perhaps that the - Fogleitto 2015.pdf · 1961: G. Gobbi and S. Cavalletti s Religious...


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Consiglio Internazionale


Dearest Ones,

I am writing to you on Palm Sunday; the day Jesus had thought—perhaps—that the

announcement of the Kingdom might have been received, that the dissenting voices

might have become voices of praise…

For us, this is the time of beginning the preparations which come closest to the First

Communion of many children. Here, in our atrium, there is already the “roster” of

names: 4 so far. They are the younger ones (around six years); the older ones (seven to

eight year olds) are still pondering it…

But today I would like to say something about courses for adults. How true it is that

these courses are not very different from the encounters with the children! Here I have

copied the text message sent to me by a future catechist in the very moment that she

was going down the stairs with the others after a course session:

“You should see us going down the stairs slowly and silently, with dream-like

expressions on our faces. Thank you!”

Doesn’t it seem like an expression of that same “quality of joy” which Sofia spoke of

regarding the children? And this happens because the formation experiences with

adults are “celebrative,” as are the formation experiences with the children; both take

place in the atrium; both breathe in that atmosphere…

I believe that this could be the precise reason why it does not seem possible that one can

be formed in our catechesis through recordings, videos, and “correspondence courses”

transmitted via the internet!!! Do you agree?

In the International Consiglio we have re-affirmed this.


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In Italy, we have published an anthology of Sofia’s

writings on the Catechesis; it is a publication we felt was

necessary. We formally presented it at a lovely occasion

in the presence of many friends, ex-bambini, catechists,

Augusta, Luigi Capogrossi (the president of our

Association)… And then a review of the book appeared in

the Vatican newspaper: The Roman Observer. Here is a

photograph of the book’s cover. A translation of the book

review is attached to this document.

Now, as Easter greetings, this Foglietto again includes a beautiful text of Sofia’s, consisting of

brief points regarding the principle stages of our history. She helps us to understand many

important things, beginning with the very first date entry: in 1944 Sofia first understood that

the Catechesis is not a catechism! I hope you will take time to savor it, beginning with the 1944

entry, through to its conclusion with the 1998 entry. (You will see that I have added some notes

to shed light on particular references.) It is truly precious!


From Sofia:

1944 (?): Irma1 (pre-history [of CGS]); it is during the war years; Irma has been relocated from

Cisterna2 and is living in the tenement housing of Tor di Quinto3. She needs to make her First

Communion; I tried using the catechism but, in spite of her desire to learn, it was impossible. I

brought the Gospel and she listened with tears in her eyes.

Costa Gnocchi (We are drawn in.)

March, 1954: the first encounters at Via degli Orsini: Paolo P (we must give him the True

Vine); Massimo N.

Gianna arrives.

November, 1954-1956: the beginning of the work at Palazzo Teverna, Adele Costa Gnocchi’s


1 An older girl needing help. 2 A small place in the countryside near Rome from which Irma and her family had been evacuated

because of the war. 3 A popular borough of Rome for the “evacuees” (persons who, because of the war had had to leave

everything behind)


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1955: Eugenio Zolli speaks to the children about the prophets.

May [1955]: our First Communion takes place at the Sisters’ convent on the Gianicolo hill;

Eugenio Zolli speaks to the children.

October, 1955: first contact with Father Temofonte4: “I am very taken by your initiative.”

November, 1957; we begin at Via degli Orsini.

Conversation with the diocesan office by Father Temofonte and Don Giulio Salimei5.

1958: rejection of the definition mode of the catechism as indicated by Sergio, Massimo, and


1960: first presentation of the maxims for the oldest children (1979: another selection chosen for

the middle-aged children)

1961-62: beginning course for adults at Via degli Orsini. (It will take place at the diocesan

center from 1967-1972.)

The interest in the Preface is born.

1961: G. Gobbi and S. Cavalletti’s Religious Education, Liturgy and the Montessori Method is

published (Ed. Paoline).

1962: Massimo L. and the “drops of water.”

1962: Already the three points of the history of salvation are clear: creation, redemption,

parousia. But it is all dependent on the spoken word; there is not yet a material.

The joy around Confession; Father Trameri is hugged and kissed. We have spoken about

Confession as being like a new baptism. “How beautiful it is to go to Confession!”

