Perception of light and the relationship between objects in space visualized through dimension



In this article I am going to explore the perception of light both on a physical level through the third dimensional solid seen reality, and on a level that is visualized through the mind and perception determining dimension.

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Perception of light and the relationship between objects in space visualized through dimension

How is light perceived conceptually through dimension when it comes to the interaction of objects within space?

In this article I am going to explore the perception of light both on a physical level through the third dimensional solid seen reality, and on a level that is visualized through the mind and perception determining dimension. This article relates back to a recent article that I wrote called, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Spatial Dynamics, where I started to detail how dimension can be formed within light itself, discussing the concept of Spatial Dynamics in relation to Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. In this article I would like to delve into this topic in a little more detail to give focus on the formation of light and how it is perceived, taking into consideration its dimensional makeup from a conceptual point of view.

It is easy to write about light and how it is formed within reality on a physical level, but when it comes to detailing the way in which it is constructed from a dimensional point of view it is easy to stumble by the wayside in confusion. It is not that difficult a subject to conceptualize, however when it comes to rational thought it then becomes a complex subject that needs to be highlighted in a stepping stone method. Rational thought is based on a person who is ‘trying’ to understand how to visually conceptualize reality, and does not want to trust what they see through their perception. We think this method of thought is the basis of our formation as humans, to first think about what we are going to do, ‘rationalize’ the situation, and then make a decision that purely bases itself on factored reasoning. The only problem that arises from this process of rational thinking is that it makes life more complex than it really has to be seen. This does not mean either that we must think in a totally opposite way, through irrational thinking, but to look at perception in terms of a half way method, through conceptualization.

When we rationalize all that we see and feel, we then get to a point that we do not ever allow certain fundamental constructional components to have precedence within the structure of reality. Rationalizing everything down to the bone totally strips away all purpose and possibility. In a simple way this method of thinking just totally distrusts all that comes until it is broken apart to the very core of its foundation. The problem then comes down to the fact that we have not yet to date reasoned anything to the core of creation itself, not at any significant level. Then this leaves us with the thought, ‘that all of life is in the mind only (or for some based purely on matter and the brain), and that reality cannot be fathomed even when it is broken down via rational perception.

What happens when we break physical formation down into its constructional components ‘rationally’ we get to a point where confusion surfaces. Some things do not have a ‘human’ rational precedence for their existence. Strange as it might seem to the person viewing in this way, reality is not just based on human perception alone. There are many things that exist with us in our third dimensional world. There are trees, birds, animals, cells, germs, all likeness of creatures that do not have at all a human perception, yet have in all their formation the same constructional components that makeup their formation.

The current focus we have on constructional matter comes down to cells and atoms, mineral and organic structures. We base everything on what we visually see through our eyes and through ‘rational’ thinking. Rational thinking is then purely two dimensional in its approach and it is not until we start to explore the realm of the conceptual world that we start to find that there is a true basis and fundamental algorithms that make up the structure of our reality. These are strictly ‘fundamental’ structures that cannot ever be denied, no matter how much we would want to rationalize their position, they still exist. Such structures are light and force (mind), to which can be defined as elemental structures. They are structures that hold no rational basis for their existence yet, they do without doubt exist when it comes to our perception and conscious understanding of reality. Without them we would not even be able to be aware of who we really are.

Some might say this is a ‘rational’ way to see life, to accept fundamental concepts. Not at all! We do not at this moment as a collective human culture see this way in our current view of reality. Most would say that we do accept the fundamental constructional components of reality as having real basis, but this is not so because of the fact that we instead take them for granted without truly seeing them for what they are in their significance. We deny at every opportunity the true structure of reality and formation, just by denying that the mind actually exists. Denying the mind, is like taking a human for a robot and denying the fact that we think, in the same token, denying the fact that light and matter exists, is like stripping away the clothing that we wear, making all in our reality to seem as if it is a figment of our imagination. This is also not a true ‘rational’ ways to view reality, but yet we use rational thinking in order to construct our current perceptions.

Take away rational thinking and you are left with what we directly visualize in the moment through perception. This is based on conceptualization and it is formulated on fundamental constructs that are the true basis of reality, all the things that we are working with through our conscious perception of reality in the now moment of space. The most important of these basic structures when it comes to physicality is light and without the understanding of light and how it works we are left dumbfounded at how the true structure of all formation is created in the most basic principle way. We are starting to explore these basic principles now through Quantum Mechanics but it is ‘rationalizing’ that is holding us back from perceiving what is really there, or basically accepting the truth of what we see as having true causal purpose.

We currently view light in relation to a wave and particle, seeing reality from the construction rather than the cause. The light we visualize through our spectrum produces itself into wavelength and particles that are then, depending on their length, producing the colors that we see through our eyes. This is a fundamental fact that this light does exist and that no matter how this light is visualized in the moment, it is the basis of our constructional matter. This is the most core basic truth that we can confirm just through perception and sight alone. To then rationalize the construction of light would be to ask questions like, perhaps we are not truly

seeing light in waves? Maybe light is particles only? Maybe light is vibrating and seems to look like waves? Maybe light and reality formulates in circles? We come up with all these interesting theories, all holding very true possibility, however when taking away all these theories the fact and truth still remains, light is, and no matter the theory, this is a fundamental fact and truth, that light will remain, no matter how it is seen.

Light is, and when we view even in our world, we see light issuing from the sun. We need light in order to see in our world the visual objects around us. This is formation at the most basic level through perception alone, without needing to rationalize its true purpose at all. Consciously and through our perception we are faced with the fundamental fact that light exists, just through the fact that we can see through our eyes. Light is the basis of perception, even when using simple reasoning of referring to night and day. Without light we could not visually see. Our eyes rely on light in order to formulate a visual picture of our environment, and whether we believe it or not it also formulates the structure of the mass that we feel as our physical body.

In this article I would like to show how this is formulated in a more practical and fundamental way, seen through a conceptual framework of reality that does not at all deny the true structure of creation from the core or utilize strict rational thinking. It will show that not only rational thinking can be the basis of understanding life, showing that through conceptual thinking certain constructs can hold their own truth within perception alone, and still hold true, no matter how they are viewed.

Light is one of those components to which I will describe in more detail, how it is perceived both physically and conceptually. I will be looking at what happens to a light wave when it comes to the full structure of reality based on a system of conceptual reasoning that I call Spatial Dynamics. You can read more about this in my article:

Spatial Dynamics and Multidimensional Perception

Let us first look at the concept of a light wave in relation to our physical third dimensional reality. We see light as particles that when under certain heat and pressure activates into wave formations producing what we see as color. In all actuality light is not a wave when it comes to conceptual reality, but can be structured through fourth dimension in perception this way, through time. Light is however formulated on vibration when it comes to the core of creation, which is the motivated level of light when force is activating it. This is an actual fact that light is being forced into activation. The light we see in reality is already activated light, or what we term creation, or animated reality. We are living ‘in’ the creation, where life is already animated and has already been constructed.

Viewing reality from an already constructed point of view, through third dimension eyes, we see light in waves. Having no real constructional origin or ending. Instead we just say it comes out from the sun and constructs the solar system, only ever outwardly, like a giant explosion that continues to expand forever without an end. Even though this thought basis itself on rational thinking it is not at all reasonable to say that creation has no beginning or end, just through seeing what occurs in life itself through the physical body. We are born and we die when it comes to the physical constructs of matter. Thus within creation formation ‘can’ have a beginning and an end when it comes to fourth dimension and time. Creation thus has to have some basis within this sort of reasoning fundamentally, otherwise why would time, birth and death even have the necessity to exist?

The interesting thing is, is that creation does have a beginning and an end, when it comes to matter and light seen through constructional formation. However internally, when it comes to the mind, creation exists forever in the one moment when viewing it in a dimensional way, one that basis itself on two components forming our consciousness and physical reality. Thus to understand the true construction of light of what we see through our physical bodies in third dimension is to know that it is a combination of both of these constructional components. The light we are seeing is ‘activated’, a motivated and energized material that forms our animated reality.

