund type and structure, at every stage ofthe fund life cycle. Across the private equityspectrum - venture, buyout, mezzanine,distressed debt and more - we leverage ourglobal locations to create a solution that fits eachprivate equity manager’s needs.

As the world’s largest private equity fundadministrator, State Street services more than$249 billion in private equity capital commitmentsfor General Partners and supports LimitedPartners with performance and analytics servicesfor $281 billion in committed capital.

Our offices are strategically based in keyjurisdictions so that we can coordinate effectiveadministration for your funds — wherever theyare based.



Iain Stokes


t: +44 1481 715601



Stephen Lewis


t: +44 20 3395 4984


State Street

We possess the resources and expertise to meet your mostdemanding alternative asset servicing requirements


Private Equity Fund Services cont…


Our specialist venture, buyout and mezzaninefund administration teams are on hand tohelp

We can provide highly skilled and knowledgeableresources to all administrative workflows.

Give you access to the industry best practices wehave developed through the size and scope ofour business.

Complement traditional fund administrationfunctions with our treasury department.

Our direct fund administration services:

Full fund accounting and financial reportingservices.

Reviewing all investment documents andmaintaining detailed records of all investmenttransactions.

Calculating equalization payments, managementfees, preferred return, carried interest and IRRsin accordance with the fund agreements.

Maintaining the limited partner register andtransfer of interests as required.

Rollover of bridge line in accordance with theleverage facility agreement.

Coordinating any regulatory filings andsupervision of the audit process.

Coordinating independent tax review, includingpreparation of detailed tax schedules/worksheetsto reconcile book to tax accounting.


Full coordination and dissemination of investorcommunications.

Our dedicated team of private equityprofessionals is now well positioned to deliver atruly world-class offering for private equity fundsponsors with teams of more than 900professionals focused solely on private equityadministration from locations in North America,Europe and Asia.

Based on industry survey data State Street AISnow ranks as No. 1 in alternative asset servicingglobally; No. 2 in private equity servicing globally;No. 2 in real estate asset servicing globally andNo. 2 in hedge fund servicing globally.



European Private Equity Fund Administrator ofthe Year 2010 and 2011, ICFA

Private Equity Administrator of the Year 2010,ASPA.

Global Private Equity Fund Administrator of theYear 2009, ICFA.

European Private Equity Fund Administrator ofthe Year 2009, ICFA.

European offshore Fund Administrator of theYear 2009, ICFA.



Ned Siegel

North America

t: +1 617 664 7618



Carol Hall


t: +1 852 3153 1001





Baxon PE is the leader in portfolio companymanagement solutions for the private equityindustry.In 2011 Baxon and SunGard’s Investran signedan exclusive global partnership which will provideclients with a flexible solution for transparentportfolio management. The integrated solutionwill cater to growing PE reporting requirementswhich will be supported by an experienced globalconsulting team.With seven years of experience in PortfolioCompany Management, Baxon client base isspread globally, with customers in the UK,Europe, USA, Latin America, Middle East andIndia, who range in size from small to largeprivate equity and venture capital firms.Baxon platform concentrates the reportinginformation for more than 1000 companiesworldwide with clients exceeding $138 billion inassets under management.

Our solution


Baxon Portfolio Company ManagementSystem (PCMS) enables any type of PrivateEquity firm to upgrade the way in which itmonitors, manages and reports the performanceof its portfolio companies.

Baxon PCMS is a web based application,delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS), thatautomates the entire portfolio reporting process,


improves consistency and transparency, andprovides powerful analytic tools, turning staticdata into dynamic information, available fromanywhere at anytime.

How Baxon PCMS works


Data capturePortfolio companies can update their financialand operating information directly and in real timethrough a secure internet connection. Portfoliocompanies are not required to modify theircurrent reporting structure and the wholeupdating process is designed to be performed injust 5 to 10 minutes. Automatic reminders andapproval process workflows can be setup by GPsystem administrators.

Analysis and reportingGP users can create dynamic dashboards andreports with key indicators, graphs, traffic lightsand alerts which can printed or exported to PDFor Excel, from anywhere, at anytime. Excelspreadsheets can also be linked to the BaxonPCMS database, allowing fast creation of ad hocreports and modelling.

Collaboration and distributionCustomizable profiles and levels of access allowGPs to share online reports, interactivescorecards and document libraries with externalstakeholders, such as LPs, banks, consultants orauditors.

Key facts


Completely focused on portfolio managementsince 2005

100% web based – Software as a Service

30+ clients, 800+ companies

Clients in the UK, US, Europe, Middle East, LatinAmerica and India

Core services


Financials, KPIs and covenants


Database driven Excel integration.

Portfolio aggregation for analysis and reporting

Sensitivity analysis (“What if”)

Online integrated comparables

Baxon PE

Leader in portfolio management for the private equityindustry





Baxon PCMS streamlines the entire portfolioreporting process, from the gathering of datadirectly from portfolio companies, to printing,exporting and distributing reports in one click.

Data quality and transparency

The increasing need for transparency demands amore reliable and consistent source ofinformation from portfolio companies. BaxonPCMS offers specific features designed toincrease transparency in the reporting processand grant consistency of data.

Visibility of company performance

Leverage on our web based technology toprovide users with an interactive businessintelligence tool to create intuitive dashboards onthe fly, drill down on metrics and use dynamicgraphs to understand trends, as well as powerfulanalytic features.

Accessibility and collaboration

Access a timely single source of truth for allportfolio information, from anywhere at anytime,even from your mobile phone, and without theneed to install any software.

Key features


Financials, KPIs, narrative, covenanttracking.

Valuations meeting FAS 157 and EVCAguidelines.

Integrated comparables online.

Aggregation for portfolio level reportingwith slice & dice capabilities.

File repository for archiving documentation.

Mobile platform to access key informationfrom BlackBerry, iPhone or othersmartphones.

Personal dashboards.

Complete traceability and audit trails.

Sensitivity analysis.

Live linked Excel.

Automatic reminder and approvalworkflows.

No need to install any software or add in toaccess or modify reports.

Audit trails.

Fully integrated with SunGard Investran.



Paula España


t: +44 20 3286 6296



Jorge Hansen


t: + 1 214 329 4261





ClearMomentum is a leading edge analytics andreporting solution for Private Equity, Venture,Hedge and Mezzanine Funds in North Americaand the United Kingdom.

Leveraging the latest in technology, our securedata room is the global data clearinghouse forportfolio companies and their counterpartiesincluding lenders, investors and shareholders.

Every capital manager has unique analytic andreporting needs so each implementation istailored to meet those same needs precisely.While the SaaS infrastructure enables efficientset-up and seamless information flow, oursolution is configured according to your specificanalytic and reporting needs.

Reporting and the exchange of sensitive financialinformation between portfolio companies andtheir counterparties is our core competence andour core value proposition. ClearMomentumserves many of the world’s most progressivecapital managers and their portfolio companieslocated throughout North America and the UnitedKingdom.


ClearFinancials® Solution


ClearFinancials® is unique in that it benefits boththe capital provider as well as the portfoliocompany. Traditional models force portfoliocompanies into structured templates or rigid web-forms to collect monthly or quarterly financialdata. The ClearFinancials® secure data roomrequires ZERO change of the portfolio company’sprocess or structure ensuring that the exchangeoccurs seamlessly and is executed with minimalresistance. We recognize the importance of thecritical relationship that exists between portfoliocompanies and their capital partners and ourprocess and software is designed to protect theinterests of both. ClearFinancials® makes themonthly or quarterly exchange of financial andperformance data both smooth and painless.

This painless, however disciplined process isevidenced by the fact that the typical capitalmanager will reduce the overall fund reportingcycle by an average of 25 days.

In addition to the benefits of the ClearFinancials®desktop software, ClearMomentum also offers aweb-portal and mobile application. The portalprovides administrators the ability to divide anddistribute data among deal team members, LP’sand third parties such as legal teams andvaluation firms.

The mobile app is available for the iPhone & iPadand can be downloaded from the Apple Store.Capital managers can now access portfolio dataand update commentary anywhere, anytime.

Key facts


Founded in 2005. Operating in the US and UK.

Mobile Application for the iPhone & iPad

Desktop Software and Web-portal

99% Year over Year Customer Retention Rate

+90 % Average Reporting Cycle Reduction

~ 1,000 Portfolio Entities Reporting

Analytics and reporting for:


Private Equity

Venture Capital

Hedge Funds

Mezzanine and Debt Providers

Portfolio Company – Full suite of CPM tools


Analytics and reporting for private equity, venture,hedge, mezzanine funds


ClearFinancials® Solution cont…


ClearMomentum is your best choice to meet theincreasing demands for increased transparencyand regulatory agency reporting requirementsand compliance.

An exclusive relationship with a top-tier globalaccounting firm with a specific focus on PrivateEquity enables our two organizations to provideregulatory compliance consulting coupled with atechnology solution to ensure ongoing discipline.

Coupled with ClearMomentum analytics, asecond partnership with a global data providerenables ClearMomentum to provide a host ofbenchmarking and risk monitoring services.

Risk Management Metrics & Reporting

Risk Monitoring

Portfolio Risk Analysis

Covenant Monitoring

Sensitivity Analysis & Stress Testing

Compliance Testing

Modeling and forecasting functionality enablescapital managers to model add-on acquisitions,measure the impact of foreign currency orconsolidate disparate entities.or consolidatedisparate entities.


Secure data exchange between Alternative Assetmanagers and their portfolio companies.

Secure Data Exchange

Excel® visualization and workflow

Dashboards and Scorecards

Comprehensive Analytics

Risk Analytics

GP and LP Reporting

In addition to the benefits realized by capitalmanagers, portfolio companies benefit when theychoose to leverage ClearFinancials® for theiroperation.

Sophisticated analytics, scorecarding, andbudgeting.

Standard and user-defined metrics, ratios fortrending, analysis, and reporting.

Flexible standard and custom reporting.

Excel® add-in for direct access toClearFinancials® data and ad-hoc reporting.

Data from various external sources can beintegrated for a consolidated view.

One source of data, always consistent,transparent and available on demand.



Jim Cannon

Senior VP, Sales

t: +1 585 393 1734 x205

m: +1 315 374 2330



Steve Just

Professional Services Associate

t: +1 585 393 1734 x604





iLevel Solutions provides the leading PortfolioManagement Platform for the private equityindustry, counting some of the world’s foremostPE firms among its clients. The iLevel Platform isa Software-as-a-Service technology solution thatgives private equity firms the assurance theyneed to analyze performance and identifyopportunity.

iLevel replaces the complex, manual and labor-intensive process of assembling data fromportfolio companies with an automated, Web-based workflow process and a central datarepository that serves as your “single source oftruth.”

By making the process of collecting, analyzingand sharing investment data more efficient,timely, accurate and auditable, iLevel givesprivate equity firms entirely new levels oftransparency, visibility and accountability theyincreasingly need. From portfolio assessment tocomparables, from compliant valuations to drill-down insight into operating metrics, iLevel putsinvestment data and opportunity precisely whereyou want it to be. Always in sight.

Our solution


The iLevel Portfolio Management Platformdramatically enhances the ability of investmentmanagers to gain insight into the performance oftheir portfolios – and to more quickly assess risksand discover emerging opportunities.

With iLevel, you can:

Automate the collection, analysis, reportingand exchange of financial and operatingperformance information.

Eliminate the painful, often error-prone andnon-standard manual collection andcompilation of portfolio companyperformance data, replacing it withautomated software processes built around aunified, firm-wide database.

Arm yourself with the accurate, timely andactionable information you need to makeinformed decisions and discover newopportunities.

Leverage the Excel-based templates yourusers have honed over time and grown todepend upon.

Key facts


The iLevel platform manages over $500bn AUM,spanning 1,100+ portfolio companies.

To arrange a demo:

+1 646 746 1100

Core services


Portfolio performance analysis and reportingsolutions for:

- Private Equity

- Fund of Funds

- Limited Partners

iLevel Solutions

A leading provider of private equity software andreporting solutions


Our solution cont…


Dynamic Data Collection Workflow Tools

The iLevel Platform streamlines the portfoliocompany data collection process by enablingGPs to create dynamic Excel-based templatesthat can be scheduled and distributed to portfoliocompanies or internal users for monthly andquarterly data collection. These data templatesare integrated into a workflow process allowingdata to be efficiently reviewed and approved priorto being accessed for analysis and reporting.

Robust Excel Add-In Functionality

With iLevel’s unique Excel Add-In, users can takeadvantage of formula wizards, a powerfulcalculation engine, and iGet

TMand iPut


functionality to access data from – and publishdata to – the iLevel database. Users canleverage the iLevel Excel Add-In to analyzeportfolio company performance, model valuationsand respond to investor inquiries, all in a fractionof the time it would normally take to do somanually.

Web-based Data Presentation & Reporting

A configurable Web portal enables users tovisualize fund and portfolio companyperformance through a wide variety of graphicalcharts and interactive data grids. Users can filterdata based on industry, geography, and funds todrill down into data sets to gain instant insightfrom any perspective.

Solution benefits


The iLevel Portfolio Management Platformdramatically enhances the ability of generalpartners to gain insight into the performance oftheir portfolios – and to more quickly assess risksand discover emerging opportunities. But thebenefits of iLevel go much farther, providingsolutions that enhance visibility, efficiency andeffectiveness for every key member of your firm.

For the CFO and Finance Group

Efficient and effective financial analysis andportfolio company valuation modelling.

For the Managing Partner

Access to information that illuminatesopportunities, highlights areas of potential risk,and enhances performance.

For the Portfolio Operations Manager

Centralized data and proactive tools to bettermanager portfolio company operations.

For the Analyst or Associate

Tools that enable a shift from chasing downspreadsheets to analyzing data.

For Investor Relations

A platform for efficient ad-hoc reporting andtransparent information sharing among all keystakeholders.



Hank Boggio

Chief Marketing Officer

t: New York: +1 646 746 1103



iLevel Solutions

345 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10154 USA

t: New York: +1 646 746 1100





4vco is a London-based consultancy with a 100%focus upon private equity operations.