1962-63: the first attempts at typology; we already have the charts but are using them in a

somewhat didactic way; we are not offering the children the possibility of real work (they are too

dependent on us for what they are to learn. Familiarity with Parousia begins to emerge.

Already by 1962 the meeting of the communicants is “too short.”7

The Virtues material is ready.

4 A priest who was very close to Sofia. 5 Director of the diocesan Catechetical Office of Rome. 6 The first group of children. 7 This is according to the children.


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March, 1963: birth of the [Roman] association with Adele Costa Gnocchi, Luigi Capogrossi,

Rosa Jervolino, etc.

January, 1965: first communications with Don Giulio Salimei concerning our producing a book

of catechesis for the 5 elementary classes.

The official representative for the diocesan center came in April, 1965 after several encounters

with a commission for the parishes.

The publication of “Io Sono il Buon Pastore” begins; there will be 5 books for the children and 5

guidebooks for the catechists.

1966: initially 3000 copies are printed and then 10,000 copies of the 1st volume of “Io Sono il

Buon Pastore.”

1964: with Michel Lanternier, we searched for key words connected to the gestures in order to

give the essence of the Mass. We found and, in November, 1964, tried out with the children [a

presentation of] the gesture of offering. It will not be until 1971 that the epiclesis and the

gesture of peace will “show up” [in the atrium].

August, 1965: catechesis with a small group of children in Ein Karem (Jerusalem), partly in

Hebrew and partly in French; August 20-25 a seminar with adults in Nazareth on the Mass and

salvation history (typology).

November, 1965: The presentation of two maxims to the oldest children makes clear the power

of the Word for them. “Close the door” means “to withdraw into love.”

1966: Don Angelo De Angelis comes; an atrium is opened in Colonna (Roma).8

1967: We begin to note the sameness of children’s responses, particularly through the

experiences of Teresa Duso and then through those of the Sisters doing the course at the diocesan


Brief experiment with the gypsies of the Mandrione in Rome.10

October 27, 1967: first course session at the diocesan center.

1968: 250 registrants; the students observe and are struck by the unitarity of the program; May

14: presentation with the children—which lasts almost the whole 2 hours—on the BREAKING

OF THE BREAD. Spontaneous reference to the True Vine.

8 A small town near Rome. 9 These persons were working in settings which were very different from that of Via degli Orsini. 10 A borough on the periphery of Rome where there was a group of Romanian gypsies.


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1969: Cardinal Vicar confers the diplomas to those who have completed the two years.

1968: Lucia Cremona leaves for Chad [Africa] where she will stay for 10 years; when she

presented the True Vine, a young man asked: “Why haven’t we been told this before?”

1969: a group is formed spontaneously which organizes the Sunday family Mass at Nostra

Signora dei Miracoli [Our Lady of the Miracles] (in Piazza del Popolo). They will continue for 5


June 29, 1969: Father Temofonte dies.

1973: Don Angelo De Angelis leaves for Brazil, where he will stay for 5 years, dedicating himself

to the catechesis of the little ones; he will return sick with leukemia and will die at the Gemelli

hospital in Rome on May 14, 1979.

1970: Sofia gives a seminar at Ateneo Salesiano, Catechetical Insitute to a group of 25 priests

including one bishop.

1971: The preparation for Easter takes shape, beginning with “You are light in the Lord” and

“the armor of light,” and reflection on the maxims.

December, 1971: a first presentation of the “Mystery of Faith,” but we have concentrated on the

“As we await your coming [in glory].”

At the end of the year, after having given the little ones the presentation of Epiclesis, is was clear

to us that, given the great familiarity the children have with the Holy Spirit, this gesture serves

well in arriving at the essentials of the Mass, beginning with Epiclesis.

1972: We are convinced that even the little ones are capable of penetrating the essence of the

Mass, beginning with the Epiclesis; they need/want to go beyond nomenclature regarding the

model altar. At the end of 1972, the three essential points of the Mass are clear.

1972: first initiatives in the preparation of the celebration of the Mass as we do it now.

January, 1972: an attempt concerning the history of the kingdom, gathering with the children

the parables that speak of the kingdom and “setting afire” those which indicate that the kingdom

has a history: the children suggest the yeast, the mustard seed, and the seed of grain…We

attempt a synthesis on the rug, with these parables on the right, the Paschal candle in the center,

the Good Shepherd and sheep on the left, and with many people around the bridegroom and the

True Vine.

