People LM^S Nothing to the imagination


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THURSDAY, FEB! 3/1916.

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People LM^S Nothing to the imagination .•..'H+frr&LW*' v

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Markets •#• WantAds in Advance

• • • • • • • *

Wi«ipD» 1 ttift u rn ,.^.... • TiiitftiKiem -..--?.w • timJI w.*.-1 jow 1« WORDS 1 TIME SIB CTS. I TIMES 40 CT8. ........ I TIMES «S CTS. .... 1 MONTH |14« M WORDS 1 TIME IS CTS «^.... 3 JfME* 4§ CTt. M WORD"' 1 TIME 2» CTf. ....... _ H WORDS 1 TIMl «S Off. w-..-4.:H Til :-- '- ••' ! ; ' * ':rr>^Vl, , , •-• •'• •• •"


9 TIME8 75 CTC 1 MONTH |

S m S2 5 m B rr i SSSfS SB

• # #•••••• • CASH QRAIN MARKET. •


.... 131 •1- T::

HOW TO ANSWER SLINO AOS. All «dt iiKQe4 with nnmbieri or

InitialB. cir« Tribune must be an­swered by letter addressed to the number etven in the , Ad. TribunQ em-BltfliBi lr« ttot jEifermltted to tell "who miy kdvertisdr 1B. Mail or send your •nnrer to Tribune No. —r—, and we wijli forward it to the advertiser.


LET A CLASSIFIED aflvettlsement And the right man for that position yon ^want fitted. Ther never *aiH

WANTEOr—An experienced abstract­or, to take charge of abstract office*. State full qualifications, exfcerifcfWe and references itt first letter. /Cus­ter Abstract Company, >Iil6s City,

• " go* as,. v.„,-.n f:..


QTRLS LOOKING FOR POSITIONS, examine this aection of Uje xlaiBi-

ted adrertlsenietita <%ery dareftallr." If you wlih' ahy lrftaale lieW, i^t u; worth the pile* q| « .classified $d

help, yon waptj WANTED—competent girl for gener­

al housework; good wages. Mrs; H; R. 'Berndt, 104 Ave, A. Telephone, 822..

WANTED—A housemaid for general housework. Phone 625. 515 oth, St. , Z-Mt

WANTED—Competent girl for ,gener-al housework; good wages. Mrs. H. R. Berndt. 104 Ave. A. Phone 622

2l-26t WANTED—Competent girl for gener-

al housework; good wages.. Ad­dress P. O. Box 568. 2-2-tf

WANTED—A chambertnaid, at Ho^ t.ei Frederic, New Leipzig, N. t).

2-2-16t WANTED—Absolutely reliable hodk-

keeper who desires a pertnaneht position. Make application by let­ter in own handwtitirijg. Give ex­perience, referencfts, and salary ex-pected. Lahy Motor Salfes, Cb, i-26 tf

WANTED—Young lady to act aa stenographer and bookkeeper; wag­es $60.00 per month. Address P. O. Hot No, 219. ,


long when they appear ., in thil. section. If you want your house to. itay vacant keep it out of this section, hut if you want, good reli­able tenants to fill ijt,. advertis* lt: here, and your rant wlU never atop. coming to yto.T

FOR RENT—Six-room hoiuse. partly modern, close -in^ . See A. .C. Hink-ley. , • i.. . l-28-6t

FOR RENT—Wven-room house, with bath, on 279P, t M-M—

Secohd I- ii ii ? t i

street Phone . . , l-25-lmo

FLATS MR^IUDIT FOR RENT—Basement flat, three

rooms with hath, neWly papered. 616 Sth St:' l4i<Me *13L4 r:> i 2-1-6t


FOR SALE OR E*CHAKGE--2<HJ Acres land- in. Marshall county, Minnesota, 1 1*2 ttlles ffbm to^vn, 40 acres imff^r ^tiitivatiflhi tjalane^i tillable; also, ?40 acresjn. Kcfeeau county Minnesota, 1-2 mile from town; ^tso 'ptotly iradtfr. tuRiva-tion. Will exehsnge for.., general merchandise stotk and hArdwiSe:

- land- priced at aCtufel valiie. .Ad-. dtess, Le6 H. Wright, Sabitt, Mftiti.

