Persuasive Text 8 TH 8.18. Journal Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do something they...


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Persuasive Text8TH


Journal Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do something they didn’t want to do? What are some things you said or did to try and make them change their mind?

Journals 5-7 sentences

persuade convince or influence using various techniques

Elements of Persuasive Text Argument: expresses a position on an issue or problem and provides support for that position

Claim: the writer’s main idea or position

Support: the reasons and evidence that back up the claim

Counterargument: the arguments that address points that someone with an opposing view might raise

Elements of Persuasive Text

Persuasion Techniques-Loaded terms: words or phrases with strongly positive or negative connotation (immature vs. young)-Leading Questions: questions that contain their own answer. (You don’t want all the forest to disappear do you?)-Rhetorical Question: A question that has an obvious answer, does not require a reply-Emotional Appeal-Statement that causes you to have emotions/feelings -Ethical Appeal-statement that makes a reference to right and wrong-Caricature-Cartoon like depiction of opposing argument

Fallacies Error in logical reasoning in an argument

-Two types◦ Rhetorical-writing that is false or misleading◦ Logical-error in reasoning

◦ See Stereotype slides