11 The group was formed by various family friends, parents of the young people involved in the

catechesis, and the young people themselves.


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February 14, [1972]: A child in [the atrium of] the parish of Nostra Signora de Lourdes does a

beautiful work on the Father as a sculptor, with a rough draft on the left, which is then completed

in Christ in the middle and in the people in Parousia in the upper part of the page One of the

older ones says: the Good Shepherd, the True Vine, and the Eucharistic meal are three ways of

saying the same thing: Jesus together with the people.

1973: the First Communion children: “When we are good on the True Vine, it is always


November, 1974: We try out the Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd.

December 15, 1974: presentation of the Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd to Bishop

Ragonesi at Nostra Signora di Lourdes.

1974: The spontaneous group disbands.12

We take an action regarding the crisis at Via degli Orsini, where very few children have been

coming; in a meeting on December 6, the parents insist that they want to continue, so we try to

reconstruct a group of parents and children at L’Instituto don Orione alla Camilluccia; it began

on December 15 but was poorly attended.

We have presented the Preface and, together with the children, we have drafted a form [for a

material], specifying the many reasons there are to give praise.

July 11: in the parish of N. S. di Lourdes, the Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd with

Mons. Ragonesi. I ask the children what is there to do, standing in the presence of the Shepherd;

a child of four and a half says: “We thank him for giving us himself,” and he takes a sheep in his

hands and looked upwards; then the other children do the same. With a voice full of emotion, the

bishop said to the children: “You have given me ‘goosebumps’ [as we might say in English]; you

have given me what I have not succeeded in giving older people, and you have given it in such an

essential way.”

July 24, 1974: a conversation with Bishop C., director of the national catechetical office, after the

publication of the national catechism. Surprising that our work had made it all the way to him.

“If we want to be ‘on the same page,’ you need to add a little page referencing [the catechism].”13

1975: the first course in the USA in St. Paul, MN, at the invitation of Alberto Joosten. Among

the participants who later continued in the work were: Patricia Coulter, Sheila Sentiff (“My

12 She’s speaking of the group that had prepared and celebrated Sunday Mass together. 13 Sofia is reporting—a bit “tongue-in-cheek”—the Bishop comment on the necessity of adding “a little



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children would never do what Sofia has said her children do.”14), Carol Dittberner, Alicia de

Arrocha (Mexico), Anna Guida, Genoveva Torres.

1975: Patricia [Coulter] is the first foreigner to come to Rome for the course. She stays for 2


The presentation of the history has been consisting of a synthesis sort of work: placing objects on

the rug, but it is too abstract; the children do not understand.

1976: Anna Guida is the second foreigner to come to Rome.

1976: first course in Mexico; among the participants are Nora Bonilla (Santa Lucia, then

Colombia, begins the work in Argentina), Maria Christlieb of Chihuahua, Lupita Palafox,

Ignatius Feaver.

Children: Juanito helps to build the atrium; Gustavo says of the parable of the talents: “It helps

us continue working”; First Communion, the consignment of the white garment with Father


1975: research begins on how to present the history of the kingdom in its globality; the Fettuccia

is presented for the first time in February, 1975; typology [material] already existed. We had

tried to present the globality of the history before by putting various materials on the rug

(including the Good Shepherd and sheep), but the children became very fatigued, trying to

perceive the length of time.

December 5, 1976: a meeting with Father Mongillo, Gianna Gobbi, the Cocchini’s, Silvana and

Sofia in which we reflect on the catechesis as being like a “sacrament,” meaning not just

concretized in the Word.

1977: the little ones and the water mixed with the wine: When the children had exchanged the

sheep figures for people figures in the Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd presentation, it

was asked: “Where are the sheep?” The children answered: “In the chalice, because the water is


April, 1978: A seminar is given in Toronto by Sofia and Patricia Coulter.

January 12, 1978: first presentation of the Plan of God. Profound enchantment.

1978: Rebekah [Rojcewicz] at the Montessori convention at the Hilton in Houston, Venetian

Room, and then she comes to Rome [in 1979].