• t'Mmo

3t "*1


-•waasfci* OTmefttaT nuiy-enter" at any time. Terms on'»pp«cationi We have our ' own . eleffltriC, liSnt

plant - KKdr; have;. facilities 10*. re­charging batteries and magnetos.

Practical work on steam sad gas» engines, aulomoWlea and accessories.

Phone for infoimaUon 191 or call at ftdtbol. •.• i COltNfiR UflNTtt *ND FHOW 8*8.*

1 -* "* - **- 1-1 *

ANSWIM TO , PUt*»| 5Ato ipi,

1+4 «i 1.1 * i No.A^i".®s;f, 657 => 641 54X 5S8 500

W> > . .>:••; 3

? ' v : r- ' »•••••• a . .... 1 ....... 1


WANTED: . Tribune (.wants live, corret0«ndehts lit towns aloAd Northern Pacific, Soo and Mil-wauKee. Space rates. Address, Editor Tribune. ; r ,»

•:ri-:r r '»(. ' =• ' ••

ROOM! FOR RENT FOR RENT—Beautifui.y- 'furnished,

room in « new bu?gal%; hot wat­er hfeatr- b«hi electric iiigm, read-lamp; everything fot e6ttl(ort, at a bargatn. Call 698H or at 611

•-Rirst si.^-. ••.• . .. . y- l-l^f WANTED TO RENT—fhree( rooms,

close in, modern conveniences. Ap-, ply Tribune 725. 2-3-3t FOR REWNT! rr^One. room tor

housekeeping. S<>8 7th St. light 2-3-6t

FOR"RBNT—Good~singlFToom; mod-; ern house; $8 per month; 608 Third fit; 2-2-41

FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms; •close. ln; 307, FrOnt St. 2-3-St

FOR RENT—iFurnished room, ih a mo8ern BOtvse; 400 Fourth St:'2-2-2t

FOR RENT—Two Or three furiiisfeed roftiftls tor light hotisekeepihg. Phofte 655L, 2-l-3t

FOR WENT—Rotoms for light houBe-keeping. Phone 398L. -l-iiS-tf

RENT—Clean, pleasant room, with board, at Dunraven Place, 212 Third street. l-23-3mo 111I1U Blf CCi* * "u

FOR RENT—Hdoltts; strictly modem in new house; 300 Ninth St. Phone 377K. l-2Mmo.

fttNt^rge room, iVi to $'^T

HOUSES FOR SALE r • SALE—Two houses lOcateil M

UStS^Kb. lb-ll f2, ih Wcfelt Nd. #6 Of th£ 6riiMa1^rfat V)f the ^City of filgliaTck, Coftte^jiof 4th aftd Thayef streets; one: large hohse facihg east and one stqall house on rear of lot facing souths m6ved before May 1st, 191S. E. A. Hug;


talent? WeH. dpn't>id« it "under a busheU" hat advdr&sa fil this col-umn anl gold will tdttr your palnu

WANT5D-€)ressmaking by the day-Phone 504K.: .. 1-lMmo

t POBmOKB «Mn*D., .

rhE CLAtilClkD 60UmN» U» the meeting places tor the employ-& Ind-w elliployee..twt a little 4dt And ypu m; PfillM^v 11. only

coats a few centa ard always brings results.

WANTED—Yotrrik lady urttni post-

THK CLAS^LIE COLUMNS[ »• ire^r «%lni1>lo It ton lave fans

for»fe.^MiSy Mg-d«als are tttid thtOtfgh" W*ir heti« atart-

_ IhPoWh a IftKra ^laisilliid id. FORfcALf reifrovfed 320-acre: farm,

Wrie rjmlies fro^i Dptecoll, ten it»iles (rt>m LSteele, dtiUn^r Wat of KWder «N|fintr. N. # tillaBte, «0 acres iKfller, imttfvatfdn, taction plowed, torth $», will ao6^(>t. 120 an acre,

- terms Mr ^uick sale.„BL. K. Cairy, Mandan. N. D. M-6t

WAkHrUMIo fcew


Any person taking up an eatray «nl-mal must advertise the same within ten days in some W&wspape'r. " Thej must also within Wtt days Bend notice of advertlse'tiieht tQ the eouhty audi­tor and another bjr registered <nall tp the commissiofi^r ol agrtculturo it Bismafcfe, .11 ftni lill to do this, jron aire likely to M into trouhlie.