Founded in 2002, 4vco has a core team of threeconsultants with nearly 40 years of combinedexperience in private equity.

We are the number one provider of independentadvice and support to this niche marketthroughout the UK and Europe. We are proud ofour independence and ensure that all consultingrevenue is sourced from the ‘buy-side’ with nointroductory fees or other incentives.

All fees are based on time and expenses.



4vco has worked on 150+ engagements withalmost 100 private equity organisations.

One in four engagements is outside of the UK -client assignments have been undertaken inScandinavia, Europe, the Middle East, the FarEast, Africa and the Americas.

Our clients range in size from small to very largeand cover a wide range of business modelsincluding: venture capital, buyouts,infrastructure, funds of funds, secondaries,limited partners, pension funds, family offices,advisors and fund administrators.



Our assignments cover the full project life cyclefrom strategic advice, through product selection,implementation and post-implementationoperational support.

Strategic advice

Aimed at clients that are interested in exploringtheir options, 4vco is able to deliver a precise andefficient insight into the current marketplace forprivate equity systems and services.

Our extensive experience and knowledgeenables us to quickly understand business needsand, using a library of materials, we can deliver atailored service to position our clients on a fasttrack to delivering improvements.

Above all, we deliver a proven methodology thatallows our clients to manage expectations fromday one.

Software/service selection

One of our core services, we have helped manyprivate equity houses through our structuredselection process which is designed to put keyfacts and information ‘on the table’ so that clientscan make an informed decision with confidence.

Our standard approach is template-driven forefficiency and includes options for request forinformation (RFI), product demonstrations,vendor workshops and contract negotiation.

Key facts


3 full-time consultants plus associates

150+ assignments

95+ clients

16 countries

Core services


Systems strategy

Vendor selection

Project management

Continuous improvement

Market news and analysis

4vco Limited

The leading provider of independent consultancyservices to private equity operations


Services cont…


Client preparation

There are a number of important tasks that feedinto the selection process and help to prepareclients for a successful implementation.

4vco can assist with: current state analysis,historic data migration, operational roles andresponsibilities, technical considerations andreports definition.

Implementation support

The client’s chosen vendor will have anestablished methodology and will work closelywith the client to deliver the desired benefits.

The level of client input to the process can easilybe underestimated and 4vco consultants provideexperience and skills to bridge the gap.

Our consultants assist at all levels from projectsupervision through project management intospecific tasks such as managing data migration.In all cases, a tailored approach is designed toensure the optimum mix of internal and externalresourcing.


4vco advises on best practice for systemownership and ongoing management. Ourhealthcheck service has proven very effective inenabling clients to maintain and increase benefitsthrough proactive system management.

Other initiatives


PESS Events

The PESS Showcase events are hosted annuallyby 4vco in London and New York.

Free to delegates, the events bring togethersoftware and service providers and key decisionmakers from private equity organisations, to meetand discuss market developments and relatedtopics.

PESS Barometer

New in 2012, the PESS Barometer will provideessential insight into the current marketplace forPE software and services and recent trends.

The PESS Barometer results will be presented atthe Showcase events in New York and London.

PESS Directory and Newsletter

4vco has closely followed the evolution of privateequity systems and services over the last 10years and continues to monitor and report thelatest developments through its pessnet.comwebsite and monthly newsletter which isdistributed to over 6,500 private equityprofessionals.

The PESS Directory provides profiles of 40proven private equity suppliers, with details ofproducts, services, clients, contacts and otheruseful company details. All information isavailable free and online at



Tony Piper


t: +44 20 7785 6999

m: +44 7775 947 901



Paul Thompson

Senior Consultant

t: +44 20 7785 6999

m: +44 7977 490 917





Founded in 1991, Chatham Financial is theworld’s largest independent hedging advisoryfirm. Our consulting teams work closely withfinancial professionals worldwide in a variety ofindustry sectors.

Private equity funds and their portfolio companiescomprise nearly half of our client base in Europeand we are proud of our long-term clientrelationships within this sector. Our advisoryengagements are on a transaction-by-transactionbasis and are fully success-based, although wehave some retainer-based services whereappropriate.

In line with our independent, client-driven serviceapproach, we develop our systems internally witha robust technology and systems group.

Why hedging matters


Derivatives transactions are an increasinglysensitive, complex and visible aspect of privateequity investments. As such, we combine adisciplined approach to hedge decision-makingwith structuring and execution advice based onmarket-leading experience. We underpin ouradvice with proprietary technology solutions toprovide detailed and consistent mark-to-marketvaluations and other reported information toassist with the accounting and assetmanagement functions throughout theinvestment period.

How Chatham works


Generally, private equity funds first engageChatham due to the positive economic impactour independence and market presence canbring to the execution process (even if sourceddirectly with a lending bank or banks).

"Chatham brings together first class hedginganalysis and execution to suit every transaction."

Caleb Kramer, Managing Director, PrincipalInvestments, Oaktree Capital Management, LLC

Our experience and depth of resources can leadto substantial time savings and other efficiencieswithin a fund and its portfolio companies.

"Whether helping Carlyle think about ourcurrency exposures at the fund level or working

with one of our portfolio company CFO's tohedge interest rate risk, Chatham has been an

invaluable member of the Carlyle team."

John Harris, Senior Advisor and Former CFO,The Carlyle Group

Chatham’s goal is to become a fund’s “hedgingdesk down the hall”, which in our view can bringintangible but valuable discipline and consistencyto its overall financial risk management.

"We consider Chatham an integral member ofour corporate finance team and have been very

pleased with the services they provide."

Keith Giger, Vice President of Finance, HCA

Key facts


200+ Professionals Globally (London, Kraków,Singapore, Kennett Square, Denver)

€300 billion of hedging transactions annually

Some Private Equity Clients include

The Blackstone Group, The Carlyle Group, KKR,FFL Partners, & Oaktree Capital Management

Core services


Interest Rate, Currency, Inflation, and RawMaterial Hedging Advisory

Hedge Accounting


Debt Management System

Chatham Financial

The largest independent financial risk advisers to privateequity funds and their portfolio companies




Hedging Advisory

Chatham works closely with the treasury,accounting and capital markets teams of morethan 1,000 businesses worldwide. We work alongside of our clients on all aspects of their hedgingprograms, including: risk management analysisand consulting, hedging strategy development,transaction execution, documentation negotiationboth pre and post trade.

Hedge Accounting

Chatham serves hundreds of companiesworldwide achieve their hedge accountingobjectives. With years of experience and deepexpertise, our dedicated team of accountingprofessionals consult on and account forthousands of hedging relationships forderivatives, bringing peace of mind to our clientsand their auditors.


Chatham provides robust valuationmethodologies and modelling sophistication forboth derivatives and debt through its web basedvaluation system. Delivering more than 22,000valuations daily we have built the mostsophisticated, comprehensive approach topotential future exposure (PFE) and creditvaluation adjustments (CVAs) and providesvaluations for all type of foreign exchange andinterest rate derivatives.

Other initiatives


Derivatives Regulatory Advisory Services

Coupling our deep derivatives market expertisewith our intimate knowledge of derivativesregulatory requirements, Chatham is ideallysituated to help companies navigate a complexnew derivatives marketplace.

Chatham has expanded its consulting service forcompanies seeking to understand and adapt tonew derivatives regulatory requirements.

Debt Management System

Chatham’s debt management system is apowerful and dynamic system that provides aclear view of a company’s debt profile fromindividual loan details and valuations to portfolio-level reporting and analytics.

FX Programs for Multinational Corporations

- Audit/Review

- Strategy Development

- Ongoing Implementation



Mark Battistoni

Director, Europe

t: +44 20 7557 7010



Brian Conly

Director, US

t: +1 610 925 3129



About Pcubed


Pcubed is one of the world’s leading Project,Programme and Portfolio managementconsultancy providers. Our network of officesenables us to provide global coverage to all ourclients.

Today, Pcubed maintains 15 offices in theAmericas, Europe and Asia/Pacific with over 300trained professionals supporting all majorindustry sectors (e.g. automotive, manufacturing,financial, IT, pharmaceutical, healthcare andgovernment).

Successfully project managing the acquisition,merger or separation of a business isfundamental to private equity firms maximisingshareholder value. Our focused services andpragmatic pricing model ensures great value isdelivered to all our customers.Pcubed is a creative, forward-thinkingprofessional services firm providing a wide rangeof project management services across theprivate and public sectors. We’re passionateabout delivering projects on time and on budget,this is what we do:


We put our clients’ requirements at the heart ofeverything we do and provide an approach thatworks best for them. Pcubed’s client baseincludes many Fortune 500 companies and bluechip organisations across many industry sectors.



Recently awarded Best Company ‘one to watch’2011, this recognition alongside many others,reflects our desire to continue to attract andretain people who make a real difference whenworking with our clients. Our people are drawnfrom a wide range of industry sectors and roles,thereby ensuring that we can field a team that isappropriate for each client’s project orprogramme. Pcubed teams are totally focusedon passionately delivering successful outcomesto our clients’ challenges.

Services & Solutions


Project Delivery: Helping you to consistentlydeliver your project change initiatives on time andin budget through assessment, frameworks,tools, and people - building capability, quality andperformance.

Programme Leadership: Helping you to ensuredelivery of your critical project initiatives,providing real business results and reducing riskthrough effective setup, management andcontrol.

Portfolio Management: Helping you tomaximise the value, impact and efficiency of yourenterprise programmes and projects throughfact-based, best practice approaches andindustry-leading tools.

Core competencies


Business Initiative Consulting

Tools & Technology

Process Management

PM Operations Delivery

Training & Mentoring

Core competencies


M&A and Joint Venture Management

Major Change and IT Programme Delivery

Delivery Efficiency and Effectiveness

Optimisation of the investment roadmap

Outsourcing – full lifecycle


World class leaders in helping organisations conceive,manage and deliver the most challenging projects


Services & Solutions cont…


Pcubed Tools: We provide the tools toaccelerate benefits delivery to our clients andhelp deliver sustainable client capability. Weweave the structured use of the appropriate toolsinto our service delivery to promote yoursuccess.

The type of solutions we offer ranges fromimproving new product introduction to theaccelerated deployment/recovery of strategicinitiatives, and helping clients better manage their“portfolio” of programmes and strategic projects.

100 Day Plan

Private equity buyers and sellers need to quicklyunderstand the key areas of upside opportunity,in order to deliver deal value from transactions asquickly and efficiently as possible.

We offer our clients complete end to end analysisand programme management support requiredduring the crucial pre and post deal phases.

Our experts work with flexible approaches, tocomplement the styles and investmenttimeframes of our clients and, where appropriate,secure lasting change.

Why use generalist consultants when you canuse specialists to plan and execute yourprogramme delivery?

The Rapidly Changing Role of ProjectManagement


Historically, most project management (PM)providers have focused on tools, training,consulting or supporting niche markets. Pcubedbroke away from the pack by specialising in PM-enabled client solutions across any industry orgeographic location. This global, full-servicestrategy has given Pcubed the depth and breadthof client experience, which is reflected in our corecompetencies.

While a surprising number of organisations stillequate PM with budget and resource scheduling,the marketplace has begun a fundamental shiftaway from isolated project teams to a moreintegrated view of strategic initiatives andcollaboration at the enterprise level.

Some of the “pain” that has been driving thistransition, according to Gartner, includes:

1. Nearly 80% of all projects will be seriouslychallenged

2. Up to 30% will be cancelled outright

3. 75% of all e-commerce projects won’t meettheir objectives due to poor planning

4. Project failures, more often than not, can betraced to internal cultural barriers, such asthe lack of user involvement or executivesupport, and unrealistic expectations.

Clients include


Aston Martin


Jaguar Land Rover


European Space Agency



Paul Freeman

Global Head – Financial Services

t: +44 20 7462 0100



About SteelBridge Ventures Consulting


We are a boutique fund advisory service provideroffering strategy and management consultingservices and capital advisory services to theAlternative Investment industry.

We manage mission-critical finance,operations, and technology projects.

We strategically partner with investmentmanagers throughout the investmentlifecycle.

With more than 50 years of AlternativeInvestment management industry experience, weprovide comprehensive capabilities to integrateall stakeholders in the investment lifecycle. AtSteelBridge we hold ourselves to high standardsproviding exemplary services for our clients.

Our footprint spans globally with resourceslocated in New York, London, Philadelphia,Chicago, and Pittsburgh.

SteelBridge Reputation


Provided services to 3 of the top 10 largestglobal Private Equity firms.

Lead projects that span continents.

Delivered multi-million dollar, multi-yeartransformational projects.

SteelBridge Consulting Services


Our consulting group provides a wide range ofstrategy and management consulting servicesdelivering high value to our clients. Our seniorteam members focus exclusively on deliveringconsulting services to the Alternative Investmentindustry and have the depth of experience to helpthem tackle their most urgent business needs.We lead projects that create industry-wide bestpractices.

Software Selection and Implementation

We have strong relationships with leadingsoftware vendors, and our knowledge andexperience with each of the products providesclients with a unique understanding of whatsolution works best for them. We assist clients inthe selection and implementation of softwareresulting in successful deployment.

Strategic Planning and Change

We understand the complexity involved informulating an effective long-term strategic plan.We ensure that the needs of all stakeholders aresatisfied while maintaining focus onorganizational goals. We implement appropriateprocess and procedure to manage organizationalchange.

SteelBridge Consulting Services


Software Selection and Implementation

Strategic Planning and Change

Administrator Alignment

Process and Operational Re-Engineering

Project Management

SteelBridge Capital Advisory Services


Fundraising Strategy

Investor Relations

Operational Support

SteelBridge Ventures Consulting

Creating synergies for all stakeholders in the investmentlifecycle


SteelBridge Consulting Services (cont.)


Administrator Alignment

Our team has a long history of working withleading global third-party administrators. Webuild full-service administration capabilities andunderstand the complexities administrators facein serving a variety of clients. We have alsotransitioned investment managers toadministrators, and our experience enables aseamless transition for all stakeholders.