When viewing light already in activation it is important to know that it is also still binding to the core of its creation and that it is at every moment forming from the core components that organize its structure. It is for example when visualizing something simple like a light bulb, when turned on the light bulb issues out light, and in that moment that light exists already in activation, or created existence. Even when this light is seen in activation, it still exists based on its fundamental core creation. To visualize this it would be easier to see it in this simple way:

H ere is a lig h t b u lb seen fro m a th ird d im en sio n a l

p o in t o f v iew , sh o w in gth e d im en sio n s o f h e ig h t ,

w id th a n d d ep th .

H ere is a lig h t b u lb seen fro m a th ird d im en sio n a lp o in t o f v iew , in c lu d in gth e co re b a la n c in g p o in t

w h ich is w h ere lig h tp erm ea tes fro m crea tin g

d iffu s io n o f l ig h t.

In order for an object such as the light from a bulb to be in activated mode to which we see visually through our eyes in third dimension it needs a projection point, which is defined above with the use of an orange dot called the core balancing point. No object can be seen in projected state until its central core balancing point is considered. The light from the bulb does not start outside of the bulb but from the core radiating position within the light bulb itself. This is showing the projected state of reality on a third dimension level.

The first picture above shows how we view the light bulb so far without the acknowledgment of the core balancing point. The objects basis is only within three dimensions floating without any central component being acknowledged. This creates a form then that has an outward projected state that endlessly issues light outward without any end. The arrows seem to go on forever until the light is said to dissipate out into nothing. This is how we so far

visualize projected reality as the first diagram. The light starts with a really bright glow and then shines out until it is no longer visible with the naked eye and we might then presume that the light just dissipates into nothing.

Then we come up with theories of light waves that seem to project from one position to another. This is our current perception of light within form:

T h is is sh o w in g o u rcu rren t v isu a l p ercep tio n

o f h o w d ep th o f sp a cew o rk s in re la t io n to

d im en sio n a n d fo rm a tio n

o f lig h t .

O u r u n d ersta n d in g o fsp a ce is so fa r

u n d ersto o d b y p la c in gp ercep tio n w ith in a

b o x o f stru c tu re , w h ere w eth en fo rm o u r o u tw a rd co n cep ts o f lig h t w ith in .

The second diagram above shows how we visualize currently the formation of light. You can see that the box represents our current view of third dimension and form. The light wave I have placed within the box because so far this is how we are able to visualize the formation of light by producing it and studying it within an enclosed environment. We watch the light as it is formed within this environment, immediately visualizing it as bouncing from one side to the other.

One thing that is not taken into consideration is that light is not forming from out of nothing or motivating at any stage without a core reference point to which it is produced. If we were to look then at the box again and considered it in relation to an oven the light is produced by an element within the oven itself:

L ig h t is seen to co m efro m th e e lem en t w ith in

th e o v en a n d th en inw a v e fo rm a tio n b o u n ces

o ff th e o b jec ts w a lls w ith in .T h is is w h a t h a p p en s w h en

y o u o b serv e lig h t w ith ina n en clo sed sp a ce .

T h is is h o w lig h t sh o u ldb e seen to p ro jectw ith in th e c lo sed

en v iro n m en t w h enco n sid er in g its

d im en sio n a ls ta te .

When we visualize then a movement of light it is purely based on perception and time. The light seems to motivate in waves as it is bouncing within the enclosed environment that we are visualizing. Time is fourth dimensional and is referring to vibration of light through perception. This is the difficult part that is the barrier of understanding that we so far have trouble conceptualizing past. The position of light within creation before it is motivated is not considered in a vibratory state but more in relation to core construction and ‘position’. Position and projection point is the beginnings of where motivated light is projected out from. In the case of the oven it is the lamp or heating element that produces the light at different levels, whether that is visual and through heat itself.

Within the space of an oven there is light being produced at different density levels. Not only is there light but also particles of other substances that are within the oven itself before the heating process occurs. Whether these particles are mineral, chemical or oxygen based they are sitting within the space of the oven that is being observed. The particles that we then see activating within the oven are then not pure light particles. They are what we term particles of matter (Condensed Light) that are being energized through the ‘influence’ of the heating element within the oven. This separates the heat that is produced in the oven from the light of the lamp within the oven, to the heating up of the chemical environment within the oven, also including whatever food or substances are sitting within the oven at the time.

No matter at what density the light is seen at, if we were to just consider the light being produced through a bulb sitting within the oven it would be visualized as in the second diagram above. The light would be coming originally from the projected object that was sitting inside the oven, the bulb. The light projects out from the bulb and is then seen through the third dimension to then bounce off the walls inside the oven. It will then be seen to continue to do this until the light is then switched off or on at any time in the future.

Light in our eyes gives us visual clarity and is also seen through energy, waves and particles, electrical and magnetically based. These are all absolutely true principles of what light encompasses. What is not taken as much into consideration is the fact that light is all when it comes to creation in ‘combination’ with the mind or core of our reality. Light in different vibrations becomes solid matter depending on where an entity is viewing within their point in perception in space in relation to the total formation of creation. We so far cannot see light that is ultraviolet with our eyes, however on other levels of creation this ultraviolet light is seen as dense matter. This would identify the universe as being a totally solid structure, filled with light at every level. What will be seen on each level of creation is determined by the vibration of the energy particle and point in perception to where the mind in the moment is viewing creation through a singular point in space. Basically where we consciously perceive from, when it comes to singular awareness visualized outwardly.

The formation components of creation, that are ‘light’ and ‘mind’, do not rely on the same methods of reasoning as creation itself. Creation is a combination of both components to produce a completely ‘new’ framework of reference. This framework is animated creation, or conscious reality. The creator components do not have the same principles as their creation in order to formulate within their own world. This would presume that the light particle without the mind as its core would not have the necessity to think or reason, it would then fail to be acknowledged for its potential without the combination of mind and force within its structure to form conscious perception, reality and the understanding of ‘other’. The mind being nothingness to begin with, although hard to fathom, zero point, would also have no reference in which to work with. It would be like having the element of force without something to use it to push against. It would not have any true relevance without being combined with light in order to motivate existence and produce structure.

Therefore the light that we see in creation itself is not true ‘light’, it would be best to be called ‘energy’ or ‘spirit’ (depending on ones own philosophy and beliefs), motivated light forming into structure and matter. The original light had no motivation behind it so therefore it was pure light in the total of its structure, and if it were to be visualized through the human eyes, it would be white, the combination of all colour into one particle. This is an important thing to take into consideration when assessing light on all levels of creation. When viewing from all points in perception within creation, we can from every angle devise creation formation from the position of the original light formation. To the mind and the core of creation itself, all is one, so therefore creation is always existing in the now, where we are conscious and spontaneously existing. This is also the case for the original light particle that forms the whole of physical space, consciousness and perception. It is also one. In fact when considering the combination of mind and light together. Mind exists ‘within’ the core of the light particle, therefore it is when combined also one, from a core creation point of view, in total forming the whole of creation.

I would like to show how this works in relation to perceiving light within the space and environment to where we exist as humans, through our physical eyes, in order to bring clarity to the earlier picture of light in dimension. Visualizing light in dimension is one of the hardest barriers to overcome and perceive correctly when it comes to analysing physical existence and how its structure is formulated through visualizing from a third dimensional point of view, our eyes.

H ere is a s im p le p ic tu re sh o w in g a n ey e a n d h o w w e cu rren tly

p ic tu re lig h t b o u n c in g o ff th e in tern a l ret in a .

This is a third dimensional perspective of how the eye is visually interpreted in relation to light bouncing off it in order for us to see our environment. So far it is seen as light being directed in and then bouncing off the lens back out into reality. This bouncing is also visualized in my earlier picture of the oven, showing light bouncing off the walls within our current understanding of light through perception. This is what I wrote in the earlier article Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Spatial Dynamics as being a half pulse of light perception. We are only seeing half of the picture of how the light is truly formed by visualizing through this method.