14 Sofia is repeating what Sr. Sheila had said.


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1978: course in Houston (where the Fettuccia is presented by Sheila and Ignatius).

January 11, 1979: first presentation of the History of the Gifts to the older children, but then we

realize it is best suited to the “middle-aged” children.

1979: The first edition of The Religious Potential of the Child is published by Citta Nuova in


December 7, 1979: During a meeting with former students the first version of The Synthesis of

the Mass is drafted, which will remain in the same basic form.

1980: Synthesis of the Mass material

November 3, 1981: the presentation of the “colored base material” on the Mass; it lasts almost

an hour without the children getting tired

1981: The History of Israel proves to be too complicated (It would finally be simplified in 1990.)

1982: first presentation of The Prayers of Intercession

January 25, 1983: For the first time I see the children working truly well with the typology, so

independently, with such concentration

1983: Gianna presents the Seed of Grain [The Mystery of Life and Death] to the little ones for

the first time; unless one dies, one remains alone (“just a single grain”).

February 13, 1983: Pope John Paul II made a pastoral visit to the parish of Nostra Signora di

Lourdes at Tormarancia15(Rome) and went to see the children in the atrium, remaining with

them for 20 minutes. At the conclusion of his visit he said: “I have never heard such a beautiful

homily. This is a confirmation that the kingdom of God rests with the children.”

1983: We focus on the Eucharistic Prayer, the Mystery of Faith; it is presented to the middle-

aged children for the first time on January 18, 1983; it will not be until 1998 that we will arrive

at an objective presentation, according to the rules of mystagogy. The Story of a Bread, the

Prayers of Intercession come in 1982; in 1998, there is the Preface and its completed material,

including a guide booklet and an appropriate selection of prefaces. It is a joy to see the children

working on their missals.

1985: Herminia [Wasserzug] begins in Argentina in a course with Nora Bonilla.

1985: In the course in St. Paul, MN there are three Episcopalian participants.

15 A very popular borough of Rome; the atrium there was begun by Tilde Cocchini.


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1988: Claudia Schmitt arrives in Rome.

I had given previous seminars in Dusseldorf, Germany at the invitation of Schultz: to Bendorf at

the invitation of the German Montessori Institute, Professor Neise (president).

January, 1989; I have finally received the response to the [presentation of] history for which I

had waited for years; a response that is impassioned, serious, with much desire to continue

working with the theme, a response which is manifested in the personal work of the children (this

is the truest response); the children are true worker bees. We must learn to be patient and not

lose hope.

June 9, 1992: It is the Sunday of the Mustard Seed: it is decided that Claudia will go to


1992-94: Alessandra Bonetti takes the catechesis to Uruguay.

June, 1993: seminar in Zagreb given by Gianna, Sofia, and Claudia

1993: The “little penguins,” meaning the “little sisters” of Croatia, arrive16: Jelica Duzel and

Domagoia Leovic; they are in Rome for two years and then begin their work in a school in

Dakovo in 1997.

February 22, 1993: mystagogy with the children

October 16-24, 1993: first international gathering in Rome; about 40 persons, both Catholic

and Episcopalian

February 17-24, 1994: reflections on time with the older ones

1994: Claudia gives the first seminar in Salzburg, Austria.

1994 and 1995: Panama, the work has been initiated by Herminia Wasserzug (the first course

consisting of upper middle class participants, who vanish in 1995; then, in January 1996,

Alessandra Bonetti goes deeper into the first level and prepares the atrium for the children; the

course participants come from modest social backgrounds and are profoundly engaged in the


1995: first national gathering in Mexico; 600 persons present. Gianna and Tilde have attended.

1995: Poland: Bugumila Pistelok, who did the course in Rome for two years, with trepidation

gives the first course; Barbara Surma falls in love with the catechesis; 1997 Claudia gives a

seminar there; Barbara comes to do the course in Rome 1997-98, 1998-99.

16 Sofia called them “little penguins” because of their black habits.


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Summer,1995: Linda Kaiel gives the first course (Part I of 3-6) in Brisbane, Queensland


November, 1995: The German Association is formed and includes Germany and Austria.

1995: The work begins in Chile with Herminia Wasserzug.

1996: publication of The Religious Potential of the Child, from Six to Twelve, Ed. Citta Nuova,


October 21-26, 1996: Meeting to construct the International Consiglio of the Catechesis of the

Good Shepherd, which is formally established on October 25.