Process and Operational Re-Engineering

We provide extensive guidance in executingthese process-intensive projects, affectingchange across people, platforms, andtechnologies. Significant investment is requiredto navigate these complex engagements, and ourprofessionals have successfully deliveredservices spanning the full project lifecycle.

Project Management

Clients have called upon us to lead projects andplan, organize, and execute necessaryadministration. We work with clients to optimizeproject resources and achieve overall projectsuccess.

SteelBridge Capital Advisory


Our capital advisory group assists investmentmanagers with meeting short-term objectives orlong-term goals. We partner with each client toimplement institutional quality relationships andoperations to attract top-tier investors. Fromemerging investment managers to establishedmulti-fund firms, we have the depth of experienceto provide a full array of capital services,marketing advice, and strategic guidance.

Fundraising Strategy

Building a solid fundraising plan is important forsuccessfully advancing a fund’s launch.Decisions must be made on materials to be usedand whether marketing resources will be internal,third-party, or a combination of both.

Investor Relations

SteelBridge provides comprehensive investorrelations solutions through the entire fundlifecycle, from fund kickoff to final distribution. Wework with the investor relations team to produceall marketing materials.

Operational Support

Ensure your back office has the capacity toprovide prospective investors with a high level ofservice. We have years of experience inimplementing tailored operational proceduresand technical solutions to track and report on allyour investor interactions.



James M. Haluszczak, Managing Partner

t: +1 646.737.7960 x1001e:


Todd G. Haring, Consulting Services

t: +1 646.737.7960 x1002e:

Timothy A. Haluszczak, Capital Advisory

t: +1 646.737.7960 x1006e:




Customer Effective: Private Equity is a web-based relationship management solutionproviding a comprehensive and collaborativeplatform for managing relationships and deal

processes for private equity professionals.Customer Effective: Private Equity was built tomanage the relationship functions of a PrivateEquity firm, including deal flow management andstatistics, industry and sector performancemetrics, portfolio company management, fundraising, and LP Communications. Industry-specific, best practice functionality is availableout of the box:

Contact and company management

Intermediary and referral management

Deal tracking and fund raising opportunitymanagement

Document management



Fusce placerat, mi eu pretium mollis, nulla nuncWe have helped Private Equity Firms likeBerkshire Partners, EOS Partners, MubadalaDevelopment Company and SusquehannahCapital improve their business.



The Customer Effective: Private Equity Solutionis a purpose-built solution that leveragesMicrosoft Dynamics CRM to the unique needs offinancial service professionals. Firms of all sizes,use Customer Effective: Private Equity to gain a360-degree view of clients, automate businessprocesses and integrate with existing systems.

Role-tailored experiences specifically forPrivate Equity. Our customized workspacesprovide financial service professionals with role-based homepages, reports, forms and securityprofiles. This attention to the unique needswithin organizations help streamline routine tasksand increase productivity.

Quick access to consolidated customerknowledge. Customer Effective: Private Equityleverages native integration with familiar toolslike Outlook and Excel and easily integrates withexisting applications and technology architecture.

Mobile access. Allow your employees to getquick access to customer data fromsmartphones, laptops, tablets or browsers.Customer Effective: FinServ can be accessedfrom most any mobile device, regardless ofmanufacturer.

Customer Effective


Customer Effective is a Microsoft Gold CertifiedPartner specializing in Microsoft Dynamics CRMimplementation, development and integration.We have assisted over 500+ organizationsimplement Microsoft around the globe since itsrelease in 2002.

Implementation Services


For solutions to deliver real business gains,technology alone isn’t enough. Completesolutions require professional implementation. AtCustomer Effective we understand what it takesto help organizations succeed in transformingtechnology into real productivity solutions.

Customer Effective

Delivering Microsoft CRMSuccess for Private Equity Firms


Solution Features


Deal Management

Track internal deal discussions and activities

Manage lender and banker processes

Due diligence - CIM’s, LOI’s, legaldocuments and term sheets can be managedin one central location

Single view of internal deal team, notes andrelated activities

Track referrals and identify the mostprofitable deal sources

Financial Reviews – Revenue, EBITDA,Margin, YoYComparisons

Organize financing sources and co-investors

Portfolio Management

Associates post financial analysis

Track buyer inquiries

Track portfolio investments, expenses, feesand distribution

Manage add-on acquisitions and value-added projects

Notification of deal change status to the dealteam

Create cap tables and track investments

Other initiatives


Fundraising and Marketing

Generate LP leads

Connect with external sources to identifyprospects, including CapitalIQ, Hoovers,D&B, Dow Jones, Thompson Reuters andothers

Track opportunities across funds andinvestors

Interaction management and recording,including call reports.

Investor Relations and Reporting

Easily run capital calls and distributionnotices

Rollup of multiple accounts can identifycritical investors

Track and file any investor correspondence

Automate mailings of K1s

Track notifications of subscriptions

Run investor-specific reporting

Create call plans

Track liquidity and gates

Produce deal pipeline reports

Create Portfolio Company abstract



Brad Koontz

Product Manager, Private Equity Solutions

t: +1 404 435 1668



Landy Wingard

Director, Capital Markets

t: +1 864 404 3225

m: +1 864 630 7902



Company Overview


DealCloud was formed in 2010 by a passionateteam with deep investment banking, privateequity, technology, and operating experience to

bring technology‐enabled products and servicesto the private equity, principal investing,investment banking, and lending community.

DealCloud brings efficiency, cost savings andsecurity to the M&A and capital raisingprocesses. Our industry-specific solutionscombine information and database silos withreal-time execution to improve today’sunharmonized workflow.

PE/IB/Venture/Mezz CRM Platform


DealCloud’s CRM platform can be deployed as aSoftware-as-a-Service (Saas) or On-Premiseweb-based application. DealCloud CRM was theCompany’s first platform in a series of micro-vertical solutions for the M&A, alternativeinvestment, and principal investing industriesincluding private equity, investment banking,venture capital, senior and subordinated lending,family office, and fund of funds investing.



DealCloud CRM can be deployed in a mannerthat best suits your security, infrastructure, andtechnology support needs.

DealCloud is available as a fully hosted software-as-a-service solution. A SaaS deploymentrequires only a monthly subscription and accessto the internet. We take care of everything elseincluding technical infrastructure and support.

Alternatively, if you want to take advantage ofyour existing Microsoft infrastructure, DealCloudCRM can be loaded onto SharePoint Foundation2010 either on-site or at a local data center.

Both deployments are available for a predictablemonthly per user, per month fee with onesubscription agreement.

Prospect and Deal Flow Management


DealCloud CRM allows you to monitor your dealflow, manage deal processes, and track allbusiness development and research activity. Ifyour deal changes status or critical dealinformation is updated, the entire deal team canbe immediately notified with DealCloud’sadvanced alerting system.



Prospect and deal flow management

Deal due diligence management

Portfolio company knowledge management

Contact management

Deal source and service provider management

Industry and sector knowledge management


Funds and LP administration

Fundraising knowledge management

Document management

Interactions and complex relationships

iPhone, iPad and Android deployment

Real time e-mail updates

DealCloud, Inc.

Bringing efficiency and ease to the daily processes of dealprofessionals


Robust Functionality for M&A ProcessManagement


Track multiple types of engagements

Manage and organize all dealcommunications

Manage relationships and coverage withstrategic and financial buyers

Easily construct buyer and investor lists

Integration with Outlook

Efficiently monitor transaction status witheach participant

Build client ready reports.

Efficiently Manage Due Diligence


Manage all interactions with the prospect'smanagement team, bankers, lenders, andreferences. Every 'touch' with an institution orindividual involved in the transaction can berecorded and appropriately organized. Inaddition, everything from informationmemorandum’s, LOIs, legal documents, and termsheets can all be managed in one central dealdashboard.

Portfolio Company Management


For principal investors DealCloud is your onestop solution where team members manage andorganize portfolio activity.

Centralize the firm’s activity and standardizereporting

Streamline communication and documentmanagement

Generate reports that help avoid duplicativedata management

Intelligently manage sourcing activity for add-on transactions

Track value‐added projects anddeliverables from your firm OperatingPartners and other service providers.

Manage Fundraising & LP Relationships


DealCloud provides a workflow engine forinitiating your capital calls and a repository for allinteractions with your LPs.

Organize activity by fund Manage co-investors Track current and prospective investors View investor pipeline reports to organize

communication and follow-ups Mobile and tablet views help you stay

connected while fundraising Generate deal and sourcing data and

analytics to help market your firm’scapabilities.



Ben Harrison


t: +1 704 248 5659

m: +1 919 452 6901



Rob Cummings


t: +1 704 248 5659

m: +1 704 231 6965





DealMarket is an online platform enabling privateequity buyers, sellers and advisors to maximizeopportunities around the world – a one-stop shopfor PE professionals.

DealMarket was founded in 2010 as thebrainchild of a small group of successful privateequity professionals who fully understand thedaily frustrations of running a multi family officeand an asset management company.

The website launched in March 2011 and couldgain quickly a reputable, loyal, and truly globalcommunity of users. For their first anniversaryDealMarket provided to their loyal customers aprivate equity report, for which theycommissioned The Boston Consulting Group toanalyse the size and prevailing dynamics of theprivate equity market.

Moreover DealMarket was awarded as “The BestPrivate Equity Platform 2012” presented byCorporate LiveWire.



To our client base belong well-known companieslike large banks, PE boutiques, family offices, VCfirms, PE networks, lawyer’s networks etc. aswell as many single/multi family offices like CapeCapital.

Moreover DealMarket gets used by manyassociations like GGI or AM&AA.



Our offering includes

DealMarketPLACE for deals

This online portal gives Private Equity buyers andsellers transparent and affordable access to theglobal marketplace. PE professionals gain anunfiltered view of the investment landscape,including direct investments, funds andsecondaries.

Under “FIND” you can source deals, benchmarkopportunities and find contacts based on theirdeal experience. Searching is free, andpromoting opportunities costs less than the priceof a cappuccino a day, with no commission. Youcan also enhance your market reputation bysharing your past deal history – free of charge.

The portal is easy to use, allowing you to tailoryour searches and save deals that interest you.When posting investment opportunities under“POST”, you always decide how muchinformation you share.

Key facts


Global PE platform with

around 25‘000 recurring visitors originatingfrom over 154 countries

over 1‘800 postings (deals/ads)

300+ companies using our deal flowmanagement tool MyOffice

Core services


Global Private Equity Matchmaking Platformfor deals and service providers

Deal Flow Management Software (MyOffice)

DealMarket AG

The leading private equity matchmaking platform


Services cont…


DealMarketPLACE for advisors

DealMarket offers under “MEET” accountants,lawyers and other consultants an unrivalledopportunity to market expertise to a globalaudience of Private Equity professionals. Youwon’t be charged by the word so you can say asmuch as you like about the services you offer.Your profile will be accessible to everyone usingthe site, so it’s a powerful tool to raise yourcompany profile and generate new businessopportunities, both globally and in your localmarketplace.

As an investor it is not always easy to find theright expert to partner with, especially inunfamiliar markets. DealMarketPLACE gives youaccess to advisers for free, and you can evensee how previous clients have rated them.


Under “WORK” you can create your MyOffice,choosing from our OFFICE software suite thatputs you in control of your deal flow data andinformation, improving the performance of bothyou and your team. Our state-of-the-artprogramme gives you the power to capture,store, manage and share your deal flow moreconsistently and efficiently. It is intuitive to use,allowing you to search, sort, rate, bookmark andassign tasks to investment opportunities all inyour own private database.


Information can be shared quickly and easily withcolleagues, co-investors, advisors and otherpartners around the world.

As a powerful deal exchange toolDealMarketOFFICE is also an ideal platform fornetworks and associations to interact with theirmembers and share dealflow.

Why DealMarket


Competition for deals is intensifying, raisingmoney is becoming tougher, and the world ofPrivate Equity is becoming ever more global.These shifts are driving greater connectivity andtransparency between market participants.DealMarket enables PE professionals to takeadvantage of this changing industry landscape.

Whether you are looking for greater access to theglobal PE market place, more choice ofaffordable industry leading information and otherPE services, or closer control over your deal flowmanagement, DealMarket is a one-stop shopoffering solutions for PE professionals who wantto keep one step ahead of the game.

DealMarket – access, choice, control.



Urs Haeusler


t: +41 43 888 7535

m: +41 76 319 2695



Andri Gunnarsson

Business Development

t: +41 43 888 7536

m: +41 79 960 7165





EquityTouch is the first SaaS based, cutting edgeCRM solution for the alternative assetcommunity. EquityTouch makes it possible foryou to manage business relationshipsintelligently.

It gives your organization an effortless way toexchange contacts and recommendations andensures this information is not lost after thediscussion or meeting ends. It delivers the mostrelevant features in a completely customizableinterface.

Core Offerings


Flexible custom interface

Only track the information you want

Keep detailed relationship information onindividuals like board memberships and/orcompany affiliations.

Numerous other benefits including LinkedInand Google Integrations that are accessiblewithin the EquityTouch application.

Outlook Integration



EquityTouch uses the “Touch” concept to helporganize the information flow of an organization.

A Touch is any type of activity associated to yourday to day process. EquityTouch enables groupsto collaborate and track Touches like events,emails, calls, meetings, web correspondence,referrals, research, etc. Touches not only captureactivity, but also build connections betweenseveral people and companies. Only one Touchneeds to be created but the Touch relates to allcompanies and persons involved. This helpseliminate data duplication for the end user.

You can quickly and easily search these Touchesto get pertinent information again and again.



Superior Fast Searching

Advanced Search - including custom fields

“Look Ahead” Searching – Find the companyor contact you are looking for before youfinish type the name

“Distance From” Searching - search for allyour contacts that work within a certainradius.

Clients include


Private Equity

Venture Capital


Mergers & Acquisitions


Law Firms



Superfast Performance

Customizable Intuitive Views

Zero Maintenance

Minimal Data Entry

Clearly visible relationships and communications

Extensive Training and Support


EquityTouch is a super fast, easy to use CRM solution for thealternative asset community. It is a web-based application,making it accessible from anywhere, and is completely secure


Features cont…


Share Groups and Save Searches - Creategroups and place relevant companies or contactswithin them. For instance, you can keep a groupof “Hot List” companies that you are following ora group of “Key People” to network with.