When we so far visualize light on a half pulse through third dimension we are seeing the crux point where light has become form. This is the surface animated state of matter called third dimension. Third dimension is ‘animated reality’, and it is the culmination of all the dimensions into one solid state visualizing itself as a motivated matter object. Let us take a closer look at what is involved in order to produce the light to bounce off the eye when visualizing it simply in relation to a light bulb:

T h is is h o w lig h t sh o u ld b e v isu a lized a lw a y s b e in gco n sid ered in re la t io n to th e so u rce o b jec t to

w h ere it is b e in g seen fro m . R em em b er th is o n ly re la te s to th e th ird d im en sio n a l en v iro n m en t a lo n e .

Whenever light is considered in the third dimension it needs to be also understood in relation to another object in space. This comes purely down to observation and perception. Without another object in order to reference against there would be no reason to have visual

understanding of the space to where we exist. This only relates to the third dimension surface animated environment and will become clear as to why it is seen this way when I start to place dimension into the picture.

Dimension refers to the internal makeup of mass and space and has to be visualized in third dimension as being ‘angle’ in relation to time space. Angle basically refers to an objects internal structure and origin. Let us look at the above picture and see how dimension is formed in relation to angle:

T h e red lin e is sh o w in g th e o r ig in a l lig h t w a v e th a t is m o v in gfro m th e lig h t b u lb to th e ey e len s . T h e b lu e lin es in d ica te

th e p ro jec ted o u ter s ta te o f th e o b jec t in to ta l. A n d th eo ra n g e l in e in d ica te ‘a n g le ’ o r th e p o s itio n w h ere d im en sio n

is rea so n ed a n d u n d ersto o d w ith in th e th ird d im en sio n en v iro n m en t.

This is just a basic visual example that is not totally formed as yet, but at the moment it is a stepping stone to highlight the concept of ‘angle’. The picture might for some people seem complex but to look at it more simply through the idea and concept of Spatial Dynamics, and bio-cylindrical creation both the light and eye are totally different objects when visualized within the third dimension environment:

B o th th e ey e a n d lig h t b u lb a re co m p le te ly sep a ra te b io -cy lin d r ica l o b jec ts fo rm in g fro m th e ir o w n p o in t in p ercep tio n w ith in sp a ce .

Please refer to my previous article of Spatial Dynamics and Multidimensional Perception to get more insight into bio-cylindrical creation.

Now this is the complex part to try and define in diagram and understanding. Dimension of space and where it forms in relation to third dimension and fourth dimension perception, animated reality and time. When we visualize the two objects in space we see that they are both with a mass and quality totally separate from each other within an environment to which they form within. The important thing to consider when visualizing creation is that all is inwardly seen. All objects in space are ‘inside’ creation. Creation then becomes the environment to which all forms must define their structure within. All forms within creation thus are determined in relation to one another at all times on a third dimensional level. This is why, when we see light now as a wave that we are visualizing it in terms of time and the third dimension ‘animated’ environment. What we are seeing is energy in vibration between two objects in space.

We see this third dimensionally as radiated light, but if it were to be seen dimensionally it is understood in a totally different way. It is understood in relation to point in perception and the outer region of the projected object and its total mass and formation.

L o o k in g a t th e ey e a n d lig h t b u lb in rela tio n to o n e a n o th er I h a v e n o w sh o w n th e ‘a n g le ’ o r p o in t w h ere d im en sio n is

d e term in ed b e tw een th e tw o o b jec ts in sp a ce .

The orange line shows the point where we are to determine dimension in relation to the light travelling from the bulb to the eye. This is what I determine as ‘angle’ within material space. Angle we cannot see with our visual eyes. When we see an object we never take into consideration the crux point in which visual observation is achieved. Angle refers to the crux point of visual perception. It is invisible for the fact that it is relating to the internal quality of the formation of space, to which we call dimension. Dimension turns back into the core of creation from this crux point as with any other object that is positioned in space. Every object has an angle, just like when visualizing the earth when we consider its axis. Angle refers to orientation and perception. It is invisible yet helping to determine the position of objects in space. It refers back to the basic ideas of the magnetic environment. It is the core rudder that determines how floating objects will be angled in space, just like when seeing all the planets.

It is at the position of angle that we can start to understand the structure of dimension in relation to objects in space. The green lines are also internal rudders in relation to the picture above. But they are different to the angle created when two objects come into contact within

the third dimensional environment. The difference being, that the green angles of the core formation of the eye and light bulb are determining the object through the core balancing point. This is not really considered ‘angle’, but point in perception. It would be best to consider it in terms of the solar system itself. The sun has a point in perception to which it determines its mass without a perceived true angle when visualizing it alone. The planets however are formations ‘within’ the solar system, so thus in relation to the sun, they are formed through ‘angle’, always determined through their connection with the sun. Just like when viewing the connection between the eye and light bulb above. (The sun is however connected to the centre of the solar system, but for now we are visualizing it as the origin in this example.)

When considering how angle works in relation to the point of perception of the eye and bulb, it is formed within a purely three dimensional environment. This crux point is three dimensional in nature. The eye and bulb have an internal formation point called the mind, or internal balancing point. Angle occurs then when one two dimensional object perceives another within space. The crux point of where both objects meet in observation is where we begin to define dimension from a third dimensional observational perspective.

Most consider the outer area of an object to be the shell that we see as the physical structure. This is not how it should be visualized for the fact that the object within space is formulated not only to the outer edge of its physically seen structure, like for instance the skin of the human body. The construction of the human body expands well outside of its physically perceived boundaries, to the area of space to which the human body forms within, the physical environment to which we call surface earth. (For example the human body extends out into an area of space that I call the ‘pheromone body’ that works in relation to our electromagnetic body or spirit, this embodiment determines a lot of our feelings and emotions through chemical and electrical interchange. If you are interested in finding out more about this topic you can read about it in ‘The Mind and Matter’.) All objects thus need to be determined ‘in relation’ to other objects within space at all times through third dimension and never considered only for their individual structure alone.

I will again reiterate that dimension needs to be determined within the third dimension environment when considering objects in relation to one another. This is an important point to consider and the only way that dimension can ever be determined or understood. When considering the environment to where we exist, the space to which we see as our conscious world is determined through our eyes within a three dimensional ‘animated’ world. The world is in motion, never stagnant or able to be seen as still. Motion is the key to understanding life at all levels, and is the intrinsic part that is defined through the mind which is the force behind our animation. Yes, I am also talking about the mind to which we spontaneously think about our life from what seems like within our head. The mind is the key also to understanding time and perception of space within dimension.

When we view reality through third dimension all of life is seen outside of the body to which we continue to exist within daily. We wake up each morning faced with the same world, the same body, the same physical existence, until we again fall asleep or at the moment that our life ends totally in death. These are factual things that we know and understand. This environment can then be seen as an internal world viewing outside of itself, or an internal mind viewing out into reality. We view from our mind out into the world through our body, using it as a tool in order to participate in animated reality.

Each formation in space has the same principles to which it defines itself, all having an outer casing that defines the object or entity as being a structure, depending on focus and concentration (meaning whether we are actually looking at the light bulb itself, or the light coming from the bulb. Both are considered separate in structure). A structure, no matter the form that we are visualizing can be defined within length, breadth and width. Even when we look at things that are not truly solid in appearance to our eyes such as gases, we define them in cubic meters in order to consider their mass and structure. All can be defined in our world within this cube like method, to which we so far see as three dimensions of material space.