WANTED—We offer an exceptional opportunity good salft^p)$n to sell groceries'direct tattle 'consum­er., Write Hfarper .Bros. . & Co., Wholesale, GrOcers, Chicago,. 111.



confinement and .other. caSfes. Phone 377K. " - 1-7-lthO.

WANTED—Washinga,nd ironing; will take home and finish and, de­liver; CaUHOVSb. 9tb. " : 2;l^i'

130% 132 131

•No. No. No. No.

May .. July No. 1 Hard on trk ... No. 1 Northern on trk No. 2 Northern on trk No. 3 Northern on trk No. 1 NoNrfliern to arr

2 Mont. Hard on trk 129 2 Mont. Hard to arr 1 Spot Durum 2 Spot Durum

NoN. 1 Durum tQ arr May July Oats on trk Oats to arr Rye on trk and to arr ... Barley on trk FRlax on trk and to arr., May July May high Low

Close 1:39 p. m.


HAVEN'T YQU -ANYTHING VDU want to .aelll. .Son^ethipg.. yon may uink ll.!lirdr;ChlefSfL la Juat What ibntf iflftSr JWahr,; AdVertrsb in here and make a little extra

' .MK I sleigh.; -808,7th St., I ,.2-3-6t F0R""i""6ALE OR TRADE—10 lots.

. house, barn, chicken, coop;; good part of the city; trade for livestock or plow outfit, ;or automobiles. Tri-

^bune 724. 2-3-3t WANtfeD—Second-hand dray,.

Box 222, New Salem, N. D. Ij^ck 2-3-6t

WANTED—To buy, portable garage. Tribune 723. • 2-1-tf

FOR SALfe—Duck and geese feathers at Northern Produce <36. l-28-5t

IF YOU WANT THE BEST CORSET - on the market, try. the American Queen, made to order. Private con­sultation. Phone ,477K» J-2^Upo

SALE "OR RENT—FarhiSTiefl hoti&l in a lively tewn. Wquire or write to the Windsftt Hotel, Rich-ftfdton, N; p. . . v l-lMfttO ml llliiIT H

NOTICE t6 C6AL DEALERS. Bids are revested to WrnWii 4l(W

toins (more, or less) ^>est lump lignitfe coal (subject to UjBtiftl state ilftlysis) delivered as rebuild at' the "public schools during tn'e ensuing year. . TO be considered at the Regular ineeting of the board, htfeh school building, 8 p» jh„ February, 14, 1516. ^ •,

I)y order , o) the ifioard of/ Kduca-ttoD itl6HAttD PB^WAftl)t5JJ, Clerk. Jan. 26, iot. ; ^ ' SUMMONS.

State bf Moifth Dakota, County Of Bur-ss •

In District Cd\h;£. Sixth Judicial Dft-, trict. *•

Delia Mae Harrison, Plaintiff,

Lynn fifedterd Harrison, Deffenila'nt. The Stat^ Of Mprth Dakota to thfe Above Named liefefldant:

You are hereby summoned to an­swer tip complaiAt. in. thfs action, ril^ich said cs0mp)a{iit will be filed

oung lady ttoktt of6ce;h<yidsposltMn mwas It voicing clerk; can do any and all «fks «f t®te Work; have Jbad ei-perience in typewriting and keebi tig sfnall let of books; can furnish r risfeottmehdatlhns. Wrife -ftt Ttt- th§, ^'fk at the district court IRiliiB for gsrticuws. 10.15-tL -ftf ^,1^^ cotthty. and to serve a

copy of your r.iis%er- ui>on thfe sttV seiners withia tnirly days, after the service QI this summons upoh yotu exclusive of the ,dajr of g«>vi<^; "tlfia in caw of Sur failure to apfi ar ;or answer judi^h^nt Will be tSran against you by .default fox.,the relief d^maii9e9 in w complaint. , Dated thia l|th (lay Of JajauaisrA.