Intelligent Relationship Management -EquityTouch lets you see all connectionsbetween companies and people. You can includeeveryone involved in a specific Touch such asteam members, intermediaries and employees ofportfolio companies (potential and current). Youget the complete picture without creatingredundant Touches, saving time and data entry.

Integrated with Microsoft Outlook Exchange -Email, calendars, and contacts created in eitherapplication — EquityTouch or Outlook — can bequickly and securely transferred to the other. Thissaves time, avoids redundancy, reduces dataentry and eliminates potential errors.

Financials - Customizable financial history. Youdetermine which financial information is importantto track (i.e. Revenue, EBITDA, Net Income,Average Stock Price, etc.)

Statistics - Track who is contacting whom, how,how often, and with what results. Statistics areupdated dynamically.

"Fly-Out" Touch View - Investmentprofessionals love to multitask. EquityTouch letsyou search, view and update company or contactinformation or add while you create a Touch.


Simple Customization - Create custom fields foryour contacts, whether companies or people.You can also specify the allowed data format foreach field — for example, as currency, as adecimal or whole number, as a ratio or as text.

Custom Fields - Create custom fields for yourcontacts, whether companies or people. You canalso specify the allowed data format for each field— for example, as currency, as a decimal orwhole number, as a ratio or as text.

Drag and Drop Fields On Views – Changescreen layouts directly within the browser windowwithout painful configuration settings or openinga new window.

Automatically Search Custom Fields - As soonas you create a custom field, it is automaticallyadded to the Advanced Searching.

Web Service Integration - Avoid data entry andsave time by importing data directly intoEquityTouch from Dow Jones or Bureau van Dijk(BVD). Stay up to date on the people involved indeals by associating people to LinkedIn profiles.Search Google, Twitter and Yahoo directly inEquityTouch!

Reports - Ready-to-run reports support the vastmajority of alternative asset CRM reportingneeds. Based on predesigned templates, thereports are available in Excel, Word and PDFformats. Can’t find the specific report you need?Ask us to design a custom report for you.



Nancy Swan Keddy

President and Co-Founder

t: +1 866 960 9301



Catherine Briggette

Director of Marketing

t: +1 866 960 9301





Understanding relationship intelligence and itsbenefits

A private equity firm’s most valuable asset is itsrelationships and the ability to leverage theserelationships to effectively raise funds andevaluate prospective investments.

Successful firms know this. And that is why over35 leading private equity firms around the worlduse InterAction to help them leveragerelationships, raise funds, manage portfoliocompanies and make sound investmentdecisions.

InterAction gives partners the right information,when and where they need it by aggregatingscattered data about companies, theirmanagement teams, and their vast network ofrelationships with entrepreneurs, limited partners,colleagues, industry advisors and other importantcontacts.

Transforming scattered data into thisRelationship Intelligence arms investmentmanagers and investor relations teams with thecrucial information they need to compete in thecompetitive deal-making marketplace.

Global implementation at 3i


Prior to its rollout of InterAction in 2003, 3i userslacked ownership of data on the system and onlythe names and addresses of contacts wererecorded. As 3i’s key contacts tend to berelationships with intermediary firms, otherinvestors and FTSE chairmen who are partnersrather than customers. These relationshipscannot be graded according to widgets sold,number of new customers, sales, or how fastsomebody pays their bill etc.

Alison Craven, CRM Manager, 3i explains: “Thechallenge for us was not having a clear idea as tothe type of solution we needed. It was not untilwe spent time researching that we realised wewere in need of an intuitive relationship ratherthan sales based CRM solution that could beconfigured to our specific business requirements.It was clear to us that InterAction stood apartfrom competitive products in terms offunctionality and ultimately the benefits it couldprovide a professional services firm.”

Implementing InterAction

Individual teams use InterAction in many differentways with the firm collectively using it as arepository for relationship intelligence and to logtheir business activities. Investment teams use itto track deal origination efforts, the ComplianceTeam use it to check for updates against theDatanomics database (for PEPs, etc.), the

Client profile


6 new UK PE clients in 2010, 7 in 2011

+40 leading private equity firms worldwide

50% of the Top 100 UK law firms

Over 82% of the US AMLAW 250

36 of the Top 50 Australian/New Zealand lawfirms

Product features


Deal Pipeline Management

Essential Data Quality and Data Changemanagement tools

Indispensible ‘Who Knows Whom’ feature

Seamless Outlook, Lotus Notes and NovellGroupWise Integration

LexisNexis® InterAction®

Transforming scattered data into relationshipintelligence for the private equity sector


Global implementation at 3i cont…


Procurement Team use it to look at relationshipswith global suppliers, the Marketing Team use itto gain knowledge about the ratios of the firm’svarious audiences and the Digital Team use it tocheck that the firm is not sending excessivecommunications to any specific individuals.

InterAction hasn’t changed the way 3iapproaches contacts, but has assisted inenriching the firm’s collective knowledge about itscontact universe, improving relationshipmanagement tracking, and in making the firm’smarketing communications more targeted.

InterAction was rolled out globally all at once andis used in every single office as a standardcomponent of the 3i desktop. Alison Cravensays: “It was implemented very easily and hasn’tcaused any major problems since. We rolledInterAction out initially in 2003 and have hadthree upgrades since. It is fully integrated witheach of our investment systems, and ourknowledge management system. The fact that itis fully accessible from Outlook, and also fromBlackberry, is a big win for our busy executives.Reports from InterAction on activity with targetsand intermediary firms are a regular feature ofthe weekly team meetings.”



Alison Craven explains: “Since we useInterAction to record all our activities with targetinvestee companies, we avoid duplication of workand different teams in different locations are ableto collaborate. Knowing that relationships existhelps us get that all-important introduction to apotential deal. Our Marketing teams are able toavoid over communicating to any specificcontacts and ensure that everything that we docommunicate is relevant. Ongoing reviews ofmailing lists ensure that we always hit the rightaudiences in the shortest time.”

The firm has a CRM strategy for the next 3 yearsin which InterAction features heavily. Part of thenew strategy is to form a CRM Steeringcommittee, which will see investment teamsbecoming more directly involved. A CRM area onthe 3i portal will make CRM activities much morevisible putting relationship intelligence at theheart of all the firm’s activities.

Other financial services clients


Terra Firma, Nicholas Applegate, SilverfleetCapital Partners, Inflexion Private Equity,Phoenix, Gresham, Apax, Catalyst CorporateFinance, Cinven, Montagu, Warburg Pincus,Bowmark, Graphite.



Heidi Cranfield

Marketing Executive

t: +44 118 960 2627






Netage Solutions has one mission: to providebest-of-breed solutions for the private equity andalternative assets industry. It has been our solefocus since the company was founded in 1998.And it’s the reason we’re still independent andgrowing, with more than 60 employees, andoffices in Boston, New York, and Sofia, Bulgaria.

Because suite vendors and generic CRMproviders must be all things to all people, certainuser groups inevitably lose out. That’s whyNetage is laser-focused on the private equityindustry – specifically deal, fundraising, andinvestor relations professionals. Our solutionsare relevant, intuitive, and easy to use, with thebest practices needed to streamline processeswhile increasing productivity and results, allbacked by over ten years of industry specificexperience.



Netage is a trusted vendor to more than 200leading alternative asset managers worldwide,including 100 PE/VC firms. Collectively, ourclients manage more than $400 billion in assetsand represent nearly 20 countries.



Dynamo™ – A best-of-breed solution for privateequity and alternative investment firms. Out ofthe box, this web-based application deliversindustry-specific capabilities for deal and portfoliomanagement, fundraising, investor relations, fundreporting, accounting, and more.

Key value points for PE/VC firms:

Proactively manage your deal pipeline fromlead to investment or turndown.

Maximize referrals and identify your mostprofitable deal sources.

Track portfolio company financials (e.g.revenue, EBITA, etc.) and valuations.

Target investors for new funds and track theirprogress through the fundraising pipeline.

Streamline the generation of quarterly reportsand distributions through partnershipaccounting.

Run capital calls and distributions on shortnotice and with utmost precision.

Dynamo™ can be deployed on-site or via SaaS,allowing you to choose the model that best meetsyour business needs.

Software applications


Deal management

Portfolio monitoring


Investor relationship management (CRM)

Branded Online Investor Reporting

Advanced Partnership Accounting

Dynamo advantages


Industry-specific functionality

Simple, intuitive design

Tight MS Office integration

Frequent, client-driven enhancements

Expert service and support

Proven, independent vendor

Netage Solutions, Inc.

Premier provider of best-of-breed solutions to leadingprivate equity, venture capital, and alternativeinvestment firms


Products cont…


Dynamo delivers an interactive user experiencethat uniquely combines the best of both web anddesktop applications. Tight integration with MSOffice® streamlines functions, such as logging e-mails and importing data. Dynamo alsopreserves Excel-like usability with right-clickcommands; drag-and-drop capabilities; and filter,group, and sort options. To top it off, Dynamo ishighly configurable to ensure it meets yourunique needs.

DynaMobile™ – A line of mobile apps thatextend the capabilities of the Dynamo platform tothe iPhone®, iPad®, Android®, and BlackBerry®devices, allowing global access to businesscritical information. Users can look up profilesand contact info, view and add activities, log callsand e-mails, map addresses, generate Dynamoreports, download/view documents, and more.

Dynamo Online Reporting – An integrated LPreporting system for providing secure, 24/7access to fund and account information, fromdocuments to live financials. This portal affordsseamless branding, and provides advancedsecurity features (e.g. watermarking, copy/printdisabling, etc.) needed to safeguard sensitiveinfo. Moreover, documents and information canbe published directly from Dynamo to the portal,generating significant time and cost savings.

Why Dynamo?


Designed for Your Industry – Dynamo was builtfor private equity firms, and delivers rich,industry-specific functionality out of the box. Adecade of best practices are embedded in theapplication—for instance, automated dealpipeline reports so your team is prepared for itsMonday morning meetings.

Accessible Anywhere – Dynamo is a web-based application accessible anywhere there’san Internet connection. And with DynaMobile,you can stay connected and work productivelyfrom the road via your Apple®, Android®, andBlackberry® devices.

Integrated with Outlook – Dynamo tightlyintegrates with MS Outlook for ease of use andadoption. You can capture inbound emails ( from investment bankers) with a singleclick. In addition, a “first degree of separation”feature enables intelligent linking to otherDynamo records for added context and ease.

Expert Service and Support – Netage clientsreceive personal, responsive service from adedicated team with deep industry knowledge.Whether you call, e-mail, or post to our onlinehelpdesk, you will interact with support staff thatunderstand your business, and can offer bestpractices to optimize your Dynamo experience.



Stuart Sheppard

Managing Director, Sales and Marketing

t: +1 617 393 2368

f: +1 617 393 2371



Kelly McGough

Regional Sales Manager

t: +1 617 393 3801

f: +1 617 393 2371



About Touchstone CRM


Touchstone CRM – a smarter alternative totraditional CRM consultancy and supportservices through the provision of a CRMAccelerator Template for Private Equity firms.

We have delivered over 450 CRMimplementations successfully, we pride ourselvesin leading the market and working with the best-in-class and innovative technology providers.Our highly specialist team primarily work withcompanies in the UK, but also support manyinternational organisations. Touchstone CRM isable to integrate and deliver exactly the rightcombination of product, solutions and supportservices to streamline business processes, meetrequirements and ensure delivery.

Touchstone CRM is part of Touchstone Group aleading partner and Business Solutions providerin the UK that has successfully beenimplementing solutions since 1982. Based onthe market leading applications such as MicrosoftDynamics® CRM, NAV and SunSystems, wehave over 100 clients in the private equity andfinance sectors, within both the UK and Europe.



Our private equity clients range in size from smallto very large and cover a wide range of businesssolutions.


Front office

Range from the provision of a base CRM systemto allow a single view of all engagements withexternal contacts; through to full deal flow,investor relations and event managementsolutions.

Our solution


Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Private Equity

Comprehensive deal flow management tomanage deal life cycle in its entirety.

Track investors’ interests and appetite toinvest to provide a fundraising pipeline.

Understand the value of intermediaries byanalysing introductions against fees paid.

Easily record correspondence with contactsto provide a complete view of activity.

Access all CRM data through MicrosoftOutlook interface for ease of use.

Powerful reporting capabilities across thesystem provide access to significantbusiness insight across all disciplines.

Key facts


Private equity and financial services clients

Offices across the UK including Channel Islands

Leading UK partner for Microsoft CRM

Turnover of £26m

+100 employees

Gold Certified Microsoft Partner

Core front office applications include:



Deal Flow

Investor Relations

Mobile Device Access

Document Management

Business Intelligence

Touchstone CRM

A leading provider of CRM solutions to the private equity sector


Technology advice


Touchstone CRM offers clients the latest adviceon getting the most out of existing technology.This includes web deployment, fund andmanagement reports delivered timely andefficiently.

We have dedicated technical consultants withexpertise in the underlying Microsoft technologyand the business applications; plus a dedicatedintegration team to work alongside the productteams for specific system integration projects.

SharePoint functionality is standard across CRM- our dedicated SharePoint consultants are ableto offer assistance in the development of theseareas.

Our flexible approach to deployment allows CRMto be implemented as a cloud solution or on-premise deployment.

Given the business critical nature of thesesolutions, Touchstone offer remote diagnosticsand disaster recovery plans, ensuring staff havethe highest level of availability at all times.



Touchstone has dedicated Dynamics CRMconsultants for implementing solutions withinprivate equity companies. It is our aim forprojects to be implemented on time and onbudget, whilst ensuring the business objectivesand benefits are identified before the projectstarts. We measure the success of any projectagainst these agreed criteria.

We achieve this by employing highly qualifiedconsultants, experienced in both products andsector who have addressed similar businessissues before.