This so far is a logical observation of space, the only thing holding it back is the understanding of the defining components that form structure seen through perception and causal ‘fundamental’ principles. We form all of our ideas into a box in order to understand space. Even though this seems reasonable and logical, it does indeed fill space if we square it off all joining together through this visualization. Objects in space are however not all square in their structure. How do we then define this object when it comes to dimension? Do we then break it down into smaller components each with a separate mass and then join all the parts together into one mass through calculation? What if that structure were to be fluid in its nature, such as the human body, or any other animal to which we see in life? How could we truly define the space of such an object that is constantly changing in its structure within every moment of perception? These are the pitfalls that we face in a world that can not be mathematically defined always from visualizing an object from the outside of its structure to within. Then we build devices that study mass, purely relating to the earth alone, and the idea of gravity. These we call measures or weighing scales. The only problem with measures and weighing scales is that they change depending always on the environment to which they are utilized within. If we were to use the same measuring device on the moon it would not bring the same results, naturally.

When an object in space is defined on dimension, it can also provide, when studied and explored properly, mass and basic fundamental properties that organize the object in space, no matter where it exists within the entire formation of creation. The only thing needed is two objects within space, two central balancing points and an environment in which to determine the objects ‘angle’. Going back to the last diagram I showed that this can be seen when it comes to the human eye and the light bulb. Two objects in space, one being the eye without the human, the other being light created from the bulb. Whether two eyes were to be taken into consideration, the exact central location between both eyes would be the point in which the mind would be reasoned in relation to the visualization of space.

Every object in space is bio-cylindrical in nature. Please refer to my previous article, Spatial Dynamics and Multidimensional Perception. It has two sides that mirror in order to create a whole. Even though our two eyes in physical are seen to be apart when it comes to the fluid nature of perception and reality, they really are one when it comes to creation from the point of view of the mind.

We then use our eyes to look at the light coming from the bulb. We consider always that the light is part of the bulb itself, which is accurate when visualizing it in relation to the third dimensional environment. However when considering it through spatial dynamics, the light from the bulb is separate to the structure of the bulb itself when determining mass and dimension. The source of the light is important, that is true that the light comes from a radiating point within the bulb. This projection point needs to be considered when studying the light produced. However the bulb structure itself need not be acknowledged in relation to the observer viewing the light being produced. This is an important thing to consider when it comes to structure within space that all parts have to also be considered separately, not just as one whole when it comes to perception. This is determined by what a person is focusing on.

The best way to see this is when a person looks towards another within the third dimensional environment. We think immediately that a person will visually see the whole of that person as a total structure. This is not an accurate observation for the fact that when a person views another person they instead see part of that person as the whole. When a person views an object with their eyes they can only focus on one point in perception at a time. This is a very important thing to consider and realize when it comes to the construction of space and how it is determined.

When we look towards another object in space we always focus in on that objects ‘zero point’ through perception. This is a far more complex topic to go into too deep within this article but to simplify it in relation to the topic, it is important to realize that every structural mass within creation has its own ‘mind’ or ‘central balancing point’. Whether that be even relating to parts of the human body, it is only considered a whole when determining it through

visualizing the outer skin of the form. However we are well aware that the skin itself is not the total of what a human body is. There are parts also within a human body that all have their own central balancing points within their own structure. When understanding this fully, through perception, it would be clear then that our conscious perception, that which we utilize in order to ‘think’ about the space of our environment, forms the central balancing point of our brain, which includes our central nervous system.

When we then visualize an object in space with our eyes, they are separate again from the brain itself when it comes to the mind and central balancing point of the brain. What we think we see with our eyes is not at all relating to what we are actually seeing with our eyes. The eyes see the object, yet the mind (central balancing point) of the brain reads the electricity signal sent from the eyes and interprets it in its own way. This electrical signal is a language in itself and it is how all objects in space relate internally to one another. It is first dimensional and electromagnetic in nature.

Going back to looking at the eye in relation to the light coming from the light bulb, how can we determine light as having total solidity, a substance that is not seen solid through visual observation? The way we can visualize light is through ‘point in perception’, or the place that it is sourced out from, like for instance the bulb or even when considering the sun or other objects that produce light.

When light is visualized through point in perception it then becomes a mass and structure. We look towards the light with our eyes and we can determine that the light is radiating out from a place within the bulb. This is seen third dimensionally through diffusion, or what I call half pulse and needs to be determined through ‘angle’. This is determined at the position where the eye realizes the light, and that is at the position where the light hits the lens when we see it visually through third dimension. This is purely the observational quality of the object in relation to the other object in space itself, the dimensional quality is far more complex and becomes apparent when understanding the objects as an individual structure in space in relation to another object that is ‘observing’ it. This relates to consciousness and ‘realization’ and also relates to ‘pulse’ when it comes to creation in relation to the mind and time.

If you think what I have written is complex already then you will be in for something when I start to detail dimension when it comes to light and structure. The above information that I have written is very important to take into consideration when I start to detail ‘angle’. Angle is the number one most difficult hurdle to overcome in order to understand the connection between observation and structure, to which we call consciousness and matter. It is also a very difficult subject to detail in diagram and the most difficult to understand when reasoning the formation of creation in total. I’m going to first detail why this is so before I get into the mechanics of the observation of light in relation to dimension. It is important to know how to visually see it before it can be reasoned, because without the right position to view it from, it will seem totally confusing and illogical within a purely third dimension physical perception.

The most foremost important thing to consider when perceiving space in dimension is that every dimension exists at once. We so far consider that each dimension is separate from the other when trying to construct our understanding of space. When we do this we are only viewing space through a purely physical reasoning. Looking from the surface of an object and seeing it as the totality of all. This might be so from the standpoint of our eyes, visually in third dimension when we read the signals sent from the eyes to our brains. However this is

not accurate when visualizing the total formation of space. Without this acknowledgement there is no need to continue further with explanation. If dimension is not reasoned as existing at once in the moment then we might as well continue on in our existence in never knowing how formation is truly formed, just like we do now.

This is the barrier, the hurdle we have not yet crossed, that which is angle. We do not cross it purely because we have not yet the capacity of understanding in our physical evolution in relation to time. However this does not mean that it is not impossible to reason, only difficult in relation to having to look at the concept of angle when there is no canvas to work from. This is like visualizing a blind man who has never known how to see and asking him what something looks like. How does this man build up the concept of visual structure if he has never had the opportunity to see? Then a scientist comes along and offers this man a device in which he can then have the ability to see again. This man then has to ‘learn’ how to see, just like any child or baby does when it is first born. A baby does not have total visual clarity until much later in its development for this reason. The eyes have not yet learnt how to picture third dimensional reality and have not the ability to focus on singular objects in space. The baby will see all of space as one object, and will only determine its focus on objects in relation to movement. It is the movement that they see, not necessarily the objects themselves until much later in their development.

It is not until our understanding of reality reaches a more advanced level, where we start to reason consciousness and the mind. Without the knowledge of the mind and perception, the understanding of structure and space has no relevance to reason. In fact that knowledge of the formation of creation is not necessary for animated creation to exist. It does not achieve anything except to provide a basis to define creation from and it does not become relevant to look at until we reach a pinnacle where we ‘choose’ to see creation from a observational point of view. It can help to provide more understanding of the environment to which we exist but it will not change or affect what we are already physically interacting with. Physical interaction is experienced at a totally different level to the organization of space itself. Construction of space is what forms the physical reality that we have, but knowing about it will not determine the motivated environment which comes from creation itself. Creation will still exist even without knowledge of its fundamental constructs.

This is where angle comes in, which can only be defined through pure perception and observation, utilizing the force of the mind in order to determine the formation of space from the core. It is at this point that mind is then separated from matter, that force is seen as a separate entity to light. This we have not yet achieved in perception in this world as yet, not fully and this comes purely from the fact that it is not yet relevant to our lifestyle at this time. It does not provide us with anything in order to physically manipulate our environment. The only time it will become relevant is when we decide to focus on it purely from curiosity alone. It is only natural that we will reach a stage that we will want to know how we are formed within reality. We know a lot about how to experience creation, but not a lot about how we are able to do this from the core fundamental construction. Finding the answer to this will bring us knowledge that will only enhance the information that we already have. It will bring us concrete foundations in which to understand our environment even more. Keep one thing in mind though, it will not change ever the fact that we are here, but will only bring understanding to how creation is constructed, not why it is so. Why comes from the mind itself and has to be seen in a totally separate picture frame when it comes to reasoning reality and always in relation to matter at all times.