Attorney for Plaihtiff, Uistnarclf, O. (1—3-10-17-54; 3—9.) m-

wner of good business far sale, idtate cash price and complete particulars. D.

Minneafolis, 9|ian. f;.. « I •• • • .. ^ ~ •HiJr.-.Jt?1'

.,>• ^ iS^rr -T?* "Mt - »**!». 1 • • •N~'

.An activfe ci!%afih % te% i^fc; will be pfo^ift# Wthe' MiKot

sssociatiflfn iivf ctitrihieree, the work to be maintained , under the direction Of the officers dt&Jig the corning few weeks.

No. 1 Hard No. 1 Northern choice .. No. 1 Northern tip arr... Xo. 1 Northern regular .. No. 1 Xor. reg. to arr... No. 2 NoNrthcrn No. 3 Wheat No. 2 Mont. Hard No. 2 Mont. Hard to arr •No. 1 Durum .. .-r. No. 1 Durum to anr No. 2 Durum No. 3 Yellow Corn No. 3 Yellow Corn to arr No. 4 Yellow Corn to an­other Grades .Corn No. 2 Mont. White Oats No. 3 White Oats No. 3 White Oats No. 3 White Oats to arr... No, 4 White Oats Barley Choice Rye R]je to arr Flax i^lax to arr Mky July . Close 1:35 p. m.



121 125 131 129 129 125 Vi l-2Vi 12514 125% 126>/8

47 Vi 46%

G6 75 232 234% 233 Vfc 1331/4 130%, •

'"137% 136% 135%:

131% 134% 131 134% 127% 131% 122% 128% 130%' 129% J24%~12«Vi 125% 12114 123 V*

77 "78 75% 73% 30 76 53 56 53 56 47% 48 47% 46 47 69 75% 75% 77 99 100 99 100

227% 232% 227% 232% 130% 128%

; 10 to 15 to #7.65 ;

V A-

-S'-SU/e:- 1 ..-rf.-'Yi"!'. V. * •?.*<-}. » ' :\*Z' • ' *

^s> ?!c' f.?y- 2,^ ^

cents lower; range $7.25 hulk $7.45 to $7.5").

CATTLt—Receipts 1,500; killers^ steady: steers $3.75 to $8.75; cows and heifers $4.25 to $6.75; calves, steady, $4.75 to $9.75; stockers and feeders, steady, $4 to. $<.

SHEEP—Receipts 400; steady; lambs $5,50 to $10; wethers $5.50 to $7.20; ewes $3 to $7.10.

CHICAGO. JftOGS—Receipts 1,000; Weak, 5 to

10 cents lower; bulk $7.65 to $7.35; light $7.30 to i?.80; mixed $7.50 to 17.95; heavy $7,50 to.,, $7.95; rough $7.50 to $7.65; pigs $5.75 to $6.85.

CATTLE—Receipts 15,<|00: strong; fa^icy beeves at $9.75, equalling the Feb. record of 1914: native beef steers |6.iO to $9.60; western steers >6.60 to $S.§5; cows and heifers $3.20 to $8.25; calves .$8 to >il:25. ,SH!BEB—Receipts 16,000; strong; Awes $5.?0 to $7.80; lainbs $8.75 to $ti.i5. .;

Tn re application of the Des Moines Mutual Hail and CyjilOne Insurance Association to withdraw deposit made with, the State, Treasurer un­der the Provisions of Section 4896 of ftps 1913 compiled la%s. Notice is hereby given that the Des

Moines Mutual Hail and CyclQne In­surance Association of, Des Moines, Iowa, has this day filed in my office an application pursuant tq the provi's-ions of sect!6n 4899 Of the 1913 Cpin-piled Laws for the withdrawal M fte deposit of $25,000.00 TMHh the office of ibe' Treasurer of the fftktie ^of North Dakota, said deposit having beeti made as required bx Section ,4986 ot the 1913 Compiled lAws. Ja.the «<»onth of April, A, p. 1914. at wlMch tinje fekid company was authorised'to tran-Vet a Hail Insurance business within "the State of North DaWta.