All projects are overseen by qualified projectmanagers with the relevant application andtechnical consultants in the team who workalongside your project team. A provenimplementation methodology ensures projectsare successfully delivered from initiation to go-live, on time and on budget.



Natalie Edwards

TCRM Marketing Manager

t: +44 1923 652 233

m: +44 7971 959 191



John Paul

TCRM Practice Manager

t: +44 1923 652 216

m: +44 789 462 1169





Advanced 365, part of Advanced ComputerSoftware Group, specialises in the delivery ofmanaged services, utilising our applicationdevelopment capabilities as a uniquedifferentiator to create exceptional businessadvantage for our private equity (PE) clients. Aspart of the Advanced Group we have abackground in Private Equity and the group’sfounder, Vin Murria, is a partner at ElderstreetInvestments, a specialist venture capital and PEfirm.

This experience in the PE market is reflected inthe group culture, aggressive acquisition strategyand organisational focus, with a detailedunderstanding of the PE market.

With a number of acquisitions in the past 2 yearsAdvanced 365 understand how to bolster ITdelivery using a modular approach to IT thatmakes it easy to integrate and merge systems.

Clients such as Lyceum Capital engageAdvanced as a trusted partner to help them:reduce cost; free internal resource from themundane to focus on the strategic; improve thelevel of IT service being delivered; remove risk;and deliver a more flexible and scalable ITservice.

If addressing any of these challenges is ofinterest then Advanced 365 will be the companyfor you!



Advanced 365 design, deploy, operate andimprove IT services from the desktop to the datacentre to enable PE firms to align IT to corebusiness requirements. Advanced 365 help ITdepartments free themselves from day to dayoperational activity to allow them to deliverstrategic value back to their business by creatingan agile and scalable infrastructure closelyaligned to core business operations, such asfund raising, investor relations and deal flow. Thisis achieved by:

IT Managed services focusing on thebackend utility components of our customersIT operations.

Application development to deliver anapplication managed service for anyapplication, with expertise in CRM and BI,data modelling & aggregation.

Choice of delivery model; either as a hostedservice managed via the Advanced 365 datacentre suite, remotely from your commsroom, as part of a cloud based service viaone of the many public cloud platformsavailable, or as a hybrid solution utilising acombination of these delivery environmentsbased upon your requirements.

This approach ensures that the technologydeployed by our customers is viewed as aninvestment, and not a liability.

Key facts


Established in 1987

Over 100 clients in the UK

120 Advanced 365 employees, 800 in the group

Industry leading partnerships & accreditations

3 UK based data centres

Substantial cash reserves

Core services


IT outsourcing

Cloud computing

Utility managed services focusing on backend ITinfrastructure

Application development and support for frontendapplications, such as CRM & modelling.

Advanced 365 Ltd

The leading provider of innovative IT outsourcingservices to UK private equity organisations


Services cont…


IT Infrastructure Outsourcing

Advanced 365 take responsibility for all of yourbackend IT systems, from the desktop to the datacentre; such as email, firewalls, systemsmonitoring, data centre hosting, desktop supportetc, and deliver a service level, all based onagreed service levels for a fixed number of years.

Cloud Computing

The Utility Cloud Integration Services is a best-of-breed risk free approach for cloud servicesintegration that provides clients with service levelmanagement, remote monitoring, reporting,service desk and data transparency. Coupledwith application development and applicationmanagement capabilities customers engage withAdvanced 365 to manage their cloud operationsand the applications that sit within them.

Application Management

Advanced 365 are able to offer applicationdevelopment and support skills to deliver a fullysupported application management outsourcedservice, either for existing legacy applications orfor new applications being developed byAdvanced 365 or others, such as CRM,SharePoint or modelling. This can be deliveredas a fully managed IT outsourcing service or aspart of an 'application tier only' support service.


Managed Service Desk

All Advanced 365 clients are supported andmanaged from our ITIL compliant managedservice desk. Hosted in the network operationscentre, the service desk can be structured as asimple call-logging facility, a technical second tierescalation facility or any combination in between.

Guaranteed Levels of Service

As an outsourcing company Advanced 365 striveto offer the highest level of service at all times. AllAdvanced 365 IT Outsourcing contracts aregoverned by a Service Level Agreement (SLA)which guarantees the levels of service acustomer can expect in terms of system uptimeand application delivery.


Advanced 365 have over 100 clients, specialisingin Financial Services and the mid-market. Clientsinclude:

Cazenove Capital Management

Charles Stanley

Deutsche Bank

Lyceum Capital

Standard Bank



Neil Cross

Managing Director

t: +44 20 7390 8752

m: +44 7540 109 687



Roy Wood

Sales Director

t: +44 20 7390 8653

m: +44 7785 297 642



About us


Capital Support is a London-based IT Solutionsprovider with a niche expertise in setting up andsupporting the technology infrastructure of AIMorganisations.

Founded in 2002, Capital Support has grown tobecome the UK’s leading provider of bespoketechnology solutions to the finance industry.

Servicing over 150 AIM clients, across manycontinents, Capital Support truly understandshow to make technology work for your businessin an increasingly global market place.

Our clients


Our clients range from start-up Hedge Fundsright through to multinational PE firms covering arange of business models such as venturecapital, pension funds and funds of funds.

Our niche expertise of the Financial Servicesmarket means our solutions are tailored to yourbusiness requirements. Having grown throughreferrals and recommendations alone our clientrelationships are a critical part of our business.

Our approach


In an industry highly sensitive to the impacts ofdowntime – preventative IT solutions areessential to ensure you are never exposed toexpensive outages.

Unlike traditional IT support providers we offerproactive managed solutions to ensure yourtechnology is always working profitably for yourbusiness.

“Capital Support consistently delivers to thehighest standard - they are knowledgeable,

dedicated and have a wide variety oftechnical expertise.”

Mark Van Der Sande, GoldenTree Asset Management

Every business is different and has a different setof requirements - we create bespoke solutionsbased on budget and business needs - whilstmaintaining the highest level of quality andservice levels.

Combined with a dedicated Account Manageracting as a virtual Technology Officer, you canfocus on your core business, secure in theknowledge that your technology is in safe hands.

Key facts


Niche expertise in private equity clients

150+ blue chip client list

International infrastructure

Bespoke and start up solutions

Core services


IT support and solutions

Business continuity

Network and infrastructure

Communications and connectivity


Specialist projects and consultancy

Capital Support Limited

The UK’s Leading provider of IT solutions andtechnology solutions to the Financial Services market


Private cloud_______________________________________

Capital Support offers a variety of hostedtechnology solutions – also called private clouds.Our hosted infrastructure solutions have beendeveloped specifically for regulated firms, withsecurity, compliance and resilience at theforefront of our technical architecture.

Free Health Check_______________________________________

We can carry out a no obligation audit of yournetwork, and provide you with recommendationson how to make your IT work better for yourbusiness.

“Capital Support designed, implemented andcontinues to maintain our international andtechnically complex network and domain.

Their range of skills, from basic technical toadvanced networking and project

management together with the outsourcepartners that they had suggested have

provided us with a complete and robust ITsolution. We are yet to be disappointed by

their service.”

Tanera Snell, African Global Capital

Outsourced IT


Capital Support provides a variety of outsourcedsolutions. From specialist support to existingin-house IT teams, to completely outsourcedsolutions for organisations with no internal ITresource. All of which are designed to allow youto manage your technology with the minimumfuss at optimal cost.

Connectivity and communications


Connectivity and communications technology isfundamental to your ability to do business.Whether you require fibre internet circuits, turretphone systems, voice recording or basic audiovisual for call conferencing we can design,procure and implement a connectivityinfrastructure that will keep you in touch with yourstakeholders 24x7.

Disaster recovery


We design and implement a full range ofregulatory compliant DR solutions – for criticaltrading platforms and data sensitive applicationsright up to real time replication of your entireinfrastructure.



Nigel Brooks


t: +44 20 7458 1250

m: +44 7984 192 701



Carrie Saunderson

Head of Business Development

t: +44 20 7458 1250

m: +44 7739 990 831





An early pioneer of software hosting and IToutsourcing, is now firmly establishedas one of the UK’s leading providers of managedhosted IT services to both the SME andenterprise market.

Accredited to ISO27001 and with customersatisfaction levels running at 99%+, we arecommitted to setting new standards of technicaldelivery and client care.

In many cases we take responsibility for theclient’s whole IT solution - communications,networks, applications, support, even strategy –allowing them to focus on their core businessactivities and meeting the business objectives.


_______________________________________ has been providing managed hostedIT solutions to our clients since 2000. Since thenthe company has grown steadily and now hasover 100 managed services customers and hostsover 300 different applications.

We currently serve companies both in the UKand across the globe, drawn from a broad rangeof commercial sectors- specialist areas includeprivate equity, financial, legal, recruitment,professional services and manufacturing. approach


As your outsourced IT department, we provide afull range of managed hosted IT andcommunication services. It starts with the managed desktop as the centraldelivery mechanism and goes on to embraceeverything from IP telephony and mobilesolutions to training and consultancy.

Managed desktop

“By moving to’s managed serviceoffering, we were basically getting the ‘superdepartment’ that we’d always wanted behind ourIT function – but getting it instantly and at a muchlower cost. It would also allow us to retain ouroperational focus without IT distractions anddevelop our business strategy knowing that ournew ‘IT team’ would be able to support it.

Quite simply, our tie-up with hasallowed us once again to 'punch above ourweight'. Even better, we've got there without theneed for a huge capital investment - instead wehave fixed, known costs based on a per user, permonth charging structure that makes for easybudgeting and cost control. And while function like an internal department forus, they demonstrate the responsiveness andcustomer care more commonly found in qualityexternal providers. By giving us the best of bothworlds, we can push on in ours.”Chris Mellor, NVM Private Equity

Read the case study

Key facts


ISO27001 and ITTL Accredited

Microsoft Gold Partner, Citrix Solutions Advisor

150 managed service clients, 7,500 users

Host and Manage 300+ applications

£5million state of the art data Tier 3 centre

12+ yrs hosting PE/Finance LOB applications

Core services


Managed Desktop and SaaS solutions

IP telephony & Networking

Consultancy & training

Mobile & conferencing solutions

Business continuity & Disaster recovery solutions

Virtual servers

Delivering competitive advantage to PrivateEquity firms and the Financial Services marketthrough bespoke AAA rated managed ITservices

76 approach cont…


Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is a popular choice for corporates keen toeither simply divest themselves of a particularlyburdensome area such as Microsoft Exchange;or to leverage new technologies that they maylack the resources or budget to implement on-premise such as Microsoft SharePoint, Lync,Dynamics NAV or CRM.

To help you get the most out of any application,you can tap into our experienced, business-oriented team of product specialists, processengineers and project consultants. Theseresources can also be leveraged for morestrategic purposes: we regularly assist clientswith IT planning and project management.

Furthermore, the provision of dedicated clientR&D platforms assists in the adoption anddevelopment of applications – enhancingbusiness agility to react to market change,customer demands and ways of working.

Our credibility have invested millions in one of themost advanced environmentally friendly datacentre infrastructures with Datapoint Houseproviding an unrivalled degree of redundancythat enables us to confidently offer 99%+availability backed by stringent SLA’s.

_______________________________________ operate to ISO27001 standardsacross the business, upholding the most rigorousprocesses and discipline when it comes toinformation security management and datahandling. We work hard to attract and retaingood technical talent and support staff whounderstand the importance of client satisfaction,responsibility and accountability.

With over a decade of proven delivery behind us,financial independence and a board with clear 5year vision for the company; is aheavyweight in the managed services arena andcontinues to be a strong, stable and securepartner for clients looking for maximumadvantage from their IT spend.

Complimentary services

IP telephony- multi-tenanted or dedicated

Networking- LAN/WAN

Training- bespoke courses across Microsoftsuite

Consultancy- Dynamics NAV, CRM.Microsoft SharePoint, SQL, .Net

Mobile- handsets and tariffs

Local support- on-site hardware/networkprovision

Virtual servers- hosted and supported



Nigel redwood

Managing Director

t: +44 1952 225 000

m: +44 7818 047 866



Julian Jackson

Head of Sales

t: 01952 225 000

m: 07912 770 720





Eze Castle Integration is the leader in meetingthe unique technology needs of private equityand alternative investment firms.

Since 1995, we have been successfully buildingand managing IT for alternative investment firms.

Eze Castle services encompass every aspect ofIT implementation and management required tooperate effectively in the investment industry.Our objective is to create close partnerships withour clients and to steer their technology needstoward optimal solutions which balance cost,performance and reliability. We develop robustIT systems that maximise information flow andeliminate network disruptions for our clients.


Eze Castle has been a trusted partner of thelargest and most technologically-demandingfirms. The combined assets under managementof Eze Castle’s 600+ clients surpasses $300billion.


Eze Castle has presence in major financialcentres including eight USA offices, a Genevaoffice, a Singapore office in addition to its Londonoffice.