What this means is that when perceiving ‘angle’ within reality we have to take a totally different standpoint in order to see it, an internal standpoint that bases itself purely on perception alone. This perception however is then backed up by the physical animated reality when it is accurately constructed and will at every moment, no matter the changes that occur within reality, stay constant to the end. When the foundations are strong they will always remain that way, no matter the person, place or environment to which we are visualizing space from or within. This is what is called the core fundamental laws of creation, things that never change no matter how we perceive creation, no matter what labels or titles they are given, and no matter whether we want to see them or not.

I will presume though that if you have read this far into my article you are a person interested in the fundamental construction of creation whether or not there is a purpose in mind. Looking from this standpoint we can then view creation from the constructional components that order its structure. These components can be reasoned within the terms to which we call ‘dimension’.

The interesting thing about dimension is that it can be used as a label to determine group parameters within space, however not all dimensions have an exact point in which they form themselves. The only dimension that can be seen as having a crux point is third dimension, and purely for the fact that we see objects as separated through our observation of space. This means that dimension itself is purely based on perception and observation alone. It is understood when viewing interaction within the space to which we exist in animated reality.

When making an observation of space within reality, we are able to then at every moment ‘move’ our point of perception from one place in creation to another. What this means is that when we are thinking of another person, we are moving our perception from our body to the body of another person as we analyse them. At this moment within time itself we do not conceptually perceive within the framework of our own body at all. This is purely relating to perception and links to dimension when it comes to the formation of space.

Have you ever stopped to think that when you actually think about another person that you do not always feel your body at the time. This does not mean that you are not linked with your body at all times. It has to do with focus and what I call ‘point in perception’, the position of the mind. At any moment within our animated world we can think away from our bodies about places and things that do not at all relate to our physical construction within the now moment of space. We can even visualize other places just through thought alone and a lot of people will see this as even a picture forming around them conceptually. It will not be a physically dense picture, but in the same token it is still a visual picture and is solid when we see it, even if we cannot interact with it.

This is perception oriented and is linked to the memories that we store in our brain. We study this stuff incessantly already. It is one of the major topics that we are exploring at this moment in our world, psychology and neurology. This part we understand to a certain point so far, the way the brain is functioning in relation to our observation of its working environment. This is achieved purely through observation and not necessarily linked to internal perception. What this means is that we end up asking more questions than we have answers for. This is however how we are motivated to explore space (in a purely physical sense) further, through asking the fundamental question of ‘why’.

Physicality needs ‘why’ in order to animate. It needs a reason to exist. The fundamental constructional components of reality however do not need a reason. They just are and they are determined purely through perception alone and only ever within the now moment of space. ‘Now’ means without even needing to understand past or future, but purely through observing reality through consciousness alone without questioning.

We find this however very difficult to fathom, to see creation from the mind in its most pure state. This state or perception is only ever achieved when a person totally strips away meaning and purpose from their life. Meaning and purpose links always to past and future, never to the moment of space in which we observe reality. We ‘think’ that we construct our environment purely from memory and desire, seeing that our whole reality is only constructed from the mind itself. This is not so at all. We have also matter in which to define our space, there is light also that helps to formulate our physical reality.

What this means is that we are from a constructional point of view, only ever in the moment existing all at once. It is only through matter itself that space is separated and only when we are the creation itself, not from a creator point of view. The difficulty we have is in separating this within our environment. We see ourselves as the creator of reality, which is not so, we are always at all times the creation, never the creator. The creation is consciousness and thus we are conscious beings formed out from the fundamental construction components which define the whole of space from the core. What this means is that we are not ‘creating’ within creation as we so think that we do, but instead that we are ‘existing’ within creation, within the parameters that are made possible to us. These parameters are always based on the fundamental constructional components that are the mind (force) and matter (light).

I know this can be really hard for people to conceptualize, especially seeing as most would question my ideas when it comes to our creative abilities within our own world. What is important to consider when it comes to reasoning creation is that ‘words are only labels’. Just as love means many things to many different people, so does the word creation when it comes to visualizing reality. The word ‘creating’ is seen totally different from the fundamental components of space in comparison to the creating that we see ourselves doing everyday in life. This means that the word creating actually has two separate meanings depending on point in perception.

When looking at creating when it comes to the core of reality, the created within creation itself does not create, it exists within the parameters that it is provided with and cannot ever exist outside of its known environment. This means that at all the moments that we think that we are learning something new we are only learning something different within the parameters of creation itself, which is based purely on choice of perception and focus. This does not mean at any moment that these things do not exist at all, only that we are choosing not to focus on it within the parameters of our animated reality and point in perception.

This is one of the most difficult subjects to comprehend when it comes to understanding space, but an important stepping stone in order to understand the construction of our animated matter environment from the core. We have to take our perception into that of pure mind and light, our creator components in order to devise the reasoning behind the whole of our reality. Just like in taking our mind and thinking of a person and how they are feeling within this world, we can also do this at any moment when it comes to visualizing reality from the core. We can observe space from what ever ‘angle’ we want when it comes to the mind, hence the

word that I used in the earlier diagrams. Angle refers to perception and point of view (This is the point of perception within the third dimensional animated environment itself, the crux point where creation sees itself and realizes that it is part of a whole. Hence the point where one objects sees another within our animated environment. The point where the eye in the diagrams I showed sees the light radiating out from the light bulb).

Angle refers to the point where observation is achieved where one object interacts with another in order to define and reason its own space and environment. This is important when it comes to creation itself. Without ‘other’, there would be no reason to identify parameters within space itself and no reason to have a place to which we call an environment. Creation would thus have no meaning defined within itself, especially if it were never able to see itself and utilize other objects in order to compare itself to. That is how we identify ourselves within our environment through comparison. It is the only way that we are able to see ourselves as human when we compare ourselves to other objects within our space and environment.

Comparison is a major component of creation and is defined through the mirroring process that creation takes in order to form itself in the now moment. This then means that from the point of view of creation itself, as long as it is able to identify itself, it will always exist in a component of space that has no relationship with time at all. In fact when viewing it with the idea of time in mind we would see this as eternity or forever. It is not eternity from the perception of the core creation components, only from the created components within the creation itself when they utilize time in order to organize their space and environment, and as a way to view their reality.

The best way to see this would be to compare a culture that might have existed in the past, that might never have used time in order to exist within their space and lived life purely in the moment, purely driven by desires and needs that formed within the now moment of creation. When a being has no concept of time, it no longer sees eternity, it only then ‘exists’ in the moment. The creator components also exist in the moment where reasoning does not have to be defined on purpose or any concept that is formed within animated creation itself. They just exist and thus are defining creation purely in one moment, the moment to which we as humans see as ‘now’.

Angle now takes on a whole new meaning once considering objects and how they interact in space, defined on their connection through comparison and direction of perception. If we look back at the eye again and the visualization of light coming from a light bulb we can start to see how through angle the forming of dimensions can be seen with more clarity:

When viewing the two objects in space, the eye and the bulb are both contained within their own bio-cylindrical framework dimensionally. The orange line indicates the exact moment that one object realizes the other within the space of the third and fourth dimensional environment, through the use of sight and perception. One thing to consider when visualizing angle is that it can only be achieved in understanding through the distinct realization that one object has when it sees another object in space. This realization is always considered in the now moment, characterized on singular perception and pulse. What singular perception means is that one object in third and fourth dimension can only through perception interact with one object in space at a time when it comes to realization. This has a lot to with how focus works within reality itself.