That in said application It is alleg­ed that aH Of tne liabiliflfes arising under the contracts or. policies of in­surance IsSt&d by saW ctffftpatty dur­ing the year I9i< Bavfr:«MMi adjusted, paid and settled or are discharged by operation, of law and 110 further legal liability exists against Said flgiapaay Under any of said contracts or poll-dies so issued. . . . ...

That this notice Is giv|in purenant to the provisions of *ecfl&i 4M9 A - \r.'- • '.r -IF*.--.

r4 - If •L'i*

the 1913 Compiled Laws for the pur­pose of giving notice .to any and.all persons having unpaid and unsettled claims against said company that said deposit will be relinquished and released to said, coinpany upon the expiration Of three (3). nlonths from this date, if at; such time no claims again.St;said company then remain un-paid ajnil, unsettled. ;

Done. • at'-Bismarck, ^orth Dakota, this 20ih day of December, A. D. 1915.

JV. C. TAYLOR, Commissioner, of. Insurance of the

State of North Dakota. 2taw-3m-12-21-15

PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals for the erection of

a fOur-story fire-proof hotel, at Bis­marck, N. D., fqr the Bismarck Im­provement Company, will be received until 8 o'clock p. m„ Tuesday, Feby. 8th, 1916, at the office of Arthur Van Honrt, architect, 200 Seventh St., Bis­marck, N. D., at which time and place the same will be opened in the pres­ence of bidders.

Seating plumbing and wiring will he let under a separate cohiract.

The right is reserved to-reject any or all bids.

A certified check fOr t,wo per cent of the amount bid must accompany each proposal.

Plans an .specifications are on file at the Builders' Exchange in St. Paul, Minn., and Fargo, N. D., or may be seen upon application a(, office of (lip Dunham Lumber Co., Wihahx, Monti. a|nd Dismarck, N. D., or at the Archi­tect's olfice, Bismarck, N., D.

(1—30; 2—3, C) ,

NoAh, of Rangs Seventy-five West.

"•*' Tfte" said mortgfiftfee has declared the whole sum secured by mort­gage due and payable by reason of the default in the failure of the mortgagors to pay two $14.00 notes secured by said mortgage, which came due Decem­ber 1, 1914, and Decfember 1, 19lt. Said mortgagee has paid, and taken up interest coupons on a prior mort­gage on said premises which came due December 1, 1914, ; nd December. 1, 1915, which qpupons amount with interest to the sum Of $156.00, and lias also 'paid $21.25 taxes on said premises for the year 1915, which sums have been added to the amount due on said mortgage and included in this foreclosure.

There will be due on such mort­gage at the timi of sale the sum of Three Hundred One Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($301.25), and the costs pf foreclosure and sale.

Dated January 4, A. D, 1916.. NORTHERN LAND & MORTGAGE

COMPANY, Mortgagee. John O. Hanchett, Attorney for Mort­

gagee, Harvey, North Dakota. (1-6-l<5-20-27-2-::-J0.)

The election pf trust officers r#niatns to be- announced.

The new "eottfpaijy is wAi-qae iti th#t it is the only twin city trust company not affiliated with a baWk. its bi^art-ization is the result, President Wells said, of opportunity thdt is offered by the rapid dievelopmeht of the north­west. The Minneapolis financial he said, is believed to present oppor­tunity for an independent tfUSt Cttm-pany or the kind. -

The trust company is the outgrowth of the-; business established in- 'North Dakota Ih 1878 by E. P. Wells, which afterward became the partnership, Wells & Dickey. In 1898 the firm incorporated under the laws of Nortn Dakota, it moved its mafft office's to Minneapolis marij; years ago. Tt ^iriis reincorporated under the laws of Min­nesota in 1D15, as the WTells-pickey coiftpany, with $l,000;000,capital.;

For the present the two companies will be located in the Same general offices in the McKnight building.