Outsourced technology provider

Eze Castle provides clients with outsourced ITservices to better manage their internal ITrequirements. Eze Castle’s support engagementscentre on delivering quality, timely andprofessional on-site support as well as live24x7x365 Help Desk support. Learn more

Project and technology management

Whether opening a new office or relocating, EzeCastle manages the complete IT projectmanagement lifecycle from IT design anddevelopment to comprehensive projectmanagement, systems procurement andseamless technology integration. Learn more

Hosted IT solutions

A fully managed service, Eze Virtual Officeprovides firms with a highly available technologyinfrastructure bundled with the businessapplications they require. Learn more

Private Cloud

Our Eze Private Cloud Services are designed toprovide hedge funds and investment firmsseamless access to the technology and businessapplications they require to effectively andefficiently run their businesses. Learn more

Key facts


Founded in 1995

Worldwide presence: offices in London, Geneva,Singapore and across the United States

600 alternative investment clients

Core services


Strategic IT consulting

Outsourced IT support

Network and infrastructure design and support

Communications: voice and internet

Business continuity planning

Disaster recovery and security

Eze Castle Integration

The leading provider of IT services and technologyconsultancy to private equity and alternative investmentfirms



Network and infrastructure

Eze Castle offers a full range of network andinfrastructure design, procurement and supportservices to ensure your network is highly secureand always available. Learn more

Disaster recovery

Eze Disaster Recovery provides high availabilityand disaster recovery for business-critical dataand applications. This service is ideal for firmsthat rely on mission-critical applications forbusiness operations. Learn more

Business continuity planning

Our BCP service covers the full-spectrum ofbusiness continuity planning to help protect youroperations. The Eze BCP methodologyencompasses four key components: riskassessment, business impact analysis, strategyand plan development and plan testing andmaintenance. Learn more

Back-up and recovery

Eze Castle’s Eze Vault delivers a highly reliabledata back-up and recovery solution. Eze Vault isa fully automated service that works by securelytransferring data to a remote data centre where itcan be quickly recovered or restored. Learn more


Storage solutions

Eze Castle teamed with storage leader NetApp todeliver proven solutions that utilise Storage AreaNetworks (SAN) and Network Attached Storage(NAS) solutions. Eze Castle handles everythingfrom design, procurement and installation toongoing support and maintenance. Learn more

Colocation services

Our colocation services allow firms to house theircomputing, network, storage and IT infrastructurein a Tier 3 facility that is highly secure, redundantand professionally managed and monitored.Learn more

Voice solutions

Eze Castle is an Avaya Business Partner andhas delivered voice solutions to more than 550investment firms. Our team works with clients todesign a solution, manage implementation andprovide post-installation support andmaintenance. Learn more

Internet service provider

ECINet, offered by Eze Castle, delivers a fullspectrum of Internet service capabilities thatmeet the immediate and future needs ofinvestment firms. Learn more



Dean Hill

Sales Manager, UK

t: +44 20 7071 6807

m: +44 7919 050502



Vinod Paul

Managing Director, US

t: +1 212 954 0641





What we do

M4 Systems is a leading UK Microsoft Gold ERPCertified Partner delivering world-class businesssolutions to the Financial Services sector. Wespecialise in the delivery, configuration, supportand development of integrated systems basedupon Microsoft Dynamics AX, GP, CRM andSharePoint business management systems.


Private Equity provides critical capital andexpertise to many important companies, enablinginvestment growth and success.

M4 provides IT expertise - enabling companies toleverage their human capital, much moreeffectively and more productively.

Our expertise enables our customers to benefit ata very reasonable cost from the recent dramaticadvances in IT technologies such as: Cloudcomputing / Smartphones / Tablets / SecureRemote Access / RIA / SSL / SQL / ERP / CRM /BI / WF which have occurred over the past fewyears.

Our talented team has a wide range of skillsincluding: Microsoft Certified Engineers, QualifiedAccountants, PRINCE2 and Surestep Project Managers, Software Developers and a highlyexperienced, friendly Support team.



M4 Systems strengths are in the highlytechnically qualified team who are able to providea wide range and variety of solutions utilisingMicrosoft products.

Consulting Services

Application Consultants, certified with MicrosoftDynamics ERP solutions and Dynamics CRM,enable us to configure applications specifically tomeet the needs of the Private Equity Sector. Thisincludes chart of account design, audit trails andsecurity, consolidated reporting, as well as dealflow, investor relation processes and relevantreporting. For remote workers, online or mobilesolution’s for Time and Expense recording, or forinvestors, automated publication of key reportsand data.

Development Services

Whether your requirement is local or global, forhosted, mobile or on-premise solutions, Certifiedfor Microsoft Dynamics Development, M4 willdeliver a solution on time and on budget to meetyour exact requirements.

Key facts


Established over 12 years

4 offices

50+ employees

100+ clients

Microsoft Gold ERP Partner

Core services


Microsoft Dynamics AX, GP and CRMFinancial ManagementHR and PayrollBusiness Intelligence, Analytsis and Reporting

System Integration and Development

Hosted ERP

M4 Systems Ltd

Powerfully simple solutions with Microsoft Dynamics


Services cont…


Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint provides a secure, real timeportal with access to the right information in theright format for your investor and deal teams.SharePoint also offers a secure portal forinvestors and partners to access their pertinentdata, such as fund and update reports. M4’sSharePoint services include the development ofintranets as well as high customization extranets,from single day consultancy to large scaleprojects. SharePoint is about understanding boththe business and technical capabilities so thateffective collaboration is achieved.

Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI)

Business intelligence, analytics and reportingwithin any organisation needs to be quick,accurate, meet legal requirements and providereliable performance metrics to your investors.The combination of SQL Server, SharePoint andOffice on a single platform provides an excellenttool for this purpose.

This will enable your executives to analyse thedata within your systems easily and enable yourinvestors to be presented with data in ameaningful, graphical, and professional format.

Other initiatives


M4 Systems qualifications and skills include: Qualified Accountants Microsoft certified .Net Development

Engineers Microsoft certified Dynamics CRM application

consultants Microsoft certified Dynamics ERP application

consultants Qualified Project Managers (PRINCE II and

Microsoft Sure step accredited) Certified and highly experienced Support


Our Expertise also includes: Networking / Active Directory SQL Server VMware and Hyper-V SharePoint Secure Remote Access (SSL) Hosting Services (Co Lo) Cloud Computing (EC2) On-line backups Rich Internet Apps (RIA) Application Development Windows Workflow (WF) Dynamics Source Code SQL and RDBMS Design Net / Silverlight / HTML 5 All types of Integrations XML / WebServices / JSON iPhone iPad Blackberry Apps



Eric Hall

Sales Director

t: +44 845 5000 777

m: +44 7747 443 084



David Saunders

Managing Director

t: +44 845 5000 777

m: +44 7740 406 191





m-hance implement, deploy and manageenterprise wide systems for mid-tierorganisations that wish to improve operationalperformance.

We deal with the complexities of delivery and,where appropriate, the management of yourbusiness platform.

We call this Unifying Business - ensuring that theright information is harnessed from the rightsystems to support the right outcomes.

A Microsoft Gold Partner, m-hance has, overmany years, demonstrated a capability toimplement solutions effectively.

We can deploy on premise, through managedservices or via the cloud.



m-hance has 2,000 customers across multiplesectors including private equity, public sector,third sector, wholesale distribution, financialservices, education, leisure, healthcare andmanufacturing.

Clients include:

Birwood Operations Limited

Equaterra Europe Limited

Gresham LLP

Nomura Investment Adviser LLP



m-hance’s core solutions offering consist offinancial management, CRM, managed servicesand software development.

Financial management

Sometimes revenues are hard to predict, giventhe nature of the business, which placessignificant pressure on the need to keepexpenditure under strong control.

Modules include Nominal and Purchase Ledgers,FRx reporting tool, Bank Reconciliation, Multi-Dimensional Analysis and Modifier.

Better financial information capture andanalysis, aiding cost control and budgeting

User-friendly environment aids flexibleallocation of staff responsibilities

Reliability of Dynamics GP, backed byMicrosoft’s quality plus unparalleled R&Dresources and expert support from m-hance


Our solution uses Dynamics CRM to provide thetools and capabilities needed to create and easilymaintain a clear picture of stakeholders from firstcontact through to successful transactionprocessing and ongoing interaction. By deliveringthe functionality through a familiar MicrosoftOutlook type interface business professionalsneed less training and can adapt to the newprocesses quickly and simply.

Key facts


Formed on 1 November 2011 following theacquisitions of Calyx Software, Gyrosoft, TrinityComputer Services and elements of MentecPlus,Touchstone Group, Sys-Care and Avant-Garde,

m-hance is currently supported by 150 staff andoperates from offices in Manchester, London,Loughborough, Dublin and Glasgow.

Core services


Dynamics CRM Dynamics GP

Software development Implementation

Support HR & Payroll

Disaster Recovery Microsoft enhancement

Business Intelligence

and Analysis


Unifying Business


Services cont…


Managed Services

Effectively managing the risk, complexity andcost of your computer infrastructure andassociated personnel requirements is one of themost significant challenges facing companiestoday.

Our managed and technical services facilitieshave been developed to build upon the capacityand efficiency of your organisation’s ITdepartment. Our aim is to significantly reduce themanagement overhead of your IT systems, whilstincreasing the reliability and effectiveness ofcomplex business systems.

Software development

m-hance is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partnerand has a long and successful track record indesigning, developing, implementing andsupporting Microsoft based softwaredevelopments.

m-hance has expertise in .Net Framework, .NetDevelopment languages (ASP.Net, Visual Basic.Net, C# .Net) and .Net Development platforms.The Software development team has fullyembraced the use of all of the leading .NetEnterprise Servers including:

Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server

Microsoft SQL Server / AnalysisServices/Reporting Services

Microsoft BizTalk Server


Software as a Service (SaaS)

We can help businesses reduce the time andcosts normally associated with implementations.One of the ways that this can be done isproviding deployment through the Cloud .

This deployment method means that instead ofhaving to have the software installed on anindividual machine or investing in new hardwareequipment (servers) at the start of the project,you can opt to have the software hosted by us.This results in several benefits including:

Lower start up cost for new projects

Faster deployment times

Ability to scale the solution more easilyaccording to need

Less requirement for skilled in-houseresource

Steady predictable monthly outgoings interms of costs

Disaster Recovery

An important element of any Disaster RecoveryPlan is thinking through how you will avoid theloss of business data held in your IT systems andhow quickly your systems are made operationalagain if disaster strikes.



Emma Bush

Marketing Manager

t: +44 161 406 2300

m: +44 7787 922895



Tory Cassie

Business Development

m: +44 7854 686489



About IntraLinks


For more than a decade, IntraLinks’ enterprise-wide solutions have been facilitating the secure,compliant and auditable exchange of criticalinformation, collaboration and workflowmanagement inside and outside the enterprise.For simplifying business processes such asboard of director communications, post-mergerintegration, acquisition management, corporatefinance and fundraising, the IntraLinks platformcan help improve operational efficiency andreduce time and costs while adding increasedsecurity and control to processes.

More than 1,000,000 users across 50,000organizations around the world rely on IntraLinks,including 50 of the 50 top global banks, 10 of thetop 10 life sciences companies, 25 of the top 25law firms, and 14 of the 15 largest private equityfirms.

Whether raising a new fund, reporting on anexisting one, assessing potential acquisitions orpreparing for exit opportunities, IntraLinks offersa simpler, more secure way to exchange criticalinformation. IntraLinks can help improveoperational efficiency and reduce time and costswhile adding increased security and control toyour processes.

IntraLinks also provides 24/7/365 globalcustomer support, so you have a team ofexperienced professionals ready to assist you,your prospective investors and your outsideadvisors.

IntraLinks’ Private Equity Services


IntraLinks provides a complete online solution forthe reporting and fundraising process. Over 530private equity firms trust IntraLinks to report toinvestors, raise funds and divest assets.IntraLinks saves investors time, promotesreinvestment, generates actionable businessintelligence and reduces a fund’s operational risk.

With IntraLinks, Private Equity firms can:

Share private placement memorandums(PPM) with investors, manage deal files afteran interim close and report to investorsfollowing final close

Real-time report to gain intelligence toidentify the most viable prospects and focusfundraising strategy and follow upaccordingly

Provide a single, secure location for investorsaround the globe to easily access andexchange information

Securely share due diligence information withpotential buyers

Key facts:

More than 100,000 investors at more than25,000 organizations have an IntraLinks ID

230 of the 250 largest institutions, 19 of the25 largest sovereign wealth funds and morethan 400 family offices trust IntraLinks



The IntraLinks advantage


SecurityOur top priority is to provide you with the highestlevel of security, compliance and auditability forthe exchange of your information, avoidingpossible risks and exposure to your business.Our solutions adhere to industry mandatedregulatory requirements including SAS-70 LevelII and ISO 9000 certifications. IntraLinks’comprehensive approach toward securityextends across our entire solution including theapplication, infrastructure and process.

AffordabilityOffering a true turnkey solution, we require noadditional hardware or software, no expensivetraining programs and no new demands on yourIT resources. With no upfront capital costs, ourSoftware as a Service (SaaS) business modelprovides a budget-friendly, scalable coststructure that yields returns almost immediatelyand continues through the long term.

Easy implementation

With tens of thousands of implementationsworldwide, we can get you up and running inminutes. Easy integration with your currentsoftware and internal systems ensures aseamless workflow. And as your businessevolves, our solution enables you to easily addusers, expand your uses and increase yourvolume of information to adapt to your everchanging business needs.



Delivering a technology solution to extremelydemanding clients, such as those in financial,pharmaceutical, biotech and legal industries,requires a tremendous level of dedication andunwavering commitment to our customers’success. Offering a full-service approach, we’llset up and manage your solution so that yourteam can hit the ground running.


For over a decade, we’ve been helpingcompanies around the world exchange theircritical information. With over 1,000,000 usersacross the world, we offer solutions based oninnovative best-of-breed technologies along withdirect domain knowledge and best practices byindustry to ensure you get the most value fromyour IntraLinks solution.


Access IntraLinks, anytime from anywhere, via aweb browser, mobile device or familiar officedesktop applications. IntraLinks is available inBrazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified),English, French, German, Japanese andSpanish. In addition, live support is available24/7/365 in 140 languages.



Richard Cobb

Senior Account Executive

t: +44 20 7549 5262

m: +44 7834 570 139



Florence Viret

Senior EMEA Marketing Manager

t: +44 20 7549 5227

m: +44 758 417 0297





PEARonline is the custom-built, web-basedservice that lets private equity firms securelymanage and track communications withinvestors. At PEARonline our three decades ofexperience in the private equity and venturecapital industries help us to understand thedemands of fundraising and fund reporting. Wehave been through the challenges both GPs andLPs face because we have been both GPs andLPs.

With PEARonline LPs have one username andone password for all of the funds they invest in.There is no going to multiple websites withmultiple passwords and user names, differentlog-in procedures and varying ways of navigatingto documents and downloading them. There is noneed to call the GP, wait for them to call youback and then wait for them to send you a copyof the document you needed; it is all there right atyour fingertips. PEARonline is available 24hrsand 7 days a week 365 days a year from anycomputer via any standard web browser.