Focus relates to the distinct fact that reality is consciously viewed through single point perception. In the most simple of ways this can be seen as, one thing at a time. This means that we can only consciously perceive in every individual moment (or pulse) of time one thing conceptually within every singular moment within space. We might think that we are able to do more than one thing at a time, however this is not an accurate analysis for the fact that one moment of time (one pulse of creation) is within our perceptions too fast to comprehend. If we were to slow down time and view reality through momentary action, we would see that we are able to only focus on one thing at a time. Our head would turn to one thing, than another, our mind and perception jumping back and forth throughout the individual things that we are interacting with within our environment.

When viewing one moment in time or pulse of creation, it is seen fourth and third dimensionally as the fastest rate of force within creation. This force we relate to as time and we understand it through awareness and perception of our world through our senses and interactions. What is visualized above in the diagram is one pulse in creation within time space (or visualization within fourth dimension through perception. Remembering that fourth dimension is where perception takes place, when considering the mind). When we take a snapshot of one pulse in time creation it is then understood as one projected moment in space. It is projected, meaning that it is not solid or fixed in its position, but moving in and out

continually in order to formulate time. This is what is considered to be vibration, this pulsating that is occurring. This is the way it would be seen through the third dimensional environment as vibration, but it is pulse when it is considered through the mind.

You can imagine how this works, that if you were to put a whole lot of marbles into a container and shake them, that every shake of the container would be one moment or pulse in creation. The vibration effect is what creates movement within the marbles perception of time. The marbles would, if they visualized themselves, see their world moving around them as well as themselves through each pulse within space time (fourth dimension and perception).

Taking out one of these moments or pulse states, and you have the now moment of conscious reality that is of the marble or singular point in perception. The marble would see itself at the centre of all, viewing out from itself into physical reality as having movement, and see itself as interacting within the framework of an environment to which is the container.

Going back to visualizing the light bulb now I want to take a closer look at how the dimensions are then formed through perception taking into consideration the interaction that the light is having with the eye.

What we see in the diagram is one moment in space time (a pulse within creation) of both objects that of the light from the bulb and the other the lens of an eye:

Visualize the environment of each object as three dimensional and not flat. The interaction between the eye and bulb is like visualizing two marbles colliding with one another. Although I show that these marbles are circular in shape this is not the exact representation of the framework of the whole entire object dimensionally. All objects in space are determined bio-cylindrically, meaning that they are not ever entirely round in their form, but cylindrical in nature.

Once an object is determined by another object in space, each object then can be split apart and determined individually within dimension. This can only be visualized through a half

pulse understanding of creation in third dimension. In the half pulse state of animated reality, third dimension, an object can be cut open and visualized without two mirroring sides being evident within its structure, showing it to have one form as one entire stand alone structure:

Visualize the solid object in space as having two internal counteracting forces that spin creating pressure that is gluing the objects form together, this is specific to magnetism in particular. The gluing effect is created by two opposing directions of spin when it comes to mirroring of force within any object in space. This mirroring effect or bio-cylindrical nature of every object is what visually creates it to become solid within space. It is like a gluing together of all parts into one form, like when visualizing the human body. The internal components of all objects in space, especially ones that are organically created will be entirely solid. All space within containing other creating elements in order to build its structure.

This is something to take into consideration when visualizing space, all space is full! Not one area of space is empty even if we visualize it this way when we determine the blackness of the space of the solar system. Blackness does not mean nothingness. It means that we are visually seeing that space as the shade close to black, so therefore it is something. It is a colour that we are visually seeing in comparison to another colour that which is not that shade of black. If we were to be another being in existence they might see in infrared. Space would then not be black but other shades of colour. Just because there is a lot of it, and that it does not seem to have anything that we visually see within it, does not mean that there are not objects that exist within it. Even chemicals are objects in space and when broken down into their constructional components like atoms and the like, you can see bio-cylindrical objects forming their existence. Just at a finer level than what we are able to visually see with our eyes. The eyes have a limited framework to exist within and are also reliant on how our brain interprets the signals being sent from them.

When considering every object in space individually, from the framework of my own mind and singular point perception this is how the dimensional structure is formed in relation to bio-cylindrical creation:

This shows the bio-cylindrical ‘projected’ nature of the object itself actualizing in one moment in space. The pressure of force that comes from within the object forms what we see as a vacuum, which is created by the core balancing point (the mind). This creates a mirrored reality that forms spin. What this means is that the object in the now moment of space, has first spin before it even formulates true awareness and pulse in order for it to realize itself. Spin is what determines the object in space as an object and as a pulse within time space. This spin I call the mirroring effect of the core creation. This is determined on a highly pressurized environment and is the integral inner constructional component of every object in space seen within its pulse state (its realized state).

This concept is not difficult to comprehend but only difficult to word on paper or visualize through diagram in a simple way. The most important thing to realize when accessing an object in space is that it is always, at every level, a build up of dimensions into one formation that we call animated reality. Let us now look closely at how the dimensions form within a half pulse visualizing the object third dimensionally:

T h is is th e in tern a lv iew o f a n o b jec t ifit w ere sl iced in h a lfa t th e h o r izo n l in e .

1 5



Light as you well know projects outwardly when visualized through the third dimension of space, which incorporates the dimension to which we call time. In third dimension, our animated reality, all dimensions exist at once, so therefore, time, consciousness, all things need to be considered into one framework that formulates a whole. When light projects outwardly it is seen as diffusion. Just like in visualizing the light that comes from a bulb the centre where the light projects out is at the most brightest. Dimensions works much in the same manner when viewing them within the third dimensional environment.

The third dimensional environment works on half pulse, which refers to the solid state of matter. When visualizing space from the core of creation, the mind, dimension works on visualizing reality on a full pulse as here:

1 15 5

3 3


4 4


2 2


H a lf P u lse F u ll P u lse

The difference is in perception alone. The core of creation sees reality as a full pulse, as two sides that are a mirror reflection of each other. Within our world through our eyes and brain we see the world as solid. The solid state is an incorporation of the mirroring state visualized as one entity. Two sides as one whole:

Every solid object has a mirroring component within its structure, however visually we see it as one solid structure. Just like with the human form, it has two mirroring sides that form to our vision one whole object to which we call a body. The full structure is then referred to as a half pulse for the fact that we are visualizing two halves as one whole. Like when visualizing an orange this can be much easier seen:

H ere is a n o ra n g e sl iced in h a lf sh o w in g th e

d im en sio n s:

With our visual eye the orange looks like one whole unit, but to the core of creation, from the angle of the mind, it is seen visually in this way:

T h e M in d

The mind views from inward to outward and our visual perception through our eyes and brain see from outside to in:

T h e M in d v iew s rea lity fro m in s id e to o u t .

A th ird d im en sio n a l o b jec t v iew s rea lity fro m o u tsid e to in .

Half pulse creation seen through third dimension views reality always outside of itself and in a way that it is seen to project out forever. Just like when visualizing light from a bulb, it is seen by our eyes to project out until it dissipates into nothing. This is the illusion perception state of the third dimension environment. It is seen this way for the fact that the third dimensional embodiment is viewing from inside creation making an observation of space within the paradigm itself. In the case of the eyes, they are a third dimension object viewing other objects within the same third dimensional environment to which we call creation.

Even though I show the circle to be flat in earlier pictures, it is important to see creation as three dimensional in nature, just like how we visualize space in our current perceptions as having height, width and depth. This is an important factor when determining dimension in space but to be seen from inside to out, not from outside to in, just like in the following diagram:

H eig h t

H e ig h t

W id th

W id thD ep th

D ep th

T h is is o u r cu rren t p ercep tio n o fd im en sio n in rea lity a n d h o w it

is v isu a lized w ith th e h u m a ney es .

T h is is th e p ercep tio n o f d im en sio nfro m th e co re o f crea tio n ta k in g in toa cco u n t th e o b jec ts co re b a la n c in g

p o in t .