1997: Finally, the material for the Preface seems to me to be in order; I rediscover the first

mention of the Preface presentation in the notes of 1961, to be offered as a prayer of praise.

1997: first seminar in Norway requested by a group of Lutherans and given by Claudia Schmitt

September 7-12, 1997: an international retreat for Good Shepherd catechists in Assisi, Italy,

through the initiative led by US catechists: Barbara Fleming and Monica Halloran; about 200

persons from many countries in the America’s and in Europe; strong Anglican [Episcopalian]

presence, with their Presiding Bishop, Frank Griswold, sharing leadership of the retreat with us.

1998: complete restructuring of the Origin of the Liturgy of the Word, having realized that in

the original material (dating back to 1962) we had unknowingly included the theology of


June, 1998: first course in Ecuador, given by Nora Bonilla and Tere Lopez.

July 27, 1998: Brazil has asked again for a course (they had first asked in 1993). What to do?!

Then, the Gospel at Mass that day was what? The Mustard Seed and the Yeast: “It is God who

makes it grow”! Immediately then, I sent a Fax to Herminia to tell them yes. Herminia,

Claudia, and Nora will give the course.

(characteristic of our work: first do, later understand)

Tina is contacted by the Episcopalians and has the sensation of having always known them and,

at the same time, to be doing something new with them. There are numerous inter-confessional

atria in the US and Germany (Feldafing).


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And now, some news from “the world”.

From the USA:

“In your presence there is fullness of joy..." Psalm 16:11

Our hearts are still filled with joy as we remember our time in the desert this past October when

six hundred catechists from twenty-two countries came to Phoenix, Arizona to celebrate the

60th of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. We are so grateful to all who came and shared in

the celebration. It was a “feast” of collaboration between so many from around the world! We

extend our deepest thanks to all who worked to prepare and celebrate, to all those who came

and to all those who joined us through the live-streaming and through prayer.

In August of 2014 our US association acquired much needed office space in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Committed to the spirit of essentiality and poverty which are at the heart of CGS, our board of

trustees have carefully and prayerfully made the very difficult decision to close the work of the

Oak Park, Illinois office and move it all to the Scottsdale site. We are grateful for the many

individuals and the community which nurtured our organization in its infancy in the Chicago

area and helped it mature into an organization with international reach and national

responsibilities. Our beloved Tina Lillig, our first national director, once shared her wisdom

that in the future, when a new director led the organization, its national office would need to be

moved in order to provide daily oversight for its work. This time has come. We ask for prayer

as we work through this significant change. Our new mailing address is: Catechesis of the Good

Shepherd, 7655-A Main Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, USA. Our new phone number for the

National Office is 480-874-3756. Our Formation Office will remain in Marietta, Georgia with

Karen Maxwell. Please e-mail Mary Mirrione with any questions or concerns at:”

Dal Messico:

"The great gift of Sofia and Gianna for catechists and children, are the guides and albums ‘I am

the Good Shepherd.’”

In Mexico working with this modality is a beautiful reality, Sofia and Gianna with the

essentiality to always invite us, lead us by the hand today to live the ads with the children, with

the same depth and joy they experienced themselves in the Atrium, today we discovered that in

his thoughts was always "the child," and recognizing that it can not be atrium around the world,

had the care and delicacy of thinking in these children.

They spent time, work and effort to "heredarnos" the guide and album in the Good Shepherd

could reach more children worldwide.

Commented [KM1]: Although I recognized that this needs to be included as it is a contribution to the Foglietto. As it is written, I do wonder if many who read this will understand what this is referring to without some more reference to its context.

Commented [KM2]: This sentence doesn’t make sense to me and this word – what is it supposed to be? This sentence sounds as if it is missing some phrases.


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Today working with "I am the Good Shepherd" is a reality in Mexico, Latin America and


Thanks dear Sofia and Gianna to walk with us today the way of the Good Shepherd.

We share with you the joy of celebrating the second national course guide and Album 1, from

19 to 25 July 2015, in León, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Dinorah Melchor Aguascalientes Mexico.

Italian Translation by Rebekah Rojcewicz

Spanish Translation by Lourdes Vasquez