With our attention to detail you can be assuredthat your personal information is safe and secure.We will not share your information with anyoneoutside of PEARonline. GPs enter the data aboutthe LPs and they control who sees their fundsand who has access to what information.

Advantages of PEARonline


Designed by a VC for VCs - PEARonline wasdesigned by private equity and venture capitalexperts for people working for and investing inthese funds.

Engineered for peace of mind - PEARonlinefeatures the kind of encryption you might expectfrom the National Security Agency, soconfidential documents pass between you andyour GP over secure connections that have noneof the risks of email. Our servers are sited in ISO9000-compliant facilities, with massivelyredundant backup procedures to ensurecontinuous uptime.

The price is right - PEARonline helps GPs keepa lid on administrative costs with a fixed price perfund per year for the life of the fund in mostcases. Benefitting LPs as this means lowercharges for the fund.

Built in ease of use - A GP who signs up for theservice can give you access to your documentsin a flash. There is hardly any learning curve.Added a new executive assistant to your team?PEARonline’s simple intuitive interface meansyou won’t have to spend hours bringing them upto speed. And if they do need help, they can signup for one of our regular online training sessions,or call or email us and someone who knows bothprivate equity and PEARonline inside out will getback to them to help resolve it. That’s aguarantee.

Key facts


Web-based LP/GP communications

Fund raising and fund reporting

Cost effective and easy to use

GPs managing/advising funds of over $40b usePEARonline

Learn more


To learn more about PEARonline, or to check thetimes and sign up for one of our regular onlinedemonstrations for GPs, LPs and placementagents, go to


A web-based platform for fund raising and fundreporting that is easy to use and cost effective




PEARonline has a client base of GPs and LPs inEurope, North America and Asia. These includeboth start-up funds and long established GPs.

Examples of our clients include:

Altius Associates

ARGUS Capital

August Equity

Avigo Capital Partners

Baird Capital Partners Europe

Bridges Ventures

Citron Capital

Costella Kirsch


MML Capital

Our strong relationships with our clients andothers in the industry help us to understand thechallenges they face. We work with our clients tocontinue to develop a system that meets theirneeds and the needs of their LPs ensuringregular client-driven upgrades.



PEARonline was founded by Simon Thornton,who has 25 years’ experience in private equity asa GP, an LP and in information businesses. Heworked for Venture Economics, and co-foundedInitiative Europe, one of the leading private equitypublishing/information services businesses in theregion. He then joined BC Partners, where hewas responsible for fund raising and investorrelations in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.Subsequently he headed the European activitiesof US secondaries firm Landmark Partners forfive years. He sat on the EVCA ProfessionalStandards Committee for eleven years and alsoled the task force responsible for producing theAssociation’s Governing Principles. He speaksregularly at major industry conferences aroundthe world on subjects related to fundraising andfund reporting.



Jennifer Hall Thornton


t: +1 408 740 5224



Simon Thornton


t: +1 408 740 5226





Q-Biz Solutions focuses exclusively on theprivate equity back-office and our flagshipPEView™ Private Equity Back-Office Systemwas designed by a former private equity CFO

Our unique approach to system designempowers our end-users to easily configurePEView to their unique data capture, reportingand automation needs. Given the significantprivate equity experience of our managementteam, we offer a full range of services, includingimplementation, data migration, training, andcustom report development. In addition, we offertailored fund administration services usingPEView, including supplementing our clients’back-office staff in a hybrid model.

PEView is a cost-effective, flexible and highlyscalable platform, enabling us to serve the needsof both emerging and established private equityfirms.

We are committed to providing best of breedreporting and our extensive set of standardreports significantly enhances our client’s returnon investment.

Microsoft Excel based reporting


The following reports are available “out of thebox”:

Financial statements and supportingschedules

Gross and net IRR analyses

Partners’ capital accounts and histories

Full life cycle investment histories

Portfolio commitments & reserves analyses

Portfolio company financial and operatingmetrics analyses

General ledger and other audit schedules.

The standard PEView reports enable users toefficiently respond to periodic and ad hocinformation requests over flexible periods andacross unlimited end user configured reportingdimensions such as firm, fund, partner, partnerfamily, deal, sector, and region.

With limited training, end users are empoweredto create their own robust custom reports ormodify our standard reports. The integratedreport writer includes Excel's full range ofcapabilities, such as formatting, charting, andfunctions, to perform complex calculations anddesign professional looking reports.

Reports may be presented in columnar orgraphical (dashboard) format and may bescheduled for automatic publishing in eitherExcel or pdf format at user defined intervals.

Key advantages of PEView


- Extensive reporting “out of the box”

- Microsoft Excel based reporting and analysis

- Flexibility without costly software customization

- Improved automation (complex waterfalls etc.)

- Enhanced internal controls

- Streamlined path to implementation

Our clients include:


- Venture

- Buyout

- Fund of funds

- Other private equity firms

- Fund administrators

Q-Biz Solutions

Back-office solutions designed by a former private equity CFO




PEView is designed as a private equity focusedadd-on to Microsoft Dynamics™ GP (“MDGP”), awidely used and time-tested mid-rangeaccounting solution. Our implementation processincludes a turn-key implementation of MDGPtailored to private equity. Although our clientsutilize PEView for most reporting and processingactivities, this approach to system designenables us to harness the power and control ofMDGP when necessary to offer a complete suiteof accounting functionality for both yourinvestment funds and management companyincluding general ledger, budgeting, AP / checkwriting, bank account reconciliation, andelectronic banking.

PEView may be easily integrated with yourexisting CRM and portal applications to providean enterprise-wide solution. Our client base usesa variety of front-office applications ranging fromcustomized solutions tailored to private equity tointernally created databases for activities such ascontact and deal flow management andelectronic communications/portals. Our simpleSQL database objects allow for direct access toyour data and integration at any level in thesystem.

Automating the back-office


We believe that our extensive private equityexperience and flexible private equity focusedapplication uniquely positions us to assist ourclients in meeting the growing challenges facingprivate equity CFOs.

PEView automates the accounting and reportingfor complicated structures including parallelinvestment partnerships, alternative investmentvehicles (“AIVs”), intermediaries, feederstructures and tiered general partner entities.We’ve also designed PEView to handle uniquetransactions and exceptions.

PEView’s back-office automation includes:

Capital calls


Waterfall allocations

Management fee calculations

Equity / debt financings

Valuation adjustments

Interest accruals

Warrant tracking


In addition, PEView offers the ability to trackportfolio company financial and operating metrics– including actual, budgeted and forecastedresults.



Jayne Thompson

Managing Member

t: +1 703 731 2220



Nield Montgomery

Managing Member

t: +1 508 210 0155





TripsWare is the expense reporting solutionexclusively focused on the private equityindustry. It lets you track your costs offundraising, portfolio company oversight and duediligence initiatives while simplifying expensereport submission for your employees.

TripsWare is owned and operated by ParagonComputer Solutions Inc., a New York-basedprivate company that has been providingbusiness solutions for the private equity fieldsince 1997.

Our team of expert professionals has extensiveexperience in private equity, accounting, andfinancial systems. As a boutique firm, we havethe flexibility to meet the most complex andbespoke needs of our clients.

Our mission is to establish and maintain long-term relationships with our clients in order tomeet their accounting, reporting, and compliancerequirements on an ongoing basis.



Our clients include some of the largest privateequity firms in the world, as well as venturecapital firms, investment advisors, LPs and fundof funds.



Travel and Entertainment Expense Reporting

TripsWare manages Travel and Entertainment(T & E) expenses from all sources for all aspectsof deal flow including fund raising, due diligence,portfolio company management, andmanagement company overhead. We provide anend-to-end automated solution that streamlineseach step of the expense reporting process, fromcapture, allocation and submission to approval,reimbursement and bill-back.

Key Features

Generate detailed reports for expensetracking, spend management analysis,audits, and compliance.

Create custom invoices for portfolio companybill-back, expediting recovery of billableexpenses.

Assign pre-set allocation percentages tomultiple funds, investors, or other entities.

Custom A/R solution to track agingreceivables for all recoverable expenses.

Upload credit card statements for fastexpense report preparation.

Manage expenses from vendors such as limoservices, FedEx, etc.

Integrate expense data with general ledgerand back office accounting system,eliminating manual data entry and errors.

Key facts


Web-based SaaS solution launched in 2006

Client base with AUM > $100 billion

Users in 12 countries

White label branding available

Strategic alliances include American Express,Microsoft, Intuit, and Sage

Core services


T & E expense reporting automation

Best practices for PE expense management

Portfolio company invoicing

Due diligence cost tracking

CFO reporting tools


Expense management solutions for private equity firms


Services cont…


Custom Accounting Solutions

We help investment firms with all types ofexpense management challenges. If you have aspecific nuance related to your back officeoperations or accounting workflow, we candesign a customized solution for your needs.

Best Practices for Expense Management

Our knowledge and first-hand experience in theprivate equity field allows us to provide domainexpertise and suggestions for best practices. Wework with well-established firms looking tomigrate from inefficient legacy systems, newfirms that are just getting started, or spin-offentities that need to set up their own back office.We can also make recommendations to optimizeyour GL set up to improve your ability to trackexpenses within your accounting software.


We pride ourselves on our consistent record ofexcellent customer support. Your firm will beassigned a dedicated TripsWare team who willassist you with all services, including roll out,training and ongoing support.

You need TripsWare if...


You want real-time visibility into companyspending for control, compliance, andtransparency

You need an efficient way to track spendingassociated with fundraising, portfoliocompany oversight, due diligence initiativesand management company overhead

You want to work with a technology partnerwho understands your business

Join the growing number of satisfied privateequity and VC firms who use TripsWare tomanage their expenses.

“After looking at other vendors, we found thatnobody understands the particular challenge

of private equity firms the way TripsWaredoes. TripsWare has made expensemanagement easier for everyone.”

Accounting Manager, investment firm -$1bn AUM

”TripsWare has made a name for itself as adominant vendor for the financial services

vertical, achieving significant traction with itsexpense management solution in private

equity, venture capital and investmentsegments.”

Paystream Advisors, Technology Insight Serieson Travel and Expense Management



Sue Banner

Director, Client Relations

t: +1 914 747 3244

m: +1 917 710 1842



For more information,




Fully integrated and secure accounting softwarethat manages the financial compliance andreporting requirements of private equitycompanies.

Key Features:

Unlimited companies (simple change of yearends)

Unlimited user defined analysis

Unlimited user defined ledgers/input screens

Multi-currency - advanced

Fund/investment accounting

Fund consolidation accounting

Non-financial data capture

Joint venture accounting

Easy Integration with fund management systems

Unlimited reporting levels


TDR Capital: TDR Capital is a leading privateequity firm with approximately €2.6 billion ofcommitments under management.

Milestone Capital: Milestone is an independentEuropean private equity investor owned by itspartners. Milestone has offices in London andParis and backs management teams in buy-and-build transactions.



PS Financials plc is the owner and author of PSFinancials software. A highly focused andexperienced company, it is dedicated to the sale,implementation and support of PS Financialssoftware for a wide variety of organisations in theUK, Europe, USA, Africa, Middle East, Asia andAustralasia.

Award Winning support (as voted by users):

Winners of Software Satisfaction Awards –Enterprise Accounting two consecutive years andWinners of Charity Finance magazine’s customersurvey.

PS Financials software is designed for Windowsand web users with Microsoft Visual C# and .Nettools. This provides the same look and feel asMicrosoft products, this user familiarity coupledwith intuitive operation minimises the trainingrequirements.

The PS Financials software is supplied as a“package”, all customers are provided with thelatest software features and new releases as partof their annual support agreement. This ensuresthat our experienced team can provideunparalleled support, consultancy and guidanceto the user.

PS Financials is more than an accounting systemhaving inbuilt CRM and Data Warehousecapabilities. This ensures “real time” reporting onthe total business with both financial and non-financial data to Management and the Board.



PS Accounting Software

PS Vision Reporting

PS Order Processing

PS Income Management System

PS Workflow

PS Web Portal


PS Document Management

Reporting Services Viewer

PS API, PS Data Transfer Tool (DTT)

PS Rules Engine and Email Alerts

PS Document Emailer

PS Web Expenses, PS Web Timesheets

PS Financials plc

PS Financials award-winning financial accounting, orderprocessing, budgeting, billing, project control,consolidation and process automation software


Key feature:


The Unified Ledger

An unlimited number of ledgers may be created –Sales, Purchase, Nominal, Fund, Department,Project, Asset etc.

All ledgers are totally integrated – by design.

An unlimited number of views of the data may becreated – ideal for the non-financial user.

Always in balance, real time view of the exactposition.

Unique drill down and navigation of data, thereare no modular boundaries .

There are no arbitrary rules – easy to operate.

PS Financials is a single or multi-companysystem providing easy consolidation at all levels.

Full multi-currency capabilities, unlimitedcompanies and recording four currencies pertransaction line.

All ‘modules’ are totally integrated to provide anaccurate real-time picture – unified ledgerstructure.

Designed to replace/absorb peripheralspreadsheet systems in your organisation.

So as to provide One Version of the Truth.


Reduce work and eliminate errors by integratingwith existing operational systems in yourorganisation. Integration is made easy with:batch, seamless – API and web servicesintegration

Easy to use by non-financial users

PSF is designed in the most modern computingenvironments and is therefore undemanding ofyour IT infrastructure: servers, workstations andcommunications etc

For more information please visit



Phil Warner


t: +44 1733 367 330



PS Financials plc

t: +44 1733 367 330

f: +44 1733 367 331



About us


Founded in 1986, the Burgiss Group is atechnology and financial services companyserving investors in private assets. With over340 clients worldwide, our Private i suite ofapplications and services help investors trackover $1 trillion dollars of fund investments inventure capital, corporate finance, and realassets.

We count as clients some of the largest and mostsophisticated investors in the world, includingfoundations, endowments, government andcorporate pensions, sovereign wealth funds,funds of funds, advisors and family offices. Our100+ employees serve clients in 17 countries.We have strong relationships with BNY Mellon,Northern Trust, JP Morgan InvestmentManagement and Citi Private Equity Services.