The second diagram is an example of how the dimensions of space are formulated in an over exaggerated manner. The measurement of dimension is always calculated to the outer layer of the objects full solid state, meaning the skin of the orange itself. The arrows would then need to be seen to end at the surface skins outer edge which is hard to show in diagram when using a solid object as reference. Normally we do not visualize the internal dimensions of an object purely because these dimensions we do not visually see. We have to slice something open in our perception in order to see it internally. So in all essence the arrows would not even be seen to the eye if I were to have a full orange in view. Dimension is formulated internally.

One thing to remember is that it does not matter which object in space we are referring to at any one time. All objects in space work through dimension in this manner, whether that is light itself or a solid object such as an orange. These objects are only separated in density when it comes to the third dimensional environment to which a human exists. The environment, in which an object, no matter what it is, sees its environment as solid, is the objects outer most third dimensional state. As for light from the light bulb, the fact that we do not see it visually with our eyes to have a solid state means that we are not able to see its full solid form. We only see a part of its full dimensional state. Its true form then needs to be visualized much larger than we now comprehend.

The separation between objects in space, no matter what they are, relates to the diffusion of light from the core. Most might think that vibration works within space equal at every position. This would not be an accurate measure to understand dimension in the full form of space itself. In fact position very much determines vibration and how solid an object is in space in relation to other objects. This position that I referred to earlier as our point of perception, showing that every object in space as having an internal core that helps it to position itself inside the matter environment in a conceptual way.

It is only within the third dimensional environment that objects become separated in the space of matter ‘conceptually’ otherwise all is one from the angle of the mind. This is the barrier that people have to cross in order to understand the fundamental construction of reality itself, and that is the importance to separate objects in space through core perception itself when trying to understand its makeup and construction. Instead of always taking perception purely from a third dimensional human point of view we need to visualize space from all angles of possibility that do not at all times relate to viewing reality from outside to in. Until we break this barrier reality will only ever be seen as surface and subjective.

I want to now go back to the light bulb itself to show how dimension works in relation to two objects within space, the eye and light coming from a bulb:

T h is sh o w s th e p o in t in w h ich w e w ith o u r ey esv isu a lize th e lig h t co m in g fro m th e b u lb itse lf .T h is I re fer to a s a n g le , th e p o s itio n w h ere w e

sta r t to a n a ly se th e o b jec ts d im en sio n .

T h e red lin e in d ica tes th e fu ll th reed im en sio n a l s ta te o f th e o b jec t th a t w e

a re v isu a liz in g a s lig h t co m in g o u t fro mth e b u lb .

What this diagram shows is that the eye itself, our sight is visualizing the light from the bulb ‘within’ its full structure. How this is determined is through understanding the dimensional quality of an object in space in reference to the other. The most solid object in our environment would be perhaps diamond or the metal that comes from inside most meteorites. If diamond were to be a reference when it comes to solidity and comparison, then an eye is

also seen less solid, more fluid to the touch. Light that we see coming from the sun or from a bulb is then one of the most fluid objects that we ‘see’ within our visual space. The more solid an object is, the more accessible it becomes and the easier it is to be reasoned and identified within matter space when viewing from one point in perception to another. In this example I am viewing light from the point of perception of the eye and brain. We see this light to radiate out forever, simply because we do not see its full structure in order to analyse its full solidity. We are visualizing within its full structure, unable to see it as a form within space, but more as particles floating in space without any end to their projection.

We do not see the end of this lights projected state simply because we do not vibrate ourselves faster than its own projected quality. We are then considered to the perception of the light coming from the bulb as we might visualize a diamond sitting within our hands. In fact we are sitting ‘within’ the projected lights full structure. This would then be like comparing our position within light the same as a cells position within our body.

This makes it difficult then to analyse the dimensional quality of the light radiating from the bulb when we do not see it is full structure. How would we then determine its dimension and form?

This is where mathematics comes into play when determining the dimensional quality of an object to which we do not see its full solid state. The mathematics is determined through understanding pulse within creation and the rate that light radiates from the core of creation with the use of force (also what I call the mind and core of creation).

The thing to remember when calculating the full distance that an object is able to project, it will still not change the visual observation of the object in space when we view it with our eyes. It only changes our awareness of the object and how it is forming within space itself. Even when it is calculated the full projection of the light coming from the bulb, it would be absolutely silly to think that you could then walk to the outer surface of this light and see its surface as a solid form. This does not mean however that the object has not a solid state or form, only that we do not see it through our eyes.

When understanding dimension conceptually with our mind we are able to determine an objects projection state in third dimension as a half pulse relating to how we see an object as one form, not as having two sides, but as one whole solid structure, as I showed earlier in diagram. When viewing reality from inside, in relation to dimension, when calculating projection within third dimension, the full state of an object is always determined with the inner structure included into the whole picture. What this means is that it is not calculated only on a half pulse…but as a pulse within a pulse within a half pulse. This is one of the most difficult to demonstrate in diagram but when understood it is easy to analyse. I will now demonstrate how this is formed, let us go back and look at the orange again as an example:

1 5







The above diagram demonstrates the formation of a pulse within creation itself from the core. It is formulated on the inward and outward flowing nature of reality itself, formulated when force pushes light into solid existence. When visualizing the picture without the black lines and numbers we can see that it is showing us a black dot in the centre, this is utilized merely to show the position where light projects out from, it is the central balancing point. The other solid circles around it are dimensions within space, one presiding within the other. In all actuality there are only 2 inner dimensions (one inside another) when it comes to solid existence but they are seen as 4 inner dimensions when it comes to the direction and flow in which force pushes light (which could be seen as magnetic balance and flow).

Take away the lines and this is how the dimensions are really formulated when it comes to pulse seen from the mind:







In w a rd

O u tw a rd

Describing the dimensions is another topic all together and will require a lot more description than what I can include in this article. (You can find out more information about the formation of dimensions in ‘Creation Theory Revised’). I want to lead on assuming that you already know about the basics of dimension and structure whether that be from a scientific or spiritual point of view, it will not matter when considering the formation of pulse within creation. When putting all the dimensions into correct order in reference to the inward and outward flow of force in order to create solid matter within creation it needs to be seen in this way:

1 /5

5 5

1 1

1 /52 /4



2 /4







0 /6

0 /6

T h ese tw o m irro r in g s id es a re n o t v isu a lly seen h o w ev er th eyd o ex ist w h en u n d ersta n d in g sp a ce fro m th e co re o f crea tio n

th ro u g h p ercep tio n . T h is m ea n s th a t th ere a re n o t fiv e d im en sio n s o f sp a ce th a t fo rm so lid m a tter b u t in fa ct tenw h en co n s id er in g th e m irro r in g o f crea tio n fro m th e co re .

Refer back to my article on Spatial Dynamics in order to clarify the bio-cylindrical model that I show here. The number three, third dimension, refers to the outer state of the formation in space, animated reality. The inner dimensions are relating to solidifying and non-solidifying of matter from the core of creation. First and second dimensions refer to the solidifying of light into matter from the core of creation. Then Fourth and fifth dimensions refers to the non-solidifying nature of matter as it is viewing back into the core, the mind. All inner dimensions are formed from perception alone. The only state that can be identified as solid matter is then third dimension, and it is the build up of all dimensions into animated reality, or our solid state that we see existing with all dimensions combined, time or perception (4), Consciousness or ether (5), Energy or matrix (electromagnetic energy projected) (1), Chemical/Mineral/Constructional Components (2). Third dimension is our total animated solid reality forming outwardly from the perception of the mind and inner dimensions.

(The inner dimensions can be seen in two different ways, both through material observation and through causal observation. Causal observation refers to our spiritual and conscious view of the world to which we exist and material observation is referring to the interactive nature of objects observed through matter interaction. We separate these two methods of seeing into what we call Science and Religion. They are however no different when referring to dimension within space, only that one sees from the standpoint of the mind, the other from the standpoint of the third dimension. One is viewing outwardly, the other inwardly. Both are correct in their observation from their own standpoint and background, each talking about the same thing but only from a different observational point within space.)