m TO GITY'S ii



-Notice is hereby given that thai, certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by Friedrich Zendler, Jr., and Christina Zendler, husband ani wife, mortgagors, to ,.tj»e .-Northern Land & Mortgage Coirilpanj', a cor­poration, mortgagee, dated ' the 25tli day of November, 191!!, and filed for record in * the office of the Register of Deeds of feurlelgh County, Stale pf l^orth Dakota, on the 20!h day ot Jahuftry, 1914, and recorded in said office ini book 107 of Mortgages, on page 357. will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at' the front dqor, of the Court House in the City Of Bismarck, ih (lie Co mty of Bur­leigh. State of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.. m. on February 12, 1916, to satisfy the amount due on such mortgage on the day of sale.

ITie premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the County of Burleigh and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to wit:— The. Southeast Quarter (S. k 1-4) of Section Twenty-Eight (28), in Town­ship One Hundred Forty-four (141),

Wells Dickey Trust Company In-

' corporated V7itH Wells

as President.

Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 2.—The Wells-Dickey Trust ^Oinpany, capital­ized at $200,000, has been organized in •Minneapolis. It is the latest addi­tion to the financial Institutions of j ^ the city, and its management will in j -large measure be identified with that | f. of the Wells-Dickey company, al­though the board of directors elected contains the names of men not identi­fied with that company, and the twO organizations will ^e distinct and sep­arate.

Stuart W. Wells, Harry S. Helm, Orrin M. Corwita, George H. Rogers and Lyman ;E. Wakefield filed the ar­ticles of incorporation with the sec­retary of state. The. first board of directors elected comprised these men and Douglas A. FisUe, J. Frank Horn, William (M. Heckler, and John S. Watson of Fargo, N. D.

Today the directors elected officers as follows: ; Stuart W. Wells, president; Orrin M. Corwin, vice president; L. E. (Wakefield, secretary and treasurer.

FAftGO COLLEGE PROGRAM. Fargo, college makes announce­

ment today of the following program to be followed during what is known as the Life Work conference here next Week:

Friday, Feb. 11. u # 7:30 p. 111.—All-college meeting, fol­

lowed by a leaders' conference. Saturday, Feb. 12.

9:45 a. m—Chapel address. 12:15 p. m.—Men's lUnchi in "gyfti-

nasium of college. 12:15 p. m.—Woman's Ttfnch in Y.

M. C. A. room of college. 2; 30 p. in.—Address in college chap-

el. . . Sunday, Feb. 13.

; 10:30 a. m.—First ^OngregatlohftV C h u r c h . . . . . .

3 p. m.—All-college^ address in col­lege chapel. " .

7:30 p. m.—Address. "'by Brewer. Eddy, in First Methodist church.

The personal conference- Md ^roup meetings are to be arranged for at the Leaders' conferehciS; 'itfit.V;Friday evening. . wt!. h


E. E. HOARD Doetor d| •,



Olllce h&iirs 10 to ft; 1 t o 6

Over Knawiea I

11S Mi M. m



Enclosed find $ in payment for publishing the following advertisement for

days in Tlie Bismarck Tribune as per rate quoted below: - .


1 st*

, • «-'« 'few4 AND ADDRESS COtNt Aa PAllT OF AD-Givehattre sihtl add»»<»md If possi

results are obtained this way. If for any reason you do not wish your name to appear 111 thfe *d, we will give ad a key number, care Tribune, which counts three words extra. Answers are forwarded to you without extra expense.

RATES—One cent per word for single dally in sertion, 2 tents per word tor "three coin^ecottvis sertions. (Minimum accepted 25 cents). ExUHiple: 15 words, 1 day, 25 cents; 3 days, 40 cents. Tribune patrons should mail ads for S unday paper not later than Friday. If remitting in stamps. Mud*

1y sebd 2-ce?t denomination. Circulation oyer 5,600 daily and Sunday: no Monday issue—ther greatest

,Kf- &•$ V^3-.-

it''*v "-'' '

want Kd medium Ih tfte Nbrthw^tet

'f ;r:V-i . Wi» Ail C«th tn AdVMM**


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