The Private i Suite


Private i

Private equity portfolio management

Initially developed in conjunction with one of theworld’s largest pension funds, Private i quicklyfound favor with funds of funds, universityendowments and foundations. Private i helpsinvestors easily capture essential information onprivate investments and then lets themconcentrate on the real task at hand – investingwell by helping them continuously monitor,


measure and report on their portfolios.

In addition to an intuitive design, it is itsadvanced analytics and reporting that setsPrivate i apart. For example, Private i was thefirst commercial software to incorporate the IndexComparison Method (ICM), which allowsinvestment teams to compare private marketreturns to equivalent public market investmentswith the press of a button. Private i’s newestanalytics include additional advanced measures,such as neutral weighting and time-zerocalculations, that help investors understandperformance attribution and risk.

With its web-based design and robust securitymodel, Private i appeals to institutions large andsmall.

Private Informant

Portfolio holdings data service

Assessing the risk of a portfolio of private assetsbegins with knowing what those assets are.Private Informant is our subscription-basedportfolio holdings data service. Our data servicesteam currently receives and analyses thequarterly reports of over 5,500 funds and extractsinvestment activity in almost 70,000 companies.With each investment classified by industry,stage and region, and with detailed investmentcost, market value and proceeds, PrivateInformant provides investors with a rich trove of

Key facts


100+ staff supporting

340+ clients in

17 countries



Private i

Private Informant

Private Archivist

Private iQ

The Burgiss Group

Long-term solutions for long-term assets


The Private i Suite cont…


data about their investments. With its advancedreporting and exporting capability, investors caneasily aggregate and assess their exposure.

Private Archivist

Document management

Private equity investors are flooded withunstructured information. Private Archivist is aweb-based solution built on an industry-strengthdocument management system from Xerox.Whether capturing Private PlacementMemorandums, quarterly reports, Excel modelsor tracking versions of negotiated side letters,Private Archivist helps manage your files anddocuments efficiently. As a true documentmanagement system, Private Archivist storesand secures your precious files with full searchcapability, version control, check-in and check-out capability for true records management.

Other initiatives


Private iQ

Private iQ, a collaboration between the BurgissGroup and its partners and clients, addresses thecritical need for better understanding about howprivate capital behaves as an asset class.

Over five years in the making, thisgroundbreaking benchmarking and informationservice is built on our institutionally-adoptedportfolio management software, sophisticatedtools for data assembly, aggregation andanalysis, and the patience and cooperation ofmany interested parties. Private iQ is based on arepresentative, maintainable, and durabledatabase that can be used to analyze andsummarize the behavior of fund investments inprivate markets. The data gathering is entirelyelectronic, capitalizing on Burgiss Groupinfrastructure, technology and expertise. Datacontributors and all fund information is blinded.



The Burgiss Group

t: +1 201 427 9600

t: +44 131 337 5299






PitchBook, the leading provider of independentprivate equity research and data, delivers thecomprehensive intelligence needed to moreeffectively source deals, conduct comparableanalysis, benchmark funds, understand trendsand make decisions.

The award-winning PitchBook Platform isdesigned for quick and easy online access toinformation and analysis on the entire privateequity lifecycle, providing four times more PE andVC data than any competitor.



PitchBook serves the full spectrum ofprofessionals in the private equity and venturecapital universe, including (but not limited to):

Private Equity & Venture Capital Firms

Investment & Commercial Banks

Law Firms

Accounting Firms



Corporations & Strategic Buyers

Limited Partners


Press & Media

The PitchBook Platform

_______________________________________The PitchBook Platform offers subscribers deepand detail-rich data on the entire PE and VClifecycle with insight into key players and theircontact information. This intuitive online platformincludes customizable, easy-to-use workflowtools to help industry professionals access dataefficiently and easily integrate/download it intotheir workflow.

Customizable Searches, Accessible DataThe PitchBook Platform’s search interfaceenables users to pinpoint the exact data theyneed through comprehensive search criteria andview or download it. Subscribers can also furthercustomize and refine results with additional filtersand column selection to maximize datarelevancy.

Fund Performance & BenchmarkingWith the Funds & IRR tool, subscribers cansearch over 15,000 funds to build comparablepeer groups, perform due diligence and developbenchmarks on IRR, TVPI, RVPI and DPI.

Convenient, Exportable VisualsThe charting tool allows PitchBook Platformsubscribers to transform search results andhistorical data into presentation-ready visuals(line and bar charts, pie charts and stacked bargraphs) within the platform interface. Theresulting charts can be downloaded into Excel.

Data Coverage


Private Company Deals

PE and VC Firms and Professionals

Limted Partners

Funds & Fund Returns (IRRs)

Strategic Buyers


Event Consultants/Advisors/Lenders

Core Offerings


The PitchBook Platform

Daily Newsletter

Reports & Publications

Custom Research

PitchBook Data, Inc.

PitchBook equips private equity professionals with thetools they need to more effectively source deals,benchmark IRRs and make decisions.


News, Research & Publications


The detailed data behind the PitchBook Platformalso powers several other PitchBook productsand services, including PitchBook News, reportsand custom research.

PitchBook News

PitchBook provides daily insight and analysis onprivate equity and venture capital activity andtrends through our daily newsletter, PitchBookNews. Delivered straight to your inbox, PitchBookNews features industry stories on investmentdeals, portfolio companies, exits, investors,limited partners, service providers, managementchanges and more.

Reports & Publications

PitchBook periodically releases reports andpresentation decks covering all aspects of theprivate equity industry. Among these reports isthe popular quarterly publication, the PitchBookPrivate Equity Breakdown. This report providesan overview of the private equity industry anddecade-long historical trends. Other reports focuson specific industries, regions and other aspectsof the private equity universe such as fundbenchmarking, exits and deal terms.

Custom Research, Reports & Surveys

PitchBook offers custom research services for avariety of projects such as surveys, reports andcontent for publication.

Our Research Process


Our research begins with a daily systematicreview of thousands of news and public filingsources. Our primary research team confirms,cross-validates and QAs this data throughdirect communication with key contacts attarget companies, investors, limited partnersand professional service providers.

Quality assurance is a top priority for PitchBook,and our research process includes manylevels of rigorous review by a dedicated teamof researchers.

We firmly believe that better data means betterdecisions.



John Gabbert

Founder & CEO

t: +1 206 257 7844



Fabrice Forget

Vice President, Products

t: +1 206 792 9667





Mediasterling provides software systems andcreative services for producing branded financialreports, presentations and corporatecommunications.

Specialist areas

Design and build of templates and tools sousers quickly produce high quality reportsand presentations using Microsoft Office.

Private Equity, Investment Research andother financial services reporting templates,tools and production solutions.

Design and production of annual reports,corporate websites, investor communicationsand other time-critical, market-sensitivecommunications.



Mediasterling’s client base is predominantlyfinancial services, including:

Private Equity

Investment Banking

Corporate Finance

Asset Management

Corporate Communications


_______________________________________Mediasterling designs and builds solutions soyou save time and money preparing financialreports, pitch books, tenders and presentations.

Business Case

Purpose-built templates and software tocreate and manage content in Word, Exceland PowerPoint.

Automation streamlines the process ensuringvisual quality, accuracy and speed.

Cost and time efficient as you create superiorquality, branded documents andpresentations in-house.

Configured for your Office platform -guaranteed ease of use and IT friendly setup.

Quality, Speed, Accuracy

Using Mediasterling’s expert, easy-to-usetemplates and tools for Word, PowerPoint andExcel, you have complete control of content,proofing and deadlines to respond immediately tomarket and project demands.

Documents and presentations are made quickly,with outstanding levels of visual quality, accuracyand brand consistency.

This also means that associated costs, delaysand complexities associated with any externalcreation and corrections are eliminated.

Key facts


Complete service, from visual design through toproduction and implementation

Sector expertise

Established for over 10 years

ISO accreditation for security, quality andenvironmental management

Core services


Word, PowerPoint and Excel template creation

Design and technical production

Bespoke application development

Reports, website and marketing material designand production


Produce the highest quality reports and presentationsusing Microsoft Office


The Project Process



Our creative team has over 10 years experiencein producing clear, professional high qualitydesigns to maximise your information. We caneither optimise your existing design or create anew design within your brand.


Expert templates are built to ensure style, clarityand brand consistency. A suite of tools managecontent so reporting and production processesare quick, accurate and efficient.


Because we build everything for Microsoft Office,users are immediately fluent with the software.We liaise with your IT to ensure a seamlessintegration with your existing systems and, withno additional business software complications,you are immediately productive.


Our solutions are extremely intuitive and easy touse but, if required, we provide help files, trainingand ongoing technical support.


Our service is always client specific.

Projects are costed on an hourly basis accordingto extent and technical specification.

Other initiatives


Investment Research Production

Mediasterling is the market leader for financialreporting and investment research templates.

Our software immediately improves theeffectiveness of both equity and non-equityresearch report production, delivering theultimate balance of control, style and flexibility ina familiar Microsoft Office environment.

Fund reporting

We build completely automated systems for theproduction of investor fund fact sheets. Oursystems batch produce financial reports toguarantee accuracy and save costs over manualproduction.

Corporate Communications

In addition to technology, we also providecreative services for business communicationsand reporting. These include:

Annual Reports

Investor and Corporate Websites

Investor Road show presentations

Corporate Finance documents

Brand identity development

Marketing communications



Rod Lambert


t: +44 20 3432 8320



James Travis


t: +44 20 3432 8320



About you


Working in private equity, you will understand theimportance of having accurate data at yourdisposal when making key business decisions.Your portfolio companies report this data to youusing spreadsheets made especially to draw outthe numbers you need — you then process thisand your own data using more spreadsheets,preparing it for business use and for reporting toyour investors. But without being sure that thesekey spreadsheets are working correctly, how canyou be sure that the data you rely on is correct?

About us_______________________________________

We are a technology company uniquelyconcerned with spreadsheet and Accessdatabase risk management. Spreadsheets areubiquitous in the financial services industry, oftencreated on an ad hoc basis to address specificfinancial or reporting needs. But the role and theimportance of individual spreadsheets within theoverall data system is often poorly understood,so that erroneous or fraudulent changes tospreadsheet data can easily go unnoticed — orhave unanticipated consequences later on.Needless to say, the cost of this kind of mistakecan be astronomical. ClusterSeven offers acomprehensive spreadsheet data risk solutionallowing financial services providers of all kindsto operate safe in the knowledge that the data intheir key spreadsheets is correct and error-free.



The ClusterSeven Enterprise SpreadsheetManager (ESM) is the complete solution to yourspreadsheet data risk management needs.

eDiscovery — ClusterSeven scans yournetwork, precisely locating all spreadsheetsand showing you how they are connected.

Risk reporting — Using sophisticated riskassessment technology, ClusterSevenchecks your spreadsheets against a body ofuser customisable rules to produce detailedPDF risk reports allowing you to easilyidentify potentially dangerous data changesbefore they can do any damage.

Audit trail — ClusterSeven automaticallyrecords every data change made to everycell of every spreadsheet against the ID ofthe user responsible, providing you with acomplete, tamper-proof audit trail andoptional one-click file reversion.

Active management — Our risk assessmenttechnology highlights significant data orstructural changes, so that you can choose toreview only the alterations that matter.ClusterSeven can be customised toautomatically send out notifications alertingyou to exceptional changes as they happen.

Our Access Database Manager (ADM) extendsthe same functionality to Access databases,providing you with a unified solution applicableacross your entire fragmented data system.

What is data risk management?


Simply put, it is the process of controlling andmitigating risks resulting from inaccurate data.Until recently, relatively little attention has beengiven to data risk as opposed other, better knownkinds of operational risk — but this is changing,with regulators worldwide increasingly inclined toidentify it as an area of specific concern.


Offices: London and New York, with resellers ina number of other countries worldwide.

Implementations: We have proven experienceof implementing our solution across differentcountries and continents for international clients.


Experts in spreadsheet data risk management across thefinancial services industry


The spreadsheet life cycle_______________________________________

Spreadsheets can be created to fulfil all sorts ofdata requirements as and when they arise: this isthe power of End User Computing (EUC). Butonce a spreadsheet becomes embedded fromrepeated operational use, it effectively takes onthe role of a key data application.

In an ideal world, End User Computing willprovide a temporary fix to data needs that — iflong term or permanent — will eventually befulfilled by a designed IT solution. But in reality itcan be difficult or (in practical terms) impossibleto replace a spreadsheet occupying a critical rolein your data system.

Using ClusterSeven, users can map out thespreadsheets comprising their data systems inorder to identify individual EUC solutions forreplacement. ClusterSeven will then assist in thisprocess by providing you with accurate, detailedinformation on the role and the composition ofthe spreadsheet, allowing you to correctlyreplicate its function in a permanent solution.

But this is an ongoing process; newspreadsheets are constantly being created tomeet new data requirements. ClusterSeven thusfulfils a vital role by allowing businesses tooperate with reliable, high-quality data on apermanent basis regardless of which individualspreadsheets are moving along the “conveyorbelt” of creation, usage, analysis and retirementat any one time.

Key facts


Established in 2003, ClusterSeven has quicklybecome one of the leading providers of data riskmanagement solutions to the financial servicesindustry. As well as working with companies of allsizes from various individual business sectors,ClusterSeven actively advocates the importanceof data risk management within the industry, andpromotes awareness of the dangers ofinadequate data control.



Private equity: Swiss Bank (case studyavailable).

Other financial services clients include leadinginvestment and retail banks, insurance andenergy companies.

Where next?


Our website contains a wealth of usefulinformation on data risk management. If you areinterested in learning more, simply enter acontact request using the “Get Started” buttonand we will be in touch. Alternatively, you cancontact us directly using the details below.



London: Alex Subba Row

t: +44 20 7148 6270

m: +44 76377 4927



New York: Jeremy Condie

t: +1 212 858 7792

m: +1 347 837 9058