This is where things get more interesting when observing a pulse within creation. A pulse refers to the inner drive of force from the mind motivating light out to form solid matter animated. One pulse specifically refers to the ‘moment’ in which creation is seen. We are unaware that this moment actually exists for the fact that it’s true formation is devised within first dimension where matter is too refined to visualize through the third dimension. However it can be understood through perception by understanding what a moment is. A moment is an awareness that an object has of its position in space. It is the moment we are conscious of our position within the now moment of time.

Looking at one pulse when it comes to the inner nature of a solid matter object, I want to now describe how a pulse is seen from a third dimensional point of view through diffusion of light. This is the mathematical way to devise the total solid structure of any matter object within space to determine not only its mass, but also its size and position in relation to other objects within space:

5 5

1 1





3 30 /6

0 /6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 0 /6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 0 /6

T h is is h o w it is to b e v iew ed th ro u g h th e th ird d im en sio nw h en v iew in g th e flo w o f fo rce w ith in crea tio n :

This is through animated reality (third dimension) considered one pulse within the structure of a matter object within space defined on dimension. Zero point has to be considered three times in the equation for the fact that not only does it define the position of the object within space but also defines the mirroring of the object within space forming the flow of dimension. To better understand this it would be easier to refer to the motivation of matter from one dimension to another. If you were to take into consideration the space between each dimension that I indicate as an arrow in the diagram above. You can see that there are 12 arrows, if then the motivated nature of dimension plus position within creation, zero point,

were considered it would then also make 13. Either way it does not matter how it is visualized.

The number 13 relates to one pulse within creation from the standpoint of the mind through perception. This is the basis number for creation itself, defining all matter at every level. Now here is the complicated part…

When we view a pulse within creation it is important to realize that this is from the standpoint of the mind viewing outwardly. However when viewing a pulse within creation from the standpoint of third dimension animated reality it needs to be considered as a pulse within a pulse within a half pulse, defined on diffusion of light. This diffusion of light refers to the motivation of light from the core of creation seen from the standpoint of our physical third dimensional senses, viewing through our eyes and brain.

The best way to visualize this is to determine dimension through pressure. If there were to be a crux point where dimension could be defined it would be when broken down into dimension linearly seen. Remember dimension is through perception seen inwardly so when understanding it this also needs to be achieved through reasoning and the understanding of ratio. Let us have a simplified look at the ratio that is formed from the pressure of forced light when it comes to the diffusion of light viewed through dimension from the core:

F u ll so lid a n im a ted o b jec th a lf p u lse

In n er co red im en sio n sfo u r th a n d seco n do n e p u lse

In n er co re d im en sio n sfifth a n d f ir s to n e p u lse

L in ea rP ercep tio n

Each dimension has to be taken into consideration separately when it comes to diffusion of light seen through linear perception of the third dimension. This is the pressure rate that light forms from the core of creation when defined through dimension:

L in ea rP ercep tio n

1 3 X 13 X 6 .5

The first pulse within creation is defined on the diffusion rate of 13. 1 part mind + 12 parts matter projected outwardly. This means that the diffusion rate of light from the perception of these dimensions is 1:12 ratio calculated (one parts force to 12 parts light motivated outwardly). The rate of diffusion of light then in perception of the second and fourth dimensions is 13 times that of the pressure of light within the first dimensions. It is then seen as 13 x 13 (Distance) or 1: 12 x 12 ratio of (Pressure). It is important to consider it in this way because within each area of space there is dimension within dimension formed. The full solid state of matter is then 13 x 13 x 6.5 when considered through dimension from the mind. From the standpoint of matter it is 1: 12 x 12 x 6. This means that for every one part mind (force) the component of light has to have a differential ratio of 1: 864 in order to form a third dimensional solid matter object within our visual perceptions. This is the calculation of the diffusion of light seen from a third dimensional point of view through the basis of dimension when considering the core of creation and the motivation of light.

What this means is that calculation of force when it comes to dimension cannot be reasoned purely from a solid matter point of view, it has to be reasoned through dimension itself from the core. If it were to be envisioned only in relation to the human body alone, in order to formulate a calculation for pressure it would be inaccurate for the fact that a human is not the only matter object within creation itself. If it were to be calculated purely on the earth alone then it would be inaccurate for the fact that the earth is not the only planet that exists within this solar system let alone the entire galaxy. If pressure is calculated from visualizing from outside to in, it will always only stay accurate based on where we are positioned within space. This means that if we remain on earth that it will remain accurate, however if we move away from earth the calculations become distorted. Calculating the ratio of force of light from the core of creation is thus more accurate for the fact that it can be defined at any position within creation itself, no matter where, it is internally seen calculated through dimension, not just through observation.

What this means also is that we have within our bodies components of each dimension calculated through this method. We have 1 part mind which is equal to zero (zero point) to 13

parts electromagnetic energy x 13 parts constructional matter x 6.5 parts animated environment (this calculates the overall size and structure of the human body). Within the 6 parts animated environment we have things that come from outside of the body, such as pheromone, things that project out of the body into our environment, which also includes sound.

Light from a bulb could thus be visualized in this way:

13 X 13

If we were viewing the light coming from the bulb then we would be the orange dot observing the light within dimension in this way. The first circle indicates the electromagnetic projection of the light from the core. We view light within our world from the light bulb as a second dimensional constructional object, that which we see as particles. The full solid state of this projected light exceeds far beyond our visual observation 13 times that of its electromagnetic formation.

This is the reason why we also see that the light bounces off our eyes, from the fact that we exist within the objects whole projected form. However this is not an accurate observation when considering the light itself. When considering the formation of the whole of the objects formation the flow of light would then be seen in this way:

5 5

1 1





3 30 /6

Our perception through our eyes and brain is thus viewing the object within the flow of its form. A way to view this would be to consider interference, that when an object enters into the space of another object it thus will affect the ‘internal’ flow of the object in space, especially within the space of fourth dimension, that being the place where are perception is determined. This leads into topics to do with the polymorphic nature of reality itself, to which I will not go into within this already long article. I have an article that defines this in perception called ‘Polymorphic perception of the fourth dimension state’. This is however a study to do with perception itself, not so much to do with objects within space, but the two can overlap into one another.

This is at the most simplified level that I can show the fundamentals of projected light seen through dimension, a study that is defined through the understanding of spatial dynamics and multidimensional perception. It is not easy to structure space on dimension, however when understood it is an accurate measure of space at the most fundamental level. This is a much more advanced ‘visually’ based study of Spatial Dynamics seen from the standpoint of human perception in this world, that which views light within creation that which also formulates itself on light. It is not a subject to be considered lightly, however it can be understood at the most basic level in order to reason space and structure from the core.

By Stacey T Pollock1st July 2009

About the Author:

Stacey T Pollock is an author who writes about the mind and her personal perception of life and the physical world. She has written books to do with creation theory and the mind and

matter, coming from the standpoint of a person who studies all viewpoints of life around her. Her philosophy in life is that we can obtain an understanding that links all

philosophies together that can allow for creativity and choice on how we wish to experience life.

'Life is a perception of the mind; all the answers are within us'

Visit Stacey T Pollock’s website at:

Other articles:

Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Spatial DynamicsThe understanding of creation through the observation of light and space.

Polymorphic Perception Of The Fourth Dimension StateUnderstanding the interactive levels of the fourth dimension.

Spatial Dynamics And Multidimensional PerceptionWhat is Spatial Dynamics?  And how does it define our reality?

Strung Up On String TheoryDefining the dimensions of space.  Can String Theory be a means in which to determine our reality?

Do Past And Future Really Exist?As every second ticks away, with every event that we experience, it turns into past, a moment that once was,

but no longer exists. It is scientifically proven that memory is stored in the brain and that what we remember only encompasses around the average of eight percent of what we experience.
